Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, July 27, 1882, Image 2

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    A Summer Sous.
Gay little birds, trill oat to the morning,
And make the new (lay with your sweet matins
ring 1
Oh, quivering dew-drops, do ye twinkle a wara
My wild pulses throb—the iittlo birds sing.
Oh, heart, my glad heart I
Oh, heart, my mad heart I
What lsnglia in the sunlight that g'lda the hills
And hides by the brook where tho long grasses
shake ?
Listen, wild winds I Tis tho namo of my lover I
Hush I Whisper it softly, or my full heart
must break 1
What the Train Brought.
With a roar and a rattle the 6 o'clock
express train rushed across the bridge
that spanned the narrow river on the
Derwent farm, near O.ncord, and Alice
Derwent, tho farmer's pretty, dark-eyed
daughter, stood on the vine shaded
porch, looking after it with an uncon
scious sigh.
"So many come by you, so many go
by you, out into the great, w:de, beau
tiful world," she thought, as she gazed
over the fertile valley farm and out
through the break in the oircling bine
mountains, from whence a trail of white
smoke came floating back. " I wonder
if you will ever bring me anything ?
or carry me away ? or must I live my
life out to the end, shut in by these
quiet hills?"
"Supper ready, mother?" called out
the hearty-looking farmer, halting in
the glow of the bright firelight on the
open hearth, as he came in from fod
dering the stock, followed by his son
Thomas, who was the living, breathing
"imago of his sire "
" To be sure it is," replied his bust
ling little wife, who had just such eyes
and hair as bonny Alioe, and just the
same sweet smile. " Isn't it always
ready, father, when the train goes by ?
Come, Alice 1"
" Alice is out there looking for hey
fortune, mother," said Tom. "It is
coming by that train. I knew all
abont it"
Alioe smiled and shook her head at
her saucy brother, as she took her sett
at her father's side.
Little did any of them think how
many a true word is spoken in jest, or
that the fortune whioh. the evening ex
press was to bring the dacghter of the
honse was even then Hearing t\cir hos
pitable door. \
" I've worked like a beaver all 3jay
•ong, Martha, and Tom has kept pack
with me, and we both said as we came
home, that we were too tired to eat.
But this is comfott! It would be hard
to see anything much plea°anter than
this nice, tidy kitchen, and just as hard
to find any of their Frenoh eooks that
can beat you and Alioe, my dear," said
Elihu Derwent, glancing thankfnlly at
the blazing fire, the table laid so neatly,
the tempting meal of batter cakes and
maple syrnp, wheaten bread and golden
butter, and a large platter of cold
oorned beef and vegetables that was
placed before the two hungry men.
Mrs. Derwent poured out the tea—
strong, hot and fragrant.
"Squire Beaton, np in the big house
yonder, don't often get such tea as this,
with all his staff of eeivdnts," said
Tom, looking across the valley to the
briok and freestone palace of the one
millionaire of the village.
" Poor man 1" sighed Mrs. Derwent.
"I do pity him I His wife and daugh
ter dead, and h:s only son so wild and
willful and a wanderer all over the
world Only last week he told me, with
tears in his eyes, that he had heard of
his boy, nnd that he had been seen lately
in Leadviile, intoxica'ed and poorly
dressed, in a gambling saloon. Yet
when he wrote there to him—and wrote
kindly—he had disappeared. If it was
our Tom, Elihu, I should just break my
heart. Tom, if you ever do grow un
steady and run away like Philip Sea
ton, you will give your mother her
death-blow. Itemember that I"
Thank God, it isn't Tom, Martha 1
I'm sorry, too, for tho man and for the
boy. Mr. Beaton owns that he turned
him out of his house iu New York in
a fit of anger, and that the boy swore
he wonld never enter his doors again.
Bad temper on both sides yon see; and
BO— Why Martha, what on earth is
Farmer Derwent might well ask the
question and rush from the tea-table to
the door, followed by his wondering
wife and children.
A procession of four of his neighbors
was coming up frrm his garden gate.
At the gate stood a horse and a light
express wagon, and from the wagon the
four men Lad lifted an inanimate body
sad were bearing it toward the honse.
" The 6 o'clock express has ran off
the track, a mile or two up the valley,"
said Deacon Jones, aa he and his two
sous and bis brother-in-law reached
thd porch with their senseless bnrden. j
••Ever so many people hurt, but able
to go on as soon as they got righted.
But this poor fellow la so nearly dead
that wa thought we had batter bring
him here, being aa it was the nearest
house, and send for the doctor. W,
knew that your wife oould nurse him
baok into health again if any one could,
Mr. Derwent."
"You're right there, neighbors.
Bring him right in," said the farmer.
His wife led the way to her best bed
room, next the parlor. Tom sprang on
the back of his swift sorrel oolt and set
off for the dootor.
Half an honr later the supper-table
was cleared, the supper dishes were
washed and put away, and Alice Der
went sat pensively by the kitchen fire,
while her mother and father were busy
with the dootor in the spare-room; and
Tom, hurrying to and fro on their er
rands, stepped once or twice to inform
her that the stranger was young and
handsome, bnt was dressed like a
laborer, and that the doctor said "it
was a near ohanoe whether he lived or
Two week s passed on. The doctor
came and went. raoh day; the neighbors
far and near volunteered their services
—all except Squire Seaton, who lived
his usual secluded life in bis great
mansioD, buried in bis books, and knew
nothing of the stranger who lay at
death's door.
" Poor boy 1 Alice, I wish you would
go in and sit beside him awhile," said
Mrs. Derwent, on the first evening of
the third week of illness. "He is
asleep now. If he wakes yon can call
me. If we only knew his people I
would send for them. I fear he will
not last long."
Alioe crept in ["and took her place in
the nurse's chair. Tears of pity dimmed
her eyes as she looked at the wasted
figure in the bed—the pale, thin face,
the fast-closed eyes, the hollow tem
ples under the waving brown hair.
"I wish his mother or father would
cornel" she suid, Aloud.
The heavy lids yopened. Two deep
bine eyes looked at her imploringly.
"My father I" whispered tho siok
man. "Bring him—tell him—l was
The faint voice died away—the eyes
again were closed.
Alice stood an instant like one struck
dumb. She bad never noticed the re
semblance before; but now she could
trace the firm lines of the old squire's
countenance in th-t pale, pinched face.
' Sleeping still ? That; is a good
sign," said her mother, coming in,
ready to resume her for the
night. :
Alice hesitated a moment. Never
before had she acted by or Jf o r herself
in any matter of moment. |
But the sound of voices arouse
the slumberer. Her father T om
bad gone on a household errand to
the village; there was no ono f6 lse to
consult. J
Finally, she threw on her waterproof,
drew its hood over her head, fvfaq sped
across the valley to Squire, Beaton's
house. /
Even the well-traced woro
an astonished face as "k® "SjLued this
mvsteiious visitor
Squire Beaton looked up from Jhis
book, and his usual pallor increased to
a ghastly hue as he listened to the
breathless girl.
"My son—mv boy—my Philip at
your father's house? And dying, you
fear? Asking for me? Coming to me?
Wait, child I I'll go with you, of course
—l'll go to my poor boyl Bat—the
room is turning round—l think I must
be going blind I"
Alice sprang to his sida The gray
bead fell on her shoulder. Tenderly
she smoothed the silvery hair away
from the high forehead and bathed tho
pale face with the cold water and fra
grant essences whioh the frightened
servant brought.
The old man revived, to find her
ministering to him thus. And it was
almost like father and daughter that
they took their way across the valley
together, he leaning on her arm and
listening greedily to all that she could
tell him of his long-absent, long
mourned son.
"Itis my father's voice I I hear his
step 1 I shall get well if he will only
forgive me I" said the invalid, greatly
to Mrs. Derwent's surprise, as the
house door softly opened to a stranger's
He struggled up from his pillows,
resisting her attempt to soothe him.
"Father, I am sorry—forgive me!'*
be said in a firmer voice, as Alice en
tered, followed by the aged man.
And then Squire Beaton came feebly
bnt swiftly into the room, and he held
his son to his heart, sobbing aloud with
gratitude and joy, while Alice drew her
bewildered mother into the kitohen and
told her of her expedition to the house
of the lonely millionaire.
Joy seldom kills; and there is a re
viviiying power in love and happiness
I combined far beyond the skill of all
earthly physicians or the virtue of all
earthly drugs.
So it happened that r aa the spring
months deepened into summer Philip
Beaton, strong and well once more,
stood beside bonny Aiioe in the porch
one evening to see the 0 o'clock express
flash by.
"At Leadville, when I was utterly
reckless, and utterly penniless, too, a
letter from my father reached me,"
he said, in a low tone. "It was so
kind, so sad, that it seemed to turn me
from my evil courses on tho moment.
Just as I was—in the rough garments of
a miner—l set off to return to my
father, like the prodigal son. And God
led me here 1"
There was a long Bilence ; the sun
sunk out of sight behind the circling
mountains; the first chill of evening
was in the air,
"In my angor I swore that I would
never enter tho door of my father's
home," the young man went on. " But
it was not this homo I Here I may
enter, purified, repentant, forgiven, if
only tho good angel of my new life will
go with me. Will she, Alice?"
Ho took her hand.
" But your father !'' stammered Alice.
"I am only a farmer's daughter 1 And
" I am not worthy of your love in any
way. But my father bogs you to be hia
daughter, Alice. Say yes!"
She did say it. And so the greatest
fortune of her life—the brightest hap
piness of both their lives—came on that
evening train.— Margaret Blount.
Tho Rrmarknblo Caac of B. 11. Koblnon, cl
Urccnvill", Ohlo-Alllicfoil Willi n Rare
niitl Siriuiirr Hlsrimt, He Change* In C'ulor
anil Anionlahca Ihe Dloillcnl I'rolesalon.
One of the most remarkable cases'
ever known to the medical piofession
iB that of S. 11. Rjliison, of Green
ville, Ohio, who, since November last,'
has changed in color nntil he is as
dark as a native of Africa. The pecu
liar and very rare disease kuown as
melanosis, with which Rohison is af
flicted, has bronght him into promi
nence, so that physicians are
going from all parts of the coun
try to see him. Bunnell, tho
Now York museum man, has made him
an offer, wbich his dtclininghealth will
not permit him to accept. Among tho
numerous physicians of prominence to
give attention to the case is Dr. W. 11.
Falls, of this city, who returned from
Greenville yesterday, and was seen in
the evening by an Enquirer reporter.
"It is certainly one of the most singu
lar and remarkable cases on record,"
said the dootor when first approached.
Dr. Falls, after showing the re
porter number of photographs
of the patient taken re
cently, proceeded to describe the case
from the beginning. 8. H. Robison
was born in Greenville, August 31,
1854 of white parents, being the eldest
son of R. Luther and Laviua Robison.
He is, as was his father, a orpenter by
trade. He is mariied and has one
young child. Last November the sight
of his eye became impaired, and about
the Ist of March his right eye became
entirely blind. On the 10th of March
he came to Cincinnati to be treated
by Drs. Williams and Ayres.
About that time small lumps
about the size of a millet
seed began to develop on various parts
of his body, and he mentivned his con
dition to the physicians. In April,
while in this city, he commenced to
change in color, assuming an ashen
hue. The lumps on his body grew
larger and more numerous. Ho was
then attended by Dr. Falls, who, after a
careful examination, pronounced bis
disease to be melanosis. This disease
is very rare, especially in this country,
and Dr. Falls can recall but one other
case, which was in Now York in 1875, and
attendek by Dr. L D. Bulkley. Melano
sis consists of small tumors or cancers
of a black substance all over the body.
It is a fatal disease, but generally does
not affect the appoarance of the body
like the case in question. Several
oases aro reported from abroad similar
to that of Robisoj. One worthy of
special mention came nnder the atten
tion of tho famous Dr. Liwrenoe, of St.
Bartholomew's hospital, London, in
1864. One of the lumps on R >bison f
was removed by Drs. Falls and Mussey 1
and examined by Professor Eohherz, of
the Miami Medical college, who found
it to be po-itively melanosis, or black]
cancer. Robison, who was a fine
looking fellow, with skin and
complexion as light as the
whitest man, continued to change in
color, and now he i 3 as black as eoal.
Doctors Williams and Ayres said he
suffered from detachment of therectina,
dne to the deposit of the blaok cancers
or nodnles in smaller form within tho
coats of the eye. After the case had
been thoroughly studied the pliysioians
pronounced Robison hopelessly blind
Doctors Carson, Glendenin and others
have spent muoh time with R >bison,
and, like all others, they pronounce it a
most remarkable case.
Returning to bis home, R ibison con
tinned to grow worse. The nodales on
his body now number about seven hun
dred, and are abont the size of a bean.
The sight of his right eye is entirely
gone. Jost reoently every portion of
the man's body that was red has turned
black. The inside of his line and
tongue are blaok. What he spits from
his month is of the tame oolor.—Cin
cinnati Enquirer.
Hunting the Ostrich.
A letter from South Afrioa tells how
Captain James Fewsmith and Thomas
Harrod went ostrich hunting:
The friends rode to the top of a
ridge, halting and taking a careful sur
, vey of the country before them; the re
sult was one that awakened hope and
delight. Less than half a mile distant
was a ridge parallel with the one on
which they had halted, and between the
two ran a valley several miles in extent.
Near the middle of this two ostriches
were grazing, while a gentle breeze was
blowing from the east. Instead of
separating and attempting to flank the
birds, the horsemen rode at a loisurely
gallop in the direction of the eastern end
of the valley. This was narrower than the
opposite opening, which therefore of
fered the very best chance in the world
for the birds to escape, for they could
speedily dash through it into the open
country beyond, where they would be
safe against harm daring that after
noon, at leißt; but it is on such occa
sions that the ostrich gives an exhibition
of stupidity whioh approaches the mar
velous. The sight of the hunters
making for the eastern opening of the
valley seemed to give the ostriches the
belief that their enemies were trying to
cut off their only avenue of flight
and instead of turning the opposite
way, they instantly started on their
long, swift trot toward the point at
which the hunters were also heading
with much the start of the birds. Tho
two ostriches displayed still more
marked failure to "grasp the situa
tion." Tho singular chase could not
have lasted long, when the birds, run
ning almost side by side, must have
seen that the horsemen were sure to
reach the opening ahead of them. But
not only did they rofuse to turn back,
but they also failed to swerve in
the slightest degree from their
course on which they hal started:
they simply increased their speed
and, with their ungainly necks
outstretched, struck a two-m'nute trot
and sped away for the most dungerous
point on the horizon. As the pursuers
were quite certain of their game, they
now slackened their gait somewhat, and
each fired a shot. The bullet of Captain
Fewsmith went through tho brain of
his bird, which ran a few steps in a
wild staggering way and then went
down, its head plowing quite a furrow
in the sand. Leaping from his saddle,
the captain hurried forward and cut the
throat of tho ostrich, so as to end its
It was almost at the same instant that
narrod discharged his rifle, and seeing
the bird acting strangely, he was con
fident of having inflicted a mortal
wound, and was scarcely behind the
captain in springing to the ground to
dispatch his prize.
But he had made a slight mistake,
for when he had placed himself directly
in the path of the bird and held his
hunting knife ready to give him the
finishing tonch, the ostrich seemed to
brighten up. Before tho gentleman
suspected his intention he delivered
a terriflo kick which tumbled the
hnnter over on his back, as if
Btrnck by a falling trie. The ostrich is
capable of kicking with such force as
o kill the panther or jackal, and ho
does it by throwing bis foot forward,
the same as a man. In the present
instance Mr. Harrod fell so quickly that
Captain Fewsmith ran forward in alarm.
Assisting him to his feet, he was found
to be little injnred, although he de
clared, with a grim smile, that he knew
more about ostriches than he ever did
Tho bird kept on trotting straight
away until lie vanished in the twilight
and was seen no more, while the hunters
were glad onongh to go into camp and
wait till tho morrow.
There are different methods of hunt
ing the ostriob. Every sahoolboy re
calls the picture of the bushmau awk
wardly disguised as one of the birds,
who is thereby enabled to approach
olose enough to a herd to bring down
several with a bow and arrow. In other
cases the hunter lies in wait and uses
poisoned arrows. In North Africa the
game is pursued cn horseback, the
chase being kept up for several days,
nntil the bird is literally run down ard
incapable of going farther or making
resistance. Sometimes a herd is forced
into the water, where it is an easy matter
toknookihemintbehead. The European
horsemen prefer to conceal themselves
n jar pools and springs where the bird
is in the habit of coming to drink, ao
as to shoot bim unawares. The value
of the ostrich, of course, lies in its
pi usage. These feathers are very
costly, it rarely happening that more
than two dozen marketable ones can be
obtained from a single bird. March or
April ia the best season, aa the os
trich ea have recovered their molt and
tbe fea there are elaatio and vigorous.
It ia necessary also that the feathers
should be plucked from the body of
the bird before it gets cool or they will
be found to have lost much of their
glossiness and disposition to ourL
What garden crop would save drain
ing? L treks.
Tho extent to which the national car
i renoy of Buenos Ayres has suffered de
preciation is indicated in the following
announcement taken from a newspaper
published there by Ezra L). Winslow,
the fugitive Boston banker and editor:
"Tho Buenos Ayres Jh-rald, published
daily (Sundays and holidays excepted)
at S3GU currency per annum; or sl2
gold; and at the same rate per month."
Mr. Winslow took off with him $150,-
000, so that in settling down comfort
ably abroad he found himself worth
Tho unfortunate animals imported to
England from America,saysthe St. James
Gazette, still continue to suffer untold
misery during their passage across the
Atlantic. From the United States there
were imported, in 1881, to the ports of
Barrow in-Furness, Bristol, Cardiff,
Glasgow, Harllepool, Hull, Liverpool,
Loudon and South Shields, 473 cargoes
of animals, consisting of 103,093 cattle,
49,223 sheep and 1,773 swine; of which
170 cattle, 90 sheep and 10 swine were
landed dead, and 110 cattle, 99 sheep
and 13 swine were so much injured
that it was necessary to slaughter them
immediately on landing; 3,337 cattle,
917 sheep and 221 swine were tL own
overboard during the voyage.
TLa Virginia City (Nev.) Enterprise
alludes to what it designates the boss
cloud-burst, which occurred recently
in the mountains east of Oreana, and
which swept away a stone railroad cul
vert thirty feet wide and twenty feet
deep. An eye-witness asserts that the
current of air created by the large body
of water would have drawn a person into
it from a distance of twenty ieet. Steel
rails weighing sixty pounds to the yard
stood on end like telegraph poles, and
the solid stone masonry work of the
culvert was swept away like so much
rubbish. It is impossible to estimate
the wonderful velocity this body of
water bad reached when it came upon
what was almost a solid stone barrier.
It was like the stroke of a battering
One little touch of superstition, to
gether with a strange coincidence wbich
will not tend to diminish that super
stition, was noticed in connection with
the death of Gidbaldi. So soon as his
death was publicly announced. all the
numbers which could be formed out of
the dates and honr.i thereof were freely
played in the public lotteries of Italy.
Thirteen was the favorite number, be
cause it included many of the combina
tions, and is snperstitiously regarded s
the " death number." And thirteen
was the first number drawn I The
amount of money won by the poor
people in small sums was something un
precedented—a fact which gave rise to
the popular expression: "Yes, Gari
baldi always took tho part of tho poor
against the rich."
The brothers Tocci, born in Turin,
Italy, in 1877, unconsidered to be even
more curious than tho famous Siamese
twins. They have two well-formed
heads, two pairs of arms and two tho
races, with all internal orgins, bat at
tho level of the sixth rib they coalesce
into one body. They have one right
and one left leg. It is a curious fact
that the right leg moves only under the
control of the right twin (named Bap
tiste), while tho other is movable only
by the left twin (named Jacob. '- As a
result, they are unable to walk. The
left foot is deformed, and is an example
of talipes eqninus. Each Infant has a
distinct moral personality; one cries
while the other is laughing; one is
awake while the other sleeps. When
one is sitting up, the other is in a posi
tion almost horizontal
It is singular how careless many
people are in sending packages and let
ters through the mail, considering the
hard usage they get in tho mail-baas.
Hardly a pottoh arrives from any dis-'
tance at the New York postotfico with-*
out a number of broken papers, such as
letters without envelopes, or envelopes
without letters, newspapers without
wrappers, paokages without tags and
tags without paokages, small soraps of
paper that once belonged to envelopes,
letters or wrappers, gold and silver coin
that have broaon through their envel
opes and jingle iu the bottom of the
pouch, and the thousand and one ar
ticles of merchandise now sent by mail.
Sixty of these packages are reooived at
New York daily on the average.
The other day S3O 000 in negotiable
coupons and SIO,OOO in greenbacks
wre found straying from their envel
opes and looking for an owner. A short
time ago $3,000,000 in bonds of the
New York Central railroad had been
plaoed in an insecure wrapper. Not
long ainoe a package oame in a broken
condition across the Atlantic, and it
contained several millions of dollars in
The professors of the Baptist uni
versity, Dee Aluinea, resigned in a body
in consequence of the inability of the
, institution to pay them their salaries.
There are more fools than sages; and
among the sages there is more folly
than wisdom.
Discouragement is of all ages; in
youth it is a presentiment, in old age a
True goodness is like the glowworm,
it shines most when no eyes save those
of heaven are upon it.
Hope is like the sun, 'which, as we
journey toward it, casts the shadow of
our burden behind us.
There is three ways of getting out of
a scrape—write out, back out, and the
best way is to keep out.
When death, the great reconciler,
has come, it is never our tenderness
that we regret, but our severity.
The influence of trusting children is
sometimes the most subtle oil that can
be thrown on the troubled waters of
One of the best rules in conversation
is never to say anything which any of the
company can reasonably wish had been
left unsaid.
What makes people so discontented
with their own lot in life is the mis
taken ideas which they form of the
happy lot of others.
Men oan develop themselves into
splendid mental conditions, wherein
they can accomplish almost doublo
their ordinary amount of labor.
The first dawning of a woman's life it
moro like the aurora with its strange
fitful flashes. The phenomena have
never been satisfactorily explained.
Our illusions fall one after the other,
like the parings of fruit; the fruit is
experience; its savor may be bitter, still
it contains something that strengthens*
The Science MmtVy contains some
new facta concerning the nse of egga
!ac food. They are of special interest,
j One is that the eggs, even of animals
I which impress us most unpleasantly,
have their value as food, and seem to be
capable of inspiring a relish in the pal
ates of those who have learned to eat
them. The eggs of the terrapin and of
several species of the tortoise are ex
cellent (or eating, nutritious and agree
able to the tiste; and those of the
green turtle are held in great esteem
wherever they are found. The mother
turtles lay three times a year,
depositing sometimes as many as
a hundred eggs at a laying,
and carefully covering them up with
sand, so that it requires an experienced
searcher to deteot them. The Indians
of the Orinoco and Amazon obtain from
these eggs a kind of clear, sweet oil
1 which they use instead of butter,
i About five thousand eggs are required
' to fill one of their j vrs with oil, yet so
| abundantly arc they deposited that
about five thousand jars are put up
j yearly at the mouth of one of the rivers.
The harvest is estimated by the acre.
Young eggs are frequently found in
tho bodies of slain turtles by
hundreds, in all stages of devel
opment, and generally consist
ing entirely of yolk. They are often
preserved by drying, and are considered
a great luxury. Alligators 1 eggs ara
esteemed by the natives of the regions
where those reptileß abound ; and Mr.
Joseph, in his " History of Trinidad,"
says that he foand the eggs of tbe cay
man very good. The female alligator
lays from 120 to 160 eggs; they ara
about as large as the egg of a turkey,
and have a rough shell, filled with a
thiek albumen. One of the lizards,
known as the iguana, is oapabie
of furnishing as many as fourscore
eggs, which, when boiled, are
like marrow. The larvro and
nympbie of ants are considered br many
people a choice relish when spread upon
bread and butter, and are said to be ex
cellent * curried. In SLam they are
highly esteomed, and are so valnable as
to be within the reaoh of only the rich.
In some parts of Africa, where ants
swarm, they are said to form at times a
considerable portion of the food snpply.
They are used in some countries of En
rope for making formic acid, and are
subject to an import dnty. The eggs
of insects belonging to a group of
aquatic beetles are made in Mexico into
a kind of bread or oake called hautle,
which is eaten by the people, and may
be found in the markets. They are got
by means of bundles of reeds or rashes
which are pnt in the water and on
whioh they are deposited by the inseots
Ilrant z Mayer, about forty years ago
notioed men on the lake of Tezonoo
collecting the eggs of flies whioh, h
says, when cooked in cakes were not
different from flsh-spawn, having the
same appearance and flavor. " After
the frogs of France and the birds' nests
of China, I fancy they wonld be con
sidered delicacies, and I fonnd they
w re not diedainod on the fashionable
tables of the capital." Accord! ;g to the
report o' the commissioner of agricul
ture of 1870 the larvm of large fly
whioh frequents Mono lake, In Califor
nia, are dried and pulverised and mixed
with aoorn meal and bake' fas bread,
or with water and boiled for soup.