Hbe gf iraarai BELLEPONTE, PA. The Largest, Cheapest and Best Paper PUBLISHED IN CENTRE COUNTY. THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT is pub lished evory Thursday morning, at Bellefonle, Centre county, l'a. TERMS—Cash in advance, If not paid in advance. ** A LIVE PAPER—devoted to tho interests of tho whole people. Payments made within throe mouths will be con sidered in advance. No paper will bo discontinued until arrearagesare paid, except at option of publishers. Papers going out of tho county must bo paid for in advance. Any person procuring us tencash subscribers will be sent a copy free of charge. Ouroxtensivo circulation makes this paper an un usually reliable and profitable medium foranvcrtislng. We have the most ample facilities for JOB WORK and are prepared to print all kinds of Books, Tractß, Programmes, Posters, Commercial printing, Ac., in tho finest stylo and at the lowest possible rates. All advertisements for a less term than three months 80 cents per line for the lirst three insertions, and A cents a lino for each additional insertion. Special notices one-half more. Editorial notices 15 cents per line. LOOXL NOTICES, i n local columns, 10 cents per line. A liberal discount is made to persons advertising by the quarter, half year, or year, us follows: CO®'""' SPACE OCCUPIED. 5 B 2 m B6 Ono inch (or 12 Hues this type) f~ #s $l - i lichen 7|lo 15 Three iache* 1" 15 Quarter column (or 5 inches) 12 20 30 Halt'column (or in inches) 2U lib 55 One column (or '2oinches) 115 55 100 Foreign advertisements must be paid for before in sertion, except on yearly contracts,when half-yearly payments in advance will le required. POLITICAL NOTICES, 15 cents p*r line each insertion Nothing Inserted for less than 50 cents. BUSINESS NOTICES, in the editorial columns, 16 cents per line, each insertion. An Important Legal Opinion in Favor of the State. Some time since "The Fidelity Mu tual Aid Association" made application to Common Pleas Court, No. 4, of Phil adelphia, for a change of name to "Tho Fidelity Mutual Life Association." The court made the change asked, for, the proceedings being under the act of 18G9, which authorize Courts of Common Pleas to change the names as they are authorized to change the charters of cor porations. The Insurance Commission er hearing of the change, petitioned the court to revoke tho decree it had made in the premises for the reason that the change had been made without the knowledge or consent of the commis sioner, and was a name that he had re fused to grant the company, holding that under tho act of 1876, he was the sole judge as to the propriety of names adopted, and for the further reason that the act of 1869 was repealed by the act of 1876. The latter act repealing all laws authorizing the change of charters of Insurance companies. The question was argued some time ago liefore the entire bench, the State being represent ed by the Attorney General and Ovid F. Jonhson, Esq., of special counsel who took the above ground. The Fidelity Company being represented by Hon. Wayne MacVeagh, who argued that the legislature itself had raised a distinction between acts amending charters and their amending titles, and that there fore the act of 1876, which directed the repeal of act authorizing the amend ment of charters, did not repeal the act of 1869, as it was a law relating to the amendment of titles only, and that a title was not a part of a charter. The opinion of the court was delivered on the first instant, by President Judge Thayer, and was to the effect that the position taken by the Commissioner was the correct one throughout, and that the decree had been inadvertently made, and should be revoked. The opinion, which was an exhaustive one, sets at rest some important questions relative to the administration of the duties of the Insurance Commissioner that have heretofore been mooted. Another Blast From Buyne. HIS OPINION OF BTALWARTISM AND THE AD MINISTRATION. Consideration of the Sundry Civil Ap propriation bill being resumed in the House yesterday, Messrs. Hiscock, Blackburn and Willis took part in the discussion. Mr. Bayne, of Penn sylvania, also made a speech in favor of civil service reform and argued in sd vocacy of restricting the power of th<- President in the removal of capnble and efficient officials. lie criticized the present Administration, declaring that it was as unlike that of President Gar field as the administrations of Jackson and Van Buren were unlike those of Washington and Jefferson. Garfield believed in the reign of law; the present executive in a personal government. Gen. Arthur had violated his promise to stand by the civil service plank of the Republican platform. He had removed faithful and competent officers without cause, not only violating his prom' e, but the constitution and the laws. Th Executive and those upon whom he called for advice had undertaken the herculean task of stalwartizing the He publican party, and that, too, when the very name of Stalwart had become a re proach. The bullet of Guiteau had made a mark on the forehead of Stal wartism that could never be effaced. No action was taken on the bill. Ex-Governor Cnrtin on I'nttlsoii's Nomination. Special Despatch to tbe World. WASHINGTON, July 7.—Ex-Governor Curtin, of Pennsylvania, when shown the item in a new York paper this morning in which he is quoted as depre cating the nomination of Pattison for Governor of bis State declared it to be a mistake and unjust to the candidate as well as to himself. He believes the nomination of Pattison to be in harmo ny with the general wish of the party, and that Pattison will receive a full par ty vote, with large Republican acces sions, which will insure bis election. [ Democratic State Convention. I'ATTISON, II LACK, AFRICA, CLARK AND ELLIOTT. The Democratic State Convention, which assembled at llarrisburg on the 3d of June, was undoubtedly one of the most able and respectable and effective political bodies that ever convened at the State Capitol. Perfect harmony pre vailed in all its deliberations—but one sentiment seemed to influence all, and that was to redeem the state from the misrule, extravagances, tyranny and peculation which has marked its govern ment and legislation for many years through ring rule, in the control of Boss corruptionists. Is it any wonder therefore, that the ticket thus given to the people, composed entirely of ag gressive reformers whose personal re cords is guarantee of economy and re. form, is received with such evident marks of favor by the Democrats and disappointment to the ringsters. The Convention at 1 o'clock was call ed to order by the Chairman of the State Central Cummittee, and after roll call Malcom Ilay, of Pittsburg, was made temporary Chairman, lie wasted no time in speech, but proceeded to the business of the convention. The usual committee were appointed, on creden tials, organization, and resolutions, and then took a recess until 3 o'clock. In the meantime the committee on organiza* tvbn agreed on George M. Dallas as per manent chairman. The committee on credentials made an amicable disposition of all contests, and the committee on resolutions or platform was prepared to report. These reports were accepted by the convention, and Mr. Dallas unani mously elected as Permanent Presi dent. He assumed the chair with brief remarks. The platform was then repor ted by W. U. Ilepsel, chairman of the committee, and were adopted unani mously as follows: The Democratic party of Pennsylva nia, holding fast to the faith that all power not delegated by the Constitu tion is reserved to the States and the people; upholding the sanctity of per sonal liberty, the security of private property, and the right of local self-gov ernment; demanding honesty and conomy in the administration of gov ernment and the enforcement of all the provisions of the Constitution by the Legislature and the courts of the Com monwealth ; declaring against monopo lies and in sympathy with labor seek ing its protection, and in favor of the industrial interests of Pennsylvania at all times, do solemnly protest against evils which the policy and practices of the Republican party and the insolence of its long possession of office have thus brought upon the country ; therefore, First—VVc do protest against what is called the hoss system, and also the plundering of officeholders by assess ments of money for political purposes. Public offices are I lie property of no party, but are open to every citizen who is honest, capable, and faithful to the Constitution, qualifications which Jeffer son declared were requisites for office. Second—We protest against the spoils system. It is a prostitution of the offices of the people so that they become the mere perquisites of the politicians. Third—We denounce repudiation, State and Federal, because it is dishon est and destructive of that public morali ty upon which are founded the exis tence and perpetuity of our free institu tions. It should be made odious, and the political party that aids it and abets it with office deserves public condemna tion. Fourth—We denounce spoliation of the State Treasury and immunity by pardon of those convicted of crimes, wfiose acts were flagrant subversions of official trusts and wrongs done the peo pip. Fifth—We believe the Republican party, as now organized and controlled, is based on fraud, force, and corruption, and there can be no hope of true reform except by the force of the ballot box excluding it from place and power. Sixth—The Democratic party demands of the Legislature an honest, just, and true apportionment. Seventh—Upon these declarations we invite the co-oporation of all honest citizens who with us desire the reestab lishment of honest government. The subcommittee on rules submit ted the following rules for the govern ment of the party, which were adopted: The State Central Committee shall consist of one member Irom each coun ty, and in addition any county that is untitled to more than one state senator shall have an additional member for each additional senator —the members of the committee to be appointed in such manner as the local regulations of the respective county organizations may determine. The committee shall meet annually in the city of llarrisburg on the third Monday of January at such place as may be designated by the chairman of the State Central Committee and shall at this annual meeting elect a chairman and permanent secretary (from within or without its own membership), and "tote executive committee, (from with in or without its membership,) and transact such other business as the com mittee may determine. It may at this or at a subsequent meeting fix the time for the state convention and arrange therefore. Members of the committee unable to attend may, for any meeting, deputize substitutes to act pro tern, for them, but they must be voters in the county and senatorial districts which their princi pals represent. The chairman of the State Central Committee, its permanent secretary and seven Democrats (from within or with out the State Central Committee and no two to be elected from the same county), to be elected annually at the January meeting, and the committee shall constitute the state executive committer to wpdqot the state cam paign subject to tho control of the State Committee and tho oflicers of the Stale Central Committee shall be the officers of tho executive committee. The representation in the state con vention shall consist of representative delegates, one for each 1,000 Democratic voteß cast at the lust preceding guber national election, or for a fraction of 1,000 such votes amounting to 500 or more in the respective representative districts. Provided that each represen tative district shall have at least one delegate. These rules may ho amended, altered or abrogated at any time upon the re commendation ot the State Central Com mittee, or astute convention, and hy the approval of the subsequent state convention. Schedule—These rules shall take effect on tho third Monday of January, A. I). 1883. The following nominations for Gov ernor, with eulogistic speeches, were then made: Gen. A. A. Coffroth nomi nated James 11. Hopkins, of Allegheny; Thos. May' Pierce named Eckley B. Coxo. of Luzerne; Senator Gordon named Robert E. Pattison, of Philadel phia; Ilarman Yerkes named Gen. W. 11. 11. Davis, of Montgomery county; Joseph Hemphill nominated Robert Monaghan, of Chester county; T. C. Hippie named John G. Hall, of Elk county; T. A. Purdy named Simon P. Woolverton, of Northumberland coun ty ; E. P. Smith nominated W. M. Nel son, of Wayne eountv. It required six ballots to make the nomination, and they were in detail as follows: Ist. -.m :t. I. 4th. mil. nth llopkiiiH H7 KS I*l i#; im UuJ Ooze 271 33) 37| 44| i I'uitihuii 4*l * a: t 7iJ Hi ÜB£ I2oi Davie 10 y 1 2 ... MoiiHtthan.... 21 1 li r 5 Hall 11 li 10 h Woolverton.. 2o' 13 0 "1 I Nelson 10 10 H 0 The steady gain made, ballot after ballot, by Hopkins and Pattison en couraged their followers and effectually prevented tho anticipated break to Coxe. As soon as Coxe fell behind in the fifth ballot, he was withdrawn Mr. Hall was withdrawn after the fourth ballot, and his friends voted for Patti son. It was now evident that the nomi nation rested between Pattison and Hopkins, and that no dark horses were in the race. While this correspondingly excited the friends of each, a solid sat isfaction prevailed throughout that a nomination worthy of the great party j and the needed reform in public affairs was assured. Tho sixth ballot closed by a close Vote in favor of Pattison amid great enthusiasm, which was in tensified when Malcom Hay the par ticular friend of Mr. Hopkins arose and moved to make the nomination unani mous in a short but telling speech as follows: I had hop<>d the convention would have heen able in this *tge ol the pro ceedings to have settled upon a most tit and excellent candidate trom my sec tion of the state, hut I am doomed to disappointment. The delegates have shown a lair and manly spirit through out and the treatment of Mr. Hopkins' candidacy by those in favor of him was most honorable. (Applause,] 1 con gratulate the Democrats and all the people of the state on the grand nomi nation made. |Cheers.J He will he elected because he deserves it. The state government has become so corrupt that we are ashamed to show our faces abroad. There is need of a thorough re form throughout, and who is so well qualified to undertake the work as the man who has just been nominated? He who did so much in the way of reform in Philadelphia, where one-fifth of our population resides. We of the west pledge ourselves to do our utmost to se cure his election. [Cheers.] I desire further to move that this nomination he made unanimous. (Prolonged cheers.] At this point W. M. Singerly, of the Philadelphia liccord, who had been ac tive in opposition to Mr. Pattison, arose and seconded the demand for a unanimous nomination, which, amid the bosterous applauseof the entire con convention, was adopted, and at 9 o'- cloock the convention adjourned until next morning to name the four re maining candidates to complete the ticket. Thursday morning Chairman Dallas called the Convention to order at 10:15 —nominations for Lieutenant Governor being now in order, Chauncey F. Black, of York, and George 11. Irwin were placed in nomination in eulogestic speeches of their respective friends. A ballot was then taken, and when the name of Eckleyß. Coxe was reached the applause was very great when he arose and said : "Through a misapprehension of my motives I appear here for the first time in my life to say that from this time to the end of the campaign there shall be no doubt where my duty lies and the manner in which 1 shall meet it. I propose to take mv coat otf and fight for the ticket, and I propose to do all that in me lies for the gallant gentle man whom you have named at the head of your ticket. I know what I can do, I know what I ought to do, and I propose to do all that I can do to make Pennsylvania a representative State, a Democratic State, not Demo cratic in name of party merely, but a state where the party will be represen ted in congress, in the senate, in the halls of the legislature, and where it does not take 2,000 Democrats to have as much voice as 1,000 Republicans." Mr. Coxe having resumed bis seat, the ballot was concluded and resulted as follows: f rw ' n m The nomination was made unani mous, and a committee raised to bring Mr. Black Into the hall for a speech when the regular order of business was concluded, A number of candidates for Supremo Judge were now named by their respec tive friends, viz: Silas M. Clark, of Indiana, Oliver P. Bechtol, of Schuylkill, James It. Ludlow, of Philadelphia, Judge Arcus, McDermott, of Mercer, Ebert Ilarvey, of Lehigh, Judge James Braden, of Butler, Judge Cummin, of Lycoming, Christopher Huydeek, of Venango, and Elliot, of Tioga. The nomination)* were closed and a ballot ordered and resulted as follows : Clark Ludlow , r ,nL Rwlitol 27i Klllot Ilriulou II McDermott 3-1 Cuiniiiiu ]:t Harvey 22 II iiydeck D The second ballot was here delayed to permit the committee to introduce the candidate nominated for Lieuten ant Governor, Chauncey F. Black, who was presented totheConveution irtji neat speech hy chairman Bogart and spoke brietly as follows : "My nomination is a tribute to the noble Democracy of York, witli whom 1 have the good fortune to he fit home. I will only say that I shall carry myself in the struggle before us and in office, if I shall be elected, so as to reflect no shade of dishonor upon them or to make any occasion for you to regret that you have listened to their gener ous appeal. The skies are bright with every sign of political promise. Let the honest Democracy of Pennsylvania do their duty, and J pledge you that your candidates will be faithful to their trust after the election. We have only to observe ithe solemn pledges of our platform to remove from the state the bitter reproach which has so long rested upon it, and to confirm the Democratic party in power for an in definite period by the simple contrast between an honest and dishonest gov ernment. Inasmuch as the party rep resented here has the grasp of no boss on its throat, and no autocratic ring of spoilsmen to consult, we can safely un dertake the reforms demanded by the people with the absolute assurance f the sympathy and support of the masses." Mr. Black then introduced the Hon . Tames Hopkins who was received in a perfect ovation of applause. He spoke in eulogy of the candidates nominated, and that they would have his cordial, %irnest and most persistent support. He spoke for an active campaign for victory and reform, victory first and reform that would justify the victory. A second ballot for Judge was now in order, but after the roll was called changes were rapidly made to Clark, and one by one all the other candidates were withdrawn, and Mr. Clark nomi nation was then made by acclamation. The lion. J. Simpson Africa, of Ifuntingdon, was then nominated on motion of Mr. Brown, of Erie, for Secretary of Internal A flairs by acela- ! mation. The Convention proceeded to the nomination of a candidate for Congrees nian at large. (Several gentlemen named declined, among whom were Malcome Ifay, of Pittsburg, 11. U. Ilensyl, of Lancaster, Gen. Coulter, of Westmoreland. The candidates before the Convention were Messrs. Elliot, of Tioga, Stenger, of Franklin, Johnson, of Cambria, Gilpin, and Itreslin, and the ballot resulted as follows : El Hut 13PJ Stenger ,} .folltlMlll H flilpln 3 Ilrenlin 21 The nomination of Mr. Elliot was made unanimous, when he was called to the front and made an excellent speech. Mr. Stenger then responding to the call of the Convention made a ringing speech, in which he declared that he wanted no office, and urged that now as the lines were drawn against an un scrupulous enemy, every Democrat should do his whole duty to defeat the party now nearly destroyed in this State. Ife was satisfied that when Robert E. Pattison entered the execu tive department, there would be written over the door after him, "No thieves need apply." Don Cameron in Despair. Special Denpfttch to the World. PHILADELPHIA, -July 7— The conference between Senator Cameron and his lieutenants which was held in this city yesterday formed an interesting topic among politicians to day. It is gener ally conceded that Cameron stiffened up the weakening backs of his stalwart coadjutors and told them the fight must bo waged with more vigor. It is also believed that he acknowledged that his defeat WAS inevitable, but that appearances must indicate nothing of the sort. Theattitudejof James M'MAiiee, the Gas Trust boss, was considered somewhat at length, it is said, and his defeotion was considered n very serious feature of the situation. There is no doubt tbat a determined effort at com promise, or the calling ot a new con vention, will be made by the committee next Wednesday. REVELATION suggests the idea that from woman comes the power to "bruise the serpent's head." The words take a new meaning today since this is pre cisely what Mrs. Lydia E. Pinkham's Remedies do for tho physically deceased patient. Her Vegetable Compound reaches the ultimate sources of the evil. Its action is gentle and noiseless, but is more powerful than the club of Hercules.— Bator. My children lied sore throat. PERUNA cured them. M. P. Lenhart, Irwin Station, Pa. The Tariff Commission—Organized and Ready for Business. WASHINGTON, July o.— The tariff com mission created under the act of Con gress approved May 15, 1882, having been convened by tho secretary of the treasury to meet in Washington, July f>, 1882, assembled in the large parlor o! tiie Ebbitt bouse at 12 o'clock to-day. As early as 11 o'clock members of the commission began to arrive, and alter being introduced to each other gathered in groups and spent tho intervening time in casual conversation concerning the magnitude and character of their prospective labors. At 12 o'clock the gentlemen comprising the full commis sion were in their seats. The president, Mr. Hayes, then arose and delivered the opening address, which was listened to with close attention. He said tho commission has no other functions than those provided hy law, and that the objective point of its labors is the establishment of a judicious tariff or a revision of the existing tariff upon a scale of justice to all. No special in dustry can have undue advantage, and the relations of tho industries to each other, no less than the special necessi ties of each, must he considered. A radical or subversive change in the present general economical policy of the country is virtually interdicted, and a judicious not a revolutionary tariff, a revision not a destruction of existing tariff laws, is declared to be the object to which the labors of tho commission should conduce. We may also find a solution of many questions of opposito individual or sectional interests, and may avoid many difficulties by remem bering, while not unmindful of justice to existing interests, that protective duties should he imposed or withheld, not for the benefit of individuals or special industries, but for the good of th- nation. Without having perfected a perma nent organization the commissioners at 2 30 took a recess and proceeded in a body to pay their respects to the presi dent. Erorn the executive mansion they went to the treasury department and called upon Secretary Folger. After the members of ihe commission hd paid their respects to the president aud t he secretary of the treasury, and huif duly qualified before the latter, they returned to the Ebbitt house. When they had reassembled the doors were closed and admittance was denied to all, save those directly connected with the commission. No business of importance was transacted, however, and at 4.30 o'clock the commission ad journed without having done more than informally discuss the order of business to be pursued. The commission will reassemble to-morrow. Brewster's Opportunity. The attention of Attorney General Brewster, says the Ilarriehurg Patriot, having been officially called to the Hon. Jay Ilubbell's violation of the act of congress forbidding the assess ment of officers of the United Slates government for political purposes it is reasonable to expect that the depart ment of justice will proceed to vindicate the outraged law by bringing an indict ment in the proper court against the audacious ofFender. The offense charged against Mr. Hubhell is of a most serious and odious character, and it the Attorney General should pass it over without an effort to enforce the law in the matter he will subject him self to a just suspicion that lie is willing to shield the offender for reasons of a political character. When Brewster WHS notified of the charge against certain citizens of South Carolina for an alleged violation of the election laws he made haste to employ special coun sel to assist the United .States district attorney in securinga conviction, Nay, he was so zealous of good works in tho interest of free and honest elections that he issued a pronuncianrenti against the perpetrators of election fraud in which he allowed his zeal to outrun his discretion. The crime with which Mr. Hubbell is charged is even more flagitious than that so fiercely de nounced and so sternly punished by the attorney general in the case of the al leged South Carolina ballot stuffers. It is doubly wicked because it first black mails the oflicers and employes of the goverment and then seeks to corrupt l elections and degrade the ballot. Tt will not do to plead in extenuation that Mr. Ilubbell has simply followed a precedent long established. There are customs which are "more honored in the breach than in the observance, " and this is one of them. General N. M. Curtiß of the New York custom house prefered to follow the custom of his predecessors rather than to respect the inhibition of the act of congress. He discovered to his sorrow that cus torn does not always make law, but that the law is strong enough not only to regulate customs but to control the be havior of those who sit in receipt of them. Mr. Brewster's duty in the Hubbell matter is plain. If ho should show a disposition to evade respon sibility he will only bring contempt and odium upon himself and the ad ministration of which ho is a member. Government Official Appropriates Tub lie Laiui, W ARIIINOTOV, July 7—About ten years ego E. G. Matthews, the Assessor of Internal Revenue at Denver, Col., was granted authority to erect a small build ing on lota owned by the Government for use as an office, lie erected three buildings and leased them as stores. He has been receiving rent for them at the rate of about S2OO a month ever since, amounting in all to about $20,000. The matter was brought to the atten tion of Secretary Folger a few months ago and he at once instituted an inves tigation. The result is that Matthews will be dispossessed of the property and the rental will hereafter be paid into the United States Treasnry. Mr. Mat thews is said to be a step brother of Schuyler Colfax and is now a private citizen at Denver, Marshall Says Brown Will Not Accept. i PITTSBURG, Pa., July 9.— Hon. Thomas M. Marshall, in an interview to-dav, said bis friend and nephew, Major A. M. Brown, had been tendered the place of 1 Rawle for Supreme Judge by E, H. Neven, the Surveyor of the Port of Philadelphia, hut he had not consider, ©d the proposition for a moment, and would in no case accept. If Brown would take the place he (Marshall) would work and vote against hirn. Both he and Brown consider Cameron's ticket whipped now, and therefore the statement that Brown would accept to save the ticket if he believed it in peril is ridiculous and untrue. PRESIDENT ARTHUR'S LETTERS.—Presi dent Arthur, it is stated, receives GtX) letters every day. Allowing hiru to give each letter one minute's time, ten presi dential hour%of the twenty-four are ac counted for. A famous Englishman of a century ago, who suffered from the same kind of inundation, used pleasant ly to say that one-third of the letters he received were answered, that anoth er third answered themselves, and that the other third got no answer of any* kind. It is to be supposed that the , -President follows the precedent of the Englishman, who borrowed his prac tice from a royal philosopher of the classic times. 1 HE first Napoleon had an amazing memory for figures, ffe, remembered the respective produce of all taxes through ever year of his administration, and could repeat them even to the centime-. Running over art account of expend • tures, he noted the rations of a battal ion charged on a certain day at Began con. "That battalion was not there'" said he. '1 he Minister, knowing that the Emperor had been out of France at the time, submitted that he thought it must have been there. It turned out that Napoleon was right, and that a fraud had been committed. The pecu lator was disinisssed, and the anecdote went through the army inspiring a. wholesome alarm. ♦ THE unwisdom of extravagant land grants to corporations is nowhere more forcibly illustrated than in the present controversy between the Government and the Northern Pacific railroad,. This company was originally granted •17,820X100 acres conditionally. Of this area 27,800,000 acres have been earned according to contract. The estimated value of the land now is| $138,840,00P, fully enough to oonstruct the road anu leave a surplus of $33,000,000. It ia this surplus the Government is after, but will fail to get. Down ! Down ! Down ! From tbis date and until further o 0 . tice, we have resolved to sell out ' dur entire stock of Clothing, Boots Bm i -Shoes, llats and Caps, in order to ma ke room for our heavy Fall stock w'bi c h j 8 already being manufactured *, or t bj s branch. Remember the gor ld(S muwt and shall be closed out at any p ric e without delay and he w> lD will not trade now shall never b HVe another such an opportunity , he Boston Clothing louse, just c.pened in Bey no ds block opposite Br ockerhofl House Allegheny streot. Bell e fonte Pa n27 4t HAD Chronic Catarrh and Constipa t.ou ; could get r.r, help. PE.UKA cured s- le ' An*-' • Williams, Martin's berry, Ohio. J>nwhjit-/it's Neiv avoc€vy% N KW 01VTBK COUHTY HANK BUILDDTO. Groceries! Groceries! r PIIE new .Store in the Centre Coun - •>' Bunk building, lligh-st., Bellefonte, Pa., IS Xo w oP E X —AND— STOCK FULL. The good* on sale are the best the market affords, and sold at prices to suit all customers. GROCERIES, CONFECTIONERY, GLASS WARE, CANNED FRUITS, AND EVERY TIIINO ELSE 081' ALLY KEPT IN A FIRST CLASS STORK. , REMEMBER THE STORK IS A NIW ONE OPEN ED ON Monday, May 1, AND ALL QOODB CONSEQUENTLY NEW AN YREBII. The patronage of all desiring fair treat• , rnent is solicited. 4S"For quotation* call and you will b* convinced that a revolution ha* been effected in price# of all good* offered fur eeio. iw* W. .E BUBCHFIELD.