ISew Advertisement*. AUDITOR'S NOTICE.—In the 1 V til At lor of the estate of Johll Dlltiklc, late of Walker township, deceased : The undfnilKiinl, AU Auditor *p|Miint>d ly tli* Or phan* Court of Outre county, to make distribution o! tli funds tn the hands of Jacob thinklc, Administra tor of Mid decedent to And among thoer !> entit led thereto, |IT(4 nuilci he will Attend to the duties of lit* Appointment At kit office In ihllifootv on Monday October vnh IWJ t 10 . ui., tbrv And when AII per ions having clnlma are to present them mid make proof thereof or U> forever delssrred froin coining tu imid fund. Kb LIB L. Oil VIS, 37 3t Auditor. i UDITOR'B NOTICE. 1" tb A V Orphaiu Court of Centre coiiuty. In the matter of the e*> epttoua filed to the account of Johu K. Yearhk Admintftiator of Ac., of Hamuel V earick de ceased. The undersigned an auditor ap|olnted hy aid Court to hear and pass upon the exceptions flled to fluid account, rvetate the aaxe in accordance and make distribution of the funds iu uiy bawds wf said administrator to ami among tboee legally entitled thereto, will attend to the duties of his appointment at his office In tb# borough of Hellefoote, on Tuesday the luh day of October Iwi. at loo*clock a. m. Partis interested will please attend. 37 ft CLKMWT DAI.K, Auditor. Auditor's Notice. IIARI'KR HROTIIKRB. ) la the Coor of Coll.- vs. inon Flows of Centre ISAAC OUOUENUKIMRK.) county, li. la. No. 11, August Term I*B2. The auditor appointed hy the Court of C >mmon Fleas to make difltnhuUon of the fund* arising from the sale of the personal property of defendant hy the Sheriff of Centre conutv, to and auioug those l-gally untitled thereto, will attend to the duties of his appointment at llifl office lu Belief >nte ou Monday the Uth day of October I jo* J, at 10 o'clock a. in., when and where all parties interested can attend If the) see proper. 37 H l>. I. FOKTNRY, Auditor. Register's Notice. Pennsylvania, Centre county, M; I, James A Mr- Clain, Clerk of the Orphan's Court of said County of Centra, do hereby certify, that at an Orphan's Court held at Hell. fonte the .Mb day of August, A. I). I**2. lie fore the Honorable the JndfCSOf said court; Hi motion a rule ass granted upon the heir* and legal representative* of John Kimport, deceased, to come in Court on the 4th Monday of November next, to ac cept or refuse to accept at the valuation, or to show • atis# why ths real estate of said deceased should not le sold. Hams notice to le given as in Inquisitions. In testimot*v whereof, 1 have hereunto s't my hand and Seal of said Court 'at llellefonte, the 2tth day of August, A. D., lwfi JAMKi* A. MrCLAIN- C. 0. C. Writ of Partition. To Catharine A Weaver, Chas. II Outellus and Kltxabeth Gutellus, heirs and legal representatives of John M ait*, late of Haine* twp.. deceaard, non-reef dents within the County of Centre, Take notice that ly virtus of a Writ of Partition, Issued out of ths tr phau's Court of Centre County ami to ms directed, an inquest will l* held at the late r*ldenes of John Moats, deceased, in the township of llainee aud conn tv of Centre, on Friday the 27th day of October, A. I*. IKMi, at livdD o'clock A M ,of said day for the par pas of tnaXing ptrtiti'U of the real estate'of the •aid decease,! to and anions his heirs and legal repre sentatives. if the same ran le done without prejudice to or spoiling the whole ; otherwise to valu and ap praise the same according to law at which time and place vou may be present, if you think proper. M.eriff s Office, It. llefontW. \ T J. IH'NKKL, .September IW2. j Nheriff. \ UDITOR'B NOTICE.—In the Or -2 V. phans'Court of Centre county : In the matter j l the estate of Jao>h Immel, late of Peno township, dec rased, the nndertgmd. an auditor appointed hy the ; Court to report distribution of the funf his appointment at the office of J. L Hpangter. Ke| . in In-llefonte, on Tuesday the 17th day of October, I**-, at 10 a. m . where and when all parties Interested may attend. C- P- liEWRN, Aoditor. I)uhlic sale of valuable Real Mutate. Pursuant to an order of the Orptan' Court of Centre County, Pa., will b* told at public sale on the premises in Npring township iu said count), on £atur day.Ort. Jlst. 1 o'clock P. M . the following described real estate, Ist* of John Eckenroth. derras el. to wit A valuable lot of ground situate in Nprmg : bwitflhip, four miles from Hellefont#. near lh village of Pleasant Gap, bonan confirmation of l JEREMI AH KCKF.NROTII.) 4 tm'rs 1 ll AltLßrt KF.NKfITII. ( THIS PAPCR IS Oh FILE r\\joicioi/s/r.r.;rr:.™^',: \ __. ii , L TTfllLli-L f th \ADVERTISINC/, m • ">• I - an f Isltmbu! Itnej. \KEYSTWEI Xetiffrfc f Biwa, on**., c.a. a. / PsMUWr sf the nstmo mm 4 tUmk WwUff sfta* VVr<4. Jg R - CLARK JOHNSONS L® Indian Blood Syrup. ICures all diseases of the stomach Liver, I Bowels, Kidneys, Skin and Blood. Jfa V l/iorw testify to its efficacy in healing the labove named diseases, and pronouce it to be the BEST REMEDY KNOWNTO MAN. GUARANTEED Ttt CUBE DYSPEPSIA. tRAiKMARK. wr^O-EITTS I.abrutory 77 West 3d St., Xei r York City. Hruygiat* sell it New Brockerhoff House. T)ROCKBRHOPF HOUBE, 19 ALI-WJIUnr-ST., BBLLBrOMTB, *k C. O. McMILLKN, Prop'r. Good Sample /loom on hret Floor, tVftr* lam 10 and froa til Train. IpwUl nl to witMOM* tad 4_] J L FREDERICKS, Repairer of Sewing Machines, BKLI.EVONTB, PA. B**tdf > m ih. J art. •OIITIII* rwd, with Mr. Chftatlan t'hl, on farm of D t. Klin*, bq- Old Machine* Remedied to the In tret ttyle, with Drawer*, (fe., when required. fit-All work |Qamiii*d. tl-tf For Bale. A FARM containing Fifty Acres, tad ha.lnjr tb*raoD nwt*d • TWO-HTORt VRAMS MCILDINO od oat tmlldlnn. TtU gout. Inqolr. o t A. J. * T. B. ORIUT, IH ®towrlll, Otntr* oouUr. to. Le win's l'hUadetphla Branch' LOOK HERE BOYS. nnrrmxrt 10 . 000 to b *' Gen way! SXJRK POP ami MUSICAL WHIPS and CANES. Gents' Furnishing Goods, READY MADE CLOIHLNCT THESE ARE NEW INVENTIONS-NOVEL, ATTRACTIVE, AMUSING AND DURABLE, TIIE LATEST AND BEST THINGS OUT FOR BOYS. They are not for sale, we give them away to every purchaser of * _ A ND- A SPECIALTY. BOY'S or CHILD'S SUITS, A SURE POP WHIP OR CANE, OR MUSICAL WHIP OR CANE. THEY ARE SILK BRAIDED AND ASSORTED COLORS. HcltS BllCl CcipS REMEMBER ONLY AT LEWIN'S PHILADELPHIA BRANCH, ALLEGHENY STREET, 4- 18 If Er LrFOITTE. X> -A. . •ujnouff ,!? ocu> Advertisements. Itini/i/lehl's New Grocery. N KW CKNTHR COUNTY BANK IIUILDINM. Groceries! Groceries! f PIIE now Store in the Centre Coun -1 ty Hank High*!., HolUfoolG, I S NO W-O PE N —ANI> STOCK FULL. The p*ml#i.ii ulr ate the l*at the market afT >rla, •ml Sold at |rtn tu ••lit all cUlOStn. GROCERIES, CONFECTION EKV, GLASS WAKE, CANNED FRUITS, ANl> I.VKRV TIIIMJ K.IJ PEACHES, A FULL LINE OF CHOICE CANNED FRUITS. PRESERVED PEARS, PEACHES, PLUMS and PRUNELLES. PLAIN CANDIES, FINE CONFECTIONERY, —AND— GOODIES of all Sorts and Kinds. •or We invite the people of Centre county to call and incpect our NICE GOODS, which cannot fail to pleaae. LH HKCHLER fc CO. FKmted AOE.Vrai AGENTS! ACIElfTft! Tm OEM. Doners brui' nr. book, tathlo* Thirty-Three Yearß Amona OUR WILD INDMNSI A"Wm4*Ow toW. TWr, fVw Rw C~mmmi m l ayoLf Intftmmi. C/*MI M aMa liMMka By Gen. Sherman. •* "l *M •! wwa nMM Im br --m •"< AK-—. Or. O-S. (A. SSrrtSmm, Or. Ommtm I, m.4 .f Vm t.f.l Mn (111 t+Hrrrrmr,nm- Irl.or WtuT < lflto4Mt. I Hrt r-'S -** *- **■ 1, -Hi mil no.n M tmt 1.41 m. rrtr f.H, mOs OM> IIU MytrSr wMh , mmt-Ommmmml U. Artnt. m 4 ml *—r I till. Cn kn,i. Stow*. *w4w KnlSm—, Mr , Hnitaf |J. In th. (irwl Wt m H mmr M SS4 tSmmmmS S, pnm VI.U A.M OM SmfMb C*~.USMZZ, Plitw ala ului., fmoi fbrmnfnph, mrmSm th. U. a. 0< *miMeat . PWe t&*s . n , t Aaatrrai T . r Z* m Z r— n-M tokwAmknM, no tMttnlM 14M it. IHM hxMA THE CREAM OF ALL BOOKS OF ADVJKTtmt PIONEER 1 UljiDAßnrO HEROES Aillll DEED?. Tfc thrilling n4*MtTM of nil lb- b*tn n|4mn m 4 Ironu-r *|htm wtth Indfcuu, ontlnn w.4 iM >.—*"> •** oar a hoi. ooaatr,. trmm tbo MrtlMt ta>M to Uw Mint. Una aj dm.mi npMi. a JM- WIM BHL Ni MUm mm* Crw*_ ■pTui i o .s ,iirrr.„'sst ■ oo * °°" r*. THAT WO NDZBFUL BOOK. GUIDE TO SUCCESS WITH roa FORMS SOCIETY I. wiling l.y tww of Ihwoh It Mh. ami Ml rwa.Ur awfal honk n. mKUS ll Mh n.wnl.i. |> *]LHO RVIBTTMIMI in ,h. to hr Toor Own LOO7W How to It. Mm. Oorrortlj aa4 aoorwofailt. Bra to an ta Swtrt, awl mmrnry. A gohi win. of niN Ithrmttia W .11 £jww frw wntat rSrm. a A cbaimi 004 auMtwk pr.tM.wn owwm. . Arffl h rogaltaA. Aw bmmt* mm* In-tAwrlM. lw> low. Toium torn TuatgMhiM * rowpotMt hnlj PilMtgnl. Por Canliigaaa. mtmAmr ImlmrmmAm.tUrim aw. w, AYR BATON, nwiwi, hirtaum, ontM (A, h MUt hLid\, k: ■ .. V;. .-ft- • . Seut Advertiscment*. ]}R. FRAZIER'B ROOT BITTER*. FrarJer** K""t Hitler* ere not a 4rai/j-b"p akJak/ tut m et/Udy u*l kia*i in mm; mm*. Tliejr act *trcogljr uj-.n the litwr and kidney*. Ilia bowel* open et*I*od and i;iua of aver/ impurity. For Iniuurm, Ht tab <#f Blood to tba llaad, tending te Apoplgy,bjp'*paU, Fever and ago*. Drjj, Pimple* and IJtofr hra. ftrr<4uloti* Jfntnor* and Hof*w, 7etler, King Wunii, White dwelling, and f,r young en suffering truta or I>*'hi!ity cena+d frr. Frailer. V have need two bottle* of your Moot Fitter* tut I>/R|'*'paia l IHUIDHM, Weakn*** and Kidnejr fhaeaae, and the/ did ma more good than tba doctor* and all the m*di< to* I erer ued From the ft rat doee I t*'jfan to mend, and I am now In p*rU* i health, and feel aa w*-ll aa I ever 44d. I eouaider joer * do in* one of tha great*-*! of bl-ejQga, MM M MAltTf*, Cleveland. O Bold by all drugglata everywhere at |1 per bottle' HENRY A Co., Sole Prop'*. ftf-lj. 02 Veeey St., New Fork QWEDISH BITTERS. TUL UkIUT Swedish Dj>ejwia Remedy ! Tb. cblW' Ingredient and 111* glrlßg .lament of IMb loßteaj I. an b> rb (unununly known •> billet luiul altbungb but m/ mty found In tbi. namit, lb 111. V.ltl. .,.t ||„ rbt Uf ed In fc.lw bl.uu.liuM by lb. Laplander. in lb. bleak and auob-ilad mountain* of Norway b(.|> l.b. .tw n known. In (.lacing tl.m pr.paratlvn Iwfuiw tb. American I'.lbilc be rat.'lidl y be 11... tbat *. bbt. filled a lung Kit bar.l, by gmng a medicine tbai will no! only temporarily |.11.... but bill pu.ltl.cly rrdypep,|a Ki'ln.) and ijt*g L. mpUlut, and all eariuu. 4- f. U. (U'b a. N.ur Munurti, kick ll'adalb Fain. ... tb. .ideam! Ila/k, Falpltaliun of lb. Heart C-lci.- nam, Indignation, V.I tub Skin, t • Homing of lb# llml, kulln.w at F.l . I Ptotuai 1., low ppitiu Ac Tl.ra. do—• bill rail... lb. b..rl lab.. A.k your druggiai tut a bulll* and It tunrlnred. Frv. can la. I^. DISEASES CURED! Wy I. Yrarl.r • Maglr ' Cull* a. If by ■uagu, Flmplaa, Mac* H..1. lirula, and Kmidion* nn lb. la<. lai.lng lb. .kin t1... baallby and baavufttl. At. ~ ur.a lub, H.rla-r . lub. hall Hl..urn, 7lu>i, H.ngbuiiu, braid—l llanda. bur. Mpplaa, nor. U|a. old, . lallnal. 11, a.• and boraa, kc. BKIK DIBBAfK. r, liak., y*i , (, U„ .u 1f.r.l lay end all da a.ij.Uvn Itutu a akin diaatac wltbli app.-ar.*d on i,,., bad and fa. ~ and nrly daatiuyn] !.>• rn mat uaiaful du< taring lailwl in b.ln bim. and al ll bad failed b. oa.) |r r Fran. r . H.f and baa < or ad by a l.b a^li'allot.. *+~ t >■' 1"' and only |.blti. . nr. fur .kin dlwaa^ ever dib( .FrM Bent hy mail on re*ei|*t of t#rtce. Firn Cxen. HKhHY A hvuf'l ® Veer/ M n Nre York. f"t Blind. Bleeding. lUliug or rheratad File* Dr Wi litem ' •lveiiv I a aora curi. Frica i!.'■, by taaJl. For eaia by hroj/uu. oi-l/ MILLHBIM HOTEL, MII.UIBIM. CKMKK OOCJrrr, i'KNN'A W. 8. M USSKK, Proprietor. Tb. town ill Mlllbadm I. )• elation. Will b* found f.lll-law and Mm mod.r ***• Jnn.Sß, lkTb-Iy pENTRAL HOTEL, (Oirpoeite the Rail rued Mat ion ) MILKBBI lUi, < RMTRK FA A. A. KOULBECKKR, Proprietor. THBOCGH rBAYKLBRB on the railroad will find thi* Hotel an emrwllent jmre u, IntKh, or tn.xvr* a meal aa A 1.1. TR A I N | aUrot ut mitiutea. 47 J 31LES! PI LEH! PI LES ! A SIRE CURE FOVSD AT LAST NO ONE SEED SUFFER • A ur Our. lor Wind. Blading, lublng and ITc r.ll I lib. ba. I—l. di j,.r—l by lit. H illtain .an Indian rnly.; callrd tr William . Iridianlbß A aingi. but baarurad lit. bnml rbr-nir rarna <>| ii or • ymr. .landing Koun. n~d .üß.r Br. minnim • .* ttrta ' nd.rf u I at a. tiling m—licit.. in.trum.nU and .lartnaria. do mm. barm grl. William , (hutment alauitb lb. allay, lb. inlena. ilcblng. Itmrtimlarir at nigbi afi.r g.lUng a arm in Ui,i mua. a pmilu.a, gl.aa innant S"*' t .1.1 J ful . tubing of tb. pel'at. ,„d I— n.dbing .lw Bead a bat tb. H.m J. M tV,m ß lrry 3 a..ei.nd my. aixnii lit William'. Indian File