Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, October 05, 1882, Image 3

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    Kaufman'* Chrapent Corner, I'ittsbury, i'a,
Is Correct in r J estijns. laultless in r Jit.
Manufactured with oxtra care in regard to durability and dcliirhta
with Our Famous London Sack Suits, To purchase el-ewliere until you have
in Domestic, Dark and Fancy Good*, -eon Our Excelsior London Frock Suit-,
from $3.50 to 12.00. in Domestic, Dark and Fancy Good*
from $4.00 SI2 oii.
To come any distance to see <'ur Fnm- With our choicest silk and satin trim
ou London Sack Suits in Finest im- I.IP<I Excelsior London Frock Suit, sn
ported Fabric, from SIO.OO to $22.00. iinet French and Lugli-h from $12.00
Boy's " Harvard " Suits fioin #2.12 to Children's '• Oxford " Suits, from $ 1.50
#0.50. to $3 25.
Rov'- " Windsor Suits, from #l.0(( to Children's "Croquet" Suits, from $2.37
#'3 25. to $5.00.
Hoy's " Brunswick " Suits, from $7.50 Children's " Hengremont" Suits from
to $13.75. $3.50 to $7.62.
Don't forget to n-k for our leader B >y's Largest assortment of Cbildrc n'- Kilt"
" West Point" Overcoats. Suits in the City.
Our Elegant Hat and Furnishing Goods Department.
And elegant they are, both in their appointments and in their stork, such n
varied assortment (or man, !• and child, lias never l>eforp been collected in
any one Pittsburgh store. Now as to our prices. They are low—lower than
tiiey can be found anywhere eUe. No way can this be uiore easily demonstrat
ed than ly a visit of inspection, which costs nothing.
!'•> make our Stores your headquarters when visiting Pittsburgh. It is the most
central point in the city. We have a commodious package department, where
You are invi-ed to leave your bags, bundb baskets, etc., and receive a check
tor them. W'e will take good care of them for you. We have nice toilet rooms,
fine passenger elevator and comfortable chairs, in fact every tiling to make it
convenient for you.
Again, we say Come to our Stores, we want all residents around and about Pitts
burgh to become acquainted with as and make themselves perfectly at home nt
Kaufman's Cheapest Corner,
U e send without charge or any obligation to purchaser-, samples of clothing,
etc., we give prices of our entire stock in our new catalogue for Fall and Winter
which is mailed free to all who send their address. Hundreds of orders are
filled daily goods expressed to every State and Territory, with full privilege of
return and refund of money if they are not satisfactory.
Right larg* pag* nint it Out/ t iwt - <> TVo. J%r •• *. .r, >• apict
ure or UMful twok to *.• r> nbarfltr. RIW "dlwil, Itmb' , ! tr fc - -. #•* t tut twt |m|MTV
p'tbllabM It i mor* gatwraily t*k*n tin country %•-# • .!%.• i * :H l* m*<i the .v t
L#r vi%* it hi* tfi- lAfC—t r. nl*tbn, rtn : ti'r• tF j<tfjrtt oi .> It Mb#
ru(M( p*p*<r Ugp; aunwrrtna't* for. *fui our t*l • t..n rln.t liwMUfr We want
AfruU. Uppriuit u '<|•/ fm . TSISI %% #.*.>% l. liMr.K, . Wa.iiui fl.l tf.uual •/.
I th b*at and rhMpttt dally p*p*r pub I. *!•**! in th# Wwi V. gbt fug •• la robin.n and nn'y all
dollar* a yrar.or VI rtnu ttaeefc, Tn llly Time* Huh i* fbron*/ rigid |aa. •• in tli* o>untr9
pibl ib*d at thia prtr* It ia lvi<lps*ti<l-rii In potlUca, bat alma lo f*- fA.r In ••• rj flung, and Juat to *f|
pariiaa. in tlvMuala. pctloni, and nttkwalttlni If y* ai>l * I in# t.*-** a* u%rtlv*>ly arid bon*-*tly pra
aantad autna-rlba for It Tlaw laurM rlrralallon mf any |. i~ r puMiilnai la tlarlaaatL
lIM imitioaUtT will icrtv your aubarrtption If Uirrt ta no Mfaiil in /our pia >.
Il'ilnon McFarlane C Co., Hardware IHit'er*.
Paints, Oils, Glass and Varnishes,
A Pennsylvania Newspaper for
the General Public.
Tb DAILY PATRIOT li tb# nnlj Aotnlnv nnviMpsr
I IwMIiHmI ll the otN* ('•filial.
1 Til" DAILY PATRIOT make, •acuity of r*nay|-
fU)| |)dive4.
Tha DAILY PATRIOT pohliahrr tha Amnrtatad Prana
' nana and apnrlala from all putnta.
Tha DAILY PATRDIT (Iran apactal atlantlon to (rain
anil prod lira markala.
Tl.a DAII.V PATRIOT oppoaaa monopoly, taaolam
and cantrallmOon of poilllaal pnnar.
Trrnaa SAIM par annum, (atrtrtly In adranra.) or
IT.iai oar annum If not paid In adranra. y.. r u y
prrl.al laaa than una yaar at proportlonnta talaa
I Tlia W KKK l.r PATRIOT la a lnra, alnlu paa papar,
darotad ta lllaratnra. a7irnUnra. aelanra, ma on far.
tnrra, nrara, markala. air. Dnrin* IM2 rarh munia-r
*lll rontain an lllnatrallon of aonia promluant tnpar
or arant Thla la an attrartlra faalnra whirh raanol
fall to plaaaa Trrma fl Mi par annnm. Inrartahly In
■ilfanra. Oam nopy of tha wKKKI.Y PATRIOT and
ena copy of lha Pblbnlrlphla WKKKI.Y TIMKS will
ha arnl ona yoar for ti <*• raah In adranra, tlina (la Inn
tha two pa para for tha tolwrrlptloa prloa of tba lattar.
dor oopr of Ilia WKKKLY PATRIOT and ona ropy of
tl.a COTTAOK IIEAKTII,an atrallant monthly iiaup
utliir. pnlilMird at Ibnton at HAD par annnm, will bo
••nt ona yaar fur II "Ocnah In nadraaca. Sand In yonr
inbariptlona al onca. Addraaa
Ifarrlabnry, Pa.
MO \ EY To liflan ir ct.
..o. tl , * T T,,K "WW 1-irit iNt>tn-
ASC* CO. (tr JtKW TOKK, on Rr.t on
Impmrad farm pmparty. In Mm not l< lbn
and mil aaraadln* ona third of tha pmant ralna of
lli'pr. .party. Any portion of in* prfarl|,al on ha
paid off at any lima, and II haa haan lha rnatom of lha
company to parmlt lha prfarl|ial to rantaln aa lone aa
th horrowar wlrhaa, If lha Inlaraat la promptly paid.
A|l|f|y til
CHARLES P. AllPßMAlt.Altomay at-lan,
MI Court, atraat. Raadlna, Pa.,
arm DAVID f. Kl.lh p., Oo.'a Appralaar,
**•' hallafonta, Pa.
F; ""Jl'no* toset M AoUrttory f.n I'm ant., Chranla,
ftp**. ¥*** OgMTtthajW., fcrtt* llnltad Stai.-a.
aS&' tSxssEs} as *■
IJhflrtn<dUlnnl Uinaiifh ua are radloal In fin. Art
i" a* ,
Xi'in A<l rcrUscnwnts.
the hope orf
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i A Hni-p r.irr fur nl! KIMIALK WI!AK<
InrlfiiJlrf I.curorrhrrn, Ir
rctfiila;* nnd rnlttful 31 emit run l ion,
luHimmfttion und f Irrrntion of
llif Wondii )'!iad!ni{, PICO*
i.APKI * irrr.ui, <*•.
rrn. a.%t t -in . t . <rr.. • i act imm*<jiet*
In It rf?ri Hlinirvt' t !p!n rrufniftrj', ana i
lioVv* i-nn tlirfr.p UUr a: d at n /uUi pptluua
rmMmwt *r. n i crM rihe it nrmt,
f>*F- t: il.f.WTts*" • 1 f th* (r'nrrative • t-pani
Of all).* r * It I ttdtooo r< niMty that hf n r
Ih * I ' and for all dlriMf of tho
K; v , till il (. ft.t yin the World,
: •M!t\pv < 9UPf.\I\THof IMthrr Sex
? I: i! (.Tent Xtrfirf In I:n C ar.
t •' I S I'IMCVMM'M lU.OOD ITKirrrit
w ,t . .* yra'H.r ,r Jii.t. ... trow tha
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J . f r . V • < I > r. 1
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t> • ■ t. l.'.y r. X* txi.U.
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Pis asu u re£
I for all chacntr* of tha Kidney* and I
\ LiVER j
1 It )**a tpmc,&o xtUou on Ui*j moat Important L
i organ, mah;.&c it to throw of? torpul .\y and |
" lavr'.on, atlmulatinjc tho •aeration of '
!tha 111 la, and b/ k*< ?•.:,£ t. v .4* well In fra* !
cor. liUon, tta r***xuxr d'-acharc*. '
QJ o| oplo IfyjtiariuJfftias from
ITICIICiI Ida malaria. have tha chllla, )
ara bili-joa. djapwpt. '.orconaUpaud. kldncj- ,
iV.'ort will auralj rlert and quick 2/ c-jrc. i
In tha Spr.ng tocloanaa t2>o E/l rn. err ry '
ona should tako a thorough o&ww of ll*
j ffar pln la It. lark, tn urft, .
' bfwt, M or bnq!'ltr tlde. Uke I f- >
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Hot* Aokkt,
j -* rki.lkpoktk. pa.
K _p*n* eft®*nr. ■*'* 3
3 BIM. >W4 a... IkwNw. **.•. .m. n
lii.ii latK Wtmn.i mm 0.(1 HM itM.itiM p
Addlea I. >l. JONSMToa,
100 Smithfleld tr*et. riitol.urgh, T*.
For Sale.
A FARM containing Fitly Acre*.
..d h.tln* Ikanoa ... ■..) , iUik>Thß)
FRANK BCILIIIJfO **d ..l boiMn.,., Hit,
Inqulr. of A. 4. A T. kOßliarf.
Ciloa>ll;.,,C.ui(. cunt*. r.
uhr Crntrc
3- n x c xj Xut "crn x..
llltl tKI) raoil'lMlTT o, IHI r.k**K.
Every farmer in Ait annual experience
ilitcoverii unmet/ting of value Write it and
tend it to the "Agricultural Editor tf the.
DkM'x KAT, lle/lrfvntr, J'enn'a," that other
farmer* may hare the benefit of 11. l.et
communication* be timely, and he nure that
the 1/ are brief and well pointed.
A coKKKrtI'O.NIiENT id" the I'liiludel
pliia Kcrord calls upon the euperin
lendciits id' the public squares of
that city to destroy the caterpillars'
nests which ma}* I h? found now upon
the trunks of the trees, anil thus pre
vent the ravages of the worms next
summer. Farmers should apply the
hint to their orchards.
A "coed fhamk'' is simply a "hot
bed, 1 minus the heat. That is instead
of having a manure pile under it to
generate heat, it is placed u|on the
ordinary soil of the garden. Of
course, a layer of two or three inches
of good, rich garden compost spread
over the soil, or mixed intimately
with it, will add largely to its effi
ciency. In this may Is.* planted, in
.September, a few rows of "onion
sets," one or two of the winter va-
riclics of lettuce, a row or two of
corn salad, and even a few radish
seeds. All these will start nicely ill
the growing weather of the fall, and
if, upon the approach of cold wreather
a few wheelbarrow loads of manure
arc hanked up around the outside,
anil the sash put on—which should
be covered with a few loose hoards
during the very severe weather and
snow storms—the owner will Ik> re
watded with a taste of "green stuff"
at a time when it will Is? most highly
I'iFFoue many weeks the cold fall
storms will be upon us, and in alj
probability lieforc many of us are
fully ready for it, winter, with its de
mand for feeding and housing our
stock, will be here. It is none too
eatly to think of our preparations
for meeting these demands. In very
tnanv cases, farmers will fa- tetter
prepared with feed than with shelter,
i'he importance of warm stabling is
not appreciated as it should I*. t>c
cause of comparative ignorance con
cerning it. Prof. Sanborn, of the
New Hampshire Agricultural College,
conducted some feeding experiments
last winter in which the effect* of
proper shelter were shown to be of
great economical value to the stock
owner. He provided specially warm
stabling for fifteen cows, at a cost of
S3O, and then changed tliern from tiiis
to a cold part of the barn, noting the
amounts of food eaten, and the
changes in the milk flow. Without
stopping to give his figures in detail,
it is enough for our present purpose
to say that lie found the total of feed
saved, and milk gained by the use of
the warm stabling amounted to eleven
cent, per cow |ierday. Mr. Sanltorn
says: "These facts were carefully
taken over a period of nearly three
months, and in their results show
that I nearly got the cost of im
proving the stable for the first w inter,
or about one hundred per cent, in
terest for four months."
FROM a private letter we lewn that
a number of the leading far met* of
I Lycoming county nie looking ton-aril
the organization of a company hav
ing for it# object the improvement of
farm live stink. This is a very wise
step, ami we hope to hear of the sue.
! c-'Ssful organization of the company,
j A company of farmers with this ob
ject in view, propeily organized ami
wisely directed, cannot fall to prove
directly remunerative, not only t > the
stockholders, but to every live-stock
owner in the community in which it
conducts its o|K!inlions. Individual
effort la not equal to the task of
making the univeiaal improvement in
our farm stock which the liesl inter
ests of the farmers d mand, but there
is scarcely a township, certainly not
a county, in the country in which
there could not he formed a combina
tion of enterprise and capital, drawn
entirely from the farmers, with
strength to accomplish speedily this
much to lie desired end. To be able
fo chronicle the advent of euch an
organization in every county in the
land, would he to chronicle a long
step in the real advancement of agri
cultural inlcrcntn, and we ahould In
glad to note ( '••litre county as a leafi
er in the good work. The atock in
terests of the county demand it, ami
we have un uhundurice of ineatiH in
the liamlH of men well qualified for
conducting such an enterprise. Why
ahould we not have it ?
ClippingH and Comment?
Owing to the general .caroly of corn
throughout the Wc.t, hog. were turned
out to pra.o, cunning a decided fulling
oft'in the number of fal .wine.—Ameri
can I'ultii ttor.
It may Is- true that this will give
us less fat pork than usual, hut it is
certain that what we do get will he
all the better, and more healthful.
An. almost exclusive corn diet, and
the abominably filthy manner in
which it is fed, are in a large measure
responsible for the many ills to which
western swine flesh has fallen heir,
and if a series of short corn crops
will serve to teach pork farmers that
there is a better way open to tlieni
they w ill not be surmised evils.
XVe know a farmer'* daughter in
Ruck, county. Pa., who had iwo turkey
hen. ihi* year from which .lie got and
.et 11.1 egg., ihe pig* (fislrn)H two
net* of egg* after they were .et for in
cuhation ; hut .lie succeeded in getting
.ixty young one* raised in spite of wet
weather, bad luck, arxl the usual viei.
.itude* of the business. She .>. .he i
going to get enough of money out of
her two turkey hen* to buy herself a
fiot cIsM sewing machine by Chrintm.a,
beside* having a nice turkey for Thanks
giving nnd one for Christinas dinner.—
I'ami -l-urnat.
This is but a fair sample of what
may Is? done by the younger and
weaker members of the farmer's farn
ily. There is neither mystery nor
hard work about joultry raising. It
docs require care and attention, but
not more than any ordinarily intelli
gent boy or girl of fourteen can give.
And for that matter we know of
nothing in which any boy or girl,
man or woman, can succeed without
care and attention. I'crhaps this
young lady had parents who were
wise enough to encourage her in her
laudable ambition, and possibly many
more farmers' boys snd girls would
follow her good example, if they
were stimulated by like encourage
Renovating Old Orchards.
V*i< In frit*
There are many apple orchards
containing large old trees that have
been neglected which, with their dead
branches and dilapidated ap|>earance,
look as though they were worth more
lor firewood than for anything else.
If the bodies of such trees are sound
and a fair proportion of the limbs
have life enough to make a little new
wood each year, they may he made
profitable by vigorous and judicious
The worst trees, cr those past rem
edy, should IK- cut out, and one need
not IK- very careful about picking up
the chips, bark and twigs; let tlieiu
lie to rot and be trodden in, if not
too much in the way, for when they
are decomposed they are the liest ma
nure for the trees, as the decomposed
matter of any plant is the liest ma
nure to apply to it again. The trees
left standing should be severely prur -
ed ; all dead limbs cut out and boiled
linseed oil applied to their slumps
with a paint brush; the other limbs
should lie cut back aufliciently to
make them throw out new wood.
The bodies should lie scraped slid
wssbed with a mixture of one pound
of soils dissolved in each galbm of
water sufficient to make a strong
suds. This treatment and an appib
cation of wood ashes or manure will
soon make a remarkable change in
its Appearance. The chip dirt that
many farmers allow to accumulate
around the wood pile is excellent to
apply as a top dressing on an orch
I had an apple orchard come into
my |M>ssession forty years ago, with
very large trees, ami which were said
to tie seventeen years old. Their
dead limbs and mossy sides pntent
ed a dreary look for an orchard. The
apples were natural fruit. I trimmed
it heavily, plowed and planted it with
fodder corn for two or three years in
succession, manuring it moderately,
and as tlie trees threw out vigorous
suckers, I grafted them ; then I grad
ually cut away the old wood as the
scions grew, and so gradually formed
new tops of good fruit. 1 lost a
very few trees during the process,
hut I gathered much good fruit from
the orchard for twenty years, and am
told that aome of the trees are livius
A neighbor of mine had an apple
orchard in a similar condition, and
he proceeded to renovate it in the
same way. He gave it a liberal ma
nuring with wood ashes, but instead
of plowing it he fenced it and used it
for a sheep pasture. He grafted the
suckers and thrifty limbs as fast as
- • ~.^v
their appearance would warrant, and
UH it is well known tliat sheep will
improve the land they run on, the
orchard grew thrifty and I saw many
pood crop* grown from it. <! rafting
suckers in not the nurseryman's a|-
proved sty |c of managing an orchard,
hut HI a cane like this it is better
than cutting it down. Kvcn if the
treen are old, they will furnish good
fruit sooner tlian newly-set trees will
do; hut in the meantime it is ad
visable to net out young trees to take
the place of the old orchard when it
Brcud and Butter Business*.
Kenn lln Klulwtolj.l.U l:- • >nl.
Let him drive fast or slow, it is the
farmer who makes the pace for the
country. The good crops of 1878
and ls"'.i were the inducing cause of
the good times in 1880 and 188 J.
The shoit crop of 1881, following
upon the great drought that burnt
up the life of the fields in the last
half of the year, operated to slow up
ami slacken the development of busi
ness in every branch of enterprise.
There was no department of trading
or manufacturing industry that did
not feel the pressure of the brakes.
If the yield ot cotton and oi the
eailicr grain crops had iieen as de
ficient last year as the yield of corn
there would probably have be<n as
sudden, general ami disastrous a col
lapse in business operations as there
was in 187 U. Hut the cotton and the
surplus of more plenteous years pull
ed us through. We are now, in all
human probability, upon the verge of
another season of plenty. There will
be scores of |iolitical philosophers
running around the country ascribing
the bounty of Providence to the pro
vision of public functionaries or to
the operations of the tariff. Hut the
lesson of 1881 should not be forgot
ten. It is no longer to be reckoned
among the imjiossibilities that some
wide reaching calamity may not blight
the harvests from the Atlantic to the
Pacific coast. When the farmer suf
fers, the foundations of the structure
of society are disturbed. "You take
my life," cried Shy lock, "when you
do take the means whereby I live."'
Men must eat, and it is high time
that the great industry of the coun
try that upbears upon its sturdy
shoulders all the others should no
longer lie made a packing-horse to
carry unnecessary burdens. The sole
bread producer should not be the
chief of taxpayers. The farmer asks
for no protection, He fearlessly en
ter* into competition with the rest of
the world, and takes his chances in
the open market. Hut it is about
time that be should have recognition
for what he Is worth in the federal
economy, lie will soon demand the
freedom and fair play which he readi
ly accords to men of all other occu
pations at home or abroad. He has
the [lower to enforce his demand.
Hut those who believe that the ox
should lie muzzled that treadelh out
the corn ought not to stsnd upon the
order of their movement in advocat
ing such changes in the revenue laws
as are necessary to put the farmers
of the country upon an even footing
with their fellow-citizens engaged in
other occupations.
An Experiment with Fonco Posts.
Sixteen year* ago I experimented
with fences, and find seasoned oak
posts oiled and then tarred with boil
-1 ing coal tsr makes thorn last the
: longest. 1 took grecu posts that
were sawed five inches square at one
end and two by fire inches at the
other, and seven ft long. I tarred
half as many as would build my
fence, nnd the other half 1 put in
ground green without tar. In five
years after the tarred jtosts were
nothing hut shell under the ground,
all the inside lieing decayed. Some
of the other posts were about half
Two years after I built another
fence with seasoned oak |>osts, same
size as the first, giving them all a
good coat of oil, and in a few days
nfb-r tarred them as I did before with
coal tsr, heated in a can made for
t hat purpose, four feet deep and large
enough to hold four posts set on end ;
left ihcrn in the boiling tar al>out ten
minute*, then look them and sanded
them. And now, after fourteen years,
not one in ten needs replacing. 1
••hall never build a fence requiring
|>ost* without first thoroughly sea
soning, then oiling and then tiarring
them. If they are tarred when green
the tar does not penetrate the wood,
arid in a short time will all scale oil.
When the wood is seasoned the oil
[renclrales the wood, and the coaling
of coal tar keeps out the moistnre,
thereby preserving the wood from
Tn k milk peddler who starts out in
the morning with a forty gallon can
of milk and another of water, can,
by keeping the first replenished from
the second as often aa a gallon la sold,
keep up quite a ahow of milk. Hut
the attempt to keep up a milk ferni
by returning to it only the manure
made upon it would result in much
the same sort of a sliding scale of
decreased production 0. S. Blum.
Tirana is no other calling In the
success of which the whole commu
nity is interested so deeply an that of
the farmer, for his success means
"good times."—OAw JFWmsr.