Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, August 03, 1882, Image 8

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    Ihe dSimto §mmnt
Thursday Morning, AngPßt 3, 1882.
GORRMHONDENCI, containing Important news, solicit
ed from any part of the county. No communication
luaerted uuleso accompanied by thu real uame of tue
Centre County Democratic Com
Bellefonte, N. W,..W. F. Keber Bellefonte.
8. W,..Charles Smith—... "
W. W...Jamee Scboflcld... "
Howard Boro Howard Brlckley..!loward.
Mile.,burn O- K- EBlngtou...Milebur;t.
MlltheimV. A. Walters Milllieini.
rhllipsbnrg D, W. Holt Phlllpsburg.
Union ville J. C. Smith Fleming.
Bennor Uriah Stover Bellefonte.
B OKK9 0. A. McLaughlin.Mileaburg.
Burnside William Hippie—.Pine Oleu.
College Frank Taylor Lemont.
Onrtln Fredk. llobb Howard.
Ferguson O. I' A. J. Orendorf.—.Pine Orove Mills.
" 'N. P.—J. 11. Heberling.-.Kock Springs.
Qregg S. P M. L. Kisliel Spring Millsj
'n. P BenJ. Limbert "
Haines J. W. Kusill._. Aaronslmrg.
II dfmoon A. T. Gray Half Moon.
Harris lames Kimport-Jtoalslmrg.
Howard David Tanyer Howard.
Huston Johu Q. Miles Julian.
Liberty W. 11. Gardner....Blaucbard.
Marion J. J- Hoy Walker.
Miles George llatnes.....Wolf's Store.
Patton D. L. Meek Buffalo Itnn.
p eun 11. K. Duck Millheini.
Potter, 8. P G. W. Spangler Tussoyville.
" JJ. P J- Witmer Wolf...Centre Hall.
Jtnsh William Cullen I'hilipshuig.
Snow Shoe William Hainen—Snow Slioe.
Spring T. M. Barnhart Bellefonte.
Taylor Vinton Ueckwith..Fowler.
Union Christian Hoover-Fleming.
Walker Andrew Kreamcr..Hnblersbnrg.
Worth W. G. Morrison Port Matilda.
It. 11. FORSTER, Chairman.
11. A. MCKSE, Secretary.
Local Department.
NEW ADVERTISEMENTS.— H. B. Spanplor & Co.,
Drockerhoff House,
James Seofiehl,
S. A M. Brlcker,
Standard ISook Co
ll. 11. Scammel & Co.,
J. 11. Tolbert.
ATTENTION. — Tho members of tho
IIANCOCK LEGION, and all others who are
interested in the success of KOHKKT E.
PATTISON, are requested to meet at the
Bush House on Saturday evening, Aug,
6th, 1882. L. T. MUNSON,
—PERUNA will make your blood pure
and healthy,
—Miss Mary Mcßride is ert eting a sub
stantial dwelling houso on East Bishop
—Once it is known that PERUNA euros
disease and prevents its retura, it will be
absolute neglect of duty to bo without it.
Therefore alwayo keep a bottle in your
—Mr. Isaac Buffington, an old and high
ly respected citizen of Milesburg, died at
his home in that place on Thursday of
last week. His illness was a protracted
one, and his sufferings were intense during
most of the time. lie was about 70 years
of age. His remains were interred in the
old burying ground at Milesburg, Saturday
last at 10 o'clock, A. M.
—The young men of Bellefonto have
organized an asiociation for mutual phys
ical training and improvement. The third
Moor of the Centre County Bank building
has been leased and will shortly be fitted
up s a gymnasium. It is proposed to
have everything complete and will be con
ducted in first class style. The member"
ship fee has been plat3d at $3. Already
sixty have connected themselves with it
and at least twenty more are wau.ed.
—The Pennsylvania State Teachers' As
sociation, that met at Pottsville early in
Resolved , That in tho opinion of this
Association the teachers of primary schools
Bhould be pereofls of excellent character, a
large experience, and that school dir 3tors
should pay salaries sufficient to s'eure the
services of those fitted for this work.
This is one of the soundest conclusions
ever reached by any body of educationel
workers, and may the time soon come
when Centre county school directors will
recognize the vast importance of securing
the very best teachers to instruct primary
—Esther Miller, a former Bellefonte
young lady, about sixteen years of age,
created quite a sensation in Canton, Ohio,
4, ' whore sho was arrested for larceny, on the
21st ultimo. There is nothing strange in
the reoital of events thus far, but it is
poculiar that she should preler to dress as
men do for over three years. She states as
her reason for so doing that she was de
sirous of escaping tho attentions of a too
persistent lover. There ean be no error in
regard to her having boen at one time a
resident of this place.
—Wilson, McFarlane & Co., call atten
tion to tho only reliable Beady Mixed
Paint in tho market. The Pioneer Pre
pared Paint is not only superior to any
Beady Mixed Paint sold but rivnls pure
white lead in its smoothness in working
and durability. This paint is guaranteed
by the manufactures not to crack or peel
within three years. The guarantee is not
only good for replacing tho paint but it
will be put on if it should crack or peel
within the time specified. It will be to
your interest to call and see Wilson, Mc-
Farlane & Co., before purchasing either
white lead or any other Ready Mixed
—Dcmorest's Magazine for August come,,
to us well filled with pleasant reading and
good illustrations, the oil picturo being es
pecially attractive. The serial, "The Ad
miral's Ward," is well sustained in inter
est, and the shorter stories are meritorious.
An article of interest is "Sandringbam
Hall," the residence of the Prince of
Wales; and another is a biographical
aketch of Jolmn Ludwig Runeberg. All
the ladies will like to read Jenny June's
article on "Beauty," and also the "Fash
ions," and "Household" and "Fancy
Work," departments, which, with "Cur
rentTopios," "Home Art and Home Com
fort," make up an exceedingly readable
number of this admirable household mag
azine. i
BirsH MEETING.—A Bush mooting of
t'io Colored Wo ley church will bo held in
Valentino's woods nenr Bellefonte, on
Saturday next, commencing at 3 o'clock
under the auspices of the Rev. Moses
l'inknoy, assisted by tho Itev. I. 1). Mead,
of Columbia, Lancaster couniv, and .John
the Baptist, of Hollidaysburg.
North ward will meet at the cilice of ,T.
L. Spangler, Esq., at 7J o'clock v. M., on
Friday next. At tho same time voters re
siding in the South ward will assemble at
the office of D. F. Fortnoy, Esq.. At the
same timo voters of tho West ward will
assemblo at tho All are
requested to attend.
HANCOCK LEGION.—Tho members of
this organization will meet at the Bush
House on Satnrday evening. Turn out
and bring all of your friends with you.
It is desired that tbero be a full attend
ance, and wo hope the enviable rank ac
corded this brave body of Democratic
voters in tho campaign of "'8(1 will bo
fully maintained during tho present one.
List of arrivals at tho Spring Mill-
House for two weeks ending Aug. 31
C K Hettl' done Belle.jP II Mm sor Millbe'm
II Richardson " U A Hit inil lor "
II K BrockerliofT " Fred Melzger Plii'u
J II Mnlleu " K Bilker llartisburg
J llat i HAc wf " W L Danehowe- Lewhg
I Lo e " KB .betli Taker
F X Lehman " II Meyer Rele-sbing
R P Thomp on Altoonri .1 K M'Key Pit bmg
Mrs P B ver llarrisb'g C P Nei Hl Baltimore
Mrs WThOinp onCen Fur A BrockerhofT Belle
Mrs M HaiiiKon Phila J K Moflit PitistteUl MA S
W Thompson Centre Fur A B Whitney A lam N Y
T K Boston N Brunsw'k W Whilmer Sunluiry
Mrs C K E ston " Chas I)ixo i I jnver
Miss L K ton " RBai.i Hay \'il
" D Kritoix " J C Brlckrr Chic go
C Kastoti '' .1 C Young "
I) FCiiston " F Miller Mifflinhn*-g
M and K ton " 8 F Cherry Awf pa
J R Verbevcke ' J COgden Aw Phila
MrsVanNisia " .1 M Bullock Bellefonto
II R Miller Wmspoi. J DMon mery "
K C Oa'e Kliniia X Y •' H Mor sou '*
GWLeidy Piii?;t jKWIIaIe
J.l De der Auioosburg Miss Nel'ie Kline"
.T V Williams Phila ' K
II J Boyer Loa'sbu g F F Vanear Chester
.1 W Teitmyor Penn Hall Mi. iC Maxon
.1 A Woodwaid Howard j8 P Brown A wf Milton
8 Leitzel Hnhle...burg BO Webb Ph'la
A C Mayer Phlla * Mis 8 S .ITord "
D Amnion Lew'sburg 1 8 8 White
W B Heat n Cadiz 0 !UC Snyder "
.1 Wolf A wf Pa C Trcher wf A son Pa
T E Began A wf Pa -I I) lien, v York
W C Ca- in ;er lb lle iMa' K II Foister Belle
A F Harter Millheini .M MeyeisE on
J L Mullen BePo d T Smith LewMuirg
I) White Kaston A D Hartn Delaware O
.1 8 Hall Phila 8 M Waldron Bo on
W II Vanx Doyl down C Killer Wa' nlow.i
J C Bradtier Winept •' H HaipcrN Y
L B Wolf Lewlshnr;? .1 Be k. it Pa
D 0 Lea.heis Mt Eagle •' T Torheit Cohnrn
A Goldsmith N Y A II Mann Lc k P .veu
W B Krape Pa W D Kintzing
J B Farinea Phila B Kinl/.iug
8 L Whitmer Pittsburg ;CD Meyers
LCiahble Ilanisbutg G II IrvJn Ilarrisburg
A II Weeher
MILKSHUKO ITKMS.—Cheap John, alia 8
11. I. Barnes, was here all last week with
his novelty store. Milcsburg must be a
good place for his business as he was here
only a couple of months ago.
The now tombstone peddler had a very
queer and disagreeable experience one day
last week. Ho was in his garden, under
an apple tree, gathering some of the green
fruit, and upon raising up something glid
ed down ulong the side of his face and
neck and thence down his back, lie sim
ply said : "Oh I" turned around and saw
an immense black snake run away from
him. It seems the snake was up in the
tree and got down via. his face and back.
He say 9it was a pretty close call. The
snake eluded all search and got away.
Prof. Girod was made happy the other
day by receiving about twelve hundred
dollars pension. Wish we could bo like
.John Rankin was quite seriously bitten
by his dog the other day. Upon coming
home lie meant to pet the dog, but the
animal was not so disposed, and jumped up
and bit him in the face, tearing him pretty
badly. He is not exactly ono of the
Milosburg dogs, not fur away.
Geo. Harrnan had his ribs rather un
pleasantly punched one day last week at
the planing mill. Ho was operating one
of the machines when a short hoard that
be hud in his hand was violently thrown
hack, the corner striking and cutting him,
landing him on his hack breathless.
Lie says ho thought it was all up with him
but beyond a pretty lively shake up ho
feels all right again.
Mr. William Galbruith and family
formerly of this place lire at present visit
ing some of their relatives here.
Mr. Kohlbecker's summer visitors have
all gone to their homes.
John Hibler has a new porch in front of
his store and dwelling home where ho sits
of an evening and serenely smokes his
Mr. Ed. Baird and family, of Mononga
hela City, nre home visiting. Mr. Baird
is a former teucher of this place. lie is
now a Bapt'st minister and preached here
Snndny morning and evening. JINK.
—II. Y. Btitzer has just restocked his
tlve-cent counter with many useful arti
cles for the household. First come , prat
served. tf
—An icecream festival will beheld at
Curtin's on Saturday ovening next, for the
benefit of the M. K. Church of that place.
The M'Clintock string band, of Clinton
county, wifl be in attendance. Lot there
bo a full turnout.
—The Butts House is having a largo
measure of well earned success. Mr. Leh
man is popular. Special inducements ex
tended the traveling public. tf
—Try Geo, H. Wol.o's "charcoal tin"
cans for fruit. This make will last longer
than any other.
—There will be a meeting of Centre
County Pomona Grange at Centro Hall,
Wednesday, August 9, 1882.
J. A. KKM.KR, Sec. |
Prohibition in Centre County.
THO readers of tlio DEMOCRAT during
tho pust month have boon kopt posted in
relation to tho movemonts of those active
ly engaged ill bringing before the people tho
necessity and practicability of a prohibi
tory clause being appended to tho State
constitution forbidding the manufacture
and salo of intoxicating liquors, within the
limits of the Commonwealth, forever.
Meetings wore held throughout the county,
branch organizations established, executive
or vigilance committees appointed and del
egates to the County Convention elected.
These delegates met in pursuance to tho
call of Mr. W. I). Blackburn, a member
of the St ate Constitutional Amendment
Association, in |tho Court House, at llelle
fonto, Friday 2Sth ultimo. One significant
feature of tho convention was the partici
pation of many of Centre county's most
respectable and influential citizens.
Friends of temperance anxiously await
ed tho action of this deliberative body and
were ready and willing to support any
measures it might see lit to adopt. Tho
work was well dono, all having been ac
complished that was originally intended to
be effected, which will bo fully adduced by
the publication of the preamble and con
stitution in a future issue.
In this connection it might bo safe to
remark that the only progress made in
these aggressive movements is tho work of
tho untiring, determined, conservative ele
ment ; those who after duo consideration
take a stand, and are satisfied to have tho
work move slowly provided the advance
ment he sure and permanent.
It is barely possible to enforce the ex
isting laws controlling tho sale of liquors,
and there are many others that might sup
plement them with good effect. As all
licenses nro applied f"r as necessary to ac
commodate the traveling public, let them
be granted with permission to sell only to
traveling Men, or tax tho consumers in
stead of tho vender. Have each person
who drinks pay $5, per annum, publish
the names of all who take out licenses,
twice a year, and allow all who pleaso to
sell, hut only to those holding valid cer
tificates of intemperance.
We publish, with pleasure, the follow
ing report of the secretary :
The convention assembled in the Court
House at 10.30 A. M. Was called to order
by W. I). Blackburn, representative of
tho State Association, who briefly stated
the objr't of tho convention, after which
a temporary organization was effected, by
the election of 11. Y. Stitzer, Bellcfonte,
Chairman, and Dr. A. .1. Orndorf, of Fer
guson township, Secretary. Musi" was
furnished by a choir of delegates, J. Wit
mer Wolf, of Centre Hull, presiding at
organ. Prayer was offered by Rev. Wm.
Groh, of Boalsburg. A committee of en
rollment was then appointed consisting of
I). S. Keller, C. F. Gephart, Millheim,
and J. 15. Newcomer, of Burnsido town
ship. One hundred delegat were report
ed present during the forenoon sr ion.
One do'lar subsriptions in support of the
movement in the State were received.
A select committee of nine was appoint
ed to report committees on permanent or
ganization, constitution, and resolutions,
consisting of S. S. Lyon, Esq., of Bellc
fonte, Thos. Taylor, Urionvllle, Wm. L.
Wilson, Halfmoon, Thos. (. Earliart,
Haines township, .1. Witrner Wolf, Potter,
Mrs. J. P. Harris and Mrs. Evan Blancb
ard, Bellcfonte, Mrs. Frank Leathers and
Mrs. Henry Iddings, Unionville. Short
addresses were then offered in support of
tho movement by Bev. Tomlinson, of
Auronsburg. Kev. Wm. Oroh, of Bonis
burg, and Rev. (I. I) Pennepacker, of
Bellefonte. After which convention took
a rec s till 2 I'. M. The meeting was
largely attended and much interest was
taken in the proceedings.
After singing and prayer the business of
the convention was r'umed. The com
mittee on enrollment reported the follow
ing as members and delega os of tho con
vention which was adopted viz :
Bellefonte Borough.—S. S. Lyon. Rev.
J. 1". Hughes, U. C. Irvin, Mrs. .1, W.
Rhone, .Mrs. M. W. Fair, Kev. S. E.
Furst, Clement Hale, Miss Mary Lvon,
Miss Clara Valentine, Mrs. Harriot Linn,
Mrs. J. B. Linn, Mrs. J. 11. Rankin, Miss
Nancy Gill, Mrs. Jno. T. Johnston, Mrs.
Eliza T. Blancbard, Mrs. Adam Hoy, Mrs.
J. P. Harris, Miss Edith Harris, Mrs.
Martha Bayard, Hr. T. R. Hayes, Dr. K.
S. Dorworth, H. Y. Stitzer, J. W. Miller,
Mrs. T. R. Hayes, Mrs. 1). H. Hastings,
Miss Emily Harris, Rev. G. 1). Ponepack
cr, James R. Hughes, Miss Mary M' an
ahan, Miss Frances Macmanus, S. 1)
Gray, L. A. Schacffer, James C. Wil
liams, Rev. Henry Keller. D. 8. Keller,
Francis Spoer, Ellis L. Orvis, Jno. P.
Harris, Geo. L. Potter, J. Hal. Orbison,
Bond Valentine, J. R. Van Ormer, Gen.
W. 11. Blair.
UnioDviilo Borough.—Henry Iddings,
Ruthin 15. St. Slair, Mrs. E. J. Leathers,
W. P. Fisher, Jacob Peters, Thos. J. Tav
lor, Miss Nora Brugger, Miss Kate Leath
ers, Elizabeth Iddings, Mnry M. Peters,
John Alexander, J. W. Vanvalin, Dr. J.
M. Blair, Christian Buck, Miss Maggie
M usser.
Howard Borough and Township.—Mag
gie E. Smith.
Millheim Borough.—Rev. C. F. Gep
hart, S. G. Gutelius, Miss M. 8. Gephart,
Mrs. 8. G. Gutelius.
BurnsideTownship.—J. B. Newcomer.
Mileshurg Borough.—L. T. Eddy, Rev.
Jas. Woodcock, A. C. Woodcock.
Ferguson Township.—M. F. Menden
hall, A. J. Orndorf, Ella Orndorf, Henry
Webb, Mrs., Henry Webb, Mrs. F. K.
Meek, James Watt, Henry 8. Mendenhall,
Kev. J, A. Koser, Mrs. F. L. Koser, Miss
Sue Dan n ley.
Gregg Township.—lsaac Underwood.
Ilalfmoon Township.—G. W. Gray,
Rev. J. T. Beyer, W. L Wilson, R. Or
lando Way, Mary A. Way.
Haineft Township.—Rev. J. Tomlinson,
Rev. Z. A. Yoarick, T. G. Erhard.
Harris Township.—Miss Maggie Lytle,
Miss P. A. Stuart, Dr. Jno. F. Woods,
Rev. W. H. Groh, Mrs. J. A. E. Groh,
Wm. M. M'Farlane.
Potter Township.—Rov. W. E. Fischer,
Rev. W. K. Foster, Rev. 8. M. Boeder,
Mrs. M. E. Shoop, Witmer Wolf, J. B.
Holt, Clevan Dinges, Mrs. 8. 8. Wolf E.
L. Miller, Miss Cora Murray, Miss Flora
Neff, C. F. Ilerlacher.
Snow Shoo Township.—Rev. W. A.
Carver, G. Sliirer.
Spring Township.—Geo. T. Hunter, C.
Bnurngurdncr, •J. Finlcy Bell, Margaret
Rossman, Frank J. Hunter, Jno. M. Kurey,
Catharine Baumgardner, Mrs. Wm. j.
Worth Township.—Rev. G. B. Ague.
Visitors.—Miss Elizabeth Kearney, Phil
adelphia, Pa. ; Mrs.W. J. Nicholls, Potts
town, Pa. ; S. E. liateman, Selinsgrove,
The committee on Permanent Organiza
tion, Resolutions, and Constitution, then
reported the following committees respect
ively, viz:
On Permanent Organization.—Thomas
J. Taylor, Unionville ; Dr. S. O. Gute
lius, Millheim ; James Watt, Ferguson ;
Mrs. Jno. P. Harris, Belloibnte; Mrs.
Mary A. Way, Half Moon.
O i Constitution.—Rev. John Tomlinson,
Aaronsbuig; J. B. Newcomer, Burnside;
W. L. Wilson, Half Moon.
On Resolution.—Gen. Wm. 11. Blair,
Bellefonte: Isaac Underwotd, Gregg;
Rev. W. A. Carver, Snow Shoe ; Mrs. E.
M. Blancbard, Bellefonte : Geo. L. Gray,
While tho foregoing committees wore
preparing their reports, short nddretse
were innde by a number of delegates, as to
the objects and aims of the convention
which became quite animated at limes,
when tho committee on constitution re
ported the following—which was on rn< -
tion adopted as read, and will he published
hereafter. The committee on resolution
then reported the following as the sense of
tho convention, viz:
WHEREAS, That after a fair and impar
tial trial for two hundred years in Penn
sylvania the system of licensing the manu
facture or salo of intoxicaiing liquors :r
drinking purposes has absolutely failed s
a preventitive against drunkenness, t
radation, debauchery, pauperism n.id
Resolved , That this license system ne! n
er confers nor confirms any natural ri ,
but is solely a privilege granted for special
reasons and for a specific lime. Its abro
gation would destroy no right, nor in my
proper sense contravene personal liber.y,
nor be unjust to any one now enjoying i.s
special benefits. The public welfare is a
supreme law.
Revolved, That wo as advocates of tho
cause of temperance deem it necessary t t
other and more effective means be used <o
overcome the greut evils that flow fr n
the license system.
Resolved, That wo hail with rejoie'. ;
tho glorious news from lowa, announci ;
the overthrow of tho rum power and .
signal triumph of constitutional prohibi
tion in that great State by over 20,( >0
Resolved, That wo recognize with d -
vout gratitude to God the manifest in
creuo of healthful temperance sentiment
in all this land, and the simultaneous
movement in the various States of the
Union toward tho adoption of constitu
tional prohibitory amendments.
Resolved, That free from partisan spirit,
we nevertheless regard the evil of intem
perance as to gigantic us to believe its
suppre. ion to be the leading it sue now
before ;he people.
Resolved, That it is tho sense of tli's
meeting that the people of our State
should have the right to say by their bal
lots whether the manufacture or sulo of
intoxicating liquors shall be continued or
abo'lshed, except for medicinal, mechani
cal and scie Uific purposes ; and to this end
we urge all people, without distinction of
sex, race, party or denomination, to give
their efforts and influence in behalf of con
stitutional prohibition in Pennsylvania.
Resolved, That this convention hereby
urge and direct the officers and executive
committee of the county association, this
day organizi J, to proceed at tho earliest
practicable moment to complete tho orga
nization of the county, so that every bor
ough and township may be put in active
working order in tho interest of constitu
tional prohibition.
Reso< rd, That tho thanks of this con
ven 'on are due, and are hereby tendered
to tho citizens of Bellefonte, for their
presence with us, and hospitality on this
o casion ; to the united church choirs for
their able and entertaining assistance ; and
to Mr. W. D. Blackburn, for his untiring
zeal in the work of organizstion through
out the county.
Resolved, That the proceedings of the
convention bo furnished all tho county
papers for publication.
The discussion of which became quite
warm and animated at times, and on mo
tion further consideration of the same was
postponed until the evening session, and
the committee on permanent organization
being ready reported the fol'owing. viz :
President, Dr. T. R. Hayes, Bellefonte;
Y'ce Presidents. Hon. John Diven, Hit
blersburg, 0. Buck, Unionville ; Hon. W.
A. Murray, Harris; Prof. 0. 15. Sanford,
J'hilipsburg; Hon. J. I'. Onphart, Mill
heim ; Secretary, 11. Y. Stitzor, Belle
fonte ; Assistant Secretary, J. Wi*i or
Wolf, Centre Hal!; Treasurer, Cha>
Cook, Be'lefonte.
Executive Committee.—Bellefonte, N.
W., Bellefonte,B. W. JamesSummervi' ;
Bellefonte, W. W. Isaac Mitchell ; P
ipshurg, J. H. Mattern ; Mileshurg, L. T.
Eddy; Unionville, Henry Iddings; How
ard, John W. Smith ; Millheim, Jac. o
Kisenhuth ; Burnsido, T. A. lioek; Boge q
Attst'n Curtin ; Benner, C. Dale ; Curtin ;
College, Prof. John Hamilton ; Ferguson,
George Eckel ; Half Moon, John A. Uui •
ter; Harris, Dr. J. F. Woods; Haines,
Thomas Yearick ; Huston, J. W. Btewar ;
Howard, J. N. Hall; Liberty, San.u i
Glossner; Marion, Isaac Frain ; Mile*,
Samuel Cramley ; Patton, P. 15. Wadd. ;
Potter, Col. Jostab Neff; Penn, Chr. i.
Alexander; Spring, John M. Furey;
Snow Shoe, Rev. W. A. Carver; Worio,
John G. Jones.
Alter reading the foregoing report, con
vention adjoutned to meet in tho evening
at 7.30 o'clock.
After singing and prayer, the report on
permanent organization was adopted when
discussion on the resolutions was resumed
in which Revs. Penepacker, Laurie, Furst,
Dr. It. O. Guteliua and others partici
pated, and after quite an animated discus
sion the convention adopted the report as
presented by the committee, without
amendment or addition. This ended the
work of the convention for the present.
Adjourned to moot at the call of tho ex
ecutive committee. A. J. ORNDORE,
Tho resolution, re/erred to by tho /*<•
publicr.n, and which upon boing read
caused such a spirited discussion was this ;
Re-.olved, That we pledge ourselves to
secure the signatures of as many voters as
possible to a pledge in order to have them
vote for no candidate for State Senator
and Representative who will not pledge
himself to vote in favor of submitting to
the people tho constitutional amendment
proposed by tho State Association.
'I lie action of the convention (n voting
down this measure is sensible and com
mendatory. We should not havo inserted
it had not our neighbor so entirely rnis"
stated the case.
PERSONAL. —Prof. D. M. Licb was call
ed to Northumberland county last wrak
to attend the funeral of his uncle.
Mr. Charles Iloisler accoiupanh i by
Mr. Charles Richards are laving in batl s
at Atlantic City.
"Eddy" Carman is enjoying his vaca
tion among the While Mountains. He
expects to ho gono about two weeks.
Rev. C. F. Gephart, one of the popular
young divineß of the Evangelical Associa
tion, who is rusticating at the residence of
his father, Jacob Gephart, Esq., of Mill
heim, called upon us on Saturday morning,
Our senior editor is entertaining his son.
Mr. W. F. Sliugert, of Washington city.
Mr. Shugert is filling a responsible posi
tion in tho Patent Office and expects to
spend all his usual summer vacation at
Mr. Geo. Brew, of the firm of S. A
Brew & Son, is actively engaged in dis
posing of tho stock of Isaac Guggcn
himor, ho is ably assisted by Mr. Buck.
These gentlemen are veteran salesmen and
are very courteous and accomodating.
Mr. Geo. W. Eaton will leave town on
Friday for Lewistown Camp. George is
one of the bravest of the many brave boys
ig blue who will congregate at the annual
encampment of tho N. G. P. During his
absence -Mr. Morris Swartz will run the
store. ,
Some real nice young h ly is Pckling
our devil's vanity by writing him anony
mous notes and sending button-hole bo
quets witii them.
J. L. Spangler, was away from
homo for a week or more and some busy
body circulated the report that he WHS en.
joying his honeymoon. Inquiry elicit d
tho fact that ho was married—on the Eu
ropean nlan.
.Miss Dayton, of Williamsport, is visit
ing the family of Rev. Crittenden,
Mr". Thompson and her daughters, of
Curwensville, are the guests of Mrs. Har
ry Teats, Howard street.
Mrs. Andrew Bell Is entertaining two
bright lilt'e daughters of Wm. Holmes,
Esq., of Birmingham, formerly of this
An ice cream festival will be held a 1
Curlin's iron works, on Saturday evening,
August sth, for the bercfitof the M. E.
Skbbath-scbool, at that place. The Me-
Clintoek string band of Clinton county
will be in attendance.
M ss Ida and Mr. Mi'ton Furey, of
Pleasant Gup, on Monday went to Spring
Mills to attend school there.
Mrs. Bickford, of Lock Haven, daugh
ter of Daniel McGinley, Esq., is spending
a week with her parents.
Mrs. E. T. Tuten, accompanied by her
so i, E. L. Gray, editor of the A'eies, left
on TUP. day morning for "down east," and
will tarrv awhile at Atlantic City.
Mrs. W. L. Malin and her two litt'e
daughters, Sadie and Helen, are in Chester
Mr. W. 11. Gardener, who will bo re
membered rs ono of our successful teachers
for some years, has been engpg d as book
keeper by a Pittsburgh firm. Before leav
ing he subscribed for the DEMOCRAT. WO
wish him success.
Mis' Sjllie McGinley, after an absence
that must have seemed a% ago to one of
our legal freinds, returned on Saturday,
from a protracted visit at Carbondalo.
Mrs. Dr. Coolige, formerly Miss Nannie
M< Ginley is with her.
Messrs. J. A Weidensaul and John Vo
nrda, of Milmont, Pa., called on Saturday.
Treasurer Keller is ono of the most ae
co nmodaling men in this county, ho can
lot you have anything you want. At
present ho is supplying his friends with a
. opcrior quality of overcoats at reasonable
I. Pursuant to General Orders from
Brigade and Regimental Headquarters, the
I Bellefonte Fenciblr , Company L 5., will go
into Catnp Ht Lewistown, on Friday, Aug
us 4th, 1882.
11. The officers and men of this Com
pany will report at tho Armory at three
o'clock, Friday afternoon, August 4th,
uniformed and equipped in readiness to
take I'te 6 o'clocK, P. M., train. Each
man will provide himself with two day's
cooked rations, 4 pairs white gloves, shoe
brush, Hacking, and all things necessary
for ono weeks' tour of camp duly. No
civilians clothing will be allowed in Camp.
Turn down collars only must be worn.
The overcoat will bo neatly rolled and
placed on top the knapsack, blankets fold
ed on the back.
111. By tho provisions of paragraph
VII, General Orders, No. 4, from Brigade
Headquarters, it will bo seen that tho'law
requiring tho attendance of all members
of the National Guard at the coming en
campment will be rigidly enforced. Ex
cuse for non-attendance can only be grant
ed by the Brigado commander and will be
allowed only fe>r such reasons as would
prevail in actual service.
IV. Each set of fours will be allowed to
take a small box as baggage, which must
be delivered at the depot before noon on
the 4th. By ordW of
Ist Sergeant.
—Loch's are hooping 'er up, and the
many customers constantly at their coun
ters confirms the belief that they are being
tendered the support of purchasers who
look to their own Interests in buying.
This firm deals in everything and in se
curing small profits on each item Sold, the
aggregate is sufficient to satisfy them.
tro County Sunday-school Association will
hold Us thirteenth annunl convention in
the Presbyterian church, Centre Hill, on
Thursday, August 17, 1882.
As chairman of the executive commit
tee, I urn authorized to eay :
First —While the three sessions are open
to the public, each Sunday-school is in
vited to appoint two delegates, one of
them if possible, to be the Superintendent
All preachers in the county are dele
gates cx-officio, without appointment or
special invitation. Delegates freely par
ticipate in the discussions.
Second —Ail delegates who desire enter
tainment or homes during the convention
will forward their names to liev. W. K.
Foster, of Centre llall, not later than
seven days previous to the meeting.
Third— -Each family attending the fore
noon session, expecting to remain for the
afternoon, i.- requested to brng a basket
lunch to be taken at the church during the
noon recess,
l-<j"rth— Since everything worth any
thing costs something," each delegate is de
sired to come prepared to assist in defray
ing the necessary expenses of the convcn-*
i /'''"'—As "laborers together with God,"
let es ail come "in the unity of the faith,"
praying specially that all may realize the
blessing promised lor those who meet "in
the name of the Lord."
Note—The programme of exercises will
be given next week in all the county
LIST OF JURORS drawn for the fourth
Monday of August next, 1882 :
Martin Viodboefer, farmer, liuiDsiile,
Jacob <J BrM.ii, farmer, I'. nn.
J C (Joheen ineniiaiit, JVigusou.
Win [>awiii, laborer, Bpi ing.
NHID.IUH Redding, laborer, Spring.
James ,S Carson, farmer, Benwi.
Churl— Sellers, foundry man. College.
JuMib Spanglor, furmer, Worth.
CharleH B M'Cormirk, laborer, Fergus* n.
II Is Barnliart, farmci,
Christ Holter, farmer, Li>< rty.
I aiah Struhle, farmer, Walker.
0 Underwood, farmer, t T nio.
II 0 Rice, wheelwright, Ruth.
8 T Cray, farmer, Button.
Win Wolf, bricklayer, fi ring.
John Giugery, farmer, IluMon.
W ill K Keene, teacher, I'etin.
Wm B Smith, miller, Uniouville.
B It Brisbin, lumberman, Potter.
Jonathan IB s, farmer. Ferguson.
Moses B Rirhaid, carpenter Potter.
1> B Kuiies, lumberman, Liberty.
Ij II Roto. te.n her, Haines towmhip.
Toner Moll, sboemaker, Spring tw p.
Tli lore Gordon, lumberman, Bellefonte.
Isaac Stover, farmer, spring tup.
Gearge 8. Gray, farmer, UalfntooD.
EC Woods, teacher, Spring.
Win II . niith, juat : ce, Uuionvjlle.
Emanuel gchrove . farmer, Boggs.
M 8 Fiddler, farmer, Haines.
John Uuulap, teacher, Ikuiner.
James M ROKA, farmer, Harris.
John Bpan-ler, gent email. Potter.
(' W llartmau, moulder. Milibeini.
Calvin Ostnau, laborer, Harris.
Absalom Musser, farmer, Haines.
Patrick Doolev, latoier, Ih llefonte.
Tayler Gunsallus, zai.n r, Snow Flme.
John Roob, wagon maker, Ferguson.
A P Stephens, sawyer, Worth.
II J Tay or moulder, Spring.
Adam Yearick, geutlcnun, Bellefonte.
Jacob Breon, sawyer, Potter.
Jaape- Brumgart. merchant, Miles.
Adam Stover, laborer, Haines.
1)0 Wyche, clerk, Rush.
P W Bti.ibart, farmer, Bogcs.
S"l S Pwk, cabinetmaker, Walker.
John Brackhill, cabinetmaker, Beilefoiite.
Henry Dale, farmer. Boggs.
Henry Berk, clerk. Spring.
Jacob Brumgart. gentleman, Mile*.
John I Thomson, geologist, College.
8 A Mur-dirall, farmer, Bemier.
1) W Shivery, farmer, Ferguson.
JacobGarbrick, jr., farmer, Marion.
Snyder I) Tobias, clerk, Millhcim.
Win Bright, farmer, Haines.
Luther Swarf/, fanner, Walker.
Hugh Glenn, farme \ Huston.
N II Williams, teacher, Huston.
John W Smith, teacher, Howard Boro.
B F Yeerick, farmer. Ferguson.
G W Stover, jr., saddler, llillheim Bom.
John Walter, laborer, Boggs
Robeit Beirly, wheelwright, Boggs.
A Laporte, carpenter, Fergunoii,
Tho.nas Snyder, engineer, Liberty.
Aaron Leitzel, huckster, Miles.
—The wedding day appointed was,
The wedding clothes provided,
But ere the day did come, alas !
He sickened, and lie die did.
All because he failed to purchase clothing
from Lowin. Calamities of this kind
never bother any whose clothing bears tho
imprint "from the Philadelphia Branch,
We are authnri/<l to announce that JOHN A.
WOODWARD, of Howard township. will !*• a candi
date for the Legislature, subject to the decision of
the Democratic County Convention.
We ai authorized to announce that HENRY
MEYER, of Miles tow nship, will he a candidate for
the LegiidHttire, subject to the decision ot the Demo
cratic County Convention.
We are authorised to announce that Dr. P. S. FISH
ER, of Walker township, will he a c andidate for the
Legislature, subject to the decision of tiie Dennx ratic
County Convention.
We are authorized to announce that P. F. TAYLOR,
of College township will he a candidate for the Legisla
ture, subject to the decision of the Denncmtic County
We arc authorised to announced that J. 11. TOL
HE 111', of Walker township, will he a candi late for
Jury Commissioner, subject to the decision of the
Deuiociatic County Convention.
Bellefoxite Grain Market.
Bel lb fonts, July 13, 1882.
Corrected weekly hy T. K. Reyuidds AOo.
Wheat—white, per bushel- fl 10
M red, •• • | Co
Corn—ears,*per bushel Ho
" shelled, per bushel 85
Oats, pel bushel 60
Barley, per bushel 75
Clover Seed, per pound
Flour, wholesale, per bid., Roller. ... 7 no
M per sack. u 175
Plaster, ground, per ton ft oy
Provision Market.
Corrected weekly by Harper Brother*.
Apple.,dried, per pound .. ,
Oherrle.,dried, per pound,.ended
Itean. per quart
Freeh butter per p0und.......... j 8
Chicken, per pound ( j
Cheese per pound jg
Country h.tn. per pound
Hams,sugar cured 1,
Bcon —. 1&
tj.nl per p0und...—............... ~
Kgg. per do. 1&
Potatoes per hu.hel ti.
Dried beef. V..7.V...V—™ 18
tt BTORRr.—It I. entirely different from .11
other.. It I. *■ clear a* water, and, u It. name Indi
cate., i. a perfect Vegetable llalr Restorer. It will
Immediately free the head from the dandruff, restore
gray h.lr to it. natural color, and produce a new
growth where It he. fallen off. It doe. not in anv
manner affect the health, which Sulphur, Sugar of lewd
•lid Nitrate of Sllrar preparation, hare done. It will
change light or laded hair In a few day. to a beautiful
gloaay brown. Ak your drnggM for it. Karh bottle
fa warranted. SMITH, KMNK A CO., Whole—tie
AgenU, Philadelphia andC. N. CIUTTENDRN, Mew
York - 4-87-ly,