SHUGERT & VAN ORMER, Editors. VOL. 4. €mixt §tmmt Terms 81.50 per Annum, in Advance, s. T. SHUGERT & J. R. VAN ORMER, Editors. Thursday Morning, July, 20, 1882. Democratic State Ticket. FOR COVKRNOU, ROBERT E. PATTISON, of Fhila. FOR LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR, CIIAUNCY F. BLACK, of York. FOR JUDGE of the SUPREME COURT, SILAS M. CLARK, of Indiana. FOR SECRETARY of INTERNAL AFFAIRS. J. SIMPSON AFRICA, of Huntin'g. FOR CONGRESSMAN -AT-LARGE, MORTIMER F. ELLIOTT, of Tioga. The Democratic Platform. The Democratic party of Pennsylvania, hohlhig fast to tin* faith that ail power not delegated hy the Con stitution is reserved to the States and the people; up* holding the sanctity of personal liberty, the security of private property, antl the right of local self-govern ment, demanding honesty and economy in the ad ministration of government ami the enforcement of all the provisions of the Constitution by the Legisla ture and the Courts of the Commonwealth ; declaring against monopolies and in sympathy with labor seek ing its protection, and in favor of the industrial inter ests of Penniylvanla at all times, do solemnly protest against evils which the policy of the Republican par ty and the insolence of its long possession of office have thus brought upon the country; therefore, First—We do protest sigainst what is called the boss system, and also the plundering of officeholders by assessments of money for political purposes. Public offices are the property of no party, hut are open to every citizen who is honest, capable, and faithful to the Constitution, qualifications which Jefferson de clared were requisites for office. Second—We protest against the spoils system. It is a prostitution of the offices of the people mo that they become the mere perquisites of the politicians. Third—We denounce alhrepudiation, .State and Fed eral, because it is dishonest and destructive of that public morality upon which are founded the existence and perpetuity of our free institutions. It should he made odious, and the political party that aids it and abets it with office deserves public condemnation. Fourth—We denounce spoliation of the State Treas ury and iiuinmnity by pardon of those convicted of crimes, whose acts were flagrant subversions of official trusts and wrongs done the people. Fifth—We believe the Republican party, as now or ganized and controlled, is based on fraud, force and corruption, and there can be no hope ot true'refonn except by the force of the ballot box excluding it from place and power. Sixth—The Democratic party demands of the Leg islature an honest just, and true apportionment. Seventh—Upon these declarations we invite the co operation of all honest citizens who with us desire the reestablishiiient of lionest government. V IN IIOC BIGNO YINCES. " "REFORM next year," pleads Don Cameron and tho machine ring. "Not next year, but now," shout the Inde pendents. On this issue they have agreed to disagree. Judgment to lie declared the second Tuesday of Novem ber. PRESIDENT ARTHUR is a big, strong man, but it is doubtful whether his intellectual developements are big enough to grasp the opportunity now offered liiru. The passage of the twenty million plunder bill offers rare inducements for a just and popular veto. JUDGE JERE S. BLACK was caught the other day bv a persistent western interviewer, and forced to give his views of the political situation, which he did very briefly but to the point. "Pattison will be elected Governor of Pennsylvania, and General Hancock will be the next President of the United States." TIIE Hon. L. A. Mackey, of Lock Haven, is said to be a candidate for nomination for Assembly in Clinton county. Mr. Mackey was a faithful and efficient Congressman from this district, and if nominated and elected, will make an equally creditable and valuable representative of Clinton county*!n the Legislature of the State. SECRETARY LINCOLN is a nervous official and generally does just what lie believes the proper thing to do with the army officers. He has abolished the department of West Point, and ordered that christian soldier who oc cupied the "soft place," Geu. O. O. Howard, to active duty in the great west —where christian service at least, inay be made available. A Mrss CLOAK EY, a lady'of wealth and respectably connected, last week became the bride of John Miller, a negro porter in Washington, Pa., is now an inmate of the Dixmont Insane Asylum at Pittsburgh. As soon as her relatives learned that the marriage had been solemnized, they applied to the court for a committee de lunatico inquireudo, which resulted in the transfer of the fair bride of the sable bridegroom to Dixmont. The friends arc about to bring suit against the colored clergyman who performed the marriage ceremony. Carefnl Nominations Important. THE election of delegates to the Democratic cciuity convention under the rules of the party will be held at the usual places of holding elections in the several election districts of the county on Saturday the sth of August. It is important that the Democrats of the county should pay attention to this matter and select the best men to (ill the important but too often neg lected position of delegates to the county Convention. As a party, we must not rely upon the divisions of our opponents for an easy victory in the important election we are now ap proaching, but if we are true to our selves, to our principles, and our party, we have every reason to believe that we shall elect a Democratic Governor and the whole of the state ticket. While this is almost an assured fact, another equally important thing re mains to be done. A Democratic Ex ecutive administration alone, can accomplish little in the Jway of re form of the many abuses that have grown up with the Republican party, and that must continue so long as it remains in power. Unless the Demo crats succeed in electing a majority of the legislative branch of the govern ment but little can be accomplished byway of reform. We believe we can elect a majority of both branches, notwithstanding that the senatorial and representative districts made by a Republican apportionment are so con structed as to give the Republicans a great advantage. The next legislature will be one of more than ordinary im portance and the selection of candi dates challenges careful and thought ful attention on the part of the De mocracy. A new apportionment of the state will be made into Congres sional, Senatorial, Representative and Judicial districts. Upon a proper and fair construction of these several dis tricts will depend in a great measure the future success of the Democratic party and the welfare of the people. Many other measures of reform will require the attention of the next legis lature. Let, therefore, the Democrats be careful and wise as to the compe tency of the men they select to repre sent them. As far as possible let them be men of experience and of tried fi delity to the party and to the public interest. There should be no scramble for these offices, because there is a chance to win. There should be no scrubs entered for the race. None but the best men and most fitt ing should be put forward as candidates. We announce in this paper the names of two very reputable men as candidates for the lower house of the legislature. Others may lie announ ced in the future. As yet there is no announcement in this county for State Senator. We suppose the reason why no announcement has been made is be cause our present State Senator, the Hon. C. T. Alexander, lnis fdled the bill so completely, discharged his du ties so ably and efficiently, that it is almost the universal desire that he should again be elected. We know of no opposition to him in this county. We believe there will be none, and in deference to this feeliug, we commend him to the Democrats of Clinton and Clearfield counties as being especially the man best qualified to fill the place at this time. The esteem in which he was held by his fellow members of the last Senate is shown by the fact that he was the only member of-that body who was placed upon the four impor tant committees, viz: Federal Rela tions, Judiciary General, Finance and Legislative, Congressional and Judi cial Apportionments, What is called and known as the courtesy of the seuate will retain him on these committees, even if the Republicans have a ma jority of that body. He would thus be in position to care for our interests in the new apportionment as well as in the new revenue laws to be prepared. THE latest report from Senator Hill, of Georgia, is that his death may be expected any hour. He has now to take his food through a tube. "KQUAL AND EXACT JUSTICE TO AI.L MEN, OF WHATEVER STATE OR I'ERHUASION, RELIGIOUS OR POLlTlCAL."—Jufferion. BELLEFONTE, PA., THURSDAY, .JULY 20, 1882. The Key-Note. Reform is the key-note of the Demo cratic eampaign, says Gen. Davis o* the Doylestwon Democrat. It is already heard in every cunimnnitv, from the Delaware to Lake Erie; and will soon emblazon ten thousand banners waving in every valley and every hill top in Pennsylvania. In hoe signo vinees —in this sign we conquer —will be shouted by lmlf a million of throats as freemen march to the ballot-box. l'attison is the child, as well as the disciple, of reform. He is the first official ofl'hiladelphia, in twentyyears who has laid bis hand upon the thief and the plunderer when about to steal from the public treasury. They both fear, and hate him. His large savings to the tax-payers of that city is evi dence of what may be expected of him as Governor. He will watch the thieves which congregate at Ilarris burg as closely as he has watched them at Philadelphia. There are a thousand leaks to be stopped about the State capital. Twenty years of unobstructed power in the same hands has warmed a host of plunderers into life. They believe the offices belong to those who hold them and that free plunder is part of our political system. Pattison believes that a public office is a public trust, and should be adminis tered in the interest of those who pay the taxes. There is a wide field for reform,and few walk therein. For twenty years our State government lias been admin istered in the interest of a political ring. The first tiling a new Governor was expected to do, after his seat was fairly warm, was to cast about to see how he could serve the clique which had nominated, and elected, him ; how lie could concentrate both the money and political power of the State in the interest of the bosses. Reforms were not thought of; good government was not considered a necessity; the people were only looked upon as instruments to elevate the bosses to power and keep them there. The fact that the govern ment belongs to the people, and should lie administered for them, never enters the heads of those who possess the of fices. With Pattison in the Executive chair, there will be presto —change- He will administer the government in the interest of those who confided the great trust to him. Reform will become a vital, living principle; economy will take the place of extrava gance, and honesty will occupy the seat now usurped by corruption. Good government will be the rule and not the exception. Pass round the watch" word among the people. THE recent attempt of the Cameron stalwarts to capture the rebellious In dependents by diplomacy, was a fail ure. Instead of putting the Independ ents in a hole, the stalwarts themselves stepped in. The object seems to have been to save the boss ring manage ment by^plausible offers of compro mise,but .Stewart's amend meut or coun ter proposition providing for the with drawal of the candidates composing both the Republican opposing tickets, and ull to be made inelligible before the primaries on a new deal, was not in the stalwart programme. County committees could be relied on to make nominations to order, but when hotly contested on new men before the masses by fair methods, the results could not be counted on with sufficient degree of certainty to make it desira ble. It is probable, therefore, that the fight goes on to tho end, to determine who is to rule the party —whether by popular voice or individual dictation. We predict for them a happy time, in which the contestants will have enough to do without wasting their usual abuse on the Democrats. THE Ohio Republican association at Washington proposes to purchase Garfield's house in that city for $lB,- 000. Mrs. Garfield assents to tho sale, and will contribute SI,OOO for a library lor the club. Promise and Performance. The Washington Post reproduces the following passage from one of the numerous circulars of the Natioual Republican committee of 1880. These cold-blooded and dishouest appeals lor votes may be profitably recalled by laboring men now : "The Democrats, if successful in the present election, will, as promised by them, largely reduce the important duty on all kinds of foreign goods, and conse quently immense quantities of these commodities will be imported. Work ingmen engaged in manufacturing these goods all over the country will either be thrown out of employment or will have to work for the very low wages paid in Europe, and their present favorable position will be reduced to the level of European workingmen, whilst the posi tion of the latter, under a better de mand for their products from thiscnun try. naturally will he improved! Now, if you want to work for these starving wages, vote for Hancock and English. On the other hand, if the Republicans are suc cessful in the present election, wages naturally will he the same as they are now. Therefore, if you want to be sure that your wages wilt remain high , and that you will have steady work, vote for Garfield and Arthur." It was an effective piece of dema goguery. Thousands of workingmen were de luded into casting their votes against the candidates of their first choice and against their old party predilictions by this specious argument, addressed to their fears rr.ther than their reason . to their immediate instincts of self preservation rather than the sober second thought, which only dawned upon their perceptions \yheu it was too late to undo the misdoing. "If you want to work for starving wages," says this extraordinary pro nouncement, "vote for Hancock." There is neither logic, truth nor com mon sense in it, yet to the toilers of the shop and mine, with their task masters standing over them, it was a note of alarm to which men unversed in the art of the partisan politician or the mysteries of political economy, dared not turn a deaf ear. How many of these men have since realized their folly and are now working for starva tion wages? How many have been driven to desperation for the means of a livelihood, which their votes were to make easy and plenty ; Let the miners, the mill men and iron-workers, the freight-handlers and boiler-makers, who are to-day in open revolt against the unrelenting despot ism of capital, make answer. "If you want to be sure that your wages will remain high and that you will have steady work," said the Re publican National committee, "vote for Garfield and Art it nr." What lias been the outcome of this false and fraudulent assurance? Whose wages have remained high? Who are hav ing steady work at increased pay? Where is the workingman, who, hav ing been forced or frightened into voting'for Garfield anil Arthur, is to day the better off? The startling chorus of five hundred thousand men, women and children, whose homes are darkened and whose scanty subsistence has been made more scanty by the pending strike, furnishes an eloquent ami all sufficient response. HUHBELI, is still progressing in his assessments. Having made his levies upon the women employed as teachers and servants in tho Indian schools at Carlisle, be lias progressed to the day laborers employed in tunnelling "Hell Gate" in New York, and demands 817.50 of each for Republican elec tion expenses. All this, with the en dorsement of Guiteati's President. It is an atrocious piece of mcanuess, but Republican Senators and members of Congress directly represented by Hub bell, claiming to be respectable, offer uo protest. TUB Democratic State committee will meet at Harrisburg cm the 25th inst., to outline the work of' the cam paign. With the able and energetic chairman at the head of that com mittee, we may expect that after the outline is agreed upou there will be no lag in the execution. As Tin: dog d iys approach Congress begins to talk of adjournment, but the lobby who have control now, have not yet signified ttieir assent, and until they get all the jobs through no time will probably bo agreed upon. THE Cincinnati Enquirer bits the truth at the first guess when it says "The factions of the Republican party in Pennsylvania cannot trust each other. This is owing to their long and intimate acquaintance." THIS time the people of Pennsyl vania have determined to try Pattison, He saved millions to Philadelphia in a single terra of the eontrollor's office, and routed the thieves who preyed upon her finances and credit. He will save as much to the commonwealth, and disperse the horde of plunderers who surround the State expenditures and swell the taxes upon the people. He is no mere professional politician, hut an aggressive reformer, honest and fearless in the performance of duty. THE Republicans in Congress 'are making efforts to secure the attendance of a sufficient number of absent mem bers to insure a quorum to dispose of the contested election cases before the adjournment. They have determined to seat the spurious pretenders and oust the Democrats, and they may as well do it now as at the next session.' If the books are fully posted now, the settlement in November will perhaps be facilitated and more thorough than if left open until December. THE House of Representatives lias passed a bill allowing Mrs. Garfield, widow of the late President 85(1,000, less any sum paid the President on accouut of bis salary. This, with the annual pension of 85,00', and other appropriations and subscriptions, ren ders the widow of the President a very rich woman. .She is a lone widow, but certainly not so poor as to require the country to pay the debts properly due against the e?tale of her husband. DEATH OF MRS. LINCOLN. The widow of Ex-President Lincoln passed away ot the residence of her sister in .Springfield, 111., on Sunday evening last, her deatli being the result of a paralytic stroke. Shesurvived several previous attacks, but she has not been well, mentally or physically, since the assassination of her illustrious bus. band, and was deserving more com miseration than was accorded by those who fluttered around the portals of power in the days of her distinction. PROF. GEORGE W. ATHEHTON, ol liutgei Col lege, New .Jersey, lias ac cepted the Presidency of the State <'ollege located in this county, and will enter upon his duties immediate]) • He is said to be a man of much ex perience and marked ability to give l ii'e and vigor to the institution, pos sessing a thorough knowledge of in dustrial colleges and a high rank a> an educator. Great pains have been taken by opponents of this college inspiied by jealousy and the misrep resentations of incompetents, who for a short time were employed in its management, to discredit it in ditto*. ent parts of the State. These diseou teuts have been recently re info teed by the miserable desire of foolish politi cians to obtain a very small inosity of capital against a candidate for Gover nor who happened to be President of the Board of Directors. These ditti cullies the new President will have to encounter and overcome. It will take some time and judicious effort, but we trust he will be equal to the occasion. The college is pleasantly located in a healthy atmosphere, excelled by noue in tho commonwealth, surrounded bv a rich industrial neighborhood of as perfect morality and excellence as could be desired for the example and safety of studeuts against the common temptations of more pretentious locali ties. In a short time it is expected that railway communication by the Buffalo Run route from this place to the College, connecting with the Lewis burg and Tyrone road, will be com pleted. TERMS: $1.50 per Annum, in Advance. Tim able aud interesting speech of the Hon. A. G. Curtin, made in the House of Representatives on the 27th of June, is on our files for publication in the DEMOCRAT of next week. This speech of our distinguished represen tative is on the subject of the reduc tion of revenue taxes, which he dis cusses with his usual ability. CHAIRMAN MCKEE, of the Inde pendents, has called his committee to meet on the 27th inst., to consider the terms of compromise offered by the Cameron committee. The result of their deliberations will, of course, be about the same as that of the Inde pendent candidates, which require the absolute withdrawal of both tickets, none of which are to be candidates in the selection of a new ticket in the convention proposed to be held. CHAIRMAN COOPER claim* that thirty thousand Democrats will vote for the stalwart candidate for Gover nor. If it requires this vote to secure the election of Gen. Beaver, his chances to be the Governor of Penn sylvania are anything but flattering. This preposterous claim is said to be based on a proposed trade with the leaders of the Irish Land League in Philadelphia for Democratic voters. •Some enterprising speculators may thus dicker with Cooper and take his money, but when it comes to transfer Irish Democrats into the service of their old enemies it will be another thing, and prove a profitless venture to the Cameron dynasty. AMONG the amendments added by the Senate to the civil service bill, as passed by the House, was one making appropriation of 833,000 to pay mile age to Senators for the special session of last October. The House sat down upon this amendment as a "very small salary grab" and refused to concur. The most remarkable phase of this transaction is that the House would fail to concur in any little steal of this kind from the plethoric surplus in the Treasury. Perhaps it was in conse quence of the insignificance of the amount, but whether or not, the Sena tors missed the "grab," and the House is entitled to one "very small" credit on the monstrous load of obloquy which attaches to the present Congress as the most lawless and extravagant body ever convened at the American capitol. General Items. The Louisville Courier-Journal boils down Mr. llubbell's circular to the fol lowing couplet: " The clerk who'd keep his daily grtil> 'II Fork over prompt. Yours, t. Jar HIBBLL'* The issue of standard silver dollars from the mints for the week ending July 15, was $155,000, against $140,000 for the corresponding period of last year. A Long Island jury found that a wo man on whom an inquest was held died "by the visitation of God in a natural way and not otherwise." Could any thing be more comprehensive ? Km est Spencer, author of the Spen cerian system of penmanship, has been missing from bis home at Millwaukie since early on Sunday morning. The boliee believe he has been kidnapped. A gun having both barrels heavily loaded stood in the chamber of Wallace Brock's house, Kairview, N. J., where it was struck by lightning. The gun was not discharged, although the stock was torn to splinters. The Secretary of the Treasury has re ceived a conscience contribution of S2CO from New York. If oonscienoe could reach out to Robeson, and some other members of Congress, this fund could be swelled to large figures. A Mormon elder of Salt Lake has had his thirteen wives photographed, both in group and separately. The pictures have been placed in an elegant album, and under each woman ia a quotation of sentimental poetry suggestive of her best qualities. That was rather an ingenious explana tion of his vagaries given by Agust Kara, a Williamsburg tramp. "I live," he said, "and if I worked, 1 could only Hve, so what is the use of working? If I work ed I could not go about and see what I do, ao I don't work." NO. 28.