Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, June 01, 1882, Image 8

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    fhe Centre gtewaernt.
Thursday Morning, June 1, 1882.
OflUHPOSsiNri, containing Important news, solid!-
• d from any part of the county. No communk allen-
Ineerled unless accompauled by tlis rsal name of the
Centre County Democratic Oom
inittoe —1802.
•nvaicrs. nans. • "• "**•
BslleluiiU.N. W r W |T Reber. -Bsllrroute.
•• 8. W..Cbihrlesi ftmlth
•* W. W.. Jajnt*M ScliolUld.-. "
Howard Boro Howard Brlcklsy lltiwyd.
Mll~l.org .0. K. Klngtou.. M ~burg.
MiUlioim A. a*ltar* Millliolm
rblUpsburg- l) . w - 'l" 11 Phlllßeburg.
UakrovUla..—••••• J-C Smith ■..Fleming.
lUmirr Uriah Hto.sr Bellefouts.
<'• A McLaughlin. Mlleaburg.
Burnable William Hlppl#—Pin# Olau.
Gullets Prank Taylor Lstuoot.
CutUn Prsdk. Rohb Ilowsrd.
Ferauson. O. P A. J Ore jdorl—.Plaa Grove Mill*.
.. x p I. 11. lleberllug-Rock Springe.
Omg . P..'. MI. Risbel Spring Mills
" N P Brnj Umbwrt—.
Haines...' •; *; Kslstar- Asronsburg
11&1 ..M........ t. T- Gray...™ Hall Moon.
|Urrl Jsm*e Klmpurl. lloaUt org.
Howard Oarld Tanver Howard.
Huston y. MUM Julian.
I il.rtv W. 11. Gardner llla-ichard.
Marlon.. J-J- Hoy.. Walker
George Haines—.W'oire Ftore,
P-.,,,,, ). 1.. Meek Huflalu Hon
II. K. l)ock Mlllhslm.
Poller, N. P G W BtmnglerTuwreyvllle.
.. g. p J. Witiuer Woll-Ceotro Hall.
B lu ,h 1 William Gul|en_-.Sandy Ridge.
Snow Slioa William llalnoa.- Pn..w Shoe.
gnriiiK T. M. IWrnliart. . Bellefonte.
Taylor Vinton lb* kwith..Fowler.
lluloo Clirmlaii Hoover.Fleming.
Walker Andrew Kreanrrllublersl.org.
Worth W. G Morrison—Port Matilda.
R. U. FORriTKR, Chairman.
11. A. McKss,Secretary.
Local Department.
_lx>, lU-rj"HQR EnTjr, wingfrl with
Srattvring <-ltimni<"i riim'ini a fll.
The steps of men with h-ttrwl doth pursue,
With h*c*nl aspect, blasting to the view.
The song of the lawn mower is hoard
in the land.
—The small boy now "whoops er up"
to his heart content.
—The curb-stone market now flourisheth
as the green bay tree.
—Boys are like meerschaum pipes, they
need a little age and color to render them
—Rev. Noble, of Pleasant Gap, preach
ed in the Methodist church on Sunday
—Our gentlemanly jeweler, Mr. F. C.
Richards has treated his house to a coat
of fresh paint.
—Mr. C. A. Lindsey, of Iloutxdale,
spent last Sabbath here. Cards, cake and
orange blossoms soon.
—The regular meeting of the Methodist
sociable will bo held next Tuesday even
ing. All are invited.
—W. C. Heinle, Esq., has so far recov
ered as to be able to walk down to bis of
fice, assisted by his cane.
—Foot ball on .he Diamond is about as
near as Bellefonte can approach to the
Olympian games. Oh, well.
—Mr. Shroyer, father-in-law of Mr.
Daniel Garman, was taken suddenly ill on
Sabbath evening, but is now recovering.
—Mrs. Pennepacker, the esteemed wife
of Rev. Pennepacker, has been ill for
three weeks, but is slowly recovering.
—Mr. Lew. Shaeffer is trouting in |the
Alleghenies. The speckled beauties will
jump at Lew's bait, in a lively manner, no
—Prothonotary Harper sports a button
hole boquet of lilliea of the valley, ne
believes in moderate exterior personal dec
—Pbilipsburg is to have numbered
houses, too. The same party doing the
work that so efficiently (?) attended to his
business here.
—Mr. J. Calvin Weaver, special agent
of the Brooklyn Life Insurance Company
of New York, wended his way to Wil
liamsport on Tuesday.
—The commissioners have put a neat
railing around the desk of their clerk,
this will not prevent Mr. Walker being as
entertaining as ever.
—The Sunday aervice, including tho ad
miniatration of tho Lord'* aupper, in the
Episcopal church wa* conducted by Rev.
Black, of Williamsport.
—Mr*. Frank McCumaey, better known
aa Mit* Libbie Ward, of Kenovo, i* viait
ing her parent* who reaide on I'enn street.
Her two littlo daughter* accompany her.
—Mr. David I. Paraon*, whom every one
know* to be a carpenter of no little repute,
baa returned to Bellefonte, and await* the
order* of any who may need hi* aervice*.
—Read the advertiaement of John B.
Linn, Esq., executor of tbeeatateof Dan'l
Derr, dece**cd. He offer* an unusally
large aaaortment of peraonal property at
public aale on Saturday, Jun* 3, #2.
—The friend* of Mi*a Emily Jacob*, o(
Penn atreet, will be pleased to know that
ber illness wa* not occasioned by a stroke
of apoplexy, a* at Orst reported, but the
result of a fall. She ia recovering rapidly.
—Mr. G. B. Perkins, of Lock Haven,
while repairing the telephone conneeting
bia residence and store, fell and waa badly
injured. Mr*. Perkina wa* visiting the
family of Rev. R. C. Crittenden, at the
—The Bartholomew heir* are sanguine
of securing the fortune that has for many
year* awaited a claimant in Germany, and
toward which their wistful eyea have for
aome time been turned, in anxious expec
—Mr. K L. Gray, editor of the Daily
Africa, ia still kept indoors. He la conva
lescent, however, an d aa cheerful aa can be,
writing many of the moat brilliant article*
for bia enterprising sheet and the Republi
—Our friend, Mr. D. M. Neidigh, of
Ferguson township, u in town, one day
last weok, with hi* family, and while in
one of the store* discovered thut hie littlo
boy WHS missing. Diligent search failed
to reveal the youthful meanderor's where,
shouts end speculations of an abduction
caso were freely indulged in. Becoming
satisfied that the boy was not in town Mr.
N. started home, and upon arriving there
was told that the boy had not returned.
The misery of the fond parents can be
moro easily imagined than described;
after assuring himself of the boy's absence
from homo, Mr. Noidigh retraced the way
to Bellefonto and when about six miles
from this placo, tho object of so much
paternal solicitude was discovered wending
his weary way homeward. When asked
where ho was going ho said, "to (Jrand
pa's," and seemed none tho worse on ac
count of his unnecessary pilgrimage.
After having successfully resisted the
manifold charms of maidoH loveliness for
many years, our esteemed friend Mr. K.
C. AVoods, capitulated at last. The lady
upon whom Ed. saw fit to bestow tho at
tention of a devoted lover, and will now
essay to be a perfect helpmeet to, was
known as Miss Sallio (iarbor. Tho nup
tials wero solemnized by Rev. McArdle, at
his residence, on Tuesday evening. Our
earnest wish is that time may deal gently
with Mr. and Mrs. Woods, and that the
union thus formed may result in much
good to both.
—"Mamma, is tho old hen going to be
sent away for the summer ?" "No, Charlie,
but why do you ask?" "Well, 1 heard
papa tell tho new governess that they
would have a flno time when ho sent the
old hen away for the summer." Mamma
put little Charlie to bed, after giving him
a dose of .Sines' Tar, Wild Cherry and
Hoarbound for his cold, telling him he
would be well in tho morning ; and then
she laid for papa—and only for his having
a bottle of Roberts' Embrocation in tho
house, might have been a cripple for life.
—One of Tyrone's prominent and en
terprising business men, Mr. J. F. King,
left that place on Wednesday, of last weok
for parts unknown, leaving a wife, four
children, and an unsettled business. Press
ing demands of creditors, which he aould
not meet, are said to have caused him to act
so stranglv. No doubt he will be able to
explain every thing satisfactorily- when he
chooses to do so.
—Rev. D. M. Wolf, county superintend
ent, while in town on Monday called at
the DEMOCRAT office. There is an element
of cheerfulness in our friend's mako up
that always infuse* new life into every
one near him. Hi* report of the work
accomplished in tho various school* of our
county, now nearly all closed, i* highly
gratifying and shows that the school going
public is being well taken care of.
—The towering form of our member of
Congress, Hon. Andrew O. Curlin, was
noticeable on our streets on Saturday.
This is Mr. Curtin's first furlough from
aetive participation in the deliberations of
the body of which he is so distinguished a
member, since the holiday*. He is enjoy
ing good health and never was more jolly
or In better spirit*.
—lf you have any desire to succeed in
and enjoy life, avoid unpuncttial people.
They impede butines* and poison pleasure.
Would you bo able to command the com
posure indipcnibl* to true happiness,
make it a ruin to bo five minute* too noon.
The habitual loiterer i not only alway* in
hot water, himelf, but keep* every one
near him in the name feverish tate.
—The lecturo by liev. A. B. Jack, on
Monday evening, ' a truly enjoyable
affair. Tho life, character and work of
Sir Walter Scott passed in panoramic
beauty before the audience, eliciting many
outburst* of applause, doing all good. The
house wa.< tilled by a large and appreciative
Mr. Geo. Hopkin*, an employee at the
car works, whose duly It ii to attend the
engine in capacity of fireman, was fright
fully burned on Friday. An explosion of
ga forced open the furnace door and com
pletely enveloped tho unfortunate man,
burning bin face and hand* horribly. He
ia improving rapidly.
—l)r. Fiaher desire* us to ray to the
A'ew* that the atory of one of hi* hog * im
priaonment in a well, containing two feet
of water, for one week, ia poaitirely cor
rect. The animal waa taken out aaaoon a*
diacovered and with exception of an empty
atomach and trivial atiffneaa of it* limb*, i*
well and enjoying life, aa only a bog can.
—Jail bill, on Sunday afternoon wa* the
acene of what might have been a aanguin
ary conflict between two oppoafng faction*
of Bellefonte'a ladiea of color. Stone*,
brick*, and innumerable red-mouthed ana
thema* were hurled promiacuooaly, but
doing little damage.
—lf there i* any one perton or thing
that Mr. W. A. Tobiaa hate*, It i* a book
agent. On bia office door "Book agent*
not admitted," 1* intended to frighten
away the*e gentry of hard, well-pounded
* —Mr. Jorome Yohey, a moat etienable
young man, wbo work* at Duncan, Hale
A Co.'a mill*, got two of bt* finger* faat in
a pair of cog wheel* on Monday morning,
tearing on* off entirely and fearfally lacer
ating and maahlng the other.
WHTT —Lock Havon paper* complain
of a scarcity of local new*, whilo every
day tho occurrence* in Hellcfonte are more
tnultitudinoua than apace will permit.—
BelU/onte Mica.
Well, our dear Irlond, why don't you
roll up your HIIMIVOS and record thorn, in
stead of publishing nothing, a* it were.—
Lock Haven Journal.
Hat her cool.
DECOHATIOK DAY. —Without uny pro
tentiou* bustle and foolish prattle, Gregg
l'oat, (J. A. K. wont quietly to work, and
when tho organization* taking part in tho
cercmonie* formed in line on High street
all were surprised and dulighted with tho
grand display and unusual interest. Tho
following conatitutcd the procession:
Pleasant (lap band, Company 11.,N.(i. P.,
(iregg Post, (1. A. 11., Undine and Logan
Hose companies, Ilecla Drumcorpt, Lodge,
U. o. A M. and Bojra blanch, V. M. 0.
A. After traveling the principal streets of
town tho Union Cemetery wa* visited and
the grave* of soldiers and others beautiful
ly and lovingly decorated. John 11. Linn,
Esq., delivered the oration, which was a
touching and masterly expression of tho
sentiments of all when memory unfurl* nor
tablet and spreads before us tho record of
the devotion, privation and death of the
many who rushed to the defense of our
Country in her hour of greatest need.
The citizens of Hellefonlc never witnessed
a finer demonstration.
MILESHIRO ITEM-.—A lire broke out
in Mr. Joseph Swires bouse, near the lime
kiln, last week, and w'as making good
headway when it was discovered in time
to be controlled and excepting quite a hole
in the roof no damage was done. A few
momenta longer would have been time
enough to have start'-d a conflagration.
Wo advise the gentleman, who at
tempted to ej.-ct that nasty big dog the
othor evening, to arm himself with a club
or a revolver-
Tho fluid Kaglo Lodge, I. O. ci F. do.
*ire to tender a vote of thank* to Mr. II
K. Hick* for tho presentation of an ele
gant hanging latnp for their hall. They
comidor I hern sol vet individually under ob
ligation* to him They have a fine room
and are juatly proud of it.
Tho moving of tho Ksxington & Coovor
boiler from the car to it* foundation was a
gigantic enterprise and took from twelve
to twentv-flvn men about three day* to
accomplish it. It weigh* I',ooo pound*.
Mr. J. I*. Hoileau and hi* mother, who
have been visiting friend* in tho northern
part of tho Ftate, have returned.
Mr. Heverly i making extensive re
pair* on hi* dwelling house. also building
an addition to it.
Who will ay that Milntburg it behind
the time* now. We are to have a genuine
circu* hereon the stb of June.
After one of the most plea*ant and p.rofit
able session* on record, our public u hoolt
cloted on Friday last. Tho examination*
having been finished prior to that day it
wal devoted entirely to exercise* of a mis
cellaneous rharar ter. The upstair* school*
ended their work at noon and the little
one* rushed out, when dirni**cd, a* though
released from bondage, yet there were
noticeable many eye* moittcnod with tear*,
as the realisation crossed their mind* that
they might never again meet in the capac
ity of school* in a body, and as tho little
girl* crowded around their teacher* to kis*
them good bye the scene was affecting,
telling, a* it did, in unmistakable language,
that the pmpil* not only re*p.ected their
counselor* but loved them a* well.
Th four higher grades gave an enter
tainment in the afternoon. The program,
a copy of which wo append, wan prepared
with a view oPaffording any whochono to
attend an hour or two of literary enter
taiment. It peak* fr itself :
T>i* Pnmmir fit
|h Itmnte n "Tb* bll'Ur, (riirw,"..,. I. CI
**••!( ~**Th* <jnM* t Tb OrftM," f*. hcM>l
?~r lftmfttln "?*{*•# ..C hurl™
I>or !*mHen "Poly | hmti* n I K-lUr
ttWMIi P*A'irif Onm-w
R**ding ... O'Mnff, <r <mf*| (Wtm,"
BUh'H F*mH*
Dm UmMi'di ft l.ittU IVy hnevi
Thing*.' WftHrf IsTfnt it<-r
H"W ... *Twtr kern hair T+rrj~ At* Turks
OMfltttli 'Brfgfcfl NmtollM
lUrttatlo**..... .'Mftcct* mtx\ 1* K*t |f. khnttt
fVmff yftftnM."
Ibcilftlioß "Th* Strftftgvr In Him ht," l-inm*
D* Unfttl"i ...."Th Ownlry Ctt#tonMr,** Mnrrtft
|b>ii# ........ 'fmnmof Rftin."
Rlt?i* "i>n* • Rlo ftd >o* In Minnl* OxA
lwUmtl"n ' The liiue* ftn'l lb* llinv K*ll*r
Pallkotk OIM "Ul tb* IIHU and ¥al#t R*
■ntliiit ftcbool
Our limited acquaintance with the mem
ber* of tho nchool* prevent* our making
mention all who took part in the exorcise*,
and *o excellent wa* the character of the
performance* that we he*itate to tingle out
the few with whom we are acquainted.
Huffice it to ay that each wa* all that
could have been expected. Quite a num
ber of the patron* and friend* of the
schools were in attendance, among whom
we noticed Mntri. 11. H. Pontiut and
John iloffer, director*.
Nothing transpired during the term to
detract from the beneficial nature of the
work don*. Each of the teacher* teemed
admirably fitted for promoting the Inter
e*U of the (chool* placed under her or hi*
charge, and rather than Incur any ri*k<
of Mcuring, for the coming term, other*,
not *o signally qualified, it would be a*
well to employ the tame corps.
The colored school under the manage
ment of Mr. A. D. DeLaney ha*flourished
grandly, and to-day is in a far belter con
dition than at any time in the peat. This
gentleman haa by strict attention to his
duties, genteel demeanor, and evident
adaptability to the need* of the school, won
the respect of all.
—Quit buying humbug medicine*. If
you are not well, take PKHUNA. If cos
tive, MANALIN.
—Doll A Mingle'* stock of ladies fine
shoe* is especially tasty, anything from
$1.25 up to $5.60.
—Gents, call at tho lice Hive for nobby
silk, maiiilla, arid straw hats, fleet selec
tion in lielleforite.
—lf you have no PKBU.NA pbamplet gel
one immediately. Address H. 11. HART
MAN A Co., Osborn, O.
—A new postofflce ha* been created in
this county, and Charles W. Keith ap
pointed postmaster. Where is Guyer ?
—The Hoe Hive has tho finest and largo
est assortment of white dress goods in
town. Ladies will do well to note this.
Remember all boys' and men's boots
and shoe* at the B"o Hive will bo di'posej
of at cost to close out the stock. <>ll j
Men's fine low shoes and slippers in
great variety, also a fine lino of button
shoes, either hand or rnuchinu made, at
Doll A Mlngle's.
Pelicitiou* flights of fancy, nr cthereai
idlizing can only bo indulged in and en
joyed t perfection behind one of Mr
Harry Green's cigar-.
—Doll A Mingle Justly claim to have j
the largest and chcapo-l slock of boot* and j
shoe* in Centre county. A trial will r<-
innv.. all doubt*.
—Call at the 800 Hive and see their
large and elegant line of sun umbrellas and
lace trimmed parasols, the largest and
cheapest assortment in town.
—The lleo Hive is the place to buy
men's and boy * boots and shoes, a they
intend to give up that line, and are selling
off the stork at and below cost to make
room for other g'*>d*.
—Do not throw away this issue of the
DEMOCRAT until you have carefully studied
every w rd of what M"sr. S. A A Loeb
have to say in their advertisement, to be
found in another column.
Mrs. H C. Weaver while visiting her
parents at Harritburg, wa- taken ill with
some malarial affection. Hhe expect* so. n
to return and we trust the pure air >.f our
mountain city may *|>eedily etf.-ot a cure.
—We had the plea^uro of meeting Mr.
Nathan H >ugh, of Wolf-'s store, .-n M n
day. Mr. Hough it a lumberman aid
farmer of many y-ars experience, aid
a genti'-man < f very |lea:ng address
Call again.
Mr. J. W. Miller,general sorr'tary of
the V. M. A , is to attend a convention
of te< rclaric* to a-s< ruble in an eastern i
city in a few days. The board of trustees
granting him the time and defraying his *
Mist Dollie Shafer and tho MISSES
Kintzing, a trio of Ixck Haven't fair
onrss, tarried in town last Thursday night.
They were en r<,ir to Huntingdon, there
to attend the nuptials <<f Miss Bessie
Pierce, daughter of Rev. John Pierce.
—The tor tit "Kolpctzer * horse' i as- i
sociated in the mind* of any who may
have seen the poor brute, with thoughts of
cruelty and inhuman treatment exceeding
belief. Why do not the authorities see to
it that the beast 1* properly cared for ?
Prof Henry Meyer, of Relersburg
late county suj>erintendent, favored us by
calling on Thursday last We understand
he has some idea of entering the field and
becoming a candidate for the Ix-gitlalure,
but our most careful questioning elicited
nothing, and we give this just as we got it
Rev. A. 11 Jack preached in the
Presbyterian church on Sunday morning
and evening. His sornion* were replete
with flowery expression and noble senti
ment. His articulation was anything but
distinct, and many complained of their in
ability to hear and understand all he said.
The house was filled each time.
—Mr. Alexander Pullen, of the Rrocker
hoff houae, was married on Tuosday eve
ning. at the Catholic parsonage, to Miss
Mary Kerns, daughter of Esquire Kern,
of Osceola. This happy couple are at
present enjoying all the ineffable felicity
of their honeymoon—the same we trust
may continue their'* while time shall last
with them, and doubt not that conjugal
affection will render life, to them, worth
—A trio of Runker Hill's fairest resi
dent* visited us on Saturday. The cob
webbed corners of our sanctum (smiled,
and tho for-manv-years-unwashed window
pane* looked up in their modesty, con
gratulated one another, and actually shook
off" a portion of tho dust that has boon ac
cumulating for a long time. The ladies,
if they are a* earnest in making others
happy, a* are most of their sister*, will call
—Wilson, McFarlane A Co., call atten
tion to the only reliable Ready Mixed
Paint in the market. The Pioneer Pre
pared Paint I* not only uprior to any
Ready Mixed Paint sold but rival* pure
white lead in it* smoothness In working
and durability. This paint L guaranteed
by the manufacture not to crack or peel
within three year*. The guarantee I* not
only good for replacing the paint but it
will be put on if It should crack or peel
within the time ipeciljed. It will be to
your interest to call and saa Wilson, Me-
Parlana A Co., before purchasing cither
white lead or any other Ready Mixed
SrnlJfO MILL* NEW*.— Dr. J. li. Lelt
zoll started west on Monday, to visit
friend*, and probably find a home.
Mr. Ambrose Oenlzlo, one of tho stu.
dents attending the academy, attempted to
rido Grenoble's elevator, foil oil, and was
considerably hurt.
D. Hurrell, Esq., sold property Us
Mr. James Krape, of Pine Grove, for
Mr. W. R. Krape, the livery man, is
breaking ground for tho erection of a now
bouse near tho depot. William is a go
ahead, enterprising fellow.
The evening train *omo ago run over
and killed a valuable cow belonging to
Mr. J. 11. Wolf.
Krunirino'* mason-work is finished.
The house when completed will be a nice
one. Mr. John Coldren is doing tin- work.
Vonada Bros.' engine was partly de
molished some day* ago. The young men
can scarcely bear so heavy a loss ; they are
enterprising and industrious, however, and
will come out al! right in the end.
■ —The June number of Dcmorcsl's Mag
azine is an unusually attractive one. Mrs.
Alexander's interesting story, "Tho Ad
miral's Ward, is continued, and among
the shorter articles worthy of note rnav bo
mentioned "Tho Crown of June," "The
.Story of Lc-' ing, ' " lijorns'.jeme Bjornson
at Home," "The Country Wedding,' and
"Home Art and Comfort. Jennie Jun
continues her admirable "Talks with Wo
men, and "Topics of the Day" are pleas
antly written up The i arious departments
are full and interesting, especially that of
Fashion. The illustration' are numerous
and excellent, the frontpiece, "The Prin
ces in the Tower," an oil picture, being re
ally a gem of art.
-The „Vcics calls him "Governor James
A. Beaver. That's fight, laugh while you
can. D > you remember th plight of the
. >n of Erin, who Imagined it to be > < ex
ceedingly funny to jump over a fence,
take an excited bull by the horns and
shake him, that before doing so he laid
down aril rolled over and over in the ex.
ule rance of hi' , ■}• ? When you call our
townsman Governor so long in advance of
w hat they, who are to decide the rnatt< r,
hav- bad their say, v u arc a little too pre.
Mr. John li ltartrulf ha' become
domiciled in bis new quarters, and although
h" do" n-'t pr rr.ise to d > better work
than of old, I r that w. uld Is- hard t do,
he do" claim to be able to run out more
of i; This gentleman i' the leading car
ria-jo minufa lur>r of Centre county, and
wen th igh his success has been phemone
r.al, it has been deserved. He will be
pleased to have any and all see him before
contracting with any one else. Mr. J. N
Van <rmer services have teen secured
in tha capacity of business manager and
he invit'v hi* friends to give them a call.
—Company R, at Altoona last Friday,
acquitted itself nobly in passing through
the ordeal of regimental inspection. The
boys pride themselves in being able to
"strike it hard," whenever they are per
mitted to make the attempt. Space does
not allow u to report in full the royal
manner in which they were entertained ;
the superb marrhing ; the presentation of
the stand of colors, etc.; the side glance*
of our orderly sergeant, and the very ex
cellent lime each and all had.
—This is the a arranged for
the first entertainment of the Orchestra in
the Y. M. 0. A. Hall to-night :
1, VlaA+m." Ilrm*a
I K • ' BY* IMMMMI * Bata
X (4 flgarro. • • • M uri
4 1 N ll** M*k *t e, * . . ■
ft. Int— Violin MKS !(•!. I'lojH
ft of VMU" rin*ut<
7 *ln Kntivf Waftfe,* frWlWCrHbtloa,* IU)4MI
k UniMmuor," . lK.nlr*tt*
4. IHHl—l'ilfto, "SMttf**** llrMlf
Mi-* IHfel
11 Wlt-"K**? Faithful* ....
1-'. iaiiatii
I I'Uftfl \
11. Hoiiidik n
Yesterday a gentleman called at the
Philadelphia branch, priced the goods he
wanted to purchase, and then said he
wanted In look around. After awhile he
returned and bought extensively saying
that ho could not buy as cheap anywhere
else in town. Ho they all say.
Mr. J. Calvin Meyer, late assistant
principal of our public school* left for bis
home, at Aaronsburg, to-day. This talent
ed young gentleman ha* endeared himself
not alone to the member* of bit school,
but to *ll who were fortunate enough to
know him personally.
—Hechlcr A Co. still sell groceries and
everything in their line at the same reason
able price*. Thoy never had a finer stock
or took more pains to please ; give them a
—Several belligerent consumer* of ugly
tanglefoot attracted crowds in various
part* of town on Tuesday. Ar'nt you
ashamed of yourselvea ?
—The room* occupied by Smith, the
High street baker, have been neatly re
painted and papered and now look as neat
and nice a* any one might wish them.
—Mr. Wm, McKeever, al one tme
manager of tha BrockerbofT bouse, is rus
ticating here.
Rook A Dolan, cigar manufacturer* la
Bellefonta'a newest enterprise. Wo wish
it success.
—Give Mr. Burcbffeld, tho grocer, a
—Try Geo. H. Wolf'a tinware.
—MR. A. BRUM loit a valuable borao on
Tuesday nf^ht.
None*.—All owing Si nu* or
Count* tax for the year \hktj, in Bpring
township, inunt either pay it to rue at rny
homo during tho week or at Fortney 'a
office in Itellefonte, on Saturday afternoons
until July 1, after which 1 'will collect
it by law. Joa. TKKSKI.KK,
SW-vt Collector.
—Clothing, gont'a fumUhing good*
halt and capa, and a complete line of all
good* kept in a tlrat class clothing (tore*
at the Philadelphia Branch. All gooila
•old a cheap aa ran he to let continent and
only one price a-kod. Mr. Lcwin i* al
way glad to show gooda.
—Try tho excellent teai> now offered for
•ai by Mr. fco. W. Katon at the n-w
r U<rc in llrockerhoff house row. The
brand he sells for SI.OO per pound cannot
be equalled in town. Freah fruita, vege.
table*, conlactionery and tobacco and ci-
—Tho Butt*' bouae, under the manage,
rncnt of Mr. F. .\. Lehman, ia rapidly re
gaining all of iu old popularity. The
proprietor deairea ua to state that each ol
it* department*— tho hotel proper, the bar
and the restaurant—ha* undergone a com
plete renovating and improving proceaa,
and now desirea a fair ibare of public pat
ronage, assured of bia ability tw render
entire iatitfaction. Mr. Lehman, evident
ly, understand* his busines* and vv<- ask a
trial of him at the hand* of any who
•land in need of th<- aervicea of a r<a) jolly
landlord who run* a first class bouae.
—Spring and Summer season, 18F2,
M 'SSLEIT SUWK n</w O'tnjrlflr. Knrly or
der' solicited.
44-tf MoxroouKßY A Co., Tailora.
You can save from 100 to 200 per
cent, on a good dr<-., from 100 to -'too p-r
cent, or; a suit, from .'i*> to 100 per cent, on
a ; air of shoes, and in everything that you
need you will find it to your interest to
buy your good* where you g< t them at
first cost. LTU* A: Co.
Lyon A Co., are .losing out their
entire stock of dry gooda, clothing, boot*
and shoes at cost, in order to quit the busi
—lf you war t P. save money in your
purcha -s, go U> I.y n A Co.. as they art'
selling every thing at < -t. LTOJV A Co.
s.',(l,<*si worth of dry goods, clothing,
1-e.its and sh •<>, dri*-s g.als, Ac , for cost
lII'KF.I. Ml SURER SI !!,. R-S.UNO ,( U w
lot | v|„, . |.S 1, (J,, M 1.U1A,., p UR ,,
■ f ll. it -L.T,. I*. Mr. IO.o! T I AN U(
*•. < itit TJ ' TARIFF. I K , *£*<} M M* NELLI* J
MIFFTRER, Rf HI tut, cuMy, FN.
Bellofonte Grain Market.
Rnur *RA, M*T I**. LIFT*
' rr*trt '• Wi * t#jr T 11. K< }t> Ids AGo
INT", |HRF LIWBCL. ~..f1 2K>
r*i. " M I .1o
rs.ft—an, i* K.
41 IHHIH. I L>Ubfl.. ... M
C'L * SRWL. Pr Js UiacJ
FJoqr, TIWG E, J** FT-UK-R T <K>
" l"-r mrk, * % <>
GROUND. T .................. V CM
Provision Market.
R TT ARTEL ssskl; L.J LLSRJ.R BE Iters.
Apples "Jrmd. |. pound ._... ~,,,, a
• IttrriH, JRLR-L, |R pouii4, ]D
Han* |-kf jj
Irnji litsttar j*>r
GfalrkM |wsqn4.. ,
J*r potitatf...... _
i otiniry hmi j*-? |*otin4. I r,
Hint*. *u%i f ur*d..—~ IT
L4F"U Jj£
UH |*r .. ]4
LUFR* \u
P TAL** BQAB(4. M . M .. , 121,
Xrif Jr/irrfiariiiriif,
Repairer of Sewing Machines,
Hr.M-tre. n mil- rut at BetlHNste, M IK. J.- K
ro.<l, will, Mr CkrtMisa fat, .a fxra b.
1 KLIN.. KS.J. %
Old Sfathmrt ta thr latent itylf,
trith t>rawer, Jr., srAm rriptired.
•A-AII work troaraiilesd. 21-U
Auditor's Notice.
T TX the Orphana' Court of Centre
, 1 rewnty K.t.l. of HOAX LfCAR, derwuw.l
The undersigned auditor, appointed bv
hi HI. aeoonot nf J'dill I I.SCM, NDMINL.IR.tor NF. *r .
id will ihsslssl, nswis LH .nasi AOD auk. dr.-
IN till lion „F LB. SI. la far. IN a4 MT 111 L<-W*ll*
• Milled hi RWCESM LB- HUTS will attend to thr 'ln tie.
of his spi-Sntmenl al hi* ore la Belofotit.. Pa , on
W KTINKMILV. tb* Sltb day of Jane, at I" Vlork
s „ wheti and where all |WTII>. luterewted will
I lea., at ten <l and FUEAENL IBELR I laims nr BS delmrred
rmm eotnin* In on |<l funds.
■ ■ W II.Ht'R F RKKIIKB, Awdltar.
Executor's Notice.
IETTERS tenUkuientary upon the
J ealale ol HARIRI. T>UK, late of lbs IBIENAAB
of Bsllslwls, hsitn* lew Ibis day growled Iks nts
<iersliriid. '1 E, H tor at bit last will' and testament by
tb. RE*Vt*r of Ceftlr. eowwly. ail ssrs.l basiwa
rlaims at dstnandt sfainsl lbs sitib at tb. NUD de
iMlent will mats tbswn known TO tb. aadetwhratd,
and tbo.. ItnMdsd at* rnqwiMssl to make pat MEWL
Wltboat delay. JOBS B. UXK
May *ll,l**l. (-] Kseiwhw of IlaaT BMR.
1 % sonal estate at Pants! IN it. will H bold *4 hi*
Ist. rwatdenr. OA RIDGE street, HrJlflmhi, pa., OT,
own MEM In* al one O'rlerk RE when will hw ties
ed lor sale w Melodenw. Beds and I— idltt*. W atdnde.
•pear a. TI-4 wet Oooklaa shit., Parlor Mors. (WNTM
rttp board. Olaw anew. IHtfcot. Irs-rream trssss.A Mr-
Iwow. t nit ..r Pewwa. Arrbt.ro and a rortMt id Hkn,
fablro, Cbalra, TWBO. K.TLL-s. TWKS, I BS-KS W ahbro.
ristols. Owns. Waobm* mar bines. Boris ~..1 A larliWy
of heaasbold e#srt*. MSJ.Ir lambs*. • he. L- aes. 2 be.
bI.RO, small troaoa. work hni and laddtww. Wind mill.
Oder prsna. Bled, (Vow, I small printing premro and
•ype APR int Istsl*. Oaiprou-R . BD ..f -very dtwrHp-
H>n. Btwewaakors kit, Botderia LO-DS. Ratlttng MA
cblae, Uatapa. Una sbsdro
AUV.I Ctawnsbellero. Hemtork Imwbwr, Work hemrb.
Twsl | -it asp. Use * stars*. (BT> *in§ MM Ml sM.
Tmainc lw*b#, Orralat row eitb L-Mtln* an* stwfV
! in*, a Bttsun en*lne. fall ael of Oaa •*, RFCOW MM.
(Iff ltd Mow a, eh- , Mr.
TRKMB All pstn liasiis wndar Ik rwab. *> dollars
awd wpwatd all moaUw rresbt with ippmnd serwmy.
TBS Babe-rlber alar. oßhra, St pnrste mie. three
IN** F RTOWBd, sdpxalM Cslen Cimtlsry. 40 ML la
frowl ow Wmdom'T Way. and *OO (set ta depth ; ale-
BD No. , ow wMob there TS a tloaas. Shop and a BFA
Id. A lei, a small IrsH at srotdlamt, aaar Mr. AM
met's km.
MLFRMRO, Pa., May R -*I. FA> tkawk Owv OWED.