Tin: 11KK-HI I E STOItES.' • b Money Refunded if goods do not turn out as represented, and no growling. Special Attention is called to our stock, which is larger and more varied than ever. Every Department is now complete. All Goods arc marked in PLAIN FIG URES - - • ATIKRHW ITU! KK* and at piioe3 within the reach 01 any purse be it large or small. DRESS GOODS. SILKS si'EC! A LTV, VELVETS. PLUSHES BLANKETS, FLANNELS. HOSIERY. RIBBONS, LACES. NOTIONS CARPETS. OIL CLOTHS. DRESS TRIMMINGS, MATTING >, HATS CAPS. Gents Furnishing Goods. MERCHANT TAILORING. Ac., &c., Ac. LADIES' & CHILDREN'S SHOES. LADIES' COATS & DOLMANS. MISSES' & CHILDREN'S COATS '& DOLMANS. Havin-r purchased for CASH several 'cases of de sirable DRESS IGOODS of a default manufacturer .'at rninons Iprices.l we will in tarn dispose of sam.3 to o or ens omers at about half their value. 'REMEMBER they are the latrst s'yles and in all the nf w and de sirable shales pnch as Ter ra Cot to, Cadet Blue, Rifle Green, Crashed Strawbar rv, Olive, Mvrtle, Plum Garnet, Navv Browns and Backs. i> I . i m' ♦ * . i;LIIMHITII llltov •BEE HIVE * • ~ ONE PRICE STORES. llf.Urjontr, N. 8.--Wo are sole agents for BALLS' Health Preser ving Corset. Lcwln'n Thiln<- oiv.ll iitviiv! srifK i:or> ami Mr si cat. Willi's oitii casks, Gents' Furnishing Goods, READY MADE CLOTHING THE.SE ARE NEW INVENTIONS-NOVEL, ATTRACTIVE, AMfSINC. AND DURABLE. THE LATEST AND BEST THINGS OUT FOR BoYS. They are not for sale, we give them away to every purchaser of -AND- A SPECIALTY. YOUTH'S, BOY'S or CHILD'S SUITS, A SURE FOP WHIP OR CANE, OR MUSICAL WHIP OR CANE. THEY AUK SILK BRAIDED AND ASSORTED COLORS. HcltS clllCi QSpS. REMEMBER ONLY AT LEWIN'S PHILADELPHIA BRANCH, ALLEGHENY STREET, 4 l*tf ' — 1 -A—• X O T S • X • j •f/JvuMir wh** r ! mtm* HP®? New Advertlmetnenln. Itiivrhjletil'H New G rarer y. N JCVV CENTKK I'OUJiTV HANK 1:1 11.J>lN(i. Groceries! Groceries! r pll 10 new Store in tin- < Vnlre ('nun ( * ly Ititiik LnlMiiijc, Illtfh *t , lUtllrfuiilv, l*t., IS NOW orUN —ANIi STOCK KU LL. j Tlit* MN IN • ifi MIP me tti* L*4't thi* inmki-t Hil lft'M at |-ri ■ to mit all riifltoinvr*. IciIOCKUIKK, ('()N FK( TIONKKV. OLABS WAKE, CANNED FRI'ITS, ANII L.\ KLLV Til INO KIJPK L>l AMY K KIT IN A HH'T CLAM* HToltK. I ItKMI Mlt Kit Till Mo HE I* A M.W M OPIN ED OX Mom la v, M: i v 1, 1 AND ALL • OX>I AITI XTM M:M AS IHIJf till It \ • f >nt turn( • A* tuilf I. hit, Ir ,u t li • .M *tJ t ftll? ♦ j ttwit • ,u Itii U-*u 6 - ' *J i > • • I•! j ' R MU \v K nt nciiFiKLi). FDRNITD BE. j /; IPAXGLER < to. rr. ftf| ,n of th f i ale V< 1 1 .it r1 ihi' for a Hum,rut or le i. Jhe turf- thru ilrtiri In Vie.' J' '' 1" ,r 11 h ■ n tell :*li, anil will br mold nt the later,l /irire ilcnlrrt ran afford. They have ron*tant/y on hand parlor and brd-room tuit*, rrJvct and carpet lounger, txlenrion toiler of their own make. odd piece*, trcrciarie *, *ide board *, marble-trgi table*, table*, itc., e.tr. Anything mule to order and guaranteed to give *nti*fartion. They *u/,crintrnd rarh department in prrton and keep lhem*elvc* po*trd in matter* of importance to customer*. They al*o invite epreial attention to Uteir undrrtaking de/,artmrnl. Mr. Henry Smarts, practical, scientific cabi netmaker and undertaker of many year* experience, superintend* the ar rangement* and work. They have late ly tecured a new patent cooling board, the mo*t perfcet body prc*crver in one, and the only one in Centre county, at coneiderable expense. An elegant hmr*r will be provided gratis. In transacting bu*ine ** of Uii* kind do not forget R. B. Spangler & Co., High St., opp. Bush Houce, 81 iU't I /€*>• 1 * T . \ - S. JJ A. t.OICH, General Merchants, Allegheny-Si,, Itellefontc, J'a, bear in im: i nsr id OUR STOCK OF FALL and WINTER IS NOW COMPLETE. -0 0- In Boys 1 School Suits 111- ran *how you [>() different kind* in wltirh everything liu* been *ucrifirnl to ipialily and good strong near. I'A TCI IKS Ft RNJ.SHEJ) WITH FA CJI Sl'/T. _0 0- IJI Youths' and Men's Wear IIV have tin target u**ortmrnt u-e ever hud, und ran lit a* in If u* miil the most particular trade. _o§ § 0 In Boots and Shoes HV- dr*irn to *tute that we ho to nearly all our gond, modi la order, ami are now telling a grade of good* that or jut m good a* the beet leather, with rurrful and good icorkmini*hi/i, rati make them. wi: tn\ F A uriXTAh GCAHASTFK WITH on: IIAM)- MADE UOt I TS. 0-* -41-* -0 laltoC E R 1 E s II ' Ihe unt of everv thing in our line, an I ii"V> - bare rome really CHOICE H*KiltS. FIXE CFFAM < HEF,SE, Extra Urtre FRENCH IMtTNTN. SELECT OYSTERS, .SWEET POTATOES. I LARGE RIPE CRASHERRIES, PRVSELI.ES, IMPERIAL FIGS. P> RIGHT NEW LEMONS, 2 LOR IHA OItAXGE*. lTinnx> l*a|NT-Sh(. | t.1...1 .Iniln In m., |.lb<> of 111., * •., nr.ur. • m># i.nr a tnM. p. *-P. . H*r..ol , II. n*- * Own P HI,4 m ,+,~. Th. luxmt m.,-k on lh. fcl.|. |H>I.U.|,-I I • II - ■ • •• milrf..lßi ß ... m .„ ~t , ~mnUn.. PrW * 1 tit" Htm ted AGFATft! AGR2VTI! AG FATS! For n*N Donors bran' nan •**, ttitititd Thirty-Three Years Among OUR WILD INDIANS! n>- Gen. Sherman. TW. aa* trok ... M nnta ntnM to by NO. *""" ■* fhMo*. tbmn. Mm f*MO. tO. O.rllo. Qo M*. Mi ~* | | I .I Km lanlttrn (law O.Kt r , ' AiiOilmMoMo " Iln.nrWiuT iMfcwlll,> aaya. "ft - llla tka ml* aatkaatte Hmnt of aaa Ind.n. o oMkM. fatty mtmAm UMr 'ko. afa.m. Ma kaflhuu, Mr .rtakfly Mtokl l.lf. la IK. Orrat Wo aa Ma. la 111 f h „| , Ml* knai BayiarlM and kapok Ckaaoi LWhi.k I"'r. la Ik **o trok pliilmmln Mull *7 U I. k. Owwrkwra.l rj lafy/W Mm ynaO mat*. AMEJITkt Tkk road Mo* U an* aatoalßa aO MM Iktal. *. mpOka if kmiik tikMoio at.. W. aaal Ikkk M nok al nam. Jf f. f nlM|ailkf IWopaa <>w ki. rtmlan nn tan yaiurajar. aa /tar. A kaa kaiikaia rtao oat o lift atoa I ml aaap Ulna fa aula riHli'i iri • A. I) WOkTHUIOTOk k CO, Maaaaaaa, Can s££ .a** l yf • t". TaikM aft Ik aa* JUO kt t*m IMtf H. II Al tm A CO, Wort laml. Mainn. ' lMy Rf #; * ; - * % THE ('REAM OF ALL ROOKS Or ADVENTURE. PIONEER l VT| DAH XWO lIiEiOES iinlli DEED?. Tha ifc llllnc adaanlntaa f all *h 1,..,. atykMa and ft-a<>ar ftchtar. Mill Tn-fi.n*. .oilaaa and and i~..M am .at bnla ranaln In* ihr aalti.al lima. r. Ilia t rma.it |da ...d fa,.l. a*) IMI. a 1 m Kr>in, La halla. Xtandmh. Una.. Kant<. n. Milan ami Crook, araatliktan ot,p. ad ~0 ..fVtio. (lOfIQC OU#LV ILUIItriMTCO nltk Ittinaau amrtn*. h ika lie. AOENfI. WANTED. t""*' | nii'l If kOl nut 11|111 Ki,t I :f ftm hTASpAtll* Rl*OK M.lUMi4ftA, P*. THAT WONPESFPL BOOK. GUIDE TO SUCCESS * * fTll |MR FORMS 8 SOCIETY '• f lUti* Ida tan. of Ikroaaada. !l Itlha Moat aal aaraalta aafol karnk It talla raopl.ta ** IIO# n l0 KVtKTTllfkil la Ma* Not May, Una *" IO Toar Own Laayar Hon In lm Mima IVotwtly and Racraaafntty, Horn la art la AtMy aarf amy Mkak*. A W'dd mina a t Tart ad liNmHo ki all kt iroaaai aifa.a a A O I" NTS W ANTED 10 aU o a*ara tint. 7- ia.> ki •kblmnt of IIKAL talon feat attranttato aalla Imttnt than an* ntkar. apply fro karma to t|. A WAMMKI.I A W, HllotalpWn, IV .MM , /' A tlvertinetnt-tits. 1)11 FKAZIKK'S HOOT Umv.ui-. Vt aJ*r' It liltt r* aDot #h/p *biky lut ara atrirtly rnMlkliial In itry im. Th> act tli# t;#)a Ofaarti and regular, m*k Hi* wJ|nal|il, knrk}>i and f->r younjr mm ufl*r)o* ti '4n HukM* >1 MARTI*, norland O Hold by all itrrijrjciftt* *tfj *b*fft at |l }/r bolt 1* HENKY 4' . ML I.N DMKAM. y. Lo*k*. ha ..• i- %i ! * r afl Uia:} or r* •; : \rU, Pirn Ct*y il/.JVUI 4 • o , b"i" Frofjf'a i . \ r. T>e i"WD ' f Mj)lb*l|n >• I'KAtfd llt I*. Mia tall#), al* l IR UI FIIIFTO TH* JC.IIN AJ..!ITJ, A rum t- mi) ti , At tl.- II *-1 a" • lu"lull •! • ill t . tllJ'i :M 11. ! t'ftl • lUxJei. New BrockcrhofT House. IJHOCKKHHOFK IIOUSK, 1 > AI.U/.IJKM KT KBI.LEfO.NTE I A U. O. 11. W ILLKN, I'rof.'r. StimpU on J .rtr •#-' i (u aiiiiMßim aad jtirofi. j pKNTRAL HOTKL, VV • , o th' Mll.KMirfco. KNTKK 'I NTV PA A A K< H LIJKCK KK. l*ropn^tcir. THHNNILL TRUTXIII- • , find thu llot*; at, t I +t* t l'l! •!.< ' If.KDI' , tuaai a* ALL 1 UaINA \ alout ... u.iautm ; CI,AIl K JOHNSON S ggLi; Indian Blood Syrup. jfr&Ycures till diseases of the stomach Liver, Bowels, Kidneys, irkin and Blood. MH ■RflB lion a testify to its efficacy in healing the jßSCmabove named diseases, and pronouee it KELPM to be the BEST REMEDY KNOWN TO MAN. GfflwV - 1.1 nt,iMi r.it at i i in-: itvsri rsi i. thai* MAUK WAITTCD-M fMbrntoru 7! I tt ipl St., ><• I #7. < l>rinjght< sill if IpKNTKK CiU NTV HANKING \y (X>MPAMT. Rwfw b A*•! All. lutaraat, Ilatwii. I X - t*; HJ al.il Sll Gov. Ck-rtirlHaa, rai# A him froiilaai. ' i at .1 ■ . ~pr.o t. it latiH.iMii.i 4 (f CANCER REMOVED, \\ n HOI I KNIKE, and in timet f T BM tIAMIMII A J til* t.. It !_• W r "MIER.fc.WMn*. W "" I*.. Ira (.mull. !■. " r V Cwrf* ft ml H rorcrie*. rjAKPKR BItOTIIKRS, ci-nmo crittcrr. rnAnmitn, rr. Have their counters and shelves £lU] witii NEW GOODS, ( BANKRUPT HATKS Purchased tl . BANKRUPT HATKS I BANKRUPT 11AT1S WHICH THEY OFFER At BOTTOM PRICES, BOTTOM PRICES, BOTTOM PRICES. OOKSIFTRfO 0? Dry Goods, Millinery Good*. Clothing, Fancy Gocda, Notions, Ac. BOOTS and SHOES BOOTS and BHOKB at very low price*. BOOTS and SHOES v HATS and CAPB Latent styles of II ATS and CA PS HATS and CAPS Carpet Ban, Umbrella*, Paranoic, Ladies' Cloaks, Carpeting, Groceries, Quoencware, Ac. <*-►**• . rat, iKimc I be* , „ , , , cUasatere. HARPER BROTHER 8, SFRIXO rrRRIT, . . MLUMHTR, PA a' "riia °* ***** '* ' ,rh "S* t^tk.