New Advertisements. READ! MARK!! LEARN I! A flno inclosed PICNIC CUOIFND WITH EVERY CONVENIENCE SWINGS, CROIJUKT OKOUND, QUOITS, PARIIHON, AND A KINK SPRING OK PURE WATER WITH PLENTY OF SHADE. Music and Lunches ran be Hecured at moilcruto rates. Carriages and Tickets for the "Cave." Societies, Clutis, Lodges and all respectuhio parties rail address, for particulars atld terms, CEO. U. NASH, Manager, Spring Mills House, 27-3 m Spring Mills, I'a 1 EMPLOYMENT FOR LADIES.— 1 J Tho Queen City Suspender Company, of Cliieln nati, are now manufacturing and introducing their now Stocking Supporters for Ladieaand Children, and their unequaled Skirt SuHpeuders for Ladies. None should be without them ; our leading physicians re commend them and are loud in their praise. These gondii ure manufactured by ladies who have made the want 4 of ladies and children a study, and they auk IIH to refer them to some reliable and energetic lady to introduce them in this couuty, and we certainly think that an earnest solicitation in every household would meet with a ready response, and that a determined wo man could make n handsome salary and have the ex clusive agency for this county. We advise some lady who is iu need of employment to semi to the Company her name and address and mention this paper. Ad dress Queen City Suspender Company, No. 17!) Main Streot, Cincinnati, Ohio. 27-lOt, Orphan's Court Sale. I PURSUANT to an order of the Orphans 1 Court of Centre county, there will in exposed to public sale on the premises, iu College township, on Tuesday, the lath of August next, at 1 o'clock, P. M., the following desbribod real estate, late the property of John C. Broker, deceased : All that certain tract or piece of land situate in College township, Centre county, Pa , bound ed and described as follows: beginning at white oak corner on line of Henderson heirs; thence north 56J° east 110 6-10 perches to a post; tlieucc south I*2*2 perches to a post; thence south 66°, west lll perches to a stone ; thence north Gof°, 102 perches to tlie place of beginning—containing 80 ACRES and 26 PERCHES. more or less* Thereon erected a good FRAME HOUSE and 11AKN and outbuildings,and having also a well of good water; there being on said land an excellent orchard of choico*fruit trees. This land is iu high state of cultivation, is located iu a thriving communi ty, is near to churches and schools, uiul 011 the whole it a most desirable farm. TERMS OK SALE. —One-third of purchase money cash on confirmation of sale, one-third in one year there after, and the remaining one-third to remain charged 4111 the land as dower, the interest to be paid to the widow annually, ami at iter death the principal to la paid to the heirs of John 0. liricker, deceased. The deferre I payments to be secured by a mortgage on the premises. The purchaser will be required to pay in per cent of first payment as soon as property is struck off. * MICHAEL MUCKER, SCOTT BRICK KR. Adm'rs d. b. 11. c. t. a. of J NO. C. BRK KKK, dee'd. I^STRAY. — Strayed from the stable -J of the undersigned, a red cow with white fore head. under medium size. Any information as to the cow's whereabout's will be paid for. 20-tf JAMES SCOFIKLD, Bellefonte, Pa. XTOTICE. — Good property for sale. 1 1 Situate on West side of Alleghany street, Belle fonte, known as the Wolf property. For further particulars ap|dv to 28-Oui. BOND VALENTINE, Agent. fSgf AKp POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel of purity strength and wholesomenes*. More economical than tbe ordln ry kinds, and cannot be sold in competition with the multitude of low test, short weight-, alnm or phosphate powders. Sold only iu cans. RIVAL BAK ING POWDER., Pitt WALL-st., N. Y. THAT WONDERFUL BOOK. GUIDE TO SUCCESS WITH FOR FORMS BUS AND E ' SS 1 V 11111 U SOCIETY Is ftclliug by tens of thousands. It is the most tini" versally useful book ever published. It tells complete ly HOW TO DO EVERYTHING in the best way, How to he Your Own lawyer How to Do Business Correctly and Successfully, How to act in Society and every where. A gold mine of varied information to all classes for constant reference. AGENTS WANTED for all or apare time. To know why tills book ofItKAL value and attractions sells better than any other, apply for terms to 11, B. BCAMMKLL k 00., Philadelphia, Pa. AO-FIM PENNSYLVANIA STATE COLLEGE. Fall term epens August 25, 1882. This institution is located in one of the most beau tiful. healthful spots entire Allegheny region. IT is open to students ot both sexes, ami offers the fol io widg Courses of Study : A Full Classical Course of Four Ycara. A Full Scientific Course of Four Years. The following SPECIAL COURSES, of two yoars em FOLLOWING the first two years of the Sclent if. ic 0oa*O: (a) AGRICULTURE; (B) NATURAL HISTORY: (C) CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS; (d) CIVIL ENGINEERING. 4. A short SPECIAL COURSE In Agriculture. 6. A short SPECIAL COURSE in Chemistry. 6, A Classical and Scientific Preparatory Courso. Military drill Is required. Expenses for txstrd and Incidentals very low. Tuition free. Young ladles un dercharge of a competent lady Principal, for Catalogues, or other information,address GEO. W. ATIIKRTON, PRESIDENT, STATE COLLEGE CENTRE Co., PA. THE CREAM OF ALL HOOKS OF ADVENTURE. PIONEER; A UT|! DARING HEROES ALLDI DEEDS. The thrilling adventure, of all the hero explorer, and frontier fighter* with Indian*, outlaw* *nd wild beaut*, orer our whole country, from the earlleet time, to tlie present. Lire* and famon* exploit* of Do goto, La Halle, gtandi.h, Boone, Kenton, Brady, Crockett, Bowie, LLU.ton, Careon, Cinder, California Joe, Wild Bill, ItufTalo (Bill, Gene. Mllee and Crook, great Indian Chiefs and scores of others. GORGE OUSLY ILLUSTRATED with 175 flno engravings to the life. AGENTS WANTED, LOW PRICED and beat* anything to soil. UU-Om STANDARD BOOK 00., Philadelphia, Pa. Lewln'a Philadelphia Branch. LOOK HERE BOYS. 10,000 to be Given .A.way! ST7Xi!E IPOI 3 and MUSICAL WHIPS and CANES. GoiltS' F* LI m isll i IdCJ GOOCIS, READY MADE CLOTHING THESE ARE NEW INVENTIONS— NOVEL, ATTRACTIVE, AMUSING AND DURABLE. TIIE LATEST AND BEST THINGS OUT FOR BOYS. They are not for sale, we give them away to every purchaser of -AND- A SPECIALTY. YOUTH'S, BOY'S or CHILD'S SUITS, A SURE. FOP "WHIP OR CASE, OR MUSICAL WHIP OR CASE. THEY ARE SILK BRAIDED ASD ASSORTED COLORS. HcltS SLICI CctDS REMEMBER ONLY AT LEWIN S PHILADELPHIA BRANCH, ALLEGHENY STREET, 4-1 Btf BEXAXAIEFOITTE. TP •iputMff vfytfppnflUti New Advertisements. llurchfleld'4 New Grocery. NKW CENTRE COUNTY HANK UUILOINO. Groceries! Groceries! r PHE new Store in the Centre Conn -- t.y Itiink Hlgh-hf., H**lt<*. PH., IS NOAV OP E N —ANI> stock: KXJLL. Tli© goods on Mil© are Hie Im'ni tin* market aft ml*, uial sold ut |itices to hiiH nillutoiiiem. GHOCERIES, CONFECTION ERY, GLASS WARE, CANNED FRUITS, AND KVHKY 111 IMi KI.SK UM'AI.I.Y KEPT IN a max ci.ans smitr. KKMKMiiKII TIIE STuKK IS A NI.W ll.' E Kl'l N Ell ON JVEOIKIJI v. Mti v I, AND AMi iHMihS CONSKQVkNTDY NKW AN VKKSII. The jHitnuaye of oft tlesiriny fair treat ment is solicited. MtrV\>r quotations i-MII aiol yin will le convinced that it r volution lihh I teen e flee led in price* of al goods olTored for wilt*. Dusm W. K- UIMtCIIFIKM). FURNITURE. (+0 I). S-PAX a I.Kit (• CO. rr. ft guest the attention of tlf a' i intelligent render for moment or two. The forte they desire to mole public, will lxace a telling effect upon the domestic economy of any household in which this recital of (heir facilities to supply furniture of all kinds at reasonable prices, is given a fair hearing. They authorize us to state that every article they have on ex hibition is new ond seasonable, was bought for cash, and will be sold at the lowest price dealers can afford. They have constantly on hand parlor and bed-room suits, velvet and carpet lounges, extension tables of their own make, odd pieces, secretaries, side, boards, marble-top tables, tables, etc., etc. Anything made to order and guaranteed to give satisfaction. They superintend each department in person and keep themselves posted in matters of importance to customers. They also invite special attention to their undertaking department. Mr. Henry Swartz, practical, scientific cabi net-maker and undertaker of many years e.c)erirncc, superintends the ar rangements and work. They have late ly secured a new patent cooling board, the most perfect body preserver in use, and the only one in Centre county, at considerable expense. An elegant hearse will be provided gratis. In transacting business of this kind do not forget R. B. Spangler & Co, High St., opp. Bush House, 80-Bin Hell efinite. iS. <C A. LOEIi, General Merchants, Allegheny-St„ Jlellefonte, J'a. SAVE MONEY WHEN YOU CAN! ANY ONE CAN DO IT BY FOLLOWING THE ADVICE BELOW. GROCERIES. We are selling all classes of GROCERIES at prices below any grocery store in Bellefonte. showing a saving of 3 cents per poumi on <'.B staple an article as GOFfiEE; 10 cents on SYRUPS: 2 cents on BACON; from 10 to 25 centß per bushel on POTATOES; a few cents on every article of everyday consumption that goes into the house. Produce we always sell at same prices which we pay for it, thereby saving the consumer an extra profit that is always charged by exclusive grocery stores. BOOTS AND SHOES. We are selling all kinds of ROOTS and SHOES in wonderfully large variety and extra good quality, at prices far below any exclusive shoe store in Centre county. Quality as good as can be made, and prices speak for themselves. CLOTHING. We are selling all sizes of MEN'S, YOUTH'S and CHIL DREN'S CLOTHING at an enormous saving on any exclusive clothing store, guaranteeing linings, trimmings and workmanship superior to any oilier ready-made Clothing sold in this county, and equal to any custom-made work. Patches are lurnished with all children's suits. We make a specialty of the celebrated Stein, Adler & Co.'a manufac ture, of Rochester, which is conceded by all to he the best in the United States. CARPETS. We are selling all grades of Carpets, ranging from the cheapest to the best, at lower prices than any store in Bellefonte, and have the largest variety to he found in the County, which has only to be seen to he verified. Carpets cut, fit, made and laid down in your houses on short notice. DRY GOODS. In Dry Goods we are determined not to be undersold, and have an exceedingly large stock, comprising every thing in the line that the name implies. Dress Goods in every new shape out, Muslins, Calicos, Linens, House Furnishing floods, in tact anything and everything, bought right and oll'ered right. NOTIONS. In Notions and Trimmings our stock is full of novelties, at the very lowest prices. GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. Hats, Caps, Shirts, Suspenders, Collars, Cuffs, Hosiery, etc. Just call and convince yourselves. Room won't allow us'to explain lully. Why can we do all this? Simply because we deal in everything. We make a specialty ol each department; neither one branch or the other of our ever increasing business need be largely profitable, but a very small margin in either sums up to satisfy us. ALL KINDS OF COUNTRY PRODUCE WANTED. Sft. A f npft ALLEGHENY STREET, ■ (X ill LIUJjU, BELLEFONTE, PA.. The Oldest General .{Merchants in Centre county. Established in 18.") '2. SECIILEH l l CO., Grocers, Bush House lllock, liellefoute, I'a. NEW GOODS FOR TII E SPRING and SUMMER TRADE!! We have endeavored to get the very best of every thing in our line, and now have some really CHOICE GOODS. FINE CREAM CHEESE , Extra Large FRENCH PRUNES, SELEC T O YSTERS, S WEET PO TA TOES, LARGE RIPE CRANBERRIES, PRUNELLES, IMPERIAL FIGS, BRIGHT NEW LEMONS, FLORIDA ORANGES, Princess Paper-Shell Almonds, I Evaporated DRIED PEACHES, A FULL LINE OF CHOICE CANNED FRUITS. PRESERVED PEARS, PEACHES, PLUMS and PRUNELLES. PLAIN CANDIES, FINE CONFECTIONERY, —AND— GOODIES of all Sorts and Kinds. SIaTWe invite the people of Centre county to call and inspect our NICE GOODS, which eanuot fail to please. -tf SECHLER CO. J I. FREDERICKS, Repairer of Sewipg Machines, BKLLKFONTR, PA. Reeldeurn one mile eaat of Bellelonte,on Ilia Jnck aoiiville rond, with Mr. Clitietlan L'lil, on farm of 11. Z Kline, Ka>|. Old Maekinee Remodled to the latent style, with Drawers, <\rc., when required. 47~A11 work guaranteed. 21—tf SCC * "'"'t ' n F oar ,wn town. Terme and |fi out SOO At free. Addreea 11. lUKLKTT A CO, Port land, Maine. IM-Iy QUBSCRIBE FOR THE CEN- O TKK DKMOCRAT. Yon will like It, and to will your wife. M ONE Y To at 6 per Ct. AtA VII AJ A B y TIIIC MDTOAL urK INSUR ANCE CO. or NKW YORK, on Bret mortgage, on Improved farm property, in eume not leee than fc.OOO, and not exceeding one-third or the preeent value of the property. Any portion of the principal can be paid off at any tima, and It haa been the cnatom of the company to permit the principal to remain aa long aa tha borrower wlahee, If the Internet le promptly paid. Apply to CHAKLKB P. SHERMAN, Attorney-at-lew, 627 Court, atreet, Reading, Pa, or to DAVID I. KLINE, Oo.'a Appralaer, 8-tf Bellefonte.Pa. New Brockerhoff House. T3ROCKERHOFF HOUSE, 1J ALLKfIIIKNY-BT., BKLI.KFONTE, PA C. O. McMILLEN, Prop'r. Good. Sample Room on Pint Floor. SV-Free BHH to *nd from all Tralna. Special ratea to wltncMMfMi and jurors. T>USH HOUSE, BKI.LKFONTK, PA„ Famlllea ami ilngle gentlemen, aa well aa the gen eral traveling public and commercial man are to thla Flrat-Claaa llotal, where they will Hod home coin forte at raaaonabla rntca. Liberal reduction to Juryman and othara attending o°'"*- W. R. TELLER, Prop'r. Swedish Insect Powder Kills POTATO BUGS AND ALL TROUBXJSSOME VER MIN. It will thoroughly exterminate Roerhae, Ante Bad Bug*, Fiona, Lice, Tobacco and Cotton Worma, Moth, etc. It la an fa, anre, cleanly and cheap. Will not poi eon animate or fowla. Sample package by mall :t0 eta. poet-paid. Btainpe taken. Circular* flue. Agenta want ad. Addreea, J AS. 11. JOHNSTON, 1(111 Smith field St, Pittsburgh, Pa. fl-S New Advertisement*. | JB. EBAZIEB'S BOOT Brans. Frazler's Root Bitters are not a dram-shop whisky beverage, but are rtrif tljr medicinal In every s„„s," Thwy act strongly upon tlia liver and kidney, keen the bowel, open and regular, make the weak strong heal the lungs, build up the nervea and cleanae the' blood and system of every Impurity. For Dizziness, Kuhli of Blood to the Head, tending to Apoplexy, Dyspepsia, Fever arid ague, Dropsy, Pimples and Blotches. derofulou, llnmore and Hurra, Tett r King Worm, White Swelling, Erysipelas, Hop. Eye, and for young men Buffering from Weakness or Debility ranted from Imprudence, and to female, in delicate health, Frazler's Boot ititteraure especially recommended. Dr. Frazier: I have ueed two bottles of your Boot Hitter, for Dyspepsia, Dizziness, Weakness and Kidney Di,eae, and they did uie more good than the doctor, and all the medicine I ever used From the firat done I begun to mend, and I am now In perfect health, and feel a, well as i ever did. I consider your medicine one of the greatest of blessing,, M its. M .MARTIN, Cleveland, ft. Sold by all druggiat, everywhere at 81 per bottle, HENRY &Co., Sole Prop's. " 4 -Iy- 82 Veaey St., New York. UWEDI.SII BITTERS. Till, GREAT Swedish Dyspepsia Remedy! The chief ingredient and life giving element of Hit, great remedy i, an herb commonly known us hitler mint although lint very rarely found in this collutry, excepting in the extreme Northwest. It i, gathered in profuse abundance by the Laplanders in the I,leak and snow-clad mountain, of Norway and Sweden, and has, in connection with other fogredine,,, la-en used among themselves exclusively for year, a, oneof the greatest remedies lor Dyspepsia, Kidney and Liver Complaint that has ever liven know u. In placing this preparation before the American public we candidly believe that we have filled a long felt want, by giving a medicine that will not oniv temporarily relieve, but will positively cnre dyspepsia, k><]ne\ ami Liver Complaint, and all their varioiiK el fects, such as Sour Stomach, Sick Headach, i'alna in the aide and Back, J'alpftatiuii ol the Heart, Costive ness, imiigestion, Yellow Skin, Swimming of tho Head, Fullness at Pit of Stomach, Low Spirit, A. . Three doses will relieve the worst case. ' Ask your druggist for a bottie and be convinced. I'riCH. 7.1 cent,. 2.V The New Summer Resort. CURING MILLS HOUSE, SPRING MILLS, CENTRE COUNTY, PA., terminus of the Lewiiiburg and Tyrone Ihtilroud, and 14 miles from llellefoiite. This in a new house and newly furnished with every thing tending to comfort and convenience ol guests. 'J he air is iuvigorating and perfectly free from malaria and particularly favorable tor the reatoration to health of perMona afflicted with Pulmonary complaintß, Mala rial disorder* and Hay Fever. Near by is the i elebrat h.l Perm Csves, Burpaasing anything of the kind known —Hailing mile under ground—and inspecting hall- f great wonder of by-gcme agin. Carriages to the raw daily. The table in plentifully supplied with tin-aft, milk and fresh vegetables and fruits in eea*#i, health fully prepared and tastefully aerved. Good stabling accommodations. POPULAR PRICKS. Per dny, (leas than a week,) $ 2 t* Per week, (less than a month,) h oo Per month, 2o no All inouiry a* to Rooms and Roar.l will* answered. GICO. R. NASII, Manager. * VfILLHEIM HOTEL, A'-L MILLIIKIM, CENTRE COUNTY, PKNN'A W. S. MUSSER, Projirietor. The town of Mfllheim is located in Pcnn's Valley almiit two miles from Cobiirn Station, on the Lew is burg, Centre and Spruce Creek Railroad, witb sur roundings that make it a PLEASANT SUMMER RESORT. Good trout fishing in the immediate vicinity A cab runs to every train. At the Millheim Hotel accom modations will he found hrst-clu** and terms modcr *!o - June 23,1879-iy* pENTRAL HOTEL, (Opposite the Railroad Station.) MILESIIVRG, CENTRE CuUNTY, PA A. A. KOULBECKER, Proprietor. THROUGH TRAVELERS on the railroad will find tins Hotel an excellent place to lunch, or procure a nival as ALL TRAINS stojialKiut 2b minutes. 47 piLES! PILES! PILES ! A SURE CURE FOUSD A T LAST Xtt O.XE NEED SUFFER! A C, ! r< ' '" r H "nd, Bleeding, Itching and Ulce rated J lies lilts l.een discovered by Dr. William, (an ludiau remedy,) called Dr. W illiain s IndianOiiituieiit A single I 'ox lias cured the worst chronic eaaee ot 2A or M y cars standing. No one need suffer fin- minute, after applying tin, wonderful soothing medicine. Lotions instrument, and electuaries do more liai 111 than good. Williams Ointment absorbs the tumors allays the intense itching, (particularly at night after getting wAriu ill bed,) act. a, a poultice, gives instant and painless relief, and is „i,|y (~r p,|, - itching of the private parts, and tor nothing else. ' Rend what the Hon. J. M. Coßiulmrrv of Uleveland says about Dr. Williatn's Indian Pile Ointmeut: I have usei scores of Pile Cures, and it attords 111 c pleasure t" say that I have never found anything which gave immediate and permuiicut relief as Di Will, so, Indian Ointment- For sal" by all druggists or mailed on receipt of price, *IUO. 1 IIENR\ tt Co., I'roiit. "til Veecy St, New York. _ pENTRE COUNTY BANKING \J COMPANY. Receive Deposits Aud Allow Interest, Discount Notes; Buy and Sell Gov. Securities, . . Gold and Coupon. Jam fr A. Braver, President. * J. D. SnuaißT,Cathier. 4. ff CANCER REMOVED, WITHOUT KNIFE, and iu most V ' casea without jatln. Apply to . C - W I'- FISHER, Boalsbnrg, 12 - 3 m Centre County. Pa. l>ry Goods and Groceries. JJARPER BROTHERS, SPRING STREET, BKLLKFONTK, PA. Have their counter? and shelvos filled with NEW GOODS, f BANKRUPT RATES Purchased at I BANKRUPT RATES I BANKRUPT RATES WHICH THEY OFFER AT BOTTOM PRICES, / BOTTOM PRICES, BOTTOM PRICES. Dry Goods, Alillinory Goods, Clothing, Fancy Goods, Notions, Ac. BOOTS and SHOES BOOTS and SHOES at very low prices BOOTS and SHOES ' HATS and CAPS Latest styles of HATS and CAPS HATS and CA PS Carpet Bap, Umbrellas, Parasols, Ladies' Cloaks, Carpeting, Groceries, Quoensware, Ac. Comprising every thing Hist tan he found in a Arst class store. HARPER BROTHERS, SPRING STREET, . . BKLLKFONTK, PS. >sszs&xsEr 5R +fl $9 AFT ''•J 1,1 ho,n<, • npli worth *A A : STINBUN jm? Subscribe for the CENTRE DEMOCRAT
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers