Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, August 31, 1882, Image 1

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    SHUGERT & TAN ORMER, Editors.
VOL. 4.
Ike tf mftr jgewMwat.
Terms #1.50 per Ananm,ln Advance.
S. T. SHUGERT & J. R. VAN ORMER, Editor.
Thursday Morning, August, 31, 1882.
Democratic State Ticket.
SILAS M. CLARK, of Indiana.
J. SIMPSON AFRICA, of Huntiu'g.
Democratic County Ticket.
Hon. A. G. CURTIN. of Centre.
[Subject to Uie dectsiou of the District Conference.]
Hon. C.T.ALEXANDER, ofCcntre.
[Subject to the decision of the District Conference.]
HENRY MEYER, of Miles,
B. F. HUNTER, of Beuner.
,T. H. TOLBERT, of Walker.
H. K. HOY, M. I)., of Bellefonte.
The Democratic Platform.
Tie Democratic jiarty of Pennsylvania, holding fast
to the faith that ail power not delegated by tbe Con
stitution is reserved to the States and the people; up
holding the sanctity of personal liberty, the security
of private property, anil the right of local self-govern
ment , demanding honesty and ccouomy iu the ad
ministration of government and the enforcement of
all the provisions of the Constitution by the Legisla
ture and the Courts of the Commonweal til ; declaring
against monopolies and in sympathy with labor seek
iug iu protection, and In favor of the industrial inter
ests of Penuiylvania at alt times, do solemnly protest
against evils which the policy of the Republican par
ty and the insolence of Its long possession of office
Lav, thus brought upon the country ; therefore.
First—We do protest against what is called the boss
syst m, and also the plundering of officeholders by
aaseisments of money for political pnrißisci. Public
offices are the property of no party, bnt are open to
every citlwn who is honest, capable, and faithful to
the Constitution, qualifications which Jefferson de
clared were requisites for office.
Second—We protest against the spoils system. It
is a prostitution of the offices of the people so that
they become the mere perquisites of the politician*.
Third—We denounce albrepudiation. State and Fed
eral, because it is dishonest and destructive of that
public morality upon which are founded the existence
and perpetuity of our free institutions. It should he
made odious, and the political party that aids it and
abets it with office deserves public condemnation.
Fourth—We denounce spoliation of the State Treas
ury and Immmnity by pardon of those convicted of
crimes, whose acts were flagrant subversions of official
trusts and wrongs done the people.
Fifth—We believe the Republican party, as now or
ganised and controlled. Is based on fraud, force and
corruption, and there can be no hope of true reform
except by the force of the ballot box excluding it
from place and power.
Sixtli—The Democratic party demands of tho Leg
islature an honest jnst, and true apportionment.
Seventh—Upon these declarations we invite the co
operation of all honest citizens who with us desire
■ the reestablishnient of honest government.
THE prohibitionists of Crawford
county played a sharp trick upon the
party candidates for the Legislature
iu that county, by pledging them to
favor their constitutional amendment,
if elected, and then held a convention
and nominated their own men. All
the candidates of Crawford county are
therefore a unit en the temperance
question, and the prohibition party
must triumph in any 6vent.
IN this Slate when Democracy was
in power, practical measures for the
relief of theworkingraen were enacted.
The first homestead bill was a Demo
cratic measure. The mechanics' lien
law came from Democratic hands.
The law abolishing imprisonment for
debt was of Democratic authorship.
The S3OO exemption law was passed
by a Democratic Legislature for the
benefit of labor, and the "anti-store
bill" act was drawn, presented and
pushed to passage by Democratic leg
TIME. —The Democratic party is some
times described by its enemies as a
party in search of an issue. If that
description was ever accurate, the
enQsaietr 6f the Democratic party have
"now rendered it inapplicable. The
issue of the present campaign, and of
the next, has been supplied by the
Republican leaders in Congress. Kel
ley and Kasson and Keifer and Robe
son and Reed and Iliscock by mere
folly and mere jobbery have done
more to show the country that a
change in the political control is ab
solutely necessary than could have
been done by the wisdom and the in
tegrity of an equal number of Demo
cratic leaders.
No Political Dictatorship.
The paramount issue in the ap
proaching stale election, says the
Harrisburg Patriot, is whether or not
the people of Pennsylvania will en
dorse the political dictatorship set up
by J. Donald Cameron. All other
political questions are temporarily
subordinated to this, not only because
they are of less importance to the peo
ple of the state, but because they are
to a great extent involved in the main
issue. Caraeronism stands for every
thing that has made the politics of
Pennsylvania a reproach during the
last decade aud therefore with the
downfall of the Republican dictator
must perish all the political evils that
have recently atHicted the common
It is not disputed that the will of
Cameron has been law for many years
to the leaders and politicians of the
Republican party in Pennsylvania.
Republican conventions have assem
bled simply to register the decree of
the senatorial dictator. A majority
in those bodies in spite of the instruc
tions of their constituencies has in
variably been found willing to execute
the plans of this political autocrat,
lie has thus controlled the legislature
and the executive; liasspokeu for the
state in the nomination of the candi
date of his party for president; has
wielded the power of the state in the
formation of presidential cabinets ; has
distributed the patronage of the feder
al government within the state and
made the proud old commonwealth to
all intents aud purposes a mere mano
rial estate of which he has been the
obsolute political lord.
Nevertheless it is not simply against
Mr. Cameron's absolutism that protest
is made. The oue man power would
be as odious under any other name as
it is under that of Cameron. It would
be as unrepublican, dangerous aud
hateful if exercised in the same form
by another. While in the whole his
tory of the state the name of Cameron
is unique as the synonym for usurpa
tion of political power, the struggle is
not merely for the overthrow of the
present dictator but to redeem the
state for all time from the personal
domination of any one man, or clique
or coterie. The battle is against what
in common parlance is aptly called
"bossism" and against Cameron as the
reigning "boss." Political leaders
there will and must be—men whose
intellectual gifts, high character and
profound learning will entitle them to
distinction and respect —but there will
and must he nevertheless an end of
political lords of the manor with their
retinue of spoilsmen and sycophants
fit only for the court of a despot.
COOPER'S circular demanding blood
money from the Pennsylvanian em
ployes both iu the general and state
government are flying about freely.
He will doubtless raise a large corrup
tion fund, with which to boom the boss
machine ticket, but he will just as like
ly disgust many reputable Republi"
cans, when they compare the platform
of the 10th of May convention with
his mode of collecting campaigh funds.
Here is the plank.
"That we condemn compulsory assess
ments for political purposes, and proscrip
tion for failuro to respond oithor to such
assessments or to requests for voluntary
contributions, and that any policy of po
litical proscription is unjust and calculated
to disturb party harmony."
A RUMOR prevails that Secretary
Lincoln of the War Department, is to
retire from the cabinet of President
Arthur in consequence of existing
complications between him and promi
nent army officers. Judge Advocate
General Swaim and Quartermaster
General Ingalls, are said to beat open
war with Secretary Lincoln's strict
administration of the aff'airß of the
War Department, and have brojgbt
strong influences to bear to force his
retirement; but it is not likely that
the son of Abram Lincoln will be
driven out easily, except by his own
choice to get rid of disagreeable asso
" " v . V'
THE active participation of the lead
ing business men and manufacturers of
the state with the opposition to Boss
Cameron and his machine, tloes not
bear out the declaration of the veuera*
hie head of the dynasty that the Inde
pendent movement is a free trade con
spiracy. The venerable Simon knows
better. He knows, and realizes the
fact intensely, that the movement is
nothing more nor less than a rebellion
against the usurped authority of the
"Cameron Dynasty"—an effort to re
cover from the degrading serfdom in
which they were held, by asserting the
right of the party to voice its action
aud choose its representative. The
old politician has not grown so stupid
with age as not to see that the power
has departed front his house, and that
his successor, the junior boss, can no
longer order who shall be the candi
date for Governor, or to fill the other
offices of the Commonwealth, and re
ceive a slavish obedience to the man
date. This was intimated to him a
year ago by the defection of 50,000
from his party, and it is now to be em
phasized by the entire overthrow and
defeat of the stalwart boss ticket thus
brought forward. Some seem to in
dulge the hope that our neighbor Gen
eral Beaver, by virtue of his own good
character aud blameless private life,
may he able to stem the torrent and
reach the goal of his ambition, but the
case is scarcely a possible oue, aud has
little, if any probability, attached to
it. He represents tbe very worst and
most objectionable feature of this one
man boss power, ngaints which the
manhood and the intelligence of the
best element of all parties are arrayed
to overthrow and destroy. His nomi
nation by Mr. Cameron and the an
nouncement of his caudidacy many
mouths before the convention conven
ed to ratify it, gives prominence to
him as the Cameron" machine can
didate, which bodes defeat and not
success, against a contestant so
formidable as John Stewart, or of
Robert E. Pattisou, if Mr. Stewart
were not in the race.
A CALL for a public meeting, signed
by thirty-two of the most prominent
colored Republicans iu Philadelphia,
is published in the papers of that city.
The meeting is to be held ou the 4th
of September, and is intended to "give
a mauly expression publicly of their
views and purposes bearing on the
coming contest, to be addressed by
eminent speakers in sympathy with
the Independent Republican tnov
raent in Pennsylvania." The colored
Republicans are also seeking emanci
pation from the bondage of the ring
bosses. And why not? They hnve
served them long and faithfully, aud
have received nothing in return but
neglect and contempt.
DID Conkling attempt to bribe Cor
nell, the Governor of New York, in
the matter of releasing the elevated
railroad from taxation, seems to he the
absorbing question of discussion in the
newspapers of that Slate. It appears
the Governor furnished the data upon
which his Albany organ makes the
charge. Conkling and his friends
pronounce the charge false, and urge
the fact that the Governor was not
bribed as conclusive proof of the false
hood. It is very certain that Cornell
is quite anxious to obtain a re-nomina
tion, and that his chances of success
is not encouraging unless he can break
the force ofConkling's opposition who
appears to herd the lions in his path
way. This, however, is only an in
cident in the general fight prevailing
iu the Empire State between the stal
warts and half-breeds, similar to that
existing in the Republican party in
Pennsylvania, between the boss-rings
ters and the Independents. There the
stalwarts wield the patronage and co
operation of the administration to ob
tain the mastery over the half-breeds
who represent the Garfield-Blaine
division ; here it is the stalwarts aided
by the same patronage and co-opera
tion to coerce the Independents to sub
mit to the dictation of a boss, and
acknowledge his right to direct the
movements of the party and control
the personel of its representatives.
Conkling and Arthur claim to bossthe
Republicans of New York, while Don
Cameron as heir apparent to the
"Cameron Dynasty," is assigned to
supreme commaud in Pennsylvania.
IN tho last "stand and deliver" cir
cular of "my dear Hubbel" issued to
tbe trembling officials, scrub-women
and laborers, he urges them most pa
thetically to come to the rescue of the
"grand old party." Yes, the "grand
old party" scarcely out of its swad
dling clothes, is ii) peril of dissolution,
bankrupted of honor and decency by
just such hollow-hearted robbers as
Jay Hubble, Tom Cooper aud Don
Cameron aud the methods they adopt
to maintain their personal control.
They may force tlueats from their vic
tims, but it will not save the "grand
old party" if they can find no higher
motive for its existence than public
robbery, and a contempt for law and
decency of legislation as developed by
the last Congress.
Boss MAIIOKK of Virginia, is even
more hoggish than Cooper and Cam
eron, in making assessments upou Gov
ernment officials and laboring men.
Mahone demands five percent, of the
Virginians, while Cooper's circular
only claims two per cent, of the Peun
sylvanians. Not to be out-hogged by
the Virginia boss, Cooper will doubt
less issue another circular. This is nil
additional to the Hubbell steal.
Ihe Washingqn Post. speaking of
the injustice don\ t 0 military heroes
claims that we to si few th e
glory that manv, that we I
have permitted heroes, live iu ohscu- :
rity aud die under aclyid while others
no more worthy, have hen set up a 3
National idols and says "In no in
stance has a distinguish*] general,
nominated hv cither of toe r neat par
ties been defeated by a who ! j
had no army record. In no it tances
have great generals been defeatsd by
smaller ones, but those results wet\ due !
to other causes than the failing iJulu- i
ence of martial prestige, h'cott W- '
beaten as the candidate of a morihuqi i
party, and Hancock, after a splendid]
race, was beaten at the close by the}
unstinted use of money. Our politi- j
eal history shows conclusively that the
soldier is the idol of the masses.
But we have been cruelly unjust in
our treatment of soldiers who have de
served high [daces in the affections of
tlic people. Take, for instance, the '
case of General Porter, who, until his I
destruction was decreed in older to
save tho reputation and gratify the i
malice of Pope, was one of the foremost!
figures in the army of the Potomac, '
We need not git into the details of the
terrible wrong inflicted on this man.
If General Grant is good authority, if
the generals who constituted the court
of inquiry in his case are honest men,
General Porter has suffered injuries
worse than a thousand deaths. And
still lie is denied justice. This deeply
wronged hero lias been compelled to
sue for a pardon as if he had been a
criminal, and any further reparation is
denied him. The country has had
three idols, Grant, Sherman and
Sheridan, and iu the worship of these
it has not seemed to care how many
great and proud souls were ground in
to the dust of humiliation. Another
cose is brought before the public in a
most pathetic light by this recent tele
gram from Newport, R. I.:
It wits known soon after the death of
General G. K. Warren that the financial
affairs of the household were in a deplo
rable condition, entirely the result el
tbe great strain upon the general's re
sources to pay for plans of the ground
which was the scene of the battle of Five
Forks, the collection of testimony and
the general expenses of the recent court
of inquiry. The state of affairs was
made known, and the result is that a
committee to raise funds for She general's
family has been formed and it is expec
ted that a large sum will be raised.
Iu the annals of the human race
since time began there is nothing more
deeply tinged with terrible pathos
than the story of General Warren. He
had fought the good fight and kept the
faith until the last hour of war, when,
almost at the moment of final victory,
he was disgraced in the presence of his
gallant corps. From that hour to the
day of his death he vainly sought to
have his name cleared from unjust re
proach that he might leave it thus as
the heritage of his children. *
We mistake the people of this coun
try if the family of the dead hero, the
hero whose deeds are written ou the
hearts of his countrymen, are not plac
ed above the reach or fear of want.
Gen. Sheridan has a terrible re
sponsibility in connection with the
treatment of Gen. Warren, that will
some day require him to rise and ex
AN Independent branch has split off
from the Republican party in Maine,
aud like their brethren in Pennsylva
nia, declare that they have been bossed
by the demagogues quite long euouglt.
They announce the following as the
platform of principles to guide thciu
in the future:
1. Thorough and systematic reform in
all branches of the civil service.
2. Faithful execution of the laws in all
parts of the >State, including the liquor
low and the laws for the observance of
the Sabbath, having temperance without
hypocrisy and prohibition without
3. Strict economy in the expenditure
of public money, and a consequent re
duction of taxes,
4. Opposition to machine politics,
"boas" rule, political assessments, bribe
ry and fraud in controlling elections and
TERMS: $1.50 per Annum, in Advance.
Tin: Labor convention which met
in Philadelphia on Tuesday last, en
dorsed the 1 Greenback candidate for
Governor, Thomas A. Armstrong, of
A HKI:T< IF of the life and character
of the next Governor of Pennsylvania,
will he found on tiio sixth page of the
DEMOCRAT this week.
IIL'BBEM. is out with his second as
s(ssment already. Things must look
blue for the River and Harbor thieves,
or Hubbell could afford to give the
scrub women and messenger boys, a
longer respite from his exactions.
who i.> to be the next Secretary of In
ternal A flairs, gave the DEMOCRAT a
Wileasant call yesterday, lie spent the
Vy in town ami received a cordial
g'Wting from our citizens, many of
I wlVm are attending court.
-l\E Hon. C. M. Slielley of the
Fouriji Alabama district, whose seat
in the present Congress was vacated
by the Vmjority in the process adopted
of weakbg opposition to the passage of
, their theiving jobs, has been nomine.
| ted both for his vacated seat in the
| present Congress and for his succts
sorship in the Forty-eight Congress.
IT is said the uniform ami equip
ments of the late General Burusides,
including the sword presented him by
the state of Rhode Island, are held in
security by a Boston artist for the pay
ment of a clay model statute of the
General, for the preparation of which
they were furnished. Certainly the
war and political friends of the Gener
al will redeem these relics.
CONGRESSMAN Harris of Massachu
setts, has suddenly become euanored of
his law practice and will not seek a
re-election. He voted for the River
Ilarbor steal, and is satisfied with the
glory he achieved by the act. There
are many more Congressmen of his
stripe who will see the necessity of
giving more attention to their private
business hereafter.
THE conferees of the Eleventh Con
gressional district, comprised of Mon
tour, Pike and Columbia counties, and
part of Luzerne and Lackawanna,
will meet at Mauch Chunk on the 6th
of September, to place in nomination
a candidate for Congress. The aver
age Democratic majority in the dis
trict is 8,000, and as a nomination is
equal to an election, an animated con
test may be expected. Each county
will probably present a candidate.
Columbia has named her distinguished
statesman, the Hon. Charles R. Buck
alcw, whom it is to be hoped will,hold
the winning card. His experience
and great ability in the Pennsylvania
delegation to the next Congress is
much to be desired.
Important to Democrats.
Election this year occurs on Tuesday,
7lh of November, ISS2, Polls open at 7
a. m., and remain open continuously un
til 7 p. ni.
Voters must be assessed and register
ed TWO MONTHS preceding the election,
this year on or before Thursday, Septern
ber 7th. Voters who have not paid a
State or county tax within two years
next preceding the election must pay on
:or before Saturday, October 7th. Wed
nesday and Thursday, September 6th
and 7ih, are the final days for assessing
and registering. On each of these days
the assessor is required to be at the
polling places in his district from 10 a.
in. until 3 p. in., ami from 6 until 9 p.
Hi., to perfect his list. Any elector has
the right to examine the list and require
correction by adding qualified voters
names or striking off disqualified ones'
I n case of neglect or refusal by the reg.
iater the court is required to issue the
summary process to compel correction.
Every person'aJded muM be assessed. Nat
uralised citizens must produce their
certificates, and the register record them.
Persona intending to he naturalized may
be so registered, but certificates must le
procured on or before Saturday, October
i th. i*l he list is required to be exposed
at the polling place from and after Au
gu-t (lit, fur ex xninlio by electors,
NO. 34.