Professional Cards. SD. RAY, • ATTORNEY AT I,AW, BELLEFONTE, PA. Special attention given to the collection of claima. OfTlco adjoining Brockerlioff House. 4-15 THOMAS J. McCULLOUGH, JL ATTORNEY AT LAW, PHILIPSBURG, l'A. Ollico in Albert Owen's building, in the room form erly occupied by the l'hilipsbnrg Blinking Company. l-iy. D. It. lIASTISOS. W. f- UIKUKIt. 1 FASTINGS & REEDER, JL 1 ATTORNEYS AT LAW, UELLKFONTE, PA. Office on Allegheny street, two doors rust EAYER & GEPHAIIT, _| > ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Office on Allegheny street, uortb of High, Uellc lonte, Pa. '"D II F. FORTNEY, f /, ATTORN EY-AT-LAW, UELLKFONTE, P.V. Last door to tlio left in the Court House. 2-ly FOIIN BLAIR LINN, • I ATTORNEY AT LAW, BKLLKFONTK. PA. Office Allegheny Street,over Poet Otßca. -1-ly I L. SPANGLER, el . ATTORNF.Y-AT-LAW, BKLLKFONTK, CENTRE COUNTY, PA. Special attentiou to Collections; practices in all t ie Courts; Consultations in German or Engtl"h. _ '"O DS. KELLER, . ATTORNEY AT LAW, • Ofiiee on Allegheny Street South side of Lyons More. Bellefonte, Pa. '*" rn C. HIPPLE, 1. ATTOUNEY-AT-LAW LOCK HAVEN. PA. All business promptly attended to. ' \\JM. V. MITCHELL, 1 > PUAC'TICAL SURVEYOR, LOCK HAVEN, PA., Will attend to all work In Clearfield, Centre and Clinton counties. Office opposite hick Haven National Hank. 2U-JJ \\r C. HEINLE, > Y • ATTORNEY AT LAW, BELLEFONTE, l'A. Offiee in Conrad House, Allegheny street. Special attention given to tlio collection of cwinis. All lai liness attended to promptly. 2Mj WILLIAM MtCLLLOUGII, > Y ATTORNF.Y-AT I.AW, CLEARFIELD, PA. All business promptly attended to. 1-ly nK. HOY, M. I)., • Office in Conrad House, above Fortuey's Law Office, BKLLKFONTK. PA. Special attention given to Operative Surgery nod Chronic Diseases. 1 i-ly DR. JAS. ii. DOBBINS, M. r>., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office Allegheny St.,oier Zelgler's lb ug Store, 6-tf BELLKFONTR, PA. 1 \R. J. W. RHONE, Dentist, can .1 f be found at liis offiee and residence i n Nrtb Side of Iligli Street three duors East of Allegheny, Bellefonte, Pa. 'Hy Business Cards. HAR NESS MANUFACTORY in Gartnau's New lilook, BBLLBFONTB, PA. Wj 17 P. BLAIR, P . JEWELER, WATCHES, CLOCKS, jeWELKT, AC. All work neatly executed. Ou Allegheny street, under Brockerhufl' House. 4*tf DEALERS IN PUKE DRUGS ONLY. 2 I ZELLEII & SON, * B; el, DRUGGISTS, T i No. G. Urockerhoff I tow. £ 5 All the Standard Patent Medicines Pre- • S 'script inns and Family Beeipes accurately I H ts I prepared. Trusses, Shoulder Braces, Ac., Ac. 3 P! ~r j i. 0, Mints, Pres't. Ii r. HAUKis. C'asli'r. T7IRST NATIONAL BANK OF JP BELLEFONTE, Allegheny Strcot, Bellefonte, Pa. 4-tf Miscellaneous. rpHE CENTRE DEMOCRAT BOOK and JOB OFFICE ALLEGHENY STREET, BELLEFONTE, PA., IS NOW OFFERING GREAT INDUCEMENTS TO THOSE WISHING FIRST-CLASS Plain or Fancy Printing. Wo have unusual facilities for printing LAW BOOKS, PAMPHLETS, CATALOGUES, PROGRAMMES, STATEMENTS, CIRCULARS, BILL HEADS, NOTE HEADS, BUSINESS CARDS, INVITATION CARDS, CARTES DE VISITE, CARDS ON ENVELOPES, AND ALL KINDS OF BLANKS. jKS™"Ortlorß by mail will receive prompt attention. J6®*Printing done in the best stylo, on short notice and at the lowest rates. pAKMAN'S HOTEL, Opposite Court House, BKLLKFONTK, PA TERMS SI.2APKR DAY. A good Livery attached. 1-1. Wilson, McFarlane ALD EAGLE VALLEY IIAIL -1 2 UOAD.—Tilui-Table, April - 1 , InSU: Exp. Mail. WSSTWiitu. eASIWARU. Exp. Mail. k. m. p. si. r "• k ■ " S 1(1 7 uj .......Arrive at Tyrone Leave 7 ; J H 4S S;i6 fib Leave Eaet Tyrone Leave... 7 ' I 8 55 75! l r, 51 " Vail " ... 7 8 fis 755 t; 47 " Bald Eagle " ... 747 !i 02 74M t; 38 " Fowler " ... 752 900 742 ti 33 " Haiiiiali " ... 7 .55 013 735 i; 25 " Port Matilda " ... 800 II 19 727 617 ...... " Martha " ... 807 0 '25 ; 18 608 " Julian " ... 815 932 7 II 557 " Uuiouvillo " ... S 2-' 930 7mi 48 " Snow Slioe In " ... 832 0 4:5 0500 45 " Mileeburg " ... 834 !i 48 40 555 " Bellefonte " ... 843 H57 a305 25 " Mileeburg " ... 85410 08 ,j 25 6 1.5 " Curtin " ... 008 10 111 .; 18 510 " Mount Eagle " ... 012 In 25 1 i, o 501 " Howard " ... 2010 37 155 450 •' Kn jlevillo " ... 05810 49 .50 445 " Beech t'rcck " ... 940 10.54 j344 33 " Mill Hall " ... 96411 10 20 430 " Fleminptou " ... i' 67 11,2 ii r25 425 " I.ock Ilaven " ...10 01 11 25 j >ENNSYLYANIA 11AILROAD. f —(Philadelphia and Erie Division.) —On aud alter Dvceuibt r 12, WESTWARD. EUIK MAIL leaves Pbilad* Iphiti 11 . r " p m " * 4 ** 44 Williaiiißport K3sam ) 41 44 Lock Haven 949a in ; 44 44 Uo:iovo 19 55 a in : 44 arrivt sat Lrie 7 '•*') pni j NIAG.VKA KXI'RIiSS leaves - am 41 44 Ilarrifllnirg.... lo 50 am ! 44 4 ' Williaiiißport. 220p ni I 44 arrlv< R at lJenovo 4 40 p m i Paßßeiifrcia by thia train arrive iu Belle fonte at * 4 35 p m j FAST LINK leaves Philadelphia 11 4" a in i 44 44 Williftinsjx rt 730 p m 44 arrives at Lock Haven 840p in K AST WARD. PACIFD* KXPKfcSS leaves In U Haven G 40 a m 1 44 44 Willianiapurt... 55u in | 44 arrives at 11 55 a in \ 44 14 Philadelphia.... 45 pin ! DAY KXPRKS3 leavesUenovo 10 lo a ni 4 4 44 Lock Haven II 2" a m 44 44 WillinniHport i-loan. 44 arrive* at Harrißhnrjr 410 p m 44 44 Ptiiladi lphia. 720p m ? ERIK MAIL leaves Ite<#vn.. K : pm i 44 44 L"'k HftVefi "... 045p in ! 44 44 WilllarnHport 11 05 pm j 44 at rive* at HarriHtnirp 2 45 a in 44 " Philadelphia 700 am j FAST LINE leaves Williainxport 12 ■ 5 a ni 44 arrives at llarrislMirp 3 fK h m Erie Mall West, Niagara Expref West, Lock H Acconimodat '-n We-t ami DKV Kxpren Kant, niake close connections at N'rtluiiiLerland with L.' li. R. ; R. trains for Wilko Larr>- and Scratiton. Krle Mail West. Ni.. mi \Vct. and Erie Express West, and Lock 10:'. u \ . inm.slatior. West, make close connection at Wi!lisnn.)s>rt witn N.C.R. W. trains north. Erie Mail West, Niagara Kxprefi Wet, and Day Express East, i;n . c|o . c>m ection at Lock Haven With It. K V U. \i. tr .ins. Erie >! il Last an ! \Ve- cuinert at K i with trains . on L. S. , a, \ . ScDt- \% \. y/' JOHN HARRIS, SOLE AGENT, 2-fim RELLKFONTK, PA. MONEY To Loan at 6 per Ct. lUDIUJ i „ v TnK yjuxtiAi, LIFE INSUR ANCE CO. OF NEW YORK, on flrnt mortgage, on improved farm property, in xnnni no, leiw than #2,1X8). ami not exceeding one-third of ihe preeent valuo of the property. Any portion of the principal nau ti jld off ut any time, and II low lieeii the cuetom of the company to permit the principal to remain na long aa tlio borrower wleliea, If tlio Intereat l proniplly paid. Apply to CHARLES P. SHERMAN,Attorney-at-law, 627 Court, afreet, Reading, i'a., or to DAVID Z. KLINE, Co.'e Appraiser, 2-ti Bellefonte, Pa. For .Sole. A FARM containing Fitty Acres, and Imviiig thereon erected a TWO-BTOBY FRAME BUILDING and outbuildings. Title good. Inquire of A. J. A T. K. ORIKST, tf-3 Union vllle.Ceutro countr .Pa. LYDIA £. PiNKHAM'S VEGETABLE COMPOUND. 1" :i Positive Cure Poriitl thoftp Pnlnful Complulntnnnd WRAL-RCAHB NO corumon to our beat fcmulc population. A Medicine for Woman. Invented by n Woman. Prepared by a Woman. Tho GREATEST Mrdlral DISCOVERY SLOFR llie Dawn of tlTlfcrevives the drooping spirits, INVLRORATEN nnd H.'irmoniz / IT.IIU.N-A." mmmmmmemmmmmmm \ . ",1000 will bo paid for the least Impurity or . / ml ucral that may bo found I u I'EUL SA." HI \ / Bold everywhere. Forpamphlotwrlto to A ' b. 11.1LVIITM AN & Co., b.Miorn, Ohio. > / Tf TOO sro Pick, feel badly, or In any way \ / unwell, ukorjuius A and retJUlaUi tho bow- A f ell with \ LATENT S JVecontinuetonet nsSolicitor.' fot Patents, Caveats Trade Marks, Fopyrlßlit.'. etc., for the L nlu-d Stan-. 1 anadu, Cuba, England, Franco, Germany, etc. We Lave had tliirty-livo year*' experience. Patents obtained through us are noticed In tluiSct hxupio AMERICAN. This large nnd splendid lllns lreledvveeklypaper.s3.!lOayear,Nhowiithel'rogteNN M Science, in very Interesting,nlot has an enormous tlrculatton. Address ML'NN A CO., Patent Kollcl, iMiti's. of Sett NTIEKJ AMERICAN. S-lhirk LT.W. tfewV ork. Ilinid INH.U about Patents free. TIIE PATRIOT. A Pennsylvania Newspaper for tho General Public. Til DAILY PATRIOT Is the only morning n-wwiaper IHIMUI .I 1 HI tie. si in R.l| MIL. Th I'M .V I'ATlilin uittk.. . -j.,.: Ily ~r PeniiNjp The DAILY PATRIOT pul.lii.hi rthe Associated Pr. ne >N and .j-ecia! ■ frni i nil point,. The IIA i I.V PAT RIOT gtv ■ specinl ntlenlioti p. gmin and i IIHIIICC innrkete. The DAIRY PATRIOT o;.;,o.. imm| nl.v, h. MUm nnd centralization idpolnlcnl power. Tons: per niinniii, utrictly In adiwn.e,) or $7.00 jier aiiiiuni Ifnot piid in .itvuneu. For any period le-s limn one venr nt |iro|mrtfoiiat rntes The WEEKLY PATRIOT is alar .., e| B h, ~„K „ devoted to lltcrnlnic, Hgricnltiiic, m iem... mauufiu. turns, new-,, mm kets, etc. lairing If'J each nunther wIII contain an itln-tiniim of .0n... prominent topic or event. Tliis IN an nOnedlve lentiire M lih h cminot f.dl to plen-e. Terms p.-i neioiui, liivntlnl.h In ndvanro. On., copy i.r tie- WEEKLY PATRIOT and one copy of the Plillnilet,