Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, September 07, 1882, Image 1

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    Klll'tiKKT \ VAN OHMKit, Editors.
VOL. 4.
jriic it nitre fltmotvni
Terms 51.50 per Annum.in Advance.
Thursday Morning, September, 7, 1882.
Democratic Stute Ticket.
IJOIiKUT 10. PATTISON, of Phila.
( lIAL Nt'Y 1\ BLACK, of York.
KOR jrnUKoftlie St't'RKM K COt'KT.
Si LAS M. f LA UK, of Indiana.
J. SIMPSON AFRICA, of lluntin'g.
M( UITIM KU 1 : \ KLLK >TT, of Tioga.
Democratic ('otittlj' Ticket.
lion. A.(. CURTIN, of Centre.
j*hl : t< tilt loti.t II of tlio IlUtrii t (s.lll'Tcl,
I>ii >f \TK SEN ATK.
U a. C.T. A LEX AN DER, of Centre.
IMP j.t i • tli" !• ii i • f !!♦* PUtrtct Confer*it* • '
15. F. HUNTER,of Hcuner.
J. 11. TOLBERT, of Walker.
11. K. HoY, M. D., of Ilellefonte.
Tlic Democratic Platform.
TV IV tn --ntic purler of IVnjr Irani*. hot ill ng f.nt
to th faith '.hat a I |nw.-r not d*-fefcatwl ty th*
►titnt n I t" the HtM- HTKI Hl* |*ro|i|e; •♦■
r .<• - TI tty of twrwn*l IIIHTIT, th* wnrlljf
.? fr\4ntr pruj■••My, and the light of loml wlf-g'vern
iii.-i(t. d unn.lttijf Itoneaty and eron my In the •!
i*i•. -oration f Kofintuient •to! th* enforcement of
ikll the j ruviion of the O tuttuition by the l#gUl
tur - m l tlinOoartM of thContinoowi*lth . declMrtng
igftinat Monopolfe* and in ayrnpathv %Ith Ui r ** -k
I- k its protection, •nil in f*r.>r • f tt)*-indn*tri*l inter
*• f PcniilylviiriiA at nil tim*e, do Mlemnty protmt
14 rtt eril whirh the iMiliry of the Republican | *r
tjr I the iiwotenre of It* i i.g po*e**ton >■( office
1 k • thus brought |*n the • Minify ; therefore,
yir^t—Wo do intent Oi:.*lnt *h*t it (-all**! the
•j >ni, and nl*o the plundering of officehoWem ly
m - * TIL*" uta of money for political par }*••*•. I'ti'dlc
iff ea are the property rf no I arty, tut an j•n f.
er-ry *li> t honeet, capable, and faithful t
th r.nstitntlon, •|n*hflratk'ti* which Jeflervon de
eta ! Were re|tj*ite* for office.
,1-W- protet agmiriet the poiU y*t*m. It
i a pr -titntiun of tbrOft'M of thr po| I" so that
tnev become the mar.* peT'tuieitee of the politician*.
r ,j .. denit>ftr* all repudiation, Htet and
er lecaoee It i diabotieet ard •ieetno titre "f that
! morality upon whirh are f inied the eiiat*>nr •
x> -. rpetuit) f ©or free inatitatioti* It h"uld t#e
~ iftii>ii, tod the poltthal party that aid* it and
at t* it witt ..ffl -e deaerree pnhll-condetjinalbn.
> i,'th-ivs 'liuonn e apodatioi) of the State Tr aa
ur. * I tmmrnnity by pardon of th<ae ronvi< tel <>l
tt vhrae acta w ere fl igrant uhveraion of official
tr *'• ai d wrong* done tli*- i-eople.
fth-~We talieve the RepoMkan party, m now or
ra I end controlled. l laaed /© fraud, force oi l
i r-iptioß, and there can 1n no hope of trie
ei ; t by th*> ftifce of the ballot bus egrlqdln* It
fr> i fda# e and power.
ith-—Th- Ie*n<-*mte party demand* >f the
bl Hi'., an honeat ami fine app*>rth ument.
V nth— 1 pon theae !•< laratlon* we invite the co
t\ iti- n f all h n-*t ritlten* who witli ua draire
th r italdiahment of hefteit |t>vemmetit.
•• in MM am taw# *
Si.i HITTAKY FOUJER, of the Treas
ury ih partmeut, speaks out liko a lit
tl • man. lie says if he gets the nom
iuatinu fur Governorof New York he
will accept.
THE Independent Republicans of
Maine have established a newspaper
at Portland in the interest of liberal
principles uml honest politics in oppo
si'ion to the boss machine management
so prevalent in the Republican party.
it g candidates for Congress in Louisi
ana. They both have unsavory rec
ord", am] it would not be at ail dis
ti—ing to the country if some decent
tl ir<! man would start 'up and retire
THE Republicans are highly dis
gu-teil with the fusion of Grecnhackers
ainl Democrats in Maine, but quite
satisfied with Republican co-partner
il ip with Readjusters in Virginia and
Greenbackers in Missouri, Texas and
other States.
THE Washington correspondent of
tl c lioston Hrrald has had shown him
by "an ex-con federate Virginia read
ju-tcr" the assessment papers served
on liim up to date. The unfortunate
employe's salary is 8150 per month.
First, his exchequer was reduced S3O
by Jay llubhclPs little two per cent-
Then came Mahone's No. 1, for three
]s r cent. 815. Next his congressional
district committee modestly requested
the trilling sum of 822.50, or one and
one-half per cent., and this was shortly
followed by an intimation from the
county committee to the effect that a
voluntary contribution of 810 more
s >uld tie quite acceptable. The last
* is Mahone's No. 2, for 8100, to be
pi Jd on or before October 15. The
U tal is about fourteen per cent, of the
d jrk's yearly salary—B2o7.so in all.
Organization of Posts, O. A. R.
We lonrnjthcre have been organized
in this county since May last, six or
seven G. A. R. posts. This unusual
activity of organization at this par
ticular time,gave rise to suspicion that
the order was being used improperly,
probably thoughtlessly, in politics. In
the Post, neither by word or deed is
politic* approached or allowed, but
the members who go from lilaco to
place to organize new Posts, we are
informed, carry with them blanks,
with printed loadings, which contain
a pledge to support and vote for
(•moral Hcuvcr for (iovcrnor. These
pledges are industriously circulated
before the organization of the new
Post begins and every possible effort
made to get old soldics to pledge t hen -
selves to support and vote for Gem r
al Heaver by signing the papers. To
induce some to do so the nrgunn nt is
used that it is a mere forme lily and
without stopping to think the uuwury
are caught. The truth is, that all
summer the members of Gregg Post
have been used tints to advance the
interest of the Stalwart candidate. We
have no objection to the men who he
long to this organization individually
supporting Gen. Reaver if they think
they are right and agree with him in
|K)litics, but when they use the organ
ization under cover of extending its
usefulness as an engine to advance the
political ends of a particular candi
date, no matter to what political party
he may belong, they are stepping be
yond the bounds of the organization
and arc building a road which will
lead very soon to its entire destruct
ion. We are informed what is
here complained of, has been done
wherever a new Post has been organi
zed during tbe summer, aud we men
tion it to put old soldiers who believe
honestly in the nsefulrjess of the or
ganization, on their guard, that they
may not lie drawn into pledging them
selves to support candidates they
would not otherwise touch or vote for
under any circumstances.
THE thieves of the Philadelphia
Almshouse have come to grief at last.
For a number of years they have
been suspected of carrying on an ex
tensive system of robbery by the con
nivance of the officials and contract
ors selected to furnish supplies. A
conscience-stricken contractor named
Matthews, now discloses the villany.
Major Phipps, the Superintendent,
was arrested and held to hail in 85000
for hearing, hut failed to np|>car, and
his bail was forfeited. The depreda
tion of these scoundrels are known to
lie heavy, reaching up to several hun
dred thousand dollars, and is the out
crop of the boss ring polities prevail
ing in that city, and which Pattison
and the Committee of One Hundred
have been so earnest in exposing. The
pursuit of the Almshouse thieves has
ouly commenced and is not likely to
end until a number of favored ring
politicians nre safely lodged in the
Penitentiary. The detectives nre on
the track of the absconding superin
tendent who is believed to be in New
York watching his chances for a Eu
ropean voyage.
WHAT is called the *' .Shoestring
District" in Mississippi, from which
Chalmers, after cheating the negroes
out of their votes, was returned to
Congress and kicked out by the Re
publicans, is now the Republican can
didate begging the negroes to vote
him iu again, is composed of twelve
counties stretched along the Mississip
pi River 300 miles. It it said the
demagogue will have more trouble to
cheat tbe negroes t6 vote for him now
than he had to defrAud them on the
former occasion. "My dear Hubbel "
is his backer this time with voluntary
contributions from scrub women and
waiter boys. ■ i'
MR. HEY DRIERS .ayethe Democrats
will carry Indiana. MR, Harrison
says they will not. Mr. Dorsoy not
being present and his star route barrel
needed for other purposes, wo are in
clined to believe Hendricks.
| SILAS M. CLARK, of Indiana.
THE Washington correspondent of
the New York Sun has been making
a tabular estimate of the relative
strength of parlies in the next ( "tig
ress with the following re>ult : Dem
ocrats, 17b; Republicans, 13b; and
Independents 7. The official return
may vary the figures some.
CHAIRMAN HEATH of the National
Labor party has addressed letters to
the chairmen of the Democratic, Re
publican and Independent State Com
mittee, challenging them to select one
or more jwrsons from each organiza
tion to meet speakers whom he will
name, jointly to discuss the principles
of the respective parties throughout
the state.
GENERAL REAVER is credited with
the declaration that if elected Gover
nor he will not he controlled by the
bosses. Well, we hope that declara
tion will he ratified if this misfortune
fall upon the State ; but it is some
what strange that the bosses should
set up a can liilatc and press him for
election, to disregard them when elect
ed ? It is not their usual method of
doing up that kind of business.
THE New York Time* refuses to IK?
comforted bv the assurance of the san
guine Republican candidate for gnv
nor in Pennsylvania, of 50,000 stal
wart majority, and expresses* a belief
that the rhances of Republican suc
cess in Pennsylvania. Ohio and Maine,
are very gloomy. The impressions of
I the Timr* are more than prophetic.
This is a year for Reform and bad for
| lioss-macbine politics.
whom Ross Cameron and the Admin
istration had doomed for defeat, has
carried his district for nomination by
a large majority over Christy his stal
wart competitor. This is the boss'
first experience before the people
against an Independent congressman
who dared to antagonize him and act
upon his own convictions of duty. It
will probably not he the lat, and that
he and the administration will IK? wi.->-
er at the close of the campaign. The
contest generally in Allegheny shows
that the IndciKUidcnts nre 110 mean
factors in determining results. •
THE two Republican candidates for
governor of Pennsylvania sre actively
in the field, but have not yet come to
gether to discuss the issues that divide
their adherents into factions. Htcwart
it appears, devotes himself to argu
ment and the questions involved in
the campaign. Heaver avoids them,
and puts in the time in hand-shaking
and familiar remarks upon the weath
er observing, as fur as possible, the in
junction of Boss Quay, " Dear Rea
ver, don't talk." Rosa machine poli
tics is undoubtedly a case in which
there is " wisdom in silence " on tbe
part of those who represent them and
our friend, the General, has caught it.
MR.. ROUND*, the Public Printer, a
few days ago sat down upon the Vir
ginia dictator and crushed the little
viper so far in his department is con
cerned. Mahono attempted to levy
his 5 per cent, assessment upon all the
printers in the employ of that bureau
from Virginia and who had already
paid the Iluhhcll assessments. Rut
Rounds called a halt, ami informed
the employees that no one should be
displaced for refusing to n.-poml to
to Mahone's demand.
PHIITH, the stalwart superintend
ent of the Philadelphia aim- house,
has disappeared and is now a fugitive
from justice. President Arthur, Secre
taries Chandler and Folger, and the
Ism! knows how many more stalwart
officials, have disappeared from Wash
ington. Some of them are in posses
sion of vessels belonging to the United
States, and may he hiding about New
ork and on the coast of Maine, where
the river ami harbor thieves arc hold
ing a jubilee over their spoils.
THE Philadelphia Timr* speaking
of the endorsement >f the Greenback
candidate for governor by the late La
bor Covent ion, intimates thnn a for
midable revolt from the action of that
IMHIV will be developed at an early
day. There has been no cordial re
sponse, says the Timr A, from the Trade
and Labor o~ganizations to the action
of the Convention, making a State
nomination in direct opposition to the
proclaimed |Milicy of the Knights of
Labor. On the contrary, a number
of the most trusted and intelligent
Labor ineo of this city and elsewhere
arc now considering how best they ran
extricate the Knights of Labor from
the false and probably fatal jMisition
they were apparently involved in liv
the nomination of a candidate for
Governor. They have ten votes to
one of Greenbackers, ami they see
that they are made to depart from
their declared policy to serve a little
faction of Greenbaekera that has ev
erything to gain ami nothing to lose.
They see, also, that the Cameron
Rosses at once proclaimed their tri
uniph in the trade uml Labor Conven
tion by forcing a State nomination,
and that has intensified the opposition
of the honest Labor people who mean,
first of all, to give no aid, direct or
indirect, to Ross monopoly. They ac
cept the declaration of Mr. Chance, a
delegate from this 'city, that the par
ticipation in |K)liticsdates the downfall
of the Knights of Labor, and they
will, at an early day, take positive
steps to retrieve the blunder ami res
cue tbe Knights of Labor from the
fate, of all previous Labor organiza
tions which were dragged into politics,
A formidable revolt is now inevitable,
and it will voice with emphasis the
intelligence and integrity of tbe Labor
jHjople of (!{ie State.'
THE Stalwart machine tieket in
Philadelphia will probably lose two
or ibree hundred of their usual fraud
ulent voles by tbo exposure <d the
pauper iliji-ves in tbe Alius-housand
the (light of i'hipps, the worthy agent
ot the bo
( 'AI.KIN-, th" Keili r :,;,d lb-is -oil
l liiruii i) oi the ejection coiiiiisittee
01 tbe House, has been iiuuiinnt"d lor
re-el.etii.il in Indiana. Ot'cout-e Re
p-iblicaiis cannot dispense with th •
services oi < Y.ikin- in <-a e- w :u-rc li rge
in ijoi ilii-s art to !.c i iioi--i in order
to se.it Rcjitlhiiouli t o'lgl.--iol.al
tt o nip", wit iiout i h irnrt i riir merit.
WHEN the que-:, ,11 1-1 f, .1
tai l-; of Armstrong, the G. ■< nbin-k
eaniiidnie tor (iuvmor, v -is eicb. r
eo-i-i-leraii-iii in the 1.. i !„•! r ( --n
■ n'ion, a delegate reprcsentiug tbe
" S!.. • < "utter* !'-liffi< iI e'.ti .1 "
m -and dt-iivi red a short, -<-1.- and
siguificant speech. 11.- said; "I is
li- vc that I- -iii-.-t and e\ -, n iability
are the be.-t security that a cainlidate
will. if elected, deal justly with the
workingmaii. Knowing tliis. I vote
here as I will vote on election day,
tor Robert K. I'atlison for (iovcrnor.
THE issues involved in the present
jsMitical campaign are too iinportant
and too plainly marked to fail to meet
the candid consideration of the people
of Pennsylvania. The reck less waste
which has characterized our public ad
ministration ; the disregard of law and
fairness which has so largely entered
into the measures of choosing its agents
and representatives under the rule of
Ross machine politics, has long called
for the correcting hand of the power
whose edict cannot be disregarded. It
is in the interest of this needed reform
and economy ;of fair elections and a
just responsibility of official agents;
an honest application of the public
moneys to the public services without
supernumaries to "eat out the sub
stance of the people" that the Demo
cratic party have brought to the front
candidates of known ability and well
attest'd honesty, pledged to the best of
their ability to correct the abus< s and
irregularities so rife and demoralizing
to public moral". Mr. Rlack, the
able and accomplished candidate fir
Lieut. Governor, in his late speech
said : "The battle now to he fought is
not one for mere partisan victory ; its
object is the reform of the State gov
ernment in all its departments and
clean hands only must be put to the
work. The nomination of the gal
lant I'attison —the stainless young
leader, who stands at the head of the
reform column in Philadelphia, mentis
precisely that and nothing else. Like
the Rlack Knight of old, come to re-
I store the rightful sovereign to his own,
j this bold tribune of the jaxiplo, will be
i found thundering at the gate of the
ring citadel, battle-axe in hand, and
when he makes his lodgment within,
the 'black flag of the bosses' will be
displaced by the purest political ban
1 ucr that ever floated on any Incize.
jOur Republican friends snail have no
| reason to complain of us. If we do
not give them what we promise, 1111 ab
solutely pure and honest government —
they have the power to turn us out,
and all deeent. citizens wi I help them
to do it. Rut there is little danger of
that They tried PattLou once, aud,
instead of finding reasons to part with
him, they discovered many powerful
reasons for adding thousands of Re
publican votes to his previous niajori
The Iwgintiing of reform in this
Slate WHS the adoption of the new con
stitution which, despite the most tre
mendous exertions of the fiug, receiv
ed something like 150,000 majority.
In the convention which framed that
beneficent iuslruincut, Clarke aud
Elliot were tall figures and devoted
laborers. Every liue of it is dear
to them ; they arc actuated by its
spirit; anil tbeir influence will if ne
cessity be exerted to complete the ty
fornis which they so auspiciously be
TCIt WS: |MT A tililim, In AlhmMV.
An Owolititfou Itit; Issue.
There w ii- one hundred millions
<ii -HI j!11in ili<- lr. H>l\l ry ami the J -
|iuli!ii nit !..:i ri vk' i w it nnd felt tin
n -traint. Appr priation- fur all ]>tir
]'*■-' •!■• i< f k'• -.-Iv ii.cn a-i il with*
■' l l l ttppuri lit 11 ; - :u J <i>r tln; < • ti<ritoii
inn i< i| ■ 1 tii til.nil- | i Djilt . Tin'
Mini I• t1 R I.J njipr JPI i uir 1.. ;I,|- J A-.;;
i- >■l,oi;7, . r >77,b_'l 111<>11-
tilllll 1"! 1 J, I L.II IIVI I >!>,<>< ILL
"Hire i. an I s 1. In- ; :ir! v *liicli
i* .• i-1 - I i :In- < itravillain*!'
Jin- ■ IM . i!.- ■l ii lit make Villllllill' It*
1 '•; i l: ' i- ■>, in ■ fn v:iin lii ill -
-> lin.- -1 - ■ I'tiT t'til Mai.in-' Ii •
li't'l |I IV tlin pail nl truth. I'ul
I' II i , I,k- 111111 • I l, " v i.l lit " siiitl
i!i" people justly nitii IIHIII i a■ tliis
'iiitin-! >ll- raid iip'/n t! • <>> -nun v.
The II I i'v I:i ; tin- ; .AM I t'i -i *■
il." r<''-id id ('mi^ri lt could In-ve
i<< 1,'.. i IN;,, a,- -UNIT UJM.II ILIC TN:I-.
"13 -:ii it - '.ii lit. It i-ini-c ratli-r in
i" rtm: I: rutin.-atioti of J,I -r.-Ol.al
aim- than t - protect the iuteri--in of the
public. I hero is MI earthly OXCUM
lor instance, for the increase of over
seven millions in the appropriation
for rivers and harbors, for there is an
unexpended balauce of four millions
of !u-t years appropriation for that
purpose. JJut it is useless for the jmo
people to murmur. Thev must act.
Members of (ongro- are public ser
vant- and when they fail in their duty
their plact* should le filled by more
competent and faithful men. The
majority should he held responsible
politically and the recreant mc-rnlx rs
of the minority personally for the
sins of this disreputable congress. Ix-t
them prepare to record a just and mem
orable verdict at the ballot box.
IHi Lou.sville ( hurter-Journal, notic
ing the opening of the campaign in
Maine by a number of Republican
speakers, takes the edge off their dis
interestedness by tabulating the politic
it salaries of the following fifteen : .1.
Warren Keifer, Speaker of the House;
Charles Foster, Governor of Ohio; Fred.
I Mug I ass, Tinted States Marshal; Geo.
R. boring, Commissioner of Agriculture;
Green lb Itaum, Commissioner of In
ternal Revenue: Representatives Frank
Hiscock, John A. Kasson, benjamin
Rutterworth and J. R. Lynch ; Senators
H . b. Allison, P. H. Plumb, K. If. liol
lins, Warner Miller, J. R. Hawlev and
AV illism \Y indom ; total compensation
drawn from the taxpayers, $74,01111 an-
Not an Office Seeker.
Mr. Putlison has pursued a dignified,
i manly course since his nomination, giv
ing the same persona! attention to the
duties of bis office that he bad beforo
' hi" nomination for governor, lie never
'ought the office for which he is now a
I candidate, and his actions since his
nomination show him to be a believer
, iu the doctrine that the people should
i he allowed to make their own choice
| from among the candidates in the field.
I The honor conferred on hirn by the
1 llamsburg convention did not turn his
: head or make him turn his back on the
trust the people of Philadelphia con
fi led to his care, and the good sense ho
has shown since lie became the I>emo
cratic standard bearer has "won him
| g >ldeo opinions from ail sort* of people."
j !f lie is elected governor, of which
| there appears now to be no doubt, it
jc.n lie sai l with entire truth of him
i that the office sought the man and not
I 1 lie man ihf i flice.
Tim return of revenue for the fiscal
year ending 30th dune. ISSiI, which
amounts to over <400,000,000, remind*
one of the historical anecdote of Itiucb
er, alio, when from the top of St. Paul's
lie beheld the vat city of London
stretched out before him, exclaimed,
"Mci (foil ! what a place for plunder.''
The man who surveys the administra
tion of our government might well ex
claim : "My God ! wtmi a great nation
for paying taie." A ration of 52.000-
000, with a standing army of only 35,-
1000 men, wiib a navy that less than a
year ago felt Infill* road? to cope with
the navy of Chili; with an interest
charge ot only <Boiooo 000— in short,
with an expenditure all told, (utile*-,
there are pension and river and harbor
gratis) of tint more than <250.000.000
aqueexes over <400.000,000 of taxes out
of the people annually. While in Ger
mmy, with a standing army of nearly a
million men. a growing navy, an army
of officeholders and an impeital court
to sup|H>rt, the Germans actually grum
ble at being taxed and refuse to vote
further burdens. Is it not time for the
sovereign American people to put on
the brake and to elect men to state of
fice who, like Controller Patiison. have
so discharged their trust that public
debt, department expenses and tax
rates have decreased every year ?