Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, September 28, 1882, Image 1

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    OIIR Centre A omocrat
VOL. 4.
(The (Cfntrt
Terms tI.SO per Annum, In Advance.
S. T. SMUGEHT 6 J. R VAN ORMER. Editors.
Thursday Morning, September, 28.1882.
Democratic State Ticket.
SILAS M. CLARK, of Indiana.
J. SIMPSON AFRICA, of lluntin'g.
M< )RTIM KR F. ELLIOTT, of Tioga.
Democratic County Ticket.
llou. A. G. CURTIN, of Centre.
1 lon. C. T. ALEXANDER, of Centre,
. Sul'j* t in th* tlwlilon **t Ihf District Confer woe*.]
HENRY MEYER, of Miles,
B. F. HUNTER, of Bcnner.
J. 11. TOLBERT, of Walker.
11'. K. HOY, M. I)., of Ik'llefoute.
The Democrat'c Platform.
Th# DvtnorrmHr party f )Vnn*ylv*ttUk, holding f**t
to the fblth that a I pouer nv>t del. K*te<l by th Con*
■ titntioti U rmMtrrwl t> thw Mat*-* and lh* people! Op
holding the aonrtity of jwreonal liberty. h* *warity
f private property, and the right of hral wlf goftm
ni-nt , demanding honety and erooomy in the ad
mi mat rat l*>n of government and the enforcement of
ail the iiriivtaionu of MU. ustituli.n I y the IggWl*
tit re and the Con rt a of the Commonwealth . declaring
• KWiaat muDof* in ami in nynt|*athv with labor <Kek
Ing ita protection, and In favor of the imlnatrial Inter
•at* of Penuly Ivania at all tioaea. d *>|rmnly pfi.tewi
• gainat evila which the pollt v of the Repuldn an | ar
ty and the Inaolence of ita long pxaeeion >f offlce
bate thus brought upon the country . therefore,
Ftmt— We do pr<>t*-t Acatnat what ta railed the Iwete
ayiteoa, and alao the plundering of officeholder* by
n*e-mnu of money for political putp<Mr* Public
ofllrew are tha property of no party, but are .ten t.
wv-ry cltixen who ta honaH. rajulil". ami faithful to
the Fooilitatlua, qtalilkilioui which Jefferwun tie
rlareil Were rejnlaitM for offfs
SkoHld—We protect aganat the a pot I a ipiaat. It
| a pfwtltntioo U# the cfflrW of the peoplf* HI that I
tney become the mere p npiieite* of the (Mdlttciana.
Third—We denounce all repudiation, State and Ent
eral. lieraaae it la dlaboneet and deatructive >f thaf
public morality upon which are founded
aod perpetuity of our free inatitutiona. It ahoitld l*a
made odiooa, and the political party that atd# It and
abeta it with office deeerve* putdic condemnation.
Fourth—We denounce epoitatton of the State Treae
nry and tmmmnity by pard>o f tlvme ronvU tcl of
Crimea, whuee acta were flagrant anbveraiona of ofTi' al
trneta and wrong! done the }>pla.
Fifth—We believe the Hepnb.lkan f<arty. aa now or
gi iD*l and nontmlled, i bnand on fraud, fore* aod
orruptlon, and theva can he no hope of true reform
except by the force of the ballot tail egcluding It
Ir tn place and power.
. Sivtb—The I>en* - ratic party demand* of the Leg
ft laUtnre an hnnat jnat. and true apportionment.
reveoth—l/'pnu th-ee de< Uration* we invite tha co
op*ration of all homwt ritiaena who with n* deeire
he reeeta)>li*bnuent of h>ne*t government
•• W HOC ftlfc*o ITTCF.H. •
THE Buffalo ALzy/roxs, a Blaine or
gan, announces its determination to
support Cleveland the Democratic
candidate for governor of New York.
LIKF.RAL subscriptions are being
made at Lock Haven for a line of
Railway from the Clearfield coal re
gion to connect with the Jersey Hhore
and Pine Creek road. Our spirited
neighbors know their interests and
have the enterprise to adopt the prop
er means to advance them.
MOST of the candidates nominated
by the Republicans for the legislature
in Philadelphia arc new men. They
are said to be some improvement upon
the old ring selections but the Refor
mers do not speak very highly of them
as a body or seem to bo much elated
as to the amount of credit to be achiev
ed by their choice.
THF. investigation of the Almshouse
thieving in Philadelphia, is also de
veloping a considerable amount of
election frauds connected with the
management of that institution. Bev
erai of the election officials, who doubt
leaa profited by the general plunder
have been arrested and the detectives,
under the direction of the committee
of One hundred, are on the track of
others who will come to grief in due
' time.
THF, Administration has been suc
cessful in New York, and .Secretary
Folgeristhe Stalwart candidate for
Governor, beating Go.v Cornell by a
vote of 257 to 222. Ever since the
adjournment of Congress the President
has been in New York giving personal
attention to the canvass, and the re
sult shows that the master intriguer
has not been dwarfed by the higbpoei
tion to which he rose by the Amassin's
Tho Tariff Issue.
The Republican of thia place in its
issue of last week contained an ar
ticle under the imposing caption
" The Real Question for Voters." Au
examination of the article will dem
onstrate in u moment that it is intend
ed to mislead and is in reality a bun
dle of false statements. The taritF
seems to be the particular point on
which the Democratic party is ar
raigned, and the readers of the /'-
publican arc assured that the whole
system of tariff will be overthrown
unless General Heaver is elected Gov
ernor of this Commonwealth. What
the election of a Governor has to do
with the tariff or how it can effect
that quealiou in the least is more than
the Infinite being can comprehend.
" Congress," say a the Constitution of
the United States, " shall have power
to lay and collect taxes, duties, im
posts and excist s." "No State," says
the same instrument, " .-hall lay any
imposts or duties* on imports or ex- (
port ß ." If the Republican desires to
raise the tariff question on our candi
date for Congress and undertakes to
prove that by word or deed he has
not always been with the laborer and
for every means that would advauce
our industrial interests, they can do
so, but they might ILS well undertake
to lift Xittany mountain from its base
as to assail him on that or
any other question. The Democratic
party in the article in question, is
charged with the violation of the taritr
of 1828. It is now a historical fact
so plain that every boy should bo
familiar with it, that tho tariff of I*2B
was so pernicious in its effect upon the
Southern portion of the country that
the Whigs of the South actually re
belled against its provisions. Their
great leader, Henry Clay, originated
and pa*ed the Tariff Act of 1832.
The leading features were : Ist. That
there should lie a fixed rate of ad-val
orem duty, ami discrimination below
it. 2d. That the exceas of duty be
yond 20 jer cent, should, by a gradu
al process, commencing on the 31st
day of December, 1832, be reduced,
so that by June 30th, 1842, it should
be brought down to 20 jwr cent. f lay
has always been regarded by all par
ties as the father of the protective sys
tem. The Republicans of this day if
they are to be judges! by what they
say, simply know nothing of the views
of Air. Clay <n that great question.
In 1843, in reply to a letter asking his
views on the protective policy of 1832
Mr. Clay said :
" The oum and substance of what I con
ceive to bi the true jo Uy of tha ITnitcd
.State* in respect to a tariff may be briefly
stated. In conformity with the principle*
announced in the Compromise Act, I think
thsl whatever revenue is necoseary to an
economical and honest administration of
the general Government, ought to be de
rived from dutie* imposed on foreign im
ports And I believe that, in establishing
a tariff of those duties such a discrimina
tion ought to be made a* will incidentally
afford reasonable protection to our nation
al interest*.
" I think there i* no danger of a high
tariff ever being <t abiWhed ; that of 1828
was eminently deserving that denomina
tion. I was not in Congress when it pass
ed and did not vote for It; but with its
history and with tha circumstance* which
gave birth to it I am well acquainted.
They were highly dis'-rediiahle to Ameri
can legislation, and I hope, lor its honor,
will never again be related.
" After mv return to Congress in 1831,
my efforts were directed to the modifica
tion and reduction of the rate* of duty
contained in the Act of 1828. Tha Act
of 1832 greatly reduced and modiflnd them.
I had resigned my seat when the Act of
1842 passed Generally the dutiea which it
imposes era lower than those of the Act af
1832. My opinion that there is no danger
hereafter of a high tariff, is founded on tha
gratifying fart that our manufactures
nave taken a deep root. In their Infancy
they need a greater measure of protection;
but •* tbey grow and advance they acquire
strength and nubility and consequently
will require less protection. Even now,
some branchee of them are able to main-
Uin in disUnt markeU successful competi
tion with rival foreign manufacture*.
If then there was a business collapse
in 1837, as the Rejmbliean says, it
came when there was in full force a
tariff devised by the Whigs, and a
tariff recognized by the Republicans
of thia day as protective. It is further
charged that the Democrats returned
to power in 1845 under a distinct
pledge to maintain the tariff of 1842.
A mistake in what is now a matter of
history. The Democrats in 18-14 "de
clared that no more revenue ought to
be raised than is required to defray
the necessary ex|ienses of the Govern
ment." Tho Whigs, with Mr. ('lay
as their candidate, in the saui" year
declared lor a " tariff for revenue to
defray the necessary- expenses of the
Government." There does not seem
to bo a wide difference in these declar
ations. Both parties declare that only
revenue enough to hour the necessary
expenses of the government should be
raised. Neither party, like the Re
publicans of to-Jay. desired a surplus
of millions in the Treasury to steal.
: It is true the tariff of 1842 was modi
fied by the tariff of 184' i. Tho prin
cipal difference wus the substitution of
ad-valorem for specific duties. The
tariff of l s lii, says Dr. Wm. Elder,
in his essay on " Protection and Free
Trade," " was discriminative in its
schedules and protective in rates."
j And we believe a prominent and in
| tclligent iron manufacturer of this
, county said a few days ago the tariff
jofl s h> was Ilie best tariff we ever
i hu i.
Tin- whole otFnvl of tho Republicans
as well a- the i ifuri of the Stalwart
candidate i to make the |*eople be
lieve, tir.-t, that the present turilf is in
danger it Puttisou -bouhi lie elected
(iovernor. uud seeoud.that the present
i tnrifr ir ju*t and equitable. That the
present tariff i- an engine of mon
strous fraud upon and oppression to
the people is easily demonstrated bv
' quoting tho declarations of eminent
j Republicans all over the country.
John A. Kaason, the bc-t Republican
in lowa, in the House in lMttft said :
" What you call protection amounts
therefore to a system of equal robbing;
1 taking from ouc home intercut to pay
another." On the 29t1 of March last,
the same member said in the House
: of Representatives:
" I know of very f-w px>pl in the
United "Bute* *bo edmit tb-y hsve n<>
complaint to tuaki-against somn part of the
detail* of the present tariff Whether you
ar<* free tradr* or prohibitory tariff men,
protective tariff man <ir advocates of a tar
iff for revenue only, I take it lor granted
mat )nu ail agree mat in some manner the
' present tarifl hould be renowed and mora
: or |e*s modified.
a • a • a
I may aume then, sir, 1 think without
dispute, that there i a cominon cqpsvnl on
both side* of the house that there should
' tw a revision of the tariff. It la-ing admil
i ted that a revision is fiscw-sry, the next
question i- • to the manner of the revis
ion. "
The distinguished author of the
Morrill bill, who i* regarded a.* one of
the must extreme protectionists, lias
"Our normal condition, modified by
national growth, musx ty resumed. We
are to consider how much, if any of inter
nal revenue can be relinquished, and next
where and how tbn tariff can be safely
and wisely revised, so as to leave it prop
erly productive and In harmony with all
interests, preserving the proper equilibri
um among the different branches of trade
and just to every section of the country.
The amount of revenue required must iw
determined, and the requirement for ordi
nary expenses, for interest on the public
debt, and for pensions, as well ** for the
enlargement of our lilllputian Navy, and
the decent equipment of uur military fort
ideations, is still so great that extreme pro
tection k* not so much the question at that
of revenue ; and with barely moderate
discrimination in favor of American fie'ds
and workshop*, not leaving them In dan
ger of unfair foreign competition, little
more, it is believed, will be found neces
If tho preneot tariff in what it should
he, if it is juat and proper, if it gives
to labor its just reward and is as be
neficent as the Stalwart candidate and
his organs claim it is, why did a Re
publican Congress just pass a bill cre
ating a Tariff Commission for the pur
pose of revising it T If high protect
ive tariffs are what they are claimed
to be, what caused the great financial
breakup of 1873 that prostrated busi
ness for five years and turned more
than three millions of laboring men
out of employment ? The same sys
tem that was in force liefore that pe
riod and that is in force now, existed
then. That the present tariff is made
iu the interest of the wealthy and
against the laboring man is clearly
seen by examinaliou of the list of ar
ticles taxed. Take for instance, blank
ets. They are tariffed as follows:
Blanket* valued at 40 eD. per pound (3v
108.14 per cent.
I HUnkoU valued at 40 ets. and not over 00
ets. per pound, (••■ 85.8,1 p.'r cent,
j ftliinkpls valued over 80 cU. |ier pound
fift 00 j.r cent.
Thus it will lie seen that the cheap
blankets which are necessarily needed
by the laboring man is taxed much
heavier than the fine blankets which
are used by the rich alone This is
one item, the whole present tariff sys
tem is arranged and madeon the basis
of discrimination in favor of the
rich. The rave about tho tariff in the
present campaign is for the sole pur
pose of causing the honest laboring
1 tuan to again give bis support and vote
to the Republican party, when his
: convictions, his sense of justice and
right would compel him to cast las
vote for the candidate of tiie Demo
cratic party. This course wa pursued
I iu 1880. Tho threat, promises and
results are fully set forth iu the follow
ing. And workingmen don't forget it:
*' If Hancock i* p|it ted tins Nlablith
>ni-nl wiil i-lwo. ' "if you want your
j iron mills cl.>.' l Bnd all Industrie* depend
-1 ent upon tin-in brought to n slnd-lill vols;
f..r Hancock. '
I T1... nbovo i-xpr.oslons were common in
Republican t.sfMT* in 188'), and working
men were frightened and ileoeivisl into
Voting tho Republican ticket „i thm time.
Hani.<K-k was not i-iected but (iartield wa,
and what has t>een the result 1 Have "le-t
--tr wage*'' followed the e!e.-tion * No;
the miner*of this country are only getting
90 OMts f-er dav n>w. Ha- "tUstay work
been "assured" U> the men in the iron
mills and el*wbre? No: there hive
h-en one hundre<j an t filty thousand men
in "general idleness," and they did n<>t
reach this pitiable condition by the election
of Oenerai Hancock The roseate time*
promised to follow the election ol (Jeneral
(iarCebl did not corns, but instead strike*
for higher wages and " general idlene-s
came. The Republicans cannot get rid of
the logical effect of their own projstsition.
Two years have passed ine" the !at | res
idential election and although Hancock
was nil elected,the iron mill- a> said, have
been < loaed, and over one hundred lh<-uf
and workingmen out of work. Had that
of I HSSII been the first attampl made by
Republicans to deceive the laboring man
there might have bern some excuse, hut it
was not. Time and again has this same
old story been rehashed and the working
men hit at tho lying hail too often. It it
about time they are getting their eyes open
to their own intere*ts.
The kind of a tariff that the iK-ni
ocrntic party want* i sticli that will do
nh injustice Pi any one, that will re
lieve lalsor and not take from it by
any system of taxation more than is
necessary to honestly, faithfully and
economically administer the govern
ment. When more than ibis is done
it U-conies a "system of robbery."
Wi: cannot too earnestly impress
upon the Democrats of Centre county
the importance of early and prompt
organization of the party in every
township ami district. They should
meet and consult among themselves,
and make such arrangement as will
secure the attendance of every Demo
crat at the polls in November—to see
that all Democrnts are entitled to
vote by the payment of taxes within
the time stipulated by law, which is
the 7th of October. I/?t all these ar
rangements lie made among yourselves
in your districts aud urge every man
not only to finality himself but accept
1 of no employment, or no reward from
from any quarter to ab*cnt himself on
j the day of election. We have every
reason to lielicve that the corruption
fund of the opposition will be large
ly used by hire, or otherwise, to
induce Democrats to remain away
from the polls. It is for such
purposes as this that the chair*
i man of the state committee has
provided a large corruption fund. To
go into the market and buy vote*
from those who may be mean or
thoughtless enough to sell them, has
become a dangerous operation ami a
resort to stratagem will doubtless lie i
substituted so adroitly as to throw the |
voter off his guard. This may lie frus- j
trated by thorough organization aud
vigilauce in the towushipsantf districts
iu which the whole party should unite
and consult together at convenient
points. We have a good ticket, state
and local, composed of good trusty
men, pledged to economy and the re
form of all public abuses. Tbey rep
resent the principles and the hope of
the Democracy and should not fail of
a unauimous Democratic vote by neg
ligence or Inattention to duty.
Guard Your Linen Carefully,
The Democratic people are hopeful.
I he Democratic organization over the
entire FtaP; wa never in belter condi
tion. The enemy is despondent,divid
ed but desperate. They will attack
us in every way, and what they can
not do openly will be attempted in
other ,ways. If crooked work is to
lie done, if design* upon our line are
contemplated, if inroads are sought to
be made by stealth or corruption it
will be done near the election, and
now is the time to have the line care
fully guarded, to have every man
aroused to a sense of bis individual
responsibility aud to a sense of dan
ger. The great mass of the Demo
cratic party is aliove temptation.
They can neither be corrupted or pan
ic striken if they touch elbows on the
line of battle. If every sub-district
is put under the charge of the loyal
um:elli-b Democrats who can lie found
in every sub-district iu the Stat", it
will IK- found that no corrupt contrac
tion with the enemy can deliver bis
goods. The Democracy of Pennsyl
vania to-day presents a solid front.
They arc sanguine and yet not off
their guard. The one thiny they urxl
to </o I* /■< poll every Dootoeniic ooto.
There are at least 415,0181 of them-
The stakes should le* set for that fig
ure. Every di-trict con poll a large
a vote as it gave for Hancock. It will
do so unless the local organization fail*
of its duty. The State is made up of
counties and the counties of districts.
If every man sweeps before bis own
<loor the work will IK- done. Organi
zation in general ran only le accom
plished by organization iu detail.
It is altogether too much the habit
of the average voter in one county
ti IK- overanxious about what the
Democrat* of other counties are <!<•-
ing. while he forget* to I<. .k into the
situation a! home, and vice versa. We
aie all too apt to take a long range
view of the fight and to forget to keep
the linns closed iu our immediati lo
cality. I. t n- reform this matter al
together ami right now. Instead of
stiaitiing our eye* to the di-taut polit
ical horizon, let us *ec to it that at h
Democratic, platoon, company aud
battalion i in full fighting trim, le t
every man get info the tank*, git hi
name on the roll and tnnke it his s]Kf
ial business to lie present at every
drill. I>et him know what his neigh
bors on either side of him and aero s
the street arc going to do, and uot
trouble himself aliout what is going on
two huudrcd miles distant. This i
the kind of organization that wins.
It is the kind that lias won in other
States and in other contests, and if
faithfully adhered to in the present
great fight for reform will rentier the
Democratic hosts in the Keystone
State invincible.
THE Democrats of New York have
this year held a harmonious conven
tion, and made their nominations with
out discord —all factions being repre
sented ami concurring in the nomina
tion aud the importance of united ac
tion in the election. Mayor Cleveland
of Buffalo is the uomineeforGovrrnor-
Liko our Pennsylvania candidate, Mr.
Pattison, Mr. Cleveland has made his
reputation, and entitled himself to the
confidence of the people by intelligent
work as a reformer of municipal gov
ernment. The methods, and honesty,
ami ability of these able reformers it
I is desirable should be utilized both at
I Ilarrisburg aud Albany, The people
i demand reform in the two leading and
neighboring Ktates of the Union. They
mean to have it, and with Cleveland
in New York, and Pattison in Penn
sylvania, they will not be disappointed-
AFTER great scandal and years of
time and labor, Ex-Minister Christ*
ency has obtained a divorce from his
wife. In the long contest to get rid of a
young wife it is said he has also got
rid of his fortune as well as his politi*
cal prestige, jj
TKKMS: |ipr Annum, in A'l \ uini\
Tho Rcpublicun Ticket.
Tin. Republicans held their County
convention in this place on Tuesday
last. It wan well and respectably rep
resented, rvnducted in good order and
harmonious in its selections. The tick
et produced is composed of unexcep
tionable rriou against whom no word
of reproach can be written, except
that they are Republican*of the most
I pronounced Stalwart order, w th the ex
ception perhaps, of one of the candi
j dates for the legislature who be* been
regarded as possessing somewhat inde
pendent views. With this exception
the ticket could not have been letter
nt-up if Don bad lieen present in per
son instead of bis lieutenants and the
candidate for governor. Rut however
this may be the tieket is creditable and
respectable. It is true iu forming it,
the Imaged regard which (den era I
Reaver and his friends claim to have
! for the " brave soldier boy" was con
spicuously absent. There were two
soldiers before the convention of high
: characterand undisputed qualifications
—one for Legislature and one for
Jury Commissioner, and both wo be
lieve served in (Jen. Reaver's regi
ment. Out of a vote of HU, one who
left an arm where Gen. Reaver left
a leg, received 1* votes, the other 11.
Tin- Stalwarts so tn to IK* alwn\s
rspial t > the oceasi m if advantage i*
to be gaiued by a dirty mean act. In
the New York Republican Convert*
tion last week the factions were pretty
| evenly divided between the stalwarts
and half-brecd. The stalwarts how
ever, discovered tie v lacked one vote
to enalrle them to control the State
: Committee ami e meMjuiutly the or
j gacization of tire Convention. Accord
' irigly they forged a telegram from < <oI
: lector Robertson who was one of the
Committee, jit einKDi, substituting
Mr. i' reuch to a tin his place. The
fraud ftuccecd<-d and the forgery was
not exposed until the stal warts had the
organization, and the control. Thus,
I'olger was nominated t<r Governor,
and the Republican party, is consider
ably demorahr.-d and in temper to
take each other bv the throat.
Tin: advices from the Virginia
campaign are that Mahnue and his Re
pudiation erowd are Jo-ingground and
stand a fair chauceof Is ing wiped out
; elfectua ly at the election in Novem
ber. The recent utterances of Mr.
Rlainc against the coalition of the ad
ministration with the readjuster frauds,
and the establishment of a disc reditu,
nle b iss over the Republican party of
Virginia has had an iuspiring and en
couraging effect on the iudependeni
Republicans of tiiat state, and they
! are making it hot for the office ped
dler*. Mahoue'* contract to deliver
to Arthnr the Con} res-imial delegation
'ii reward for the Federal patronage i
not likely to le a paying operation.
THK authorities of Philadelphia, it
is believed will have an extended le
gal struggle with the Canadian autho
rilies before they are permitted to re-
I store I'hipp* the Almshouse thief, to
hi country and dtalwart friend*.
' Pbippa, absent on account of hi* health,
i not anxious to return, and hi* nu
i merou interested fricod*and associate*
of the Quaker city preferring that he
J shall have the advantage* of foreign
I climate, will ti*e all the legal wit they
j pome** to diecourage a return, which
! they believe to be entirely nnnooessary.
It ia *aid that dohn C. New, a*-i->-
tant (Secretary of the Trea#ury, ia to
he appointed .Secretary, Perhaps Sec
retary Folger may think a "bird in
band ia worth two in the buah," and
retain the office. Stalwarts do not
surrender an office until they are cer
tain of being better suited. Oonkliug
is the the only exception, but be is an
exceptional man.
FOR the fourth time Gen.Buttler ia
a candidate for Gotmtor of Massachu
setts. He id now the unanimous nomi
nee of the Democrat*, a* well a* of the
Greenback party.
NO. .'ls.