New A tlvet'fittemenft. THIS PAPER IS ON FILE \ llinirim (n I A"' l AdT*rtUltpc OnntrarU for \ JUwlvlUui I Handalloth-r a—.iw|t.r. fa \ ,j .■| r, - iij. f '* wH r.n t>o rtt-• \ niw f IsUrst!9Ml Kwpijtr Acttcy, \KEYSTONE/ \c*\CCESc / " w 'A™'*•"- *■ ■ PttklUWr #f Ik# ft *• (paper #4 W** "*•# liank Dlr#Hf7 of Ik# WwH4. c FOR THE PERMANENT CURE OF • I CONSTIPATION. I c o - No other disease is*o prevalent in thl* conn- fll try as Conatlpauon, and no remedy haa ovor _ ® equalled the celebrated Kidney-Wort a* a c C cure. Whatever tho cause, however otwtinat* (9 Lho caae, thl* remedy will overcome it. *. ' Dll K7Q THIS distrr**irg rom- * ® ITllitWi plaint la Tory apt to be - 5 complicated withcouatlpatlon. Kltlnoy-Wort +4 strengthen* tho weakened parta and quickly a curre allklndaof Pt'.ee oven when pliyaiciana J A arid medicines havo before felled. £j t> t F"lf you havo either of thee* troubloa v •*1 PRICK 1.1 USE I D.-u M nt, Sell * READ I MARK!! LEARN!! A fine inclosed FICXIC (allOI WI) WITH KYKRY CON YIN I KMC K SwiNtlH, CROQUET (t ROUND, CjUoITH, I'ARI IION, AND A KINK Si* kinii OK PCUK WATER WITH PLENTY OK Siiadk. Music and I.unrh>-* can la iiriiml at mod< rat rat* I #. Carriages and Ticket* for the "I'ave." Nocieti**, Club*, and all respectable |artiw can addtt*#*, fur particular and term*, tiKO. II N A9II, Miina|p*r, Spring Mill* lli|*r, 27-Jra spring Mill*, Pa [EMPLOYMENT FOR LADIES.- I J The Queen City Mu|*ndor C'm|anv, of Clnrin nal, are now manufacturing and lutrudn* ing theii new Stocking Supporter* for Lndiesand Children, and their uneqoaled >kirt Bu*|#ud#r* f.r Ladle*. None should le without them ; our leading |>hy*ictan* re commend them and are loud in their |>ral#e. The#*, good# are nianufai tur> ! Iy ladt*** who have made the want* of ladi-a and rhildr* n a study, and they ak u* t refer them to wine reliable ami energetic J#dy to Ifilrodtico them in thii raunty, and w* certainly think that an earneat Mdirltatioii Iti everV h> nn li< |i| w ml 1 meet with a ready response, and that a drtrtuiii*-d wt man could make a haiid*<>m* alr> and hare the .* rlua|re agency fr thl* county. We a l*i*e a*>mo lady wh i# in need of eQ)|doynieut t<> *** nd to the Company her name and addr>-*a and mention thl# pap.-r Ad it few* Queen City stitpender Company, N<*. 17 Main Street, Cincinnati, Ohio. J7-l"t. i LLKGH EN Y CULLEG E, ME A I) VILLE, PEXWA. The both year open* Bcptetnb*r J*Kh. Additional I new Imildinit# and many improvement*. Cabinet# and 1 Libraries equal to the le#t. Gentlemen *n>l Ijo he# | Knur College conriee. Preparatory ScboU. Midtary P-partmenu. Kxp*n#-* |. i than any other follewe i.f i equal grade, Zk>n't fail to aend t> UKO. W II AS KINS Sec'y., for catalogue. .11- it , Swedish Insect Powder Kills} POTATO BUGS AND ALL TROUBLESOME VER MIN. It will Ihovxmghly exterminate Koarhe#, Ant#. Ile.l Rug#. Ilea#. U< e. ToUr. oau 1 Cotton W rim, Moth, etc. It i# #afe, aure, Cleanly and che*j. Will m t (>o. eon animal# "r fowl*. Sample package Ly mail AO rt# pu#f-|iaid. Stam|wi taken. Circular# free Agent* want ad. Addreaa, J AS. 11. JOHNSTON, l '• SmitlifleM st . P|tt#burgh, Pa. .74 OUSH HOUSE, 1 > lItI.I.EFOSTI?. PA., Kami lie* anil alngle gentlemen, ae well a# the gen- i eral trareltng i.ntdic and rotntner<-t*l men are inite<) | t< Hit# Kir#t-t laee Hotel, where they will find bk #ter rnitdfeatred. It tell# complete ly lIOW T IMI KYKRY TIIINO in th- beat way. II w to Your imnw. ft Min i): I. A Fnll Clanßiral Covm of Ponf^Vrnr,. 'I A Foil Br|enti#c Coorw, of Punr lVr. 1. Th- followlnp U't.< IA (.
    -* and b-at- -oyilTintr to-u .To Am iTANIIAKt) BOOK CO, Phllad-lphla. P. eCC • "* k ln J' m ' " n " T.rm. and '•..... tkOO It fr—. Addrtw. H. IIAKLRTT A 00, Port laod, Maltw. |K-ty J I. FREDERICKS," l • Repairer of Sewing Machines, tIRLLBPONTK, PA. IwHrnw wr mil* -a-t of B-11-font-,on th- dark -orttlll- road, with Mr. CtirUllui lit I, *u fum of D, 7.. Kiln-, F*|. Old Mnrhinet Remedied to the latett tyle, wnfA Drawer*, ,fe., when required. ##-AII work ro-raot-rd. 21-tf Lni'ht'H I'hiltttMphla Jlranrh. LOOK HERE ZBO"STS. READY MADE CLOTHING THESE ARE.NEW INVENTIONS— NOVEL, ATTRACTIVE, AMUSING AND DURABLE. THE LATEST AND BEST THINGS OUT FOR BOYS. They are not for sale, we give them away to every purchaser of -AND- A SPECIALTY. YOUTH'S, BOY'S or CHILD'S SUITS, A SURE POP WHIP OR CANE, OR MUSICAL WHIP OR CANE. THEY ARE SII.K BRAIDED AND ASSORTED COLORS. HHtS cH~ld CcIDS REMEMBER ONLY AT . LEWIN'S PHILADELPHIA BRANCH, ALLEGIIKNV STREET, 4-18tf BELLEFOITTE. IT jCi.. New Advertisement*. BurchflM&l Xrie G rarer//. N KW OKKTBK COITKTT JiANK HUILDIKO. Groceries! Groceries! r PHK new Store in the Centre C'oun 1. Iv Hunk lull LL. 1 It** *•**! on mlc At. ili* V t lh luatliK airuiili, ami •••M B t |*r alt mil H cualiirr jcßf ickries, ( ONFECTIONEUY, CLASS WAHK. can NMD fruits, J I NM> K\ KKY THIN*# KI intelligent vender for a moment or tiro. The furl A they desire to male public will hnre a telling effect upon the domestic economy of any household in which this recital of their i facilities to supjdy furniture of nil! finds nt reasonable prices, is given a fair hearing. They authorise us to i state that every article they hair, on ex- ' hihilion is new and seasonable, was 1 j bought for r.uh, and will be. sold at the \ lowest price dealers ran afford. They | have constantly on hand parlor and : bed room suits, re/trf and earpet I lounges, extension tables of their own I make, odd pieces, secretaries, side. boards, marble-top tables, tables, etc., etc. Anything made to order and guaranteed to give satisfaction. They superintend each department in person and keep themselves pitted in matter* , of imjrorlanee to customers. They also invite sjwciul attention to their undertaking department. Mr. j Henry Swartz, practical, scientific cabi- ! net-maker and undertaker- of many j years experience, superintends the. ar rangements and work. They have late ly secured a new patent cooling board, the most perfect body preserver in use, uud the only one in Centre reninfy, at considerable expense. ,4n elegant hearer will be provide.l gratis. In transacting business of this kind do not forget R. B. Spangler & Co., High Si., opp. Bush Hous*. 904 m Hetle/'onte. S. .£ A. LORII, General Merchant h, Allegheny-St f , Relief ante, I'a.' SAVE MONEY WHEN YOU CAN! ANY ONE CAN DO "iT BY FOLLOWING THE ADVICE BELOW. N . GROCERIES. \\ i, are selling all cliin.-en ot (jROCEUIES at price* below any grocery hi ore in liellefonte. showing a saving of 3 cent* per pounecau! we deal in everything. ! We make a ajecialty of each department ; neither one branch or the other of our ever increasing business need be largely profitable, but a very small marg-n in either aunts up to satisfy us. ALL KINDS OF COUNTRY PRODUCE WANTED. SXf A I fiFR • ALLEGHENY STREET, ■(X ill JjUljUj \ BELLEFONTE. PA.. The OlileHt Cieneral Merchant* in Centre county. 70st:il>lishfrl in lHfjti. HECHLRR it CO., Grocer*, Jlunh Hou*e Mock, ltciie/ontc. Pa. NEW GOODS —F O R THE SPRING and SUMMER TRADE!! We have endeavored to get the very best of every thing in our line, and n<>w have sonic really CHOICE GOODS. USE ('HEAM CHEESE, Extra Ltrge FRENCH PRI NKS. SELECT OYSTERS, SWEET POTATOES, ' LARGE PIPE ( PAND EDDIES, PRI'NELLES, IMPERIAL FIGS, BRIGHT NEW LEMONS, FLORIDA ORANGES, Princess Paper-Shell Almonds. Evaporated HHIFH PEACHES. A FULL LINE OF CHOICE CANNED FRUITS. PRESERVED PEARS, PEACHES, PL CMS and PRUNELLES. PLAIN CANDIES, FINE CONFECTIONERY, —AND— GOODIES of all Sorts and Kinds. 1 Bar We invite the people of Centre county to call ami inspect onr NICE i GOODS, which cannot fail to please. BECHLER CO. TWENTY-NIXTI I EX 111 EITI()N OK THE PEtimrMiumTE AORICIIRTURAI, SOCIETY AKt) SIXTH ANNUAL EXHIBITION OF TlfK . 'A- * • Y-. ilJgs.:** s. tTTi n Pittsburgh Exposition Society COMBINED, AT PITTSBURGH. $41.800 liT PREMIUMS. SEPTEMBER to 20th. Pr. t. I>. W. ailUI. Bs-nHo Et.ORBDIt McSUIKrY Csnrm. Serf AVHI Atlvfrti*r)nnit*. | )K. FKAZIER'B HOOT BITTEIW. I 'IB/Irr * Roof Differ* ere r,ot a drem-eh'/jj vhUky If%rregf, but •trw fly n.m\ iti *i*ry mmmw, Tliejr u< I ffWf*/0 the litrf end khluryn I'*•" IK)**U *i"i rfguler, tuekf |JI *"k •frr ug, li*l lb* lurg*, IMIIIII D|< U. end rluM tb Mml ikl ijtum of *** /riif'tir Hy. For tilrrltfym, Ku*h of Ilk**) to lb* If*w4. finding fo I). DY#|> J nle, RURR wt*/J egti*. lin/J-Y, I'LMJ-K* 4ii.l Nl.ful'Hf liuiliot• and Nr, Ttt*r ( li'itic Worm, Wlnie Swelling, Kry •*{/*)•, K> r fly** •ti4 for young m>n eaUertng from H.fcrew* or I> l'lUty rmiiM-d from Imprudeurf, and U; fftnele* in l'llr*lr brwifh, frt/iH'i Uillr-retir M|4|alljf rraNunutdMi, It. Kfirin I have um-4 two of ronr |m.| Itit !>).(.. pi land Kldr.ay ifiM-u*., mut itLy did in. tnm, ,otd tbsti tti itoctuf, hd >ll till lliadb HI, I rrn U~~l Frntti til. dial do., 1 l-Tinti t'. lucnd, *ti'l I urn nw In p) ,f t health, and a. wall m | •<<-r did. I oiurddar )nitl lbnll.lii *(ji,.ra at (J!, JILNIO A Co., KILE I'ROII'I. " 4 'r b T—y n, a ma; # UWKDIKII BITTERS. K? Till, UHKAT Swetlirh Dyrpeppia Remedy Til. .1.1. Ingredient and lif. rOir. K clamant of 11,1, jtraat tamad, |. .„ mini a thr.ngh >, rf t, t„ u nd in tin. a.mintr*. I. I rtt..a It at|.„.W 111 |.r.f,,a. at.rrfi.lanr* by 11,. La,.laud.i. in t|„ |,|aa k and an . - lad ffmrmlaln. K.,ra. r ~„i Pwadan. and ® oonecfiott with dlw tttifadiaMLbtM um-aa.. aa on. „f i|„ Ittaataat r-rriadina |,„ Iljapap,,,, Kid,.a* an.) Id., r oro|.liliit urn t-iH br n knowi. In placing tin. pra|*ratkfi, Ul.i. It,. Auariran in .In a . .atididlj llia,* that w* ba. filled , i„„g ..Iw.nt I. g,.,eg amadl. tn* ll,at not B Kidna) and llfft ( .i.u.tall ibmr irliri if f.*t. .mh aa hui Mouuwi,, a„ k ||. u Hi-,l.l'and IW-k, Pal|,natlon f tin 11..,,, . Va * ° Ftoiom/li, U Fi'iittdi A> due* will rriirtc tbr womt (M i Ak 2"t r druggiei for m bolflr U ee&etMw4. Prtaa V, oanta. g FIKIN DISEASES CURED! Hj It. Frecifr'A Mgi< CNnUneiit. Cum* If |.v megn- Hli'k iloli „t Omlw, jmi-I Kmptlnria or, th leevfng fk-ftkin'!*dr j healthy arid I'oanttful Alw, c urf. If /f. Iterl*-r ft/ b SII Tnid-r. Ringworm, fetid l|.*d CUt j- i "-•J" ecte Uf*. oM, olwfltbM I , Hiilp Mrn and at tar nil had lailad ha uaad In Prsuara Ma k l. OlnUnant i and maa ffllwl hy a 1,-w at-pli.ation. ha it rat and on I) f,, a < ur. fo, akin dkaaaa.a I r-Mr 'III'OIPH Pant bjf mail on r~aipt „l prlca, p,rr Ci*r IIKNKV A (lo .Rida Pr 0,.,. J Vaaay IK., San V..rk. P .r Bl.nd, Itlaadiiid, lt/),in or r inarm tad Pilaa lir BllllnmaUniaa Uinro, la . an,, tnra. p,|, ll.< *i, I.J mail. For aala I,jr tin,rent,t*. uA-ly MILLHEIM HOTEL, MILLIIKIM. CESTUI (XiI'STT, PEN'S A W. 8 MUSSER, Proprietor. I Tha I n of Millhaim la l.amtad in Pai.n'a Valla, tboul tv nol* from (kilmrri Futfow. on tb Lrwn! burg <4-nfr.- and t htilrotd, tub mm rounding* u**t ntk* it t PLEASANT SUMMER RESORT. Iloud tr..nt ftahltif In tha imm.-diata TMnjt, A rah i nr... u, .♦'O tram At tha Millhaim ll.dal ..- I trmdatridra will U fonnd Mat-cla., and tarma uitaiar. "*• JnnaiO, ItClr-I,^ IPEXTRAL HOTEL, i Vy bb*- Railroad kitU't ) MILRNHRIUJ, ( KMIIK CUL N'TV. FA A. A. KOULBECK£K, Proprietor. ' TRATKLEM oil u>e nllrtmd wfll flr*d tk* U. t-.! Ml ricrlb-nt u, luncb. er |>n M are t TRAINS U/f>ti>oQt xk UiftitifMi. 47 | >1 LE> ' 1ILEC }'lLl> ' j A SIRE C[RE EOVSD AT LAST SO USE SEED SUFFER/ A •*" 0"" Wind. Klaa.lin k . Itchlnr and Clca rat~l ha, Iwn dimnand Ij Kr. Ft illtam ian Indian ramadp. cnllnd In Mtiltam , Indianihntriiarit j A kinrla tail tin# , urad tPia norat thrrdrtr ,-aaa, of or ,aar. .tandir k . Norma rood (,a minolin | ,n>, afsrijtnr tin, nondaafnl nnlhlnr madrnna , l.'Uon, indntmaid. and a|.tnarMn do m>ma harm lb,n f..d W lit,an, • iSntmant aim.*!,, tha town I alia,, Uia ,r.!an.a It'binr. I far,, ian lan, al nirhi an.,' j ratting warm in lad,, art. aa a |*omlUaa, giaaa trmtar.t and |lr,laaa rairaf. and ra |.,< j.a,. ) oolj f,i„ t 11. hing of tha twiraia jaol. and ),* nothing ,la | Haa.l what tha lion, J M OoAnbarr, of Ciaraland I >. aimnt Ih Milliam'. Indian Piia (Nntmant I hara „f p,|. ( u ,o. and it afford, ma ~1,m,,a I V. j thai I kantnai foond anything wbnh ga. , ,11. h immadiata and fmrmananl raliaf aa Iff. M illtam a Indian (hnUoant F.m ml. by || drt.ggi.ta or mailed on mortiff ,d lMw lIAKFEU BROTHKKB, IPUMRUn, . . KRLI.KPOKTR, PA, oK>><>RA * T ' ** " 411 ~K' 14 * 4 *U