Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, October 05, 1882, Image 7

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I am content
To lot the added year*
That come to mo.
Roll hack into the past so far
Ttiat memory
Can only find iilotitf the shore
Some perfect shells, and nothing more.
I am content
That seaweed, bits of wreck
And pebbles gray
Float out of sight into the sen;
For them to stay
Would bo to cherish grief and pain
f would not, must not feel again.
i ant content
That none of life
Can over be
l*ivcd o'er with self-same throb and thrill;
So moro to mo
Will former song, or book, or toy,
Fill the new measure of my joy.
I am content
To live all of to-day;
And when I dream,
Let fancy reveal in the light
That hoi>e hnth seen.
Beyond the present and afar —
A steadfast, sweetly beckoning star.
I am content;
For ago upon the hoart
Can never creep;
And when nt last in stillest night
I seem to sleep,
A birthday comes to me in truth;
The gift it brings, immortal yonth.
—L'lica Observer.
I'ruler the shadow of a great fig-tree
a young girl sat in a deep reverie. Such
a tender light was in her eyes, such a
sweet smile of full satisfaction on her
face, that a stranger would certainly
have said: "She is thinking of h*r
lover." Hut no lover had Mabel llae.
Her pleasure sprang from a far less
dangerous source—from the handful
of tuberoses in her lap. Their spirit
ual. dreamy beauty and rare, rich per
fume always held her as in a spell of
measureless content, and the lovely
waxen llowers, pale, pure and white its
moonshine, haunted her heart and im
agination, and received from her a per
petual love and worship.
Titer,* she sat until the heat and
stillness of the tropic noon drove her
to the house, a grand old home, hid
among giant live oaks, gray with the
solemn waving Southern moss, she
went to the large dim parlor, intend
ing to put her favorites among the
damp moss of the hanging baskets,
but the dreamy languor of the rooin
overcame every desire but that of
sleep, and she lay down on the nearest
couch, holding lyx (lowers in her
Half an hour later Mr. llae opened
the door, and ushered in a gentle
man who had accompanied him from
New Orleans.
"Sit down, Allan," he said, "I will
soon arouse the house. You see it is
the hour for siesta, and 1 tielieve all
take it at the same time when I am
For a few minutes the young man
believed himself alone. A subtle pow
erful perfume was his first sensation.
Then, as his eyes ticca me accustomed
to the dim light of the carefully closed
jalousies, he saw a picture that he
never more forgot, a most lovely girl,
in the first bloom of maidenhood, fast
asleep on the silken cushions piled on
a low divan. Ifer white robes made a
kind of glory in the darkened corner,
one hand had fallen down, and the
flowers gemmed the carpet at her side;
the other lay across her breast, as if
embracing the tuberoses which it had
scattered there.
Never in all his native mountains,
never in any dream of love or fancy,
had Allan Monteith seen a woman
half so fair. He stood gazing on
Maliet as if he had " seen a vision.''
There lay his destiny asleep; he knew
It, ami opened his whole soul to wel
come "Love's young dream." Hut
when Mr. Itae, followed by a negro
valet, returned, and Mabel languidly
opened ber great pensive eyes, and
stretched out her arms for her father's
embrace, Allan almost thought he
should faint from excess of| emotion,
and it was with difficulty he controlled
himself to receive the introduction
and the apologies necessary.
Allan Monteith was a young Scotch
man, the only son of a gentleman with
whom in early life Mr. Itae hail formed
a most ardent friendship. He was
rich, ami by nature and birth equally
notable; nor was he destitute of the
traditional business rapacity of bis
house, as some late transactions in
cotton ami sugar in New{Orleans had
proved to Mr. Itae. And partly be
cause he liked the young man, and
partly as a matter of interest, he had
Invited him to his home among the
woods and lagoons of the ever green
bayou. Maliel, in this transaction,
bail scarcely IxjQp properly considered;
but to her father she was yet a child.
True, be recognized her beauty, and
was very proud of it, and she pos
sessed an exquisite voice und great
skiil in music, and the passing idea of
showing his pearl of price to the for-
eigner ratlu r flattered his vanity than
alarmed his fears. He did not dream
that he was introducing a new claim
ant for its possession.
Allen lingered as if in an enchanted
castle, till he had no life, no will, no
hopes, but those which centered in
Mabel Hae. And she soon returned
his passion with a love even more ab
sorbing and far less selfish than her
lo\ er's.
Ob, the sweet, warm, love-laden days
in those solemnly shaded woods! (Hi,
the blissful hours in the cool evenings,
when] the perfume of tuberoses and
jasmine 11 lied the air! when the 'soft
calm moonlight glorified every lovely
and every common thing! It was like
a dream of those days when the old
rustic gods reigned, ami to live was to
love, and to love was to be happy.
With the fall, however, there caine
! letters from Scotland, and Allan could
no longer delay. Mr. Itae would hear
of no engagement for two years, by
which time he said he hoped to he able
to give Mabel such a fortune as would
make her acceptable in the eyes of
Allan's father. Hut for the present lie
| absolutely declined to look upon the
young people's attachment us binding
j on either side.
"In less than two years I will lie here
again, Mabel, darling," were Allan's
last whispered words, as he held her in
his arms, and kissed again and again
the face dearer than all the world to
him. And Mabel smiled through her
tears, and held the last tuberose of the
summer to his lips for a parting pledge.
Hut the two years brought many
changes. The war cloud gathered, ami
long before Allan could redeem his
promise the little inland plantation was
desolate and deserted ; Mabel was an
orphan, and cruelly embarrassed in
money affairs ; claimants without num
ber appeared against the Hae estate,
and creditors forced the plantation into
the market at the most unfavorable
time. She was driven from her home
in slriet accordance with the letter of
the law, but she felt and knew, though
powerless to prevent it, that she had
been wronged.
For the first time in all her life Ma
bel thought for herself, ami dared to
look the future in the face. She had
promised her father never to write to
Allan without his permission, but she
considered that death annuls all con
tracts, and surely now if ever it was
Allan's duty to befriend and care for
her. So she sent him word, in a few
shy. timid sentences, of her sorrow and
loneliness. But it was doubtful If ever
the letter would reach him; mails in
those days were not certainties; and
even if it did reach Allan, it was still
more uncertain whether he eouhl reach
Maliel. And in the meantime she
must work; and though Mall could
command no higher position than that
of a nursery governess, yet she found
in it a higher life than ever the dreamy
luxurious selfishness of her father's
home had given her.
Her employers were of the ordinary '
class. 1 tan weave no romance out i
of them. They felt no special inter
est in Maliel, neither did they ill-use
her. She was useful and unobtrusive,
and asked for neither sympathy nor
attention. No letter came from Al
lan. though she waited and hoped with
failing heart and paling cheeks for
more than a year. She had not the
courage to write again, ami her anx
iety and distress begun to tell very |s*r
ccptlbly on a naturally frail constitu
tion. Then a physician advised her to
try at once a more invigorating cli
mate, and she not unwillingly agrisil
to accompany the invalid wife of an
officer returning to her home in New-
This w as the daw n of a brighter day
for Mattel; by tlie advice of friends
she established herself in a fashionable
locality and commenced teaching mil-1
sic. I think few women could have
lieen more successful ; so in the see-!
oml w inter of Maliel's residence in New-
York It ltecame " the thing " to invite
Miss Rae to preside over select social
and musical entertainments. I have a
friend who met her during that season
frequently, and who describes her tart,
and influence as something extraordi
nary and magnetic. Her rare beauty
was undiminished, though inure
thoughtful ; her drees was uniformly
the same—a pale pink lusterless silk,
with tuberoses In her hair and at her
breast, for her passion for these flow
ers was stronger than ever.
She htwl many lovers, hut she ig
nored or else decidedly refused all.
Her heart was still with the tall fair
mountaineer, who had won It amid the
warmth and perfume of tropic noons
and moonlit nights; and though twice
two years had passed she refused to
believe him false.
And she was right. Allan deserved
her fullest faith. Her letter hail nwer
reached him, and yet he had with in
rredibledifficulty made his way to New
Orleans, only to And the plantation in
the hands of strangers, and Mabel gone.
After u long ami dispiriting search lie
left Mallei's discovery in the hands of
well-paid agents, and returned to Scot
land almost broken-hearted.
But he still loved her passionately)
ami often on stormy nights when the
i winds tossed the tall pine* like straws,
| and mountain snows brat at the barred
] doors and windows, he thought of the
happy peace and solemn silences in
1 which lie ami his love had walked, list
ening only to the heating of their own
I hearts, or the passionate undertones of
tlu' mocking bird*.
Thus tin' two walked apart who
should have walked hand in hand, and
I it seemed as if the years only widem*!
that brea'-h over which two souls
{ looked longingly and called vainly.
Did fate knock softly at Mabel's soul
then? for slm blushed, and instantly,
! as if by magic, there sprang up in her
heart a happy refrain, which she could
not control, ami which kept n singing,
"II)* cornea! he comes! mv lover
comes !"
She dressed with in>>rc than ordinary
1 care, and was so Impatient that her
toilet was ooinplett*! before tin* others
had liegun. So she sat down in the
sun-lighted parlors, saying to herself :
"I will lie calm; for how should I
la-ar a disappointment, ami what
ground of hop)' have 1? Absolutely
none, but that he comes from the same
! country. No, there is no hope."
But still doubt and fear
she could hear the same chiming un.
j dertone, "He comes! he conn's! my
lover comes!"
But if we wait the harvest of tlu
lu-art will come; and so one day Mabel
got a note from a friend announcing
her return from abroad, anil begging
her to lie present at a small informal
reunion at her house that evening. She
went early in the day, and *|M-nt the
afternoon in th** plea-ant gossip
which young and happy women enjoy.
Her friends rallied her a good deal
u j * in her growing year*, ami laughingly
advised her to si-cnre a young S'otch
man with whom they hail a plea-ant
acquaintance in their travel*, anil who
was now in New York, ami going to
sjicnd the evening with them.
she liernme nervous anil stijiersti
tioii*. and when the silence wa* broken
bv a quick ring and a rapid footstep
she rose involuntarily from her chair,
anil stood trembling and flushing with
excitement in the middle of the room.
Ah, Malxd! Mabi-I! Your In-art has
*i*-n further than )our eyes. Allan
has come at last.
" Ah, my darling! my darling! I have
found you at last!" wa* all that Mattel
heard as Allan clasped her to his
And so Mattel's w inter of disc intent
and sorrow was over, and never more
•liil she have grief or pain unsnnthed or
uneomfnrted- for she was loved.—
llnrptr'n IVrrklg.
The Pioneer of ( hi) ago.
A writer In tlie CongrrgnthonnlM
thus speaks of the first settler of the
<pii**n City of the West:
Chicago—the modern miracle the
wonder of the century —a *ol>er reality,
outrunning the wildest dreams of im
agination an Occidenal fact surpassing
the Oriental fancy of the Arabian
Nights, rising, by a single wave of the
magician's wand, from a miasmatic
marsh to a magnificent metropolis,
from a military post,! with a few soL
diers and alsmt two hundred Indians.
French and half-breeds, to a commer
cial center with six hundred thousand
people, of every kindrisl and tongue
and trilw under the whole heavens—
all in fifty years !
No the amazing panorama pass,*! lie.
fore the vision, as Deacon I'hilo Car
penter, ot starving the fiftieth anniver.
san* of Ids life in Chicago, narrated
the changes that had come under his
observation during those flftv years.
Leaving Troy, N. Y., late in June,
1832, he reached this place on tlie lHtlt
of July, traveling part of the way by
eanal lsiat, part by the lake, part by
wagon, part (round the head of Lake
Michigan) by canoe in charge of two
Indians, and entering Chicago by ox
team ! The first thing he saw was the
American flag floating over Fort Dear
Mr. Carpenter bought a quarter sc
ti>n of land in what is now al>oiit the
renter of the city, at ten shilling* an
arre. He soon organised a Sunday
school of thirteen children. This be
came the germ of the present Sunday"
school of the First Presbyterian
church, which was organized alout a
year later.
llcv. Jeremiah Porter, a missionary
from Mackinaw, preaclied the first ser
mon ever preached in Chicago. Au
army chaplain, honored and beloved by
a wide circle of friends, he is still liv
ing. There are. so far as is known,
only three other men liesides Mr. Car
penter now in Chicago who were here
fifty years ago. What Chicago Is now
the whole world knows. What it will
be fifty years hence it would seem ex- j
travagant to predict. JEj J
A hunt of golden minsliiiic,
A w)iij>erini; of the leave*,
A musio-ri|>|>le on the brook,
A joy, 11 wonder in each noolc;
A KWeepiiiu ehndow o'er the land,
A lliiNliinu of the tree-top*,
A crinifuininu of tho lake,
A peaceful mikliie** in the air,
A thought of hidden mysteries there,
A (,'lorioti* fading of tho nun—
A summer'* day i* done.
A joy in childhood'* plaything*,
A casting thein aside;
A flash of golden youth-hood's liour,
Wlien joy break* through the passing shower;
A ca*th- building in tlie air;
A chcriahed ho|a- defeated:
A smile, a joy. a doubt,
A gleam, reflected from the past;
\ *igh upon it liiwoin rn*t:
A mystery of a world unknown;
And then—a *oul ha* flown.
—Chumbrrn' Journal.
To call a laundress a Imwoiii friend is
flat irony.
The rultured no longer call it hash.
Mosaic nutriment is the correct form.
It is said, "Time alone can heal the
desolate heart." This may be because
time is money.
The khedivo in hi* harem oil*,
While thin#* go hnrum ncnruin;
The *ultan get* in sultau notes.
And ha* to grin and It-ur 'em.
The mosquito is little, but bis brave
example is contagions. He makes the
most cowardly come to the scratch.
" We stand at I.ife'* west window*.
And think of the day* that art- gone "
While the grocer'* l*>> lick* the molae,
And a pair of gtwit* butt on the lawn.
A t;r<--n May (Wis.) mother writes:
l "Are t tie cliihlrcn <>f A raid Hey called
A raid Meybies V Ours are call*l (Jnsn
Playing upon the violin i* claimed
to cure nervousness, hilt it gives the
man next d'>r a worse ea-c tlian the
• >ne it cures.
"So Mr. Tangletext is a great di
vine?" said Fogg ; "well,that's lss-au*)-
noissiy can divine his meaning, I snp
"There is always room at the top;"
*aid the hotel clerk with a sardonic
grin, as Im sent the weary guest up to
the ninth story.
A painter, whose talents were but
indifl- rent, turned physician, lie wa*
asked the reason of it. "In painting,"
answered he, "all the faults arc <x
]isi*l to the eye; but in physic they
are buriisl with the patient, anil one
gets on more easily."
The wealthiest city of its *l7,■ in the
I'nitisl Stati-sis Portland, Oregon. A
witty writer accounts for it hv sav
ing : *• It rains for six months there
and the women folk* cannot get out to
spend the money, and wealth nis-cx
sarily accumulates."
Tlie ingenuity of the human race is
marvelous. A man in New York has
manufactured a couple of facsimile
bald heads, which lie places in the
<Uning-rooin, and there is not a fly in
the apartment that doesn't roost on
the counterfeits from rosy morn till
dewy eve.
A little girl, when her father's table
was honored with an esteemed guest,
ls-gan talking very earnestly in the
first pans*- of the conversation. Her
father checked her very sharply, say
ing. " Why is it that you talk so much ?"
" Tnuse I've dot soinesin t say," was
tlie innocent reply.
A little lady of two-and-a-half years
had picked up a cane in the corner of
the room and was playing with it—a
plain stick l>ont at tlie end. Papa
asktsl. "What are you doing with the
cane?" "It isn't a cane." "What is
it, then?" "It's an umbrella without
any clothes on it,"
" I wish I was a horse !" exclaimed
a Now York boy who had Just Ikmmi
soundly whipped by a country school
master. "Why do you desire to lie a
brute?" asked the astonished peda
gogue. "Because," whined the lad,
whenever von licked me you'd be
arrests*l for cruelty to animals."
"I suppose when women get their
rights," said the young man in tlie flat
hat. "you girls will lie making love to
the fellows. It must lie awfully nice
to lie made love to, you know." "Yes,"
replied Angelina, "only one wants to
chose one's lover." The next mo
ment the young man in the flat hat
was standing alone, feeling flatter than
his flat hat.
Hargleal Instruments Among the An
Says /)r. FOOU'M If rait h MONTHLY:
Some of the surgical Instruments
found in the hurled ruins of the ancient
city of Pompeii, now in the collection
of antiquities In the museum of Na
ples, show that the surgeons of that
time were provided with many of the
most important instruments now tn
use. The /amcet remarks that the
number of instruments found in one
house there will liear comparison with
those possessed by the average practi
tioner of the preeent day.
.. it.
iv,...,rn. In nrlimni'.
in this long whitewashed room there
is a display of toilets such as have
rarely been seen. The girl* are in
white dresses, with muslin or China
crape embroidered shawls. The pic
turesque cap is of light lace, made up
with something like a horn at the
back ot the head. The white dresses
are relieved by silk aprons, with bibs
of t lie most delicate colors pale blue,
sea green, lilac ami gray mingling
with charming grace. We ctqiecially
noticed one young recently married
woman for the almost Eastern luxury
of her toilet. A dress of white satin,
ro> -colored stocking*. ribi*,r. of
tlie same color round
her waist, trimmings embroidered
with roses, a muslin shawl and apron,
lace headdress and silver ornaments.
She was pretty as well, with a delicate
complexion and line brown eyes. The
im-n are nmeli less conspicuous.
I heir coats are of a very somber hue
and they wear broad-brimmed hats.
The two violinists who formed the
orchestra played the old air of the
branlc. The dancers took each other
by the hand in tiles of twelve and exe
cuted a dance of the country known
as the gavotte. Each tile, led by a
man, gravely dcserilied half-circles in
form of the letters. All these gar
landsof men and women move lightly,
crossing, turning, gliding adroitly
around each other and never departing
fr.iiu the most ceremonious gravity.
In this country manners and customs
are deeply rooted; nothing has
changed; they dance as they did in
tlie days of Louis XlV.—(Jhumbfrs'
find \oiw for \\ oitirit,
Andrews, Ind., has a brass band
co!ii|*-'sl of fourteen, young ladies.
Al>ut t wo hundred and liftv female
clerks are now employed in the central
] ist • iflici at London.
A sjik journal recommends strain)*!
hot i iff)*' for ch-aning black silk. Tin
silk should in' sp ing'*! with thecoffi-e
>n the right side and press<*l on the
The gohl which President
Van Itnnn purchas,*! are -till at the
White House arel there i* some silver
ware that has d n<- duty for sixty-five
At a recent wedding reception in
New York the space lietween the f"M
ing-*l>ir* in the drawing-room* was
filb*l in by a curtain compose*l entirely
of suiilax ilotti*! with roses.
Mr*. Sarah .?. Hale, editor of ' /<//'*
/xi/jy" Jink, who died recently. near-
Iv ninety years old. was the author of
" Mary Had a Little I.amb." It was
written fortv-six years ago, and tir-t
published in Boston in 1840. Mrs.
Hah- resided in Boston at that tiine.
In Baltimore a man was convict,*!
of beating iiis wife, anil the convict
w as terribly surprised when the judge,
instead <>f lining him a few dollars ami
letting him go, announced that under
the new law adopted in Maryland bis
punishment would lie thirty lashes on
the bare back.
Miss Lena Kirke, of Batavia, N. Y.,
lia* served some eight years in a den
tist's office, where she has liecome
qualified, am! now has a permit to
practice dentistry in any part of the
Mate. Miss Kirke, however, prefers a
salary where she is to the responsi
bility of an oflice of her own.
Jet remains in high favor.
Yellow remains in fashion.
Repped* woolen will lie much worn.
Peacocks' feathers aro again in
Butterfly ornaments are very f ah
ion able.
Ficelle strings appear on many fall
Mousquetaire gloves are as popular
as ever.
Blue in all shades hi, ls fair to lie
very popular.
Looped hlack draperies are no longer
in high favor.
Terra cdta and lirick red are com
bined in milliner)-.
Pink,si ruches, called chicorees, are
coming in vogue.
Chenille figured goods appear among
late fall importations.
.1 ackets almost covered with soutache
embroidery will lie worn.
Bead* will he used again for em
broideries of evening dresses.
Thr small capote and the large poke
will lie the leading Unmet*.
Tapering crowns are not so fashiona
ble as large square and flat ones.
strip,*l plush Is blocked into shape
as a lining for the wide brims of felt
Diagonal rows of narrow bias ruffles
are the new trimming for the foot of
silk skirts.
*l. - , .
Sicilienne and Irish poplin are com
ing into fashion along with oth<*r
! reppcd good*.
Leather lace with leaves of leather
i on twine flcelle lace is a novelty for
| trimming Isinni-ts.
Alternate gold and silk brocade
Mowers and figures appear on the new
brocaded satins and ottomen reps.
Trained dresses that have Iteenlittle
used during the summer have reap*
peansl at Newport and Sarat-oga re
liris'itiles will In* limited to velvets
for the approaching season; plain
goods will he preferred in silk and
woolen stuffs.
< ashmen* and ehith with Saxony
embroidery, soutache braiding or plain
stitching, will make up the hulk of
new autumn costumes.
New house wrappers come in cash
j mere in all the new colors, and white
with embroideries of silk hrl htened
j with gold and silver la-ads.
New woolen plaids and cheeks come
in the .-esthetic colors with broken,
shaded lines and bars of brick red,
terra cotta, gray, blue and yellow
Short-waistod l*liees, gathere*l at
the shoulders and waist, are worn by
young ladies and misses in tiieir teens
in France as well as in England.
They give a youthful air to the wearer.
A novelty in bracelets Is composed
•if several circlets of gold links| to
gether with stones, whose initials
| form a wi*h or a name. The same
fancy is reproduced in dog-collar nwk
; laces.
A great deal <>f dull red i* seen <>n
. the newly-imported costumes. and a
touch of red Is ss-n in almost all toi
h-ts, though it may be only a coppered
r<-! •■ilk neckerchief, a flamingo's breast
• >n tiic turban or terra-cotta gloves.
The new braid embroidery differs
from that -•• familiar to every lady 1 v
having the narrow braid set up on one
edge in what is called •• knift-blade"
fashion to make the tigiues ap|>ear in
relief on the fabric. Amazon cloth is
tiie most suitable material for hrai<V
; ing: cashmere is not firm enough, and
this work upon it has a drawn lo ik
that i- not admired.
t I.ll'l'lNltS FOB TIIK (TRIOI'S.
A jedici; officer in Germany, while in
uniform, not allowed, under any cir-
I rum stance*, to carry a parcel in the
stris-ts, or any sort of burden, except a
! 1
A g'**l microscope may he made hy
; I Hiring a small hole in a piece of tin
! and tilling it with one clear drop of the
balsam of the common fir. It will
magnify seventy-five diameters.
At every station on the Hussian rail
-1 roads is a grievance hook, in winch the
traveler may inscribe his wrongs in
any language he lik<-, and which is
j jH-riodically read hv the authorities.
It is computed that there are :14.-
'* newspapers printed in the world at
present. Of this nuinlwr one-half are
printed in the English language. The
German comes next and the French
An unfortunate "puss in hoots,*'
trained to walk up and down before
her master's shop with a placard on
Iter breast puffing the wares for sale
within, is the latest advertising attrac
tion in London.
In Huckingham county, Ya, are
aliut forty little concerns, each em
ploying three men, which distill oil
j from sassafras root. Each mill turns
i out about a gallon and a half of oil
' each day, worth $0.75.
The electric light is reported to
have been tried in France as a hire
for sea fish. The brilliant glare of a
' submerged lamp is found to attract
great numliers of fishes, which may l*
j readily captured in nets.
Simon Ueichard, his wife, two sons
and two daughters, of Matteh Chunk.
! weigh together 1.522 pounds, and
I claim to !e the heaviest family of six
in Pennsylvania. Their several sep
arate weights are represented to le
245. 235, 220. 222, 200 and 400 pounds.
A shingle-packing contest for a 1200
prire was lately decides! at Saginawr
Mich, .lack the victory
after ten hours of steady and rapid
work, with a score of 59,250. lie was
slosely followed by Itoliert .Scott, who
packed 59,100 s hingtes.
While the foundation or pillar* for
the railroad bridge across the Flint
river, at Moo tetania, Ga.. was being
constructed, one of tiie workmen
placed a toad in the crevice of a rock
and tilted another rock over the crev
j ire, and tlien made the altode of the
toad air-tight by means of mortar.
After sixteen years, when it Iwcame
necessary to repair the pillar, the
workman who placed the toad in it re
membered the circumstance, and, upon
xamin at ion. found the toad still alive m