Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, October 12, 1882, Image 3

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    Kaufman's Cheapest Corner. Citfshurj/, i'a.
SI < II is *
Js Cor reel in c l csiijns. r J aiiltlcss in r J it,
Manufactured with extra care in regard to durability and delights
With Oar Pomona London 8 uik Buita, To j ircl tf el ewhore until you have
in Dome*tic, Dark and Fancy I-. een Our Excdiior l<ondon Frock 8u I
from #3.50 to 12.00. in |> m.-i-nc. |> ,k and F.uu > tire.l
--f• ••in SL(KI (V.
I To dime any tlUtance to sec Our Fain- Vi'i,li -nr i-linii ■*t silk and atin nin
nus London Slick Suit* in Finest ini-• ■-! Lxccl ii r la ndon Frock Ai i, in
ported Fabric, from SIO.OO to $22.00, $ u French and English from #l2(ki
BoyV M Harvard" SuUa from $2.12 to Children's '*Oxford M Bulla, from $1 50
#•1.50. to # . 2"i.
IW* " Windaor" from $ I.<mi to t'hildi. n' " Croipict " Suit-, from #2. .7
s'.* 25. to #"■ (K I.
I ■>' - "Brunswick" Suit.-, fruin t'lnldr. n'- " Dengrcmont " nit- fi<• t? i
to sl3.T.*> $ ;AO to $7.1.2.
I ion'l forgot to nk for our leader Roy'* I. ug. -t a.--i>rtiiieiit of • 'hildn u- K It"
" West Point" Overcoat*. . Ant* in theCti>.
Cur Elegant Hat and Furnishing Goods Department.
Aml elegant the) are, Loth in their a) |•;nt no ii' i. lin their-lock. *t. Ii i
\aried a—<>rt ment for man, hoy mul liui'l. . , iii*\ *r I adore la-en ••• .1 i. •<•! in
any one Pittsburgh store. Now a- to • rj : i-• • TL are 1 • w.-r than
I liey ciin l.e found nn\ where .|e. N. w i m tiii. Lciuorei i-.lyd :n >n-ti
i I than l.y a visit of in-|>eetion. \\i.. h<• -i- n >ti n*.
l'i> make our Ston v.-ur In nhjuarter- when v i-itin _• Pitt-bur,di. It - t!.< nm •
<-i ntrnl jmint in the eitv. We have c- iiim i>u j. ! ■ dej ..rti ■t. h
--' at arc ilVl*ei| to leave your bag*. l undh . L.iket. etc.. an I re. civ- i ch k
ti.r them. W a ivill take ■< .<>d • in* of t.ii'iii 1• • r yn.i. \\ eh •• r>:• toilet ree.in
line jia—engcr elevator nd comfortable . ■), ut .m '. ■. • •.. •, •. tj, ; • • . make ,t
< onvenient tor j oil.
Again, wre >uy come to our Stor.-a, we wmi ~11 i- let • uoimd nlahout 1 ,tt
Lurgh to become uci|iiainted with a* and in ike tie in- lv • pert. • il\ at home .
Kaufman's Cheapest Corner,
We -end without charge or any ob'.igatn nt, porch .er, inp'< <of clothing.
| cte., we give prici * of our entire -tock in oui new ...alogue -r Fail and Wint.-t
winch i< mailed free to nil who send then oldie Hundred* < I order* .re
filled daily g, r. id * expr.--ed to every State nd Territory, with lull pr.vi'.. of
return and. refund ot money if they are not satisfa. tor..
I. *hl Iftrgf p®**** -VI roltifiir Only $ wl* Otr fh*llr m $ mr. -PI ' ? •• f * t*twiiful|rtft
me or uapfui uook In tfty mlmrtHi'f i;. - .• H : • It* *ftl \f ptptf
i. It IB rnor* th* vr • n • .• Ir-t. and It i mad* in*
Ui'aittt It bM thr lirßrotrirnitfttlvli, n I llirrFfi ii' tic U • n- ufy rHi*x ItMtho
ruiirst Mpvr to grt mitHicrl^r , for, hnd uiir t* '' l" . ■tr i if'l i r> ;* r * t> %% #• want
Atfrul. rpy frrv.
1$ th# frt oikl rhPttMit Ullr in *> W- ' ! ;l>l | r '■ rf>tmn tinljr !i
doilom ® T+m.r. or IJ couUI •% h T>m> l®ily T rn. * .r t• th . y *iM i i* rln Hip r.tititrF
publiahxl ®t ttiid prtcr, ft Ib lid |wr4ut in tt< . Int '\\ wtot •• utr In • %"fyihln®. and Jmt to *ll
l>rii4 intli v lii i* •. • tlom. ®nl
lh iMMluiMU'r will rmlv* jruur aula* rtpltuu if Uikfr la no ut in yutif piacw.
Wilson .Or Fur Inn r ,l l On., Hnnhrnre Dcnlrr*.
Paints, Oils, Glass and Varnishes,
AI.t.EOIIKN Y BTRRKT, .... 11l MKf BMK'K, .... Fir.LI.aVoXTF.. I-*. |
' ——
A Pennsylvania Newspaper for
the Oenoral Public.
Tti" [MILT I'ATRIIIT la Ih. only HKitDinf n.w.iNit>.r
imiiiiihMi i iii* tut* Oipiuj.
The DAILY PATRIOT make* A Aparialty of pennayl*
ean*a n*i.
Tb<* DAILY PATHIOT piiMlihrtls Amnrtated Preaa
ns* and from all (nildu,
Tli* DAILY PATRIOT iiVMi|s>rlo| attention to grain
and produce market*,
t Til• DAILY PATBIOT op poae* monopoly, bomUm
and OtfltfßlSSßlSos of |Mdlthnl {".war.
Term*; fB.M p*r MiMi, (strictly in sdranr*,) or
R7.i per annum if not paid In advanra. for nr .t
period lee* than on* jrmr al proportionate rate*
The Wtf.KLT PATRIOT It a large, eight p*p*r t
dr-voted to Htfmlnn, agriculture, idM ( minora*
tnrea, new*, market*, etc During 1 *-nt h nurnUr
will contain an tlln*tralion of soma prominent tuple
or event ThU la an attractive feature which cannot
fail to tdaaMt. Terms $1 Oft per annum, InvartaMy In
adranr*. OM mm nf Uw WRKKLY PATRIOT and
one ropy of the Philadelphia WKHKLY TIMIU9 SU
sent otis y*ar lot £2 On caah In advance, tlitia giving
ths two paper* f*r the suharrfpfton price of the latter.
One copy of tha WRKRLY PATRIOT and one copy of
tnei-OTTAOK IIKAKTII.an excellent monthly mag
azine, lablMcd al floston at f\Mi pot annum, will be
•ent one year for II TOcaeh In ai*Wanes. tend In your
s niiarlntioosal <mce. Address . _
MO\RY To Loan at (porCt.
p I BT TilK MITI'AI. l,irr. INM.'H
ANCSro. or *BW Toll*. ftr.l mr
r Improved farm K>mp*rty. In *nni* not hm than
t and not etrcedinit one third of the pferti! value of
the property. Any portion of the i<rtn<tf*l ran lie
f paid oft at any tlm, and It ha* leen the custom of the
% company to permit the principal to remain a* lon* a*
the borrower wishes, If the Interest t* promptly paid
• Apply to
I CHAR LP# P. £VIKRM AM. Attorney.at-law.
bit Court , street. Reading, Pa, #
or to DAVID f.. K LID K, Co.'i Appraiser,
r *-f % Rellefonte, Pa.
i X"T n, !" 0o *OMl*oUOln™fnPMW.sr*mu.
! H"** 'iJwjmirbu, .etc.. t<* tb* United SUUM.
( ESSIMSS*ISf£ A Ounr*. ctr. *
thirty.Bar ) rxr.'r>p#rfrnr*.
' U WW nnUwt In Uw sn- !
*IV. t !l A *** trA *- wxl apliiiHtM lllu*- I
""■'■'OWtT.lSl.tQn U*< IF.VN-M I
r ISftg '* *57 Intarprtlne. ait hn an MMrtivitM
!lrruli|...it. A44TPM SUMS A oi Patent Bnlk-l
l | Q.-'.I' H > RFEIRMRTC ANMITAT. *7 I-art NAT, I
fwwij uHai.-.bnntahmiifr..
A1 it* , I (h'rt f isciiit iif s.
I- k rilth•• <'uro
Fri.l| lhatr I'starul < umplalnU ai<d \Vr>U<w.i
mmou |. uur brt friul> population.
A Mfillrinr for W'nmn. Inrmtcl ljr a Woman.
I'rrpared by a Woman.
Tk *edrJ DlMtirr; Mar* ila Pa*! of llitlcrj.
! Wll r rir tho droof :.j[ pfdrlta, tnrljrr*tr and
harm* nix a tho • fur.ti wives <4 art I ~it j and
flrturu 4to tho t p, *rv< th" natural luatro to the
cv. an 1 j hut* on th<* jiaJo ■?• k ..f * m •* tho fr* U
ro-. a .f lifo'a uprlntf aii i parly nmitcr tiro*.
C * f "Phylclant Uso tl and Prctcribc It freely -T,f
It r*-morna faintfatal Qof, iliatmjn ail' ra* lag
fl t OMtflU and n-Jior.** VMkl f11•Ift ■l% '.
T?i*t of br*rtur d wn. • an-lnff tain,
an 1U- kwhr 1* alwart iirrtimirfity -ursl y If 11 •.
f*r the rorr of Kldnry < ompl.ilnta of ritker a a
till* € enponinl la ttumrpaui d.
I TDI \ r.. PINKII\%TH ni.ooi* f*| ItiriPß
tr• I r rad rata ■ * • r : , -.* ' hum- r 1 .. ■
I . '"t. and •• and I'.Muth i tJ. l-111, uf
n.*u noiiwa ■ r Lii.L In Ut n Ln U*w it.
It h tho C mjvartnd and It- ■ -1 I**irlfl r nrr j-r* j.r I
at XBnml SB Wmtom Auaup, Lynn, Ma**. Ir. ■ f
oit'T.fi. His b" tthef-r s,\ Bmt ly hia.ii in tho fOl w
of * or of I • ag* i oar 1 Ipt f prk •. f: j- rt i
f !h-r. M- > f •!* •• •. i<i J | ri of
Inquiry. Etv ♦ p. tkndf r j.run; l t.
Nnfmi v 14 t tf.YDVA * J'VKlt \*'S
LIVI K Hi.! -. T • • . . : t
and l rv 1 > ? •1 • r. -'* • • t r
f f Holtl bf fill Oruvr Ut*. | <•>
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SOI.K Aokmt,
2-dn RKt.LKFnMTK. VK.
fc rvrvMK tirnoi jh r*rt 3
2 Mdix HhM 0M a*alTra. Af*<aaaule, Halaaa, >i, fj
AddrM I. . iOH HaTOW,
169 Smilbfield utrtct, I'itutmrgh, P*.
For Hale.
A FA KM 'containing Filly Acr,
i\. .ml lh.rMl arr*lml . TWIMTKKV
; IFIHfc .1 i.d nut trending.. Tltl. tini,
j of A. J. A T. ILORIUf.
***• C.k81.11., OmIN .If, 1%,
fflic Ctivtvf
II aLLEF(I -N T K , 1 A.
Til* TfnT <<f TUf. XATfOfiUf. WlLrai It Till IHTILLI*
(JKXCK AXI moNPftitlTY Of Till fAkHßft.
Evr-y farmr.r tn /lis annual r.rj,rrirnre
dt.HCi- ' 1 Momrthiny uf valur Write it ntul
hoi-/ it t<> t/ir •Ayt Kditur *>l
HAT, Jtrlfrfontc , /Vnn'ti," that other
farimrn may harr the benefit "fait. Let
'ommumcatwu* be timely % atui be Hurt that
they are brief an t v*tl puiatnt.
A*. Oliii fanner advocates and
practices feeding wheat to pigs rather
than sell it at one dollar per bushel.
J. S. M "re ii km. shows the figures
in the O/i/.i /•'urnier, fir the receipt
of $1.22 per bushed for his corn when
made into pork between March 18
and May 11, of this year.
Tin: St. Clair county, 111., Agricul
tural Society <\ identic looks upon
; the cncoiiiiigcrin nt of wheat growing
a one of its missions. It offers a
premium of SIOO in gold to the man
who exhibits the Is-t five bushels of
wheat at it* corning fair.
<II. Smith, of lowa, tells the
/Ann, .</ that he cut 100 tons of
hay from fi.'i acres this season, ami
put it in In* barn, at a eost of . r io
< nt- |s-r ton. lit* attributes his sue
res in (educing cost to the use of
!il>or-av ing implements. I i| he
count the wear and tear of the ma
chinery, and interest on its cost ?
I'i.oVMNo by steam may _\ct be
counted among the opeiations of
"practical farming" in this country. '
Flie l/nnrmy• Journal tills uf all;
Indiana man who hitched the ordina
ry plows behind a traction engine,
which he ordinarily uses in drawing
clay from the bank to the pit for
tile-making, and "succeeded admira
bly in breaking four aci< - per day."
ii, adds that the cost of the fuel was
b-- than would Is' the cost of feed
fur hor< - lining the same amount of
Tin. I'cp.attincut of Agriculture at
Washington li.as lieen of real service
to tin' agricultural interest of the
com.*l,, and w. liaxi- good reason to
hope that its i Mieienex, in some- dm c
lion- will, in the near future, Is*
giea'.iv increased. If, however, it
won; I avoid falling into cont* nipt, in
the *ye of the practical business
n ii, .as well a* of the practical farm
ers of the e- unity, it will hereafter
omi* ftom the b-t of questions sent
out monthly t i its country corres-
I indent -. siu-ii a- the follow ing.copii d
fiom the ciicular returnable Sept. 1 :
1. I'lease to estimate the money
value of injiiiica to the potato in
\ our county, this season, from the
/> .a ipl in i iti liafula, o pot ato Is-etle ?
2. Ksijinate the amount of injury
to all crops by the Irueajttmui,
rr chinch bug ?
t. Kstimate amount of loss in your
county from the Sijihonaphora, or
| arain ophia ?
C, histimate the amount of loss in
your county from the uni
ptincfiis, or army worm ?
Clippings and Comments.
I'lipre i no little complaint of the
ro-kle in the wheat. F-srhangt.
It is idle to complain of anything
that is so easily remedied, unless the
: complaints lead to the application of
the remedy. If the seed wheat In
grown in a lot by itself, with extra
good care and attention, as always
should lie the ease, and as the lrmo
ck at'h editor has for years advocated,
the cockle nuisance can easily lie
done away with. It is a very light
job to go over two or three acrea of
wheat in the cool of a June evening,
when the cockle is in bloom, and
easily found, and pull every stalk
We know whereof we a firm, for we did
it with our own hands, this present
season, ami as a very satisfactory re
sult, our seed for the present month's
sowing has not one grain of cockle in
it. "Whatsoever a man sowelh, that
shall he also rcsp," and if Inrmers
will persist in sowing cockle aeeil,
they uinst not be disappointed If they
| have cockle to reap when the harvest
Careful experiments, which 1 have
made in feeding com fodder, comparing
if with bay, lead* irte to ths conclusion
that nn acre of corn fodder, from onrn
yielding forly to fifty bushels per acre,
ia worth as much for stock a* ths timo
thy or olorer hay that could tic grown
on the same land, and it can be saved
with much less risk of damage by bad
wailior, ort'l at hh little e*ipne.— ll'.
■F. JL
We have a very high Appreciation
of the value of corn foihler, and
counsel the greatest care ami pains
taking in Having it, hut is not that
putting it a little Htrong '!
When the census of IKf,O sfiail fx
fully puhli.hed, the itiexorat>le logic of
Ho litfuie* will ai-toniiih the world, aii'l
prove loevery intelligent rnirxi that up
rieultnre in the gran<l element of our
progreas an<l wealth. If there my he
aermon* in atoiiea, there are whole
tome, of | >ri t row I philoaophy in thoe
figurea. American farrnern have ex
leii'inl their operations until tire whole
population ol tin* country i* fe<l upon
uulk and lioney, and tfie oil arxl the
wine rf a fruitful larnl, ami er< ateil a
itirplu^—a* shown—one hundred per
(■••lit. greater than the increase in popu
ation. In view of these fad*, *o in
*piring, well may lirvarrt exclaim—
"ft. • -mi.it! m.rtrl .f Hi. ...rill •
0, rflin to aiidd* it wiil
A'j. JUport f'/r 1802.
If the agricultural facta ami ula
tihlicH of twenty years ago ho im
pressed good old farmer Newton,
; what would he say if writing the re
port fo r 1882? I 'pon this "clipping"
| w< will quote our "comment" from
<i. I'. Lord, in the lirxdrr't (luzfttr ;
j "One ol the most intimating features
| of that teport is that it shows that
the oflicers of the government had
lregun to awaken from their 'Hip-
Van-Winkle' sleep to n consciousness
|of the fact that American farmers
were every way equal to the task of
"the finest of wheat," ami of creating
a surplus that would furnish the gov
ernment witlpall the money it would
require in a great emergency. And
yi t, with ail the ami figures Ire
fore our Commissioner of Agricul
j tore, he was not so inspired as to
have the slightest conception that
American farmers would continue to
extend their operations until they
should produce a surplus that would
furnish money for all the needs of
the government, and fill the treasury
of the 1 iiited States so full of gold
and silver that the head of that de
partment would cry aloud for relief?"
Muring one night recently dog. killed
-.xi* turkev in Marion tnwrinlop H. r -r.
j.V ll Illy li, r/.
Farming communities everywhere
wiil ii*e up and call blessed the man
who invents some practical method
of doing away with the dog nuisance.
It is fast ltecoming intolerable.
Moro Testimony in Favor of Bye
A correspondent of Kur.u ami j ■
*un sow . rje among his nun, at the
rate of a bushel and a hall | r acre,
and reports as follows concerning In
success with it a* a pastuie crop:
Two years ago we treated a seventeen
| acre field ill Ihi- way. the sowing not
Is ing done unlil aliout the middle of
August, as the corn was rather late.
As soon a the corn wa tipe enough
it was cut and shocked, and then
when dry enough toci'b, the liusi.ing
was commenced in one corner of the
field, the fodder lieing removid and
stacked as last as husked out., and
the portion of the field thus cleared
was inclosed with a portable fence.
Twenty cows were allowed to graze
on this inclosed portion, the busking
and stacking being continued, and
the portable fence being moved furth
er into the field whenever the rye was
eaten ofT. Whenever a rain storm
came the cows were taken off for a
day or two to prevent puddling the
soil, lieing kept in n small blue grass
pasture, which had opportunity to
grow while they were on the rye. In
this way they grazed upon the rye
for six weeks, grazing ofT fifteen ol
the seventeen acres. As soon as the
ground wns dry enough In thespiing,
the rows were turned iqion the rye
again, and for six weeks more, or un
til the first week in May, it furnished
their pasture ground, producing a
grass flow of tnilk. The field was
then plowed and planted again to
corn, and yielded a more than aver
age crop, the roots of the rve causing
it to plough up loose and friable, and
furnishing, together with the cow
droppings, a fair manuring. From
fifteen acres of this field we therefore
obtained three month's pastursge for
twenty cows, or neariy SIOO, between
the two crops of corn, and this with
a benefit of the second, which was
apparently sufficient to pay the coat
of the aeed rye.
t —. ~■■■■ ... ■ ■ M.ii.i
Dootorinsr Old Orchards.
!> £. Kvana, Jr.
Circumstances alone determine
whether It is or ia not advisable
and desirable to plow old orchards ol
the apple and jiear, and no fixed rule
can lie given which will afford uni
formly satisfactory results. The na
ture and quality of the soil, aa well
as the location of the orchard, has
much to do in determining the ques
tion, while the kind of soil, the length
of time it baa remained unturned,
and the way the trees have been
handler!, are important points to con
Some years ago the writer pur
chased a farm, on which there was an
old ? apple orchard of some sixty
large tree*, many of which were ap
parently beyond the period of useful
ness. The orchard had been left in
Ki n** for Home eight or ten years, the
hay having I wen taken olf an long an
it paid to cut it, and nothing put on
to replace the amount of fertilizing
matter thus removed annually. As
soon as I took [*os*e**ion of the
farm, I trimmed the trees severely,
scraped oil all the loose bark on the
trunks and treated these trunks to a
coat el diluted soft soap, applied with
a whitewash brush. This was done
; early in the Spring and as soon as
I the ground was fit for plowing 1 had
the orchard plowed thoroughly, grul>-
bing around the trees where the plow
could not go. A coat of well-rotted
stable manure was then spread on,
and the land thoroughly harrowed.
1 he apple crop, this year, was a very
good one, and said to be the best one
the orchard hud borne for several
years. Ihe second year vegetables
—hoed crops—were put In, with a
liberal amount of well-rotted manure,
and the result was not only a good
crop of vegetables, but an unusually
large yield or apples on most the
trees. I cultivated the orchard for
three successive years, then seeded to
clover and clover alone, keeping this
two years, and then again resorting
to a three-years' course of cultiva
tion. I have seen this plan success
fully tried with numerous orchards
since, and do not know of a single
A Hint for Strawberry Growers.
The I'rurti il Farmer describes the
following mode of mulching straw
berries with slabs procured from a
sawmill. 'I wo-inch holes were bored
in them fifteen inches apart. They
were then placed, convex side up.
along the edges of beds, three feet
wide, and a strawberry plant was set
in August in each hole. The profu
sion of strawberries which covered
those slabs the following season was
a sight worth beholding. When oth
er strawberries were dried up by the
sevt re drouth, these were in perfec
tion. Half a pint or more were
taken from each plant. It isobvious
that fruit thus grown would not in
come soiled with earth. The slab*
would not present a very ornamental
appearance. In a subsequent year,
the plants crowded the holes and
were a failure.
KVERI farm is an experimental
station. It will surprise your neigh
bor to-morrow, when you met at the
postolliee. if you ask him how he gets
on with his experimental station ;
but the facts warrant the query.
How else was it that this very neigh
bor cut his bay earlier this season,
noticing in the w inter that the pota
toes had grown liest in an accidently
sandy The only difference be
tween this sort of experimenting and
scientific investigation is. that on the
farm the experiments oecur casual Iv,
while the scientist invents them ac
cording to his purpose. We are all
investigators of nature in a hap-haz
srd way ; science is simply the appli
cation of system to this end. While
a farmer now and then by accident
drops an interrogation |toint into the
soil and gets his nnsw, r next season
the scientist plants a whole crop of
interrogation points and has a harvest
•if answers—4o bushels to the acre.
Some of the answers seem foolish *
( ciiaugli to us unscientific |>eople, and
we have rather fallen into the way of
"pooli-pooing ' science, but perhaps
wc do wrong in that.— Farmer'" He■
| riVir.
A IIIGDKR appreciation of farming
as an occupation by all classes of so
i iety, and a more vigorous prosecu
tion of it as the only sulwtantial basis
of prosperity will be the outcome of
.the world's experience of commercial
depression ; and so that which effect*
other callings unfavorably will be ac
tually be neficial to this one by discloa
ing its immovable stability and the
diqiendence of everything else upon
it. Wc survey our broad acres with
their illimitable resources, and rejoice
to think that we have a safe invest
mont in a bank of earth which will
never break nor cease declaring divi
dends from now till the end of time.
; —Her. 11 . F. Oarle,
T IIF.RK are many farmers who have
extra good butter cows and do not
know it. They have poor pastures in
summersnd no shelter and indifferent
feed in winter. In the bouae they have
no convenience for making butter;
the milk is set where tbey are no ar
rangements for keeping it cool in sum
mer, and in the living room, exposed
to the odor* of the kitchen, in winter;
and neither the quantity nor the qual
ity arc any index of what a cow can
SIMMER and fall top-dressings, in
our alternately hot and cold climate
are ever in order, always producing
the moat favorable results on the
grsas plants, affording tbera necessa
ry food in their growing season, and
shelter when lying dormant in their
frozen beds in wintef— John I fender
TIIRRR can be no gain made that
will equal that made epos grsss xr.d
grain combined. AII the conditions are
favorable to this.— 'Lire Stock Journal.
Tilt man who wants to make mon
ey from a fruit orchard might aa well
stop feeding bis cattle as to atop ma
nuring and cultivating hie trees a
they become old.—/'Auh. Prim.