Slit Crntw Thursday Morning, October, 12,1882. OOBBMPONPKNCB,ronUtIoInfc Important n**". NHI It #0 from anr part of tha county. No r>mmunlctUn ft naarted uiilww accompanied ty Uia real uaiua of lb** wr ' l * r * ___________________ Local Department. Read tho advertisement of the Bee Hive. —Grand opening at the Bee Hive Oct. 13 and 14. —Lamb street, east of Allegheny, is being repaired. —Do not forget special bargsin day, Oct. 14, at the Beo Hive. Mr. Chas. W. Flinn, tho Snow Shoe watchmaker and jeweler, was fn town on Monday. —Miss Laura Keller, of Lock Haven, has gone to Chippewa Falls, thoro to teach elocution. —The latost and greatest discovery is PKRI'NA, If you do not feel well take it at once. Mr. James McCormick, of Centre Hall, diod, altor an illness of nearly a year, on Tuesday of last week. Mr. Rush Larimer has purchased the interest of Ma Chambers in the livery busine*-, lately conducted by Chambers & Co. —The event of the season, grand Fall and Winter oponing at the 800 Hive, one price stores, Friday and Saturday, Oct 13 and 14 —Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Morr, of Ashland, Phio, who had been visiting friends in various parts of tho county, returned home on Tuesday morning. —A new schedule went into effect on the Snow Shoo railroad, a week ago. The train that left this place at 0 p. m. wiil hereafter pull out 45 minutes later. —Mr. M'Millen or tho Brockerhoff house, says that the amount of business transacted by him during September was greatly in excess of that of any month since he has had charge. —Mr. Teller, proprietor of the Bu-h house went to Altoona to see Jumbo, c>n Friday. He did not go alone, either, fir we Bre told about twenty Belicfonler's participated in the Jumboroo, —A scarcity of school teachers is re ported throughout the State. The meagre remuneration that is doled out to the hard worked teacher, as well as the uncertainly of his position, account* for the fact that so many of our most skillful teachers leave the profession every year. Tho most of teachers certainly get miserable wage*. —Our mercantile friends, in various part* of the county, are notified that Mr. \V. B Miller, tat" of Bedford, has located in Philadelphia, and is now a member of the firm, Spicce, Miller A Co., 2C N. sth St., dealers in tobacco and cigar*. We trust the new firm may meet with un bounded success. —The following persons were elected by tho Y. M. C. A. as officers for the en suing year, at the meeting held last Friday evening : I're.nulent — Pr. J. W Rhone IV* I'miilrnf —W. I. Fleming Rreordiny Secretary —Charles F. Cook. Trrnntrrr —J. W. Gephart, E-q. Hrrrutire Gnnmittre —P S Keller, W F. Zeller, F. Pott* Green. Jas. A. Beaver, Clement Pale, A S. Valentine, K E .Shaffer and N. S. Bailey. —We learn that Erie has adopted a sys tem of water metre*. The resident* o" that city will hereafter pay for the amount of water they use, and no moj-e. The amount charged will be from six to ten cent* per thousand gallon*, according to amount used. Gnr people will h'ail with joy similar action by our council, for it would he just to rich and poor, and put a stop to the wastage of water, now too much indulged in. Give u the metres. A cursory stroll through the public school building, on Saturday, revealed the fact that our school board is thoroughly in earnest. The wall* have been papered and calaomined, the wood work cleaned and painted, and everything now looks as at- ! tractive and neat a* the mo*t fastidious could desire. Will the pupil* appreciate the effort* being made in their behalf, and by close attention to werk fulfill the ex pectations of their parent* and friends ? —An abundanee of elegant clothing, complete in every respect is being exhibit ed at the Philadelphia Branch. There is nothing in that line that you cannot buy at right prices. The assortment never wa fuller, the quality of the good* handled never was better, the different grades, from which to select, never were more numerous, the clerks never were morn at tentive, and the proprietor never was in better spirit*. I)o not delay making your usual fall purchase# until the best of every thing i* picked out. —ln dresses the prevailing color seem# to be green-Russian or hunter's green, en livened by fine threads in plaid shape. One of the most recent combinations is an amber shade with Ruaatan green checks and light blue threads to form the plaids. The richest material for outer garment* is satin with velvet flowers in relief. Faille or satin toilets have oversklrla of thi* vel-* vet. They are short, flat and round with the borders cut out. Long velvet or cloth redingotes are worn over faille-flounced efcirte in the color of the dra*. Tbey open both in front and in the back from Abe waist down, to give full freedom to the flounced skirt. Garnet, seal, wine, and ' navy blue are the favorite colors for these -redingotes. # TIIK COST OK LIYINO.— -Mr. Atkinson* H woll-known writer on social subjects, #F sert# that the average earnings ol the wholo population of this country are not over fifty cants a day, or $1 a day for a t HIII iIv of two perron*, anil $2 u day for a family of four ; und there arc thousand* of families who manage to get along on an income of S3OO a year. When coital con ventionalism, therefore, lays it down that a young couple have no business getting married on a smaller income than SI,OOO a year, it not only defies notorious fuct*, but forgets that the majority of thoso who constitute our best society began life on half a thousand a year. That expenses may not exceed the incomo it i. necessary thut some attention bo paid to the quality as well as quantity of what is purchased. If your income be large or small it will pay you to bny groceries from Secliler V Co. TIIK AI.LKOIIKNV CONKKRKM K, OK TIIK. CHUKI II OK TIIK "PNITKN HKKTIIKKN IN CHRIST," convened, to hold its forty fourth annual session, in Wayne church, Milllin Co., l'a., Sejit. 27, IHB2, and closed Saturday evening. Bishop J. Dickson, I). P., presided. L. W. Stahl was re elected secretary. A. L. Funk, A. Davidson, C. I!. Grilbcr and Thomas Cameron wi re re ceived into conference. W. K. Sliimp died during the year, and appropriate me morial services were held, Saturday after noon. The reports from the different charges were eneouraging. The various interests of the church and conference were carefully looked after. Able arid carefully prepared papers were read on -Missions, Sunday-schools, Education, Church- Erec tion, Ac., and adopted. The Bishop read the following report of the Stationing com mittee: Altoona District, L. W. Stahl, IV E , Altoona Station, M. O. Lane and Altoona | .Mission, one to he su|iplied, Tyrone Mis. Sta., B. .1. Hummel, liuntingilon Sis., I I*. Hayes, Bellefoftte, J. Felix, Fort Ma tilda, I*. Conley, Moshanon, Thomts (*am eron, Clearfield, J. M. Smith, Otterbein, It. S. Woodward, Juniata,.!. F. Fnllhelm, Three Springs, J. A. Clemni, Tuscarora, J. I.andis, Liverpool, E. A. Z-ek, East ! Salem, Geo. W. Eminhizer. | Johnstown P. Sheerer, P. E, Johnstown, J. Medsger, Wilmore and • Oonetnaugh, J. S Miller, Somerset, A. E i Fulton, Bock wood, B F. Noon, Holli- I davsburg, W II Mattern, N"w Paris, W. A Jackson, Lycippus, A. Davidson, Cam bria, I-a. l'otter, Fallen Timber, M G. Potter, Burn-ides, C. W Haver, Indiana, W Beighel, Stony Creek Mission, Dr. Geo. Wagoner. Ligonier, J 11. Pershing. Greenshurg District, F. Ftsh<-r, P. E , Pittsburg Missin, Geo Noden. Braddock's I L Itesler, Ml. Pleasant, 1., it Jones, 1 We-tmoreland, A L. Funk, Connellsville, J. G. Sheerer, Springfield, J E. MeClay, Madison, J. S Buell, Washington, D. El lis, Allegheny. J L Baker, M honing, (' Wortman, Brieikville, (' B timber, t'ooksburg, I. M Gates, i! A Thompson, I) I> President of OU*rbin University, Geo. A Fiinkhouser, P. D, Prof.-ssor in l.'nion Biblical Seminary, D P. PeL>ng, I President of Lebanon Valley < . L -,-, W. J. Z.uek. Profe#..r in Lebanon College, p Speek, stationed at Annville, Pa The conference was well attended, very pleasant and harmonious Bishop Pick son preached < n Sabbath m.-rtnnit a very able sermon, which Was very much enjoy ed by those who heard it. Truly it was goost to l>e there Mil.i -IN RI. poiNo*. —The Baptist Sin day school picniet-d last Saturday up at teing called, found the patient suf fering from all symptom* of poisoning, though his death which followed next day, Sunday noon, may have been caused by congestion of the brain Mr. Wolf seemed depressed a short lime before he was dis covered in the condition above mentioned. If his death was from poisoning by his own act, by accident, or otherwise, remains a mystery now, and only a chemical analy sis of the stomach can prove whether it was from poison at all. The mystery should l-e cleared up by an examination so a to set at rest any ungrounded rumors that may ari-e from such a circumstance." • -The October number of Drmnrrtt" t M nthlv \fayattne combine* most agree ably the useful and the enterlaining, and contains a rab, to be found in this issue of thb DkWocrat. They say "our stock of fall and winter clothing I# n >w complete; we can show 50 different kinds of boy's school suits, patches with each one ; we have nearly all our hoots and shoes made to order and are selling a grade of good* that are just a* good as the best leather with careful workmanship can make them, a special guarantee with hand made boot* ; in groceries we are und< r selling the lowest and in dry goods we ran* not le undersold." Remember they know what they are talking about and mean it all. Dr. F. P. Hoy. of Casfopolis, Mirh. ( a brother of our genial, enterprising and successful Iriend, Dr. 11. K. Hoy, of this place, and on of John Hoy, Ksq., of Spring township, is visiting his relative* and friends here. JI arrived on Thurs day last and will remain until Monday. He think* many changr* have occurred here inre he left, and while he always en joyed life In Pennsylvania he prefer* the we*t. —Rev. A. J. Myers, who year* ago was stationed here as pastor of the Methodist congregation, i* introducing the "People'* Clyclopedia." Speaking of thii, under the caption "Ton* of Hooks," the Boston Daily Htrald of Sept. 4th say* ; "Upon a single day last week tbe firm of Martin Garrison A Co, received from the New York publisher* of 'Tho People'* Cy clopedia,' bound volume* of that work, for the supply of their Massachusetts suscrib ers, which weighed four and a half ton*. The firm claim* that ibi* 1* the largest ship ment of knowledge for the people wat ever •ent to Boelon upon a single day. The in voice wa* valued at $12,000 " -r-Powers and Son received another order for boota to be wern tn Wyoming Terri ory. Tbe same gentleman also ordered three pair* of tbe same kind for friends, saying that Power*' work U superior to any he baa ever seen, —Rumor* of a new opera bouse are cir eulating and 14 la probable that arrange ment* will be completed before long lead '"A to Use erection of a handsome build. on* that will reflect credit upon Use town. —Mr. Cbaa. M'Clure 4 w* undcxatand, i* now with a surveying party, In service somewhere In New Mexico, He is doing well. .- p Mml . , i —lf our preacher would take his hoarsness would soon leave him. —Mr*. It. 11. Forater is at Aaronshurg. Durijg hur absence Mi-* Li/ will pre side. Mr. J. li. G. Kir,sloe, editor of the | Lock Haven Jlrpuhlirnn, accompanied by < apt Chatain, ol tin; same place, culled on Tuesday. BoCWitli Diamond Dye-any lady ran j get us good results as the best practical dyer. Kvery dye warranted true to nume and sample. Mr. Klius K. Bmilh, one of our Penn Hull friends, Hiid a Democrat in whom I there is no guile, paid u tbe compliment of I a visit on Tuesday. —The editors of the DkMoi HAT thank I Mr. W. 11. Aaron, of I'nionvtlle, for the box of peaches sent us on Tuesday. The 1 fruit i delicious, grown on trees of his own rearing—but three year* old, and j compares favorable with any produced by high priced nure ry stock. —At the special examination held by Supt. D M. Wolf, on Saturday la-t, the following persons constituted the • !a j Misses Anna M. Ilnine#, Jennie Arehey, ; Lla D Ha--, Flora Rothrock, Annie Love, ! Maggie 15 Thomas and Annie <'. lSluir : Messrs. W. II Haines, K. W. Kline, A G. Arehey,!) F. Sellers. J. 11. Moore,Wil |l mm Bible, (', K. Emerick, (' K Knarr. ! H. B. Leitr.cll, J W. N.ff and G S j Peifer. Ladies, universally, strive to render their feel attractive; some ar naturally J small and pretty, others are not. Whetb j er Nature been kind or otherwise is a mat ! ter of small import because Doll and Miri • gle now are offering for sale goods that must aura-1 the attention i f all. Womer,s' ■ pebble goat button shoes— $2 nothing of ! the kind ever seen in Centre county before and equal to $'J. 50 shiam sold elsewhere. —The death of Mrs. Derr, relict of the late Daniel I>..rr, occurred at the h<| ital of the University ol Pennsylvania, on the night of the ith in-tant Hbo had been removed to that in-titt.tion about a week : prior to her death to have a tumor, that i was slowly but surely wasting her vitality, j removed. The operati' n wa- successfully j performed and indications pointed to her recovery, but a reiajsse set in and lor death reuiti-d. Fbe wa buried by the side of her husband, on Tuesday aftermu n Wilson, McFarlano A Co , tan atten tion to the only reliable Ready Mixed , Paint in tho market The Pioneer Pre. par-d I'nint is not only superi<.r t • any Ready Mixed Paint sold but rivals pure : white bad in its smoothness in working land durability. This paint i-guarants-cd 'by the manufacture# ret to crack or •< i I * i within three years. The guarantee i not ! only good for replacing the paint but it | will Iso put on if it should rra< k or pe-1 I within the time specified. It will !se Us I your internet to call and sen Wilson, Mc j Farlane A Co., before purchasing either ! white lend- or any other Re*d,- Mixed I Paint. —MsHW G >ldsmith Hros , during Ho ir ihorl slay in our midst, bate t<> a i> rls n extent revolutionised melhnd# of business ;in their particular line. They ask and ac cept but one price for gce-ds sold. In order to reduce stock in certain department* they will offer a* liAkoAiaaon Saturday, next, many articles for les* than c r example, 50 doxen*, extra length Ladies i fancy wool and mixed hose, finished seau s, sightly imperfecta*. It) ct, worth 80 ; fsl) docens, isms kind, extra fine, perfectly sound at 20 cts, worth 50, also several other articles proportionately cheap. In order to distribute these good* fairly among their patrons and friend* they will have arranged a separate counter, nd n 11 to each only a limiitd yueafsfy. Sale to commence at It) a. m. and close at 2 r. m unless the goods are sooner disposed of. —The oyster supper given by the Y. M C. A , last Thursday night, was a success. The receipts were not in excess of what was anticipated, but sufficient to supply the want on which account the fund was raised. AH who attended expressed their gratification. The young men's orchestra •nlivened the occasion. The members, who have b*s'n mentioned before, were *-*it Obituary. Tim |• j,]>t of Contra Hill and vicinity have been culled ujiori to mourn the loss ul another respected wild Weil beloved neighbor. ''a lt Tuesday, Oct. 3d, .lames M Cormick, nti old eitlx n of Pot ter township, alter patient endurance, who released from bin suffering, having pas d into that sleep that known no awakening. For over a year be but been suffering froin heart disease, end lent Bprlngjhe wa attacked by dropsy from which time be wan mostly confined to bin bed. For many year* be.wan a consistent member of the Centre Hill Presbyterian Church, and during bit sickness he mani fested that christian patience which- dis tinguishes the true follower of the "meek and lowly" Savior . fie wan a member of the order of Patrons of Husbandry, being master of the Grange at Centre llall at the time of hi* (bath. He was also a member of Old Fort Lodge N 58" F. and A M , having join* • d that L Jge shortly after it- ogatii/.Mtion. Rev. Ruder, ol the Reformed church, made the address at the house, the Presby terian minister, Hev. W. K. Foater, being absent ait* nding a of Pre, by tery. The remains were then taken charge of by tin- Masonic fraternity and conveyed to the burying ground at Centre Hill where they wi re interred with the beautiful and impres-ivi- ritual of that order. On the eoffln were placed a beautiful floral cir do and an "vi rgrecn square and compass tin* work, of M i—e* Cora and Aggie Mur ray of Centre Hall. Spring M lie, Oct.", >2 K. Penn 81-Centennial. OfKXINO Kx KK< |*ii* |K CIiISKTKX. The opening esen Uea of tba Hi t '• nn n nial celebration of Pennsylvania, will very properly be held at Cheater, on Monday, <) tober 2'M, The citizen* of the thriving city i f Chests-r, and of Delaware • iunty have I seen actively a* work fur • une time arrai gir g an appropriate form of celebration to take place wlcru the greut founder of the C< iunionw-a)lh, Wil liam I'enn, first set foot upon Pennsylva nia soil, and the committee having the matti r in charge have announced u pro gramme which will be unusually interest ing and sic ws that C'be'. receive l'enn who lands with bi as. c at'-s and meets Capt. Markla-n and Robert Wade Tim incident of the nam ing of Chester, at that time called Upland, a talk with Tamanend, Cb of of the L< nn; Lenape Tribe who lived in that vicinity, nod a visit to the Esse* House, the resi dene* of R-.bert Wade and to tic well fr in which Pcnn drank in the yard of the K-sex h -use which is still in u-e. will f >rm some of the features ol the landing The house on Chester creek where Penn lived is stiil standing and no doubt will 1- visited by a large number of pcopia. At 10 30 a. vi . meeting at the grand stand wlv-re an appropriate oration will he delivered by the ll -n. John W Hroinall, to b" followed by singing the Hi Onten nial ode by 200(1 scln-d children, music bv a band of fifty pieces and other interesting exercises. At 2 r. V , a grand parade will take place. The procession will embrace Rod M-n, civic associations of ail kinds Foe men from different parts of the Spate. Grand Army lb-sis, Military, Cadets, In dustrial and Trade* display exhibiting the workings ol the variou- trades, butchers in full uniform and many other interesting features, and a full rigged model of the sleamrhip "City of Tokto," which was an object of great interest in the parade at Gen. Grant's reception in Philadelphia, will be in the procession. In all, there will be eight thousands people in linn, forming the grandest pageant ever wit neso-d tn lh-laware count* . At 7 30 r. vt , a magnificent exhibition of fireworks will be given in which will he displayed a number of large and beauti ful piece*, closing with a on!lo-*| figure of Win Penn and the ship Welcome. The historical places in the city, about thirty in number, among them the place where the first Assembly met will be ap propriately marked. There will also be a free exhibition ol old articles in the Citv Hall built in 1724. The North Atlantic Squadron will be anchored in - the river. The city will be in holidav attire, and a large number of distinguished guests will be present. There Is ample accommoda tion at the hotels, and the citixens intend keeping open house that day, so that there will lie abundant entertainment for visi tors No one having the lime and meant should omit a visit to Chester on this oc casion. s For I sroRM ATlojr— Kß-ITORa Dkxio crat: Allow me to remind your readers that one chief object of The American Strndng StkinU Vnkm is to furnish grants of books and papers In aid of Union and Mission Sunday schools that cannot suffi ciently provide for themselves At the Society's missionary In Northern Central Pennsylvania, applications for aid from this section of the State should be made through mc. It always gives me pleasure tn provide for such needy schools so far as our means admit. Before any donation Is made I am required to ascertain the cir cumstance* of the case so that the meant entrusted to us for thsee objects may be applied as judiciously as possible. Within the pail few days a perwm bos been solicit ing money In Betlefonie for a Sunday school in a community where there U no Sunday tchoo! nor any intention ol open ing one. The above information hot been previously and repeatedly given to guard our genarous eilUnij* against importer*, Bellefonte, Oct. 6, W H. CaiTTKim**. Wanted, 1 W.nU-r- A .If. I7mi. . 1.r,,™. , 1.. *••'' * ' '".l'llf ..,1 Ml.I . Ill,' . T'l iwwb tn*l | jfiniif ' i A #"ft IXAr. Oft iur.Uj Oct. 11, there will be h special sole ~f |,„ ri! ,i r( , j which has been announced through our : regular Hrculnr of ivitation. Your* respectfully, .(>•ir.- his house. It is on the fir-t lot west of the big bold, in a v-ry c tniiatiding I.laie, and Jacob says ,t .ha I hateal) lb latest improvement- H. 11. Duncan, who h i l>e• with him lat Spring Milt* all summer, has rcti.r,.' i to M i t .n ; Bar W. K. K !• r we. at Shad* Gap, ll'ifitingdon, '•■ riding a meeting cf I'reshj terr f r t .• | of binjj ordained. * as • MAKUIACES. li oATs; KVV>Mw>-. Seel sutli llis Ms,l 1 , Sock is met It, 1, s lis "S'rtes it safs||r N. sUsd ,lss n, Ills Isndsr.. ,' eaa U-n, t, lis ie s, lo It,si hems or His lit:e em O, s\sf ' iss, r. A a. ■II tt liHAWfU T—oa Pn Us, ss- ft.i.sf.t|,s |wta, lif this s jfsi VWcs, Ret lo sksn sys,., Mid khsTniii i-... It Iws, fill 1 lbs tadisni glors, 11, 1 tym hssssesn, In lbs, lei,,ennui , *s, amg-i Jsaa ' P. At. Bliofont Grain Market. f!ni.rr**T*. An, f % mj, j klv fit t K Hf_ino|„ #|i. |irf m " rlTOtVß NOTICK —lu tlie op. a W I bans' C,., 1 of IVn,es r-oiols ; In ,hs , of lbs os I*l. of Jaooh Immsl. Msof Psstn hiaaship. . ds, swsol. lbs ssdelrasd a* asebbsr sM-dnisd bp lb, • I*f w1 'nmwaii i , lbs parpw of bo app-dalmea, al km isl.j as \ U, sir