Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, June 01, 1882, Image 2

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Thoy sent him rouix] the circle thlr,
To bow before the prettiest there.
I'm bound to say the choice ho medo
A creditable te.te displayed;
Although -I can't ey what it meant
The little maid looked ill-ooutent
Ilia taak wan then anew begun
To kneel before the witlieat ono.
Once more that little maid nought hi%
And want him dowu upon hie knee.
Hhe bent her eyes upon Uio floor
I think she thought the game a bom.
He circled then -hie eweot behest
To kiaa the one he loved the boat.
For all she frowned, for all aho chid.
Ue kimed that little maid, ho did.
And then though why I can't decide
The little maid looked aatieflod.
lf. C. flunner, t'n the Century.
Saidee's Expedient.
"Saidee! Saidee! where aro yon?
Why don't you answer mo whon I
call ?"
"Yes, Aunt Leah—l am comiugin a
" la a minute!" sarcastically repeated
the old lady. " It's always 'in a min
ute' with yon, Saidee. Hut I suppose
because I'm old and helpless my oom
fort is a matter of no conse<iuenoo what
" Dear Aunt L.-ah, you must nevei
think of that!'' answered a bright,
cheery voice; and Saideo Lynn came
into the room with a little tray, where
was arranged on a snowy napkin some
tea-biscuits, half a do/.en pink radishes,
a few thin-ont shavings of Btnokml boef
and a little pot of tea, with a cup and
dancer of old bine china which would
have been invaluable to a collector,
"You see I had yon in my mind all tho
time, Aunt Leah," she said, merrily.
" I gathered the radishes from our own
garden. Don't they look nice."
Aunt Leah, a withered littlo old lady
in a dress of worn black silk, and sharp,
gray eyes, peering through gold-bonnd
spectacles, tasted of tho tea and shook
her head.
" It's too weak," said she. "It isn't
fit to drink I"
" I put in all tho tea there was in the
canister, Aunt Leah," said Saideo, with
a distressed countenance.
Annt L n ah pushed away the cup with
an expression of distaste.
"It is as I might have expected,"
said fin. "My nieces have too littlo
thought for PIT comfort to study my
poor and few necessities. Never mind
the tea; I can drink cold water, I dare
Bailee wrung her hands in despsir.
How could she tell this weak, feeble
old lady, above whose declining years
hung the threatening Damocles sword
of heart disease, of their narrowing cir
cumstances, of the empty exchequer,
the clamoring creditors, tho pitiful
strsits to which they were reduced ?
"What shall I do?" sheared herself,
as she went slowly back to tho littlo
kitchen of the ruinons gothic cottage,
which they had obtained for aridicn
lously low rent because it was ruinous.
"I ve borrowed of the rector's wife
twioc, and I'm ashamed to go there
again, and I've sold everything I can
lay my hands on. But," glaneing up
at a picture which hnng in a hall be
yond, " there's the Velasquea still. A
Velasquez is always worth money.
Belle will scold about parting with it,
and Aunt Leah will mourn ; but wo
can't lire on air and dew, like the fai
ries. I'll take it down to Mr. Itruner,
the artist, this afternoon, and ask him
to gel us s purchaser Poor people,
each as we are, can't afford to rotain
old family relics."
And so, when Aunt Leah was indulg
ing in her sfternoon nsp, snd Belle,
the beauty of the fnmily, was ironing
out tho flounces of her white muslin
dress for the morrow's picnic, valiant
Bailee climbed on a chair, took the
unframe l picture down (it was the head
of some old (Spanish grandee, with a
•tiff pointed ruff and an evil leer in the
•yea), wrapped it up in a newspaper,
and crept across tho meadows with it
to the village.
Mr. Brnnnr *u in hi* studio— a
grizzle-heeded, blant old gentlemen, in
• belted lioan blonse and a (adad vcl
▼at cap. He nodded kindl jat Haider,
who bad once taken a few lessons Irom
him, bat when she displayed the can
vas he shook his head.
"How mnch do yon think it is
worth ?" asked Haider, wistfully.
"Nothing P said Mr. Brnner.
"Bat,*' cried the girl, "U is a Ve
lasquez P
"That a VelaiqnezT' said Mr. Bnmer,
contemptuously. "My dear, there isn't
a picture dealer in the conntry who
wonld give fifty cents for it" It's a
mendacious imitation, and a wretched
.one at that!"
Bo Haidee tied np the poor piotnre
and went homo again, shedding a few
tears as aba walked nnder the whisper
ing trees.
"Mr last hope gone 1 * she thonght.
• Bat 111 not tell Annt Leah or Balls
ghat it is an imposture. They have al
wrays taken inih innocent pride in the
A* aho came paat the old briok homo
at the foot of tho locust lane a load
of fnrnitnre was being carried in, for it
was tho second week in May. Wicker
chairs, twined with blue ribbon, a cot
lage piano, cases of books, engravings,
bird cagos, plants—all sorts of protty
Saidee paused and looked at them,
not without interest.
"I wonder who our now neighbors
are to bo ?" she thought.
Just then out trotted a stout, chorry
cheeked old lady, with her cap all on
one side and u worsted shawl tied over
her shoulders.
'"Oh 1" said she; "are yon the young
woman who disappointed us yesterday
about cleaning ? "
"No," said Saidee, crimsoning to her
"Oh, doar I oh, dear !' said the old
lady ; •' what is to become of us ! All
tho furniture coming in and my
daughter lame from fulling oil a step
ladder, and the girl gone, and — Ilut,"
with an eager look, "perhaps you can
recommend somo ono to help us settle?'
"I am sorry to say that I cannot," an
swered Saidee, and sho vanished be
yond tho lilac-hodge, rather amused at
tho mistake which tho old lady had
Belle was fnll of news that evening.
"Oh, Haidee," she cried, "such a nice
family is moving into tho Locust
"Y0."." said Saideo; "I saw the fnrni
ture carts at tho doer as I i-amo back
from the village this afternoon."
"Oh, the village!" cried Belle, toss
ing her blonde head. "It's strange,
Saidoe, how mnch time you get to run
abont and enjoy yourself, while I am
drudging at homo. Bat thero's a yonng
gentleman there--tho handsomest man,
Alico Aikin says, that *he cvor saw
and Mr. Fyro knows him, and ho is to
bo at tho picnic to-morrow to got ac
quainted with the young people of the
neighborhood. Won't it bo delight
"Very," said Haidee, indifferently.
Bat while Belle was talking she had
mado np her mind what to do on the
day of the May picnic.
Early in the morning, while tho flash
of snnrisc was still crimsoning the sky,
and blonde Belle lay asleep with her
yellow hair in crimping-pio*, Haidee
arose, dressed herself quietly, and
slipped out of the back door like a lit
tlo gray sha low.
At 8 o'clock Aunt I, >ah rapped
with her cano on tho ceiling of her
room, which was directly beneath the
ono occupied by her nieces. 80110
made her appearance presently in a
faded calico wrapper, rubbiug her eyes
after a drowsy fAsbion.
" Where's breakfast 7" said Aunt
"Where's Haidee?" counter-qnea
tionod Belle. "Oh, I know the selfish
thing! She has got up early and gone
down to tho woods to get some pink
azalias for her hair before the other
girls think of it. She .wants to aston
ish us all at the picnic. But I think
she might have told inc."
"I'm afraid Haidee thinks more of
herself than she does of us," said Aunt
Leah, sourly.
And Belle, in a very ill hnmor, began
to prepare tho breakfast—a task gener
ally assumed by her elder sister.
Whilo Haid.o, hurrying down tho
path by the swamp, took the short-cut
across the clover meadow, and was
presently knocking at tho door of the
brick house where the load of furni
turn had stood the day before.
The old laly with the crcoked cap
and the ohorry cheeks came to tho door.
" Ilave you yet engaged any one to
help yon get settled ?" said Haidee,
blushing very prettily.
"We can't hear of a soul," said tho
old lady. " Every one is engagod just
now, and—"
"If you thought I could bo of use,"
faintly began Haidee.
*• Bless me, child!" said the old lady,
" you are too slight and small. Be
sides," looking closrr at her, " you are
a lady."
"Bat I know how to oiean boose,"
said Haidee, valiantly. '* I've done it i
every yoar at home. We are ladies, but :
we are not people of means. And I
think yon will be suited with my work.
It is neoeasary that I should earn a
litte money, and—"
"Come in, ray dear," said the old
lady—"come in and have a cup of
ooffee with na. lam Mrs. Hart wick—
and this is my daughter Kate."
"Haidee Lynn I" exclaimed the soft
votoe of a pretty yonng girl, lying with
a sprained ankle on tho sofa.
To her amazement onr heroine
reeogniaed one of her schoolmates,
Katharine Hartwiok, who had graduated
in the tamo olaae with her at boarding
school two years ago.
"But yon snrely have never come
here to worn f' said Kate, in amaze
"Yea, I have," said brave Baideo.
M Why, le it any leas creditable to clean
paint and wash windows than to play
croquet or do Kensington stitches ?
And my Annt Leah has lost all her
> little property and wo are very, wry
poor I So now yon know all about it.
And when I havo eaten my breakfast if
Mrs. Ilartwick will give meaoleaning
cloth and plenty of soft soap I'll show
her what I can do."
Boihat Miss Lynn was mounted on a
atep-la Idor, polishing off an antique
mirror, when Katie's soft voice was
heard saying:
"Oh, Qarjry! is that you? Wo sup
posed of conrse yon wore at the pic
nic. Miss Lynn, this is my brother
Harry, narry, lot mo present yon to
Baideo Lynn, my dear old schoolmate,
who has oomo here to help us clean
Miss Lynn made as graceful a bow
us she oonld under the circumstances.
Mr. Harry Ilartwick inclined his bead.
"At tho picnic, indcod !" ho rotorted,
merrily. "Not at all. I've boon hunt
ing high and low for some one to help
you, and for lack of acy success I have
returned to do a little light white wash
ing niysel'."
"Oh, have you ?"' said Baideo. "I
know auch a nice recipo for calcimining
as white as alabaster, and it won't rub
oil at all."
"Let's make it," said Mr. Ilartwick,
No picnic could over have boon more
delightful than this day among dust,
whitewash, scouring-sand and brooms.
Kste, on her sofa, hemmed curtains;
Mr. Hsrtwick bustled to and fro; Baideo,
with her curly hair tied up in a hand
kerchief, scoured paint, and Harry
whitened ceilings; and at twilight they
Lad three rooms in perfect order.
"Wohave aohiovod wonders," said
Kate, looking around at the neatlv
tacked carpets, the soft, garnet plush
hangings, the pictures on the walls, the
crystal brightness of the windows,
while Mrs. Hartwick took Baideo mys
teriously on one sido.
"My dear," said she, "I do not know
how to thank yon sufficiently. But I
am ashamed to offer yon a dollar and a
half, althongh—"
" Hut I shall not l>e ashamed to take
it," said Baideo, smiling. " Why shcnld
I ? That is, if yon really think I havo
earned it."
" My dear, yon have more than earned
it," said tho old lady, "and if you
could possibly come to-morrow—"
" Of course I will come," said Haidee,
Weary a* sho was Haidec went around
by tho villago to buy some Young Hy
son tea for tho old lidy before she re
turned to the gothic cottsge.
" Well," she cried, brightly, to her
sister, " what sort of a day did yon
have at the picnic?"
"Awfully stupid!" yawned Belie.
"And tho handsome young gentleman
from Locust lane didn't come at all."
" Didn't ho ?" said Haidee.
" And where have you been ?" de
manded Belle, in an injured tone.
" Oh, spending the day with a neigh
bor !" said Haidee, with a laugh.
They finished the house-cleaning
that week. Mr. Ilarry Hartwick found
it necessary, wo may add, to walk home
with Haidee the next evening, and he
developed a remarkable talent in the
amateur painting an 1 calcimining line
before they got through.
"Isn't sho pretty, Ilarry f said Kate,
when at last they were settled com
fortably and Haidee had gone home
for good.
"Hheia pretty," said Ilarry, enthu
siastically; " and she is brave, and alio
isn't afraid of honest work; and alto
gether aho is my beau ideal of a girl."
" Mamma," whispered Kate, Laughing,
after her brother had gono out, "I be
lievo our Harry ia in lore with Haidee
" I'm sure I don't blame him," said
Mra. Hartwick. "Hhe is a little jewel."
Aunt Leah noror knew whero the
Yonng Hyson tea came from, nor the
spongo-cake, nor the white grapes, nor
all tho little Inxnrins wbioli had cheered
her of late; nor (lid she expect anything
until one dar Ilarry Hsrtwirk came to
her and foimally asked her for her
niece's band in marriage.
"Well, I never !"aaid Aunt Leah.
" Bat how did you ever beoome so
well eoqnsinted with him, Haidee?"
questioned Bolle, half-pleased, half
"Because I cleaned house for bis
mother," said Haidee, laughing.
And then under solemn seal of
secrecy she told Belle all; and Belle
declared that it was too romantic for
anything, never pausing to think that
real life ia aa full of romaooe aa e sum
mer meadow with bnttercnpe, and that
fortune comes to those only who go
bravely out to seek fort nne.
It is customary in some localities to
tesoh children to think of a text ea
they drop their pieces of money into
the contribution box. A ocrtaio little
girl at Sunday school recently saw the
box approaching and began to search
in her memory for a text. She hesita
ted for a few momenta, dropped the
dime into the box, and exclaimed tri
umphantly : " A fool and hi* money
are •< on parted. '
A man wrote to the paragraph writer
on a Western paper thus introducing
himself: "lam the man who laugh*
at your witticisms " " Thank beared!"
said the paragraphs?, with a weary sigh,
" I hare found him at last."
Monkeys, like men, have a peculiar
natural abhoronce of anako*.
In many of the Oriental languages
the name for five means a bund.
Htampa for taxation were invented in
Holland in the neventecnth century.
Clovifl, gratified by a visit from tbe
bishop of Tonlouso, gave him n hair
from his beard.
Okica, a liquid which in Peru in
handed round like oofloe after meals, in
prepared from maize moistened and fer
mented by mastication.
The year 1881 will bo long romern
bered for ita earthquakes. Not since
1812 had there been such a wide circle
of terrestrial disturbances.
Mount Ararat consists of two |>eaks
joined by a sort of neck, the greater
[>eak rising 17,0(10 f< et above the sea
level and th lesser 12.K00.
Ants have been known to build gal
leries of clay over the surface of a pine
apple, to shelter those of their number
who were destroying the fruit.
A board sawed from a catalpa log,
which had lain on the grour.d for 100
years, was found to bo sound, fair
and susceptible of a good polish.
Ono of the choicest fanK in the world
is ono that belonged to Mrno. Pompa
dour. It is made of lace, was nine
years in making, and cost $.10,000.
Tbo cultivation of the sweet scented
riolet is nowhere pursued with such
ardor and success as at Hamburg.
Many persons have from 2,000 to 8,000
In Oormany sawdust is combined
with Kino or noma other binding mate
rial, the rosult being a plastic em
which if* proused into molds, into door
knobs, piano keys and various other ar
Tho emerald was onco Indioved to
posses* wonderful qualities. It was
supposed to bo good for the eyes; to
serve, taken internally, as an antidot
to |>oisons and the bite of serpents, and
to cure the plague and infectious fevers.
Homo of tlie Asiatic racci have a pe
culiar mam or of kissing. Instead of
placing lip to lip, they place the mouth
and nose upon tho cheek and inhale the
breath strongly. Thoir form of speech
is not Give me a kiss," but " Hmell
A scientific professor records the fol
lowing singular instance of self-canai
balism: lie cnt in two a male cricket,
and immediately tho forepart, prob
ably experiencing a sensation of empti
ness, turned upon tho hinder,' part and
devoured it.
By the will of Pctrr Hymonda, made
in tho year 1568, sixty of tho youngest
boys in Christ's hospital, London, after
divine service na every (t joi Friday
morning in Atlballovs church, Lom
bard street, receive each a new penny
and a bag of raisins.
Oldest City In the Failed States.
Nearly seven tbonaa nd feet above the
level of tho sea stands Hints IV, the
oldest city in the United Ntate*. Its
history is tho history of Now Mexico.
Three hundred years ngo tho Hpaniar ls
found it an old Indian village, large
and populous, for history tells us that
in 158Q Espejo, traveling through Mex
ico to resoac, if possible, some Francis
can friars who ha 1 boon deserted by
their oscort somewhere in the valley on
tho liio Grande, attempted to visit
Hants Fe, but was driven I rack by 40,-
003 Indians. In 159H, however,
tho Hpaniards succeeded in making a
permanent settlement there. They built
churches, convents, tho governor's pal
ace, homes and fortifications. Many of
those same buildings are still standing,
and are used for the purposes for which
they were built For over one hundred
years they held the place, under
going changing fortunes, as the In
dians were friendly or hostile, their
crops e failure or a success. But during
these hundred years the Hpaniards bad,
throughout the Territory, taken poe
session of the mines, forced the Indians
to hard labor, taken them from their
homes and rednoed them to slavery. In
1680 the Indians revolted, and drove
the Spaniards out of Hants Fe and
New Mexico, and remained master of
theoountry for twelre years. They
had become so embittered toward the
Spaniards that they destroyed every
thing that could be destroyed in Santa
Fe, particularly whatever reminded
them in any way of their hated
masters. In 1092 the Spaniards re
turned to New Mexioo, and a company
under Da Vargas Ponoe Do Leoo, after
a desperate battle, took up a position
on the heights near Haute Fe, remained
there some months, and then moved
into the city, although strongly op
posed by the Indians. Dnring the
Mexican war the city was taken by the
United States troopr, and in onr civil
war it was occupied by the Confed
erates. Notwithstanding these varying
fortunes we ere told that Hants Fe has
changed bat little. — Ronton TratdUr.
He who lives only to benefit himself
confers upon the world a benefit when
be dies.
Poverty wants some, luxury many,
and avarice aU things.
\\ ork does not wear either men or
women HO much as worry.
When a man is wrong and won't ad
mit it bo always gets angry.
Prosperity is not just soa'e; adversity
is the only bslanoe lo try friends.
The reproaches of enoniies should
quicken us to duty, and not keep us
frem it.
One of tho best rules in conversation
is never to say anything which any of the
company can reasonably wish bad liecn
left unsaid.
Beautiful live* have grown np from
tho darkest places, as paro white lilies
full of fragrance have blossomed on
slimy, stagnant waters.
Think twice befors yon speak once,
and tell not all you think; nor taste all
you desire; nor say all that you know;
nor give credence to all yoa hear.
If all were as willing to bo pleasant
ati<l anxious to please in their own homes
us they are in the company of their
neighbors they would havo happy
11 is amusing to detect character in
the vocabulary of each person. Tho
adjectives habitually uw-d, like the iu
acriptlons on a thermometer, indicate
tbe temperament.
Earnestness is the path to immor
tality, thoughtlessness the path to
death. Those who are in earnest do
not die, those who arc thoughtless are
as if dead already.
Ifa man's word is not as good as bis
bond tbe best thing is to get on wilh
out either. If this can't be done look
well to the bond and treat tbe word as
though it had ni rcr be-on spoken.
Work is honorable, and no one sbonld
be ashamed to do any labor that is
honest Boys who try to get through
the world without working, because
they think it degrading to work, will
not tnako tho right kind of men.
Ar cuic for the Complexion.
"Arc you ever called upon by women
to give them something to improve their
complexion f asked a New York re
porter of a city physician.
"Quite often, a* a matter of oourse.
Women are always looking for some
thing to intensify their beauty. They
are not to blame for it; tho first
inquiry most men make about a woman
is whether or not she is pretty."
"Do you prescribe arsenic for that
purpose r
"Not as a beautifler. In the treat
ment of certain true skin disease*, how
ever, Fowler's sotutiou ia often used
and .rightly managed is a valuable
remedy. But arsenic is ofteucr pre
scribed for malaria, neuralgia and
" Yes, arsenic does, though not al
ways, produce the effect ascribed to it.
Its beautifying powers, however, if
such they be, are much exaggerated. It
ia possible, but not probable, that a
physician would give arsenic to a woman
who wished for it, as something with
which to heighten her charms at the ex.
pense of her health. No respectable
practitioner would do it. There are any
number of old women and quacks to
attend to that sort of thing, and the
number of those who use arsenic in
this way is conniderable. I have pre
scribed sulphur in such cases half a
dozen time*, hut never afterward heard
of my fair patienta. Ktop! one of
them did return. Hhe said that my med
icine was not strong enough. 'Arsenic
was good,' she had been told, and she
not only asked me for it, but was indig
aant when I declined to write a pre
" The reasons for not giving arsenio
in anch cases should be obvious enough.
The patient almost always adopts the
principle of the more arsenic the more
beauty. It ia not, by the way, a habit
oonflned to women. I know of two
casea in which arsenic was need by
yonng men for the same purpose. I
have bad several caaea of women who
had seriously injured themselves with
arsenic, all of them within aeven or
eight years. Twenty years ago they
were rue. The symptoms in moat of
these oeaea are very severe. The trouble
begins with nausea and abdominal pains.
Then the eyes redden, and the upper
lids become thickened, having taken
oh a dropsical character which soon
extends over the whole body. Fre
quently the arsenic prodnoes severe
skin eruptions. The nervous system
in time becomes seriously involved,
and wasting of the flesh, falling out of
the hair, and sometimes paralysis fol
low. Young women should bo careful
how they meddle with Fowler's solu
A druggist said that calls for arsenio
were not infrequent, and oame quite as
often from middle aged aa from young
women, " I never sell it to them," he
added, "without a prescription. I
know, however, that It Is sold for a
beeutifler, and 1 have reeaon to believe
that it Is bought of the wboleeale drug
gists, put up in bottles, and disposed of
by peddlers of aoatrcmt,who, no doubt,
get high prices for it."
Ozone has en odor similar to a spot
that has been struck by lightning.
Colored apot* on decaying food are
caurod by animal or vegetable growth.
Htammering may tie produced bysud
den fright suffered daring childhood.
The sugar cane, when perfoct'y ripe,
contains sixteen to eighteen percent, of
Htrawberriea contain 5%6 per cent, of
their weight of glacose, and Lot house
grapes 18.37.
Where birds fly very little their
feathers never acjnire, or else noon
loose, their distinctive quill like charac
All solid bodies become self-luminous
at about the sama temperature, begin
ning to show a dull light at about 1,000
The longest span of wire in the world
is used for a telegraph in India, over
the river Kistnah, between Bezorah an 1
Bectanagrum. It is more than C.OOO
feet long, and is stretched between two
hills, each of which is 1,200 feet high.
With thermometers placed at four
icet and at fifty feet above the gronnd,
Mr. fieorgc Dines has obtained readings
which lead him to believe that the
average maximum temperature for every
month is always greater and the average
minimum lower near the ground than at
a considerable elevation.
Experiments have shown that firing
with a nine-inch twelve-ton gun at
armor plating three and four inches
thick, representing a deck of a vessel
inclined bel ween ten degrees and fifteen
degrees, in no instance caused penetra
tion, although full charges were used.
The general lelif that the joints of
animals have always a synovial fluid
serving as a lubricant is, according to
Dr. Lambert, an error. The elephant,
with his relatively moderate motions
and great weight, has admirable cartila
ges, but absolutely no lubrication there
"lolwl th<*re are hat Terr few
people outside the tra If who ran realise
t!i" amount of business lone yearly la
this city jn snch seemingly email
articles a* nutmiß* an 1 doyen," said
Mr. W. A. Morris, a New York spice
broker, to a rejiorter. " There are af
many fluctuation* and a tnnch specu
lation in spices as there are m cPTee or
stocks. Our trade changes with the
season as much as any other, and at the
present lima clave* are weak. There ia
always a heavy demand for clove*
during the winter theatrical reason, a*
that spice goes far ; n making a play
enjoyable. There were dnring the past
yrar received at tins port 1.170,G07
pounds ol clov. Jail imagine how
far back that will pnt the population of
the eonntry when yon consider the
number of matrimonial engagements a
singl 3 clove has lwen the means of
breaking. As to nutmegs there were
received during the year 5811,511 pounds,
or 2G3 tons, which, at tbo rate of 100
nuts to the pound, make 58,951,400. or
a little over one apiece to every
person in the United States.
The while powder you see on nutmegs
ia limn, which is used as a coating
against worms. Of pepper there ar
rived hero during the year 14,621,843
pounds, which represent 52,100,000,
with the duty, which is five cauls a
pound, paid. The importation of other
spices, such as cinnamon, ginger and
allspice, is carried on in as large a pro
portion, and many fortunes arc made
and lost in a year in what is seemingly
considered s petty business."
Ula* Nliinsle*.
A ritlsbnrg firm bti bsea granted •
|--**ont for the mann.'actare of ahmgles
compose*! of glu>. It is claimed for
this material that it ia ao much more
durable, stronger and more impervious
to rain than slate or any other sub
stance now used. Tbo manufacture of
the ahinglea will also be comparatively
inexpensive, and can be plaoed in
position] by any ordinary workman.
These shingles have the advan
tage of slate in several particu
lars. In consequence of their ahape
they lie solid on the roof, and can be
need on comparatively flat roots, and
they will admit of persons on them
without danger of fraoture, a quality
which slate does not possess. Tbey
are interlocked so as to leave no in
terstices between them, and one rivet
holds each pair of shingles, ao that
they cannot be forced from their placet
by the wind or other atmospheric dis
turbances. Tbcy are also made ao as
to have very little waste material. It
takes 300 slates, each 3x12 inches, to
cover what h technically known aaa
"square" of roof (a square measuring
•cn feet eitfaoi way,) but ISO of these
shingles a ill snQice for the same
space. Glass is likewise a non-conduct of
of electricity, and houses with these
roofs will need no lightning conductors.
Although the kind of glass intended to
be used in these •hinglea ia noa-trans
parent glass, a root with colored border
and opalesosnt body ia said to bo very