®ltt (Centre jOemocvat. ■■ i BELLBF ONT E , PA. The Largest, Cheapest and Best Paper PUHLiaIIKIi IN UKNTKS COUNTY. TIIK CENTRE DEMOCRAT il pub lißhl oxorjr ThunnUjr morning, ml Belleftml*, < county, I l *. TKRttft—Cwh In HITMK* Si BO If Dt>t p*ld In fttiruco. U OO A LIVR PAPKK—dotutod to the Interests of.the whole people. Payment* mad* within three months will be cuu sltleretl In ad*auc. No pnper will be discontinued until arrearages ar# paid, except el option f publishers. Papers going out of the county must be paid for In advance. Any pereon procuring us tencash subscribers will be sent • copy fres* of charge. Our extrusive circulation makes this {taper an un usually reliable aud profitable medium foranvertlsinff. We have the niuet ample facilities for Jolt W otik and are prepared to print all kinds of Hooks, Tm< Is, Programmes. Posters, ( '.itiuiier-al printing, Ac., in the finest Style and at the lowest p>*s*iblr rates. All advertisements fr a leea term than three mouths SO cents per line for the first three insertions, and A cents a tine for each additional insertion, fpeclal notices one-half more. Iwiitorial notkM !'• cents |>er line. |ocxi NOTICM, in lcal columns, 10 cents per line. A liberal discount is made to persons advertising by the quarter, half year, or year, as follows U Rl M BVACS OCCt'PIBD. Ill 1 One Inch (or li lines this type) f. f [S1 - Two inches. i 7 1"| 1* 'i'hree inches 1 I • J" Quarter column (or inches) - IJ' J" :w Half column or loinches) 6necolumn for'.Minches) |. + • 100 P.iraign advertisement* muat he pal l for before In sertion, except on yearly contract*, when half-yearly payments in advance will he required. PoUTtcAi. Noticts, I.' ents p-r Hue each insertion N .THING insrtsd for ISM thai MI ssti. lit FTISI-.- N'OTICRS. In ihe editorialcolumns, 15 cents per line, each insertion. WALLACE'S SI'F.ECII. The Hon. W. A. Wallace and Samuel .T. Randall addressed a large meeting of the Democracy of Philadelphia on Saturday evening last. To-day we give the remarks of the former as reported in the Sunday Times, Mr. Wallace's opening words were : " Pennsylvania, degraded ! plunder ed ! disgraced ! Her law making jiow er a rejiroach : her chief city a sink of "official corruption." Sad the state ment; sadder still the fact. Who hears me will deny it ? Your home and mine— " The Ni<>bs of the Ststft*. there she stan-l* (TilldliSt and crown lesMi ID her volreleas U#." What is the remedy ? Shall we salve the wounds her foresworn sans have given her, or, with aching hearts probe them to the quick, and with steady hand and keen surgery cut the gin grene from the body jioiitic? A cabal of men whose god is power and whose leveris money has controlled the State, enacted its laws and prede termined its policy for fifteen years. Their will, their purses and the purjms e* and aims of corporate wealth, tiieir ally, have been the sole test* of the fitness of statutory law* to our want* ss a people, of the measure of taxation to be imposed upon us and of the sources from which revenue was to be drawn. The existence of this power i* no myth ; it is a hideous reality, and only those who have watched its operations and seen it* slimv folds again and again coil ed around those whose constituent* elected them as honest men. only those who have seen its manipulations of men and its almost universal success in it* movements, can justly appreciate the vicious influence it exerts. Hearken to the words of the Patriarch Pearson, the just and fearless Judge in passing sentence on five men in IXXiI : " You have each been severally indicted for 'corrupt soliciting' msmUri of the General Asseroby in the performance of the duties of tnelr office, by induc ing them, under the promise of money to vote in favor of a particular bill then pending before the Legislature of Penn sylvanja. Four of you have plead guil ty and one was convicted on trial. It is greatly to be feared that for many years it has been the practice in this State to procure the jiassnge of laws by corrupt and improper means, and to such an extent has this evil prevailed that instead of examining into the pro priety or impropriety of measures pre sented to either house for enartment. the inquiry was much more likely to he made as to the amount of money which those requesting the legislation could afford to pay for the passage of the law. It was charged throughout the whole country that bribery in the IVnnsylva' nia Legislature was of daily occurrence and was always ' the order of the day.' You went into this criminal jiraeEce ih plain violation of law with your eyes oj>en. You well knew that many mem bers of legislature were utterly corrupt and were ready to sell their votes in the public market to the highest bidder. You were ready to suborn them to com rait perjury by violating the oath* they took on their installation into office." The nunc of Pennsylvania Legislator has become a hissing and a byword. Contempt aod contumely, instead of respect and approval pour upon us from our sister State*. Are you proud of this? Would you perjietuate this? Corrupt ing and debasing influences per vade the atmosphere of the Stale Capital. The closing hours of each session of the Legislature for years have been full of proof* of the wealth, the power and the corrupt purjiosesof those who have dominates! and controlled the Republican organisation. Such things could not be if we had a firm and pure Executive, who owed fealt/ to no ring and owned himself. IftlMK* COMNITTSn roa rssrv. At the door of the Republican parly of Pennsylvania lie the charges, often publicly made, that high State official* bargained the extreme penally of the law with organised murderer* in ex change for aid to its ticket in State elections; that again and again it hss bought and paid for petty political lead er* In outside organization* to wield their influence in the seme cause ; that in this city it has corrupted the ballot, organised repealing, purchased |ierjury and fftlsft counting and pardoned criminal* convicted of grave offense* ■gainst the election laws; that the expenses of the State Government are larger now than ever before end increasing ; that this vast increase is applied to the maintenance of a horde Of MBWtrj hireling* about the leg- islnlive nn In to Whig rule in Ui.V), while population increased • I percent., expenses decreased "71 per I cent. From ieaO to l-Sfit)population in ] creased per cent and expenses but |VJ percent. From I "fat to isTOpopula j lion increased 21 percent, ai d expenses j more than doubled while Itotn IsTO to I IsMt, with but 31] per cent inciea; in i population, expenses increased '">* per ; cent . from sß2t">.fim him corn o a | ardon or ! curb the veto in its just exercise. He i and the party whose candidate he is believe in the reduction of expends to the lowest point at which good govern ment can he serured and our chanties ! and credit cared for, and they d< nounoe thejeorrupt use of money in elections. ' Even now the note of prepailion for a carnival of | urcha-e ni iy be heard i throughout the State. Can public virtue return while miner | flows like water to debauch the ballot ? j i an purity in administration or econo- I my in expenditure ever mine while the channel* to power are polluted with ; money wrung from olßce holders orgiv i en with lavish hand hv rich men ? Does j the giving of Urge sums of money to | corrupt the wctk and buy the corrupt | "enrich hint who glvetb, or does it I make him poor indeed ? " And yet who ; does not know ihst the plain, bald | truth is that in this f'uht in P-nrisy Iva ! ilia tha reserved forces, tho ultimate ! hope of those wh' v • political fortunes ! r in the i reach, sic the enormous ■ sums of money they g ilher no-* to buy i voters and corrupt m genizsiion*. They j think that they can again repeat their I common prnctice and buy the State. We j shall see. •• Let not him that girdcth j on his armor boast himself • be that ] puttetli it (If With such a power as i the corrupt use of money we will not : seek to nope ; we oould tint if we would j —we wnuid not if we could. The lieiuo'-rncy of Prnn*) Ivnnia have their own faith and tenets, aims and purposes, in behalf of which they have shown some staying qualities in the past and they arc certain to stand by them now. It hath its own leaders to whom it looks with confblenoe; it* eim pie yet compact Organisation ; its bar inonious, united and defiant columns. It strikes now with the ponderous blow of 450000 men for honest and cheap government. Its bugles ring out the ad v inco against a dtvidid enemy, against corrupted Legislatures, dictated nomination*, purchased I'ardon Hoards snd the venal use of money. Its high est aims, its noblest purpose, is the pur ification of the State, bounteous [mother of us all. I'blppaaag Ihillnl-hoi Staffer. PMII.SIXI.PHU, itctnber ft, —The con fession of Thomas J. Often*, clerk to the oliicer* of the election held in the almshouse division of the Twenty-sev enth Ward last February, just msde public, shows that the absconding ex- Superintendent I'hipp* broke open a ballot box and altered the election re turns. The result of this was to defeat two Independent Republican and elect two Democrat*. A charge of conspira cy, it it said will lie framed against see eral city officials on the strength of the oonfeasion. IT ift astonishing how many people hawk up and spit out Catarrhal corrup tion! when there ia so little need of it, M PISIN* cures it. Q * Ctirlln for ('oiigre**. The r<- nomination of ex-(overnor Andrew (i. Curtin to represent the XX district in the national congress *< considered weeks ago ll* n forgone con clusion. fin* alter another the three j count ie* of Centre, Clinton and Clear ] field gave their large demoerutic vote and inatiucled their conferee* to atand I>V the old war governor until the l-i*t. The roomie* ol lilk, l iiinn mill M-liiiu saw fit to send conferee* who were lav (liable to a candidate Irom eueh of tlnoo counties. A* a matter of course, at the conference, under thesa circuinstances, tlis* conferees lllll*t Vote a certain rilltil fiei' of time* tor their favorite, hut 111 this case the result was inevitable a* it | would have been preposterous fur the i three bounties last n inn d, nulling 1.71 V votes, to llutiin tile candidate against the wi*heaot the three counties polling '.I 01(1 voles In Clearfield couu |tv Mr. f 'llltin received almost .VtHl more ] votes ut the primary election than were polled for the democratic stale treii*ui j er in INS I. The nomination of Mr. Curtin to serve a second term in congress is HO evidence j of the just and proud feeling of appro i nation that lias attended him in the performance of his duties during tiie *e-*ion of ISSI-2. The democracy is not ungrateful to it* hemic workers. ] It recognizes true worth and tun- nd | herence to principle* and rewards them i with the highest gilts within its power, niovernor Curtin's course in congress ha# teen one of brave and honest nd herence to democratic principle* of | eipnl and exact ju-tiee to all men, and | in carrying out Ins pure convictions, j Mr. Curtin ha* won for himself a name I worthy of respect and honor. The do mocrocy of Clearfield county, it i# pre sumed have a lull knowledge o' Mr. Curtin's ability and it will make a noble ell'ort to roll lip -1,11011 votes f-.r tiie tick let. A* the records show Mr. f'tirliti'g i voice was heard iilwsv* advocating re | form in the u*eh-*s expenditure of the ■ public monies and lie stood up in uitul ; iy and ntiiy lor the rights of labor. His greatest endeavor# were expended in an ell'ort to have public land*of the nation given to the ai-lu ■! settlers and not recklessly handed r.ier to railroad com panic*, and it was through the oppose j lion of such men as Mr. Curtin that all liirtlo-r land grants to railroad compnn - u-s ha* ceased since the democratic eon gre # went into power. In all matter* pertaining to the good o| the common people nnd opposing i the aggrandizement of corporate power > Mr. < urlin has been found on tlu**nie 'of right. He placed lunielf *'ju*rely : on the record a* the friend of the labor img tn*n. With tin* record furly rep i resented to the people it should produce *uch a feeling ol regard and appreeia- I tion a* will re-ult in bringing out to 'he j polls the largest vote ever cast in the district. In ( icarfield county there should he no trouble'ill getting "Ut the I,tMlvotc* Mr. Curtin h entitled to. The laboring man w iio prav* for r'-liel from hi* pre* ••nt serfdom cannot reach the fruition of hi* hopes in quicker way than by voting lor such men a* Mr. Curtin. who j is heart and hand with tiie laboring I man nt| the poor taxpayer. Mr. • 'urlin'• | election is n.•* rule and machine manipulation* and stalwart opposition will c.ut bis t allot for Mr. < IIRIIII and tl.e whole ticket.--#' • mH ; cm;/.. Our nominee f >r congrra* in tin* di trict, Hon. A. <}. Curtih, i so w- II known bete and everywhere, that fu some eulogy on our part would I ctsi i pcrtiuou*. Tiiere is hardiv a question that his majority in the district will he almost ' double that of ls**o. He has labored to serve the mosses, : and not hoe* and monopolism. He is a confirmed protectionit, hut he tsvors a protection that will protect workingmen as well a* their employers. He spoke effectively and voted for the measure to prevent Chinese itninigra i Hot,. lie is a friend of tlis* larmerand pro ! ducer nnd hence argued eloquently in favor of wiping out those revenue jaw# which are burdensome in restricting the farmer in the production and disposition ' of his tobacco crop*, anil in keeping up a horde of ti*el-* ofiioe bolder*. ile is a lover of Justice and rquily j and denounced the outrageous proccd- I tire nl the R*>puh)ican majority tn seat img southern contestants without a shadow of right to tlirrr positions. lie i* aide, experienced, talented, and Mitfhn county should give lilnt a good round majority. /.!.ta / | tit Mint i. llemnrrntN to Work. We have no doubt, says the Pittsburg | Pott, of the election of Robert K. Fat It j son floveruor of theComnionwcalth and j hi* associates on tiie I'emocratic ticket, | hut of course this certainty ia based on the oonviolion that the Democratic parly will he true lo itself.will present an tindi vided front, and poll its full vote. Faint hearted Democrat* express fear* our or ganixatiun is not a* thorough as it should he, and the vote will not he got out, simply because they do not see active and ostentatious preparation going on. They should remember the Democratic party ia seif-organixing, and not a mere machine moved at the pleasure of the bosses. It ha* maintained it* vitality and increaaed it* number* in period* of great diacouragement and disaster, and ■hall it now be said that with victory within their grasp, Democrat* will prove neglectful or recreant ? We do not he lieve it possible. It i* against ail the precedent* of our party'* history. Con fidence in succre*. such aa Democrat* now feel, encourage* the wavering and brings out a full vote. It i* much easier tn fight a winning battle than a losing one. This time we are fighting a win ning battle. If you would earn your right to glory in victory do your part in securing it, The certainty of Democraticaucccsa i* based first on the wide-spread and in tense hatred of machine rule ami Row* tyranny and corruption. That we he Have would rlect the Reformer Fattison, were party condition* a* usual. Rut they ere vastly different. The revolt of MM? A : tlio I ridepen'len t Rcpiil-licuns run* through every county ol tiie Slate: it i* well organized, growing In force ev ry day, ami comprise* the favoiite orator* of the .Stale, as well a* n most mtfior tant section ol the parly pies*. A point determined on in the Cameron plan of campaign i< to sacrifice every candidate to save Heaver. This not onlv applies to Heaver's colleagues on the State tick et, hut to county and district nomina tions. I'limmv candidates have hc-n put ii|i in many d. dricta to trade on, . and wherever a vote can he gamed lor ' Heaver ill till* way it Will 111* done. It show* the de*|ierate condition of Ho** Cameron's fortune*. Hut.it i* argued, it Heaver is saved and everything el*<- goea to the dog*, there will l.e some. I thing 'f tile H">i' prestige left. 'I he dangt r* we have Pi (earsn - fir■ t t ie u*e of money to corrupt voti r* m d purchase fraud*; and see-uif, the fair confidence and indilli-reru e of cratie voter* ; not the ma ol the party of course, hut n few weak brother * in , every precinct. It i the du'v ol <• .r i nest I'enioer.it* everywhere to guard i against and comhnt these dangers. Then j in tin-choice ol precinct nun -ir- and ; watcher* at the poll* he citeful tint ! none hut men of tried fidelity and c . it | age are selected; we mean men who | can't lie bulldozed or corrupted. In mur conversation with fell In-mo •■rats the next four w< i k, nr;the itu | portance of every vote. lop it all I ca*es of attempted timid ir 111 (>• r \ to j tfie county or ditrict coniniittee. th-it measure* rosy he promptly taken for i the arrest and prosecution t > trill ol the I guilty parties. There are other | ro-in lions that are pr-|"-r. but Itria will do i for the present. They will insure the overtfirow of I Vims 1 .itiier' ti and hi- cor rupt machine. ( utnrrou ami lli-u\t-r. -IN \T o a stra RT • - s i iii 'so it :M -m r.-u i or 7nr. Kurt isi.ti IN ■ KUAM/ trios. ! Mi-.iit's lt*rtM In N.- N rk 11-t.il i'lte tyranny, the corruption', an 1 the maUdm tiistration of the Caun r' n ring in tlii- State threat, n tiie very exi-ti tice of tiie party, Tito regul tr or gam/it: .n | is not Republican. To give tiie manage I inenl of the |iartv machinery into in. , tiands of trurepre-ent ttivi - of ];. . u' ! Itcan principles ai d Inuic-ty we have .combined to overthrow- tin- ring that , now controls it. tieneral H- *v-i wli never he <■ tvernor "f i'<-unylt u.ia. it well known that in- hn long wi-licd die nomination. lie was once h. f r-- candidate for the nominali ri and lo j trend* established he td'piarti-r- tor him | at lUrriiburg. Hi* record a- a < l-lu-r and upriglit mall wan rta lily not less I brilliant then than l ist May. I'.ul lit;csl di ' i ii'ln in. i.xi el. |as tie lis n, I; row led, ed absolute fealty tot lie ri .'mug llou*, and ha coiiunii ted h: rn" 1 1 to it* sup pi rt : except aa lie ha* surrendered hi* independence arid ha* degraded hi* manhood, he has been excluded tr rn public life by a pirosrription a* relentle*- a* fate. Character has been of no avail against it , ability and superior filne*. could not resist it ; popular favor ha* not bet n at !e to turn it aside Victoria** Three-pound llonnet of I'reelott* Man*-*. The lummary of brilliant# ornament ing the crown of the icen of KngUnd ;s ihus stated ; CJne lrg- ruby, irregu larly polished; one large sapphire, ix ten sa|i*ed gold, weigh irig ahout ten ounce*, with sti a-ci * >ry gold spoon ornament With four |eatl. The coronation ring i a large table r i by engraved with n St. f}orge' rrau and set in plain gold. The regalia, it may he said, catuc ip-tir being de-irmed at the fiie in the Tower, October .TI. '4l They would hove been sacrifice I hut for the pluek of a |>n|ir officer. Superin tendent Fierce, rind he di I not even get a royal warrant negotiable at .V) per di count. I nlonrilmr Cameron* : Ptills. Tisrua The /Voi insists upon upsetting the Cameron load to save the Republican | party, hut if Cameron's load shall • e up 1 set by the Pre**, won't tieneral Reaver he under the hay T How can Cameron l.e unloaded wuhi-ut unloading his tick et t What good would it do to dismiss a bad doctor nnd continue to swallow his medicine? I'nder the (lathering November Und. From lh# AHmils (ViMVltnflrifi, Itom.t Tlio StMltrnrl lender* ure in f)iafl'ection and revolt *lute them at every turn, and further on they see a prevalence of that fiecuiiar apathy which goea before overwhelming defeat a general apathy that nil the money of u thousand fioulda cannot remove, Sr.< aaraav (jtar haa not yet received his Heaver lint. The two dollars con tributed by the young woman as her nascsament on a salary of one hundred dollars must have been u*ed to buy a lot of democratic votes.—/'At/u. 7Ws. •T. C. RoantßOKß, of llarrinburg. who was recently named by Chairman Coop pr as member of hi* fioarn# (Nvnunfilee ha* withdrawn from thfft t>Aly and uni ted with (tie Independent Rrpnblioana AN I trli | <•l tl>mt city with tryii / to maki political i Shoe house just i pencil in r.cli. fonte, in way abend of nil competition in price*. qual ity andvui.lv of loi It. Have J.ilely spent e- in - time in the K 'i rn mar k"t- lookiii-' lor harp tin* fm our ' r.-l iht* tb ■ ■•■■httm-f'} I ' *-! rMr 1 )<# w ! kti i ♦njswf itji u U ' . t'tlVi • "1 m t. t. eV.ri y fclvtt. • J!.{ tt*s J- ¥ ? N-l'IO*l J, m Ittl- I VMLJ * \ V i-rns NOTD K N .tice I s i. i . Ukaj ry • Um l>Ut* ■' U .'tt *!> HoiHh Ut# <'f P# i t t nli | tVntrr •% V% li* i i* r.• t#-; t . I • .* *< i; h rMMtfif In *at nil ?••;*.<*• inUrl'i .lt .!hl Mti' rr •{ t4* jaimnt *< I lltuW 1,41 i g (Utn, ft '' WHtl It M ill It lhi t k RAM n tire KM Aft U. ftMITJ! Rcfplster'o Notico. r-l.tostT.. .... tie kv. •• I ■' I-s A M ri.ia. rtsik • I lb* O'l t. • I t.rr .(.*,■ (" ij nf Or .tf, f)t* S| flifj, fht Ml h > tl| <■ M i #44 l ttf 51-f .tit tlrf • 'S-lH I \ -i A !. IV f t+ the thr Jt ! iW * . { . ar.| lift . Of. oidtit'ii T ral<* * fnk'.#-4 tjj *:itl - )t+ir* HT4 I r rI t• j • *-t#it!i• • 1 )in Klnaf' *1 4 • •*< !. t< .. ift • tmri ' n t! # #tli M'f 4. . %nm i j.i in* s. s-. auk f • . , . - . ; U bW •> ''•#• t' |itH un If. |f. |Bl|itV'Uli In i -• ' 1 r* • - 14 I' l 'in. ; 1 • ; o 1 ( W \ I', 5 j \Mil * * M . *l>' r, o. c I ) il'l c ale of valuable K- nl l -'atv. 1 | hi thl "f •• I 'I < s tit 1 • f On)*' I ')■ IT. | # * . MILL L A iHT ; it Iff LE N • TLRF J R. its HJ T IHF IN MILN • .T TV, < •- MNR* Ut.ot *Ut.l *t 2'< k IV M . i'• <• l#e ril#4 **! #-*!tiss Uf# if J.'.#. ) k'-nv'lh, tl# "• >i, i jt A %U( kl "1 pt'UiH|e >n htfltti ts i • 1- ' , |v • i .f I*}, f- t?t h ; le >'i I t-r Ut ' Vim Jmrtth r*. Mr. MnMlm U''Hid# fi< I • n! I** i#t< t fijr|ik,t>4 r.ntltM'tig flit*" • ttm Tb* nt t* s-hts'tj Ttiunt 4tt4> Hug Ivw, hUlstr- nnl I i -lit Tf mil J #!#• T*i r ■ • •|• • t UAULM KCKF.NR If M, . N otice is hereby pivstt ihnt an appli r*fi n ||| I* nnd# t • ft.# l • ml fv ( < n.m n |'lh* of C# nit#* * • ' t.v. "t mJv \gm n thf .ll •*v . • r, A*™■■tiiiilf mj.. til th U> f Aj't'U l fc "4. fr tb# rti%t#r#sf >ur < > t t t. t. !•#• fillM THK Vol \'i MIA HUHIUN ASHh | UION of HKI.I.K HIJITK. PiAM A,** Ibv Ur4iw Hf In 1 b --ihs t iif vhtth 10. f' T Ihtp ij % j.r! |*rillig' • i f tl# •*-! \,t , • v . I T AVKU A tKl'll \UT. Writ of rartition. TO MIM Ilarri'>n un ! Jntv— M llontjr of lit ittn. NA MOI4T lb* 4ajr n| (>r fubH. A l . I**2. nl 2 dViwk. | n, of nnirl 4ny. for thi> pnipm *f m*kPc (Hirtitis'ti of r*il <4 \ dHtk*wl to 4 utnong b hrift n4 b|tl f*^v rM tontntji , r. 11 tb# wru# CAD \m tfoM th '..l |Mf|n4*co .ir tfnlH.M of fb *lilr { iitbrnrto" ti TH!m trluw ,m_ flequsUeil th* i-li'ns-l KUntr-wm w • ( Ham. Wb*s*r*r U>* rem**, buwiw obrttnatn, a Slb. *■**, UUa I iaw ly will a.Miru— it. a rail HQ Ama MPMU pam- t £*> I linilka | t • sod BMdlMn*s hv Ikilsd. 5 y s?- t yifr™ hsved''.srsfUln* trm,r, 1„ g A < tn , i dvrrt l*rm /*/# tn. |; UXIIOS I'HOCI, AM AT H)S. GO I) ftAVK THE tf M"*M KAMI! I, J. High Hi*'fit! ot !l# • ottlit/ • f C*utti t (}ommimwmttk of ivtm*; Irani*. A* tMwfcy /14k# kitifWtl Mfi'l git" Ml'* to th*> tlKtutf "f !l." < iil nf- <#/! J, thai Ait will |m h-M in th ■ n J ffuuty of 1 ■ iiiif, ok TL'&MJAir, B>'o* IMflf.H 7. I r III* < 1 *lm!Jjf on* jHfrw.f, f. 1 Oumi i'i • f th* • -U In' i|" at lit *f JV/ Mjr|i,u # Oil" (•" l f"t of ||,rC*sttim I. 1 w.iltfi i| |Vm.\lrani*. (>,.• |.rfn.n f- 1 hd-r /< utry of luit roal A?)air* of il (ai|iiiu"liim)lli ol iVimaj Ja*iia. ' 1." 1 • i' ti tot 1 < t ttumtUtuii ml-ljttr* i't ti 1.1 111* rt itc l' |ibi)||bl 111 litr kwi ■flf 14 ( i,i ! lil rui't. (In- jh-i*. n inr Jw\a*> of tin fV tirt of th' !% (in- j-taifto f'l rfftcMiiil 111*- 1.-.U-4 zf f.tilrr t < -aifi-M, ('inf'-ii. *.,h. I uiun, a til Mifflin in th oflh- I'lilM f*Ufn Oti- j-r* n o r.|ircM-n 1 f,f fVntr. ( I- ID 1 ( lint' 11 in Hi- i f J'-iitjrvlviifiia . 'I *•' |" r ii' t re|iiiw i nf 1 • ju11 •- in ' t • llxum "lit |.r< ix Jury CututniMi'/firr of 1(1# e. unty f 1 .1* Itf-bf tl)tk*kltOrßMHl gi** !>?! |UI tli J i!<. : linliiiug lit- afnr*Nil rlotion in u„ *, f ,,| ii 1 ughs a nil J aiihi{(4 wiitiin flf ' lUlltV f ( . r li ar* *• foil >ut - wit ; * ' ,! " 1 '•! ij- f 'H'Mtiru {iincitKi 1 ~t i Hi-| nl.ii- 1. r4f < 'f a iil i, la At -m.i . f 1 tl.i t-.wi.i j. f llaiii-*, |ifKiii> I f at tli 1 I It"'<<-*• in \\ ■ --1 t *iJ. I 1 ti.* t .} Half Mima, at 11. a* in*.J (ft Mut iliatuM l . f f'" l ' w 1 •J Th> I"r,at tli- h ii- r*>' t i l ' ' : " • . ' . Ijr of lata fetal Mm JIM i it... I'*i Slil-*, In tii® mlihul it i,** m tli' to* ti of Jtr'M-faUurg. I r t 1 • 1 ai.'tij, ' I* 1 fit 'S rtl„rn |.rwti*d I J I. |.. t at I'riili li*ii i 1 •' T '' • . i „4 i Lornout II r thf t"WDtlf'f ptct utt ft in a I il 1. (i*f at I*. t.- "t- i 1 i-.tl B, t II- I . of 1". |. r I I l.i*- ' : k I., IIU 'I. ti11,!., knil lit. Il KB.kill* , 1 Hji/lt.i: B I lt. i i : t 11,. i.u.l II ,1,, I-., J., : : 1 t U.i t.Ki..i,i|, of Walk*r, in it.. aWI Ih.iim .i llu'il r .it fur 1)1* Ual. m>4 I.kiill,J. uf Uuvanl, *1 lU. . I'll. I'. "1 " if 0.-lt. y■ r Uf t * ii*ni|. ol It .01, m ILr —.-I,! I f 11,1 I.Kii.l.if, of gnou Miw*. >| VI,. uM I.OOW at •I. * - •• ttatioii I t llw* : V Itr t.ij . 1 >J*f Mt>, at ti.' I, M- of J M | Kl.fifi, J** kM*n%ul# f'i i Ui ugb of Milmhttfg. at tii* mlk| h r u>- j in MiU*i *rg. j f r tl. t * Utliip ot Ih'f.y ■at 111' !-* w}#* i ! *i ' < itj j I ft I wnaifij -f Hurt-;. ~t ti h ,*f |t j arli -i||i um-. t r tlf t v tlit}. of I'm to at tli" tu |i j. .„ ■ , # i Wiiliani Xlumm'V. 1 1 ' *"'• ' ' '' •' "Mi.'lm. BI tt.. u,i,..,i i i ~1.10. I <..><. < l unk U> Mid ta*Ubkl> I Mf.. lowtatuf. ul Uln}. at Iktlnol 0,1.1. m • 1 *O.l ~im 11. ati)m .i,,.i aw a. I' it Moii '• "I* 1 '-tlmM o* or IUI „.n B . „ It"- ot., 1 Ik- fi tjiMi 1 | Jt. 10-i.'iu. IH m 1 t t l.ih 1 t ot.* tl#o j. t, 11,1.1 ..naaotium,; 1 01.1 lltol 1. ' 11..J0 Ju 1,, ,u < Urr ..rtu.-t ..! ...th .1.-1 u Ultall ba I, UU, t u. tu.ri ■ ot4 1, , 1 ol- ~I.J u.o>. oui) tl.t 1 tir. |„ tu. .1. ~.ti lf'' tt. tl'* aw .j • 'Ui.ty of (*ntr*. Ti> I't < ' i at in* uit j "Ar% "to* lilt., uaanlt , , 0.11, . •• .1 i'.tl.. .lit,l of f t, rotito. ana 1., f" o ' • oina 11 1.1,. o.jiu, i„ ul , M T "*' " i" abljr l trt ~.ilftsl. lo I-k. ~ 1,, 1 blm o- |ioi.l# anil In .u-h inooota ibol 1,, b,.,,. 1. 1,. , 1. 1.00 10-1-a . iitn'M Iru* a>lr loa ot 1. o. I 1 ' " " '■ 1-"' '• k" iot Ol iloioaci lii lio. |- I-' o tb tiiiMMii,j I'iai. ti, ..toI ii-l. , 5 lb. *1 UalOio llir, 01, 11, 00 Itototn laroi uliol M." „ V- * lb" |airfm> of Ir.Tin; %u a roitlwifni | tu J""~ "" " m.!i U..8.1,,|. o ,a btrf..i,"o M , *unualit. 11l til" t ;u" <-t turn—- ,g * Sta * taxai . |.r. |..tii. .. . ilata oral irtuio t lb. 11 on ,ik,0.,. • •' ""Utilt a titM oiatootmi all Had., ■to ihni I. tohii' 01,.1 toii oiclio. roi|„,n,,,i, „ Ul) ,o. 1,0,1,1, ll tt,< Olio ol .Kll.tij bio.j.to* OK It lb •, 01 .i ll K I'l 11, it oil il bo;.| I. liontil bj .0. b |ii to t, ,01 ' it. t, • rt. aitooi.riiota tu .mil uoastti .bail • tibuollj. If .} oft'l i*U"ii l I ibo lon. b,I la lf.rt twu.iil.anh.aii.l la tb. nu. n,0..t.0t and 10. lb' taw." r nip—nalii ti>at „ibrr ,im;.ti t M „ .10- IV,11.11",I. • • • • ■ a . 10. Tbat lb. 11011 lof moth fvMtttli, 1.0 lii. r.- • |.IMO| nf Ibo C 11 :,l JT I'Mattialtill'tl. oli.lt r,.0 lb, ,1 to It I -tub.! lb—a. .ill, .0,1 to lb. mooiiof at b tin— nf lb. n.'.l joittfaj olntn.,i oltwll 1., an.l l.r lb. " rt..|.t, wbtilnr or mill,. |" , ln.iia ..I tM. A.-f at. .it—,— u,.,, 011," In llitt "V. " At all .lor to*.. ltarKfi.i b.ld itn.hr lb. taaa of lb. Cn,„ot *ia,allti. tb. |adii ahall W . j..,,.., ; oVbb a. tu abd ti ." .1 Tin bak p, a. TICK t.l> In l'.(. \IITKI> Tb" <|Oallflt "Iwlara will üb. t.- tb. nf tb. I..|lnw Inst art. "I Aaa.ttU.lv. i.u*.tv.,l th, uu. dai Mn lobar. , tb. -ar .d nar Ir.rd Ikn. Ty„of„d ., r bi ,nd 1 tabu to— aad la, lb Ona Handrp p Writ of Partittou. T" CalbaHaa A. * rarar. Chaa 11, Cal.Maa aa d Klirab'ib 'ml.lltto. bnro ami In—! rrfu— ntailr— ,d dobit M.mik, lain ni llolbno lap . dinwd. n.— ro-ol drnfo within lb. loamj nf rrnlto, Tab. ant—a Ib.t b} vino..d a ~i..l I'-lOt on banad —if nf lb. tb-. |Nn a Curl of ton 1,. fWi ot 1 and h. ma dlr—lad,aa loqaaal mill ba I,.id al lb. lat. r—idaarw nf hda Mtata dacaaad. In lb. htaaohlp of llalk— and man - If of Oaadtw, on rrh'.j lha sfb dap d tatolmr. A, ft. '**. f IfMB vVbab AM, aaul dap br lb" par* poaa id Hitiif pntill >n 1.1 lit. raal —cola af Ikr •abtolln—. If Iba aim* nan t# ,hm. aiibnat lo or apactac lb. wh,4a: oCt ralaa t valnr and ap. I pnd." tba aotoa —nordtma to |, .1 abtrh lima and aaiTjym-;; - tit."J" .1 n-Mia C*