Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, October 05, 1882, Image 8

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    ©it Cftttre flmocrat.
Thursday Morning, October, 5, 1882.
CoftftMFOMDßNra, containing Important nw, aollcit
td from any part of tha county. No communlcnlWu-
InitrUd unlcu accompanied by tba real nam* of the
Local Department.
TEACHER* WANTED. —Tho school board
of Spring township wants two tnoro teacii
pri. Address D. Shearer, 7.10n, or W. 11.
Poorman, Bellofonto. Salary, S2B.
New floors have boon laid in both
school rooms at Boiling Springs and new
furniture placed in tho grammar depart
—Mr. Samuel Lcwin has established a
new clothing store at Benezotto, Klk coun
ty. This is a boon to tho citizens of that
The Union Sabbath-school at Mann's
is prospering finely. A membership of
nearly ninety is now enrolled. Mr. J. M.
Bell is superintendent.
—Mr. J. P. Houseman, of Tusseyvillo,
paid us the compliment of a call last week.
Glad to have seen him and shall be pleased
to have him call often.
—Mr. Samuel Stein, of Roland, who is
noted for the quality of flour he manufac
tures, looked in upon tho DEMOCRAT on
Saturday evening.
Mr. 8. Goldsmith returned from his
trip to the Kast on Friday last bringing
with him his sister, Miss Fanny Gold
smith, who will remain for sometime.
—The packet of papers intended for
Pine Grove Mills subscribers by some
means found its way to Port Matilda, last
week. This explains the causo of the do
—Mr. J. N. Van Ormer, after a pro
longed tour of this and adjoining counties
in the interest of BartrofTs carriage works,
returned with a glowing description of the
several localities visited.
Dr. Geo. P. Rishel is attending lec
lures at Pennsylvania University, Phila
delphia. At tho close of this session he
will graduate and then commence the prac
tice of his chosen profession.
—lf idling time away gossiping, or rub
bing the paint off front door steps were a
sure road to success in life, we know of
one or two young men in Bellefonte who
might soon be reckoned millionaires.
W. H. Noll, Jr., will teach Pleassnt
Gap pike school and J. F. Harrison, Jr.,
the Horntown school. Now, boys, direct
the attention of the young idea to a proper
target, and then you can let it shoot with
a clear conscience.
—Thoso of our patrons who have any
desire to read all the news relative to oc
currences in Ohio and neighboring States
should subscribe for the Cincinnati Tims*
Star, the best of all daily papers published
in the native State of the famous "Ohio
man." Send for specimen copy.
—After enduring, incomparative silerce .
all summer, the inconveniences caused the ;
citizens of town by the grasping cupidity
of they who attended the curb mark<t>
here, twice a week, our down-town friends
of the press are pitching into the market
ers with a vengeance that is truly remark
—The white waiters employed at the
hotels controlled by the Pennsylvania rail
road company have bcn discharged and
colored ones put in their places. The men
thus displaced were paid one month's
wages in excess of the amount due them
and new situations secured elsewhere for
them by the company.
—The Bellefonte readers of the DEMO- I
C:RAT will bo pleased to learn that Mr.
F,ddy Graham ha* reached home and is in
a fair way to recover. He looks none the
worse on account of his continued con
finement and all bis friends unite in the
prayer that his entire convalescence may
be annonced in the immediate future.
—ln its comments upon the late county
convention and its work, the Rrpublitan
indulges in some of its old-tline humor,
grows facetious, as it were, and finally
when its pent-up feelings csn no longer be
confined to tbeir narrow limits blurts out
in reference to the success of the candi
dates, that it "is a question deeply hidden
in the'womb of the future.'" Well, we
sheuld smile.
—Are the Republicans indulging the
fond hope of inducing the Grangers to
rally to their support, because Leonard
Rhone, Esq., is on their ticket for Assem
bly T Have they any assurance that the
capitalists, monopolists and financial auto
crats will go in with them to win simply
because Daniel Rboads, Esq., has been
nominated as a candidate for Representa
tive? Ob, don't ask MS.
—Mr. L. L. Boblett, of Philadelphia,
who is engaged in the preparation of a
history of Ibis county, and wbo with bis
family spent the summer here, is again in
town, stopping at the Brockeaboff House.
Mr. Boblett is an exceedingly affable gen
tleman, and his effort to place in the
bands of the people of our county an un.
prejudiced and reliable history will meet
with entire success.
—The old Cincinnati Weekly Timu
continues to minister to the wants of its
thousands of subscribers and friends, just
aw it bss been wont to do for these many
years. It can be called a family paper,
bntiaeas men's paper and young folks'
<ftaper 4 Ailing as it does each and every
.mission of an honest, capable and trust
worthy publication. Terms sl, per an
,num Read its announcement on our third
TOE C<*T or LIVINO. —Mr. Atkinson,
a well-known writor on social subjects, Re
sorts that the average earning* ol the
wholn population of this country are not
over fifty cent* h day, or $1 a day for a
family of two persons, and $2 a day for a
family of four ; and there are thousands of
families who manage to get along on an
incomo of S3OO a year. When social con
ventionalism, therefore, lay* it down that
a young couple havo no business getting
married on a smaller incomo than SI,OOO
a year, It not only defies notorious facts,
but forgot* that the majority of those who
constitute our best society began life on
half a thousand a year. That expenses
may not exceed the income it is necessary
that some attention bo paid to tin* quality
a* well as quantity of what is purchased
If your incoihe ho large or small it will
pay you to buy groceries from Bechlcr A
Qentlrmen: Tho people of Snow Shoe, and
the whole region round about, are noted
for their hospitality and generosity. No
where do strangers and visitors receive a
more cordial greeting. There are few
pooplo who once know thorn who ean easily
forget them. They have the happy faculty
of making lasting friends. Thev respond
quickly to any call on their benevolence
and beneficence, and they do it with a
heartiness and on a scale commensurate
with their grand mountain home. Only
last week they gave another instance ol
this, In their generous gift of seventy dol- j
lars, to ono of their, ministers, W. O. ;
Wright. Such kindness and generosity
deservo to bo highly commended. "Ye
shall know them by their fruit*. ''
Nor are tho pooplo of Bellefonte and
Milesburg lacking in theso praiseworthy
qualities. Only a few days ago some of
theso kind pooplo sent me a handsome sot
of tho "Pooplo's" Cyclopedia of I'nivorsal j
Knowledge," through tho kindness of the
Rev. Myers, the agent for this excellent
work. For these favors 1 desire to make
my grateful acknowledgement*.
Res pert fully,
Milesburg, Get. 2, W. O, WRIGHT-
STI.VANIA. —This annual convention held
in Willlamsport closed '>n Sunday evening
last. Gne hundred and thirty-nine dele
gates were present b-*idea visitors from
some Associations. The first w* :
held on Thursday afterni n in the Y M.
('. A. hall, Jams* McCormick, K*q , of
llarrisburg, Chairman of the State Kxee.
utive Committee, occupyiug the chair
Mr. T. It. I'atton, of Altoona. M.-T- J.
W. Gephart. of Bellefonte, and (' 1' 11--f
--fenslein, of Shatnokir, were chosen presi
dent and vice presidents.
Rev S. E. Webster delivered the al
- of welcome in the l'irie street M. K.
church in the evening. The President, T
It Patton responded to th greet
ing after which Mr W. R Davenport, a
prominent car builder of Krie, sjN.ko on
"Employers, their Duty to Young Men in
their Employ." Among the topic* of
Friday were "Libraries arid Reading
Rooms in care of Associations by A. G.
Kimberly, of Berwick, lie argued the
) necessity of a good library in every town.
.Berwick, about the size of Bel ••(■•nle, has
such. "Can a Young Men's Meeting b->
sustained in Places of less than two thou
sand Inhabitants," was oj-ero-d by .! L
Gordon, of Philadelphia. "The fluty of
the Hoard of .Manager* to the General
Secretary " wa* well set forth in a paper
by Mr. .1 K. Robinson, a member of the
Pittsburg Board. A Slate Association w*
organiz'-d and a constitution adopted. '
President Hill, of Lewisburg University, !
spoke at the evening session on "The As. '
sociatinn in Ihe College," after which re
port* were heard from the s. v n colleges j
represented. Dr. Cottell, of Lafayette
College, pronounced the benediction.
Gn Saturday the hu>inc* was resumed
by a discussion on "What Are You D ong
for Railroad M(l 1 Mr. II T Auk ><r
j man, of Altoona, led. A Hible study con
ducted by Mr. R A. Grr, of Pittsburg,
proved a very instructive and enjoyable
affair, and your reporter was deeply im
pressed with the necessity of Bible studies
for every Association. After conversation
on topic, "What Are You D- ing for
Boys'"' led by .1. W. Miller, lloticfonte,
the morning session adjourned.
The afternoon work was begun by a
paper "Developing Worker* from the
Boy's Branch' by J. C. Johnson, Wilke*-
barre. Discussion followed after which
the "Watchman," the national organ of
the Y. M. C. A., received attention. A
half hour was given to devoti nal exer
The evening session was held in tho
Second Presbyterian church and the main
topic of the evening WM presented by J.
\V. Gephart, Belleionte, by a most excel
lent paper on, "llow Can a General .Secre
tary bo secured in a Town of less than
ten thousand inhabitants T" Five minute
addressoa followed "Gn the Work ola
General Secretary."
Rev. J. C. Clark, of the Pine street
Methodist church, pronounced the bene,
At nine o'clock Sunday evening, a con
secration meeting wn* held in the Astoria*
tion hall, and at 10:30 the various churches
of the city were supplied by representa
tive* of Associations, as tbry were also in
The most impressive of all meetings was
tho young men's at four o'clock. Tbe bail
was large and filled with young men who
were deeply sensible of God's presence.
Four young men signified tbeir desire to
l*a<) better lives. Open air and railroad
men's meetings were held at different
times during the week.
The farewell meeting was held in tbe
Pine street church. The house was so
crowded a half hour before the time for
service that the naator, Rev. Mr. Clarke,
led in devotional services until the an
nounced time of the meeting. Rev. Geo.
Cooper, of tbe Baptist church, dalivered
tbe farewell address and not until ten
o'clock did the delegates join bands In
singing "Blest he tbe Tie That Binds."
Shortly after tha benediction was pro
nounced by Rev. J. Burroughs and tha
convention adjourned. *
—Tbe Mill Hall Grammar school will
be placed in charge of W. R. Leathers, of
Mt. Eagle. Mr. Loathers U a good teach
ar, and wo congratulate our Mill Hall
Mr. (100. D'Almnino, tho portrnit
painter, has boon giving colored crayon or
pint"! work cspocial attention during In*
sojourn hero. Those of our readers who
lore the beautiful, who appreciate artiitlu
merit, and liave not, as yet, seen any of
thisclaMof Mr. D'Aluiaino's work, should
do so before ho leaves town. Two of the
moil impressive of his many colored por
traits are those of J no. I! I.inn, K-q ,
; and his wife. In time to co ne, the do
i tcendarita of our local historian will cure
, fully scan the lace, so faithfully portrayed,
r and have no trouble in pointing out tho
i characteristics that now are so prominent,
i Tor happy blending of light, shade and
color, the pictures can ho equaled by few,
if any. Another, that of one of Holle- 1
fonte it fair and handsome young ladies, 1
has been pronounced by competent critics
an admirable effort, and a very suitable
repr nlation of the most attractive stylo
of American beauty. Tho subject o( thi
will pardon our evident freedom and we
promise tir-rrr to do so again. In the line j
of crayon work Mr. D'Alinaine has added >
new lustre to the reputation that preceded j
hi corning hero, by the masterly execution !
of portrait* of (on. Jas. A. Heaver and '
AhramS. Valentino, K-q Nothing liner, |
more elegant or life-like could be expected i
from a steel engraving or mezzotint. That j
our people appreciate art in its noblest
conception is certainly gratifying, indicat- j
ing, as it does, refined taste and superior ,
—The elegant structure, used a* a | lace
of worship by the Methodists, of B.dle- 1
fonte, narrowly escaped being bruned on j
Wednesday evening of last work. oiled
] rags are used, in cleaning the church, to ;
■clean the backs of seats and other furni
ture, some of which, when tho time toquil
j work came, had I thrown into the p#W
i that had been brushed up last, and while !
therespontaie- uscombuslionignited them,
setting fire to the cushion. It was discov
ered miraculously in --as-.n to prov. Nt tLc ;
total dcstrucli n of the huilJing.
—John Olewine is a married man. 11---
fore taking this step he built and furnished i
, a house. After a!! necessary preparations
tiad boon made he 1-d Mis Tir.nio Hum.
mo to the altar and at seven c> clock, n '
lat Wednesday i-renii L", they were mad
one. Ihe only question that now puzzle*
Mr. Ob-wine, j< to know which i to b
j that one. Iho \ ung couple conimence* ;
j the real voyag" of life under very favor- I
able circumstance*, that they may never
lem-'unter anything unpleasant i the wish '
of all their friends.
—To-morrow night after tho usual week- ,
ly prayer meeting the V. M. (' A. will
jeh-ct officers f-r the ensuing year. The
; r-tiring President, I) H. Keller, K-o , ha-
I ! .
hi* honor*l<) t' ihn
lion of all concern'.! rnd is prepared to j
han-l o\ - r t-- his suc rs-. r the executive
control of one of the m--st su< ceesful Asso- j
ciations in the State, and we hq<- the ma- t
jority of ballots will be east f.>r ooe a
active, zealous and capable as he.
—The farewell serm- n of Her. J. M
-Palmer, who f.-r three years has |r-t.!-!
over the destinies of the A. M. K church. 1
|of this place, preached on last Sunday -
-evening was very touching. An intima
j cy, cernente-1 by ministerial a*->ci*tion.
j ha-i taken firm hold up n the members of
Mr. Palmer's church, and had spread into
: the community. We know of no one who
d-es not wi-h tho gcntb-man life-long j r-w- :
!>r. Hoy, who, bv the war, is to be
the next Coroner of this county, p-resented
us with a specimen of what can bo called
successful fruit growing, in the shape of a
monster pear. It was grown upon the
farm of his fathr, Mr. John Hoy, near
town. Doc., you can rail whenever you
have any more pears to give away.
j —John Spongier, Ksq . and Mr. C. I
llnnkie, of Centra Hall, passed through
town, some day* ago, with a drove of the
finest cattle ever brought to this county.
They are making a business of stock deal
ing and we are glad to know they are suc
Rev. W. It. Whitney, of Wailaceton,
Clearfield county, was in town on Tues
day. Wo can say to Mr. Whitney's
friends in this county tha\g he looks
and is apparently enjoying life to the full
—Hon. A. H. Smith, mayor of Philips,
burg, attended the meeting of Gregg Post
on Tuesday evening. Mr. Smith la a
pleasant gentleman and without any doubt
he administers the municipal affairs of our
neighbors satisfactorily.
—The M. K. sociable, on Tuesday even
ing was well attended. The exercises were
interesting, especially so the reading of the
Methodist Monthly by the editor, W. P.
Reader. In the matter of the collection
the result was satisfactory.
—Look at trade dollars carefully before
you take them. Home are only iron neat
ly washed or plated with sliver, but not
cleverly enough to deceive any one who
examinee the coin cloeety.
—Capl. W. W. Potter, agent of the P.
R. R. company at this place, i* very justly
esteemed one of the most obliging and
gentlemanly officials In the employ of that
gigantic concern.
—Mr. K. T. Cole, one of the successful
farmer* of Walker township, called on
—An interesting letter from our Port
Matilda correspondent Is crowded out this
—Never be without n bottle of that pure,
mild, compound, PKKI XA; lnke it with
first symptoms.
—We had the pleasure of meeting Mr,
Louis Sickles, agent fur M. H. Katori
Philadelphia, yesterday.
Dr. Chapman saol ho could cure all
dis-ase with lancet, calomel and opium.
You can with I'KIIFKA.
Prof. W. T. Meyer, of Aaron-burg,
was in town on Friday, slinking hands
witli Ins many friends.
I —lt is thought thu whale ol the Hrjnthli
i can ha.- swallowed the Jonah ol that parly,
in this county. What a whah '
BsaT - Faded article* of all kind* restored
to their original beauty by Diamond Dyes,
j Perfect and simple. 10 rents, at all drug
-1 girl*.
| —Due new lop buggy, one new open
buggy, one ro-w platform spring w igon
for sale by J.I-. llnrri* A Go., 15--H fonte,
—Bpet ial inducements lor Fall and
Winter cb-ihing during the .Summer
! months.
, JT-tr MOWTOOMKHT A CO., Tailors,
j —We H< knowledge the receipt of cofupll
i mentary tiket of admission l< the ra<" *
I of the Phtlipsburg Driving Park A--<ia
' lion, which commenced on Tun-day and
will close to-day.
—S. A A. Lucb invite special attention
| to He ir unusually full st"< k of boots and
! -hoes for men, women and > hildren. The
quantity, quality arid prices alike dial
| longe closest insja-ction.
1 —ln dry goo-is S AA. L--<-h still lead
as they always have -lone in the pot
Their dry goods nr-- always staple, wc||
; selected and no old unseasonable g •• -Is of
' ( red for sale, (i ■ t<> n-e them
Haum's back wiil leave Re i--f. Mo f.-r
Lock Haven on Saturday n-ornii.g at o
o'clock and return Sunday f--ren-- n
Fare for round tr ; ?1 -'-O Th -<• denrir.g
to soo Harnum • show w;ll fin-l ti-i t; <-d
•hanre to go.
The Demi- ratio Ctnr.ly (' inmittee
ha -j. r.—l rooms < n the - ! fi ■ r of
j the ( '--nral House. T-> these headquarters
the members of the party are cordially in
, vitcj, where matters pertaining to the
campaign can 1-e discussed.
(i;r go.d I)ernocrat.i Irion 1 Mr. D
W. Miller, "f Ferguson township called
to see us on Tuesday. Mr. Miller is- tie of
the cdurational stand-bys of his distri.t
and takes a deep interest in all that p-r
--tains to the welfare of the sc hool#
—lf the army of Wa#h!rgton at Valley
j F--rge t during that historic peri--d of un
usual hardship, had been fortunate enough
' to have had access to a stock of clothing,
sueh Lneb's are now showing there
w-iu'-l have Wen no occasion f- r the sol
diers to have suffered as they did.
—Shoemakers, farmers and everybody
using sole leather, will find it to their ad
; vantage to rail and examine the nlr, clean
I plump leather Just opened by Graham A
•* -n, corner Hroekerh--fT row. It ran Ins
us< ! f.-r sewed or pegged boots and sii-ses.
Without fear of contradiction we say it is
- the be.', leather ..ff-red in Beliefonte f--r a
—Graham and Hon have a f.n line of
boots and shoe# of all kinds, from the finest
f,ft French kid shoe* f.-r the ladies down
jbv men's heavy f->ur-#<'le driving boots
; men's gums, women's and children's
good solid calf-skin shoes for fall and win
ter wear. For ease and comfort try a pair
of their sewed army shoes. Remember
the place—corner Brockerhnff row.
—Do not 'ail to attend the oyster sup
per to-night in the V. M. C. A rooms.
The cause is worthy your support and you
will bo no poorer f->r having contributed
the price of one or two tickets. Fair
ladies, fine music, pleasant rooms, oysters
in ail styles known to culinary art, enter*
taining company, polite alien lance and a
hearty welcome are some of the attractions
held out.
—An abundance of elegant clothing,
complete in every respect is being exhibit
ed at the Philadelphia Branch. There la
nothing in that line that you cannot buy
at right prices. Tho assortment never was
fuller, the quality of the goods handled
never was better, the different grades,
from which to select, never were more
numerous, the clerks never were more at
tentive, and tho proprietor never was In
belter spirits. Do not delay making your
usual fall purchases until the best of every
thing is picked out.
—Wilson, McFar'ane A Co., call atten
tion to the only reliable Ready Mixed
Paint In tho market. The Pioneer Pre
pared Paint is not only superior to any
Ready Mixed Paint sold but rival* pur*
white lead in Its smoothness in working
and durability. This paint is guaranteed
by the manufactures not to crack or peel
within three years. The guarantee Is not
only good for replacing the paint but St
will he put on if It should crack or peel
within tho lime specified. It will be to
your Interest to call and see Wilson, Mc-
Farlane A Co., lefor* purchasing cither
white lead or any other Ready Mixed
! —Mr. Randolph Nightingale, lately!
with 11. V. Htilzer, Ksq., has gone to |
| Philadelphia bi resume hi* studies at tho I
.f.-fferson Mi-dh-al College,
Mi ML VI. INHTHI-I rioN. The under- 1
| ■ gmd wishes t-i give instruction in music
! in remuneration for l>ard.
I'lease address,
Mlaa H. Oil MM AC AT.
I iib-lrn BJCI.I.KVONTK, I'. O.
—After a long life of singular usefulness
Mr. J'-lii- K-en, one of tl.o most promi
nent of Millheitn's citizen* an 1 business
in- n, die I at his re-idencc, iri that plaee* at
HII early hour on Saturday morning, Hav
ing reached within k'.'t days the ripe age of
,7 1 year-. Mr. Keen wa- closely Identified
with the material prosperity "f his town
in 1 vicinity, and was looked upon a* a
man of stri-1 integrity, uncompromising
fidelity to any trust and confidence r--j->s <|
-ii him, an-1 enjoyed the universal good
I will and esteem of his neighbors. May j
- l-is rm-t be tranquil.
GRKK\ It A< k LAIIOH ILL.-l W-Ol'T.—Till*
i tail of Cameron's kite sh--t athwart the.
political tkv hero on Haturdnv afternoon.
Mr. Armstrong, who heads the ticket of
tho so-calle-l Greenback-labor party ad
i -Ire nil a motley crowd at the court bouse. '
Mr. Harri n, of Baltim-vro, preceded him
n a wi-hy-wa-hy harranguo of an hour,
-n tshi- li he declared there wero hut two
parties, and thev tho ones now actively
upp rtirig Beaver and Armstrong There
was nothing in the speech meriting [ artic
ular notice.
'lb—. A. Armstrong, the purely nominal !
i repr- -cr tativeof the defunct Greoribnckeri. i
, --r.il < t --f advocate of the infantile Labor
rganiz .lion, as a political factor, is a
man of unusual and c mmanding a; fmar"
anc, tiie i xtraor-linary style ~f his facial
development at - ne- attracting attention
Ho ,re -rited his esse in a cool, unitnj as.
ri -ne.| manner, showing that he bad c- m
inilt- i hi* little ►} ••-c li thoroughly, but
ok-- all orsl -rs, who are little a- :ist.-n<r*i
!■• [-i.blic speaking, he eoemed more i-r les,
- it.t irra-s.-i and his hearers frequently be.
• am--r- t :•- a the convict:.>n forced it*ei!
uj-on them that be would "break d--wn."
His argumentation evolved nothing new
I in • H ing the | robl'-in that is r. w causing j
I al s-lnns to so ir. 1 jslriousiy s< rate h j
■ t -.r heads, his r-xplanau<>n ca*t no ray,
"f light uj :- the complicate J r' .# that is j
- ngr -sir g the attention of so many, and
the I*-t part of hi* #[■"< ( h st< that j-art
tie failecl to deliver, a description of the -
! mystic Lr.k binding him b- the machine. ;
1 No sensible per- n doubt# that tho only
i r.d this movement Is to subserve is the
withdraw al of Democratic votes from I'at
ti'nl), I it the intent is too Bp; stent and
Centre c- unty will roil up more than the 1
u-ual majority for the entire ticket to be '
f unj on the t.rst [-age <•( the DRMCM HAT.
Tic affnir, taken as a whole, s[--*king n
la enginci r-. was a exhaust.
HVMOts OL 111 Z I XITEI- STATI;* —Ttie
annual s - -lis of the Synod of the Reform- 1
e.l ( hurch in the b'nitexi Ie will beheld
iii the I; ! rmed church, in this r-lacc, on
Wednesday of r.- Xt we- k, October 11, at
VM p. m.
The f- -w ir.g is the list of Jr-i-gales
elect- 1 1 y tl e several Classes to represent
them in the Syn--<1
Kssi Pennsylvania Claasi*—Ministers, j
Revs T. O Stem, M. A Hmith, J. K.
Freeman; Klders, Tho T Miller, S N
Hs> hman, I'eter leuix
I/-l>an--n Classis—Ministers, Revs J. K.
i Henter, D D , George Wolf, I> D..T. C
L-int-a h, B. Bailsman, D, D ; Klders,
L-wis Ko-smrr, D Tchepp Simon Bole,
j Jam-* T R'-IK-r, 4. O. Hh---m*ker.
Philadelphia C'as-i#—Minisb-rs, Revs.
.1 I G->od. .1 II A llomberger, D. 1) . G
II John- n, J. H Se. hler. D K. Klopp.
D D ; h Jer, M Ilush>-nir. II C. Hoover.
.1 G Br-iwn, W. II llousekeei>er, \V.
I K. (ir-oh,
Lancaster Classic—Ministers, Revs. K
\ . (scrliart, D. P., J. 11. Penn-backer.
.1 II Dubbs, It D., H Schweitz-r, W.
11. II Snvd-r ; Klders, K J. I.ahm, J J.
Nissley, Isaac L-ftbre, M. I) , P. K, fsru- J
ger. Joslah Keen.
I—as t Susquehanna Cliwwif—Minister*,
Rvs. W C Schaeffer, O. 11. Strunck, T.
4. Hacker, Rud. Duengar ; Elders, C C.
leader, (-orge Hill, Esq J. R, Hilbusb,
K M Knorr.
West Susquehanna Classis—Ministers,
R-v# A C. WhiUnir, W A Haas. J. H.
D-rr, S M R eder ; Elder*, John Hoff-r,
(ieorge B Jordan, Jacob Dunkle, 8 Uem
Goshenhoppen Clas-is— Ministers, Rev*,
I). K SehriM-jer and L. K Kvens; Klders,
I) B Manger and J. H. Dickcnshied, M.
Tohickon Clasis —Ministers, Revs. J.
J. Mohr, A. B. Kopiin and A F. Zeigler,
Klders, Jacob Hess, Henry Wetsel, 8. 8.
le-high Classis.—Ministers, Reva. N. 8.
Straasburg-r. 8 G. Wagner, D D . W H
H-.ff.ird, I K. Graeff; Klders, R. H. Kra
nu-r, Charles limber, A. Bchrleber, 801.
(IRSURN —On UM- 2"lh of S* r , ,K. !;*▼.
A. Vnati k.ai Aar-n*l>nrx. Mr A Miultell Wn.-
wr nn-l ti CsOrln* t. OraUen, l-U. ~f -*nr
AarnnsHf g.
Rl.ailKb-MII.CS—On Eept. aah, at lb* heme of tbn
bri-t s|o-iu. Mil-Ml-irg. Ml A w Klsbrl. -MVntre
Mill. I>eli * o-nnlf an-l Ml** Mary i Mile*, at
MlleUnirc. Onlr* -onnly, P
KKXR —AI bl reM-l-oer la MlllboSw, Sept. .10, Mr.
J'-hn lira, aged TJ years, II m .nth* nod t days.
Ptui.i.trs.— On th a# ib of seni. man. u—tg* cwvia,
son -if Mr. B. r. Pblllps, of Pens tnwnshlp. need |
y*nr and s day*. ~
SMITH. —On Ike <Mh of Heyl, |S*g, Mrs. Ilnaanb
entltb, of Pnn township, sy-d *1 y-srs, t laosUit
and 1.1 days.
police i* licreby given that an appli-
A. v ration will he Mode hi Ibe CWt Sf Oeswasow
Pleas F <Vnlre Coonty. or a Judge thereof. a UM jtst
i 4*y of iSomtev, l*sx,si in o-hdt, a. a, aader the Act
"I Assembly approved SWb ds} of Ahrfl. I*7l, fbr lb*
, barter -W ot lalreded rnrpnrnliae A be raited " TIIX
POMTIb PKHHrbTANIA." the character gttd
jert of wblrb In, let (be Improvement of UM sptrttwri,
asrawl. mental, tsl. and ~by Oral •■osHttUua t ywwna
men. sad (or thoen l.nrposes to bare pucMa.nisd on
Jop all THS 'lchin, bene* L - and prtrtleM of LB* mM
39qSt •
Aeiv AflvnrllMemrntH.
I. Tlinfn*. J. Ihinkl*. Hj K t, H|„. rl cy of Ilia
I rountp nfOnir- • oti.n.- . |.
rent*,do her*t.y n,.an kt„.#n „,,.j
•" '■ • "Illjr fII,Ml M,l
*,rrl|,.n *l I l,i- |,n,| j„ , caua| - (1 ,
Ui-nlfa, on
TI KHIiAV, JfOVKMHKIi 7, la.r.
For ilia purport- of alar ling ot. , f,, r
Im",7""' " ' :i ''l j'umayl.
I" '•" I." Ot< i.ant f, „
' mtrionaaMitli , | P-nt, ay I run
"I in'err.i, dff,i r ,
or * '
"n. „ ~ , )fi
, I "' " '" l * " I'-Utl.) .onik
< ' ngr*-** f-f *!#• I - t^i.
'.no p„p r ,., (I> ,
' 11,1 •' ' mrnonai *,)h ,( |v,
ram* '
p., II lo roprri.M 11.- . - int ~. ~f
'• IIOU.fI. I if. I Bloti kf,.|
Miltlio ID tf .. i nui.oa tj,* i r ,|„ ,
"Of |.< I || |„ |. | ff.mi |t i. , ,/f
ft t|. I , ||). -|, et,.| f .lliton ID ll.i -f,,aU.
or i>ori>j?*nla.
]. j/• fi ti to r*pr*>nt t) ( rimif of
' I" i f I'- |.f ..1,11.1,). , of
1 i my \ nj,
On*- j* r -'.t, !' r ,ron< r for * ntr r-'unfy.
I '* r * f.,f J iy < rof O.m
r-.utry ni f,
I , <. 1.. Jf ytr aui- kn n *o<J yi*. nolf< •
I'm t '.• |'ni. . ~{ i ** -' i i< pr i} ♦ itf'f <>)•] . •.
" 1,1 1 ' 1 " ' i ' lk<fuglimn i'] fii ti*t,it.*
w ittiln tftc* County <1 < ntr> ;. follow, v*
1 r th* t' w :j. of flftin** it ti.
hou •! if* nry ht f-r (Aurourtjvrg )
f. I I •• I. *!..! |. ~f I.m.i Moon, at ll,a
I (lOUre Jfj a|j (
f.r 11... likn.lip of lajlor.ai t a hoiiaa
J*' 1 ' ■ I'ir| oO Hi. proparty of
iiai i Marryinkti.
lor 11,.- toa t.afiip ,f M a., | B ii, m m-1,0,,1
hi lo 11.. loan ..} K,.u
F.rtl. • ii.i,i|..,f i oiui Sonharn pra
rim i latli a put>li<? | u.aol ]• I M .yar. in
>ntr Hall.
For lb- ion| . r , of Foliar -oiilh. rut ra.
fit.. I. at It . pi,< t. . , f 1 j, j.
P< - Mi ►
For iha I- at .l.ip, f i,„.gg Noni fin
ri ( at M ,rrajr ■ •. „ •
For It if i a. -t-|p of "if kk - tii 1., rn i ?.-■
r.rx ikt lh*bui.||. hour. i,n)l,j J |i Fi.l,-
ar of Ffnn Hall.
For H f I aii.tiij .f I llagf, in ill* tel.not
hr.Uka at la moni
lor tlif I' anah j of Form- t • j p|,, llirl
In Itia- hool l.ouaa al I'lD. ifr ~
For tha toat>.lll), of FatK'.- t. toa xtk-
Cloal lkl tlia krhra.f h0,..a Hi I. j : a
For tha i, kn.hipof Harn., 11, it , |, w ,|
f|. '.a at llok'.l i.rr
For tt at aorlitp of Fallot, at tha u-a of
Patar Murtar.
Forth* I ...rough of itallafonta, arol thaloan
hl| .1 Fi ring ar. I iia-nn.r, at that out!
ii. oaa in itallafonta
! r It,a I r,f|..p of Walkar, la tha
hoi fa at ilut' ar.Mnr
F'-r tha fa r .tigh atal t'.anal, p of Hoaar i.
at tha f.li. |fa ura of ,at.i tf.iough.
i.l tt.a toan.Mpof iiuah, at tha 14.I 4 . I -trram
IM iifKil h''Ufc*
III 4 , t. an.'.lf. Of Id ■ wtaa.. at Um
• < 1? k >i k!4ttir>ri
l r tha u an.hip of Marlon, at ll,a hour, of
J< f I K tog in Jaak . nn
I r tl,a ...rough of Ml • ahum, at tha aahool
houin Mi tftotr
I : tha ■ .an.hip of Hogg., at tha naa
mi i l l.noM In t ant ia] t ity
hot tf.a toari.hij , f Hu"'o. at tha t| or
I*a!a mi hool fi' U.a
for tha n,an.h,p of IVnn at tha t.ul.lia
, booaa of U o iatn Mu.m i
i *,i tha la.rough of Millhalm, al tha kahool
| I . ,a'MHOlta tha Fnat gr .-ai . hur' hHI .aid
I ~ ugh
i. I (I . i a D.h pof l.itk it v. at ti.f . boo!
J bouMr at F-ag.arnia.
For that. an.i pof Worth, at tha .. hik.l
I hi u.a at port Mall <la
i-r that■ an.t.ip of I'lirttaida, at tha houaa
I of J K . It,,kg,
i. t tha t< anahip of . urttn. at tha at hool
bottaa naar Kohfit vann.
! ■ r tha I r. ugh ~f I ni'.nt ilia tha loan-
I f*., f* of Inhr at tt.a 111 a arhia-l fiouaa at
f or tha K!r>t anA Haai nd aar ia of tha lr
--! on,h of 1 hliipalnjrg, at ttia larga putgh*
a- ..,I bona#
F r tha Third aar-1 of tha borotigh of
Phl Tpat.ing at tha amkll put ,a kchoo houaa.
N"Tlt i ta klao h'ral ) gitao. "1 hat atarjr
paraon "aai.lini , ft), a juati.-aollha faa-a
alio ahail f.o.d any
any p.. At or troai und, r tt.a gov. tnmant of
tha I nila.f st*taa, "i of thta oi,o. or of any
aity I I |na< rp. ran I dlaiilet. ahath. r a af.|h
mtaatooad ofho< r or otharai.a. .ut.ormna a
0fb.,1 or agaot aho ia or aha. I I* . rt.f
und. r tha Itagiaiailva. Kioetttir* r Judir iary
j lo j.artmant of thia ataia. t , r of tha imo d
I Mata., or of any city or ln. orporat*,| dtatnri ;
an-l a....that atarr m. tnlx r of Cong"'., or
1 Plata la-gi.!atura. and Of tha >.:t ~r Mun
ition aouaril of any any, or Cumtnla.jonar.
i of an* ir,'-i rporata<i dlatrtrt, l t.y laa Itoapa
. l aof h. idmg oraa. rclalng, at tha .at?"-1 ma,
tha I fhaa or appomtmant tor Jndga.
t. r or Clark . f any al.-. tioti of thi.t ton •n
*-a 11,, arid that no Ifi.ja, 1.-i. Judga or tdhar
j ofß.rr of any aurh alaation .t.ai.t* • igihia
10 ar.y ofb.-a t,t ha than rotad f -r
I '.• h-rahy n at a knuan and gtr not I, a
to tha . ,ator. of aald i-ounty of lantra that
on th* .a d Ttb day of Jo ratnlar, la.g, tlo r,
th" aatd a attora, ahail *ot hr hal.ot i , ii.
p itfaw of dat'dlng a hat bar or n.-t tha pro* i
-1 of tha Aft of Aaaa:. hlr. antltlad an Alt
• I or tha taiatu.n of dog. and to* protaf li n
of aha, p. approTi.l tha 1.-thday o| Juna, A.
It . I*>. ara Of aliad lota Is f.tra* In thla nail
I f-.unty of Otnli* Tha FrotUlona of tha an ,1
i * Aft < f Ato-tufdy ralatmg to th* tialon of
d(* ar* a* fallotra. 10-trlt
ft' l That from and aA*r th* pawag* of
I thi. Art, th*n "halt la saaauiand, lavii-d and
roli*nad annually, ith th* a uuty ta*i*, s
| *at h 11* toa n.hip. and ta,rough, of thi.
j f on,mon*>a)th ftotn th- oat,*ta and k*, r.
■ til doga, tha ft. Inning tianf.-d tain*, nam, *
. F'ot aa> h mat* d. g, th" wa of fiMy can a. and
! ft rtary mala dog tha aum of onr dollar to
j hr paid to the T raaamrr ot lb* County at arn
I fliaftod. lo U- kapt l.yhirn aapaiat* and in
j afh tnan<r that n* can knota h>>r much ha.
1-an rolf(tf-l ffotn aarh toon.hip and hot
ough. and hoo mu<h pad out for 1.a.t0 ,r
da.nas-o. In aath. at any lima to hr a fund
from which paraona au.tainlrg loan or darrar*
to aha*;, lit a dog. or d ga, and tk. nrc-waaty
t alt IB aataldlahftg thrlr .laima Iharaf. r, a.
haraio prottdrd, may b* paid.
F*r. 1. For th* putfaM* of 1 raying ard
aollr.titig aurh tataa, tha aaaaau.r in ia< I.
townahlp and tmrnugb ahail. annually, at tha
Dm* of aaaaaali.g alba; taiahl* pr>dtiy,aa**r
tatn and rrturtt to th* Ifointy counntintO' ata
of tb*ir onunty a tiu. atatamant o| all tha do.a
In thalr tonnahipa and tmrougha. raapcctitalt,
and th* natnaa at th * prraont owning ot k
tt.g ai rh doga. and how many of *ar h vi ta
k'-pt or ownod by at h fwraon; anil aurh f fuu
nibaton* a la *aeh wnnty ahail, annually l*ry
and !■ to ' * collet-tad lb* l„xae hartin t
fur* uamod. with, and In lb* earn* manner
and lor th* aam* *• tßpanaation that oth, r
county lata* ar* callactod
• a***###
fa 10. That tha S>tlff of rarh coumy, on
th* twunrat of tbctoontyC nimleaU.nrr..ahail
raua* th a Art to b publlahnl th r.iti.wlih
and In th* .am* matinvf at ncdicoa of th* nnt
grnrtal rlrrtloß ahail h* imtdtahcl, and for
1b purpoa* of deriding whrtl.rr or not the
prn*ieiona of thla Art ar* dcaircd to th. a..
"al count Ira. th* nu la.d *icrt.ra I rrHn
may voto at aurh rlrctior. k ball,*, wrttt.n
or printed on the out.td* "hWwp laa," and on
th. Ina d* 'For thi hhrwp low." or • 'Again.!
tha "h*< |. 1.1W," at d in aarh ronnly w hrtrin
11 ahail appear hy a pioprr count ot aorh I*l
- that a majority are for th* "?-h p |*
I th aAd ahail initnrdialely tak* cflr.t tail |'n
no olhrr county nntil a majority ot th* aoali
' Hl electon thteof, alter hk* a.l*ettie.i, nt
In like manner, have determined I hat the* de
al r* thi. Act P take idtrl therein; Piot'id.d,
that tbrr* ahail h* no advrrliamoent oroho
llobl raurh fdirpror in any county ofieirr
than i nr In l*o yrara'
(liar, under my hand and aral. at m* t.fT.re
la Hellrfonte, thta Sd day of tku'l.i'lMl"
!-Va^ f T/ l X>r,J *.* , T ' KlfM tiuMred
and Righty-lwo, and in th* One Hundr d at d
Hlalh year of th* Indc prndepce of that nltid
Stale. TIIOMAnJ IH NKl.l,
Mtorln of Ckmtre County.
T irTtlßK* -ft ia eatltwly diffee.nl front al
othara. II la a* clear a. ,ter. ao< a. Ita nam* la.ll
c**a,l.a parfrct Yegetahla Malr *w|.oe* It e.ll
leimediately free th* had from th. landing, renter*
*iy hair to ita natural color, and pewhue a new
growth where It ha. fallen off. It dooa not In an*
manna* affect th* health, which feilnhnr, Soger of teed.
and It It rat. .f g|| rM ptwparattona hae dona. II will
r _kaa* •*• Ot lodni hair In a law day* to * heaaUlal
glomy Preen. A>k ear draggMAf . Bach Until*
ta warranted Ad I til. RI.INK jfll Wholteai*
Agante, Philadelphia andC. W. lllliffM, New
"WOTlCE.—ljultfn of Adminiftrft"
Jt* Ike rum Irefammto aanetn, upwu th* aetata
-I ltaui <k->p**. lata r*rgumn t.-wnahtp. decaaa
et !,* hioa gtaald 10 tha uttdnrrigwod, Is a hoe)
ail pdmow tooahsed to aald ctalr ata r*i|eaated In
weak* payment, and thoaa hating elaimo or domaada
will tnak* th# MM known without data*.