©ht fSwfte grmoctat. Thursday Moruing, May 25, 1882. OoaassroxosNci, containing important nen, sollclt •d from ny part f tha county. No communication- Uwortod unlaas accompaulad bj tba raal nam# of wo wrltar. Centre County Domocratlo Com mittee— 1882. BMTKICTI. KA P. O. ABDkISS. BaliafoDta, N. W r .W. F. R'bar BallafonU. 8. W-.Oharlaa Smith-.... " W. W. Jamaa 8ohoBld... Howard Boro Howard BHcklay. Howard. Mllaabnrg 0. K. Klngti'U--.MllAlmrg. Mlllheltn - A. Walt.ra Mill holm. PhlUpaburf I>. W. Holt Phlllnahurg. Union villa J O Smith Bonnor Uriah Stover IWllcfunta. f. A. McUiighllnMllceburg. Burnahia William Ittpple... Plae Mian. Oullogc Frank Taylor Lomoat. Onrtlli Fre.lk. Ruhb. Ilowar.l. Perfiia*>n 0. I' A. J Orendort.. Plaa Orove MIII*. 'N. P..-J. H. llcberllng.-.Rock Springe. Mragg. 8. P... M. L. Rlahel -Spring Mills " N. P.........H0n). Limbert " Halnea Mao. M KeUlar...Aaronaburg. llalfmoon A. T Mray Half Moon. HarrM... Janice Klmpor*. Iloalahiirg. Howard. David Tanyer Howard. Ilualou John Q. Mllea Julian. ijberty W. ||. (iardner—lllaurhard. Marlon J-J- Hoy Walker. Mllea Heorge Halnca.--.Wolf • Store. palton. I' L. M-ek Bullalo Run. pun .....11. K. Duck Mtllhelm. Poller, N P M. W. Spanxlar ...Tueejrllle. " j. p J. Wilmrr Wolf..Centre Hall. Hnah William Cullen— Sandy Ridge. Snow Shoe William llalnea..Bn,,w Bhoe. Spring T. M. Barnhart. - Bellalonle. Taylor Vinton lleckwith. Fowler. Vnion Chrlatlan Hooer..Flemlng. Walker Andrew Kreamer llnlderahurg. Worth w.li Morrlaon.. Port Matilda R. 11. FONBTKR. Chairman. 11. A. Mi Kll, Secretary. Local Department. Krroh flannel for mo, mother, Now woollen stncfclnge boy ' tat Ann rebuild the furnsre Are And pile the coal on high. There's It* by all the etrewtnlete. The butU .brink In the blast, I'm nearly froren, moth.r dear. For spring ban com* at la.t —BaooaLT* —"Lyons meat market presents a docided ly fresh appearance in its now 1 i very of rod and groen paint. —Wo are informed that Mr. 11. I). Van Pelt, of Centre Hall, will be a candidate for the Legislature. —The finest and best assortment of boots and shoes in Centre county, for a proof of this wo ask a trial—Doll & Mingle. —Eve, with a supercilious toss of her bead as she passed out of the garden of Eden, said : "I don't care, Adam." —Miss Maggie Schaeffer and Miss Jose phine Martin, two of Niltany'a pleasant ladies, spent last Friday evening in town. —The many friends of John Keen, Esq., of Millheim, will be pleased to know that he is able to be out and has regained most of hit wonted vigor. —The Undine fire company will go to Tyrone, July 4th. The boys have a pleas ant time in view, and we hope they may not be disappointed. —Mrs. Dr. Coolidge, she who was Miss Nannie McGinley, will return to her home at Carbondale, Pa., accompanied by her sister, Miss tiallie McGinley, this week. —The Logan Hose company has accept ed an invitation to participate in a fire men's parade at Lock Haven July 4 There are few better organir-ations in Pennsylvania. —Kev. Dr. Black will have morning and evening service in the Episcopal church on Sunday neit. It being Whit Sunday the Holy Communion will be celebrated at the morning service. —The cakes, bread, pies etc., used at the Spring Mills banquet last Thursday, were manufactured by Mr. Cal. Smith, the down-town baker. Mr. Smith is entitled to no little credit for the excellence of his manufactures, and in these goods he takes the lead. —We had the pleasure of a peep at the handsome face of Mr. M. H. Haines, of Tyrone, who was here on Sunday, attend ing to arrangements baring in view the establishment of a little kingdom over which he means to be Lord of all he sur veys. Particulars later. —Mr. Samuel K. Faust, of Miles town ship, one of the most prominent candidates for sheriff last fall, with Mr. Wm. Bright, of Aaronsburg, paid the DEMOCRAT a visit last week. The work of these gentlemen always tells when the "news comes over the mountain." —Mr. John A. Woodward, editor of the Agricultural Eptfomitt, is looming up aa a prominent Democratic candidate for the Legislature. Mr. Woodward is a man of rare ability, and one upon whom the people of Centre county can lean, as ■urred that their affairs will be honestly, promptly and satisfactorily attended to. —The Catholic church was thronged on Tuesday morning to witness the marriage of Mr. Frank McGowen, of Snow Shoe, to Misa Tillie Haxel, of near Bellefonte. These parlies are well known, univertally respected, and start down the stream of life under the influence of a favorable tide. We wish them happiness. —The memben of Gregg Post O. A. R. will meet at their room on Sunday morn ing at 10 o'clock in full uniform, for the purpose of proceeding in a body to the Presbyterian church. The Kev. Dr. A. B. Jack Has kindly promised to preach a memorial sermon on that occasion, and we trust no member of the Post will fail to be present. —Our young friend Al. Garman has been captured. Miss Kile Cowdrick, the fair and accomplished daughter of Mr. Morris Cowdrick of this place, is the hap py recipient of Al'i affections and vowi a Bev. Bonuell rector of the Bpiscopal church et Lock Heven, performed the marriage ceremony on Tuesday evening nt th i residence of the bride's parents. We tender our cordial congratulations, and trust that the new journey uf life thus c immenced may be one of unalloyed hap piness to our young friends. —The gecond Sunday in June will be observed by the Methodist church of this place, as "Children's Day." Many wll| roinember with pleasuro the Floral Sorvico of two years ago. The church will ho decorated with spruce and flowers and a very interesting oxercise entitled, Kain, Flowers, Birds and Fruits, will bo given by the children of the Sabbath-school. —She sat down at the piano, cleared her throat, and commoncod to harmonize. Hor first selection was : "I Can not Sing the Old Songs," and a glootn that was colder and bloakor than a Sunday dinner fell on the company when the stranger in tho corner said: "And we trust you aro not familiar with tho now ones." Buy your cigars from Harry Green. —This is examination week in tho pub lic schools. The primary schools will close Friday noon, with an entertainment consisting of recitations, tnusic, etc., to which the patrons of tho schools are cordial ly invited. Tho higher grades will have their entertainment in the afternoon. An interesting program has boon arranged and a pleasant time promised. —Wo desiro to call especial attention to tho meat market of Mr. John Beezer, on High street, next door to Centro County Bank building. Mr. Beezer is meeting with unbounded success, and why, be cause ho offers only first class slock for sale and sells a triflo lower than any other dealer. He is worthy of patronage and is striving to make friends and treat them all squarely and retain their custom. Try him. —Tho mammoth general merchandise stores of 8. Jc A. Loeb have been stocked with the most elegant line of spring and summer goods ever brought to this town. Their seleotions were made to accommo date every class of customers, and sold at wonderfully low prices. This house is tho oldest in Centry county and bA* ever enjoyed the confidence of tho public, and hail a fair portion of tho patronage of the citizens of the county. Their mottoes: I Good goods, fair priees, reasonable profits j and constant attention to business. —ln the matter of stores, of all differ ent descriptions, Bellefonte takes the lead. One of the most important, and one, too, favored with an extensive patronage is the Bee Hive, Goldsmith Bros., proprietors. Their goods are marked in plain figures, sold at one price and guaranteed a repre sented in every particular. Polite attend ants, every attention paid customers and all treated precisely alike. The good* bandied are the very best in each of the departments, and the fact that the firm is engaged in wholesale business in New York is sufficient evidence of their ability to buy and sell right. Wilson, McKarlane A Co., call atten tion to the only reliable Heady Mixed Paint in the market. The Pioneer Pre pared Paint is not only superior to any Heady Mixed Paint sold but rivals pure white lead in its smoothness in working and durability. This paint is guaranteed by the manufactures not to crack or peel within three years. The guarantee is not only good for replacing the paint but it will be put on if it should crack or peel within the time specified. It will be to your Interest to call and see Wilson, Mc- Farlane A Co., before purchasing either white lead or any other Ready Mixed Paint —Guests at the Hrockerhoff bouse now put away their soup to the tune of "Home sweet, home;" meats and vegetables are stowed away as the band plays "When Johnny comes marching home,'' and "See that my grave's kept green" does not pre vent any one gorging himself with pastry. The truth of the matter is that Mr. Mc- Millen, with his usual shrewdness has placed an elegant Swiss music box in the dining hall that may have, unless Mac, gets it to playing "My Grandfather's Clock," or some other equally interesting production of some mullethead, this effect— cause boarders to eat too much and thus ruin business. —Men who are worth having want wo men for wives. A bundle of gewgaws, bounded with a string of flaps and quivers, sprinkled with cologne and set in a carmine saucer is of no use to a man who expects to raise a family of boys on bread and meat. The piano and lace fabric* are vary good in their places, and so are frills and tinael; but you cannot make a dinner out of the former, nor a bed blanket out of the latter, and awful as the idea may seem to you, both the dinner and the bed blanket are dome*tic necessities Life has it* real ties as well as its fancies, but you make it all decoration, remembering the tinsel and tassels and forgetting the bedstead. Sup pose a man of good senae and good pros pects to be looking for a wife, what chance would you stand to be chosen f You may catch him or you may trip him, but how much better to render yourself worth catching. Msrit being caught and you will not need n shrewd and designing mother to help you find a market. —Oar people will learn with much satis faction that the health of the Kev. John Hewitt, of the Episcopal church, is Im proving. This deservedly popular divine, to individually esteemed in religious and. social circles, has been in failing health for aoms time, i* on a visit to the far west in hope that relaxation and cbmnge would re store him, and we sincerely trust that hope will not be disappointed. ITEMS VKoM.Sl'Ktjro MILLS AND VLCLN- J ITY.—During tho past week our littlo rnil r<>Hil city ha* been unusually active, (in Thursday la*t Mr. Nash, manager of the big hotel bad a grand opening, of which I had intended giving an extended description, but a* ye junior editor was there in person and can write up the affair to suit him bet ter than 1 might, I will leave the task to biru. John Grenoble, Esq., having bought a lot on the corner of Railroad and Sinking Creek streets, is preparing to build a 20x Rift, tin shop and sloro room. Mr. J. 11. Fisher, of I'enn Hall, lias added an agricultural implement depart ment to his store. Messrs. Whitmer and Spiglorneyer liavo added a hardware arid glassware depart ment to their establishment. John D. Long has quit saddlering, and has opened a general store in one of Mr. Hunk's storerooms, the room formerly oc cupied by Messrs. llicks Jc Bro. He still deals in grain, coal, and lime. Wm, Karick, who bought out Mr. Krumrine's grain dej>ot, is kept very busy just now receiving grain, the wet weather giving the farmers a chance to market wheat while the price is up. On last Saturday the Presbyterian con gregation of Centre Hill voted to give a call to Hev. \V. K. Foster. On Sabbath evening, i!lt, ho preached at Spring Mills. This young gentleman, who was raised near Centre Hall, is a graduate of Prince ton Seminary. lie has n host of acquaint ances and friends in this valley, and it is hoped that his labors, provided he accepts the call, will result in great good. Decoration day will bo observed here a usual. The Veteran club, of Spring Mills, has chargo of tho exercises. Mr. Steel, from near Humes' mill, and two of his son* are doing some work in their lino for Mr. Philip Dale. —Why are not fruit trees more general ly planted on lawns or in gardens 7 The idea seems to prevail that fruit trees must bo confined to the orchard or kitchen gar den ; yet what can l>e mora beautiful than tho palo pink and white of llio apple blos soms, the puro white of tho cherry and pear, and tho deep rose of the j>acb? Cherry trees literally white with blossoms are of no rare sight, and what is more charming than tho graceful branches clad in spotless purity 7 Then, 100, tho ripe fruit in thick clusters upon them, is no less pleasing to the eye than gratifying to tho taste. There are many varieties of trees which are planted in tho yards and lawns, which have no more sightly ap pearance than an apple tree, without its wealth of fragrant bloom or its shower of luscious fruit. Even in the suburbs of cities and large towns, where but a few feet of land is allotted to each home, and where one would suppose that each inch of room would be made available, tho front yards are planted with evergreen trees, or purely ornamental shrub*, to tho utter exclusion of apple, |*ar <>r plum trees, any of which would be far prefer able in every respect. Why do not pesiple more generally purchase groceries, etc., from Sechler A. Co., Bollefonte? Their goods are always first class, kept in good condition and sold •heap. —Main's "Mummoth International Col liseum of wondrous performing gjmnMl* and congress of living wonders, will ox hibit at Bellcfonle, June nd, in two of the grandest exhibition! ever rendered under cinrwi. The grandest show of the season, coining in a glorious pageant of splendor. The moil pleasing, laughable, interesting and funniest. No gambling, game* of chance or give-away schemes of any de scription whatever allowed upon the exhi bition grounds. Admission reduced to hall prico, only 25 cents.'' —The decoration of soldier's graves will be conducted by Gregg Post, G. A. 11., as sisted by the Dellefonto Fencibles, the members of the Boy's branch, Y. M. C. A., and others. It is meet and proper that our cilixens turn out and pay this an nual tribute to tbe memory of the boys in blue, and keep alive the sentiments of gratitude duo thoae who nobly sacrificed their lives that the Nation might live. —Our friend and neighbor C. Heinle, District Attorney, wbUOTft Phila delphia on Sunday, tbe Mih invt , in step ping on the curbstone in front of the Girard House, slipped and severed several ligaments of bis right ankle. The wound is of a serious nature and may disable him for some time. He returned borne on Thursday following the day of the accident —Tbe pet coon belonging to tbe Hush house took a walk on Monday. A liberal reward was offered for his return, but no one secured it. After having concluded to lose him, and a general shedding of tears all round, Jeff coolly walked Into the office, and Teller declares, wanted to register as a new arrival. —A little boy, a member of the school taught by Miss Emma Graham, fell, last Friday afternoon, striking his head against the iron foot of the desk, making an ugly wound over the eye. Prof. Lieb called Dr. Dart who dressed the injuries, —For tinware that will stand the racket we know of none equal to that manufac tured by our friend Mr. Georga H. Wolf. Copper pipes supplied and repairad on short notice. All work guaranteed. —For Sna low shoes, ailher ties or but ton, try Doll A Mingle. A shoe lift given with each pair. OPRNTNO OR HPKINO MILL* HOTEL.— This new building, situated on a hill com manding a view of a large part of Penns vailoy, a littlo south of tho villugc, is do •ignod to accommodate summer guests, Kiel with tho advantages possessed—an ab solutely pure, invigorating air; water clear a* crystal, healthy and strengthen ing ; pleasant drives ; streams, in tho im mediate neighborhood, bountifully supplied with trout and other fish ; entire absence o( any malarial influences and tho house arranged, furnished and equipped in ac cordance with modern improvements and conveniences,—should bo liberally patron ized by resident summer boarders and tourists. Tho house was formally opened on last Thursday evening ; the manager, Mr. Goo. 11. Nash, who it an botelist of many years experience, officiated as host, and exerted himself to the utmost to insure tho happi ness of guests. He is a large, |iortly man, aged, we judge, about fifty years, and po sesses all the qualities, requisite to success fully ronduct an establishment of such magnificent arid gigantic proportion*. The number of persons who responded to the invitation* must have been near two hun dred. A brass band, at intervals during the latter part of the afternoon and evening, ; afforded delightful outdoor entertainment, ! while within a string band with piano ac j • ompaniment, directed the movement* of an infatuated assembly of the votaries of Terpsichore ; and U> the few wall flower* the graceful forms and agile motions ;-f the dancers presented a delightfully ani mated group of fun-loving lad* and lassie*. , Any attempt to convey to our readers an idea of tbe royal "set out," to which the guctl* were introduced would be abor tive, it consisted of nIS delicacies j rocurabic and disposed of on the laid.- with the best (Hissiblc effect. Mr Nash, assist 1 |,y many willing waiter* saw to it that all i were served. After eating, dancing, and ; arti< ij atir.g j in other genteel pastimes, we were reh-ra t"d to our room* with vision* of luscious edibles, pretty ladies, accommodating man agers, brilliant reception rooms and kind friends, fantastically and curiously blended, floating through our minds. Thus tin* bote! wa brought before the public as an aspirant for an equitable [•ortion of its patronage, as a candidate for general support we consider it eligible and with our only hat in our hand wish it and ail connected therewith, (especially the talented, captivating ar. i entertaining daughter of the manager, Miss Carrie.;* permanent residence among us, and a sue | cessful businet* exj>erience while here. Lk< Tt b: —Be* A B Jack will lecture in II uines' Hall, liellefonte, on M- nday evening, May kttlh, Ikeg. Subject. "Sir j Walter Scott." Mr. Jack is one of the most gifted divines in th I'rebytcrl*n church. It will bo a rare treat to hear him give his personal reminiscences of Scotland, his native land—and no one is more competent than he to delineate the character of one of the greatest p.ts that ever lived. Reserved seats, fiOcts ; for sale lat Miller's book store. Secure seals early. | Mr. Jack will also preach in the Pre* by lerian church on Sunday, May 'J#, morn j ing and evening DEATH OF Mm- CHAMBERS.— Mr*. Hss. nah Chambers die.] at her residence near the water works on Monday morning st •ix o'clock. She *ra* a very estimable lady and the relict of the late John Cham bers. Her disease w* consumption, from which she bad been long a sufferer. Her age was about thirty-five years, and during the larger part of her life she had been a consistent member of the M K. church. She was well and favorably known by a large number of residents of this vicinity, by whom her death will be deeply lament ed. Her body will be interred in Gray 's churchyard at Half Moon, the funeral cortege leaving the house for that place at an early hour on Wednesday morning.— RrpuHiran. A SRWSJKS MACHINE REPLEVIED About a year ago Mrs. Courtney, bought a sewing machine valued at S.V), from the agent of the Singer machine in this city. She failed to make the payment* as re quired by the agreement and on Saturday the sheriff and the agent armed with a writ of replevin went to Courtney's house to recover tbe machine. The lady of the house refused to admit them, but when she saw that they intended forcing the door, she told them to go around to the back door and she would give them the sewine machine. They went around as requested, but instead of handing the machine out to them, or allowing them to go in and lake it, the angry ladv raised the window and tilted it out. Fortunately the machine landed on its feet. It received a bad shak ing up, and was slightly broken, but not seriously.—Jtforvtmy 7V*A*iee, Alloofui. —Harry Teats A Co., are Used up l n their new room, opposite the Bush House, and ready for business. Groceries, glass ware, etc., offered for sale at fair price*. They have some excellent bargains but go and see them for yourselves, and you will be apt to buy nowhere else. —They who have subscribed for season ticket* for tbe musical entertainments to he given by the Bellefonte Orchestra for benefit of "piano fund" of the T. M. C. A., are requested to call at Green'a drug store and lift them. Entertainment No. 1 will be given Thursday, June Ist. This series of entertainments is going to prove Interesting and the many who failed to secure tickets will regret having dona o. —Men's who)* stock brogans, tl.00; women's button shoes, 11.26; women's carpet slipper*, 26c.; man's fine button •hoe, London toe, $2.00; men'* carpet slippers, 60c. M iLesni'ao CULLINOS. Tho recent rains raised the Bald Kaglo almost full, and as a natural consequence there wore any amount of fishermen thronging its bank*. Tho innocent sport was marred some by John, tho tombstone man, threat ening to return the parties who were par ticipating. We wish him to understand if he comes to this town talking that way, very often, he will get into trouble. Why don't somo ol our neighboring towns follow the good example set by Mileaburg in regard to the temperance question? Wo have organized meetings bore for quite a long time, with good at tendance and a great deal ol interest. This is certainly an excellent cause and we should like to hear from other .places that are doing a little something to help on in the great work. Our Itttpuhiicen friends seem very well satisfied with the nomination of General Beaver, judging from their pleasant coun tenances as they gather around their head quarter*. The Baptist church hero is without a minister at present. Iter. K. If. Morris having gone in quest of another place better suited to his taste. We all wish him well. The now axe factory will start in about two weeks, and we judge when it does get going it will be an enterprise of a good bit of importance, Mr. J. A. W. Kishel is teaching a term of subscription school in Central city, and IO are Messrs. Butler and Mitchell in Mileaburg. US'LE NED. Mil.ilir.lM GOSSIP. —The sale, by public outcry, < f the merchandise of the late Jno. I>. F"ote began on Friday, and will be continued until all is sold. Miss Maggie Alexander is v.siting L"wi*burg friends. The new Lutheran church uiil be com pleted before long. It u a grand affair, the finest building in Centre county, out side of Bcdlefonte, devot'-d to tbo worship of God. F>avid Stonsr, son of John St w-r. Kq., before retiring <>n Sunday night, Hth inst., fearing burglars, or some other equally maliciously disposed marauders might in vade the *•-, recy of his < harnber, took pre caution* to give them a warm reception by looking after the condition of bis revolver. He carries bis hand in a sling, the ball having passed clear through it. Mr. E C. Campbell has admitted his son, Samuel M. Campbell, into partnership, and the new firm means to lake tho lead in Miiiheim mercantile circles. The National hotel ix being improved by building an addition to tbe rear of it. Our borough council was asked to j*s> an ordinance prohibiting (•rrsons gather ing dandelion within the borough limits. Dandelion mu-t have become suddenly valuable, but the councilmen did not take that view f tho case and the bill has not passed. Miiiheim hss unsurpassed facilities for the successful carrying on of any sort of manufacturing business. Could you not send us some of your Bellefontc enterprise, money and grit 7 No. We have none to spare, but sincerely trust the citizens of yemr live town may soon be favored as you wish.— ED.) —The Butte house, under the manage ment of Mr. F. X le-hman, is rapidly re gaining all of its old popularity. The proprietor desires us to state that each of it# departments—the hotel proper, the bar and the restaurant—has undergone a com plete renovating and improving proem, and now desires a fair share of public pat ronage, asisured of his ability la render entire satisfaction. Mr. Lehman, evident ly, understands his business and we ask a trial of him at the hands of any who stand in neod of the service* of a reel jolly landlord who runs a first class house. —No wonder Spring Mill* it booming, when tnqji men as Mr. I.J. Grenoble and Mr. G. H. Spiglemyer take bold of any thing, something is to be done. —Try the excellent teas now offered for salo by Mr. Geo. W. Raton at the new store in Broekerboff bouse row. Tbe brand he sells for SI.OO per pound cannot be equalled in town. Fresh fruits, vege table*, conlectionery and tobacco and cl gars. —Clothing, gent's furnishing goods, hat* and caps, and a complete line of all goods kept In a first class clothing store, at the Philadelphia Branch. All goods sold as cheap a* can be to be consistent and only one price asked. Mr. Lewin it al ways glad to show goods. — l "Mamma, is tbe old ben going to be sent away for the summer T" "No, Charlie, but why do you ask?" "Well, I bsard papa tell the new governees that they would have a fine time when he sent tbe old hen awey for tbe summer." Mamma put little Charlie to bed, after giving him a dose of Sin**' Tar, Wild Cherry and Hoarbound for bis cold, telling bim be would be wall in tbe morning ; and then •be laid for papa—and only for his baring a bottle of Roberts' Embrocation in tbe bouse, might hare been a cripple for life. —Tbe ruib at Doll A M ingle's atill In crease*. They bare all the latest styles, and prices that defy competition. —Mrs. F. Simmering, Millersrflle, Pa., had Ozena and Chronic Catarrh. PRE IN* cured bar entirely. —Spring and Summer season, 1882, Woolen stock now compUU. Early or der* solicited. #4-tf MOITTOOMUY * Co., Tailors. A Voir K R Oil Tint PHKM.— I take thin opjiortunily to bar U titnony to the effi cacy of your Hitters." Expecting to find them rinurwjm and hitter nod com posed of bad whiskey wn were agreeably surprised at their mild taste, j u #t like a cup of torn. A Mrs. CrMWi)l and a Mrr. Connor, friend*, have likewise tried, and pronounce them the boat medicine they have ever taken for building up strength and toning up the system. 1 wa* troubled with costiveness, headache and want of appetite. My ailments arc now ail gone. 1 have a yearly contract with a doctor to look after the health of myself and familv, but need him not now. July 26, 187*. K. OILLII.**!), I'eopU'i Advocate, Ihttuhuro, I'n. Vou can rave from 100 to 200 per cent, on a good drew, from 100 to 300 per cent, on a auit, from 30 to 100 per cent. o a pair of shoes, and in everything that you need you will find it to your interred to buy your good* where you get thern at first cost. LTO* A Co. Mr*. Charles lsiley, Pittsburg, says, she had Chronic Catarrh hadiy. I'KRISA cured her perfectly. Lyon A Co., are closing out their entire stock of dry goods, clothing, boots and shoes at cost, in order !o quit the busi ness. —lf you want to rave money in your purchases, go to Lyon A C<> a they are telling everything at cost. Lro* A Co. —530,000 worth of dry goods, clothing, I boots and shoes, dre. goods. Ac , for cost at LT®* A CO. Bllefont Grain Market. Htiur' SfM ]\ MA. ' tr*rt4 ly T I'. H>)u *;• u<*> VK Ht-li.lt, j r ... 97 ;># <■ rt—**r. |.*-f 'ubl . ... H* j*r t u*h) ►? jft l'ijhf) u* fUfWj.jxr I ubl .**_. , n 1.1 J. I f )• •: ■! ' a'. • li-Um* j# r 1,1,1 . Hoil .... 7 k M * nt j, at . u*a. i>*t tuh v t*u Provision Market. C rrrt*4 .rk!j tjr Utrjwr ferollin. A| j im(l, |*r J f, *'kivrrtm.i bmt 1 J t |> r " it ( j„ r l _ j• I barua I t liud ........... IS u(u < urM 2" B•/*>* „ ...... * ™ e ; j 4 Lard j**r Iflp J*r W !• t it - **• j" f J25. b#f rrifn J* A,'M' Atlvrrtimrinetit. |f 1 FREDERICKS. Repairer of Sewing Machines, BKLLKFONTIT. FA u&e mil* *+* i 1 fv, ilf|„ni, tb* itrk ► r.*ill r-i4. ltb Mt. < feTirftfcrj I'bl, c*t, fva cf J.i / Klior <>/*/ Start,inn to the tatrl *fyU t with Jy^autrr*, ifr., t rh+n rtyytirtd. •d'AII *(k rntrsbtMid. 21-tf The New Summer Resort. ! CPRtNG MILLS HOUSE, - M'RlSiii Mill#, CKMKK OOCXTT, PA. Tlooa rf lb* L. witl.org Tyrwi, Rail rood. and It mil** frota H Mmi. T>. it a now hosa* tti,| newly fiirrn.l.M with *,*, thing t* tiding to .oinldtt and f v nrml*n t4 gite.!. Tt. *l, lattgoraling *0(1 part*, tit frnefmm malarta Mi l parti'alarly tarcrald* I, , the reet'iratiMOto health* rf pere.na >Oi *. a,*a t . tb* ,*<• daily Tb* tal-l* t |>l,atifu)ty a.th m*at* milk *t>4 fr**h **ftal.|~ at,.l troiU in mm baaltb tally pr*,wrKl and U*tfully aorri (*tb.i f (.1 I'rr mt.ntb.... . ~' Jti <• All tnouiry a. t. H - m. and hoard will b* ur \\b*, Mana.. > Auditor's Notice. r PHK auditor hr the Or * f'ban. (loon of (*,tr* oi nnty to m'ak* dMrltia tb of tb* food ID tb* hand, of Jbn W. run art. tran**. b mak. aal* of tb* toal whir id hnoft William., lata of llaat< townabip. ' i r - • will otlmd U tb doUo* of bla a|.,.• ntrnrnl at hi* "•r. to HrllrfnOtn, tm M<>M>AV. Ul* ] .Tb do* o, JI NR. A D. IWti.ot.ll o'clock a ■ wbo and aiw* all parti** lotrrootrd may attend It lb* think prvprr 2' l> K KiBTVEV, AwAtuo. Auditor's Notice. r FHK undprwiptifd, an Auditor an -1 pointed by tb* Orphan* CWt of tiaotr. com* V 1 maka dHdrit'Otiow of Or* tomb to tb. band* ot aba* Admtniatrmbr. of tb* **tat. rf tlaorg* W. Royaa. da moaod. to and among tbna* legally ratitlad tkm'vto. will attend to the da ilea of hia appolntm'M at bw othre, It, HelleCmtn, no Monday, Jao* Iz, bang at 10 a. • .whan and where all parMra to loteiwn are re qnealed to attend. < W-LU L OR Via Aoditnr. Auditor's Notice. IN the Orphan*' Court of Centre OOWM, Retote of HO,Z LUCAS, dwnanrd Th uniterriEnnd Auditor, appointed by •eld Ooort to beat and paw op the eareptiona libit to tbe ore root of John I Loon*. admloMrabw nf. t< of aald deredent. reetate the art.-nt and make' die-' trlbutton of tbe bnlbnre to and among thrarr legmltv entitled to renetra the aame w ill at lend to the dotim nf hi* appointment at hi. rdbr. In Iv-llefunra p. ~ WKOKKAIiaT, tb. !lth day of Jan. ,t |o rbobJ# * 0 . when and wbera all partte. interewted will ploaae attend and prearnt thetr ilnlut or la debarred from corning ta on mi l fnwda. tl-W WILRI R F RKKtiKR. Auditor. Executor's Notice. I ETTERB te*tamentarv upon the MJ aetata ol PAhIKI. I'kRR. Ute nf tb. Ibmoncb of ReUeßmt'. bating bam thta da* groat ad tb. aa def*t£aM . lwwam bta laet ntll and teatnment by tb* Regtwar of Centra eonnty. nil parr*** ha On* claim* I* demand* anlnet tb* eatat* of tb* aaid da cwtmt wll'waka tbam known to Ibe aademlgwml. and than* Inilil md are to took* wimi wltbont JoRh R Lftfß May *t. I**t- |fldl] Kaerator nf Daal fcarr. r Mr*. Terriceoc Kimport. Ida ■ t> Import, nn. K import. Law*}* klmpert Caaa K Import, Una* Umi-rt, Km am Rlmport. Ralph Kimport and Mary Kimport, bwra and Ui rmrw wenutmn of John Klmport, into of llarrto h waabip. Take notice tbnt, by virtue of a Writ of rartlUon. homed ont nf tbe Orphan* Oeort ,4 ( antra C-uaty and to .a* directed, on layoaal will to toM at tb. toto rwddewce of J,bo K Impart deemwd. to tb* tnwnablp of llarrta. mi now at y rf l antra on Mday, tbo IMb toy rf J mm, A. B, IHtkat to oVWk. A. M,, rf told day. tor the pwrprwe rf making partitim of the rent mtota rf aaid deri—*d to and among bta betro and legal ropwwanlatlww. If tb* name ma to demo wltbewt pnirft* to or aprfltag rf tbo what. . atop Wta* to rata* and appraia* tto tan* aaanrtlng to law, at which Mm* and plao* yon wu to pr.w el. It tea think pnyier t. X IH !MRRI.. Mmtg. Abort*Uthoo. RellefbaU. (V. May lutb. IHU. IMb *C£ a waah to pwr awn town. Tonaaaad Bdowk nwa. Addrma H BACUETT A CO, tot.