fht Cfte gtmottat Thursday Morning, July 20, 1882. "CORHMPONDKNC*. containing important news. .elicit ed from u noy walker. Allies George Haines——tVolf s Store. X ton Z " -D. L Meek Buffalo Hun. pfnn . H. E. Duck Millheim. l'otter 8' 1* G. W. Spaugler Tusseyville. o ' iq 1 p J. Witmer Wolf.—Centre Hall. p M9 h William Cnllen—Philipsburg. Snow Shoo William Haincs—Bnow Shoe. Soring T. M. Baruliart..—Bellefonte. Taylor Vinton lleekwith..Fowler. Union: Christian Hoover-Fleming. Walker Andrew Kreamer-Hublerehnrg. Worth w. G. Morrison Port Matilda. R. 11. FOItSTEB, Chairman. 11. A. McKit, Secretary. Local Department. Tell us, angelic host, Ye messengers of love, Shall swindled printers here below Have no redress above? The shining angel's band replied: "To us is knowledge given. Delinquents on subscription books Can never enter Heaven I" —The nearest infallible remedy is PE RUNA. —At the faintest pain PKKUNA should be thought of. —"Wrecks on the Snow Shoo railroad are becoming entirely too trequent. Tho proprietor of the Bush House, Mr. "W. R. Teller, returned from Niagara Falls on Friday. —Try Geo, 11. "Wolfe's "charcoal tin" cans for fruit. This make will last longer than any other. —Geo. \V. Atherton, lately connected with Rutgers' College, N. J., has been elected president of the State College. —Miss Beckie McGinley is enjoying the air and natural surroundings of rural life this week, visiting tho family of Mr. John Rishel. —Mrs. R. 11. Forster, is visiting Aarons burg friends. She is accompanied by her daughter, Miss Mardie. AN e wish them a pleasant time. Elsewhere wo advertise a valuable property, on Allegheny street, at private sale. Mr. Bond Valentine, agent, will bo pleased to state terms. —Miss Mary Hauck, of Lewisburg, is visiting Miss Annie Swartz. She is deep ly in love with Bellefonte and thinks a permanent residence here would bo delight ful, were it not for our many hills. —Rev. Pennepacker, of the M. E. church, on Sunday evening delivered a most powerful temperance sermon. The Reverend gentleman has little patience with manufacturers, sellers and drinkers of the beverage that intoxicates. —A New York actress who plays "Olivette" kicks one of her dainty slippers into the audience every night, and a Chi cago actress hearing of it was so tickled with the idea thut she tried it. Three men were mashed. Try Harry Green's cigars. —Mrs. Geo. D. Pifer, of 715 Brown St., Philadelphia, with her daughter, Miss Mamie, is visiting her niece, Mrs. R. G. Larimer, of Bishop street. Mrs. Pifer is a native of Bellefonte, and was warmly welcomed by her many friends here, who will endeavor to render her sojourn among us pleasant. —Loeb's are hooping 'er up, and the many customers constantly at their coun ters confirms the belief that they are being tendered the support of purchasers who look to their own interests in buying. This firm deals in everything and in se curing tma.il profits on each item sold, the aggregate is sufficient to satisfy them. —Mrs. Mann is erecting a beautiful edi fice to bo devoted to church uses, and in tended for all Protestant denominations, in memory of her deceased husband, Harvey Mann. The building is neat and substan tial in appearance, and wo trust it may be the means of awakening renewed interest in the great work among those, for whose benefit it was built. —On the Ist inst., a now postal regula tion went into effect. All lotters placed in the post office on which the full postage has not been paid will be retained, and the parties to whom they aro directed are no tified by postal card that upen payment of the balance of the postage they will be forwardod. Heretofore such letters were sent to the dead letter office. —Wilson, McFarlane & Co., call atten tion to the only reliable Keady Mixed Paint in the market. The Pioneer Pre pared Paint is not only superior to any Ready Mixed Paint sold but rivals pure white lead in its smoothness in working and durability. This paint i guaranteed by the manufactures not to crack or peel within three years. The guarantee is not only good for replacing the paint but it will be put on if it should crack or peel within the time specified. It will be to your interest to call and see Wilson, Mc- Farlane & Co., lefore purchasing either whiti lead or any other Ready Mixed .JPalnt. EELS.—Messrs. Heinle, Harper, Wolf Keller and M'Clain went for eels last Fri day night, well prepared to secure a good largo catch. After puddling around in tho water for time, they succeed ed in catching two brainless follows, sepa rated by unkind fate from the mother col, but fortunately for them, they were con signed to a bag which had not been exam ined very carefully, and tho hole in one corner afforded them an excellent place of egress. Thus endoth the first chapter on eels. REMARKABLE CURE. —Tho euse of Miss Sue Campbell, of Pine Grove Mills, this county, who for twenty years has been an invalid, is attracting no little attention in our midst. In all that time the had not eaten a single moal at the table, had not been out of tho house, had not walked a step unaided. Her prostration was caused by an affection of the spine, upon which the skill of many physicians hud been ex erted in vain. Miss Campbell always has been a devout Christian, and among her friends number ed many of the most prominent evangeli cal workers in the State. She some time ago came to the conclusion that the prayer of the righteous will be answered and appointed a day upon which she was to arise from her bed—cured. Conimunicuting with her friends she de sired them to join with hor in prayer for her recovery. Tho day arrived and as tho specified hour approached she had the brace, that supported her. through twenty years affliction, removed, and at llie exact time previously set she arose from her bed walking naturally and without any incon venience whatever. Her relatives fearful that she might overdo herself attempted to induco her to return to her couch, and to show them how thorough was her cure she started and ran rapidly up stairs. These are the facts, and whether or not Miss Campbell is indebted to Providence for her restoration we shall not discuss. This much however cannot he questioned I that whereas she once was afflicted, she is now well. CONSTITUTIONAL PROHIBITION. — The puhlie meetings in the interest of Consti tutional Prohibition (as previously an nounced) nro now being held, and will bo continued as follows : Stornistown, Thurs day evening, July 20; Pine Grove Mills, Friday evening, July 21 ; Hoals burg, Saturday evening, July 22; Centre Hall, Sunday evening, July 2d : Millheim, Monday evening, July 2d; Aaronsburg, Tuesday evening, July 2">; Milesburg, Wednesday evening, July 20; liellefonte, on Thursday and Friday evenings, July 27 and 28. The county convention will be held at liellefonte, in the court house, on Friday, July 28, commencing at 10.00 A. M., and continuing during the day. At each meeting an address wiil be de 'livered by a representative of the State Constitutional Amendment Association. This movement is entirely non-partisan, and tlje public, without distinction of sex, race, party or denomination, is cordially invited to favor these meetings, with their presence and influence. The pastors and at least two laymen from each church in the county are requested to attend the convention as delegates. Will the ministers of all denominations, and others in the county who nre interested, pleasn make thorough announcement of all the Bbove meetings, and see that dele gates attend, and lend your aid and in fluence to make both meetings and con vention a success ? ll}' order of STATU EXECUTIVE COMMITTKE. IMPROVEMENTS. — The various offices in the court house have been beautifully re paired and partly refurnished. In the office of Mr. Keller, county treasurer, a new safe takes the pluco of the one which has been used for the last ten years or more; it is of the Barnes' manufacture and was traded for the old one, the county paying S2OO difference. The counter has been moved and the walls newly painted. Tho only alteration in tho office across the way, that of W. C. Heinle, Esq., district attorney, is fresh, white paint on the wood work, the little room adjoining has been left as it was, the four divans (?) will be as comfortable however as ever. Their next door neighbor, Mr. W. A. Tobios, appears to have been missed, sinco nothing has been changed in his office. The commis sioners, Messrs. Oreist, Campbell and Wolf, did not forgot their own quarters ; everything looks neat and sweet—their clerk Mr. Walker not excepted, and if any advantage is to be derived from clean liness there is no reason why they should not enjoy the very best of good health. One door farther, on the sumo Bide the hall, we find Recorder Bible and Register McClain, here the magic wand of judicious improvement has apparently been allowed to B wing its full length, and both gentle men are a triflo more affable than ever be fore. Finally wo step in to see J C. Harper, prothonotary, and find him busy at work behind a lattice work screen, punctured by three ominous looking open ings, through which it is designed to have the plebians transact business, and if the gate is kept closed, as it should bo, wili put a quietus on the exuberant hilarity of visitors who were wont to crack unnum bered jokes, while killing time that did not appear very valuable. The offices of Cenire county officials are now inferior to none and as the cost of im provements must havo been considerable, 4he public will naturally expect them to be well taken care of in the future. —Arrivals at Spring Mills UoMBo, Spring Mills, I'a., for week ending July 10 : C. Williams, Watkins, N. Y., J. I*. Gephart and daughter, J. L. Spungler, Miss M. Thomas, Mr. Thomas, Miss Emma Os borne, Jas. B. Lane und wife, Miss C. Lauth, J. M. Brockerhoir, Miss Bobblett, J. B. Linn, Miss Gephart, George Brew, W. Gordon, L. L. Bobblett, 8. Goldsmith and lady, 8. M. Buck and family, Mr. Reuben and family, Bellefonte, Thos. E. McGrath, East Liverpool, Ohio, H. C. Fleming, St. Louis, Mo., S. Cherry, Sun bury, 8. R. Kamp, Milton, Chas E. Kep ler, Cleveland, Ohio, J. B. Mullen, Mif flinburg, Frank Wolf, Sunbury, W. B. Miller, Bedford, L. L. Audlerny, Balti. more, J. MeCormick, R. R. A. Roger, A. J. Rovclen, Philadelphia, M. Ryden, New Haven. —At a meeting of the Democratic Coun ty Committee, on Friday last, after the transaction of regular business, the follow ing resolution was ottered by W. F. Reber, Esq., and adopted : Resolved , Thut we most heartily endorse the ticket placed in nomination by the Democratic State Convention and pledge to it our united and untiring support. We recognize in our candidates ability, integ rity and eminent qualifications for the dis charge of all public difties that will devolve upon them, and wo confidently believe that their success at the polls will result in the redress of the many and grievous wrongs under which the citizens of our Commonwealth have long suffered through the mal-administratiun of the radical party. —llulf an hour spent in the grocery store of Sechler & Co., will givo one nn idea of tho immenso proportions of the provision trnde in" Bcllefonto. The stock is so arranged as not only to be at all times accessible to clerks, and thus facilitate purchasing, but in such a tasty manner as to cause beholders to compliment the skill displayed. Tho consumers of groceries will find this the most reliable house in town. Remember they sell anything edi ble at rock bottom prices. —At a meeting of the school board, last evening, tho following teachers were se lected for Bcllefonto schools for tho ensu ing term : 1. I). M. Leib, 2. J. C. Meyer, 3. Miss Beckie M'Ginley, 4. Miss F. Kate Hewes, •>. Miss Lizzie Swartz, >. Miss LizzieShortlidge, 7. Miss Bella Rankin, H. Miss Anna M 'Cailrey, tt. Miss Clara Strick lund, 10. Miss Carrie Humes. Colored school . Mr. llotfman was chos en janitor. —The following letter explains itself. It is bona tide, and mutters not bow we secured it: IJKAII DR.—Not feeling nt all well I take this opportunity of consulting you. I have been suffering for a few months with some terriblo disease which seems to affect tho tender and susceptible organ, called the heart. If you can afford any relief please do so, but don't make the prescription too difficult to understand or the dose too strong or hard to take. Ever most sincerely. —A new coal oil stove has been added to the furniture of the Y. M. C. A. room. It was tested last Thursday evening, in the preparation of coffee, intended to form a part of a social luncheon. Tho members who surrounded the festive board were unanimous in pronouncing the stove a creditable acquisition. Tho coffee was ex cellent and no one censured Mr. Chas F. Cook for emptying threo cups. —The Pennsylvania Railroad Company has issued an order to baggage agents as follows : All baggage, consisting of trunks, chests, valises, packages, etc., unclaimed for more than forty-eight hours will be charged at tho rate of ten cents per day until the charge reaches one dollar. The latter sum will bo charged for nil baggago unclaimed for from ten to thirty days. —The Lewisburgh Daily News has been enlarged and is now a twenty-eight column paper. The News was lnunched upon tho journalistic sea, as an experiment, six monthß ago, and such was tho favor it met with that it became necessary to enlarge in order to be able to meet tho demands of its patrons. Wo heartily wish it continued success. —The wedding day appointed was, Tho wedding clotnes provided, But ere the duy did come, alas ! He sickened, and he die did. All because he failed to purchase clothing from Lowin. Calamities of this kind nevor bothor any whose clothing bears the imprint "from the Philadelphia Branch, Bullefonte." —Mr. W. A. Kinsloe, the genial, de. bonair editor of the Lock Haven Ex press, was married to Miss Marsh, of the some place, on last Thursday eve ning. Mrs. Kinsloe was one of the most successful teachers in the public schools of {that city. Vivat. —Our quiet friend Mr. Wm. Bright, who resides at Aaronsburg, scared us almost to death, on Tuesday, by drop ping one whole, unbroken twenty dol lar bill on our table. Mr. Bright fully understands the need of a printer, and better still is desirous of "keeping square." Call often. —Miss Mollio Snyder returned home from Pbilipeburg, last week, bringing with her a lady friend, MissSallie Bolling er, who expects to remain a few weeks. —Mr; Lewis Fabian, the expert opera tor upon the scroll saw, is in Philadelphia, visiting old friends. —lf "Tuba" sends us his othsr name we will insert his communication. IN MKMORIAM.— Death has again cross ed tho threshold of Odd Fellowship, and tho golden chain which binds her sons to gether as a fraternal band has again been broken. In the strength of manhood, cheered by the confidence and friendship of those who knew and vulued his worth, and blessed with all tho ondearing ties of home and kindred, our friond and brother has been cut down in the midst of his usefulness. No more will the gavel summon him here on earth, no more will his presence cheer and gladden tho home or the frater- I nal circle of Odd Fellowship. His work is done, and he has beencnlled to pass that bourne, whence no traveler returns. Let us who survive him lay to heart this solemn admonition, and in the inidst of life prepare for death. WHEREAS, In the providence of God, Pust Grund Ilcnry Thiol, a member of Lick Run Lodge, No. fill I. G, O. F., de parted this life July 12, 1882. Resolved , That while we mourn his loss, we will cherish his memory, and strive to imitate the patient industry, tho inflexible integrity, and quiet and unobtrusive de i portment, which so marked his character and life. Resolved , That we tender to the stricken family our unfeigned sympathy in their bereavement, and commend them to the care and protection of Him who has prom ised to be the judge of the widow and tho father of the fatherless. Resolved, That a page of our records be suitably inscribed to his memory, and that for thirty days the usual badge of mourn ing be observed. Resolved, That a copy of the foregoing bo forwarded to the family, and that addi tional copies be furnished the county pa pers for publication. GEO. H. WISTAR, P. G., | J NO. M'CLO.SK EY, P. G., V Coin. HOWARD A. MOORE, I'. G.,) FESTIVAL AT MILKSIIURO.—AII tho gay lassies and laddies of Milcsburg and vi cinity were out in their veryjbe-t bib and tucker last Saturday evening, .July 14, to attend the Odd Fellow's festival in their hall at this place. The evening was fair, a trifle warm in the hall but a j there wa any amount of ice cream and other good things, no one seemed to mind the heal very much except Prof, (iirud, who enter tained tho company with excellent music. The ice cream churners had a pretty hard time of it, for there was such a demand for it that they were kept extremely busy in its manufacture and transportation across the street from Mr. Carr's. Peanuts, too, were good sale judging from the pleased countenances of Messrs. Jones and smith, who had charge of this department. Altogether it was a grand affair and an immense success. Many thanks are due the ladies who did the soliciting and the members of the order sincerely thank them for their assistance. The receip'.s foot up very nicely, reaching very closely, if not altogether, one hundred dollars. JINKS. —The Deering Twine Binder, for wheat and other grain, manufactured at Chicago, 111., is becoming deservedly popular among Centre County farmers. Mr. W. L. Deering, one of the most competent salesmen in the employ of the company, called at our office on Tuesday. —The Butts House is having a large j measure of well earned success. Mr. Leh man is popular. Special inducements ex tended the traveling public. tf —Special inducements for Fall and Winter clothing during the Summer months. 27-tf MONTGOMERY & Co., Tailors. —lf you want a good cool glass of Philip Best's Milwaukee beer, and a free lunch every morning, and Saturday even ing, from 9 to 11, call at the Butts' House. F. X. LEHMAN, I'rop'r. —Goldsmith Brothers have bought for cash -'cm the nail" the entire stock of carpets formerly owned by I. Guggcn heimcr & Co. —Now is your time to save 30 or 40 per cent, on carpets, oil cloths and mattings, the Guggenheirner stock, at a great sacri fice at the Bee Ilivo. —Mr. Israel Sternberg is at home. Democratic Delegate Election and County Convention. The Democratic voters of Centre county will meet at the regular place of holding the general election for their districts, on SATURDAY, AUGUST 5, 1882, to elect dele gates to the Democratic County Conven tion. The election will open at two o'clock, P. M., and close at six o'clock, P. M. The delegates chosen at the above time will meet in the Court House, at Belle fonte, on Tuesday, the B th day of August, at two o'clock ,r. M ~to nominate one candidate for Congress, subject to the decision of the Congressional Conference, one candidate for State Senator, subject to the decision of the Senatorial Conference, two candidates for the Legislature, one candidate for Jury Commissioner, one candidato for Coroner, and to transact such other business, as the interests of the party may require. The Dumber of dolegates to which each district is entitled is as follows : Bellefonle, W. W 1 Halm* r. N- W 2 Harris a " S. W 3 Howard Si MilaabnrgA. 1 Huaton 1 MHlhelm Z.. .. 2 Liberty 2 UnJopvillA 1 Marion 2 Howard bona 1 Miles. 0 PhJllpsburg 6 Patton 1 Houuer i P*n 3 Hoggs 4 Potter, north 3 Burnable 1 " south 4 Curtln 2 Rush 4 College 2 Snow Bhoe. 8 Ferguson, old 8 Spring 4 ■ new 1 Taylor 1 Gregg, south. 6 Union > north 2 Walker 8 Half Muou.... \ Worth - 1 Total ~ vwrnv •••••• w The delegate elections must be conducted h strictly in accordance with the following rules: i 1. Tho Democratic County Convention . of Centre county shall be composed of one delegate for every fifty Democratic votes polled at tho Presidential or Gubernatorial j election next preceding tho convention' The al'o.ment of delegates to tho several ; election districts in tho county shall bo , made by the Standing Committee of the county at its first meeting in every alter- ' nate year succeeding the Presidential and ' Gubernatorial- elections and shall he in ! 1 proportion to the Democratic votes cast in 1 1 ouch district at such elections. 2. The election for delegates to repre- I sent the different districts in the annual Democratic County Convention shall be j' held at the usual place of holding the gen- I oral elections for each district, on the Hat- ' I urday preceding the second Tuesday of j 1 August, in each and every year, beginning j ut two o'clock, i*. M., on said day and con- I tinning until six o'clock, p. M. The dele- | gates so elected shall meet in County Con- ' vention in the Court House, at Bellefonte, on the Tuesday following at two o'clock, I P. M. .'5. The said delegate elections shall be held by an election board, to consist of the I members of county committee for each dis- , trict and two other Democratic voters i thereof, who shall be appointed or desig nated by the County Committee, in case , any of the persons so constituting the \ board shall be absent from tho place of ! holding the election for a quarter of an ] hour alter the time appointed by Rule : First for the opening of the same, his or j their place or places shall ho filled by an election, to bo conducted viva voce, by the Democratic voters present at the time. ■l. Every qualified voter of tho district, who at the late general election voted the Democratic ticket, shall bo entitled to a vote at the delegate election ; and any qualified elector of the district who will pledge his word of honor to support the Democratic ticket at the next general election shall be permitted to vote at the j delegate elections. lj. The voting at all delegate elections shall be by ballot; upon which ballot shall be written or printed the name or names of the delegate or delegates voted for, together with any instructions which the voter may desire to give the delegate or delegates. Each ballot shall he re ceived from the person voting the same by j a member of the election board, and by j Lini deposited in a box or other receptacle provided for that purpose, to which box or other receptacle no person but members of the hoard shall have access. •i. No instructions shall be received or recognized unless tho same bo voted upon the ballot us provided in Rule Fifth, nor shall such instructions if voted upon the ballot, be binding upon the delegates, un less one-half or more of the ballots shall contain instructions concerning the same office. Whenever half or more of tho bal lots shall contain instructions concerning any office, the delegates elected Ht such elections shall be held to be instructed to support the candidate having the highest numb'-r of votes for such office. 7. Euch election board shall keep an ac curate list of the names of all persons vot ing at such elections, when the list of vo ters together with a full arid complete re turn of such election, containing an accu rate statement of tho persons elected dele gates and all instructions voted, shall be certified by said board to the county con vention, upon printed blanks to be furnish ed by the county convention. 8 Wb enever from any district qualified I Democratic voters, in numbers equal to i five times the delegates which such district i has in the county convention, shall com i plain in writing of nn undue election or i false return of delegates or of instruc -1 lions, in which complaints the alleged facts ! shall be specifically set forth and verified ' by the affidavit of one or more persons, such complainants shall have the right to contest the seat of such delegates or the validity of such instructions. Such com plaint shall be heard by a committee of five delegates to be appointed by the presi dent of the convention ; which said com mittee shall proceed to hear the parties, their proofs and allegations, and as soon as may be reported to tho convention what delegates are entitled to seats therein, and what instructions are binding upon such delegates. Whereapon the convention shall proceed immediately upon tho call of the yeas and nays to adopt or reject the report of the contesting parties; in which call of the yeas and nays tho names of the delegates whoso seats are contested or whoso instructions are disputed shall be omitted. 9. All delegates must reside in the dis trict they represent. In case of absence or inability to attend, substitutions may be made from citizens of the district. 10. Delegates must obey the instructions given them by their respective districts, and, if violated, it shall be the duty of tho president of the convention to cast tho vote of such delegate or delegates in accordance with the instructions, and the delegate or delegates so offending shall ho forthwith expelled from the convention, and shall not be eligible to any office or place of trust in the party for a period of two years. 11. In the convention, a majority of all voters shall be necessary to a nomination and no person's name shall bo excluded from the list of candidates until alter the. third ballot or vote, when the person re ceiving the least number of votes shall be omitted and struck from tho roll, and so on at each successive vote until a nomination be made. 12. If any person who is a candidate for any nomination before a county, con vention shall he proven to have'offered any money, or other valuablo thing, or made any promise of a consideration or re ward to any delegate for his vote, or to any person with a view of inducing or secur ing the votes of delegates, or if the same shall be done by any other person with tho knowledgo and consent of such candidate, the name of such candidate shall be imme diately stricken from tho list of candidates ; or if such fact be ascertained after his nom ination, shall bo struck from tho ticket and the vacancy supplied by a new nomi nation, and, in either case, such person shall be ineligible to any nomination by the convention, or to an election as a dele gate thereafter. And in case it shall be alleged after the adjournment of the con vention that any candidate put in nomina tion has been guilty of such acts or of any other fraudulent practices to obtain such nomination, the charges shall be investi gated by the county committee, and such steps taken a* the good of the party may require. 18. If any dolegato shall receive any money or other valuable thing, or accept the promise of any consideration or reward to be paid, delivered or secured to bim or to any person for >ucb candidate, as an in ducement for his vote, unon proof of the fact to the satisfaction of the convention, such delegate shall be forthwith expelled, and shall not be recieved as a delegate to any further convention, and shall be in eligible to any party nomination. 14. Cases arising uuder the Bth, 12th and 18th rules shall have precedence over all other business in convention until de termined. 1". That the term of the chairman of the county committee shall begin on the llrst day of January of each and every year. 10. That tlio delegates from the several boroughs and township* be autcori/.d, in conjection with the chairman of the countycommittee, to appoint the members of the comrnitto for the various boroughs and townships. At a meeting of the Democratic Coun ty Comrnitte held at Bellefonte on Friday, •July 14, 1882, the following committees were appointed to hold the delegate elec- I lions on she sth of August: I Bellefonte—N, W.—W. F. Reber, S T. Khugert, D. Z. Kline, i Bellefonte—H. W.—Charles Smith, .Jno. I Hoffer, Kdward Brown, Jr. Bellefonte—W. W.—James Hehofleld, | Olie Meek, William Glenn, j Howard Borough—Howard Brickley, I H. A. Moore, A. J. Weber. Milesburg— ('. K. Essington, George j Campbell, O. I', Kreamcr. ! -WJheim —A. Walters, JamesC. Smith, W. K. Alexander. Philipsburg—D. W. Holt. Uriionville—J. C. Smith, 15. V. Brisbin, Joitn Bing. Bonner 1 riah Stover, James Ilender .-on, Markle. Bo^gs—Charles A. M'Lauglilin, Col. J. F. Weaver, liable Lyman, Burriside—William llipple, Bernard Veidoffer, .John Mulholland. College—Frank Taylor, James Gilliland, William 11 'Girk. Curtin—Frederick Robb, Michell Leath ers, William M'Oloskey. Ferguson—Old.— A. J. Orendorf, J. F. Krebs, Gorge IV. Human. Ferguson—New—J. H. Ileherling, D. H. Kusetnborden, Levi Walker. Gregg—South—M. L. Rishcl, E. C. Krutnrine, 11. 15. Herring. Gregg—North—Benj. Limbcrt, John Rossrnan, Franklin Yearick. Haines—J Wilsonßussel, John J.J)rn dorf, George Bower. Half Moon—A. T. Gray, John "Ward Ellis Lytic. Harris—James Kitnport. Howard—David Tauyor, John Glenn, I Franklin Confer. Huston—John t v . Miles, Daniel Irvin, Jerry Merrit. Liberty—lS. 11. Gardner, Daniel llit ner, John 11. stover. Marlon—J. J. Hoy, Samuel R. Geltig, Lewis S. .Jackson. Miles—Geo. lluines, James I'. Franck, Andrew Ocker. Button —D. L. Meek, I'. A. Sellers, Ephraim Glenn. Penn—ll. E. Duck, Andrew Stover, Daniel Geary. Potter—South—George W. Spangler, William A Kerr, Joseph Gilliland. Potter—North—J. Witiner Wolf, Ellis Ilosterman, John Grove. Rush William Cuilen, John O'Neil, John Colo. Snow Shoe—William Haines, Michael Hal y, \. C. llinton. Spring—T. M. I'.urnhart, John Gar brick, John Noll. Tn\lor—Vinton Bickwith, Hiram Blow ers, Samuel Hoover. Union —Christian Hoover, Jcbc. H Stover, S. K. Emerick. Walker—Andrew Krcamer, Juteph J. Dunkle, A. A. Pletcher. Worth—W. G. Morrison, John Reese W. 11. Williams. By order of the County Committee. H. A. MCKKE, R. 11. FOKSTKR. Secretary. Chairman. MARRIAGES. COX— DEAIIMANT. —On the ird iu*tunt t ihct Ui formed parsonage, ly Rev. J. K. DeLoug. Mr Wm. J, Cox and MitMary K. OeAriiiaiit, both of Ueilefont**. Announcement* LEGISLATURE. We are autlu.ri/,.-d to aunouuee that JolfV A. NVWDWAKD. of Howard towmdiip, will a candi date for the Legislature, subject tt. lb* decision of the Democratic County Convention. Wo HTH authorized to aniu.unce that HENRY MKYKK, of Miles township, will be a candidate ftur the legislature, subject to the decision of the lH*ni< cratic County Convention. Hollofonte Grain Market. BLLLEFONTK, July L.I. 1882. Corrected weekly by T R. Rev nobis A Co. Wheat—white, per buflheL *1 .'*> 44 red, 44 " 1 :tu Corn—ears, per bushel Mi 44 shelled, per bushel- K Oats, per bushel 6ti Barley, per bushel 7j Clover &*d, per pound flour, wholesale, per bid., Roller. 7 00 44 per sack, 44 2 CM> Blaster, ground, per ton- .. ii 00 Provision Market. Corrected weekly by Harper brothers. Apple*,dried, per pound 8 Cherries, dried, per i>ouiiil, seeded Id Reims per quart pj Fresh butter per pound....* u Chickens per pound r. ♦, Cheese per (Niuiid 1 Country hams per pound i; Hams, sugar cured 17 Bacon l j Lard per p0und...... 14 Eggs per do* *J