Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, September 07, 1882, Image 4

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    ©he (StxAxt gamma!.
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Old Enough.
"Too young to be Governor," with a
sneer, is the way some Republican
newspapers speak of Robert E. Pattison,
the Democratic candidate.
"Too young," eh! He seems old
enough to make Philadelphia the best
controller that city has ever had ; he is
just the right age to say, "I forbid,"
when a thief attempts to filch money
from the treasury on a fraudulent
voucher. This is the kind of a man
needed at Harrisburg, to put a stop to
the plundering of the tax payers, and
Robert E. Pattison is just old enough to
do it; and will do it.
"Too young!" They who talk thus
forget both history and experience. All
tire great deeds of the world have been
done by young men ; in every walk of
life, from the battlefield to the studio
and the laboratory. Washington was
but twenty-one when ho made his peril
ous journey to the Ohio through the
wilderness of Virginia and Pennsylva
nia, and only twenty-three when he
saved l'.raddock's army on the Motion
gahela. Wolf was but thirty two when
he gave the finishing stroke to French
power in America on the Plains of
Abraham, and Napoleon conquered
Italy at twenty-six. When Thomas
Jefferson took up his pen to write that
immortal Declaration, which knocked
the political shackels from the Ameri
can colonies, he was barely thirty three.
William 11. Seward was nominated for
Governor of New York at the age of
Robert K. Pattison, and DeWitt Clinton
was of the same age when he closed his
brilliant career in the Senate of his
native State, and was elected to the
United States.Senate. Alexander Ham
ilton was the confidential friend of
Washington at twenty, and had made
hia mark in the Cabinet of the young
Republic at thirty one. < ur three great
est statesmen, Clay, Webster and Cal
houn were in the zenith of their fume,
and a listening Senate hung upon their
words, before they were thirty-six.
Give us young men. They have cour
age, hope; are not afraid to meet re*
aponsibilitiea, and have the honest am
bition to make a great reputation.
Thoae who decry young men, are Hour
bons of the Bourbon. The destiny of
thia country is in the handa of her
young men. They made her past bril
liant ; and gloriously will they fill their
future mission. If Pennsylvania is to
be rescued from the political juni/.arie*
which have seized upon her, her imme
diate future must be intrusted to young
men who have the courage to do right,
and the honesty of purpose to reform
abuses. Robert K. Fattison is the man
for the present emergency. His elec
tion will revolutionize the administra
tion of State affairs, and bring our good
old Commonwealth back to the honest
methods of Francis It. Shunk.— lfoylc*-
loum Democrat.
Cameronlsm Roomed.
New York Tribune, (H-p)
The plain fact is that there are two
Republican tickets in the field, and
thenyfcre not enough Republican voters
in Vne State to elect more than one.
Indeed it is a fact that a first class lie
publican ticket, satisfactory to both Re
publican factions, could be elected over
Sir. Fattison, the Democratic candidate,
only by bard work. No psrty can breed
a quarrel like that which Mr. C'ameron'a
management has caused in I'ennsylva
nia and not lose strength by it. In ad
dition to this, there is Mr. Pattison's
independent reform record, and the
fact that thousands of Republicans in
Philadelphia have voted for him as con
trailer, and have seen no cause for re
gretting it. What they have done once
they will find it easy to do again, it is
absurd to say, therefore, that General
Reaver has any chance of being elected.
He could not be if the Independent
ticket were out of the field. He simply
blocks the way.
"The Ihtg In Dead."
The management of tlio Philadelphia
House of Correction has been tolerably
free from open scandals, but it is well
known that in former years places on
the board, the members of which ure
elected by city councils, were largely
sought by off color politicians who are
always "on the make," It is easy to see
that the supply department of such an
institution might afford a fine field for
ring manipulation, provided there was
no incorruptible and vigilent watchman
somewhere on the pathway to the city
treasury. Controller Hancock was prais
ed to the skies by the old city ring as a
paragOn of personal and oflicial virtue,
but it was only a well played game to
deceive the people, who, when the light
was suddenly turned on, discovered
that "Honest Sammy's" ways were the
ways of the wicked ; in other words, lliut
he had permitted the city to be syste
matically robbed. Under his adminit
tration annual expenses increased enor
mously and the contractor, public insti
tution manager and political cormorant
generally waxed fat and defiant. Now n
radically different state of affairs exist
in and out of the controller's office, be
ing simply dne to the presence therein
of an honest man. And thereby hangs
a most suggestive tale, not merely found
ed on facts, but upon the cold and solid
truth itself.
Recently business misfortune over
took one of the most active of the
Correction managers, and being utterly
without financial resources lie was prac
tically reduced to the unhappy but by
no means uncommon condition of an
"official" tramp. Meeting him pressing
bricks one day on the highway, a sym
pathizing friend suggestively inquired :
"Joe, can't you get a living out <>f the
Correction?" Slowly and Midly, as
though bringing with it the last shreds
of a blighted and lost hope, came the
forlorn and mysterious reply: "Ihllv,
the dog is dead."' Being pressed for
an explanation the broken hearted
manager said : "The situation is just
this: There was a time when some
thing might be done, once in a while,
hut now the city of Philadelphia can't
buy a box of matches and have them
paid for without a voucher or a roll of
documents as long as your arm. i hat
man Palti.son beats everything 1 ever
saw or beard of. You can't g'-t away
willi him. He watches everything like
a hawk. No. Hilly, as I said before, the
d >e is dead."
Verily, "the dog i* di d.' The day of
ring manipulation of the tr• iury of
Phila lelphia i j nut. Tin* ring margin
on th" contractor's warrant i* wiped
out. The taxpayers | iv for what they
get nnd n<> more. The po<-pie's finun
rial interests are zealously and fearless
ly gu .rded by a faithful public official,
who has thus given the best possible
evidence of his fitness for a higher place
in the public service win rc be can serve
the people of the state. \\ ith Robert
K. Fattison in the executive chair the
purifying and healthful utmnsphr re of
reform would bo felt at H.irrisburg as it
has been in Philadelphia. There would
be a cleaning out of political vandals
"on the bill." The legislative rooster
would become unknown, for corrupt
legislation would be im|ios*il>te. Tbo
government of the stale would bo re
stored to its original design. Honesty
and efficiency would reiitn where mal
administration and corruption have so
long held high carnh ah—/..M-M /. r In
IT islikely that-lay llubbell's black
mailing levy on the office-holders will
cost more than it will come 10. Decent
Republicans protest t>gint it. The
Philadelphia Press thinks " that at
such a juncture, to insult the moral
sense of the country and estrange its
own independent vote by chasing down
unpaid assessments in Department cor
ridors at Washington is one of those
political blunders which approach the
weakest of all crimes—suicide." It is
of opinion that " a genuine service will
be done the hopeful Republican leaders
on tiie congressional committee if their
collectors are kicked out of the depart
ments. and the scandal ceases out of
the land. Nor can the administration
do more for itself than by doing right
in this matter. One class, it is true
will always be in favor of assesaruenst —
the thieves and strikers. It is not, of
course, true that every man in favor of
assessments is a thief ; but every thief
is in favor of assessment*, Dorsey, we
know, believes in them, and probably
every man Indicted with him does, loo."
When to Strike-
NUtlll Chrentcla.
Now that there is a disposition to
strike manifentnd in so many sections of
the country—the workingracn should be
careful to hit the right parties; and it
behooves them seriously to consider
whether they oughn't to strike against
their representatives in Congress, who
have wasted in jobs and u*e|ee extrava
gance a surplus of fISO,QQO.OQO, wrung
by the tax gather from the industries of
the country. Let them strika in a way 1
that will tell, and when they strike let
them hit straight from the shoulder.
llomocrutH ami the Tar ill'.
The Republican newspapers, especial
ly those published in the great industri
al districts of the state, persist in charg
ing that the Democratic party is wholly
a tree trade party. This they do in view
of the approaching election and in the
hope of deceiving workingtnen whom
they have frequently deceived with the
same false cry before.
Hon, Nuinuel .1, Kmdall la reasonably
good Democratic authority. In the
House, on May sth last he said :
"I favor, therefore, its speedily as pos
sible, a total abolition ol our internal
revenue system, and I am ready to join
hands with any and all in this llou-o in
favor of an equalization of our duties on
imports. No one who understands the
existing tarill laws will deny the justice
and necessity ol revision. The present
duties were for the most part levied dur
ing war and lor the purpose of raising a
large revenue. It will suffice in tins
connection to quale the Industrial
League as uuanswt-urable in this regard,
as it is RII admission on the part of those
who faAor the highest (.retentive duties :
"They consider such revision desira
ble for the interests of both for the in
dustries affected and those of consumers
partly on account of some original im
perfections in the present tarill", and
partly on account ol the modifications
which demanded by the changes which
have occured in conditions of produc
tion and commerce.
"There should he, however, no vi
cious assault on these laws. Changes
should have a firm foundation in rea
son, and especially should we avoid
mere experimental and purely specu
lative efforts on this vital subject. <ur
excess of revenue now approaches in
amount the annual receipts from inter
nal or excise taxes. If proper economy
he exercised in expenditures they can
he made to be within the limits of our
ordinary r< sources of taxation, enabling
us without j ir or friction to repeal inter
nal lax laws, which are inquisitorial and
offensive in the highest degree. These
taxes reach vexatiously every citizen in
his business, in his household, and in
the affairs of every day life until tln-y
have become almost unendurable. There
is no longer an excuse, in my opinion,
tor tin ir continuance.''
We repent. Samuel J. Randall is r'-o
nonaf.lv good Democratic authority. Do
they tavur free trade
The candidate for Vice President on
the Tilden ti k-t is reasonably good
Democratic authority. S are Senators
Heck of Kentucky, Rtyai I of Delaware,
Coke ot lYxas and Williams of Km
tucky. I.et n see what their utterances
have been.
Mr. Hendricks rays: ' A horizontal
I tariff i impossible."
Mr. Heck says: "Nobody asks or ex
peets this Congrr-s to establish free
trade or tear down custom houses
* In adjusting taxation on import*
with a view only to ol.t .in revenue or
•for revenue only,' we never thought
of discrimination again-1 American in
diistn.or o! dej riving them of the ir;
cidentul b< n tits or protection a j-roj . r
revenue tsiitl would afford.
Mr. Haynrd says: "The power to tax
by laying duties upon imports may be
o exercised as to do what it has done
ever since the foundation of the govern
ment, and that is to give an advantage
equivalent to the amount of tho tax to
the American producer or manufacture,
ami thi becomes his protection.
Mr. Willi iron says ; "Nobody is for
free trade jut now."
Mr. I'oke says: "As an inevitable
consequence domestic manufacturers
and producer* of the article* upon
which such revenue irnpo-t duties are
laid to that extent protected ngsin-t
foreign competition.
Mr. <' irlisle.of Kentucky, in substance
reiterates these sentiments. So they all
say, with rare exception.
Jefferson was for "dirriminating du
ties," Jackson for a "judicious tarill,"
and Silas Wright for "incidental protec
Let us hear further front Mr. Randall.
In his .*>tb May speech he said:
"In tny judgment this question of
free trade will net arise practically in
his country during our lives, if ever so
long as we continue to raise revenue by
duties on imports, and therefore thedi*
cussion of that principle is an alwolute
waste of time. After our public debt is
paid in full our expenditures can hardly
be much below f'JOOO 000,000, and if this
is levied in an intelligent and business
like manner it will afford adequate pro
tection so every industrial interest in
the I'nited States. The assertion that
the Constitution permit" the levying of
duties in favor of protection'for the sake
of protection' is equally uncalled for
and unnecessary. Roth are alike delu
sory and not involved in any practical
administrative policy. II brought to
the test I believe neither would stand
for a day. I'rotection for the sake of
protection i* prohibition pure and sim
ple ol importation, and if there be no
duties collected and consequently no
revenue, leaving the necessary expenses
of the government to lie collected by
direct laxe*—for internal taxes would
interfere with the protective principle,
snd when the people were generally
asked to bear the burden of haevy taxa
tion to sustain cla*s legislation and the
interests of a portion of our jeople at the
expense of the great bulk of our popuia
tion there would be an emphatic and
conclusive negative. .So, 100, with free
trade, there is hardly a ntan in pmblic
life who advocates it pure and simple.
Nohody wants direct taxation, although
it would bring taxation so near and so
constantly before the p>eopfe that Con
gress would hesitate long before it voted
the sums of money it now does, if not
lor improper, at least for questionable
The men who urged a tariff for pro
tection in any other way than Mr. Ran
dall and Democrats generally urge it,
talk like teapots. They urge what is
impossible—what, 11 it were possible,
would defeat it* own object.
bet workingtnen read more, from both
sides, on this question. The least intel
ligent of them can in this way hit the
nail more nearly upon the head than
the average Republican editor tries to.—
Union 1 satin.
LixxnTnoMASsoN, of Wilkesbarre, was
foupd Head on Tuescay morning in an
alley In the rear of a sab on in Ration,
with an emnty rid lying near her- The
coroner will investigate tho mattfer.
An Assistant Stalwart Candidate.
Thomas A. Armstrong, the gubornn- 1
torial candidate of the commercial i
greenback concern, is on his travels in
Democratic Districts doing what be can
to help Hons Cameron by endeavoring 1
jto draw votes from I'atlison. Ho made
i a speech at Heading on Wednesday
night and will of eour-e perambulate
the mining regions where he hopes to
advance the interest of Cameron by di
viding the unit machine vote. Let Mr.
Armstrong's pilgrimage he traced on
the map of the State and it will be seen
j that lie is giving the greater part ol his !
| time to points at which the Demcrulii- j
vote is heaviest, llejis attempting to!
repeat the Mason game of IS7B which I
was played through out under the di- |
reclion of M. N. Armstrong is a j
stalwart Republican, never voted a De
mocratic ticket in hia life, hate- the very
name of Democrat and In- pretended
championship of the cause of labor i
simply intended to divert votes from
j L'attisou in order to strengthen th
stalwarl candidate, Heaver. Ilia can
vass is in the hands of pnlitif ians who
have been tools of Cameron in the pa-t
and who were engaged in the plot by j
which the labor vote was betrayed to
the boss in I*7B through the candidacy
of Mason. One of these delectable I
politicians, Lee t'randall, o! Washing!' n
' 'ity, traveled over this State I .l tall on
j the pretense ol reorganizing the gre< n
i back taction but ill fuct to deliver n
ruuny greenback votes as po -ilile to
Cerieral Hady, the stalwart candidate
! for State Treasurer. I'r.tiik Heath, the j
| chairman of the Armstrong State com
: inittec, prints a newsraper at Corry.
which sad* under greenback colors I ut
pirate-like trains its guns upon the op
ponents of the boss. ''. N. I'.rumm, of
■Schuylkill, wfio was sent !•> c> ngr.-s
through the manipulation of the Re
publican vote by deputy l-os- J.o-ch,
Secretary (Juny'a chief clerk, is anolln t
of Mr. Armstrong's trusted lieuterisnl-
I'lie em marks ol Cameron are 100 plain
ly visible in the organization of the j
greenback state committee lor to suc
ceed in deluding any body with in* pr
I t> n*e of equal hostility to both the de
j mocratic and republican parties, lie is j
, simply and solely an assistant stalwart
j candidate, put out as a dec jy to aid the !
1.1.-. 111 bugging In* gone. All hut dent j
agoguery about budding up.a class pai ty.
all bi filie speeches at mil I the riglit* of !
the people w hose voti - h" s. >-ks In con ,
trol for the indirect 1 en< fit of the stal
wart macliitie, will full to dcceiv.
intelllgeijl men who will investigate his
political antecedents and surrounding-.
| —Aniitwy Patri v
I'olitirnl sjilc-Miow *.
It goes without saving that the con
le-t lor the governorship be* t-< tween j
l'littison and Heaver. Nt since the
presidency of .lohn Adam- n - there
been a state eh < t "ii in IVi.nsy hania in
which the democratic parly WHS not one j
of the two chief contestanis. No "third
| irt \ has ever outvoted the democrats
in the slate or approached their poll
withm many thou-and-. Kven in I*7*
when the greenback faction cast si
votes for the rej til.lii-an stool pigeon.
Mas n, the vote for Dill, the democrat
ic candidate for governor, was t - ' , .i".11.'7.
Nevi-rtheb- v the grcenback partners in
the Cameron blind pool are again lia>-t
--ing. ju*t a- they did in I*7*. that the
I.at tie is between their candidate and
the regular republican nominee! This
i- ton ridiculously absurd to require oon
tradiclion. Hut it is well enougli to ex
pose its purpose, which is siuiply to
cheat the unwary with the idea that in
supporting the greenback ticket the.
are really making a tight agint bostisin
The | r<-tn*e that Heaver can te- defeat
ed by any other candidate than I'altiaon
is a delusion and a snnr<. It is a device
of the bo*.* managers too transparent t
deceive any one who will examine it for
a single moment. The plain and indi*
put stile Uct is that the Armstrong ran
* as* is simply aside-show to the Heaver
••ircu*. Instead of being an opposition
j concern it is run for the sole purpose of
catching as many as possible of tho-e
i who decline to enter tho tent of the
boss ringmaster and who might lie in
clined to join the democratic procession
I marching under the banner ol reform,
j No honest opponent of tos* rule can
have any use for the greenback or
any other side show which is played a*
an attachment to the Heaver circus.-
The Chief Humbug of the Day.
The tarifT commission is a body ol j
immense dignity, Hiid it* sessions are
conducted 111 a manner worthy of the j
magnitude of a mighty nation. Heside*
the secretary ol the committee, who
presents the paper* which are sent in
there is the stenographer, who doe* the
work of keeping tho records and make,
a verbatim report of the testimony.
Then there is hi* assistant,who helps in
someway. In addition, there are four
clerks. Occasionally the committee
goes into "executive session,'' march
ing with much dignity into a private
room; though what a body with no ex
ecutivej powers can do in executive
session is a mystery. Hut more
mystery still is the sesion "in commit
tee of the whole." Tnen even their
own clerks are not permitted to be
present, as they are in execiitlfe ses
sion. Beyond tho dignity and the mys
tery it is not ea*y to see what theirmeet
ings amount to.
The Canvass In Virginia.
WASHINGTON, September 2. —Senator
Johnston, ol Virginia, speaking ol the
canvass in that State to-day, expressed
strong belief in the genera' success of
the Democratic party. He asseits that
Mahone is losing ground and that MM
sey will be elected Congressman at Large
He also looks for the election of Fulker
son in the Ninth District, dispute his re
bellion against Mahone.
* # *"MANRHILLY people despise the pre
cious, not understanding it." Hut no
one despises Kidney-Wort after having
given it a trial. Those that have useit
it agree that it is by far the best medi
cine known. Its sction is pronint, thor
ough and lasting. Don't take pills, and
other aivrcurisl* that poi*** the aystfm,
BUT BY F Mng Kidnev Wortprvftlvrp T B O
natural action of ah the organs.
Labor's Best Representative.
Will. • UnUw \A *i\vr t
rights are to b h ured only j
through lho honest an<l efi'ective admim
intralion or execution of exiating laws, of i
legislative or constitutional amendment
when such ndministratien or execution
proves existing laws unfair or unpro
ductive of the result* nought to beat
taineil in their enactment.
For this, labor wan la voice and' in
fluence in the Legislature; and where
1 in all Pennsylvania is there a man bet
ter fitted and more likely to assure them
! such voice and influence than he who
ft the present time represent* this dis
trict in the State Senate Hon. lick ley
i Brintor. C'oxe? Insisting, as i* his duty,
upon the absolute right* of capital, i •
insists also, not only upon the rights ot
labor, hut upon the decision of all dis
putes between the two in a spirit of the
greatest possible generosity to the lat
ter. The workingruen of Luzerne are
to-day as well, il not better, represented
in the Senate than they would be by
any other of its citizens.
Wntt.K the country is appalled at
the recklessness with which Congress
has voted pensions and arears of pen
sions to all sorts of claimants, it is in
! formed that one of the conspicuous he
roes of the war, who ha* been continu
ously in the military service since the
beginning of the war arid before it, has
by his death b fl bis family without pro
vision. There is a manifest incongruity
in this, and it is magnified by the turtle
er announcement that • iem-ral Warien *
saving* fiorn bis pay had been devoted
to establishing the tact that an injustice
ha i been < tlicially done his reputation
as a soldier bv his superior officer during t
a battle in which Warren bore a gallant ;
1 and conspicuous part. The friends of
j deneral Warren have ap|*>inted a com
mittee to see toil that (ienerul Warren's
| family should not lose Ly the tact that
| its head s-t the honor of bis calling |
above its emolument*. The appeal of
tin* committee, of wh.ch Captain A.
Judson, of Newport, is the secretary.
, and there should be no doubt thai the
appeal will bo aucces-ful. But it w;L
; none the leas be an outrage that there
miet be an appeal in sucli a case from
public justice to ptivale charity. Jf
j Warren could have stooped to tiump
lp a claim whit h would bring bis case
within the letter of the pension laws,
his >ueiuorv would not d< m rve the hon
or which ,t now commands; but it
hot,a; be for the Onveriinient ari'l not
for ] nvate citizens to give substantial
r- i piiite ii to the claims of such a sol
dier on his country. Surely, with all
th jo UgMte 111/eiaiity which m-pired
the Arrears of Pensions act, lustice
I might have added a section giving the
secretary of war a di. r tion in the cases
ot < flice| o! onsp.cuou* merit who
leave destitute lam be... A man wtio
worthily exercised tlie command of *
M t ' oiieral in famous and derisive
bat; .• . ail who cites twenty \,-III> after
• ward* u ni"re Lieutenant t.Vilonel of Kn
ill. •!', hv;n exhausted tie saving*
■if the p i\ • trned by Inm it. the lower
rank upon bis vain effort* to secure the
re Ires- of in it ju-tice d e biiil nllile
clotiied witli the higher, li gli. well say.
a* poor W itren i* re|>orterf to have said
upon b • de.,fh bed, that he wa* ' sick ot
everything that belong* to a soldier's
lite." Surely Congress at it* n *t *.
sion might make sortie adequate pro
vision for su ti a case as thl*. —A. 1".
Take Warning.
<' ir entire stock of Fall and Winter
good*, in the line of Clothing IVv.t and
*boes. i all in now at the Il.oton Cloth
ing House, just opened in Reynolds'
Block opposite Brock erboflT louse Belle
(onto. i'a. Kemember the stock of over
coats. business and drc-s suit*,boot and
shoe-, is the largest and most <bgant
ever seen in this section, and made up
expressly for this branch in our whole
sale establishment in itoston, by the
most skillful mechanics, ami better
made up then any Rochester clothing,
us claimed by some parties, and at pri
ces winch will be pretty near half they
used to have to pay for them. All we
have to say, call before vou buv in any
other place, for your own tonefit at the
Boston Clothing House just o|>ened in
i Reynold*' Block, Bellcfonte, I'*. 34 4t.
I.rut* K. I'imkiiam, whose benevolent
i face i* shadowed in almost every paper
we pick up, appear* to have discovered
wlntl Addison call* "The grand elixir,
to support the*piriu of human nature."
It is quite evident that she ha* the
patent ami ha* secured the contract for
! making over and improving the invalid
j corj ot American Womanhood.—OluLt.
Foh constipation and pile* take Man
| AI.IX.
It is a conceded fact that cannot l>e
, denied. I'kri xa i* supplanting all other
j medicine*.
Srtr Aitrcrtincmrnt*.
Absolutely Pure.
*H. A w.rrsl of pur.tr !
s|r>i< E th ami wWW.inot mm. Xn s ~r, i*.l, ,1 th,„ I
"-'l' %WA ** •"" '• ciWpstUlM
UTM MnlflUHip of low Ic.l 4mtl t M. alua or
ph<hala **ifer*> *M only la nuw. Emu Baa- j
t*a IW Wall-rt, N. T. j
. . j*. i
"" '' "
■S< n< Adr/ r!im iiirnl.
The CKNTKK DKMOf ijat i,
now TV nrly com/A' I'd th, fourth y„, r ' '■
tit&idmee. Like other enten
it- /. in 'I, it met mor- Hum one lion , „
Iith, OJfJtOMrd by more Hutu
Jnvorablc drcumAnnn. ami yd /,., '
llul it per never rd, and rum •
laughs ot impossibilities and rr,, -
mi/ it b< done."
Ihe pro' of mb"Tiption, k]
annum, in advance, rrnviin m,
Thi Kd tori'tl and Local pay .
ci ii< the attention of tin editors
Its I Aid V/ department contai ■
rw, el.< I- u t-uluon ncv.
Politically it is lirmoerntic, un
it* opponents with u ,uo*t jitirne,'
] eijUdtj.
ft uill Ivreafter lw on < lui
ihpartuii nt, edited l> an irp> r ,
teacher and actne educator, and
demoted to the intermU of tin -■ A.-
the county.
/' market rejmr'- are full an
' rei t.
It ilium to tri at patron- and
with court• y, fairm** and imjmrt
It* rircul diou i- 'tnje and inert
imj and ud crtiei r* I n't find it a
abh medium.
P-joh oi. ice , mpplii dic 'h all
ct ■ uny machinery la turn out *up- :
; won: on ihort notice at loui -t rah .
Subtc. ij-i'on* nuiy nimmeuer at
1 ini, aad are afv ■ ■ promptly ili.
| tutted when *o ord• red.
ft contain* rn->rr reading uuittcr
o'dvr on* pap-r m Central f'nin*•
! ma.
]' oji,c m ojwu to it* trie ud*, a<
whom arc invited to caff w/v u in (•
It mini* commitnica'fon■ from
parte oj the county embodying I
j new*.
-a ML.
It is rapidly being reetogn i:r*l ae
friend of nil tluve who appreciate at
clam publication.
Office, e+rntr Allegheny and Hi*
ntreetn, up *tair*.
Indian Blood Syrrp.
[Cures all diseases of the stomach Liver,
|Bowels, Kidneys, Skin and Blood. Mtt-
I O'om testify to its efficacy in healing the
labove named diseases, and pronouce it
Ut'ARAXTHF.l > TO ( I HE /> l'.S/'f./'.s/ i.
f.<ibr<irr|/ J7 ll'r.J .'hi SI., Vr•' I'or/. f'itff. • .<//
I for all a Of tOO KMnoro oof 1
1 ! J: —liver— ,
| niM, nabUac U> throw off tarpfcttty *•<! |
j ww>X l s>jal'' , u!! t!£S!!y **** i