Xew Advertisements. THIS PAPER IS ON FILE i/* ift i i*vf AjT,rUrt,, Cont ™ cu ,or \ WIUIvIVUO f Uudtllotbtrimptimilii \\ * - ~r i th* world can ba mada oa Uia Wots*: Wstone/ "•%r„;,Vo;.* D \c\ICCESS 7 "* \ J I fublliWr f lb* NMipwr i4 f Rub IMrtHory of lb* WwM. HEAD! MARK!! LEARN!! A flno inclosed FlCftlC Li ROUND WITH KVKUY CONVKNIKNCK BwiNltS, CROqUBT GROUND, TIUOITR, PAKCUOM, AND A FINK SPRING or FURB WATBR WITH I'LKNTY or SHADB. Jdmic HIMI Lmicliaa ran L> arriirrd at moderate rate*. ( trrlagaa and TlckeU for tins "Cava." f. ii-tiia. Cll>. Lndgm anil all raapecbtkle part Ira rau - t good eager 1-y applying at III" Mutt* limine. F. X. LKIIMAN. "VJOTICE. —(Jowl property for sale. ll Situate un Wwt fide of All*-gliaiiy street, llelh flbnte, known aa tin* Wolf property. For further |*rtirulr* appl> to t thii. DOHli VALENTINE, Agent. 4LLEOHENY COLLEGE, MEA D VILLE, PENS'A. The With year opena NepUtober 20 th. Additional t> w building* and many Improvement*. Cabinet* and I itiwrli-# r.jual to the best. Gentlemen and la*lir I mr Collegecouraea. Preparatory Hrhoota, Military l***|urtiueitta. lr*a than any other College of Don't fail to tend t GEO. W.IIASKINB. Koc'y., for catalogue. 3141, Swedish Insect Powder Kills POTATO BUGS AND AiLL TROUBLESOME VER of p min. in- nti will thoroughly exterminate Rom; be*. Anti, lied niiviga, Pl.-oa, Lice, Tobacco and Cotton Wor ma, Moth, •I'i.c. It ia *afe, aure, cleanly and cheap. Will not pop * p >ll ammala or fowls. Maniple package by mail iW eta. | .Ht paid. Btaui|a taken. ( ircuiam free. Agenta want* a*l. Addreaa, JAB. 11. JOHNSTON, K>o 8m Uh field 81., J ttUburgb, Pa. '/?•& OUSH HOUSE, J > BKIXEPONTK. PA., liinlliea and "Ingle gentlemen, aa well aa the gen eral traveling public and commercial men are Invited to tbia Firat-Claaa Hotel, where they will And home c 'tut >rta at rewentiahla rat**. W Lil~raj reduction to Jurymen and other* attending Court • W. R. TELLER, Frop'r. New Brockcrhoff House. pUOCKERIIOFF HOUSE, J) ALI.EOIIKN YST., DRI.LKFoNTR, PA C. U. McMILLKN, l'rop'r. Oitod Sample Roton on hrt Floor, Pn lo tn KYKRYTIIINO in the heat way, How I be Your Own Lawyer llow to iJo Boidnaaa Correctly and Purremfully, How to art in Society and e?#ry w here. A gold mlna of varied Information to ail .! M -*k of KKA Lvalue and attractions aell* letter than any other, apply for term* to 11, B. BCAMMKLL A CO., Philadelphia, Pa. -kMAn PENNSYLVANIA STATE COLLEGE. Fall (arm apam Auguat 25, IM2. Tkl institution la lorated In on# nf tha iwwl Uan f'fill, healthful *p"(a of"th* anllra Allegheny region. It I. "pan ta .Indent* of both aesaa, and oltera Uia fol l ialdg C.mraaa of (Mndy: 1. A Full Clasiral f'unraa of Four Yara. - A Full Bri*nliAc f.'onraa of Four Yaara. X The following BPKf'IAI. 'DI'UIM, of two yean -ark *dluwlng Uia flrat two ywn of tba Ac lea til la Conraa; (a) AORICULTURR; (b) NATURAL mrroßr: •, U Kallf, Btandtah, Brwa, Kaatna, Brady! '"wkrdt. Bowl., Raatoo, CaraoQ, Caatac, Oaliforat* ■K Wild Bin, Baffialo • Bill. Uaa. Mil** and Crook. S"o'l*aB Ckhrfa and aonr of sthara. QORGC . OUSLV ILLUSTRATED with I7Ba* eu*raring. h> RANTED. U-„„..i ■' Lt STANDARD BOOK 00, Pbltad*lpbta, Pa. tC£ waak IB yoor awa tow*. Term* and |A oat WOO Bt fr*a. Addraaa U. IIARLRTT i 00, Burt ■aad. Mala*. |X-ly J I. FREDERICKS, Repairer of Sewing Machines, BSLLRPONTK, PA. H' >M1 as* mil* rant of Ballalbnt*, o* th* Jark jaijlll* road, wtth Mr. ChrUtlan L'bl, an htm of D. '■ Kllaa, IC*r|. Oid hfachinet RrmtMtd to tht latutl ttyU, oith Dravtera, fc., trhtn rtquirtd. *f All work muraalead. SIJ-tf Gl BBCRIBE FOR THE CEN- I RK DKMOOBAT. Tea will Ilk* It. a4 to will hm rife. Le win's I'hUadelphla Itranrh. LOOK HERE BOYS. 10,000 to be Given Awny! SURE POP and MUSICAL WHIPS and CANES. GentS* Furnishing Goods, READY MADE CLOTHING THESE ARE NEW INVENTIONS— NOVEL, ATTRACTIVE, AMUSING AND DURABLE. THE LATEST AND BEST THINGS OUT FOR BOYS. They are not for sale, we give them away to every purchaser of -AND- A SPECIALTY. YOUTH'S, BOY'S or CHILD'S SUITS, rA SURE POP WHIP OR CANE, OR MUSICAL WHIP OR CANE. THEY ARE SILK BRAIDED AND ASSORTED COLORS. H&tS Hnd CcipS. REMEMBER ONLY AT LEWINS PHILADELPHIA BRANCH, ALLEGHENY STREET, 4-lSlf BELLEFONTE. PA. # I 'ujuimu •j****! New Advertisements. Burchfleltl's New Grocery, N KW CKNTKK COUNTY HANK HUILDINO. Groceries! Groceries! r pHE new Store in the Centre Coun -A ty Hunk litillillux, lllgli-at , Ilt-lli-finite, I'*., IS NOW OPEN • —AND— STO C K FULL. Thft goods on anlc art tin* l*t Ilia market afford*, and aoid at prices to suit all customers. GROCERIES, CONFECTIONERY, GLASS WAKE, CANNED FRUITS, AND KVKRY TlltNU KI.SK USUALLY KKIT IS A FIRST CLASS STORK. ItK.MKMIIKK TIIK STORK IS A NKW ONK OI'KN KD ON Monday, Mav 1, AND ALL OOODS CONSEQUENTLY NKW AN KKKSII. The patronage of all desiring fair treat ment it solicited, •A' F t q"U.lli>nt ell . aso SIXTH ANNUAL EXHIBITION OF THR Pittslmrgli Exposition Society COMBINED, AT PITTSBUBQH. $41,E5C0 X2ST S^B3N^CCT73kCB. SEPTEMBER 7tli to 20th. nmmmm *m\ d. w. gaunt, %****>*# •*>>. Mjoaaoi vtopmiiT (arm. New Advertl*ementn. J JR. FRAZIER'S ROOT Bittebh. Prazier'a Root Bitter* are not a dram-abop wbirky Ui.hj., I,lit are strictly medicinal in every earner. Tlicjr art etrongly upon the liver and kidneys, keep the liowela o|im and regular, malic the weak strong, heal the lungs, build ti|> the nerree and cleanse the blood ati'l ay etew of every Impurity, Fur Dl/rineaa, lluali of lll'**} to the Head, tending to Apoplexy, Dyep.|>aia, Fever and affile, Dro|y, Flmplee and Blotch... Scrofulous Humor* and Korea, Teller, Ring Worm, tthlle EAelltng, Erysipelas, More Ky.■ and for yonnif men suffering froiu W*akn**a or Debility eauMiJ from Imprudence, and to feme Ire In delicate health, Frailer'. Heed Bill'-reare especially recorunicnded. Irr. Fra/ler: | have used two bottles of your Roof Bitten for Dyepa-pria, lllrrliuwe, Weakness and Kbit ey lu.ee..-, and they did In* wore yood than the doctors and all lln- rnedh me I ever na-d From the ftrvt duae I began U. mend, and I am now in perfect health, and n-el aa cell a* 1 ever did, I conafder votir medicine one of the greatest of hleaalnfta. „,, . „ MH M .MARTIN, Cleveland. O Bold by all drufffflata everywhere at |1 per bottle' HENRY A Co., Hole I'rop'a. °**T- n Taacy H, Mew Tofk. QWEDU3H BITTEBfi Till. ORF.AT Swedish Dyspepsia Remedy ! The Chief Ingredient and life giving element of tlila great remedy is an herb commonly known aa hitler mint altboutfh hut very rar. ly lound in tbia country, excepting In the extrctna Nortbwaat. It la gathered In prufnee abundance by the Laplander. j„ the hick and snow-. Ud moun alna of Norway and Sweden and hue. In ronunction with other lngre.im.-a., Iwen among tfaeniaelvca eiclo.lvely lor year. a. one of the greauad remedies lor Ilyapi-peta, Kidney and Liver Complaint that ha. ever l.eeu known. In placing thia preparation before the American public we candidly h Here thai we have filled a long felt want, by giving a medicine that will not only temporarily relieve, hot will poelt|ve|y . nredy.pep.ia. Kidney and Liver Complaint, and all their varioua el focta, such aa Sour Stomach. Sick Heads-b. Pain, in the aide and B, k, Palpitation of the li.ait. Gwliv. - ueet, iudlgeatlon. Te||,.w Skin, Swimm ng of the llead, Fullnea. at Pit ol Stomach, Low Fpirita Ac. ILr#** diii Bill ffliFVi- th* irr>| run, t. i our * lottJe ami l* cgfirioodd. "nr. fFftU, gKIN DISEASES CURED! Jty Ir. Frailer". Magic Ointment. Cure. a. if by magic Pimple., Black Ilea,;. „r Grub., Blouhe. and Kruptu.u. on the face, leaving the .kin char, healthy and l>ueaUfiil. Also, urea Itch. Hurler Itch Salt ttheuui. Tetter, Ringworm. Scald Head. Chapred' Handa, Sore Mpplea, aure Lrpa, old, ..Utluate I'lcara and Soma, Ac. SKIN DISEASE. 1. Di.ke, Ka.|,,r h vel.nd, o.,auffe-red hevond all de ac rtpuon from a akin diaeaae which appeared on bra handa, 1.ra.1 at.d face, and nearly dealt, yed hia .yaw Ibe moat careful .bartering tailed to help him and al ter all bad failed be mad Dr. Fran, i a Magic Ointment arid waa cored by a lew applications rTTbe first and only I-ouitlva cure for akin diaeaae. diHorFH. Sent by mall on raceji,< of price. Fieri Cxxra. IIKNKY A Co., Bole Pro,,r". 02 Tewey St., New Vork. For Blind, Bleeding, Itching or I'lcermtacl Pilaw Dr William's I a Max Oimwiar u a aure cure, price fl.lK), hy mail. For aale by Druggists. iihly Millheim hotel, MII.I.IIEIM, CENTRE 00CKTY, PENN'A W. 8. MUBSEH, Proprietor. The town ef Millheim la legated In Pcnn'a Valley al-.ut Iwo nulea from f'ohurti Sution on the Lewie! beirg. Centre and Sprur, CYewk Kallroad, with a„r rciundinge that make it a PLEASANT SUMMER RESORT. d trout fiahtng In the immediate vicinity A cab run. to every train. At the Millheim Hotel accu,,. m.eUtlon. will la found firet-claa. awd term, uceter ***- Jwae a, UTfoiy pEXTRAL HOTEL, vy (Oj'po.iie the Railroad station.) MILKMII'KG, CENTRE WCUTT, PA A. A, KOULBKCKKK, Proprietor. *"* AYELEBB cm the railroad will fired thl. Hotel an excellent place U, lunch, or procure a meal ae ALL TRAINS atop ale-ut nilnv'tra. 47 piLES! PILES! PILES! A SURE CVRE FOVXD AT LAST NO OXE REED SUFFER! A wir* Corf lor Blind. Juhinir nl l"lc*• Ml*. '•* '•*• diwovered |.y l)T. VtglllMu. (>H Itidutn remedy.) called lir William', Indian (Hutment A .login t ha. cured the moral chronic cur. of ■£, or 30 yrnr. >uadln|. Xip need .offer ftv,. minute, afier applying Hit. wonderful .nothing m.-n'• u " inl'ttM- itching. ifwrticol.ru at ntgbt aflrt getting m.no in Im OOMPANT. Receive ttep,.lt. And Allow Ir ereat, Hmnnl Not*.; Buy and Bell Gov. gem rl flea, . . _ _ Gold and Coupon* Jtnn A. Burn, President. 1. D. BureutT.Cuhler. 4_ lf CANCER REMOVED, AVITHOUT KNIFE, and in most ' ram witbantrattn. Apple to . C - * M FIffHKR, Itoalahnrg, Oewtre Onunty. Pa. g-m I>ry Garni* ami GrprrnVa. | JARPER BROTHERS, FPRINO STREET. BELLXFOMTE, PA. Hare their counter* and fhalvet filled with NEW GOODS, f BANKRUPT RATKS Purchased at r BANKRUPT HATHA ( BANKRUPT KATKS WHICH THKT OFFER At BOTTOM PRICES, BOTTOM PRICES, BOTTOM PRICES. CONSISTING OF Dry Good*, Millinery Good*, Clothing, Fancy Good*, Notion*. Ac. BOOTS and SUOKS BOOTS and SIIOKS at mj low nrirww BOOTS and SUOKS * V HATS and CAPS LaUwUtyleaof HATS nnd CAPS ... HATS and CAPS Car|t Bac*, Umbrella*, Paranoia, LaditW' Clonka, Carpeting, womrtw, tiuconrware, &r. OomprWag aeety thing tbal van be teaa,| la aln t ofaaaator*. HARPER BROTHERS, SPRIBG fTRJKrr, . . BEI4.EPONTR. PA, CX CC " " aSS Subscribe for tbo C'astri Dxmocba.