Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, October 12, 1882, Image 1

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    aljr Centre Democrat.
VOL. 4.
sht tCmttr gl mortal.
Turmi SI.M) per Annum.in Advance.
g T. SHUOERT A J- R- VAN ORMER, Editors.
Thursday Morning, October, 12. 1802.
Democratic Stale Ticket.
SILAS M. CLAIIK, of Indiana.
•J. SIMPSON AFRICA, of Hunting.
M( )RTIM KR F. ELLIOTT, of Tioga.
Democratic County Ticket.
Hou. A. G. CURTIS, of Centre.
11. .11. C. T. A LEX AN DEU, of Centr
P HENRY MEYER, of Miles,
B. 11.I 1 . IILNTER, of Renner.
J. 11. TOLBERT, of Walker.
H. K. HOY, M. D., of Bellefonte.
Leonard Rhone Declines.
We have received the following letter
r>f declination from Leonard Rhone, who
was placed in nomination by the Repub
licans, at their convention, held some
lime ago, for the Legislature in which
lie returns the empty honor conferred
wiiii a genteel "No, thank you."
CENTRE HALL, Pa., Oct. 7, 18*2.
A. 11. FIRST, KMJ, <
CONVENTION, DEAR SIR : Your letter, of
September 26t0, announcing my notni
i-alion as a candidate for the House of
1,-presentatives of the general Asaem
b!y is received.
I'nder existing circumstances I can-
M iiot accept the jtosition tendered n.a,
■t and hereby respectfully decline it.
Tin Hon. J. I'. Wickersbam, late
SuperintendenV of Public Instruction,
who was recently appointed Minister
Resident of the.United -States at Copen
hugan, soon tired of his mission. He
has resigned and returned last week to
bis residence st Lancaster, in this State.
SENATOR LEE, of Venango county, has
received the Republican nomination for
re-election in the forty-eighth district
This Senator was one of the few who
spat upon the authority and dictation
ol Cameron. His nomination has been
holly contested by the boss ring for
some weeks.
TIIE stalwart report put in circulation
that the clerks in the Philadelphia Con
troller's office were each assessed SSO
for campaign purposes, ia authoritative'
ly denied. Controller Pattiaon says no
such assessments were made, nor will be
allow any to be made by any party upon
the employes of his office.
CONOBEASNAN KASSON, of lowa, seems
to be a very hopeful stalwart. He can
see nothing in the situation in New
York and Pennsylvania "at all discour
s aging." His parly in these .Slates would
-* be glad to look Through his glaases, and
we have no doubt Secretary Folger and
* Gen. Reaver would be willing to part
with a considerable amount of flubbell
and Cooper's assessment plunder, to
obtain duplicates of these glasses.
AMONG the articles sold on the slh
H Inst., says a Washington correspondent
of the World, of condemned property of
g the Treasury Department, was a lot of
I cologne end bay runr, the relics of the
Sherman administration. There were
also some finger bowls disposed of which
ware used in the lunches given at night
in the Department to the friends of
Secretary Sherman while they were
waiting for the returna of the Cbioago
convention. These were sold of course
ss government property, having been
paid for out of the contingent fund,
and charged respectively as disinfect
ant* and etndles.
Tlio Senator.
♦ _
Tbo Hon. Cyrus T. Alexander, of this
place was tiomiruded for reelection to
the Senate by the Ih-moerntic Conferees
of this district on Fiiday Inst. This I
conference has been in a dead-look for
the last two weeks. Centre presenting
Mr. Alexander, Clearfield, James Flynn :
and Clinton S. Woods Caldwell, and is
another evidence of the rotten method
so generally Adopted, of the personal I
choice of conferees to represent the in :
dividual aspirants, instead of being the
representatives of the party to act for ;
the interests of the party. We have he- i
fore expressed our unqualified dissent i
from this practiceofallowing candidates
to select conferees instead of the Coun j
tv Conventions performing this duty.
They should be party representatives,
not the representatives of personal am
hitioh, and should he chosen with
care for their discretion and ability to ;
di-cover the interests of the party, and
the opportune moment when individual j
preference should surrender to the gen
eral interest. In the nomination of Mr.
Alexander, however, we believe the pub
lic interest has been largely subserved, ;
by the choice of the most capable and
experienced man mentioned. His re- !
turn to the Senate at this particular
time when familiarity with the rules
and the necessities which require vigi |
lrntcare and discreet ami intelligent
action to obtain a fair representation in
Congress, as well as in the legislation of
the Common wealth, in both of which the
Democratic party of Pennsylvania has '
been shamelessly deprived for many
years, pointed to the choice mule w lb j
peculiar emphasis. And while we con
gratulate the party on the result, still :
we cannot but regret that this con sum j
mation, has been attended by a disgrace- |
ful transaction the result of the vicious
system before alluded to, in which we
are bappy to know Mr. Alexander is en
tirely exempt and had no agency what
eve. The disreputable transaction to i
which we merely allude, rest* entirely i
tietween the candidates or their repre '
sentatives, of Clinton and Clearfield,
which will probably lead to legal investi
gation and forever stain the record of
the men engaged in it as unworthy
representatives of a great party, wliode.
sire no machine work in which money or
dishonor.-sb'e truckstering forms the ba
sis. The disgrace thus entailed upon
the parly, rests with Clinton and Clear
field for its proper treatment U|x>n the
parties participating. It is just to Mr.
Flynn to say that he was absent, and
unless the impropriety committed was
the result of previous arrangement,
may not have been personally responsi
ble for the act of those conducting his
ransa*. Put thisis for him to explain.
Mr. Caldwell, however, was present, and
if the fscts are not dilOrent from what
has been represented to us, his record
| certainly is not clear and al>ovn suspi
cion. If, as has been stated, he invited
reimbursement for withdrawing from
the canvas in favor of the nomination
of Mr. Flynn, and then using that as a
means to enforce his own nomination,
then his conduct was reprehensible.
Put this may not be correct. For his
sake as well as for the sake of the peo.
people who honored him, we hope ii is
not. The noble Democracy of Clinton ;
are the last people in the Common
wealth who would justify and sustain a
Put however the facts may be between
the parties implicated, Mr Caldwell in
his article published in the Ari/y Jour
nal, ol Dock Haven, on Saturday las',
said "There is not a breath of suspicion
against Mr. Alexander who knew noth
ing of the affair until informed by Mr.
Caldwell." We might add that from
the. published statements of both Mr.
Caldwell and Mr Flynn "there is not a
i breath of suspicion" against Mf. Alex'
i ander's conferees, and therefore the
i nomination being made "without a
breath of suspicion" being attached to
him or the conduct of lift cofifere,
why should it not stand unchallenged?
if, aa it ia believed that the County
committee of the several rountiea are to
be convened to deliberate on the sub
ject, we see no reason why Mr. Alexan
der should be a victim of irregularities
in which he bad no concern.
Tin Democratic majority in Georgia
at the late election, it is believed will I e
sixty thousand. Governor-elect Steph
ens hewing sent in his resignation of the
office of Congressman an election to fill
the vacancy baa been ordered by the
Governor, to take place on the 7th tf
Base Slander Promptly Refuted.
I 'elany nn,l oilier ilirtv dog of the '
machine Republicans have been private
ly circulating a story among Iri h citi. !
Den* to the rff.-ct that Mr. Pattison tie
nouneed the Irish in a speech on the
steps of Independence Hall in iNHI.
This being reported to Mr. Puttison by ,
a friend in Pittsburg, h • wiitea this em- |
phatic denial:
CITV CONTROL!.tit's Di rut.
I'iim.a October til It. IN.S2-
Mv RMRSIK: —I thank \>>u for your
friendly teller of the lith.
Let me answer your inquiry directly ;
You want to know if a< I am charged
by one tjallauher (said t be n ,vntch
man at the Public Roihling* in liarri>
burg). 1 made a speech in Philadelphia,
ill which it is alleged the following lan j
guage was used : "The M and the ll'
must go to the rear. Honesty and de
eency have come to the front and the j
It's and the MO D can go to their old
calling of cariying the hod." I never '
made any such speech, ill whole or in
part, and never tittered at nnv tone nnv
such language or anv • ntonco that
could tie so construed. The whole mat
ter i an en'ire fabrication designed to i
irijtire nie with a |e>rtin of mv fellow
citizens, and is tlie last elFirl o( ttie
Hose* ati'l their corrupt employes to ,
mislead the people and titns prevent an j
honest expression of public opinion and
aid them in ret lining their control of j
power. I cannot believe, however, that j
it can have any such i licet at this time, j
Respectfully. etc.,
This denial is supported by the report
of the speech male by Mr. Pattison, as
published in the 7 \mrt, the I'rttt, the
11/mri and the Is igtr at the time of it*
delivery. .
In this the hand of Itoss who
degrades the office of secretary of Stale
is plainly seen. Wholesale falsehood
and dishonorable method* constitute
the capital lie relies upon. He has
practiced it before and had the same
sneaking, cowardly curs to peddle hi* |
lie* among the Irish citizens. He did
no when Hill was a candidate and hi*
subservient tool* were then a* now I te
tany and Gallagher, and for which ser
vice they nre retained in position* at
Harrisburg and fed on the plunder \
stolen from the people. The Irish citi 1
ten* have liecmne fsmihsr with the ;
character of these scoundrel* ar.d know
just whit credit to give the n. It will
not win this tune.
Startling Facts For Taxpayers to
" The ordinary expenditure f >r State
government in IWVO was $'.M7.91 I.HJ.
Thi* af'er the wr's close was annually
rapidly iin teased, so that IHNO, includ
ing half the expenses of Legislature for
lf>79, properly chargeable to |r>SO, it
reached the enormous figure of $1,962,
10.*) VJ, the fraction nl>ove its nnliions
being more than the entire co*t in lftfiO
and the entire u:n ju*t about five and
a fourth times greater than twenty
year* before. This sum, extravagant a*
it is. doe* n it include the extraordinary
payment* (or pur|io*e* resulting direct
ly from the war, nor payment of inter
est and princi pal on public debt. A
like ratio of increase would eighteen
j year* (ruin now make the annual ex
| penditurn for ordinary State purpose*
over twenty six million* of dollar*. No
m in can—no tnan ought to —justify such
I uncalled for and such unwarrantable
; lavishnes* with the people'* money.
* a • • • •
1 'T admit that extravagance in expen
j diture i* to-day tbe chief *in of nil del
egated rule corporation, municipal.
State and national. The Republican
| party, being in power in State or nation
I is properly held re(ion*ible, and mu*l
purge itself from the ju*t charge of
waste or early fall beneath the condem
nation of a frugal people."
The almve startling statement we give
without comment. It i a statement
that come* not (ruin a Democratic, or a
Democratic writer, but from no lea a
personsgi-than Hon Kli. Slifer, ex Sec"
j retary of State under Governor Curlin.
It is taken from hi* speech at a Stalwart
meeting at Lewiaburg, on Monday, Sep
teiulii-r IH, and conlaina much for the
overburdened taxpayer to ponder over.
PRTIR Court it in discussing tbe tariff
question txdore the Commission, stated
that what the country want* I* "a per.
manent and stable tariff thai will not
lie broken up every ten years," Yea,
that's it. One baaed on common sense,
and within the liinita of the Conatilu.
lion, with honest and fair diacrimlna
lion in favor ol our labor industries,
and not exclusively in the interest# of
monopolies snd corporation*, as at pve
The Keveiinea nud Debt.
- The proposition of Senator .lone*, <f
: Nevada, to continue the present rati*
1 of taxation, n* (o both the tnrifTand in.
t'-rnal revenue, for the purpose of ex
tingilishing the | tihlic debt at the rar
i lies' | to, si Lie tlaie, would meet with fa
i vor in many quarter* if it were possible
i to go on to the end with the immediate
| application of surplus revenue pi the
redemption of bonds. There is unde
! niably a strong public sentiment in fav- j
jor of getting out of debt. The theory !
j that a national debt is n blessing doe* ;
not obtain to any considerable extent
in tb. country, ar.d we have no doubt
! that the day on which the lat of our
j bonds is paid will be a • i.*v of public
rejoicing in < v- ry part of the country.
but t hi re i* one fatal ol j>-< tionlo Sen
ator .1 ones' programme, and although
tie hints at s- me devtce for removing it
lie full* to iibow any g >d reason to be
-1 lieve that a practicable an I acceptable
plan can be d -vised. Through the op
: eration* of the various refunding l<w.
our l otnl' d si* bt lias hepri made pa) a
i Lie in three instalments. The fir*i of
| sf-1.i.0U0.000, is due now ; the second of
$250.1)00 000 will not be ilue until 1 Kit 1
j —nine year* ; the third of $7.Ti,R84,.K)0 j
j will no! be due untill l'.K(7—twenty five '
j years.
Last year our surplus over and above
ill appropriation* for ordinary and ex
tradordinury purpose* was nearly $152,-
1)00 00, and thi* amount was used in re
deeming our bond*. The revenues are j
rapidly increasing, tho increase of la-t |
year over the previous yrar being $!3,- j
OtlO.OOii. It i* Iwlieved that the surplus I
thi* year will be shout $200.0n0.00n. At
tin* rale tbe matured bond, $f t'i OOO.OCO
will be paid by ISfls, leaving six ;
year* to le'.U lefore we cm touch ;
! the second instalment of $250 ,00u 000
except at the mercy of the holders.
Tbe people would not consent to the
offer of a bonus to induce the bondhold
ers to accept premature payment.
Hire, then, would be six year* with
surplus accumulating, or being reckless- j
j ly and corruptly squandered, at the rate
of probably $200,000,000. And when
the end of six year* should come, we J
should hsve only $250,000,000 within |
i reach, but lilte more than a year's sur
plus; less, in fact, than the surplus of
year at that lime at the present rate
l of increase. Then will come sixteen
year* to 1907 when the last and greatest
installment, S73H,CM.-TOO of four |ar
cent*, will be at government option.
During all Ihti time we must either
squander our enormou* revenue* or pro
duce universal ruin by locking up so
i va*t a volume of currency.
It must be evident to even dull com
i prehension that our only course is to re
duce the revenues, and the reduction
must be no cheese paring experiment.
j ll", )llitnytnn /V,f.
A roxr*R*Ncx of the Greenback Labor
party, so called, we are informed was
held in this place on Monday !a*t, and
place,! a Mr. (.'base, of Clearfield county,
in nomination for State Senator. This
being a mere side show of the Cameron
machine menagerie, and the nnminn
tion made after consultation with the
Hiss' trusty lieutenant and local agent
here, wo conclude that* Mr. Chase is tbe
chosen champion to lead the coalition
in the rsoe against the Democracy of
the 3|lh District. The admonition of
II the said treaty Lieutenant Itoss to the
conferees to "do your part and we well
will do ours," wa* doubtless very en
couraging, hut the best they can do will
not swell the ring majority in the Senate
j from this district.
THX Independent Republican* now
claim that the vole for tbe Independent
. ticket is assured to exceed that of tbe
machine ticket, and that the only lioj e
for Republican success this fall is in the
election of Stewart for Governor. This
[ is undoubtedly true, but even that is
I hopeless, as the |eople of I'ennsylvania
i , hive determined that KORRRT K. PAT
, ! TIRON is to be the next Governor—that
change of |>arty and men and measures
: baa bcc.me a necessity in the work of
1 reform and economy. The misgovern -
ment of twenty year* of uninterrupted
1 plunder and extravagance cannot he
i corrected by tbe parly who has been
engaged in end tolerated it.
Tnx official authorities of William
, sport appear to he in trouble again,
f This time the mayor and council ar*
• indicted for not keeping tbe streets in
{useable order.
.A * A
Golden Texts.
Ihe great speech of Mr. Pnttissri is
| full ol golden texts that may be read
with profit by all thinking men desirous
of reaching the best tet-ults by an hon
e-t ex< rcisc of the elective frunchiie'
We give a few of these :
i "One of the greatest evils in our pulili
i '•) system i tin- low estimate of duty held
j by public function*,let. This arise, from
their failure to r. rogni/. • this fundati ■ i tal
. -b-a ■ f our government That n publt,
office l n public trust, to fie executed t-r
i the benefit of the whole (ample, to whom
alone officials owe responsibility and of
; whose will they shoti d b<- the fhitljf .'. , x
ponents. When this - nr-jiti-n ofdutv
l b-M siglit if i r modified, the wav is
open for an immedinla, certain and < -t.-
-tant degeneracy of the pub': scrv e,
"Aw ISK economy must I enh-n din
i the public expense. Profuse ex(n-'iditure
j by government i not only b /-,)■ i..-.tit- in
i itself, but generates in otn, i!. „ s|,irit of
j profligacy w hit h |.<-rm<-ates even j-rivst'-
j life. Extravagance breed, i-xtrnvi gance
■ Every usele*s ,*xpcriditur,.- treat- - ~u -x
--| ,-use. if it do--, not cause a : I --nity I r
: further watte " ,
"THE abolition of unnec,- -arv ~l!i <s.
1'.1." redo-tion of the number <! pu i<-
ibq-eri-b-t.U, the narr- wrg of r- (.■.risibility
I and economy in th- public <-x|ieiise - n
■titutc an urgent and practical reform,
litis Wi-uhl !-e a -uf—'.Mtitial i-em !i t t" ttie
people. To lessen the <-st of gori-rnmenl
j -igiitcns the burdens of labor '
j ' Port LAH discontent has g-ru-rally goral
I eause, f--r the people have no sdvantagn tn
innecessarv agitation and disorder. The
gr- st , vil of "bo,* government :• thkt
the interest of the - ffi< :al if riikd- inimi. al
to faithful public service. Jits interest is
ft ori the ride of fidelity to the publi
weal, hut --n that ol sf.j.-i t ote-dience to
the orders of the'machine —in I h- f--l
--i iuwt his interest
Recollect that the man who promul
. gates these sentiment* as a guide of
| olltcis! duty, is P-OIISRT K. Pirrrt v,
tlie Democratic candidate for Governor.
Ponder them in connection with his
i brilliant official record as the heroic
, and successful reformer w ho hi.* rescued
the |>cople of Philadelphia from the
bondage of the bos* ring, and dis|-crscd
J the robbers who w*r<- annually bank
j ruptiug their public treasury.
- Tnr Independent Republican* held a
| mass meeting in Doylestown on Thur*
' day, at which Gen. Koontz and Tho*.
M. Marshall were lb* )>rincipal sj-eakcrs.
j They both handled the f'amr-ron ring
j without gloves. We quote from the
brief report of the T.mtt
' Gen. Koootz asserted that there has
not been a Republican State Con rent inn
|in tbe last fifteen years where the
! nominees were not the cho re of the
people, but that the nominations were
made beforehand by <'anieron and his
petty henchmen in a room in iheLocbiel
llotel, at liarfisburg. There was no
place in this State, he said, for master
and slave, and the Independent* in
tended to stand up like men until the
system of |fer#onal dictation in politic*
was stam|>ed out forever from the an
nals of the State. General KoonUspoke
over an hour.
"Mr. Marshall followed in a speech of
over an hour's duration and when be
stepped to the front of the stage he wa
greeted by a storm of applause. III*
sfseecb was a plain, vigorous and earne*t
effort. He denounced Cameron and
hia political methods in term* of un
measure,! ssventy. S.nron Cameron, he
said, wa* courageous, cunning and
smooth as a kid glove, while Ikin bad
been in politics so long that he looked
dowQ on the people in disdain. The
manner of Rawle'a nomination for Su
preme Judge seemed particularly odious
to Mr. Marshall. 'lkin Cameron,' said
Mr. Marshall, 'bribed the delegate* to
that convention for William Henry
Hawle and I am re*|>onaihle for what I
say when I make thi* assertion. Alto
. gether that wa* a queer convention.
The head i* here to-night seated upon
the stage,' pointing to Ex Attorney
General Lear. 'So is the tail,' said the
■ speaker, buttoning up his eoat and
drawing himself up in a defiant attitude.
'lt is not often you see th* head and
tail both in opposition to tbe othet
parts of the organisation. The dele
i gates to that convention were bought.'"
"It is good for brethren to dwell to
gether in unity." ia an ancient proverb
very happily illustrate! by the enemies
1 of Democracy to day.
, FRANK JARVS the celebrated Mosouii
, outlaw has voluntarily surrendered
, himself to Governor Crittenden and
, wrote a letter that be is prompted to
, thi* act through consideration 'or his
wife and children and a desire to clear
his name from the sbadowa upon it.
, be ia not so bad as he ia painted ; that be
' has the thoughts and impulses of a man
and that he desires to gnin the rcsjiect
oMiis fellowmen lie ask* amnesty if
, possible, and suggests that Frank James
humbled, repentant, and reformed will
he an example before the world more
fraught with good to the rising genera
tion than Frank -lames the outlaw nnd
. wanderer. After a verdict of a the
i Court the Governor assures him if the
i question of a pardon seem* justifiable
he will consider it?
TKHMS: $1.50 JU-I* Annum, in Advance.
The State *ftol!s Up a Demo
crat. c Majority."
Returns from over Five Hundred
Districts ifivo a Trcmendottn
Gain for tho Democracy.
The Majority Estimated nt 9.000.
riTi I .',!] 1.1, (j,, Ctttiui
'mi Mlu ' October JO. - Returns
'nirii tin* i ii* election. an* coining in
rapidly Jin* gain* and losses icported
.in* I* !ij a K r -mparison with the
voii' (or gown <r in lf*> I, when the re
tid j .-.n majority ■. 'J. Tlirm
liuii'iia.l > TI • 1 -i* tv two precincts give a
•l-morratieg.in of f. 207. At the Name
i ti<* tin- democratic majority in the
state will be
**l ►IN.I. UETIEX.
MI Ml.' , Oclol'l*R 10.— Fire hundred
and forty*five precincts and ward* ►how
a net democratic gain of 12,-78. Tbn
reports already received are from all
parts of the Hate and indicate a gen
eral democratic gain. In I'incinnati,
Columbus, Cleveland and Toledo the
democrats gain largely.
WSHIIMCROK, < ictober 10.—The follow
ing telegram WH. received here to night
from Speaker Kiefer: "Springfield, O.
I " ill certainly be elected but reports
from the state are not encouraging."
Still better. Later rej>ort run the
Democratic triumph up to twelve or fif
teen thousand.
II arki \\ niTt is again the Republican
candidate for Goongres* in the twenty
sixth district, and it i reported is in dan
ger that his party will run away from
him and elect the other fellow.
THE absenoe of the President from
bis official duties at the seat of govern
ment for two or three months, is of little
importance to the {-eople, but when all
the cabinet and bead officials are also
absent on political junketing, it don't
look well.
Arroavrv Gtar.iui. Hat WSTEK is on the
stump. He made a speech in Philadel
phia on Saturday evening last, in which
he denounced -Senator Mitchell as
an ingrate, and made a strong appeal
m favor of the bossism of Don Came •
ron and the elect ion of Gen. Leaver.
THESE is much said in the paper.
about the comet splitting up into parta.
Nothing remarkable in this. It is only
following the example of the Republi
can party, and probably, like the
; "grand old party" has became so rotten,
corrupt and tyrannic*! in its progress,
that it could not hold together.
Boas Qt;xr, it appears, has become
: chief engineer of the Cameron machine.
Cooper baring done the dirty work and
collected the corruption plunder, tbe
experienced and accomplished Quay it
called in to put it where it will accom
plish the best results for the Loaa ticket.
He is an adept in the business, and if
Gen Leaver is not elected under his
methods, it will be because this year tbe
market it not healthy for machine pro
! ducts.
Tut tails to Loss tickets this year
seems to have Wen very insecurely at
tached. First the machine ticket of
Pennsylvania lost its nether extremity
by the withdrawal of Mr. Marshall, and
now the machine ticket of Sew York
is destitute of thai appendage by tbe
refusal of Mr. Hepburn to accept tbe
nomination of Congressman atdarge.
From the refusal of prominent gentle*
men'tci lend tbrmselvr* in the repara
tion of damage, it is natural to ooncluwfe
that the fimnrnt f.mily do not els m
residence in that Ktata.
Tut Republican*conferees ,nf this
Congressional district met at this place
on Tuesday and nominated .Samuel H .
Grtig. . of t'nion oounty, as their
osndidale for Congress, Mr. Or wig in
at present a practicing lawyer at Iwia
burg. Some years ago he opened as*
office in Philadelphia, but was obliged
to quit practice in that city under die
creditable en cum stance.. Mis repute
Uon it notsuoh to inspire a belief tbnt
the Republican* of the 20th district will I
he very earnest in the support the* '
give him.'
NO. .10