Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, July 27, 1882, Image 7

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    The Greater Wrong.
He murdered her, you] nay—with one quick
In her fair breast lot all her young life out,
And then, abov i her, with a maniac's shout
And shriek, rejoicoJ to see her lying low.
He struck her down, you say, in lifo's glad
When hope and faith and love and joy were
In her glad heart, and life was like a song:
There oould not bo, you think, a sadder thing.
I have seen murder that was fouler far:
I have seen sweet hope slain, and joy, and
And tender true love stricken unto death,
With weapons swoot as smiles and kisses are.
The quick, sharp biow that does not mar nor
Nor torturo long, but lets the white soul go
Unrobbed of all the best that souls can know,
la very tenderness, compared to this.
—Cai luCia Perry, i a Lippincott.
I had workel in Annt Deborah's
kitchen till nobody expected anything
else of me. I had been retained in the
house on sufferance at first, becanse
Aunt Deborah's brother, my father, had
run throngh all his property and was
only distinguished for his shiftlessness
and the size of his family. I suppose I
was never missed from that superabund
ant home oircle; anyway, they never
came to see me nor never inquired
after me, that I know of.
Aunt Deborah had a great deal of
company, being a rich and childless
widow, and fond of society. But no
one ever noticed me. I was not even
snubbed, for it was not worth while to
enub a mere drudge like me.
My cousin, Elsie Allston, was also a
member of my aunt's family, but she
received very different treatment from
that which fell to my lot. Her father
was auntie's favorite brother; therefore
she was educated and was understood
to be certain of a homo and life's com
forts always and of a fortune at Aunt
Deborah's death.
Yet I did not envy my fortunate
cousin, for while I was let alone, and at
least took pride in the consciousness
that I earned my own living, Elsie was
continually being taunted with her de
pendence, and was kept in abject ser
vility by constant threats of disinherit
Elsie would have been kind to me if
I had allowed it, but I bad a sort of
pride which forbade me to receive pat
ronage from any one. I must be re
ceived on an equal footing or not at all.
The only pleasure of my life was un
limited liberty to use the books in ray
..ant's great and ever-increasing library
My rough work unfitted my hands for
sewing, a fact for whioh I was suffi
ciently thankful, as it increased my
leisure hours.
For the first two or three years of my
stay I read novels exclusively. But
ono of the novels happened to have a
noblo and aspiring woman for its hero
ine. Somehow, the story of that life
haunted me day and night and I re
solved to bo somothi'ig worthy of love
and respect, whether I ever received my
reward or not.
My first step was to map out a line of
thought and conduct, and a course of
reading. My intellectual natnre was
to be molded by some of the best books
:n my aunt's library, and that ideal
woman of whom I had read was to be
my moral lever, lifting mo into an
atmosphere of self-forgetting holiness
and love. I believed that if Annt De
borah's drudge never had an opportu
nity of showing her devotion to the
hnman race, her own sonl would grow
rich by the quiet effort.
It had been years since I formed this
resolution when Mr. Gleason, forming
one of a party of visitors, came to my
aunt's house. But having oompany to
cook for in the summer had come to be
a settled thing, and all company meant
to me was more drudgery and less time
to read.
There was no prophetio voice to whis
per to my heart on the morning of Mr.
Gleason's arrival that my fate, my hope
and my despair, my blesaic g and my
misery, bad come to me. He was only
one more guest, to be cooked for and to
be waited npon by the drndge.
One day Elsie came to me with her
aweet, weak face tearful and pleading.
44 Yon must help me, Hannah," said
44 Help yon do what, child ? "
44 T0 keep Aunt Deborah's good-will
and marry Mr. Gleason. You see Mr.
Gleason is very poor, and if aunt threat
ens to disinherit me it may lessen my
chanoes of getting him."
I think my astonishment and disgust
showed themselves in my faoe as I an
swered :
jf "Have you so little oonfldenoe in
your prom<sed husband? So little faith,
and yet willing to be his wifo?"
She made an im| a'ient gesture,
f 44 You don't understand," she said,
alowly and nnblusbingly. 44 He has
not yet asked me to be his wife, bat he
will. lam enro he will I He does not
love me very mnoh, bnt when we are
married and he sees my devotion it
will be different. 44
Then she put ber faoe in my apron
and sobbed bitterly, and I knew by her
tears that she had many misgivings.
" How oan I help you'T" I asked.
" I don't know," she replied throngh
hor tears; " but you can manage any
thing, lam snre. Annt Deb says you
are to this bouse what grease is to an
axle; that is, yon seem to make every
thing run tmoothly."
I could not help smiling as I re
"That is the first compliment I over
received, and I think it an exceedingly
doubtful one. It cannot be expeoted
that a kitchen drudge oan successfully
intermeddle in so delicate a matter as a
love affair. Why, Elsie, I was nover in
love in all my life, and I daily pray
Heaven to preserve me from any such
calamity, becanse the man I oould love
would not notioe such a person as I
seem to be."
"1 don't know," said Elsie, dubious
ly, and for the time forgetting her
troubles. "There is something about
you different from other servants—
something strong and masterful; but I
think you are troubled with morbid
sensibilities. Promise that you'll help
me if you can, Hannah."
" Yes, I can make that promise with
perfect safety," I replied.
I formed a little plan of aotion very
speedily. That evening I went to
Aunt Deborah's room, and being bidden
to enter, my first words were:
" I suppose yon mean to leave Elsie
penniless, if she marries a poor man."
" Yes," replied she, "I have secured
for her the offer of a very eligible hns"
band. If she does not see fit to accept
him her future must be whatever she
makes it."
" Then," said I, " Elsie's loss will bo
my gain, I hope. Don't fail to consider
mo after she has flung away her
chances for some day beooming your
Aunt Deborah looked at mo steadily
for a moment, as if she felt inclined to
think I was taking leave of my senses;
then she sat in her chair and langhed
long; laughed until her round face was
very red indeed. As soon as she was in
a condition to speak, she said:
"Yon had better have practicod
awhile on some one else before yon
tried to overcome my purpose with
strategy. Your face betrays yon. Yon
are not earnest enough, and you are
most mortally ashamed of yourself.
You know that I am contrary and yon
know that lam always angry with the
person that wrongs Elsie; therefore,
yon thought that by making me angry
with yourself, you could get me to vow
eternal fidelity to Elsie. Not so. It is
just as I have said. Elsio must obey
mo or she will not receive a penny from
me. As for you, you have strength and
ability to earn your own living. Yon
know how to work, and do not care for
the luxury that money brings. Yon do
not need my money, and further, I do
not believe you want it."
I tamed away with a bitter smile.
How little did my aunt know of my
tastes, only because I was too proud to
make them known 1 And my intended
aid to Elsie bad proved a failure.
The next afternoon, having a leisure
hour, I went into the library, intending
to carry a book up to my room ; but
becoming interested in the volume I
had selected I forgot my purpose, and
seated myself near a window in an ob
scure corner. Not long after the door
opened, and Air. Gleason entered. He
spent Bome time searohiug among the
books, and at last turned to the door
with empty hands and an air of dis
appointment. Then I rose and sug
gested that I might perhaps bo able to
find for him whatever he wanted.
He tamed and surveyed me for a
brief moment; then asked:
" Whom do I address?"
"Hannah Allston, theoook and floor
scrubber," I answered.
"I was searching for a work on archi
tecture, and am disappointed at not
finding it, because I wished to settle a
warm argument, fast descending to dis
pute, which I left in fall progress in
the drawing room. I am snre I oonld
establish my point if I had the book I
saw here yesterday."
I returned to the afore-mentioned
comer, aid produced the volume I had
been perusing with so mnoh inteieat.
"This is probably what yon were
looking for, sir,'' I said.
He took the volume from my hand
with evident pleasure and just as evi
dent surprise.
" La lies do not usually caro for this*
sort of literature," he said, apologeii
cally, when he saw that I had read his
I replied :
" L idies have little incentive to care
for such things,because society promptly
and most emphatically discourages all
saoh indications of strong mindedness.
Of course it can make no difference
to a woman whether the house she lives
in is built in Corinthian, Doric or
Oothio style, or has no style at all. In
her affectation of pretty, childlike sim
plicity is considered very interesting,and
if she can be interesting, why need she
aspire to become intelligent ?"
41 1 think yon are mistaken, Miss All
ston. I think the days when a woman
was admired for her ignoranoe may
safely be named in the past tense."
14 You aro a man of society, and
ought to know; bnt my small field of
observation has shown me that some
women, at least, affect frivolity and aim"
plieity in the presence of oompany'
from which I inferred that sooiety ad*
mires that sort of women.
" Perhaps it does, after a fashion,''
he replied with a smile. " But depend
npon it, Miss Allston, the scepter of
belleship was never yet wrested from
an intelligent conversationalist by an
ignorant woman, even though the bril
liant woman has a much plainer face
than the other. Poople love to be en
tertained, and one who can offer wit
and wisdom without pedantry is sure to
be admired, and, if she can add genuine
unselfishness to hor list of accomplish
ments, to be loved also."
"Perhaps," said I. "But have you
not forgotten to return to the drawing
"Thank you for the reminder, Miss
Allston; may I venture to hope that
this will not be our last meeting?"
" I am, as I told you, a servant, and
prefer not to bo patronized. We mot by
accident. If we meet again, I shall not
recognize you."
He smiled good-humoredly, bowed,
said "Wo shall see," and turned away.
I felt vexed with myself for having
conversed so freely with a stranger, and
made sundry good resolutions by which
my future deportment was to be gov
I do not understand what there was
in the trifling event just narrated to
stir my nature, but that night I did not
close my eyes till 3 o'clock. I began
to hate myself for having remained so
long in a menial position without a sin
gle struggle to rise above it. A beauti
ful thought came to me at last, with the
suddenness of inspiration. I had in
many instances proven myself to be a
good nurse for the sick. I had more
than once administered simple remedies
with success in the absence of a physi
cian. I had been fascinated by the
study of anatomy and physiology; why
not add to these a knowledge of tliera
pentics? Why not become a physician,
practicing among women and children?
The thought was healing oil to my
troubled spirits, and I was soon asleep,
happily ignorant of the long struggle
entailed upon me by my resolution, of
the cost of medical courses and the dif
ficulty of persuading patients that a
woman can be fit to undertake a "case."
It was wonderful how often Mr. Glea
son found it necessary, after that, to
como to the pump at the kitchen door
for a drink, and how he persisted in not
noticing the glass which I placed there
for his accommodation, but must always
come into the kitchen, no matter how
busy I and trouble me to get one
for him, and pause awhile to talk.
I found out one thing. I could talkj
and no one had over tried to draw me
out boforo.
I was not alarmed when I found that
I watched eagerly for his coming. I
told myself that no one whose friend
ship was worth caring for had ever be
fore treated me like a rational being
and an equal, and that had this friend
been a woman, my love would have been
just the same.
We talked on every subject, from the
lore of legends to international politics,
and I never dreamed that it was more
than the pleasure of speaking on sub
jects remote from puddings and pies
that made mo care for Mr. Gleason.
I had a terrible awakening. One day
he was jnst leaving mo when a voice on
the lawn was heard to call oat:
" Where's Mr. Gleason ?"
" Down in the kitchen, I suppose,
courting the oook," was the answer,
more suggestive than ladylike.
It was not the heat of the stove that
made my face bnrn at that moment, and
the thought flashed into my mind that I
had an unquestionable right to be
courted, just as Mr. Gleason re-entered
the room and said :
"That coarse jest on the lawn has
made me resolve to ask you now what I
had intended to defer to a later day. I
love you, Miss Allston ; will yon be my
wife ?"
,s Oh, no, no, Mr. Gleason I Where
is yonr honor, to trifle with the affections
of Elsie, then seek to wed me ? lam
surprised beyond measure. I thought
better of yon. Go 1"
" I cannot toll what you may have
heard," he replied with a pale, stern
face, "but I have certainly been no
more attentive than courtesy demanded.
1 had dared to hope for a different an
swer. Ton have accused me of dis
honor. That parts us."
Then he was gone. The same day he
departed from my Aunt Deborah's. "A
sudden fanoy for sketohing among the
mountains. Never thinks of anything
hut his art," complained the guests.
The following day Elsie's engagement
was announced to the person whom
Aunt Deborah had chosen for her. She
could not live without plenty of money
she said.
Six years passed, during the most of
which I was not in communication with
Aunt Deborah or any of my relatives,
t'uey having with one acoord refused to
forgive me for being " strong-minded "
end persisting in the stndy of medi
oine. Thoy were yeara of hard work
and almost unendurable loneliness. I
was engaged in professional labors in a
village in Vermont.
One day a messenger came in great
baste to call me to the bedside of a
stranger who was very ill, perhaps dy
ing. No male physician was to be
found. Would Igo ? I hesitated but
a single moment. How thankful was 1
afterward that I obeyed the impulse ol
mercy, and cast aside that of prudery !
It was Mr. Gleason I
When ho became conscious, days
afterward, he reached feebly for my
hand, and said:
" This is what I have been praying
for. I have found you at last, Han
That was five years ago, and now
wo have been married jast four years
and eleven months, and are us happy as
mortals, subject to the ague and thoir
neighbors' chickens, can ever hope to
be. On our marriage day I threatened
to " throw physio to the dogs," but my
husband said:
"No. You sball always be my phv-
The Old Rail Fence.
I am told by foreign tourists that
while many of our fences are reflected
in those of other lands, the counterpart
of the zigzag fence is to be Been in no
other country. It is typioal of Yankee
land It is known as "Snake of Vir
ginia fence," and as a relio of a lavish
era of unlimited forestry. History doei
not chroniole the name of its inventor,
but I have long since learned to cherish
a profound respect for the memory of
this unknown individual. It is hard
for mo to imagine in the person of this
primitive rail-splitter the picture of an
untutored backwoodsman, and I never
follow the course of one of those fences
without feeling a certain consciousness
that its original builder must have seen
his work through eyes artistio as well
as practical.
The careless abandon of its lines—a
repetition of form in which absolute
repetition is continually defined by the
capricious oonvolntion of the grain, for
there are no two rails made in the same
mold—and their gray satiny sheen,
their weather-beaten stains of moss and
lichen, and the ever-changing play of
lights and shadows ftom the waving
weeds and vines, make the old rail
fence truly an object of real beauty in
onr landscape. Often have I lingered
in its angles, and a hundred times have
I thonght of the host of pictures and
reminiscences which might fill a book to
the glory of a fence corner.— lLurper,
America's Coal Fields.
Minors in Illinois sre only making $7
a day.
Goal dnst is manufactured into bricks
in France.
All the Canada railroads get their
supplies of coal from the United States.
The Chesterfield county (Virginia 1
coal mines are the oldest in America.
In the manufacture of iron last year
in this oountry 9,979.503 tons of coal
were used.
Coal is being prospected for in the
vicinity of Pittsburg, Kan., under very
favorable circumstances.
Dams and reservoirs with a storage
capacity of 100,000,000 gallons have
been built in the anthraoite regions of
Ths biggest tow ever brought down
the Mississippi was a fleet of thirty
loaded ooal boats and barges recently
arrived at New Orleans from Pittsburg.
The fear of spontaneous oombustion
prevents vessel owners aooepting the
high prices offered for freight on bitu
minous ooal to Japan. As mneh as $5
a ton has been offered.
Nino hundred sqnare miles of coal
territory have been developed in Dates
and Vernon oountie?, Mo., showing
veins six feet in thiokness at a depth of
from forty to eighty feet from the sur
Indians at Baseball.
The Modoos are very good base
ballists. A very fine game was played
on the open prairie between the Modoca
and the Peorias. The Peorias appeared
to be the more athletio and taller, but
the Modoca, although a shorter, squat
tier set of men, seemed to hold theirown.
They are really skillful baseball players,
being splendid catchers, throwers and
excellent runners. The Peorias are
finely nniformed in white shirts, black
velvet breeches trimmed with gold
atripe down the leg, red stockings and
regulation shoos. They play a very
quiet game, seldom speaking a word,
and seem to thoroughly understand and
utilize all the tricks practiced by the
best clubs.
A Novel Industry.
A novel but profitable industry in
mountains of North Carolina and East
Tennessee is that of collecting roots
(mor-tly laurel). Th roots are shipped
to Philadelphia and Boston, and used
for the manfaotnre of door knobs snd
pipe-bowls. The roots frequently weigh
from seventy-five to one hnndred and
fifty pounds. There is a o nstattk de
mand, and good prices are paid for
them by the too.
Capo Cod Cranberries.
Any ono driving in the fall of tlio
year, perhaps during the month of Oc
tober, over the sandy roads of the cape,
says a Sandwich (Muss.) correspondent,
would bo surprised to find almost every
spot of low and swampy land, without
regard to size or shape, covered with
the thickest cranberry vines, from which
great numbers of the people are pick
ing. The meadows, or bogs, as they
are usually called, vary greatly in size
and Bhape, but are generally laid out in
the form of rectangles.
Nearly all of them are intersected or
surrounded by screams of water, which
serve the double purpose of drainage
and overflow ; the latter for protection
from frosts of winter, and, in the sum
me., from very destructive insects pe
culiar to the vine. Where there iB no
water the bog must be loft to the mercy
of these destructive agencies. Stretched
across the bogs in time of harvest is a
phalanx of industrious pickers, a few
feet apart, working hard to fill their
measures. Although the prices paid
for picking are small, hardly ever ex
ceeding one and a half cents per quart,
yet, evon at this figure, the older pick
ers can make from $2 to $3 per day,
while the younger ones can earn $1
1 know of ladies leaving their homes
in oities, being fatigued by the noise
and excitement of city life, and the
impure air incident thereto, who eome
to some village on the " Cape," roll up
their sleeves, glove their hands, and at
once proceed to the picking of these
berries, and, after inhaling the fresh
bog air, mingled with the air from the
salt water, which borders both sides of
them, tbey return to their homes
greatly improved in health and strength.
Since the first ultivation of cran
berries on the Cape, some eighteen
years ago, this industry has grown to be
an enormous one. The cape berries are
considered the best, and, accordingly,
are in prompt demand. Ihey are not
white and small, as you generally see
in stores, but are of a bright red, and
sometimes of a dark color, and are of a
good and uniform size. These berries
are put up into neat, new barrels of a
regular size, holding one hundred
qnarts each, and, if picked over and the
frozen and wormy ones removed, they
will command the highest price, while,
on the other hand, the frozen ones will
barely reach half price.
In about every village on t e capet
however small, may bo seen in harves,
time teams driven by people cf alj
colors and nationalities, directing the.r
way to the nearest shipping station
loaded with the rich-hued berry.
Stormy weather does not interfere with
them; all that concerns is the price he
berries will bring in the market, pro
vided th> y reach their destination be
fore the fluctuation. Some keep their
berries lor speculation, and often, in
the spring, tbey command au enormous
figure ; but keeping them in cellars
dors not improve the quality, as more
or less f them spoil.
Nearly all these berries are shipped
dir ct to New York, where there are
established markets for them. It is
difficult to state how many barrels of
these berries go out of the Cape towns
in a season, and still harder to esti
mate the hundreds of dollars that come
into them. A good yield is considered
from eighty to 100 barrels por acre. If
the soil is in good condition one oan
reap 150 barrels. As the prices are at
present (Sl7 per batrel). this could be
called a profitable business. The crop
fell short of its usual amonnt last year,
and consequently the prices are the
An Arkansas Snake Charmer.
Mr. Black, who resides in Hillsboro,
Ark., exhibits a control and influence
over the reptile family astonishingly
mysterious. In the woods, creeks or
wherever he finds a snake, it matters
not of what type of deadly poison and
venom it may be, hesncoeeds in eaptnr
ing it alive and suffering as little from
the clasp of its fangs as if it were an
ordinary pin-scratch. He bandies and
fondles them about his person with as
mneh indifference as if they were eo
many harmless toys. He will allow the
largest rattlesnake to deliberately strike
and bury his fangs into his flesh, and
apparently snffir no inconvenience or
serious oonsequenous from the tragic
risk. By a ocrtain weed or growth of
vegetation he olaims to destroy the of
feot cf the bite. When bitten he chews
and swallows the juice of the weed,
which aots like a charm.
A Boy's Couplet.
Bald a teacher to a class in composi
tion, "Make a rhyming couplet includ
ing the words nose, toes, corn, kettle,
ear, two, and boil.'* There was silence
for a little while, and then a little boy
held ap his hand in token of ensoesa.
"Bead the couplet," said the teaohar,
and the boy read:
•'A boil in the kettle's worth two on yonr nose,
And a ooru on iliooaria worth two on your to ah
It ia with happiness as with watches,
the less oompliaated ths low easily
The Parmer.
Let the wealthy and great
801 l in splendor and state;
I envy them not, I declare it;
1 eat my own lamb,
My chicken and ham,
I shear rny own fleece, and I wear It;
I have lawns, I have bowera,
I have fruits, I have flowers,
The larh is my morning alarmerf
So, jolly boys, now
Hcro'e Godspeed the plow,
Long life and auccesa to the farmer,
The original Boar-hea<l—The.balloon
A cool reception—An ioe cream fes*
A man should not resign—even aa
umbrella—while under a cloud.
If a musician enjoys himself withoul
"measure," can he have a good timet
Htnlan has won SBO,OOO by his skill
with the oars, and that is good aonller
Paris green is the fashionable color
for buckets, but it's bad taste for oo>
rant worms.
It is a terrible come down for a man
to fall out of a balloon and be obliged
to walk home.
It takes the whole legislature to
change a man's name. A woman can
change hers by the act of a single man.
A correspondent wants a core for
lazinesv Let him try nitro-glyoeriua
placed underneath his rocking ohair.
A dynamite mine in Russia is not
nearly so destructive as a brand neiT
ten-million dollar silver mice in Colors
"H'ml" ejaculated Fogg. "Bo they
say this play is taken from life ? S
should say rather that the life is taken
from the play."
" No, yon don't; you must pay as you
go I" exclaimed the landlord, as Lflj
canght an impecunious boarder trying
to skip away.
"Does poultry pay V asked a
stranger of a city dealer. "Of course,"
was the reply, "evon the little chic la
ens shell out."
Old Crusty, who has two pretty
daughters, says he has kept a bullda
for years for the express purpose of dis
tribnting the males.
" Who was the mots est man?" asked
a Sunday-school teacher. "Moses.*
"Very well; who was the meekest
woman ?" '• Never was any."
Persons with boys in the family should
know that the boys have a
and that, they always stand on it. il
reads: " Scolding doesn't hurt, whip
ping doesn't la6t long, kill they daFsnt.*
Physiology—" Mother, what hav*
people got noses for ?" asked a child of
her mother, who hod seen better days.
"To turn up at poor folks, my child,"!
was the oynioal response.
Don Carlos, the would-be king oj
Spain, and his wife have parted. Thd
cause of the disagreement is not given,
bnt the neighbors say she used the royal
scepter to stir soap with, and set a hen
on fourteen duck eggs in his kingly
Every little drug sloro has a soda water fount,
Whicheimply raisos ructions with a fellow's
bank account.
For he meets his girl at twilight, when he*
coming home from biz,
And ho sweetlv has to ask her if she'd like t
bear it fiz.
"Poor man," exclaimed the physi
cian, as he approached the patient's
bed, "ho seems to bo suffering from
neuralgia" "You're mistaken," said
the sick man. " Her name isn't neuralgy,
it's Sophia, and we've only been married
six months."
J. M. S.: "Can yon giro me any
recipe for preserving fence pos's. PJeaso
reply in your next issue." We can't
doit. We have asked several ladiev
and all of thera emy they never tried it*
believing that it vonld take too muoh
sngar, and that the thing wonldn't be
much of a delicacy anyway. But they
say if yon want to know how to fli to
matoes or cau green corn, they can
flood yon with information.
"Is Mr. Vanderbilt in?" asked a
gentleman of a person who was lounging
at the entrance of the officers' apart
ments at the Grand Central depot, New
York. The latter regarded his inter
rogator with a look of mingled pity and
contempt as he answered: "In ? Well*
I shouli say so Lake Shore stook was
OS three weeks ago and now it's 113.
He's in abont 8510,000 if he's in m
A Texan stopped into a Philadelphia
tonsorial saloon to have his hair oak
The offl dating artist having enveloped
his victim's neck in towels and com
pressed him seenrely in the ohair
opened the conversation by aayingt
" Yon are a little nervous sir, I per
ceive Allow me to wy tl at oar 'OapiV
lary Elixir* not only covers bald heads
with a luxurious growth of hair, bnl
calms the mind and restores the who la
nervous system to a bt alt by equilibrium.
What do yon do for nervousness fli
Texas?* The representative of the Lea •
Btar Btate looked np serenely and an
swered: "We usually go gut uad kill ft
harbor." |y