Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, September 14, 1882, Image 1

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    Sije Centre Democrat,
SIIKJKKT A VAX olt.MKit, Kdilors
VOL. 1.
ak Centre jDrmcuvk.
Terms 51.50 ]ir Annum.in Ailvnuoe.
Thursday Morning. September, 14,1882,
Democratic State Ticket.
(TIAI'NC r I'. BLACK, of York.
FOR .inxiF. if iii" st'l'lli >ir.oot'RT.
Si I,AS M. < LA UK, of Indiana.
.1. SIMRSON AFRICA. of lluntin'g.
Democratic County Ticket.
lion. A. <i. < I IUIIN. of ('entre.
tU the •• i-i "it •f th Uiktri t tif ft..
Kll >T \Tt SIN V 1 K.
Hon. C.T.ALKXANHKIi.oftVntri.
Sul-ject to th* d < i-i ii t)i< l>i*ti h t t '■ tif-t-in •
IIKNHV MKT Kit, of Mile*,
11. F. lirNTEll, of I tenner.
.1. 11. TO LB HI IT, of Walker.
11. K. IIOV, M. I)., of Uellefollte.
The Democratic Platform.
The Democratic party of holding
t. tlf fnlth lht aI I" Wer H t 1I y the I .
atilntioii i* re*-rtetl t* the -tat' * *ti 1 th* I • • <-
h tiding th* •anctity • ( hh-rtv. th ur.tv
.f j rival- if"l •■ftjf. ••! th* right f1 - d * , H g *-rri
ii. -it, dooMMMiBg boBWt) and *con my In th* nd
limiietrati'T) *>f .. -v •riinniit 1 th* •• ! re m• it f
NII th pruvifiotni • ■ th*f natituti' fi ' > th- I. .U
tor* iti'i tho Ooortn f th*Comm mwfolth docUrtng
•goiMl mooopolko and In vympathj with ll t §**k
i * if. pr-<t. n il. And in U\ r f t!i tt. lutrnl !■ t. r j
*t- of I'tsfiiiiyltnrtna *ll tiuu-*. '!< * 1 nnly j *<t-wt j
. t4t "vilt* whi h th- j It s< f \h> R* pi -in par i
lv *>i I th** InfM.h'iP •• • f it* I "g |M-*—: f of!! *' i
l.tv- thua I r Mght lip ti th • 'ftitrv th-r. 1 •
rift~Wo<k pi f -st igainat wtint k rolled h* tow
• >t*m, ait'l 1 • ■ th- J lutid'TlfiC f •fV h••'■l-r-lv
turn MUD nta of tn f for | Ititl PORFKWI Pohll
m m •■■ tho ;r i i•|• In i irty '• ' - .• • *
er*ry ritiwn who *h in wit. ■; It, u fait ftil *
t C natititii n, * f it ion® wh J(■ -
- aI —ts ; rot' t *.* the U •Mtmi ?•
- .i I r •titntl mof tin • • - ft . •*> that
1' **v he. ..n" th. Nt r* 4 ' 4-it - * th. ! lit: :-
rtnr-1 ~>v t ftwwunn * nil n \ ndtntion, Slot# an i i
tgfinw It i> llkhrmrtt mti int tit f tb|
I ihif m"r*lt> w h t-h <*r. f >nr.l 1 th- -\ i
,il |M*rp"tuitj i ..in fr* ii• It nh'Xihl *•
i..i.|.* -'lion*. ntl th" | .ti.nl i**rty that v Hit ai. i
ni. uit with <ft hwrfM potiiir condnmnoti n
f iirlh —W*. ,h t. . ir, .nth.n * f tha gut" Tr.**
nrtr mul ininiimiitv l* iarS n if th •***•• t.x t- I ..f
f ri|||.a, wlmse • taw -f** tt.lgmflt BtlhTe*rai fi* ' 'ft! Il
tniata ai.-l wrong* ■!■ i - th- |-"i ■.
Kifth—W** th- it. pntoi. an party. \* n ■* r
and mtitrnlN, i*
Trupti'.n, and th"r**an I• i •h* { *••! tr*i r. f r, t
,-**pt hjr th" f.r •• f th* f all * t-aX excluding it
from pU< • and jaivi**r
-i\th—'Th- DNDntntik party dMumli of tbtUg
|t •* *ii r an hnwwt jut, and trna ap|.rtionmeiit.
-••xantli—t'pnn t! - d- Umtion- infita th ■>•
• t • • ition of all h- n*-"t rithMM ah" With Hi ••• lifl
h r-*--tahiihm* i ' ! h-: -t vrnmefit
Tin Willinmsport Sun very truth
fully remark* that < • neral Ibavi r lost
hi* leg in ih fence of lii.- country
<au*e aii'l liis head in defence of Cam
Tiie .State <>f Vermont, a* usual, ha.*
pone Republican by a large, but re
duced majority. The Democrat* have
gained twenty-five members of the
Mouse, over tin- election of 18*0.
( 'oi.oNKl, Rayne, who ha* been sue*
crssful in a light for re-nomination for
' 'ongrew against the protest of the
lee.*, i* said to be exclusively a Rayne
man and don't care a copper for Stew
art or Heaver.
The late Congress created over fit*
t en hundred new offices. Most of
ihem were useless but these would
swell the corruption fund of "My
<l"ar Ilubbell " and abstract the means
of payment from the Treasury.
The argument in the famous Star
Route cases came to 11 close on Thurs
day of la*t week, by the closing
speech of Attorney General Hrewster,
rnd was submitted to the court and
jur/. The judge before proceeding fur
ther in the ca*c, created a great sensa
tion by stating that several of the jury
hnd come to him with the information
t lint bad they been corruptly approach
ed and asked advice ; that lie warned
them to repel all scoundrelism of this
degree, and all such attempts upon
their virtue and iutogrity, with scorn
and indignation. It is said that vari
ous sums wcro offered the jury, varying
ing amount from 810, (MM) to 50,000 to
affect a disagreement or acquittal.
The judge's charge was given on Wed
nesday and the case submitted to the
Members of the Cf. A. 11 Excited.
I'.lilTOß or TUB I H Mm RATI' WATi IIMAN :
Will you please allow nio to ny to Itio
I'lildie through your valualdo new-pit
per that the article in the lant number
of the C. eifr, 1 ><•)!■ -rut entitled "Organ
I /ition of I'OHIH, ti. A. li.'' i* a .// /,
blundering, ma ie from beginning to I
i ml -HO far a, the organization of the
I'oHt at Fleming i* cotn'erned.
ti. F. Ii AKIIIS,
Musteriny O'/IWT.
The article in the /> tu -r.it in equally
untrue HO far r.s it relate'- to the organi
zation of the I'OHIH at Howard, Snow
shoe and ('entre 1 lall.
Sept. "ill, I R. S. Ktl I.SR. |
The article in the !>■■ -r.it i* an infa !
moilK lie. HO far an it relate* to the or
gani/atiou of thoti. A. 1,. Font at Mile"
Sept. 7, 18S2. S. 11. WiM.IAMS.
We take pleii.-urc in laving before
our readi rs the above cards of Mi --r*.
Harris, Keller and William* in the
order in which we tind them in the
II ulehmnn of la.-t w<tk. 1 h-cluirue *
t> ri.-tie, intemperate and ungentletuan.
ly style of two of tin in we pu-s with
out further notice, tin y b< ing sand
wiched hv that of a gentleman who
is capable of appreciating tin- propri
ety of dee. Nt address, and whom.we
have never helicvcd to he cupuhle of
anything dishonorable or improper.
In our article of last week we made
no u—uult upon <ircgg I'o.-t, nor any
other po.-t of the (i. A. U. These or
ganization* we r -pect, and so far a
we know or believe, they have In en
officially co:.duett d with propriety and
tor tin- purpose f,,r which they weie
instituted, without regard to the polit
ical party interests of it* membership*
We -peak thus of the organization
proper, not from any personal knowl
edge of its working-', hut from the
confidence and esteem we entertain (or
manv of the member* prominent in it- '
management, lhit while we say this,
and say it in ail candor, we t unnot
doubt that th< re are many < >tim,-I■< 1
with tin in who do not | the p -
-training inflneiiee of honor so eni
tivelv a* to pn vt til taking advantage
of their p i-iti hi t.> promote -elfi-h
end-. It i- -i in nio-t n--x iatioiis,
I and frritu the style of the • ard* rt ter
!ed to, we infer the ' A. U. i- not an
j Now for the facts. Our informa
tion did not state, lior did we charge.
I that any Post of the (i. A. R. intro,
■ lured puliti< * into it* organization,
nor can we understand why it should
■ excite the *cn-ibility <>t it- member*
who are guiltless of th< impropriety
re.'- ireil to. Itrchrred to tneinher*
who carried print* d political pledge*
i to eateh the utiwarv /trior to their ad-
I mission to membership, thereby u-ing
' the organization by virtue of tin ir
connection with it, when on official
w ,rk, e-r pnrpi - not allowed nor in
tended by the orgaiuzßtioti. Was
this doin- ' Were tin <• printed pledge*
used ? Our information is that they
I were nr.-l inteiiij crate or indecent lan
guage d- • s not prove otherwise.
Tin: trial of the Star Route thieve*
ha* com ' to an < ud. Kcrdell and
Miner found guilty of conspiracy,
Turner acquitted, and the jury eli-agrt e
a* to the I' rsey*, Brady, and Yitiie.
j Thus after month* of judicial fishing
the autlioiitics sucivf d in catching two
insignificant fellow* while the princi
pal* arc allowed to escape. They must
have a.-'da curious net. It will be
some time heforo the public will be
able to get at the Ixittom fi.< l* ami
know just what influence was brought
to bear on the jury. It is evident
that the administration is deeply in
terested in Brady and Horsey and
they are safe.
TIIF. vicious practice growing up in
Pennsylvania, too generally, of allow
ing candidate* to chose and control
the judgment of conferees, is hearing
it* fruit* in many part* of the Ktalo,
in dead-locks, ill Congressional ami
Senatorial district*. Conferee* are
supposed to represent the people and
the public interest and should not be
tied to individual ambition, beyond
reasonable and just limit*.
J. SIMPSON AFRICA, of Huntingdon.
Till W. -1 < ii• -t• t in i li
deavllrt" ti ighteii tli- Ir.dcpi ndent*
of tluit countv l>:o k into tin- rank", I>y
ill-daring " that tiny will In-irv for
li:ivi 11 _r I'nt ai lto tlo I >i-m-<■ r:i v by
engaging in Midi a movement
Win \ I lavii tin- < ;tmi r--n < .noli
date t r I/.' iiti-iiH' t - t < i iVi-ri r. vva
| playing tlo- r: rin role tor >tab
Tri-iiMiP r, •'nmer m - organ at Ham
burg kc i f him a • in- of a g nig ui
'|> >l:ti<-:t 1 trump-and 170//1 U hut
i- III' 110W •
Tin pa n f-r the addition of 1 ur
hun 1 rft 1 a lili'ionnl • h rk- 1 • t'.o- Pen
I- ri I- i-u:■ to Mr. I) . :!• y, ;!.<• ' • ui
ini--ioiii r, t 1 ill--, ilo 1 1i• 11 • to tin
eumpuigt. in tlo inti n-t l ilo i-tni'
wart-. ll' ii- up 11 ti.-- -1 1111.| in
Mai in
1.1 - . I tl.at aiiot!.- r - ll'-rt - In -
In.tii ti.- I! oii'ii. .11 1 hi. . Inn - f..r
(iovi 111 1 r ; jo. 00
out V\ .ui 11 11 •)! i, -.- : •
I rail li .v. nil: • 11*1 -in .iv be
uliii- t mull' 1; - wt ri in,; .t< t ini.-
..g nil I till" I I II ' Til "• I- o ate,
.' 1
or. y ii. i'l-u-.-y!. Ciiii i,u\ >etel
th rin l'i-vi rin r, anil hi- 1 ume i
-11 -11 -I 11 ! :, I' ■ 1 1 11 -• ■: . %
\Y. •11 . ir 11 t!. I'llt-h 1 I '
that "ilo Suite I'nir in.il Pitt.-burg
Mx| o-iti n w- re : . .. iv • , i.eil
Thursday ! - fa• ; a
putt o! ;|n- nt! 1- tin o until
Sejileinle r L"l'h am! ti.-- expi-itieti
until < >cl r 1 I'll. 1•-v 11 - 1 I 'in -in
VMi-< x|M -'i c| to Mink-- tin a 'uire-i ai
opening of the fair, lnil wn unable to
li-- present. J■ >i 111 M. Kennedy, lis'p,
mailt' ml intcre-ting it< I<i 1 • -- on h-hall
■of the Kxp--ili ili S• n •)•. This i the
sixth exhibition ly tin -.,1 i- tv. 110
exhibition of hnr.-e-, cattle 111 1 *lmcp
in the Slate I'air <h |>aitnu-iit p -tnin
to be er< ililable to tin -t -1; inti 1 -t '•!
the State. "
Tnr State ernplc v ecs at Wn-hing*
ton, whether from IVun-ylvani.i, Vir-
K'inia, 1,1 iil.-i 1111 aor i.-.i.-ij• j>i. might
stand the assessment of the National
Coniiitiltee, ni rcpri -oiitod liv Mulibell
for the " grand old |iarty," to any ren
j son able extent, but when the State
committees aim claim the right to as
sess them for State eleetioiM and every
dirty, mean stalwart meinlier of ('Oll
- gross demands a portion of their sala
ries to defray his expense* of n re-dec
i liod, they ought to rebel as a body and
I claim the protection of the President.
Arthur would be a meaner man than
he in supposed to Iw by hi* worst rno
my, and totally unworthy his position
'or the respect of anybody if he failed
to give them that protection.
CHAII.M AN < oori H claims the < n
tir< vutc ■■! th< Urand Aruiv for Bea
ver. 1 lie m-iiilx-r- have alri udy !*•-
gin -harjx ning tluir knivi - uml Bea
v. r - ti< k<t.- will l<>ok n- though they
had b< i II -trm i. by lightning. j
Till -* a r of .lav Huhlsl is in the
;t-< ; lani. Maim ha* gone Itepuhli- '
c* II bv abut >IMMI plurality for Robii - ,
Tiny •!• t tl Is-gislalurc uml gain j
on i i r> -man. The plumed knight i
v. .11 untiouht-lly < lnini nil the praise |
an i ■ ui-iib-r hini-dt abend in the
j pr> -, it nt ni 1 r.i • .
iTlii'is and the Is.ard stole any
tiling and <v rytliing. They got awav
wi i a - v >- 11 - 1 L TI-,TUII dollar topper
r "j oil an almshoUM'. The jocund
Mnj r may have rippctl oil'the rtsT to
enable him to find the | • nnic- on ■!■ ad
I :u.| ■ r i ye-, and then di*|x>-e of the
• rp--- to a metlit ni *■>< i. t\.
<• Ni la—MVN KIIMI.NTKOfT of
Ibrk-i iintv 1m- been unanimously
iioiiiimtud for re-election. T his i* a
o -■ rv> ! ■ oiuplinx iit to a faithful and
w irthy I't-prt -• ntative, whose record
in tin* In-t wn* alike eretiita*
hie t" him*elf and the sturdy con-tit
m ticv he ti prc-i nt
-1 m. wiiiti wa-her of the ' 'r*lit Mo
hi 1 i—r foiigrt -- i- coniing hack from
\ ■ nnoiit. Tin Hon. Luke I'olnnd is
ei- te<l by a tight npict/'. His maj
"lit. will he h-- than five hundred in
a ih-trict that -h .old given mnjorilv
of live tleni-aml. After this there is
i.ope !< i" ( n|fax. L"t the sniiter In*
. ■ ill in \ 11 uiont.
A fiii.i.vMVN in Wotnelsdorf,
Berks i i.iin'y iiauii T K i-. r has I
stud 1 r a hr. n'h of pr nisu of mar
ring •. and tin da n igi - laid al f-l.tNin.
Ihejiht tl lady ■ ii:n- in her iifiitlnvit
that -h' i■;veil lour hiimlred letters
from in-r faithle— lover thiring the
et it.-i.ip, an i tlir.i -lie i- in p'tssesHion
' l> iioi II to ( heiu wiiii'h he nam
I tut*. M. M,\i:-itAl,!.. who rejeet'sl
the regular liepultliean nomination
for ('"iigressniHti at-large, said to a
. New T oik lirviild reporter that Bcn
v* i i- " Hon t'iiiiierou's lunrioiieitc,''
wlio can't make two s|>eenhes in sue
'cession without coutrmlieting himself;
that Stewart will ;x>ll 100,000 vote*
| in the state; that Pntti.-oti will uu
dniihtcdjy be t b'eted, and Im Mar
shall t i* going t<> vote for FTaik, the
Democtntic notuinee for Supreme
.Judge because lie is the Itest man
named for the place. Ho adds that
the free trade issue the Cnmcrou man
ager* are endeavoring to nrou*c is
laughed nt among the iron men of
BKAVKR object* when it is proposed
to withdraw liiiu.
An Intentional M intuitu.
"Furtin, Andrew ti , Democrat. Vo
ted for the original river and harbor
-leal, and absent when the -leal was
paused over the veto. Not recorded on
the increased steal. \ oted dead agairi-t
the (touch Itobesoil st'-al. .V< ) rh
Mr. Ciirtin did not vote on tl." liill
■ itL—r at the time of it- defeat,<>r when
it wa.- pit-swl over the veto. He wa
regularly paired with Mr. Tbonia-, of
Tut. Ifeuioerutie .''tut" Convention
of New York will b" In Id at Syracuse
on the "J I-1 in-t. Among the many
fm-ntiomd in connection with the
I nomination for < iovernor an All • -1)
< 'amplaTl, A brain S Hewitt, R"-we;|
I'. Flower, < Jen. Sloe uni und Horatio
S-yniour, Jr. It i- bcli-v d tLut Mr.
1 lower i- mo-t iikdy to carry 1 ti tin
Win N liciiiijiT L. RVTII- JN wa
culled to the ( otitrollership "I I'liila
delpbia the tax rat" wa- F'J.'J ■. IF
ba-just made reportof his stewardshi]*
to the councils uml sliow* that ti rate
of £l.*T will be ample to meet ail tL
b-gitimatc demands of the variou
j brunclie* of the city government.
I These ligure* tell the tale ot Ratti-oii's
I honesty and successful adiniiii-tration
I in the interest of reform and the re
lease of the people from the i xtraor
(linary burdens imjio-ed upon them
by the plundering "I the !<>s* machine
II j>olitic in which they wire involved.
I Tlii- i- the man w< m* >1 in the c hief
• \e. utive office of Renn-ylvania. IL
j election will give notice to public
1 iduuderers that for four vcar* at b a-t
| hc j m ople of Rennsylvaiifa must
j in- released from their depredations,
' that public ex|cmliture must he
. !"r public uses legitimately app:<e
jiriat*l ami honestly elishtirse-d.
! T'ni Cbarfield -ugge-t
--, Bellefoute a- the place, and Thursday,
\ "Ist in-taut. the time of meeting ■■! tin 1
' s-otiferee- eif thi- J• • 111 t ngts--i nal
iiitriet. That will suit 11-. The nu
teirial conferees might as well nme-t nl
same time ami place.
Thr Issue MiM lie Met.
'J ho Itomoerat* of Pennsylvania
w through their Stale convention have
' "declared that the ' >rte Man Power which
! lia dominated tlx- |>c>litira of tlx- Male
t moat fx- put down ami that the tnalrtd,
ministration ami corruption *linii have
attended tiie supremacy of that powi r
must iiave an immediate end. So far
therefore • the I'etnocralic party is
concerned the i-sue to he settled at the
November election is purely ami solely
a loeal one, llut neither <ioneral Ilea*,
er nor the incarnation of the 1 i..e M in
Power, Senator Cameron, ha <lan i to
meet the is'lie. The latter has not
it>ol<Pii at all except when racked by
i the tortures of a raging molar he
threatened to turn "tree trader" it the
Philadelphia manufacturers r< fu > <1 to
help him in his battle with the Inde
pendents. Ihe former ha- evaded the
(burning question of a continuance of
• fie Cameron dictatorship ami lias not a
•vord to say on the equally im;'Utant
(Mifiject of reform in the State a irumis
'ration, tioneral Beaver ha delivered
. netreral set speeches in which he tuaoe
eonie illogical ami incoherent stall
j merits in regard to the "tuiiil .and
, "Iree ships'' hut he has not Ullcre-t a
I evllafile on the most prominent qui stion
j sif the canvass—the C|Uest|i.!| i I h has
! separated t lie stal Wat Is and imlepetld
• tils in hostile organisations and on
i vhich the Itemocralie party has come
ii. the front to deliver battle. The po
eilinn of the stalwatl cblels Ik not one
, so t>e assumed by men of spit it and
I courage. They have not dared to make
' slelenae against the assaulis upon their
management of State affairs and have
Ignominoualy retreate-l in the f*co of
she foe. Possibly they have acted upon
j the ptineipleof tlie familiar lines thnt
'HP *b fight• nl nut*
Mat to flglit AIMS||IS>I ttt
But they have run away without even
a show of fight. Neverlhehes they will
not he permitted to escape by 1 eating a
hasty retreat. They will t>e compelled
to face Iho issue turn whither they may. J
Indeed before the campaign is half over
their own following will compel them
to iuwi tin- as>iiit tistt being made
upon Cameron absolutism and atalwart
misrule. No political party can be held
I'KIIMS: jicr Aniiiiiii, in Ai\;inn
together, not even vvitii tin- ■ >ln -Ivi
jiow<-r of public plunder, whose leaders,
like tln- e11j• ■..i I ;ri of the <J<->-eri hid
their he via in Ibe sand 111ft>- of die
plirt 111 Ibe hope of II com " illlient u bi' li
ill the light of common intelligence js
impossible. If senator ' ainerori and
'ienernl lb-aver fonl r.'ie to run awn
from the piiricij il -in-rf tb'-t anv-i
and o-tri- b like te, tbni-t their bead,
into shifting tariff sand* wfn-ri eon
fr .IllPtJ Willi that .-•ue, || Will be notice
to their follower* iliat they feel them
selves una' low ,1 lisland Ibe nn-et of
I hen op;-oi.i ni'i in ir reir. ,-,t will
• '-■ ill lit r-onii I I. lit ami the fie) I w .11 be
left to Ibe un-n-pu'e I octupa . n ,!'
the |n n .- I il , h. ,i I mi.-ni-. /,
ruL>n / !■ -,. -
Disturbing I.lenient.
" Abu*e- i. ii.- i-i. pt into tin- if. | ul
lo an pi.n v, t \ ii i.iin of i oriupt men
n-ing to the lop like ffn-K in I eel. I bete
hfiil•*-• eln-u -i be weedi-d . Ul, |fn- Im-n
< "il. il.g tin i : given the gr tntl b' ul.- .
ami their pin.' o. iij ii- i | their t- !
Not only tin- leader*, but tin- rank
an i file ' ' the If. public an ; .My, ate,
an'l ev. r have l.een, di-lutben. of the
peace. Ihe existence of the most i r
rupt ; oliti' al organ / ition that ever liv
id and had a be.r.g was the remit tif a
disturbance that nearly resulted in <Jie
rnembering the enter elate*. It wm a
disturber of the peace when I'. forced
'irant for eight year- uj on a helples*
protesting people ; win n ,t *eated tin
national frau'l in the | residential chair,
when it underto k to i i.te public
opinion, precedent and the expressed
wishes of 11.c uai. is of it* own menif.i t
in electing a man pre*;dent tin- third
time; when ,t oustrd bone*tly electe I
I'emocrata ami place ! in*lead renegade
Republican Congressmen: when it jc
initted tlie mantle of it- leadership in
tin •tali- to •. 11le ti| ■> i. the • bi'U r> . f
Ninion and bi son I 1 n. i very ... t fc r
wbiili ii ;• re].on*.i.]e 1 rand* it an
enemy of the c tnmt.ii people -the
strengtb iff ur r ;ntry.
11 will be unplea- int, how ever.to have
all this ruble l und< r their nose* t \ r.ut
< ntetnporary. al.ove quoted. Ii i* t. 1
c tnphtni ntary to refer to any fiody j...]j
t ■ a* the content- of a beer glass when
it s full, but it doe- smack of the truth
►o strongly that it i all tin- more nau.
•< us to the decent member-, who. n<
doubt, are acting in good faith.
Mm I'. *.TIK, of the Tar t? t'omtni--
SIOII. ha* become sadly demoralized on
• i scovi ring w hat every intelligent per
son kn- • long ago that thee mtnission,
of which lit- w ,ik appointe<l a member
waa a farce and a fraud, an 1 was never
intended for an) thing <-!•• except :i ali
excuse for members of Congress tr
shirk a duty which they ought to have
faced manfully at the Opening of the
last session. Mr. Porter write* the fl
lowing pitiful letter :
CINCINNATI, September 5, li>S2.—My
I'ear Sir lam going to write you some
pl.i.n bottom facts about the Commi*
sion. Ibe real fact l- the manufactu
rer* themselves take no interest in it.
I hey seetti to think that the (Vrmmi-
Slot) w;i> formed for t hem. and * ill take
Care of 11 • m an) bow. ami. a* you and I
have experienced in oilier matters, they
now sun| !y lav back, ami expect that
the Commi-s on is to fight their battlei
for them. I hey don't even lend u tin
u- oil support of their presence in the
meeting* in the citie* in which we visit
I hey may think that this Course will
pay, but tin i will tin 1 out. perhap
when it is 100 lite, thet they have been
mistaken. fir such treatment will onlv
ten I io make iho-e memt <re of tin
•'omnn-s'ori wlm are n I interested in
i.ii) • ii.e m form wnati-aer in iniius
I' d cntei pne* of •'> kind utteily :n
dill'i.i.t, ..no a minqttly repoit will bv
t o toean*. uinli r *ui'li treatment, be
■•in )m| so -■)►.).11 The Rochester meet
tug was a farcf. At Buffalo, Detroit
and I ievi-i ir.cl a few appeared, anil some
important ..lattetsueie presented. The
Imfisnapo i* meeting was on a par, if
not worse, than that at Rochester, an-l
I. ere loaf s\, in one of tbe great indu*-
trial centre *, we have r.nly hd a couple
of men presenting their view* in regard
to pottery anil a couple on sheet iron.
1 have done all that a human being
could ilo to prevent the Commission
becoming the laughing stork of (be
country, aidtl by Mr. l'ostgate, who
you know i* with me. Wo have seen
every newspaper man, ami given them
the I e,-l phase of the work in progress,
'•tit it i* hardly possible to keep up this
farce throughout the entire country. I
•In most heartily and earnestly hoi>
that the Chicago meeting • ill be an ex
ceptioo, and 1 ak you in all rrn stm s*
to lose no time in seeing the manufac
ture* and scouting for iu an invitation
from the Board of Trade for a recep
lion, for the sake of the mute we rep
resent. • Bog those ftien that are inter
: rated to lend u* at least the moral sup
port of their faces and presence at our
meeting. The tree-trade papers will
watch the Chicago meeting closely. If
it i* a failure it will be a Waterloo for
protect iotiitm.