Sfo Cnvtw BELLEPONTE, PA. The Largest, Cheapest and Best Paper PUBLISHED IK CENTRE COUNTY. Exiles In Siberia. The Terrible Meaning of Epilation to That Country. I do not know how many exiled crimi nals Irkutsk has the honor of harboring within her walls, but I should say at least a fifth part of the whole popula tion belong to this category. It is generally assumed by writers on Siberia that the proportion of political to crimi nal exiles is about one in ten, and there are 279 politicals at the present time in Irkutsk, all, like most of the criminals, living in freedom in the city but kept under strict polico strveillance. I do not care to go into the statistics of exiles in Siberia at all; I am not sent here for that purpose ; but I am inclin ed to call attention to the very absurd statements made by an English clergy man, Mr. Landsell, in his recently pub lished work entitled 'Through Siberia." lie asserts that in 1880 only eighty polit ical prisoners were sent to Siberia. This on the face of it is a preposterous statement for the banished Nihilists are nearly all classed as politicals, and their number is very large. Of the 279 politi cal prisoners in Irkutsk 1 should say that two-thirds of that number are Poles, who have grown gray in exile, and in most cases have become estab lished in trade or have some useful oc cupation. The Poles are the "gentle men" among the exiles; they are the most cultivated men in the country,and are deserving of all sympathy. Groups of them may be met at diuner or sup per every day at the hotel where I stay ed, fine specimens of their race, but grown old and weary, despairing of ever being able to get back to their own country, not for lack of permission but the necessary means of transport. They are dreamers still, these aged patriots, preaming ever of a grand future for Poland, but helpless as childred in ren dering any assistance to gain that end. It seems a terribly cruel thing to have done wit these men, to have wrested them from the country and home they loved and fought gallantly for and to tViis more than useless life ill the Sibe rian wastes. No one can grasp t lie ter rible meaning of exilation to Siberia, unless he has seen these men, grown old and desolate in this fur off place, their poor decrepit bodies thousanes of miles away from the place wherje they have left heart and soul. I would curse heaven and humanity were I condemn ed to live forever in this soulless coun try, away frorp all that is beautiful and healthy in the world, away from the life where tenderness and love reign sweetly over hearth and home. And there is no escape from this land made hell for humanity except pardon, turdi ly granted, or, more frequently, death and a grave that is frozen all the year round. These thoughts arise when 1 think of the fate of the Polish exiles still here. For the ordinary criminals I have no sympathy, nor yet for the Ni hilists, and only think it sad that any country, however wretched, yet capable of any future at all, should be burdened with their presence. Of the former, droves may be seen on the roads every day ; of the latter large numbers are constantly arriving. On the oth of March the notorious l>r. Weimar, who was implicated in the Nihilistic at tempts on the late Emperor's life, pass ed through Irkutsk on his way to some place still further removed from the world, but hi 3 destination I did not learn, but probably somewhere in the Amur province, where he will be enabled to inake inforesting studies m the villages filled with diseased and rot ting humanity. Recalling Old Times. Fourteen years ago, when Chester A. Arthur was a struggling local politi cian in New York, of what is known there as the custom house variety, he numbered among his friends the mate of a vessel, named Kennedy, whoso in fluence Arthur had often occasion to use when circumstances required the votes of the floating population of the harbor front. Just about that time Arthur made an unsuccessful effort to obtain some ninor municipal appointment. The mate con doled with his political friend upon his disappointment, and soon after sailed for Washington with a cargo of hardware. While Potomac a block and tackle fell upon the mates's head, indenting his skull in such a manner that the man became practically an idiot, and was placed in the District of Columbia insane aßylum. A short time ago the famous surgeon, Dr. Gross, of Philadelphia, visited the asylum, ex amined the case and straightway per formed an operation invented by him self, which resulted in the almost im mediate return of the patient's reason, the intervening fourteen years being of course a complete blank. A day or two after his recovery, the mate walked out, and began strolling through the capitol building. Almost the first person he encountered was President Arthur, who was just leaving the executive chamber in the Senate wing. "Why, how are you, Kennedy 1" said the first citizen, affably extending his hand. "Glad to see you." "Howdy, old man," said the sailor ■"How's things ? Got a job yet V" "Well, I believe I have," said the ex ecutive, with a smile. "A pretty big job, too. You must come up to the White House and see me." "To the White House?" repeated the amazed mariner. "Yes. Just ask my private secretary, and he'll show you right in," and the President walked on. "Poor old Chet I—clean gone, clean gone," mused the mase. "Actually be lieves himself to be President of the United States. Smart man once, too. That just shows you, gentlemen," he continued, turning to the bystanders, "that just shows you what politics and disappiontments will bring a man to. Poor old Chet I" THB cotton worm eata $15,000,000 f the cotton crop every year. Little Alex. HOW HE LOOKS AND WHAT HE HOES* Wellington Letter* Alexander IJ. Stephens appeared on the floor of the house to day for the first time since he sprained his ankle on the Capitol steps, about a month ago. Members crowded around his wheel chair and congratulated him upon his recovery from an accident which might easily have proved fatal. lie seems to be in better health even than before the mishap, and he has not lost a whit of his interest in public affairs. It is al ways an interesting sight to see the veteran statesman when he visits the house. He generally wheels his chair up directly in front of the speaker's desk, on the Democratic side of the Chamber, and if nothing of interest is transpiring, ho spends most of his time in shaking hands and talking with the other members. Unless the room is quite warm, ho keeps his soft felt hat on his head as a protection against draughts. On the arm of his chair is fixed a sort of writ ing table, which he very frequently uses, for while in the room he is rarely idle. When he has occasion to address the House on any subject he first faces the Speaker and then that part of the chamber where most members are seat ed. He does not remain stationary, however, but propels his chair back ward and forward with bis hands while speaking, and in laot shows nearly as much activity as the yourgc-st and strongest representative before him. His voice is distinct and somewhat shrill, as is apt to be the case with men of his advanced age, and yet it is nut unpleas ant to listen to. Close attention is al ways paid to what he has to say, mem bers occupying seats in the rear coming up and gathering about him so as not to lose a word. The opportunities for bearing him make a speech are not numerous, for he does not often indulge in oratorical effects. When he does, he is vigorous, animated and pointed in hi- remarks, never wearying the House with pro tracted commonplaces, after the fashion of so many of his fellow-Congressmen. His visits to the House are generally of brief duration, not extendingover three or four hours at the most. During the early part of the winter he went to the Capitoi almost every day, hut now he does nut often leave his room, owing to his feebleness. He cm not personally attend to the wants of all bis constitu ents, beyond introducing a few Dills, but in one way or another he probably does as much for them as other Con gressmen do for theirs. That he can, if fie so desires, remain in Congress as long as his life lasts is an undisputed fact, but his determination not to ac cept a renomination seems to be fixed. Senator Vivcli Indignant. AN ENTERTAINING SCENE AT THE I'OSTOKKICE DCI'AKTJIENT. Kom York Till urn- Senator Van Wyck made known his errand (he wanted u Half-breed postmaster r< ston t! to office) and Mr. How in reply made sonic criticism upon the Senator's course in the Sen ate. "What's the matter ?" queried the Senator in surprise. "Why," rejoined the Cabinet officer, "you don't stand by your friends.'' "I do stand by my friends," said the Senator. "What do you mean ?" "Well, how did you vote upon the Worthington ease?" "Oh, 1 didn't vote at all upon that. 1 was silent. 1 was opposed to Worth ington, and did all I could against him. I paired. What next?" "Well, how about the Jiuckucr ease?" The Senator did not recall thcl'uck ner ease at once, having been absent from town when it was brought up. When the Post master-General had concluded his catechism, the Senator who, though exceedingly good-natured, has no hesitation in expressing his opinions in unequivocal terms, turned upon his questioner and said: "This accounts for lite delay, does it? I want to know if you intend mc to un derstand that because I vote accord ing to my convictions in the Senate my suggestions are to he unheeded by this Administration? Is that what you mean ? If it is, tell me so plainly and I will never darken your doors again. I just want to know the fact, so it may he made known to my con stituents that, simply because of my votes in the Sennte, their representa tive is to he denied all influence in the departments tinder this adminis tration." "Why," interposed Secretary Teller, "that's what Hayes did for me because I didn't support his nomination." "And," shouted the now indignant Senator, "you colled him a dirty, sneaking loafer for it, didn't you? That's what my opinion is of this ad ministration, if this is a specimen of its policy. How is it with your de partment? (addressing himself to Sec retary Teller) I want to know all about this thing. We are interested in a few land offices in our State. Am I to come and see you or stay away ?" Secretary Teller, who was about leaving the room, rejoined : "Oh, come over and see me about them by all means." Turning again to the postmaster general tne irate Senator continued: "So you keep spies upon us, do you? And you tvke the word of sneaks who violate their oaths and come here to lie about us. That's another reason why I want tho executive session abolished. I tell you there is no need of any spies upon me. All Ido is open and above board, and you can know all about it by asking me." With that the Senator bade the Post master-General good morning and de parted. m % Two thousand two hundred physi cians are registeaed in Pennsylvania. The lowa Catastrophe. The Latest Reports of the Losses and the Deaths. From the results of the terrible storms of Saturday 41 deaths occurred at Grinuell and 23 at outside points, 17 of tho latter at Malcolm and live in the country northwest of Grinuell. The doctors say that six or seven more of the injured at Grinuell will die. Home physicians put tho filial death roll at Grinuell alone at more than 50, while others fear it will yet reach as high as 75. Of the injured in that city there are now over 120 known eases-, about 80 of them being of a rather serious nature. In the country there are also several serious cases of injury. The best posted persons at Grinuell estimated that the death roll of the calamity would very probably reach 100. It is now 04, among theni that of Conductor Diegnen, of the Rock Island road. One hundred and forty-three is esti mated as the number of dwelling houses destroyed by the tornado in Grinuell. It is estimated that this entails a loss of half a million of dol lars now, which is nearly a total loss, as hardly any of them are insured against tornadoes or anything but fire. Mr. ,J. 13.Grinuell states that fifty of the pcoplo in losing their homes lose all they had in the world. Outside of'Grinnell, in Malcolm and in the country, there is aljo immense loss. Brobably the aggregate of all will not foot tip lesss than three-quarters of a million of dollars. Home business men of Grinuell think that the actual loss will he larger. At 11 o'clock on Saturday night a terrific storm passed in southwesterly direction of Dos Moines and Henry counties. In Burlington only rain and hail fell, but a mile south of the city the hurricane blew down hams, liou-i s ami orclia;ds and destroyed a vast amount of property. Nobody is reported killed. The electrical kettle and the remains of'a lire about 1,000 yards from the tent, and approaching, nearly stumbled upon De Long's hand sticking out of the snow, about thirty feet from the edge of the bank. Here, under about a foot of snow, they found the bodies of De Long and Ambler about three feet apart, and Ah Ham lying at their feet, all being partially covered by pieces of tent and a lew pieces of blanket. All tho others, ex cept Alexia, they found at the place where the tent was pitched. Lee and Knack were close by in a cleft in the bank toward the west. Two books of records with the medicine chest and a flag 011 a stall' were beside the tent. None of the dead had boots. Their feet were covered with rags tied on. In tho pockets of all were pieces of hurnt skin and of the clothing which they had been eating. The hands of all were more or less burned, ami it looked as if when dying they had crawled into the lire, Boyd lying over the lire, and his clotliing being burned through to the skin, which was not burned. Collins' face was covered with a cloth. All the bodies were carried to the toji of a hill 300 feet high about •10 versts to the southwest from where they were found, and there interred in a mausoleum constructed of wood from the scow built iu the form of pyramid, 22 feet long and 7 feet high, surmount ed by u cress 21 feet high and a foot square, hewn out of drift wood, ami conspicuous at a distance of 20 vcrsfs. The mausoleum was covered with stones, and is to he sodded in the spring. The cross is inscribed with tiie record and names of the dead, cut in by the search party. After com pleting the tomb the parly separated to search the Delta for traces of Cliipps' people. Melville went to the northwest part of the Delta, and west as tar as the Olenek river. Ninder inau took the centre and Bartlett the northeast. Niuderman and Bartlett fouud nothing. Melville has not yet returned. The search is to lie exten ded to Cape Borchayu and tho hay ol tkat name. Tliev expect to finish in time to reach Yakutsk or Verkbo jank before the livers break up. It they do not finish before that time they will have to retreat to the hills and iiiountHins with the natives until the water falls, as the whole of the Delta is covered with water in the spring to a ludglit of four feet, and in some pla ces to twenty feet, above the level of the river. Oiherwi •• they would have buried the dead where they fouud them." A Pcrpetnal Courtship. o.live*toll Nc-w. The Mexicans of the wealthy or well to do classes have a custom in married life which sceuis to me a pretty one. Husband and wife have entirely separate apartments, and neither is | expected to cuter the apartments of | the other except on invitation. When ! the husband desires the company of his lady in his apartment lie writes a note of invitation in terms of the mo-t formal and lofty politeness, incloses it in a perfumed envelope, seals it and sends it to her on a silver tray in the hands of a servant. The lady ac knowledges the invitation in the same way, and if she accepts, which she is probably most likely to do, she ap pears at the door of his apartments at the appointed hour, in bridal costume, | escorted by one or more of her ladies in waiting. These then retire. The husband receives her at the door, leads her to a little table, where he treats her to chocolate or tea, cakes, fruit, etc. lu the midst of his apartments he has a room, furnished in the most exquisite way he is capable of, which he holds sacred to his lady, and never occupies unless she is present. This room is his pride. He spares no ex pense to make it as unique and charm ing as possible. Wlteu the gentleman has received his lady in his apartments it is not proper to leave her until they have breakfasted, which does not usually occur until 9 o'clock. After the lapse of some days—l do not know how many—etiquette re quires that the lady shall return the husband's compliment by a similar in? vitation, nicely sealed in a perfumed envelope on a silver tray. lie ac knowledges the invitation with many thanks, and if he accepts, which it is presumed he is quite sure to do, he first indulges iu the bath, prigs himself up in his best array, patronizes his perfume bottles and his pomades, and at the appointed hour appears prompt ly at the door of his lady's apartments. Slfe is there to receive him, dressed like a queeu, wearing orange blossoms in her hair and on her bosom. She conducts him to a little table, where he is offered wine aud cake or choco late and cake aud fruit. After this pleasant repast she regales him with songs and music on the guitar. She also has in the midst of her apart ments a room which she holds sacred to her husband, and which she never occupies unless he is present. It may be supposed that this sacred room is her pride above all things, and to adorn and watch over it tho chief oc cupation and joy of her life. They remain together in the lady's apart ments until hreakfust, after which they separate. Thus there is a con tinual interchange of courtesies aud a perpetual courtship. A mule is tame enough in front, but awfully wild behind. SIOO,OOO in a Cave—Piles or Specie And Jetvelei-y Pound in the Secret IteiHlczvoiis of tho .James Brothers. J. B. Crutchfield, a trusted corres pondent, writing to tho Republican from Gallatino, Term., says: Mr. D. K. Hpillers, a prominent merchant of Gallatino, and Major W. H. Munday, while exploring the cave recently dis covered on the farm of Colonel James Alexander, which for the last five years has been the rendezvous of the James brothers gang of outlaws, dis covered a large flat rock in one of the chambers, ami thinking that some of the gang might he hidden away under it removed it with great difficulty, when to their utter astonishment a large cast-iron sugar kettle, filled with specie and jewels of various kinds, met their view. They could hardly believe their senses, hut finally man aged to examine the treasure and found that there was over $400,000 in specie, besides numerous gold watches, liugs, diamonds and other jewelry of great value. Major Munday guarded the great treasure while Mr. Hpillers hastened to Gallatino, and securing his horse and wagon returned as soon as possible to the cave. They placed the kettle and contents in the wagon and drove rapidly to Galln tinu and at once deposited their treas ure in tho vaults of the Sumner Deposit Company. The greatest ex citement prevails, and tiie Sumner Guards have beeu ordered to the cave to prevent a hungry horde of curiosi ty-hunters and treasure-seekers from completely ransacking it. '1 his is the second lot of valuables found in the cave since the death of Je.-sc James. Thousands of visitors have been denied admission by Colonel Alexander, and it, is only by strenuous eflorts that any portion of its contents are spared from seekers of mementoes of the great bandits. A considerable portion of the. jewel ry is in the original boxes as they left the jewel: rs, and contain the addresses of many jewelers throughout the West, and also a few in the East. A watch hears the ineriplion of Joseph Grover, Natchez, Miss., and a pair of bracelets are marked Mrs. W. J. John son, Natchez, Miss. Many others arc marked in full and will be returned to the owners, provided tiu-y can he found and can prove their property. ' olonel Alexander ha- already sent a groat many of the former lot to several parties in various portions of the I nited H'atos. Further exploration will he made at once, as it is thought other valuables may still ha hidden in the cave. — St. Lou is Republican A City Underground. mruKTANT DISCOVERIES MAIiE WHILE DIO GI.N'O A r.\.N'4l, IN* nf|?IDA WIIO LIVED Til EKE BEFORE TIJE I'RESENT I \ HABITANTS? For tho past six months the work of digging the canal to connect Lakes Lu-tis and Dora, in order to open up the iii<' t southern lakes ol tlie'"(jreat lake region of Florida" has been prose cuted. fhe second cutting ot the canal was finished last week under the super vision of Mr. T. if. Sprott, who has been from the commencement one of the foremen on the work. At fhe out let ol Lake Lorn the sandbar had al ready been cut to the depth of nearly or quite three feet on t lie previous dig ! ging, and was dug about two feet deeper j last week. At a di-tance of over four I feet below the old lov.-l of Lake Dora, a mound was discovered. The first exca vations revealed the existence of a elearly-defined 'wall lying in a line tend ing toward the southwest from where it was first struck. This wall was com posed of a dark brown sandstone, very much crumbled in places, but more dis tinct, more clearly defined, and the stone more solid ns the digging in creased in depth. The wall was evident ly the eastern side of an ancient home or fortification, as the slope of the outer wall was to the west. About eight feet from the slope of the eastern wall a mound of sand was struck, imbedded in the muck forma tion above and around it. This sand mound was dug into only a few inches, as the depth of the water demanded but a slight increased depth of the channel at that point, but enough was discovered to warrant the belief that here on the northwestern shore of Lake Dora i 3 submerged a city or town or fortification older by centuries than any thing yet discovered in this portion of Florida. Small, curiously shaped blocks of sandstone, some of them showing traces of fire, pieces of pottery and utensils made of mottled flint, were thrown out by the men while working waist deep in water. A spear head of mottled Hint, five and a half inches long by one and a quarter inches wide, nicely finished, was taken from the top of the sand mound, and about four feet below the water level of the lake. The Paper w© I'se. Taper car wheels are composed en tirely of paper rings pressed together under a weight of six tons, and then fastened by means of bolts, and steel tires put on them, when they are ready for use. Laid loosely the rings stack as high as tho shoulders of on ordinary man. Under treatment they sink to the thickness required. If the tiro should wear or fall wheel, or tho train run from tho track, there would be no danger of their breaking, as they are very flexible and would spring. A paper ball can be rendered so solid that nothing but a diamond tool can cause an indentation into it. At the mill is a square blook of compressed paper fastened on a turning lathe and so hard that if a fine steel chisel is held against it when it is moving, instead of cutting the paper it will break the chisel into a liundred pieces. The strength is astonishing. You can take a £;> note of the bank of England, twist it into a kind of rope, suspend 339 pounds upon one end of it and not injure it in the slightest degree. Bath-tubs and pots aro formed by compressing the paper made of linen fibers and annealed—that is, painted with a composition which becomes a part thereof and is fireproof. The tubs ast, indefinitely, never leak, and put in the ire will not burr, up. You can beat on them with a hammer and not injure them. I lates compressed and nnnealed are very durable. You cannot onlv wash them, but drop them upon the floor and stand upon them. The fork can be used for any practical purpose, and the knife can always be kept sharp. Paper can be substituted for wood converted into picture frames and cob ■ ored like walnut, cherry and the like. Bedsteads are fashioned the same as car wheels, only of long strips instead of rings. I hey are very beautiful and lasting, booking or heating stoves are also annealed, and it is impossible to burn them out. They are less costly than iron. A house can literally be constiucted of and furnished with every convenience in paper. A Woman's Nad Career, fI.NIIJNO A IIOMK IN A lIOL/.OW T/lllE ANO OEATII IN A I*l,ooo. A day or two ago the body of Mary \\ alters was fished out of Two Mile creek near \\ inehester, Ky. One night last week there was a flood. The wa ter entered her home, which was in a hollow tree, and cut oil her escape. Further down the bank ten colored railroad workers, who were bunking in a shanty, were washed away and drowned. The rise was sudden and the force of the flood was terrific. None of the bodies of the workmen have been recovered. When the body of Mary Walters was found it was bloated, almost devoid of clothing and presented a sickening appearance. She was the wife of Ilarry Jack Watters and for two rflouths the couple had occupied a hollow sycamore tree whit h stood on the bank of the creek. They wore a roving couple and never lived long in one place, llow two people ever lived in .-uch cramped quarters is a mystery. The opening into the tree is about two feet wide and runs up to a point about five feet from the ground. The hollow is not over ten feet in cir cumference, and when the place was visited after the woman's death a pile of straw, which served as a bed, was the only thing this novel house con tained. A small volume called a "Pocket-key to Heaven" and a num ber of letters written from different places to Jack were found. The letters written by the woman were in a deli cate hand and were filled with entrea ties for money to keep her from starva tion. His letters to her were full of excuses for not sending her nior.ov, and it seems that the poor woman had |a i ard time. .She wa- a blonde, about twenty-six years old and displayed marks of cultivation and refinement. On the night of the flood Jack was on a spree. When told of his wife's death he did not appear to he very much troubled. Settling a Dispute, Boston Traveller. A few days ago Mrs. Paymaster Tucker, nee Logan, who was in the members' gallery viewing the .Senate proceedings, while directly in front of her sat two ladies, one evidently a Wa.-hingtonian and the other a -tran ger. The native was taking unusual pains to make herself agreeable, and as Mrs. Tucker was about to sit down I said to her friend : "There, you see that large man sit ting in the centre of the Chamber, with the jet black hair and large mus tache?" "Yes." "Well, that is Gen. Logan, of Illi nois. It isn't generally known, hut he is half Indian." At this point Mrs. Tucker could contain herself no longer. So gently tapping the lady on the shoulder, she said : "Excuse me, madam, but you arc mistaken when you say that Senator Logau is half Indian." "Well, I guess I ought to know," warmly responded the stranger; "I have lived in Washington all my life, and the fact of his Indian blood has never been questioned before." "I think 1 ought to know something about the matter, too," quietly answer ed Mrs. Tucker, "I am Gen. Isigan's daughter." As Dundreary says, "the conversation is ended," and with a lct go-my-hair look at Mrs. Tucker tho stranger and her companion flounced out of the gallery. AN Illinois man was arrested and fined 825 for disturbing a donating club. We should like to know him. The man who has got the voice and energy to disturb a debating club, pro vided the latter is healthy aud active in its diabolical mission, is worthy our acquaintance, aud ought to be given a government position as a fog-horn on a stern and rock-bound coast. A three-year-old baby on exhibition in Petersburg, Va., weighs 140 pounds, and the Index-Appeal , which is an au thority in such matters, says that ho is, moreover, a very pretty little moun tain of flesh, &3 clean as a whistle and as fat as a pig. AN English journal says: "Among American patents in a list before us are five for obliterating small-pox marks, etc. The iugredients are pumice stone, elderflower, glycerine, soap and fatty matter." DENVER has an old organ grinder, living in an objure hut, who has beg ged $20,000 worth of small coin above what little he needed to exist. .. . * .. * ..v . -L.