Cite Centre gewoctat. Thursday Morning, September, 7,1882. OoaassroHDKNcs, containing Important naws, ad from any part of tha county. No communlcatlon- Inaartad unlets accompanied by tha raal name of tbe writer. Local Department. WANTED.— A situation as book keeper by an unmarried man possessing every qualification and prepared to give best recommendations and testimonials as to competency and character. Address, A. B. care DEMOCRAT, Bellefonte, Pa. 2t. LOST. —Between Bellofonte and Miles burg, on Tuesday sth inst., a hunting-caso silver watch. Tho finder will bo liberally rowardod upon Its return to the undersign ed, or by leaving it at tho CENTRE DEMO CRAT office. JOHN TATE, Bellefonte. —Wm. Lyons is happy. It's a girl. —PKRUNA is in itself a great physician. —Our much] esteemed friend, B. O. Deininger, of the Millheim Journal, was i n town on Friday. —Mr. R. J. Walters, of Lowistown, n vetoran journalist, paid the DEMOCRAT tho honor of a call on Friday. —Miss Laura Parsons, of Philadelphia, is visiting Miss Jennio Barnes of Pleasant Gap, and Miss Minnie Hoy of this place. —Do not ask Mr. James A. M'Clain whether or not he intends to challenge Courtney or Ilanlan, ho might be offended. —On Tuesday next, Miss Ida Gerberick will leave home to ontor the ladies' sem inary at Lutherville, Md. Wo wish her a pleasant and profitable term. —Mr. Bond Valentine will offer the Wolf property, situated on Allegheny street, between Linn and Howard, at pub lic sale, at tho Court House, on Monday, September 11, 1882. —Prof. S. T. Stephenson, the penman who has been engaged hero for some time past, is connected with tho public schools at Lock naven. The professor is an active worker and pleasant gentleman. —Mr. Samuel Lewin expects to go to Philadelphia, next week, and upon his re turn will be able to show an entirely new stock of goods. He means to handle a line of fine clothing never before sold in this town. —A hugo pile of coal, lying in front nl the residence of a Linn street magnate ) attracted the attention of a visiting editor who remarked "The possession of that heap of unconsumed carbon would make a printer's heart glad." Just so. —Mr. Frank Hamm, who for some time was an attache of the Bush house has re ceived an appointment in a mercantile es tablishment at New Bethlehem, Pa. Frank is a good fellow and we sincerely trust he may find his new business venture a pleas ant and profitable one. —The Snow Shoo freight that should have reached here on Thursday, 24th ult. did notcome until Friday afternoon. While descending the mountain the rails'sproad al lowing part of the train to leavo the track. Tho cabin was badly used up as also was one other car. No person was injured, which is rather remarkable, too. —lt affords us real pleasure to be able to announco that Rev. John Hewitt, Rector of the Episcopal church, has been induced to remain in charge of the church hero. He bad resigned early in tho summer on account of ill health but has materially improved since then. This news will be gratifying to tbe gentleman's numerous friends. —The members of tho Methodist Sun day-school were favored with the presence of Prof. A. D. Lane, of Buffalo, N. Y-, on last Sabbath. This gentleman is a noted vocalist and will undertake to orga nize a class here. lie is a powerful bass singer and comes to us highly recommend ed as a proficient instructor and Christian gentleman. Encourage him. —"lnquirer" asks who are admitted members of the boat club ? Those who pay the fee, sl6. Tho membership is not exclusive, the social element in its make up has not been overlooked, and all who desire to connect themselves with tho club will be warmly welcomed. No other town of equal size can boast as completely equip ped and gentlemanly a club as our*. —The Nittany Valley mining company Is pushings things at a lively rate in the vicinity of the State College, getting ma chinery in shape, sinking Artesian wells, etc. This company Includes many of the moat prominent citixens of the valley, who intend to put an excellent quality of ore on the market. We shall give a more de tailed account of operations in a future Issue. —The Pennsylvania railroad company haa built and put the roiling stock on a branch of the Snow Shoe railroad running from Snow Shoe to Leatherwood run, where it reaches the lands of the Midland Mining Co. The road wilt be speedily finished up the Little Sandy run, and open up the Sugar Camp district, one of the most valuable in the State. The coal is superior quality of bituminous, and is rated high in the manufacture of gas and coke, and for heating purposes is second to none. It is useless to speculate upon the probable effect thia enterprise will bave upon busi ness! oporations In this county, or what vast fields are yet unexplored, awaiting the in vestment of capital and push to still furth er enhance the commercial importance of our county and its busy people. ATTENTION VETERANS. The Ninth Anniißl Reunion and Basket Picnic of tho Vetoran Club of Centre county will bo hold in tho City Park, Snow Shoo, Satur day, Septomber 0, 1882. Exorcise* begin at 11 o'clock A. M. No postponement on account of weather. A special train leavo Bellofonte for Snow Shoe at 9 o'clock A. M. Passongers from above tho Inter section can come to that point by this train on its way from Tyrono. Passengers from below Milosburg can reach that point by the morning express from Lock Haven. Faro for round trip from Bollefonto, Miles burg and Intersection HIXTT-UVE CENTH. From Tyrone to Julian (inclusive) and from Lock Haven to Howard (inclusive) tickets will bo sold at usual excursion rates to Milosburg, Soptembor 9th. Ample railroad facilities are promised. The com munity is cordially invited. To those who have never visited Snow Shoe, tho rido over tho "Switchback" alone, will more than compensate for tho outlay. On be half of tho Executive Committee, JAMES A. BEAVER, Prett. D. 8. KELLER, Secty. UNWILLING PEDESTRIANH. — Among hundreds of others who were stunding around the depot on Friday forenoon wero tho heroes of our story—most story-writers havo but one hero—Messrs. A. Loeb, Lawrenco Brown and Jno. L. Kurt/. They watched the numerous arrivals, and just as tho mail train pulled out, one pro posed they go to Milosburg and meet t! e Juniata Valley Printer's Association, whoso train was lying at tho latter place, waiting for a clear track. They essayed to board tho moving train and succeeded without breaking their necks, and scarcely had this excitement abated until Kurt/ was startled by the demand of tho conduc tor for tickets —ho had no ticket and examination of his various pockets brought out the fact that he had no money either. Mr. Loob kindly advanced tho 8 cents nee" essary to secure passage to M. On tho way down they speculated upon the man ner in which they would be reeeiv activity in the theatrical world. Theatre managers havo ordered their an nual supply of brilliants and the season promises to bo one of the most delightful over experienced. Dollofonto will likely bo called upon to contribute her share to Oil tho depleted wallets of some of tho "stars," which will bo all well enough if you can afford it; remember, however, that you and your family must eat, gro ceries must bo bought and paid for, and to meet this demand Mr. liainmon Seehler, whoso place of business is in the Hush House Block, has largely increased his stock of elegant fresh groceries, fruits, moat and goodness only knows what all. Pay him a friendly visit, whether you de sire to purchase or not, and, our word for it, ho will treat you kindly. —With a sigh of relief wo herald tho announcement that hoops, not tho ones used to kcop barred staves intact, but tho sort that has rendered lovemaking u nui sance and fortifhal maidens fair so long, are about to bo discarded, at least BO says Madatn I.n Mode whoso dictates, in this case, will be obeyed with wonderful alacri ty and unanimity. But, ah, yes ! but men must needs continue to adorn their beauti fully formed lower extremities with pan taloons so tight that to sit down means to endanger tho collusiveness of their several constituent parts. Now, the kind Lewin, proprietor of the Philadelphia Branch, whose clothing has been tendered compli ment after compliment, sells will not rip. Try a pair Wilson, McFarlane & Co., call atten tion to the only reliable lteady Mixed Paint in tho market. Tho Pioneer Pre pared Paint is not only superior to any Beady Mixed Paint sold but rivals pure white lead in its smoothness in working and durability. This paint if guaranteed by the manufactures not to crack or peel within three years. The guarantee is not only good for replacing tho paint but it will be put on if it should crack or peel within tho time specified. It will be to your interest to call and see Wilson, Mc- Farlane Si Co., before purchasing either white lead or any other Beady Mixed Paint. —Wedotire on behalf of Messrs. 8. S: A. Loch to call the attention of buyers to the following facts regarding their busi ness: Tho house was established in 1852 hence is one of the oldest in the county ; they deal in everything, and havo mndn every line of goods a specialty,—hence are able to accomodate all at reasonable rates ; their salesmen are, genteel and obliging; nothing advertised by them is ever want ing when akol for, their motto is " Live and let live," and they honestly endeavor Ui carry into actual business practice the theory it teaches, and they are fully alive to the intcrosts and necessities of their customers. So. 5, Bush's Arcade, tin oom lately occupied by Mr. Isaac Guegenheimer, will be used by tho Reformed congregation, to day, to-morrow and next day, in holding an ice cream festival. Chicken and wattle cupper to-day and to-morrow. We need not cay anything about tho cuccoca likely to attend this effort, for tho experience of former occasion* i* that all who attend will bo caticfied and pleated. Prooeodt to apply to "furnishing fund" new Reformed church. —The meeting of tho Iloyt' Branch, Y. M. C. A., on Monday evening wa an in teresting one. Mr*. Wi*tar Morris, of Philadelphia, assisted by Mr*. Isaac Mitch ell, of this place, entertained the boys most agreeably in a neat interesting talk of twen ty minute*. It is a fact worthy of note that the ladies are doing their chare of the great work and wc hope the boys will ap preciate their effort*. —A physician cays it's unhealthy to run up stair*. That's so. Look at the hotel porter. He is a picturo of health and strength. Ho docs not run up stairs, nor anywhere else. Not by a constantly in creasing majority he doesn't. If you will persist in running up stairs, however, do so with ono of Harry Green's cigars in your mouth. —Oak Grove Grange, No. 701, P. H., desires us to thank, or, behalf of the orga nization, Hon. A. G. Curtin for tho liberal supply of caeds, books and papers with which he favored them. Mr. Curtin al ways ha* taken a deep interest in the wel fare of tho agricultural portion of bis con stituents, and wo are pleased to know that his efforts are appreciated. —The A/jrieultural Kpitomiti came swinging into our sanctum last week vain as a peacock sporting new head gear, We trust the young lady may prosper. John A. Woodward, Ksq., of Howard, is the editor. —The Granger'* pic-nic will bo held on the summit of Nittanr mountain, ono mile north of Centre Ilail, on Thursday, September 21. —ll. Y. StiUer ha* juit restocked hi* five-cent counter with many useful arti cles for the household. Firtt come, firrt •creed. tf —The devotional service of song and praise was conducted by Dr. J. H. Rhone, In the rooms cf the Y. M, 0. A., on Sun day afternoon. —Miss Lisa is Swart*, after an absence of two months, during which time she visited Mends in various parte of the west, returned home on Thursday last. NOTICI. —There will be a Bush meeting hold on the old Bush (iround belonging to Fred. Ilouser, Esq., on next Sunday, Sep leruber lUth, 1882, under the nuspiccs of the Wesloyan A. M. E, Church '/Ann, and conducted by the ltovii. Taylor Hrown and Mosos Pinkney, the former from Williams port, Pa., and the latter from Bellefunte, Pa. Service! to commence ul 10 o'clock, afternoon 3 o'clock and evening at 7 o'clock. The public i* cordially invited. SPUING MILL* ITEMS. —The hot weath er that Vonnor sent us lately lius been re placed by cooling breezes, arid we are now indulging tho hope that the eennorabte prophet, whom many people hold in such high ve.nnoratwn , will dilute the remaining hot wave, promised us, with a few spicy showers. Our city boarders are gradually going back to their homes. Tho brick-layers havo commenced tie work of erecting the new school house. Mr. John Coldron, contractor, is pushing tho work, speedily as he can, Mr. K. C. Krumrine will move to Lew isburg this fall, to accept a position with Smith & Co., grain dealers. We are sorry to havo to part with him. Messrs. Sheesly and Latny have pur chased the saw mill now in operation on the M'Cool tract, near this place. They I have engaged UJ saw several tract" of tim | her on Brush mountain, between Millheiin | and Spring Mills. * REUNION Of Co. "A," HBtb Jtegt, I. • —As announced, the surviving mem bers of the noU-d "A" of the glori ous 148'h in the late civil war held a reunion at IL-bcrsburg, August 25. 3,000 persons are estimated to have J been in attendance. After falling in* the J first business was calling the roll, one j member answering for these absent by j giving time and place of death of each, : this concluded they marchi-d to the grove and were addressed by Maj. B. 11. Furster. His address is spoken of as having been intensely interesting and very instructive. He was captain of the company. Con. Heaver, its colonel, put in an ap|*-arance and spoke a short time. Hon. A. <. Cur tin spoke next. Then they had dinner 1 just as they used to on the tented field. In the afternoon Maj. fb-o. I), pif.-r, Sorgt. Meyer and Col. J. P. Cuburn spoke. During the address of Mr. Meyer conster nation filled the camp when it was made known that a body of the enemy was bearing down upon the peaceably inclined boys in blue. Tho line was hastily formed, j Capl. Spanglor commanding, and a charge made, but the boy* reckoned without th ir hosts and were driven back to their quar ters in disorder, they were gotten in sha;o again and a terrible assault succeeded in bringing in the attacking party prisoners Firoworks in the evening ended one of the most enjoyable occasions of which the people of this county have any record. I'ftoniHinoN.—The County Executive Committee of the Constitutional Amend ment Association of Centre count? met in the reading room of the V. M. C. A on Tuesday evening, 29th ultimo, with a full representation. The following membeis wero present : I>r. Thos. B. Hayes, Hon. John Powers, Chas. F. Cook, Bellefonte; Bo*. W. A. Carver, Snow Shoe; Prof. John Hamilton, Joseph Baker, Esq., Col lege; Christian Dale, Spring; John Smith, Howard; Henry Iddings, Union ; Capt. Austin Curtin, Boggs ; Oeorge Kckle, Fer guson ; Col. Josiah Neff, Potter. These gentlemen are all active, zealous and judi cious in conducting measures that will promote the interests and assure tho sue- I cess of the Association in this county. The meeting was called to perfect some of the details of the organization, which being completed, now puts our Association in excellent working order. A committee, com|oscd of Dr. T. H. Hayes, chairman, Prof. John Hamilton and D. 8. Keller, Esq , was appointed, whose duly it will be to superintend the establishment of branch es in every borough and township in the county, and, we are informed, they mean to give the matter their personal attention, commencing at onco to fulfill the obliga tions imposed upon them, and will not be satisfied until every voting district is the seat of a healthy, united, interested branch of the County Association. As wo understand it, and we have every reason to vouch for the absolute truth of the assertion, a strenuous effort will be made to exclude entirely all political and denominational features. The success of the movement can only beacerlainty with the unanimous and combined asaistance of all temperance workers, and the impor tance of the total abolition of the liquor traffic Is of sufficient interest to the fathers, mothers, wives and property owners of our county to command the hearty support of all. On behalf of the committee, and its work, we recommend that they be received with open arms, and their action supple mented by tho unstinted help of all who desire to free car people from the various evils arising out of the Indiscriminate tale of intoxicating drinks. We shall be pleased to publish reports, giving neress of officers, place of meeting, number of members, etc., of all branch associations, organised, in order to, in this way, keap the public posted. —The eighteenth annual convention of the Fenna, Mute 8. 8. Association will be held in St, Paul's Lutheran church Sas ton, Pa., October I', 12 and 18. Super in tendon U will please announce. Mr. Edward F. Our man U on the nick lint, at alio li Mr. Aikem. —No woman really practice! economy unleii alie uiei tbe Diamond Dye*. Many dollar* can bo tared Aik tho druggist. Mr. Bamudl Do win wishes to return thunk* to the M'Veytown Cornet Band for the complimentary serenade tendered him on lat Friday. Mr. Finloy Johnson waa at homo on -Sunday. He ii one of Lock llaven'i crack painter!, doing good work and making plenty of money. —Mr. J. W. Sweely, the irrepressible editor of the Williamsport Urea/far / Table, i interested in the publication of the Pittsburg Sunday Traveler. The firat number ha* reached u and ii a model of neatneu and intereit. Bucee*. —Our borough lock-up wa shamefully abufed by a party who were granted tbe freedom of it* corridor* on Friday night' They "junt knocked the stuffin' out of the old thing," in the language of one who viewed the ruin* the next morning. Mr. J. C. Noll, of Pleasant Gap, who will bo remembered as one of the teachers of our county for leveral terms past, l now u student at Franklin and Marshall College, Lancaster. We understand hii object it to prepare for the practice of luw, —At li >ak'i saw mill, near Snow Shoe, on last Thursday, a saw bursled, a flying piece of which struck Mr. Seigfried on the head wounding him seriously. On Tues. day another saw flew to pieces at the same mill, but fortunately no one was hurt. ! —A very excellent portrait of Gen. Ja* A Beaver ha been presented to the V. M U. Mr. George D'Almaine, the por ! trait painter. This is the second picture j Mr. D'Almaine has given to the Associa tion, the first one being that of D. 8. Kel ler, Esq., the present [.residing officer. —There are few men in this world who are more practical than Adam iloy, Ksq. When any one in his employ chooses to quit, Mr. Hoy can pull off his coat and fill the place thus vacated. His one weakness appear* to be horses and caring properly fur his valuable team is his greatest pleas ure. —The citlxen* of Lock Haven appear earnest in their effort to hurry on the new railroad project. At a meeting held on Saturday last, of which Major Hall was chairman ex Senator Peale spoke urging prompt and concerted action, and vouched for the speedy completion of the road. A committee to take proper steps was ap ' pointed. i —Mr. W. A. Tobias ha* finished the j index of deeds for tbe county upon which ho has been engaged for one year and a hnlf. The book* number 48 separate vol umes, elegant specimens of the book-bind er's art, and are without blot or blemish The penmanship is plain, legible and pretty, the work of Messrs. L. I). Munson and C. K. Sbroeder. —The Molly Tree Inn, one of the best temperance restaurants, is thus spoken of by the Altoona Tribune man who visits*! this place on Friday last: The one institution in Bellefonte wbicb specially attracted our attention was the Holly Tree Inn, situated near the passenger depot. It is under the joint management of the AS oinan's Christian Temperance union and the Young Men's Christian As sociation. It i neat and attractive in ap pearanee and the bread, soup, butter, cof fee, etc., dealt out to its patrons arc of the best quality. Its hot coffee, especially in ihe colder months of the year, will doubt less keen many a man out of the saloons It is a shame that Altoona doe* not have an inn of this sort. How much longer will it bo without ono ? —"Voter," correspondent of the Daily Newt, had something to *ay to • number of person* who violate, almoct daily, many of the flatute* on our borough ordinance book*. While hii remark* are all right in many particular*, he indulged in ungentle manly ahu*o of Mayor Power*, than whom, Itcllefonte never bad a more con •cientiout and faithful executive. It i* aiking too much to expect a Chief Burge** in addition to puniahing evil-doer* to pa trol the *treeta in order to arreit them It would be a matter of much cangratula lion to the better di*po*ed of our cilixen*. if the evil*, of which "Voter" peak*i were remedied, and we hope the love of order, to common to our community, will tucceed in meting oat well earned chaa tieement to thote who by their conduct merit it. Cuir* FROM MILLRKIM.—A number of our cilisent attendod Clintondale camp, mooting on Sunday. They ore still working at tbo Lutheran church. Hurry up, gentlemen, If you mean to finish this fall. Mr. P. P. Musaer is again seen upon our streets, but uses a can a While hunting he fell over a stump, and sprained one of bis ankles. He has bad a serious time of It, Two of our aged citiaens indulged in a spirited political discussion the other day. They waxed warm enough to come togeth er but did not aght. The festival, held Friday and Saturday, by the members of the Cornet Band proved in all respecta a success and the um taken in was far more than tbey bad anticipated. The hoys intend purchasing Instruments and this will give them quite a lift. FaiT*. Lostk Pisrx, Pa., Mar. 'lb, lk>| Dr. Clark Johnson : This certifl -tfc, i have been much benefitted for Dyspepsia, through the use of your *,, lent JMOJA.N BMSODSYBUH. 1 ret- fnu, f ',i its use to suffering humanity. —Bpacial inducements fur Y* Winter clothing during the month*. 27-tf MOVTOOMKRT & Co., Tailors Meeting of the .Northern Conference. The Northern nfereree of the - u> . od of Central Pennsylvania met at IL, tlelon, Union county, Tuesday eve r , jr „ Aug. 'HiI, 1882. In the absence of u , President, Rev, J. A. Koser, Rev. p, A Heilman preached tbe ojening s-rmon Wednesday morning conference mally opened for business. R-v W. JJ Diven was elected President /. ' Ibe following delegates answered their names: Ci.tai;ai— Rev. J. G. Aospach, ),. S. Henry, M film burg, Rev. K. F. Gr, hoe, While Deer, Rev. P. A. 11-. Lock Haven, Rev. W. 11. Diven, 5.,;,,..... Rev. C. W. Secrist. Kitten* Hall, |;^ H. K. Furat, Bellefonte. R<-v. W. 1. } .; or, Centre Hall, K-v. John Tom lin Aaronaburg, Rev. A. K. Z-mm-rr.,, Reberal-urg, Rev. M. L. Furt, Ilartl. ton. (AUBKKTEM.—Rev. J. A. Koser. I\ r , Grove Mills, Rev. J. K. Miller, ' Hall, Rev. It. 11. Fletcher l/ock Ha\< f, Lav.—Charles Ruhl, I'.iiflalo, W || Harter, Hartleton, W. S. Iteucb, \V|, • Deer, John A. Ssvarlx, Iluhlersbur;-. | O. Deininger, Milllieim, Geo-ge I t t (i gard, Woil's Store, Christian La- Boalsburg. Vistnao MXHIIEM.— Rev. J. W. <; .-,.j lin, Secretary Board of Home M-- i A ork, Prof. J. M. ISickle, Penney,v • College. After the usual routine business disposed of, an able and comprehen-.w essay on tbe fSecmul Article of the burg Confctrion waa read by Rev. S. Hen followed by a diacussion on the >: until the hour of adjournment. In the alternoou Iter. J. W. Qoo-ii delivered a very interesting addrc-- the borne mission work of the cbur Rev. P. A. Heilman followed witn well-prepared es-ay on The *0 Catechetical Instruction. The essay ■ ed some very practical and instruct. remarks by Revs. Kiaher, 8. E. turn and oth'-rs. In the evening Rev. A. K. Ztmaer man preached a discourse cu llenex c to a full audience, after which a coba.- tion for home missions was taken UK Thursday morning Prof. Rickle, to a address of half an hour, gave a ict satisfactory statement of the tutu work and prospects of Pem- ay! rui College. The mooted question, llab thai /S tracteti Meeting* be conducts! ' was o[* were well attended and much inters*! waa manifested in the exercises. There is reason to believe that mutual ssd lasting good will result from this met ing of tbe Northern Conference. marriages HMITII —MKTKR*— At bo* Ma, Ant . .tb iwu, i* u> ar w.o. *n,u, m, w .'i*. a-w - Mtaa Julia J M-jern I B*ll*hat* Grata Market. _ Bru **?*, (U-i* . ?. WW. (V.nwted weekly b* T It Rrit<4d. 4 Wtml, *. %_ . * Owe—wt |*r beabil .. • * afcelfed. |f I nftil • (WW, I"* beaM. ** iaartjr. par baafea* ... .... _ W Ctoaar ffe*4, par poeed - IW. arholn,".. bbt- " pa*aucß, I Plaatar, grvtiad. pa* too , ♦ " Provision Merket. Oarrartad aaklj by tlurpar Brother*. Applaa.drtad, par posed- ——• * natnlal, drtad. par Hi4ij„ l* M I!mu, camd. J . Baane .. It I Urt p Mot _ I* I Mr pat doa. 1 Rotator, par healed— ... T Drtad baa t , _ W New A'trcrlmrmrnt*. WALNUT LEAF IIALU RE * " STORK* ~lt a anifralj l few *1 vtfcwa II 1. M rIMK M wafer. sod, >• I(A e* '•* refer, la a perfect Vanulfe flair Rat, 1, It •' - Hewadlatal> fen, Hwh**4 from tba 4,mA< reW fief batr to Ma eateral color, aad i>rS. . a *• •mwtk wba*a It baa fa Urn off. tl -M -la aaf dbaega lf K hi m hulad Wit fa a fee d*jrt^H^feaattfa> '• wtanfed iuitiTKUKK '* Agaeta, Pb.iadalpbia andC. N. k v. fed I