Lr win's Philadelphia Branch, Gents' Furnishing Goods, —AND— Hats and Caps. look: ZELEKIE SOYS. 10,000 to bo Given Away! SURE POP and MUSICAL WHIRS and CANES. THESE ARE NEW INVENTIONS— NOVEL, ATTRACTIVE, AMUSING ANI) DURABLE. THE LATEST AND BEST THINGS OUT FOR BOYS. They axe not for sale, we give them away to every purchaser of YOUTH'S, BOY'S or CHILD'S SUITS, A SURE Por WHIP OR CANE, OR MUSICAL WHIP OR CANE. THEY ARE SILK BRAIDED AND ASSORTED COLORS. REMEMBER ONLY AT LEWIN'S PHILADELPHIA BRANCH, ALLEUHKSY STRKKT, 4-ISU BELiLETOITTE, E® jb.. READY MADE CLOTHING A SPECIALTY. UfJIHMff V}'l(fl->po?Vlrld for both Amateur and profes sional players. 8. A Corner for the Young Folks —Kiddles, Charades, Fuutes, Enigmas, Acrostics, .Jr. 9. Compute Market Repirts— I nriralled in detail and aeeuraey. 10. Answers (o inquiries. Each department is jwrfeet of its kind, and all combined make the best Weekly Newspaper rrer published. The Sexr York World has no superior on either side of (he Water as a Live, I! rill in id. Perfectly Appointed, Progressive Newspaper. I lioquullc d fffTS to < 111 It Al?'lll>. Bellefonte Enterprises the Sexc Year liellefonle 11 promises to develop into (he mo*l prosperous of our inland towns —enter- prise after enterjirise is being started by Ihe capital of our puhtir sjdrited citizens. The CAR WORKS are. rtm niny to their full rapacity, our GI.AW* WoilXH are opening xcilh every shoxc of success, (he ST KK.I, WORK* trill give em ployment to 100 men, the NAIL WORK*, for tcho*e suerest den. Heaver vouches, trill shortly offer employment to hun dreds of people —all these public enter prises trill put Bellefonte in ihe ran of prosjterous and tride-atcake towns. Here, then, is room and place for lively, sjnrilrd and active young men. Among the best and most successful business enterprises organized recently is the LARGE ASI) WELL FILLED FI RMTUPE ROOMS of JOHN PROUDFOOT t* CO., opposite the. Bush House—nothing like it in the County. If visitors to Bellefonte trill only take, the trouble to rail at our Store they trill be surprised at the quality, style and f/ricrs of first-class Furniture. We are aiming to buy all goods direct ly from the manufacturers without the intervention of agents, so as to offer goods at bottom figures. ONE profit is sufficient. We propose to fill your homes with Parlor Suits, Bed Room Suits, Sofas, Odd Chairs, Tables, any thing and everything in Furniture at prices lower than yon can get in this County. We mean just what tee say. We also offer the public the services of Mr. JOHM PBOCDFOOT, who has a thorough knowledge, of the UNDER TA KINO business, and who will keep on hand COFFINS, TRIMMINGS, dr., together with a first class 11 KAR*K. Fair prices only %eill be charged. Give us a trial. JOHN PROUDFOOTd CO. 17-3 m Auditor's Notice. nnHE undemignrtl, *u Auditor ftp- J. aofaltd lit DM Optwu..* omr of OtaU maatj, la mailt dbdiihaMoa of tht fount la Ifc* bond#of tbt AdmlnkHrat,** of lb* *tal . f floorgt W. Rojtr, eoaaod. to tad .au*) ibt. kftllf talllltd ibofHo. will li*ad In lb* doll** of bw MpaMMtat al hit aSSem, In Btlltfotilo. oa Mod>,, Jan* U, IW, al to A. wh"ii and nbata nil pink, la laltratl nia ra> .imM lo tllood. nam ELI.n It ORYI*, Aadftor. "ItEE HIVE" Storet. r P H E GIIE A T BEEHIVE ONE PRICE STORES, BKLLKPONTK, PA. SPRING & SUMMER 1882. (irand l>i*/itay of tin Entirr Sew Stork of' Coot lit at Prirrn that Htfy (etrn petition. There hating been ttoh on untettleel feehmj among Jmpirtert an.t .\fauufaeturert of late tee hare been rtpeeially Feasting in the purr hate of our XKW stock: /fanny been ft naeeteil with 11 lan gt Whole tale f(hi*.. for t nanv year* in Setr York giret ut an aetranlage orer .nanv I efA* in the iiurrhate of ftuod*. Ifaring wat. he t with an eagle eot every ■ 'pp-rtumly ami trhenerer a eone'ttum hat been njfere./ tee hare taken aetrantagr • of i / atut fatrhetf in. fly working ete y article in plain figuret, a net al uniform percentage abo re eott, i-ur euttomeri aloayt etertre the benefit of trrrv bargain that re obtain EVER J' DEPARTMENT IS ROW COMPLETE. DRESS GOODS, SILKS, PRINTS —A*t— DOMESTICS. HOSIERY, NOTIONS it Till M MINGS, LINENS, WHITK GOODS* LACKS, WOOKSTKD A KMItUoIDERIRS, SHOES, CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS * MATTINGS, GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS, MERCHANT TAILORING. P.rmil u to offer thank, to our many pa tron. for the confidence rn.nlfe.ted by them in our mode of doing bu.ineM. By .ticking to the ONE PRICK and no mUreproeentalion plan of offering our good, to the public, we hope to merit an increased continuance of their pa tronage. Very reepectfully your., GOLDSMITH A BROTHER. New York Office, \ ®7 Franklin tt. J 17-4 m JS. it- A. LOEIt, Gent-rut Merrhantu, Athtjhen y-St,, IlrHrj'tmtr, Pa. SAVE MONEY WHEN TOD CAN! ANY ONE CAN DO IT BY FOLLOWING THE ADVICE BELOW. GROCERIES. We are aelliug all clawe# of GROCERIES at prices below any grocery Htore in Rellefonle. .bowing a wiving of Scent, per pouoti on "" w'a pie 11 n article e COFKKK; 10 cent, on SYRUPS s 2 rent* on HACON; from 10 to 2. r cent* per bu.liel on POTATOES; a few cent, on every article of everyday coii-umpiion that goe* into the hou-e. Produce we nlwiiy. .ell nt .ante price, which <* pay lor it, thereby saving the consumer an extra profit that in alway. cuurged by exclu.tve grocery atoren. BOOTS AND SHOES. \\ v are selling nil kinds of HOOTS and SHOES in wonderfully large variety anil extra good quality, at price, Or below any exclusive nlioo .tore in Centre county, equality n. good as can be nnidc, and prices .peak for themselves. CLOTHING. We are selling all size of MEN'S, YOUTH'S and CHIL DREN S Cl.t (111 I N't; at an euormoin n.vingon any exclusive clothing store, guaranteeing linings, trirnuiings and workman hip superior to any other ready tnade Clothing sold in this runty, and equal to atiy custom made work. Patches nt- luroilbld witti all children', nttitn. AN e make u specialty of the celebrated v ;em, Adler A t'o.'a manufac ture, of Rochester, which is conceded by all to be the best in the l.'uited Slates. CARPETS. Wo are selling ull grade - of Carpet#, ranging from the cheajwst to the best, at lower price, than any store in I'i-llefonte, and have the largest variety to bo found in the County, which lias only to be -een to be vertfii-d. Carpel, cut, lit, made and laid down in tour bouses on short notice. DRY GOODS. In Dry (iixsls we are determined not to !><• undersold, and have an exceedingly large Hock, comprising ever)thing in the line that the name implies. Dre-a (Joods in every new shape < ut, Muslius, Calicos, J.mens, House Furnishing Good*, in t, . anything and evervtiling, bought right and offered right. NOTIONS. In Notions ami Trimming# our s! ck i full of noveltie#. at the very lowest prices. GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. Hats, <"ap, Shirt-, Suepeuder#, Collar#, Culi-, Hosiery, etc. Just csll and convince your-elv. . R> ?n won't al ■ u-*to explain fully. Why can we do all tlii-'.' Simply Ik '•au.E w< deal in everything. We make a per o! •> h i ; ..rim- t t one I ?nt hor the other of our ever llicr- aMli** I irin<- need he largely profitable, tut a very margin in < 'her uui up t- aati-ly us. ALL KINDS OF COUNTRY PRODUCE WANTED. P H f ' ALLEGHENY STREET, IJa VV FIT BELLEFONTE. PA., The Oldest General Merchants in t cntrc county. KHtnhlishetl in 1 H.")'2. SECII I.ER t CO., flrttrern, Ilnnh Honor Ilhtrk, Ilrtte/imtr, Pa. NEW GOODS —FOR THE— SPRING ami SObIER TRADE!! - mm - \\ e Mil MHVOMI ID |M |IM VI-I V lx-t of every thing in our line, ami nw j have some really CHOICE GOOHIS. FIXE CHE AM CHEESE, Extra Lanro FRENCH PRUNES, SELEC T O FN TEES, S M EET POTA TOES, LA HOE EIPE CRASH FEE lI.S, PRCXEI.EES, IMPERIAL FIGS, HIIIOHT NEW I.EM OSS, II.OH IHiOR AS EES, Princess Paper-Shell Almond., Evaporated DRIED PEACHES. A FULL LINE OF CHOICE CANNED FRUITS. PRESERVED PEARS, I'EA CUES, PL IMS and PRUSEELES. PLAIN CANDIES. FINE CONFECTIONERY, -AMI GOODIES of all Sorts and Kinds. t.-jf We invite the |>op!r of Centre county to mil and in-prc! nnr NICE , GOODS, which cannot fail to phase. .. SECHLEH A CO. Subpoena in Divorce. 6to.MTT> .IIHI.I In Ik- IWI ftfCfetotoo* I )•*.( u. , ) -nirv i. ui.i). ho. I, a, i a ■ra.a .ten ) Im, Iwt THE umler.igncd, a Cummianioiier JL appdltlleil |ijr |h# to UlielMtllß ffiJ ill •Imtntaaf, will *ll4 04) I 4 ll* 4ut<** ft •• mpv*4u%- meni m lit* r#f, in |b |i*!(*D, * fßlUATjfcl dmj of it NR. A. U IIRIM 10 k, A Ait Ielra1*1 u*teJ *M* I 1 #P4\ A A I>Al.i: NOTICE.—Notice 1-J I. h-nkt eu.n that miw> InMnftiurr Ik. Mt.l. Mg Hni, il. <1 u>nj,i|.. .wtowl. tan Iw-n (imlel i the •atorrlhe.*, r-*i toet> nf mU bBOu|i XII rM. kinvlM Ihm- Mlm IIMI. t>l n.k> lemnldkU an. Ilm. k*ti;.s flnln. at be IMHIU, *lll aak. km*, tb* mane etthu*. W;. a o. ani.Tf, i *.„ tani tee** . Be. uAMMuan. i "'""i'"' ffiff C • te T'< • r*r ml ft. New Brockcrhofif House. 13R0CRRKH0FF HOUSE, 1> Ai i-viHii ni ftT., niM.arnNTX, r# C G MILLKN. Prop r. (font Sample Room on Ftret Floor, ll. 10 tnb from .11 Train* .|wMrlM T VU.MMM and iamta. 4-1 OUSH HOUSE, I > HKi.i.icmxTK. ra., FamlltM .til alnata a-uil.ra. r., e* ll a. Ua em aval ItaHta. laMk .M ' -mm-r' l *1 an-it ara i*tlla4 to (hia Mr. 11 lu. ll at- 1 h— (to-j *lll .a. hnv entotorta at mumkl. rataa. Ulani ratolli. to Jaiimni aM ethara aUa*4in| Oaarl W. a. TXU.BB, Auditor's Notice. r pHE auditor appnintrd by the Or -1 f ham' |\am at tVntea Maatr to waha •HatrtMi- U. <4 Ik- hM to the tnnV at Jattm W. .-Waa-V more, .natatal to make L MM real wtoto • t Mi W lttUiaa. lata at ll*ai<* to*aht|>. MaeawM. *lll ai'atal l 11)a a,* nt Ma iwnataml at Ito ■M e, In B,lU< *ta. em MUSI V*. ton llb to .1 JI MS. A l. I*4. at It *Vbe kH-ttonaMtom all j arttoa fcenetl M| al><*J II th-> ihltk ranopaa si-'* n r PoßtifrT, #£•. Mew jy{. KIiAZILIi'S I LOOT Birr r.. VtmrUi'* H>*A *r* :oi -!•*?/; ah op Imttt **#. hut mr* alHdly <*. <>|< tual io # i.r* Thmy mr i UfMrti Ilia ||w r ai <••#• I i < nt.o *4 • tft) iiiiptint) Pr IH/t.i.iH*, j{. *J, . f |JJ . f| ## t i 1A L '•'*> I* ' ,II| MR IHF4), I'LKIJ H# | " Uittg, Lr>**{l* TV*TA £>#> , HI'I F,r )OQT)K •NFFP.RU FF ti' ia V*KF>AR or FUTILITY RU#4 frtnn LIAJ*U4#UR, WINL |. # ,IT I l/'ulih, hu/imt * U t I. cu f * <• *frtJJr ( RI OIIIMCIIDHT, In. Km* lT I hit.. unyj t w unt!<* *,f your Ko Hitters f./r |> a i| .< V\Vkii- ki d hniw y Di.-**,., and i|ry IfJ ui- * ,*/j f( r •iid *ll lh' J *<> ufd pr'tn the tHat., Sole PropV I'l IWJR R, SEW IFURK. CWEIJISII BITTERS. Till, (illKAl Swwliih DYNJ-RPRIH REMEDY ! H,*- ' Ul>-f I I IT- VI 111,, unit,, FLI |„, FIT of LLIL. Viral K OIED) I. >l. b, I).. M I,|| M,„ U M ULLM.III, UB I, MI ~,, T.-.-LF I ,„,4 IU ,|„ ,OUI,U. •."•L-LLII* U. UI-..trie- Svrti.v,,! ILL, I . In profuaa abuudai.. <■ I.J ii,< U,.1„ , l(r , k •>,4 an* < M MOUNTAIN, „L X I*> A U4 H) N ~,,| I.aa, IN'OSAACTLOA *ITI, ~N,,1|„ A A~.,,|~., 0 U .„,J aiiiunr Ibaiuarlva* .>, L I Y |„, J,.., U OL „ UL LL( . GRMLMT R> INWJIE. I t , ,A,T ) A NI I^uln plaint tli! ha> U>II K, I, In plmin* 11,1. |,r.|,itt,„, t), public . . ,1,1,41) InliM* thai *r bata f,11,.i |oi, Ml nant b> iri.iii* . i,,..1M,. , ~ , 1(B|y I,TP"MLJ I. T1.1., |,UI * ill |.,..1.A. IT . PFIA, K.|n) aii'l I.HMI-ttipl.i. ta- I all It,.ir ,rh . '• t, tiirb i N tjf M-•!.., .•, k 11-..'!/ U, I'm,tt* in !' .ij. m'"i |la k.fMj.uti r, ft ||, t V; 1,1 ' ' V. HNIM IL& OIL.• it FB*- *1 FIT f i fUnottiU, |/ I*li rit. gs TIIF*-- •!<*-• ll] RI)*TV 11* UN*-. A**. iif )IF >R TI'TTI. # ' ITIT.B'AIJ PRIC*. 7.S (Wfltl | Y The New Summer Resort. sJPIUNG MILIaS HOUSE, K M'KlMfi MILI.n, TKNTHK CW.VTV, PA , Tnrminnauf 11. Um.l,uri; a>„) Tyrant 14 TRILLS LIMA ILFIIRJ -NTO, T' • I * LIE* H ,11.4 IIL F)ITTJR FUT'IULI* 1 IH trrr* Unny t'h'iloy T . RIIF" 11 I >i . h%*uUto>* ot flttmtm. 11-' -if IP tii(rjrutin* I.) J*T?~ 11> fr*u* *f*'l |rtl uir|| '* ;m \ jt. j, , fb,. r>u>rfk>ti to h#-*l!4 t j- !!• affli, ♦#.. ,t! I'ntii. inarr .f ' rUu.U M*l* RIAL ',!* ,.} r *.{ 1 Max J RF %<■• *M IT (*-t*-4.|T -- i i* n Un. mir} null , • . . * i ; k |f,, fri.ti n.LLH A ft .A F*RETH . . A tA lnst. it) **.,. HAJTO TTTLLJ |RE*|.' | AII. UT.* RC ♦ fiiOi'-lati M POr'ULAt PKICU. i'er Art rl< * a .t i } i• }'af*t*d to f'rtit'a 1 tM't, at*- ut t*o tf!i* < - fun mn ' ur* *titi' AN<5 SJ.TUIA I IUIIIOAD, ANR UIIL NUKE IT a PLEASANT SUMMER RESORT. ■• j ft. of ' ' • * in t . TI fjuoHat# t I'imjij A <*4# ' * * AT ft* VJ I.T iii !*♦ L.'Utid (UKLI'TM ML TIUII t -STOR* JB* . ; ? * pKXTUAL HOTEL, t A#J*. • 5# 11 •- I ># t.f, . • tLi>m Ku, t Niki 14i >rr. ri A. A K*'JiLl>Ki K KR, Pr<>|flc*lof. T :iR"L .1! I 1.1 lU* N TLI* r#- MAD *ill UIID >!*}• mu f mi* t. Jut-, l ot a RWNAI I AI L 7 I.AI.Nr T J .I t RMI.UT** 4* piLKB! PILES! PILES! .i si ui i rj:r: rot \r> AT LAST x o USE S'El fl St FhEH' A . .. i , I , |1.,, I HIM. IUU, andtlra. •' ' . i 3 .u, i,i , A, ~ , M .| ,„f,, MLNTIAA • F'.L a).j,111,§ II . A .MIR! N.L|.,T,P 1T... t, iM4h,in,i> ai l •hnal* tin l„,.i, a:la> alb*, -ni. n.< >t.b i a. (fwnirnlatt) at * ia! t ,fn, i • TI * NS IN '■ "I. WIA* A ,M* <•* Mtat T %t-l IL LUIF I t \h# WIHT IAJT* S I -1 ♦'< V)<*LL 'H 14. ad H*T v-m IT I* J. II %.I ( , IARD a! t I. u „ f l , Iffdnatt IM. .,■ | itMXp F "•< 1 H W •th ,11'TI • ikl. an li' lmnti' lt. iief A* Ito.'a Ilk tab 0 • 1r i, I R I.J alt , .► * I truui"D OT ttrr* it Toi I - N • AE v M.. KRI YORK (sENTHK COUNTY BANKING V' (OUPANV RWY4* * W| Aud ALKN TUT'N! haruii' S ' |ia ; Buy AT.* FIOS " W Mid Copr>R*A. J*r \ Etirifc,Pr J L PRAIIIF .OKAHIFT MF CANCER REMOVED, W'LILLOL T K.N H I:. HH.i in nn, FT f f IAMB MUtfcMt ptlt 4 ;i l \ M | f.-Jll.H LL-iir* E-'ITF* fVn IS, llrff fitn>rtn nml tirnrrrif n. J IARPLK BIUiTHKHS, 'I IUM. fTI.BIT, LITLH ICIPTI, P. Havt' lh. il f .'fit 'l* nriii h.iv, * fllUxi with NEW GOODS, ( RANK RETT ItATFS INmhp*dpt , BANKRUPT UATKiS i BANKRUPT RATES WNMI TIIKT ORRKK AT BOTTOM rUH BOriOM PRICES, BOTTOM PRICES, WXEIRRIKU or Jjrv G.nyin, Millinery Omit, Fancy (iixih, Ni>tica. Ac, ROOTS SU> KB BOOTH nn.J BHOK.I I vary LO I rice., B(M>TH nn.L HHdW HATH ND CAPS ULMULYLMNI HATH and CAPS HATH and CA 13 Carrwd LSAF*. Umbrella*. Pnrpaala, Ladle*' Cloak H OarpMiaf, Bmnria, (^uaenn nam. Ac. | BA PTM la a IM. lIARPEH JUbOTIIEISS, •r*uto rraxrr. . . mu.LEroirTß.rA. oovnmr promts IO in at IN* MFBML aaarfcat PRW, ).|, $5 TOMOCA!SISS.T! MOIAD. n*4iia- it}) SuWriha for the CttHTmaD AMocaaT