New Advertisements. — —— —-—THIS PAPER IS ON FILE \ llinirini/K # 40,1 JMwrtU*ContracU for \ jVJUIvIUwi a It ami all other newepaptrs in \ > .iirnTrnHin J tAe world can bo made on tho \ADYERTISIhG / mo "t laTorable terma at tha \ IITHB F Intimtloml l'txtpiper Agmcy, \KEYSTONEf h.p.hubbard, \ or f Proprietor, UvIGCES? # H,w HtT "' co,! '- o.SiA f Fabllihfr of (he Sfwppr and Hank the World. READ! MARK!! LEARN!! A fine inclosed PICNIC CROHNII WITH EVERY CONVENIENCE SWINGS, UKOGUICT GROUND, QUOITS, PARCHON, AND /A FINK SPRING OF runs WATER WITH PLENTY OF SHADE. Muaic nnd Liuiclica can bu secured lit mailt rale rates. < 'arriagea ami Tickets for the "Cave." Societies, Clubs, Ledges and all respectable parties can addrtvi, for particulais and terms, GEO. 11. NASH, Manager, Spring Mills House, 27-3 m Spring Mills, Pa 1 EMPLOYMENT FOR LADIES.— .Ji _J The Queen City Suspender Company, of Cincin nati. are now manufacturing and introducing their new Stocking Supporters for Ladies and Children, and their unequalud Skirt Suspenders for Ladies. Nooe should bo without them; our leading physicians re commend them and are loiul in their praise. These goods are manufactured by ladies who have made the want* of ladies and children a study, ami they ask us to refer them to some reliable and energetic lady to introduce thefn hi this county, and wo certainly think that an earnest solicitation in every household would meet with a ready response, and that a determined wo man could make a handsome salary and have the ex clusive agency for this couuty. We advise some lady who is iu ueed of employment to send to the Company her name and address and mention this paper. Ad dress Queen City Suspender Company, No. 17'.* Main Street, Cincinnati, Ohio. 27-lot. f WANTED—A good cook, and 0110 who can do general liouau work, can get good wage* by applying at the Butt* Hoiihe. F. X. LEHMAN. IVrOTICE. —Good property for sale. -Lx Situate on Went side of Alleghany street, Uclle ton to, known as the Wolf property. For further particulars apply to 28 Oin. BOND VALENTINE, Agent. A LLEGHENY COLLEGE, MEADVILLE, PENNA. The 66th year opens September 20th. Additional new buildings and many improvements. Cabinets and Libraries equal to the best. Gentlemen and Indies Four College courses. Preparatory Schools, Military Department*. Expenses less than any other College of equal glade, Don't fail to send t > GEO. W.IIASKINS. Sec'y., for catalogue. 31-ot, Swedish Insect Powder Kills POTATO BUGS AND ALL TROUBLESOME VER MIN. It will thoroughly exterminate Roaches, Ants, Red Bugs, Fleas, Lice, Tobacco and Cotton Worms, Moth, etc. It Is safe, sure, cleanly and cheap. Will not poi son animals or fowls. Sample package by mail 30 cts. post-paid. Stamps taken. Circulars free. Agents want ad. Address, J AS. 11. JOHNSTON, 160 Siuithfleld St, Pittsburgh, Pa. 27-8 BUSH HOUSE, BELLEFONTE, PA., Families and single gentlemen, as well a* the gen eral traveling public and commercial men are invited to this First-Class Hotel, where they will find home comforts at reasonable rates. Liberal reduction to Jurymen and others attending (' t. " W. K. TBLLIB, Prop'r. New Brockerhoff House. T)ROCKEILHOFF HOUSE, l-> ALLEGHENY-ST., BELLEFONTE, PA C. G. McMILLEN, Propy. Good Sample Room on hirst Floor, Buss to and from all Trains. Special rates to wituesses and jurors. 4-1 THAT WONDERFUL BOOK. GUIDE TO SUCCESS WITH FOR FORMS SOCIETY Is selling by tens of thousands. It tetbe w.ost nnF vemally useful hook ever published. It tells complete ly HOW TO I0 EVERYTHING in the best way, How to !e Your Own Lawyer How to Do Business Correctly and Bucressfully t How to act In Society and every where. A gold mine of varied information to all classes for constant reference. AGENTS ANTED or spare time. To know why tliis book of ItKAL value and attractions sells better than any other, apply for terms to 11. B. SCAMMKLL & CO., Philadelphia, Pu. 3iM',in PENNSYLVANIA STATE COLLEGE. Fall larm open. Augu.t 25, 1882. This Institution is located Id one of the most bejui tifiil. li.'ultl.riil spots of'tho entire Allegheny region. It is ojien to student* of both sexes, and niters the ful lowidg Courses of Study: 1. A Fnll Classical Course of Four Years. 2. A Full Scientific Course of Four Years. 3. The following SPECIAL COURSES, of two years eaeh following the first two years of the Scientif Ic Course: (a) AGRICULTURE; (li) NATURAL HISTORY: (c) CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS; (d) CIVIL ENGINEERING. 4. A short SPECIAL COURSE iu Agriculture. 6. A short SPECIAL COURSE in Chemistry. tl. A Classical and Scientific Preparatory Course. Military dr I is required. Expenses for board ami incidentals very low. Tuition free. Young ladles un dercharge of a competent lady Principal. For Catalogues, or other information, address GEO. W. ATHEKTON, PaisiDXXT. Statu Collxox, Cxstek Co., Pa. THE CREAM OF ALL ROOKS OF ADVENTURE. PIONEER fi ATIV DARING HEROES ailll! DEEDS. The thrilling adventure* of all the hero explorer* and frontier flKhter* with Indiana, outlaw* and wild iHOuta, over our whole country, from the earlleat time* to the prevent. Uvea and famoni exploit* o |)e goto, let Halle, Btandl*h, Boone, Kenton, llradyf Crockett, Bowie, lluaton, Caraon, Onater, California Joe, Wild llill, Buffalo Bill, (Jen*. Mile* and Crook, great Indian Chiefs and Korea of other*. GORGE-. OUBLY ILLUSTRATED with 176 fine engraving* to the life. .AGENTS WANTED, low priced ami 'oeata anything to tell. --od-6tn BTANIIAIIU BOOK CO., Philadelphia, Pa. a woek In your awn town. Term* and 95 out 3>go flt free. Addr MM H. IIAKLETT k CO., Port land, Maine. lady T I. FREDERICKS, tf a Repairer of Sewing Machines, BKLLBFONTK, I'A. Residence one mile ©est of Bellefonte, on the .Jack sonville road, with Mr. Christian Übl, on farm of D. Z. Kline, Emj. Old Machine* Remedied to the latent style, v>iih Drawers, sc., when required ■-AII work guaranteed. 21-tf SUBSCRIBE FOR THE CEN- O THE DEMOCRAT. Yon will like It, and *o will your wife. he win'B Philadelphia Branch. Gents' Furnishing Goods, —AND— Hats and Caps. LOOK HEIRLE BOYS. 10,000 to be Given Away! SURE POP and MUSICAL WHIRS and CA.JNTES. THESE ARE NEW INVENTIONS— NOVEL, ATTRACTIVE, AMUSING AND DURABLE. THE LATEST AND BEST THINGS OUT FOR BOYS. They are not for sale, we give them away to every purchaser of YOUTH'S, BOY'S or CHILD'S SUITS, A SURE POP WHIP OR CANE, OR MUSICAL WHIP OR CANE. THEY ARE SILK BRAIDED AND ASSORTED COLORS. REMEMBER ONLY AT LEWIN'S PHILADELPHIA BRANCH, ALLEGHENY STREET, 4-18lf BELLEFONTE. IP READY MADE CLOTHING A SPECIALTY. •ymvufi i*wdp>pnnuj w.ujtfMK/ New Advertisements. Ji arch field's New Grocery. NKW CKNfRK COUNTY HANK lIUILUINO. Groceries! Groceries! r pilE new Store in the Centre Coun- JL ty Hunk High-at., lJellefonte, I'M., IS NOW OPEN —AND— STOCK FULL. The pMirir>-a of til for sale. nwm W. B- BUKCHFIELD. FURNITURE. M*; 11. SPA NOLKII t t- CO. re quest the attention of th c a Z.:/' intelligent reader for a moment or two. The facts tltey desire to moke public will, have a telling effect upon thc domestic, economy of any household in which this recital of their facilities to supply furniture of all kinds at reasonable prices, is given a fair hearing. They authorize us to state that every article they have on ex hibition is new and seasonable, was bought for cash, and will be sold at the lowest price dealers can afford. They have constantly on hand parlor and bed-room suits, velvet and carpet lounges, extension tables oj their own make, odd pieces, secretaries, side, boards, marble-top tables, tables, etc., etc. Anything made to order and guaranteed to give satisfaction. They superintend each department in person and keep themselves posted in matters of importance to easterners. They also invite special attention to their undertaking department. Mr. Henry Swartz, practical, scientific cabi net-maker and undertaker of many years experience, superintends the ar rangements and work. They have late ly secured a new patent cooling board, the most perfect body preserver in use, and the only one. in Centre county, at considerable expense. An elegant hearse will be provided gratis. In transacting business of this kind do not forget ' R. B. Spangler & Co., High St., opp. Bush House, iMLHni lUU efanlc. S. C A. IJOEB, General Merchants, Allegheny-kit,, Belief ante, J'a. SAVE MONEY WHEN YOU CAN! ANY ONE CAN~ FOLLOWING THE ADVICE BELOW. . GRo"(CERIES. . We are selling all classes ot GROCERIES at prices below any grocery store in Rellefonte. showing a saving ot 3 cents per pound 011 us staple an article a? COFEISK; JO cents on SYItIJPS; 2 cents on BACON; from 10 tro 25 cents per bushel on POTATOES; a few cents on every article of everyday consumption that goes into the house. Produce wo always sell at same prices which we pay for it, thereby saving the consumer an extra profit, that is always charged hy exclusive grocery stores. BOOTS AMB SHOES. We are Selling all kinds of ROOTS and SHOES in wonderfully large variety and extra good quality, at prices far below any exclusive shoo store in C'pntre county. (Quality a- good as cm be tu.ide, and prices speak for themselves. CLOTHIMG. We aie selling all sizes of MEN'S, YOUTH'S and CIIIL RJtEN'S CLOTHING at an enormous smog 011 any exclusive clothing store, guaranteeing linings, trimming and workmanship superior 10 any other ready-made Clothing -ioid in this county, and equal to any custom-made work. Patches are uin.isliod with all children's nib. We make a specially of the ce.i-i into I Stein, Adler it Co.'s to.nut! <•- ture, of Rochester, which is conceded hy all to be lue best in the United States. CARPETS. We are selling all grades oi (V.rpob, ranging lrmn the chcipi.t to the best, at lower prices than any store in llellefonte, and the largest variety to be found in the County, which has only to be seen to he verified. Carpets cut, fit, made and laid down in your houses on short notice. DB Y GOODS., In Dry Goods we are determined not to bo undersold, and have an exceedingly large slock, comprising ot ery thing in the line that the tiHine implies. Dress Goods in every new shape out, Muslins, Calicos, Linens, House Furnishing Goods, in lact anything and everything, bought right and olh-red right. NOTION S. In Notions and Trinmiingd our stock is lull ol novelties, at the very lowest prices. GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. Hats, Caps, Shirts, Suspenders, Collars, Culls, Hosiery, etc. Just call and convince yourselves. Room won't allow us to explain iully. Why can we do all this? Simply because we deal in everything. We make a specialty of each department ; neither one branch or the other of our ever increasing business need lie largely profitable, but a very small margin in either sums up to satisfy us. ALL KINDS OF COUNTRY PRODUCE WANTED. €j A f'flPll } ALLEGHENY STREET, ftJl C% n. \ BELLEFOKTE. PA., The Oklt'st General Merchants in Centre county. Establisl ted in 1852. SKCIILEIt C CO., G racers. Hash 1 louse lllock, Belief ante, J'a. NEW GOODS FOR THE SPRING and SUMMER TRADE!! We have endeavored to get the very best of every thing in our line, and now have some really CHOICE GOODS. FINE CREAM CHEESE, Extra Large FRENCH HI I N EN, SELEC T O YSTEIIS, S WEET DOTA TOES, LARGE LLLVE CRANBERRIES, PRUNELLLS, IMPERIAL FIGS, BRIGHT NEW LEMONS, FLORIDA ORANGES, Princess Papcr-Nliel! Almonds, Evaporated DRIED PEACHES, A FULL LINE OF CHOICE CANNED FRUITS. PRESERVED REARS, REACHES, PLUMS and PRUNELLES. PLAIN CANDIES, FINE CONFECTIONERY, —AND— GOODIES of all Sorts and Kinds. KUrWe invite lho people of Centre county to call and inspect our NICE GOODS, which cannot fail to please. •btf SECT IL K! I t \b CO. TWENT Y-N INT 11 EX 11IBITION OF thi: PENNSY RVASIA STATE MHIUIU SOBIETV AN II SIXTH ANNUAL EXHIBITION OF TIIE V ' \ - Pittsburgh Exposition Society COMBINED, AT PITTSBURGH. $4X,800 XOST 2?3^.E3SxCrcriv£S. SEPTEMBER 7th to 20th. JAMRH MILKS, Prm'L D. W. SKILKK, licinllng BLDKHUK MeCONKKY f oriii. Bcj New Advertisements. TVE. FRAZIEK'S ROOT BITTERS. Fra/.im It'" • 15i!!• K ar not a dram-uhop w-hffcky bjvenige, but r Ftrirtly Ln dlcinal in every sen* . | They act fUongly npou the liver ftrid kidney*. ke*p tlie bowel# open nml regular, make the? weak utrouir, lt>al iho lubuild IJJ> th" m rves nrul cleanae the blood and Mitcin of every impurity. For r>i//iit HM, Kudi of Blood to the Head, tending to Apoplexy, ijrMpi-j.•;), Fever and ague, Dropny, Pimple* arid Rloteheff. Fcrofiilous Humor * and Fore*, Tetter, iting Worm, XV hi to Swelling, Erytripsin*, Bore Ky e* and for young luen miffering from lVeukiicN or Debility ruiistd from imprudence, end to tenia lee in delicate health, Fraxlor'* Root liit tern are especially recommended. Dr. Frazhr: I u-ed two hot tie® of your Hoot Bittern forDyripepsin, Dixzinenh, Weakiich* and Kidney jJineafi', and they did me mote good than the doctor* and all the medicine 1 ever used From the hint dote I begun to mend, and I urn now in perfect health, and b*e| a well a* I ever did. J consider your inedieine one of the greatest ol hlessings, MItH. M .MARTIN, Cleveland. O, Sold by all rlruggists everywhere nt 81 |er bottle HENRY & Co., Sole Prop's. ttCly. <:■ v,.„.y si., New folk. UWEIJISH BITTERS. LJ Till. GREAT Swedi.-H Dyspepsia Remedy ! 'I In chief I- reiiient ami life giving element of till, it remedy i■* an herb commonly know n an bitter* ini ut nltlioiipli but very rarely found in thin country, •x • ptiug ill tie extit rue NortLwest. it IH gathered in JIM fuh.- I v the Laplander* in the bleak atid rfiiov. ' lud iiioutilaiii* ol Norway and Sweden, and lota, in coniiection with other iugredltieiui, been ud among then.M-;vR cxcliudvely to, \ UM> U oiieol ihe greatest nn.for bynp p.-ia, Kidney and Liter Complaint that ha 4 ever been known. in i. J*.uiatlou before the American public we candidly believe that we have filled u long l ;lt want, by giving a medicine that will not only temporarily leln v. but will positively cure dyspepsia. Kidney and Liv r ( mpiaint, and all their various ef f'-cts. *Ui ha • ; 11r So.iau' h > k llra.imh, Pains in the side and Hack, Palpitation >l the Heart, Costive* iieK, Indigestion, Yellow Skin, Swimming ol the Ilea l, Full,u -at Pit of Stomach, how Spirits, A-. Three doses will relieve the worst case. A*k your drt.ggiat for a bottle and bo convinced. Price. 7' cents. jj-y The New Summer Resort. SPRING MILLS HOUSE, SPRING MILLS, CENTRE COUNTY, PA., Tt-iminu.ur the Luwisl urg and Tyrone RaiJi.-ad, nml 11 miles from Hellefonte. 'i hi-? is a new house and newly furuishetl with every thing tending to comfort and convenience ol gueat*. I ne air is invigorating and perfectly free from malaria, and particularly favorable lor the restoration to health of persons oHin ted with Pulmonary complaints, Mala* rial dbordersand Hav Fever. Nearby is the celebrat ed Peim (.iivci, surj assing au> thing of the kind ktiowu —Hailing miles under ground—and inspecting halls of great wonder of ly-gone ages. Carriages to the cave daily. The table plentifully supplied with meat*, milk and fresh vegetables and fruit* in season, health fully prepaied un*l tastefully served. Good sUtbling accomuiodationf. POPULAR PRICKS. Per day, (leas than a week,) $ 2 On Per week, (less than a month,) 6 tsi Per month, yu o. SHUGKRT, Cashier. 4-tf CANCER REMOVED, \V T I 1 HOI T KNIFE, anil in moat " V casea withunt pain. Apply to „ . C. W. P. PlSllKß.Boalsl.nrg, I 2 ' 3 '" Centre County, Pa. Itrf/ Goods uud Groceries. II AILPEIL BROTHERS, SPRING STREET, BKLLEKONTK, PA. llttvp their counters and shelves filled with NEW GOODS, F ANK KIT PT RATES Purchased at •{ BANKRUPT RATES I BANKRUPT RATES WHICH THKY OFFER AT BOTTOM PRICES, BOTTOM PRICES, BOTTOM PRICES. CONSISTING OF Dry Out I'D, Miiiinory Goods, Clothing, Fancy Ootids, Noiiuns, Ac. BOOTS anil SIKIhH 800 IS and SIIOKS at very low t-Hctt. BOOTS mid SJIOKS 11AT8 and CAPS Latest style* <-f DAIS and CAPS 11 ATS am] (."A I S tk'P'l ''" cOt I; tu'trellns, Parasols, La-lies' Cloaks, Carpeting, Groceries, Quoensware, Ac. Ottmprlsingavury thing that can be (bond in a'Brst class store. HARPER BROTHERS, SPRING STREET, . . BELIKFONTK, PA. i taken In exchange at tba lilghrst market prioe. j.jy $5 tn $9.0 e; r d *y sample* wwth w AddrrasA.STl.SSONatO, Subgcrite for the CENTRE DKMOCRI.