The Aatama Wind maple irrore in rahna of peerlm Ajr , Thn om'rald sweep on eofUr elofang hills; Transparent streamlets swiftly flowing by; Each Inter blootif beside the [4nn love's spectacles, surely; friend as he is, I could never call him hand some yet." " Don't talk nonsense, Willie," s:iid Florence, pettishly. " I repeat ('live Hardingi* is handsome. lb* has more strength, might and majesty in his countenance than a dozen ordinary men. Hero he come*; now, judge for yourself." If a very weary lo<*k and a pole face denotes! a handsome physique, Clive Harding'* certainly jMisse-ssesl it at that moment, lice-ame* forward to Flor e*nce*. "Would you like* to go now?" he said, kindly; "mv mother is already cloak id and waiting for the- carriage." She quietly took the- profT<-res| arm. and. e-xte-nding ht-r hand tee m Clive'* frie-tiel, bade- him good-night. Miss Lysb- silt at work in he r aunt's morning roeon the- day be-fore- 10-r de parture- beerne-. The* blue* eaahinere* rolie she Wore suited we ll the purity of he*r complexion and the* rich curls eif glittering hair. She looked marvel* eeusly pretty, ami so thought"live* Hnr dinge, as he* male- it his special btisi ne*ss te> visit the* room that meerning. But he-r e-vchishe* Were We-t; she looked as if she- haet bes-n shedding a te-ar or twee, sile*ntly, there- to he-rse-lf; and,per haps, the- seeftne-s*arul tenelernessin he-r face* niaeh* he r nppe-ar meire lewiutiful still, ("live- carries! a king, narrow Nx in his hand, eef blue cnaine-1 ami gilt, anel places 1 it unele-r he-r eye*. " The* lie-t. Florence-," said be. " Had veeu forge>tte-n it? You have ween it quite* fairly, or you w ill have elone so tee-inormw. for there* remains yet one more elay In-fore the uieenth is com pleted. Xeew, will yeui tell me why you have see coldly declined the twei offers of marriage you have lie-en lionoresl with since your stay with us?" " I have not felt myself honored," she repliesl. "One was from a spend thrift and debauchee ; the other from a brainless fop who possessed lint one idea in the world—that of admiring his own figure." " But you have repelled admiration so jiersistently," said ('live; "others who certainly admired you, miglrt have—" " Thank you. Cousin Clive, for the lx't. May I look ?" interrupted Flor ence Lysle, as she put out one baud for the box. "Certainly not, until to-morrow,'• was the reply; " then you may wear home the prettiest pair of glove* the I MIX contains, if you like; nnd when you are gone, perhaps I shall lie able to get hack my rest again and my ap petite*. You have robbed me of both since you have lieen here." "Cousin Clive!" she exclaimed. " I say you have robNsl me of both," repented Clive. " Be-fore I saw you I was able to eat like any other ordinary mortal; hut now the dazzling things at the tat dee nre not thee plate anel crys tal. but a pair of snowy hands that keep moving up and down, and mes merize my black e*ye* to look at them. Be fore you came, I could sleep soundly enough at night, and wake refreshed in the morning; but now my dreains are wild and feverish, of liewilderlng eyes and glittering gulden hair, nnd one ethereal form that coition between me and slumber." - life ■ - _ FJLJ T*• J " Please don't, Clive," said Florence* i "But 1 will," said he. "Oh, you | shall fairly win your bet, my little Floy, I am a cross old bachelor, cousin; hut for all that, I mean to tell you that I love you with all my Herat and soul." Her head dropped down suddenly, and the long hair fell over hot cheeks, and her hands trembled and clasped themselves together on her lap. There was a painful pause*; and when Florence dared to lift her eyes she saw ('live Hardinge's face hurled in his folded arms, cjulet arjd still. She rose hesitatingly, and then went up to him, placed one soft hand on his hair, while with the other site* ex tended the unopened box. " 1 don't want your gloves, Cousin ("live," she said. "Why not?" lie asked, with white lips. " Because I have lost my bet," she replied, turning away her shy face. " Florence—iny darling Floy, have 1 won it?" he exclaimed, rapturously, starting up and catching her hand. " Vcs, and me, too," she murmured, as she lifted her blushing face to his, ami his arms closed around her in a tight embrace. Hugs. When an American buyer arrives in the heart of the rug-making country in Asia he selects the Iswt agent he can find and gives him an order for, say, Psi rugs, ~f almut th<* colors and sizes of certain samples which he may find in the bazaars. The Turkish agent tle-ii employs natives of the villages where the kind of rugs selected are wanted, giving to each a hag of gold and instructions to {order four rugs. The subagent then gee* among tin* families and talks rugs with them, drinking many cups of coffee and dis cussing the price for days at a time. When a bargain is conclude! some money is furnished the family for wool, dyes and feed, and the agent goes away -nr that in the course of a few months the rug will he ready. Up*-n a carpet measuring eight fist by twelve a whole family will work for months. The cotton or woolen threads which form the groundwork or warp of the fabric are stretched upon a huge frame the width of the rug, and the family, or such memlicrs of it as are able, sit on the floor and tie knots in the warp threads with the colored wool tufts, tightening the finished fabric now and then with a rough comb. Kah worker take* about twenty seven inches of the rug and works along this strip. From two to four inches a day is the speed at which the rug advance* if the family is large enough for the whole width of the rug to advance at the same time. A rug eight or nine feet wide requires four persons, who work side by side. The finishing of the rug, smoothing, clipping, etc., is a work requiring skill and judgment. The wages are very small and the payment is according to the number of square feet. The work ers know certain patterns by heart and dve their own wools. The old dyes have in some instances ls*n suje pbtnted by aniline colors, which do not keep their tones, and fade without giv. ing to the rug the softness of tint which is the chief glory of a fine Eastern rng. Si many merchants have refusal to buy the caqiets in which aniline dyes have been u*id that the use of them may eventually Is* stopped. The rug-makers as a class are poor in money, very ignorant and very re ligious, hut live comfortably. Espe cially around the borders of the'C as pi an sea, in the country watered by the riv ers from the Caucasian mountains, are the people in comfortable circum stances, although alsuit three centuries behind the resit of the world. The rugs and carpets are brought in from Persia ami the neighboring districts on camels' backs, the arrival of camel trains l>eing one of the curious sights of the town. A Helpful "01" An eminent clergyman sat in his study, busily engaged in preparing his .Sunday sermon, when his little Iwy toddled Into the room and, holding up his finger, said, with an expression of suffering: " Look, pa, how I hurt P!" The father, Interrupted in th * middle of a sentence, glanced hastily at hiin, and with just the slightest tone of Im patience, said: " I can't help it, son.'* The little fellow's eyes grew bigger, and as he turned to go out, he said, in a low voice: " Yes you oould; you might have said, ' 0/ " " Didn't von tell me, sir, you could hold the plow ?*' said a farmer to an Irishman he hail taken on trial. " Ar rah. IH< aisy now," saldi Pat; " how the deuce can I hold 1A and two horses drawing H away from we? But give it to me into the barn and bo jabcrs | I'd tumid It with anybody." I'IIK FAMILY DOCTOR. VIWKOAB KOII TUB RICK BOOM. — There is a French legend connected with the preparation colled vinaigre a guaire voleurs. 'During the plague at Marseilles a band of robbers plundered - the dying and the dead without injury to themselves. They were imprisoned, tried and condemned to die, but were panloni-don condition of disclosing the secret whereby they could ransack houses Infected with the terrible i scourge. They gave the following re '■ cipe, which makes a delicious and re freshing wash for the sick room: Take of rosemary, wormwood, lavender, rue, sage and mint u large handful of each. Place in a stone jar, and turn over it one gallon of strong eider vinegar; cover closely, and keep m ar the fin-for four days; then strain, and add one ounce of powdered camphor gum. Bottle and keep tightly corked. It is very aromatic, cooling and refreshing in the su k room, and i* of great value to nurses.— N<>r Y<,rk Tribrme. lii nss.—Protect from the air by cotton wadding or lint -aturatnl with olive oil, linseed oil or glycerim*, con taining five ps of earlsdic acid to the ounce of oil or glycerine*; or apply : common baking soda, well pow-bred, and cover it with a wet cloth; or apply a mixture of equal parts of linked oil and liine water, with twenty drops >f pure liqu''ti<*d carbolic aid.— In. F<*i\+'n ll'nlth Muuthhj. Mi i>i< Ai. I -i -or LIMB WATMI.—- If g*>ol milk r other puro water, and h*t it statel qui* tly. corking well. The lime will settle, leaving char line* water at the top. I'our **lT gently a* want*l, adding more water as needed. Sine* carbonic acid will enter, hut the carbonate will settlo upon the sid<*s of tie* Nettle, and freshly saturated water remain. The lime should be removed and a new supply put in once a year *>r so, unless kept very tightly corked. Mew Wheat IMstrlrts. According to the F>wing ilistrict is about to lie opened up in India. The pajeer says: The India office is lending its .sanction just now to an enormous scheme f*>r the reclamation of the waste lands of the Punjaub. The waters of the five rivers which give the name to that region flow* wastcfully away to the sea, leaving a large tract of desert land, some of which was once fertile, to lie the home ,of nothing and noNidy. Those same rivers arc sufficient to make that same desert blossom as a r enormous; but so far is it thought feasible that the India office has undertaken to use the canals, jeaying tolls for its transit, and to buy the irrigation water, undertaking on its own account to col lect the water rent from the natives- Engineering experts declare that the special work can easily l>e done, and reports have lieen made to the India office which show that the land to lc reclaimed ha* soil so rich in alluvial deposits from the Himalayas that we , may reasonably anticipate tlw time wboen Ixeth inhab ited and highly fertile in their day. In some pla<*es the canal is almost male, the unused IKS I of diverted rivers ly ing ready to be again filled with the life-giving stream; so that the earlier portion of the great work will be com paratively e*y. But whether easy or hard the reclamat ion of 50,000 square miles of land In an over-populated country, the Irrigation of a tract so enormous in a country visited by fam ine, is atasktheinagnifleeneeof which, from an engineering and from a politi cal point of view, almost overweight* the imagination. The only woman In the Vermont State prison is Mrs. Meeker, the mur deress; and as she is to le hung next April she knows of no inducement to ' behave herself, yells hideously-at night and is so savage aud Intractable that j she Is kot locked In a sottttr cclL The Illot. 1 From Jersey to Mauluittan shore. Aero** the Hudson'* pulsing tide, 'l"be I'ilot, skilled in nautic lore, devolve* hi" wheel from ">f a tramp who was ! hanging over the structure. " Xu, 1 i don't own It," grinned the nomad, •but I've got a lean on it." " I like your new hat very much." lie said; "it's 'chic,' there's a sort of ' abandon'—" " There Isn't any sort of a band on it," she said, pout* ing, "it's a real ostrich feather." Says Josh Hilling*: When a man kumsto me for advice, I find out what kind of advice he wants, and I give it t<> hiin; this satisfy.* him that he and 1 are two-as smart men az there is J > living. | Ah Yu Sing, the secretary of the Chinese legation, ha* thirteen sons aad eleven servants. If lie werean Ameri can with so many children and ser-' 1 vants he would at once change his name to Ah Yu Sigh. The retort courteous: He (after proposing and being rejected)—"l sujqxise in the end you w ill Ik> marry ing some fool of a fellow—" She (breaking in) —"Excuse me, if I meant to do that I should have ac cepted your offer." [SilenceJ. A fashion item says the Wile of the period now wears at her wai*t-!>elt a little music-lmx, faintly playing a single tune. We suppose this is to enable the gentleman to explain to anylwdy who comes along unexpect : wily that he was winding the box. !j "Pray," said Mr. to a gentle man he overtook on the road, " will you have the complaisance to take my great coat in your carriage to town ?" | " With great pleasure, my dear sir; but how will you get it again?" " Ohl very easily," replied the modest appli cant, " I shall stay in it." koskt sail Momrr. 1 lore you, love, for good or ill, A* blown bees love sweet honey— I love yon, love, soul, heart end will. For sober nkiee or nanny. And yei 1 j