Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, June 29, 1882, Image 4

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    llie fcfte Jpomt
The Largest, Cheapest and Best Paper
lished every Thursday morning, at Bellofonte, Centro
county, I'n.
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Republicans vs. Democrats.
From the Wilkcsbarro Union Leader.
"What, anyhow, is the difference be
tween the Republican and Democratic
parties ?" asked a young gentleman in
our city a few days since. "The essen
tial difference," replied one of the ques
tioned, "is that the Republicans seek
concentration of power in the general
government, as taught by Alexander
Hamilton, on whose doctrines the par
ty was founded. The Democrats, on
the other hand, aim at as wide a diffu
sion of authority among the States and
municipalities as is consistent with the
perpetuation and safety of the Union of
the States. In other words, their.'grand
object is'local self government.' That
is the basis theory of the teachings of
Jefferson, upon which not only our par
ty but the government itself is erected."
"In that "event," the young man
promptly responded, "I am a Demo
It would be astonishing that this sim
ple statement was a revelation to the
young man to whom it was made, were
it not for the fact that it would be
equally a revelation to four-fifths of the
young men. It is that fact that is as
tonishing ; but that it is a fact, no citi
zen who mixes much with them, and
hears the expression of their political
opinions will deny. It is only here and
there that you can find a man under
forty voting the Republican ticket for
any other reason than he has been told
the Democratic party was the Anti-War
Party ; and humiliating as the confes
sion is, there are altogether too many
young Democrats who are content with
being Democrats because their lath rs
were and who never give themselves
the least trouble to seek a better or
more manly reason for their faith.
Republicans insist upon a "strong
government." "A strong government,"
says Hon. Jeremiah S. Black, one of the
staunchest of Democrats, "means des
potic rule, weak laws and helpless peo
ple." The tyranny to which the South
was subjected during reconstruction
years most emphatically signalized the
despotic rule of the "strong govern
ment" with which wo have been pro
vided; the legion of treasury robbers and
pilferers under the Grant and llayes ad
ministrations who went unwhipped of
justice, and many of whom are being in
vited to the front again by the discard
ed Custom House official now occupy
ing the White House, attest the "weak
laws," and for the "helpless people" we
point you to the corporation-ridden
merchants, manufacturer and farmer
everywhere, and to low wages and high
prices of necessaries which make the
life of the miner and mechanic scarcely
worth the living, And these are not
only the legitimate, but the necessary,
outgrowths of a "strong government."
There could have been no "Black
Friday" but for the "strong govern
ment." Neither could there have been
any of ihe outrageous infringements of
popular rights which mark the legisla
tion of the country during the last six
years, "or any Babcocks or Belknaps,
or Secor Robesons, or Credit Mobilier,
or any other of the equally damnable
villains or villanies which dot our last
ing disgrace in the eyea of every nation
in the world."
Had we not now a "strong govern
ment" there would be no surplus of
nearly two hundred million dollars in
the National Treasury and an army of
corrupt men besieging the lobbies of the
•Capitol and negotiating with eqally cor
rupt members of Congress for a share of
Were it not for a "strong government"
taxes would be lighter, laws would be
more nearly impartial and their admin
istration purer, and the people would be
New York had a "strong government"
when it gave us a Tweed and a Sweeny.
Pennsylvania had a "strong govern
ment" when it gave us Cameron and a
Kemble and a PetrofF. Delaware is a
Democratic and Rhode Island a Repuh-
State. Therein the ruler are closer to
the ruled and therefore better known
and more strictly watched. Their's are
not "strong governments" in the sense
in which Republicans use the term.
On the contrary, they come nearer an
illustration of the Democratic ideal of
local self government.
And neither of them ever developed
a Babcock, a Tweed or a Kemble.
THE current news of the week,
sketches of prominent Pennsylvaniana,
an agricultural page, a puzzle corner, a
review of the fashions, selected matter
of interest are some of the features of
The Philadelphia Weekly Press. $1.25 a
year. Mend for a specimen copy, or join
the club at your postofflce, and get it
Sot f 1 a year.
1 Tlic Stalwart Convention.
Harrlsburg Patriot.
The work of the stalwart convention
is now at last completed and a tail has
been put on the ticket, but the political
sitution in the party remains unchanged
Nothing practical has been done to
bring about harmony. It is true in the
resolution adopted authorizing the state
committee to use all honorable eil'orts
for a compromise, a little two for five
olive branch was thrown out to the
Stewart republicans, but they will be in
desperate straits if they accept it. It is
plain that the bosses propose to fight it
out on the line they have taken up and
the opposing faction will be well pleas
ed to have it so. For various reasons
they did not dictate a nomination to
the convention yesterday. Mr. Came
ron had really no particular choice for
congressman at large. He therefore was
willing to let the convention have its
own way in order that it might add
what little strenghth could be secured
by making the nomination for con
gressman-at-large appear to come from
the people. But the good effect inten
ded is lost when it is remembered that
the delegates to the convention were
completely under Cameron's control
when he needed them and were not
selected by the people, but by county
committees. Such a convention finds
it difficult to make anybody believe
that it can express the will of the peo
ple in its action,"even if it wants to do
so. The delegates yesterday caught the
bosses' idea, and there was no little ef
fort made to place Mr. Brosius on the
ticket with the same wild wave of en
thusiasm, that caught up Marshell on
the 10th of May. The trick was neatly
played, but it is too stale to be of any
consequence. The nomination of Mar
shall was a concession to the indepen
dent republicans, and it was naturally
to be expectdd that his place would be
filled by a man as nearly like bim as
possible. But this idea was not adopted.
In fact the bosses say there are to be no
more concessions. Henceforth there is
to be war to the knife. Although they
did not apparently take a hand in the
nomination for congressman at-large
their power was felt in another direc
tion. That there was a strong senti
ment among the delegates far en able to
a new convention through which llie
existing difficulties might be settled
was plainly apparent in the caucus held
yesterday morning. There was no
hopefulness in that meeting, but some
very plain talk was indulged in. De
feat was opeuiy predicted and there
seemed to be a general lack of confi
dence in the ability of the managers to
put their ticket through. But the
bosses put on the screws and the new
convention proposition was speedily
crushed out. They were not willing to
run any risks at the primaries. In tHe
confusion just previous to the adjourn
ment of the body a resolution was rush
ed through authorizing the state com
mittee to fill any vac tncics 011 the tick
et that may occur between this and
election day. This means that if the
Stewart republicans should at any time
be willing to form a fusion ticket the
state committee is empowered to make
the necessary arrangements. But as
such a ticket could tie pitched up only
through a bargain between the leaders
of the two factious it will simply repre
sent the worst species of bossism anil
therefore the independent republicans
will not be likely to be drawn into any
sueh scheme. 1 11 shoi tit looks as if the
action of yesterday's convention had
closed every avenue to a compromise
between the opposing elements.
Money in Flections an Issue.
Ilarrisburg Patriot.
There is a strong and growing senti
ment against the practice of using mon
ey to control elections. The framers 01
the present constitution of Pennsylva
nia nearly a decade since recognized the
necessity for reform in this regard and
inserted in that instrument certain pro
visions intended to enable the legisla
ture to root out the corruptions which
demoralized and degraded the politics
of the state. Some of these constitu
tional provisions have been enforced by
proper legislation, but thus far the law
has had no terrors for those who are
accustomed to pollute the sufliage with
base bribes.
In every important political canvass
large sums of money are raised by the
party managers and it is often the open
boast of the more reckless schemers that
the result of the election was manipula
ted or is to be controlled by them on
the simple basis of hard cash. The re
publican campaign of 1878, for instance,
was notoriously one in which money
was the principal instrumentality. An
immense sun) was spent to accomplish
the defeat of Mr. Dill, for governor, and
when the republican state committee
jiosted its books after the election it was
found that its bank account was over
drawn to the extent of $-10,000. In 1880
the expenditure for the purpose of sav
ing the state to Garfield and Arthur was
on a still more magnificent scale. Not
withstanding this open defiance of the
law, (probably because of it)the popular
antipathy to the use of money at, elec
tions has increased in intensity and now
promises to make itself felt both at the
polls and in the courts.
It is well understood that two repub
lican managers are preparing to throw
an immense sum of money into this
state with a deliberate purpose of pur
chasing a new lease of power. The levy
made by the republican congressional
committee on the federal office-holders
is based on a possible aggregate of two
millions of dollars. To this immense
sum are to be added the assessments on
state and county officials and such'con
tributions as Mr. Cameron is reported
to have exacted from the steel compa
nies. What is to he done with all this
money? Can the one-tenth part of it
be applied to legitimate uses in a politi
cal canvass ? It is clear as day that the
object of the republican managers in
collecting this vast fund is to corrupt
the ballot and buy the returns. The
very fact that the official organ of the
party, the congressional committee, is
engaged in this bold but shameful en
terprise ought to be sufficient reason for
every honest patriot to sot his face like
Hint against acontinuance of republican
supremacy, ft should bring the blush
of shame to the cheek of every honest
man who calls himself a republican.
What ! Shall it be said that in this age
of intelligence, in this country of free
schools and free thought, there are men
who will knowingly and deliberately
cast their ballots in approval of a vile
scheme to stifle the popular will with
filthy bribes? Shall it be written in
history that this proud ami noble
commonwealth was betrayed into politi
cal bondage and disgraced by the cupidi
ty of its people excused and encourag
ed by the spirit of party ?
TLu|democratic party, through its
state convention about to assemble,
ought to speak in no uncertain tone in
regard to the assessment of public offi
cials for political purposes and the
evident intention of the republican
managers to attempt an illegitimate
and criminal use of money to influence
the approaching election. It should
make au issue of these atrocious things
and on that issue force the fighting. If
there is over to be an end of corrupt
politics and commercial politicians, the
people must be aroused to a sense
of the ruin and shame which aresure to
overtake republican institutions when a
pure and honest ballot shall no longer
preyail in popular elections. The audaci
ty iftid shatnelessness witii which the re
publican congressional committee is
blackmailing the officers of the govern
ment with the avowed purpose o! using
the money thus wrung from the people's
servants in an effort to control the bal
lot box, provoke and justify an appeal
to the people for thevindication of their
own integrity and patriotism. Let this
issue and this appeal bo made and when
the arbitrament of the ballot shall come
next November each citizen shall see
eye to eye with his lcllow and the hand
that piesents a purchased ballot or
signs a lulse return shall be branded
with the mark of eternal infinity.
Selecting Legislators.
The Democrats over in Franklin coun
ty have set an example worthy of all
imitat ion in selecting a legislative ticket
which has on it such a name as that of
< -I. McDowell Sharpt l , and if Mr. Sharpe
accepts the nomination he will do what
I men of his standing should do. Why
] can we not have a Legislature composed
|of our best men ? Such a Legislature
I would not need to sit long and be a
tax upon the time of good and able men
which they cannot bear. Jn a session
of a month such inon could consider
and decide all the things that need to
be considered and decided for the wel
fare ol the State for a periorfnf two years.
At present it is not a very great honor
to he a state representative; not because
t lie place and its duties are not of great
importance, hut because the men sent
to do these duties are not generally
taken from those of highest standing in
the community for their intelligence,
integrity and ability. Certainly it is
undeniable that the state needs in its
Legislature the very best men it has. Jt
needs them sorely ; it does not get them.
It may have them it such men will ac
cept the office, and they will incline to
do so if they know that they will meet
there their peers in character and abili
ty. If a few good men over the state
wiil tollow Mr. Sharpe'sexample and a
few conventions imitate that of Frank
lin county, we may fairly hope that the
example will be catching, to the great
honor and glory of the state.
The Democracy ol Franklin- county
were n<> doubt inspired to do this credit
able thing by the fact that the county
is close politically and they needed to
put their best foot forward to win. This
is the great benefit of having closely
contested political districts. If the
state could be so divided as to make
such districts as many as possible, we
would have very best possible
marshalling of votes. It is very injuri
ous to have political parties so onesided
as they are in Rerks and Lancaster
counties, where the election is decided
not by the people, but by the political
conventions. There is no sense in silenc
ing absolutely the voice of the Democ
racy in Lancaster and the Republicans
in Berks. They are citizens of the state
equally with their fellow Democrats and
Republicans in counties where men of
both parties have a chance to be repre
sented ; yet they are practically disfran
chised in electing a Legislature, and
for time out of mind have been so.
There is little provocation for Demo
crats in Lancaster to seek a-legislative
nomination, or for our conventions to
be fastidious as to their nominations.
Noticeably, however, we name better
men than the Republican conventions,
whose nomination is an election : the
candidates there work for a nomination ;
a thing which men fit for the place
would not care or condescend to do. It
is not a wholesome way of filling a Leg
islature. But it is the law's way and
cannot be altogether helped. But if
Democratic conventions would rise to
their opportunity, in districts where
they can elect, either Hurely or possibly,
and would nauio their best men for the
Senate and Assembly, they would do
the greatest benefit for their party and
the state that could be done to it. They
would show themselves worthy of their
trust and the day of Democratic ascen
dency would dawn, never to end while
this course was followed.— Lancaster In
St. Nicholas for July.
Is an ideal Fourth of July number.
In the first place, there is the amusing
story by Sophie Swett of "The Boy who
Lost the Fourth of July; "then an in
teresting nccount of "An Early Ameri
can Rebellion" which wss led by Na
thaniel Bacon against the Governor of
Virginia in 1076 ; and Noah Brookscon
tributes a spirited narrative of the fam
ous sea fight between the "Essex" and
the "Phoebe" in the war of 1812.
Besides these, there is a very enter
taining article on "Swords" by John
Lewees, which is illustrated by twenty
three pictures of various sorts of swords,
famoua sword-hilts, and one of the
sword-bearer of Exeter and the fine, cere
monial weapon he carries.
The frontispiece illustration is a dash
ing picture of "The Queen of Prussia's
Ride," accompanying a poem with the
same title.
Edwin Lassetter Bynner's eight-page
story, "The Extra Train," is a clever ac
count of a family who spent an entire
summer on a specially fitted-up train of
cars; and Frank R. Stockton tella an
amusing story of a coon hunt.
I HAD Neuralgia and Palpitation of
heart. PKRU.VA cured me. Ava. Miu
CER, Pittsburg, Pa.
If a St. Louis scientist iB to be believ
ed the world is twenty millions of years
To judge from talk in Congress too
much money in the Treasury seems to
be worso than not having enough.
Mr. Beecher thinks that imagination
is the most potent factor in religion.
Mr. Beecher lias imagination, and this
probably explains has religion.
San Jose in California has a physician
who believes that monkeys are human
beings. It would be interesting to know
what the monkeys think of the doctor.
The Cincinnati Commercial Bays: "The
warfare of the Stalwarts upon the Presi
dent who was murdered by a profession
al Stalwart (not yet hanged), has ad
vanced a step."
"My dear," said a husband to his wife,
"what kind of a stone do you think
they will give mo when 1 am'gone?"
She answered, coolly: "It might be
brimstone, John."
The New York postoffico promises
soon to engage the attention of the
country. Postmaster Person says that
no employe of his shall be dismissed for
refusing to pay a political assessment.
Mr. Pettigrew, of Tennessee, isarrang
ing the exhibits presented to the gov
ernment by the Atlanta exhibition. A
building lias Vieen erected near the agri
cultural department tor tfiat purpose.
Recent soundings show that Tulare
'ake California, is only twenty feet in
depth at the deepest place, whereas in
1873 it was thirty-one feet. This fall of
ten feet within nine years is quite re
The Indianapolis Newt thinks the
names of the blackguards who got
drunk on the occasion of Garfield's fu
neral should be published. The fact
that they were Congressmen should not
shield tliein.
M. 11. Dobby, of Hancock county,
Georgia, has a hen that made Iter nest
near the house last week and layed
three eggs in it, when a partridge, lik
ing the situation, joined her, and they
now lay in the same nest.
A local bill has passed the New York
Legislature and been opproved by the
Gevernor imposing a tax on the horses
of Utica for the improvement of tiie
streets of that city. No objection to
the tax has yet been heard from the
Wild geese are eating up the Califor
nia wheat crop in away that gives far
mers no little trouble. One farmer, who
has 75,000 acres in wheat, keeps forty
men mounted with shot guns patroling
his fields every day and moonlight
nights to scare away the geese.
Hon. George M. Adams, of Kentucky,
the efficient Clerk of the House of Rep
resentatives during six years ot Demo
cratic rule, will be a member of the
Forty-eighth Congress. The Republican
whom he will have to beat before the
people of his district is the crank, John
I). White.
A society was incorporated at Albany,
N. Y., called the Supreme Secular Be
nevolent Association of Port Jervis,
which has for its object the doing away
with the observance of Sunday and na
tional days of thanks giving as religious
days, and tiie abolishment of the use of
the Bible in the public schools.
A Mrs. Washington, residing at
Charlestown, W. Va., visited the capital
in company with her son, a delicate
boy, for whom she desired to obtain em
ployment. She called upon a number
of congressmen and said, "Gentlemen, I
did not come here to grind an axe, I
simply brought a little hatchet;" Her
witticism brough down tlie cherries.
They have away of doing somethings
in Germany that is worthy of emulation.
A wine merchant at Neutsladt was re
cently fined, 10,000 marks, had his en
tire stock confiscated and was sent to
prison for three years and a half for
making a certain quaintity of wine out
of substances innocent in themselves
but bearing no relationship to the grape.
Captain Paul Boy ton has swam more
than 25.000 miles, saved hundreds of
lives, and is officially reported by the
life saving service as having rescued
seventy-two persons from drowning
upon the coasts of the I'nifed States.
For his services he has received forty
two medals from European governments
but not one from this country, of which
be is a native.
Counsellor Polk was fined S2O for
contempt of Court at Wmterset, lowa,
the alternative being twenty (Jays im
prisonment. He had no money, and
his fellow members of the Bar raised
the amount. "My gratitude is boundless,
dear friends," said lie. "I haven't had
S2O in my pocket before for twenty
years, I shall keep it there, with your
kind permission and he went joyfully
to jail.
Eugence Schuyler says that America
ought not to be obliged to receive the
inhabitants of any other country unless
we want them. Mr. Schuyler is right.
America is not a hospital for the physi
cal, mental and moral incurables of all
other nations; and whether Chinese or
Russian Jews, or of any other birth,
they are not wanted if they do not
readily assimilate with the mass of our
Etahdleum Doanmoe, a young Kiowa
Indian, late a student in the Carlisle
training school, and now an assistant in
the same institution, was married to
Laura Foneadlema, one of the girl stu
dents, also a Kiowa, on Saturday. Sec
retary and Mrs. Teller were present at
the ceremony, which was the first of
the kind ever celebrated in the school,
and in an address to the student* point
ed out the advantages of education,
and promised to give them all the aid
in his power to that end.
James Gorden Bennett's "Stone Vil
la," Bellevue avenne, Newport, has just
received a fresh attraction in the way of
lighting facilities. On top of each of
the six granite posts in front qf the vil
la have been placed large solid bronze
owls, through the centre of which gas
pipes have been introduced. The eyes
are very lnrge and when illuminated by
gas present a weirdly fascinating appear
ance. Two owls, similarlv lighted, are
E laced in large trees either side of the
ouse. These bird-lamps cost SSOO a
Pacific Slope Democrats.
The Democratic State convention re
assembled in San Francisco Wednesday
morning. The platform adopted reaf
firms fidelity to the principles of the
Democracy ; thanks the party through
out the Union for their assistance in
the strugle in Congress with the hostile
Republican adtninistraion, against the
Chinese immigration; appreciates the
movement of the workingmen East,
notably those of Pennsylvania, in oppo
sition to moneyed corporations; de
nounces the Chinese in California as an
unmasked curse to the people, and un
surmountable obstacle to progress ; ap
peals to llio Democracy of the Union
ior deliverance, and demands that the
next national Democratic convention
shall declare the doctrine of self preser
vation, arel if it attains power, it shall
take prompt steps for tfie removal of
every Mongolian from the country;
declares enmity to all the sumptuary
legislation and laws restraing the exer
cise of political and religious opinion ;
demands the repeal of those now exist
ing, and demands the material reduc
tion of railroad fares and freights, and
the prohibition of discrimination against
localities and persons; advocates the
compelling of railroads to pay taxes on
full assessments, and holds that railroad
land grants, lapsed for non-fulfillment
of contracts, should be revoked, and
the public domain reserved for actual
settlers; favors civil service reform in
accordance with the Pendleton bill.
The C aiitpaign Money Bags.
Kmni lln- l'liiludel|j|ilu Times.
The Civil Service Reform Association
ol New York, it seems, lias hurt the
feelings of the Republican Congression
al committee. The association has sent
around a circular calling attention to
the fact tiiat the statutes provide a pen
alty for the solicitation by government
oflicials of money for campaign pur
poses, or for the payment of money for
such purposes to government officials.
1 he association has been advised that
Congressmen are as much as any liable
to this law.
1 lie statesmen who compose the lie
publican Congressional committee are
indignant that any one should have had
the assurance to attempt an interfer
ence with their scheme. They had sent
out the most urgent circulars to every
j employee of the government, from the
page boys in the Capitol and the day
laborers in the navy yard to the de
partment chiefs. They were expecting
largo returns from these circulars, but
the action of the Civil Service Reform
Association is calculated to discourage
the eli'orts of the committee. It is not
strange it is angry. It would be a se
rious thing to have to go into this cam
paign without money.
Already the circular of the associa
tion appears to have had its cli'ect. The
New York Custom House employes
have almost unanimously refused to
contribute anything, and some of the
letters of refusal sent to the Congres
sional committee are very entertaining
reading. It is now understood that the
Attorney General, having been request
ed to do so, will give an opinion upon
the subject. lie can do a magnificent
civil service reform work if lie will; he
can give such an opinion as well virtu
ally break up the disreputable practice,
or he can give one which will encour
age it.
A Texan's New York Adventure.
Mr. Henry C. Ghent, of Texas, who
lias ben staying at the Fifth Avenue
Hotel for days, he amuses himself by
wandering about the city and watching
the people pass along the crowded thor
oughfares. While watching the shifting
crowd on Broadway last Wednesday he
was accosted by a well-dressed young
man, who said : "How do you do, Mr.
Morgan ?" "My name is not Morgan,"
said Mr Ghent, "1 am Mr. Ghent of
Texas." "I beg your pardon ; I trust
you will forgive me lor my my stupidity.
Good day, sir." A few minute afterwards
another young man approached Mr.
Ghent and said : "Can 1 be mistaken?
Is not this Mr. Ghent of Texas ?"
"Yes, sir, but I don't know you ,"
said Mr. Ghent.
"You don't know me! Why think a
moment; I'm a nephew of Senator
This was sufficient introduction and
Mr. Ghent joined the nephew in a walk
and finally was induced to visit Brook
lyn with him. In the course of the eve
ning Mr. Ghent lost some in a confidence
game, but it did not occur to him that
he had been swindled until after he had
returned to New York. His new ac
quaintance evaded a discussion of the
subject when Mr. Ghent mentioned his
suspicions and left him as quickly as pos
sible. Mr. Ghent then consulted the
police, who yesterday caused the arrest
of Frank Hammond, who was identified
by Mr. Ghent as his companion of the
evening before. Hammond was com
mitted at Jefferson Market.
queer bedfellows. Even as in Virginia
the Republicans depend upon Mahone,
whom President Grant would have liked
to shoot in 1876 for bulldozing the ne
groes for victory in their grand cam-
Kaign for "equal rights and even as in
lississippi they approve the "hero of
the Fort Pillow massacre;" and even as
in Louisiana, Ackled is their apostle;
and even as in Alabama the "brawling
duellist" and "crazy Greenbackers,"
Lowg, is their hope—so in North Caro
lina they have found a Moses and a Josh
ua in an ex-chief of the Ku Klux Klan
and in the bitterest secessionist that the
State produced during the war. Undor
the leadership of Johnson and Boyd
the grand old party advances, casting
to the breeze its bannwj inscribed "Pro
tection to Peanuts 1" It is a touching
sight and should convince the scoffers
who declare that the grand old party is
not quite so devout to principle as it
used to be that they lie most foully in
their teeth—nay in their throats, or we
had almost said in their boots)— New
York World.
THE striking freight handlers in New
York are marching through the broil
ing streets behind bras* bands. That
is harder work than handling freight.
pound is daily working wonderful cures
in female disease.
Tlie Century For July.
'I he July Century opens with a frontis
piece portrait of Kraerson from the bust
by Daniel B. French, which is thought
to be a vigor, the engraver, Mr. Kru
ell, in retaining the texture of the mar
ble, has lost nothing of the likeness.
Here is a paper 011 "Emerson's Person
ality by Emma Lazarus, with reminis
cences, and an editorial treating of his
character and influence,—and a close
study of his poetry will be the next pa
per in the series of essays by Mr. E. C.
Poetry is contributed by If. C. Bun
ner, Annie It. Annan, Edgar Fawcett
Mrs. A. I). T. Whitney, and others
In the "Topics of the Time" besides
the editorial on Emerson, there are pa
pers on "Institutional Charity," "A
Successful Man's Failure," "American
Art Students Abroad," and "Puritans
and witches." Eleven pages are devoted
to book-notices, which embrace a large
variety of subjects. The Brica-Brac
poetry is sprightly and light, and in
Home and Society there is a valuable
paper on House-Construction with Pre
cautions against Fire, accompanied bv
ten diagrams showing both safe and
dangerous methods of building.
"HERE, old stick-in-the-mud, why
don't you get a decent pair of hoots?"
Waal, now, I'll tell ye, Pard. Yer see
I've kept agettin' boots till I'm dis!
couraged, cause I can't get nary a pair
what'U last more'n a month or so: so I
says to my wife, says 1 "Marier, I'll he
doggoned if I'll buy another pair of
hoots until I can find" a place whar they
deal on the square. Jam a stranger in
these parts can ye tell nie whar such a
place mought be found?" "You've got
on the right track, now, old stick. Go
| to the Boston clothing housejust opened
in Reynold's block, opposite Brocker
hofi'house, Allegheny street, Bellefonte,
Pa., where they keep just what you
want and you can get all kinds of cloth
ing and underwear of the best quality,
in great variety, at the lowest price."
SECRETARY Blaine, Judge .Jere Black,
Walt Whitman, .Jefferson Davis, Kobert
Toombs, General Joe Johnston and
other public men equally famous, were
among the contributors to The Philadel
phia Weekly Press, during the last year.
The Press eDgages the pens of many of
the ablest writers in the country. It is
sent to any address for one year, with a
splendid map of Pennsylvania, for $1.50.
PER C.NA cured my daughter's sore
eyes after occulists bad failed. C. F.
Sen HEADER, Allegheny City.
The Chairman of the Greenback State
committee is willing to prove his faith
by works. In the current issue of his
paper, at Corry, he suggests that if each
of the 100,000 working men will sub
scribe a dollars to the Greenback cam
paign fund the triumph of the ticket
will be assured. One hundred thousand
dollars is a large fund with which to
muster a small party.
JinrehJieUVn Xcir Urorefff.
Groceries! Groceries!
I r PIIE nctv Store in the Centre Cotin-
X ty Buuk building, High-fit., Ilellefontc, I>.,
The good* on sale are the beet the market afford*,
and eold at prices to euit all customer*.
Monday, May 1,
The jHttronar/e of all desiring fair treat
ment is solicited.
*>" For quotations call snd yon will be courtncnt
h*t a revolution has boon effected in prioee of All
goods offered for ssle,