Eht €rntw genwftat. BELLEFONTE, PA. Til* Largest, Cheapest and Bast Paper rtJBLISHKV IN I'BNTHR COUNTY. THR CKNTKK DEMOCRAT i* pub lished every Thursday ruorulug.xt B*Ueh>nte, Centre county, Pn. T Kit MS—Cuhln SIITSBC® ** If not paid In * uu A LI VB I*A I*Kll—devoted to the Intereets of the whole people. . ... . Payments made within three months will l>e con* •tderod In advance. No paper will he discontinued until arrearages are paid, except at option of publishers. . . Papers going out of the county must be paid for In •dvance. , . .. ... Any person procuring us tencash subscribers will be seat a copy free of charge. Our extensive circulation makes this paper an un usually reliable and prulUable medium for We have the most amide facilities for JOB WORK and are prepared to print all kinds of llooks, Tr ts, • Programmes, Posters, Commercial printing, Ac., in the tl® n.l *t tl>® lo*r®( |®lbl® rt®. All a.l**rU<'HiouW for a l®* term than thre® month* SO i-cuU pr lliw for th Oral three liiwrtloh®, kii.l ft cente a fine for each wMitional luaertloti. f |M-< lal notices om-haIf more. B*litorial notices 15 cents line. Local Notk ss. in local columns, 10 rents per line. A literal discount Is made to persons advertising by the quarter, half year, or year, as follows: a at IPACS occrniD. One inch (or lines this type) Two inches ~ l"l b Three Inches J" *'; Quarter column (or 5 liichM) 1- Half column (or |tin*hea) r" .V , ' Qnsoolumu(OP ißOluchssl ! " 1 foreign advertisements must be paid for lafor# in ■ertioa, except n yearly ooutfucts,when half-yearly pavments in advance will be required. POLITICALNOTICM, 15 cents perllneeach Insertion' Nothing inserted f r leas than 5 r*nt Brstntee Nortcss.ln the editorial columns, 16 cents per line, each Insertion. Those Democratic Blunders. Our ludepcmlcut contemporaries are in the habit of ascribing all tho de feats of the Democratic party whether tho result of frauds upon the ballot, or the combination of wealth and the purchase of States, to Democratic blunders. The Harrisburg Patriot hits off this class of oracles as follows: "The oracular journals whose forecast of future events is always prudently qualified with au "if" or a "but" vouch safe us the prediction that the Demo crats of Pennsylvania will probably score a victory this year 'if they do net commit their usual blunders.' Nothing succeeds like success and because the Democrats have not succeeded, the oracular journals flippantly speak of past Democratic campaigns, as blund ers.' liet us see about this. In 1869 the Democrats of Pennsylvania elected Judge Packer (iovernor, but he was 'counted out'in Philadelphia. This fact has been admitted by some of the orac ular journals. In 187J the Democracy of the Union took the advice of certain oracular journalists and nominated Horace Greeley for President. That was a 'blunder' of the oracular journal ists rather than a mistake of the De mocracy. In 1876 the Democrats elect ed Samuel J. Tilden to the presidency, but he was swindled out of the cilice by the Louiaiana and Florida returning boards. Probably that was another Democratic 'blunder.' The Democrats should have sent some of the oracular journalists to New Orleans to prevent Kellogg, Wells and Anderson from ma nipulating the returns. In 1878 Hoyt was elected Governor over Dill by the expenditure of a quarter of a million of dollars with a deficit of forty thousand dollars in the treasury of the Republi can State committee. Of course the Democrats 'blundered' again in failing to raise a corruption fund sufficient to control the political market. In 1880 Garfield defeated Hancock through the purchase of Indiana by Dorsey, Brady A Co. This capped the climax of Dem ocratic 'blunders.' If only the Democ racy had poured enough money into Indiana to have check-mated the cor ruptions of the Star route politicians, all would have been well. Hut in spite of the sneers of the oracular journals the Democrats are inclined tocongratu late themselves on the fact that they did not undertake to compete with th' Republicans in their peculiar method of carrying elections. They are con tent to be regarded as blunderers who cannot learn the Republican art of pol luting the suffrage with bribery and fraud. A Shameful History The public has long been aware of the inefficiency of the American navy, and morally certain that much dishonesty has attached to the Navy Department, but few will be prepared to learn the extent of the organised system of fraud and barefaced robbery as disclosed by the information famished in answer to Mr. Hewitt's resolution calling for exact details of the condition of the service. The names of sixty-eight steamers are reported, and the Department officially declares that to "make them efficient to engage in battle with an enemy of the same general classification" would require $22,514,141. Eighteen of these steamers could not be repaired under a year ; some of them would need two years for overhauling, and fifteen are re ported not worth repairing. The dilap idated condition in which our war ves sets are shown is deplorable enough, but when it is known that this disgraceful condition of the navy is owing to the fact that the appropriations have been misapplied, and that this system of plun der was carried on under the adminiatra tion of a Secretary who is now chairman of the Congressional committee which controls all further advances of money for the department, the people have a right to be indignant. During the eight years Mr. Robeson was .Secretary of the navy, according to a report of the com mittee of the House, begot rid of $140,- 000,000. A single instance shows how the money was spent. The hull of the Tennessee appears to have cost origin ally, in rouna figures, $764,000, in the time of war prices. The aggregate cost of repairs on the bull sinoe she was built to October 18, 1881, Is reported at $814,- tiOO, of wbieh Secretary Robeson spent in eight years $683,000. The aggregate eost of repairs on her engines and boil ers in the same period was $5764)00, of which Mr. Robeson managed to spend in his eight years $450,000. She ooet, 1 hull and machinery, originally $1,790, 000. She has expended on her in re* pairs on hull anil machinery $1,390,000. This during lilteen years, and of this Mr. Kobeaon spent in his eight years $1,030,000, leaving only $360,000 for re pairs on hull and machinery during the whole remaining period ; yet the Ten nessee has been in active service almost the whole time since Mr. Robeson left the Navy Department, and should have needed proportionately costly repairs year by year. Many of the shins have been repaired at a cost of one-half and two thirds their original outlay, and are now utterly worthless except for scrap iron. Yet it will be remembered that, while under Robeson as Secretary of war the Depart ment was a mere nest for plunderers, the Republican party stood by him and voted him extra millions to squander upon the specious pretext of apprehend ed war with Spain, and subsequently placed him in the position he occupies to-day where his influence is paramount in deciding upon nuvy estimates and ex penditure.—l'hila. Record. A Democratic CSUCUN. THE ATTEMI'T TO SEAT A RKITHMCAN CON- T IST A.NT IN THE HOUSE TO UE RESISTED. WASHINGTON, MAV 17. —Immediately after the adjournment of the house to day, a caucus of Democratic members was held for tho purpose of deciding upon a course of procedure in the con tested election case of Mackey vs. < ('Con ner, from tbe Second District of South Carolina. Speeches were made by Messrs. Randall, Carlisle, Keniui, Con verse, Hammond, Culberson, House, Holman, and others. Tho speakers condemned the course of the majority in declining to inves tigate the allegation that the evidence in the case bad been altered by the con testant, and duiing the debate it was asserted that Mr. Mackey bad had the evidence in bis possession for about 11 months j that he does not deny having bad it copied, and admits that altera tions were made in the phraseology. After a session of nearly three hours, the following resolution, ottered by Representative Kenna (W. Y,j, was unanimously adopted. "Resolved, That tho purpose indicated by the Republican majority in the house of Representatives to force a decision of the contested election case of Mackey against O'Connor, uj>on evidence which was materially altered bv said Mackev without notice to said O'Connor or to Dibble, the present occupant of the scat, or their knowledge, which evidence has been recently proved by sworn testi mony in a Federal court to have been forged, and the denial by said Repub lican msjority, through its party vote in committee, of an opportunity to Dibble, the present contestee, to have the evi dence so altered by said Mackey, re taken in a manner and subject to the safeguards prescribed by law for the a* certainment of truth, is a tl (grant at tempt to deny justice in said case de manding. as it shall receive, our con demnation.'' Reyond the adoption of this no for mal action was taken. The unanimous sentiment of members, however, is very strong in favor of resisting any attempt to seat Mr. Mackey. The IJIIUI Grant* >ot to Be Forfeited. WASH I MOTOR, May 17.—1t i reportod on apparently good authority that the House Judiciary Committee have agreed to report against the enforcement of the forfeiture of the lapsed land grants of the various Pacific rialroads, meaning the Northern Pacific, Atlantic and Pa cific, and Texas Pacific. .Hpocial care has been taken that the proceedings in committee shall he kept secret, and lit tie can be learned of the consideration* that led to this dicision further than that as it was represented that con struction had been undertaken and was progressing in good faith, and that the saving clause in the granting acts, by which the Government was euij>ower to recover the lands and finish the con struction upon the failure of the com panies to fulfill the other provisions of the act, it was left optional with the Government to leave the constructors undisturbed so long a* they might seem to be acting in good faith. Should these reasons turn out to be the controlling ones, inquiries may be expected on the fioor of the House which will put the committee to the task of maintaining the legal propositions above announced against very searching croas examine lion. Claim* For Wages. TUX KICCI.IAR OPERATIONS Of A CUSTOM IOCS TV COSTR ACTOR. Hardee A Cook, who had A steam SAW mill At Lock Haven, were the own ers of s great quantity of timber on the wild lands in Clinton county. In August, 1880, James Colbert contracted with the firm to go upon the lands, cut off the timber, haul it to the river and float it down the stream by means of an artificial dam to the Iock Haven mill or to Williamsporl. Colbert hired fifty or sixty men, went upon the lanr. Harper wa* elected President; Mrs. J. R. Jones, Secretary, and Mrs. Charles H. Panes, Treasurer. Over 1(10 destitute immigrants were quartered in the West Philadelphia de pot of the Pennsylvania Railroad Com pany last week. Many of them were evicted Irish tenants from Galway, and the I,ocal Land League cared for them while in ibis city. The widow of James tjuigley, an Krie man, who was drowned recently, filed her account as administratrix a few days since, when she was confronted by a Mrs. ljuigley, of Rath, N. Y., who claims all the estate. Her claim is said to tie well founded, as ljuigley deserted her twenty years ago. The grand jury of Krie county, in a recent report, aked that a number of aged married pauper* in the almshouse he allowed, man and wife, to live to gether in a room esjiecially set apart for them, arguing that it is inhuman to keep such unfortunates apart. The court ordered that the recommendation to be carried into effect. A new regulation will go into effect on July Ist in the Philadelphia postoffire, as well as in the other post-office* in the United Slates, which directs that letters placed in the office upon which the full jiostage is not prepaid, shall l>e retained, and the parties to whom they are di rected be notified by official postal card that upon the payment of tho balance of postage tbe letter will be forwarded. Hitherto such letters have been sent to tho dead letter office. The Danville InUlh imcrr has the fol lowing : "Mr. James MoMahan. former ly ol this place, now of Mount Pleasant township, Columbia county, has a cow which, three weeks since, gave birth to three heifer calves, all of which are now thriving and healthy. This is a remarka ble freak of nature. Occasionally a cow will give birth to twin calves, hut we have yet to learn where another than this one has yielded a trio and all have lived and thrived. Mr. McMaban in tends to raiso the triplet of young heifers." mm • m Why Tilden I,o*t Hie President. Thomas Kinsella, editor of the Brook lyn Kagle. in an interview lately express ed himself a follows : In my judgment, Tilden waa confron ted by an opposition, after his election to tho I'reaidency, which could not have been concentrated against any other Democrat in the I'nited State*. If Til den had been allowed to take hi* seat in Washington there wan work for him there to do which he could have done better than any other man living. He would have examined the booka, the records ind the vouchers. He would have let the light of day in on eight years of prodigality and fraud. Tilden was resisted in his efforts to obtain the Presidency with the energy of deepera tion and despair, by men who were fighting against him and the ruin of their public reputation, at the same time, by men who were not only fight ing for power on the one hand, but to keep out of the penitentiary on the other. If a good, easy man like Hen dricks had been elected President, or a warmhearted, generous man like Church, be would never have been de frauded of the place. Lunatic* at Large t A atrong argument la made by an ex change for the incarceration of lunatica, people who are out of their head*. Hut the real difficulty ia to tell where to commence, and where to leare off, many people areininaaneaaylume, who are not half ao inaane aa many wb? are outaide. People who are perfectly aane, and oonduot themee(*ea like aane peo pie are all calling at the GREAT BUS TON CLOTH INU HOUSE, theebeapeat place on earth to buy Clothing Boota, Hhoee, ate., juat opened in Reynold'* Block oppoalte Brockerhoff Houae Alle gheny atreet Bellefonte, Pa. But par aona paying out their money for cloth ing, boota, ahoea etc., and not calling at the Boaton Clothing Houae, Bellefonte, are out of their heaida, and they ought to be taken care of at onoe, by which many lire* may be eared. 21-2t Grant's First Display of ('ominllce. Ntw Turk L*ttor U Pt, loula (llotw'DotMriit At the marriage of John Ru**cl Young to Mini Coleman at Hartford recently, General Grant wan a guest, ami when the ceremony was over the company waited for the General to take precedence in extending congratula lions. The General went forward, lead ing bin pretty little grand daughter, Fred Grant's child, by the hand, and after shaking hands with the bride said to his grandchild : "Won't you kiss the lady?'* The bride caught the child in her arms, kissed it, and then looking up, blushtngly, said : "1 would like to kiss the grandfather, too, if 1 dared." The veteran warrior, who had faced a blazing battery, seemed all at once to becomo a trembling coward. He Hush ed up, looked sheepish, hut conscious that the bride was peeping at liirn from behind drooping eyelids and was wait ing for him to say or do something, mechanically extended his hand, and the next moment u fair face was in his beard, imprinting a kiss upon the line that marked his mouth. He seemed to be in a tremor as he grasped his grand child's hund and backed away. All the young gallants were surprised ut the cowardice of an old soldier before a pair of fresh, inviting lips. The itepuhltcau High way men. I no hundred and fifty millions of dollars more than are necessary to pay the expenses of the Government are to he taken from the taxpayers this year, i'art of this sum will be used to de crease the national debt, and part will be devoted to the most reckless, ex travagant, and unwarranted appropria tions. Tho Republican majority that now control the national legislation, will not listen to the idea of adjusting the reve nues with any reference to tho needs of tho Government. They have jobs on foot, and they want the money to carry them through ; and by peculiar fortune, at tho time when the country pours out ati unprecedented revenue, the leader of the controlling party rises to tho top in the gross figure of the most shame less ol all plunderers; Secor Itobeson. Not one dollar of the unnecessary sur plus will be remitted so long as such men as he are permitted by a debauch ed and corrupt party to be its spokes men and managers in Congress. For the disgrace of upholding such men, and for the refusal to consider the readjustment of the revenue by delil>er alely burying the question in the bid den and uncontrolled procrastination of a commission, the Republican party is responsible. .V. F. Sun. Tho Wrong Man. He mt a peaceatile-looking man, with a quiet looking horae attached to an unattractive sleigh, with unotenta liou* bell*. He wore a wide rimmed hat and a shad-bellied coat, a* he drove e-asilv down the South Kastoti hill, journeying from Ruck* county to the land of Northampton. He wa* observed by a fellow of the npeoic* rough, whom much loafing had nude impudent, and who lifted up his yawp with : "Sa ay. hat! where are you going with that man ?" "Verily. 1 journeytrd the riv er, friend,' mildly reaponded the tpiak er. "and thither goeth my hat. al*o." "Hold up, and lake a feller along, can't you 1" tutlled out the man of wrath. "Nay, friend, my business and incli nations forbid it." "I'll soon fix that and the fool ran forward andjumjiod on the runner. "Verilv, friend, if thee insist on get ting upon my vehicle 1 will even help thee," and the tnan of jwace reached out a right hand as resistless a an oyst er dredge. It caught the youth around the throat worse that a four year old dip theria, jerked him into the sleigh, and slammed him down among the straw, where he got tramped on by a pair of number thirteen cowhide* until he thought he had tieen caught out in a shower of pile driver*. Finally, he got a kick that lifted him clear over the side of the sleigh and ran his head into the hank by the roadside, where he dwindled down into a heap like a cheap gum hoe discouraged by • street car, and tnurmured, as he rubbed his ensan guined nose in the snow : "Who'n biases'd a ever thought the castiron man d go around wit steam up an disguised aa a blamed old (Quaker." A lleggar Who Own* a Farm at Fort Washington. Antonio Oidilla. a blind Italian, keep* a small shop at No. T-t) South Seventh street, Philadelphia, where he sells gro eerie* and fruit. He also derive* a large income by begging, being led stout on his missions for alms by hia wife. He ia also quite a capitalist, and, besides several thousand dollar* stowed away in savings hanks, be own* R large and pro ductive farm near Fort Washington. The farm ia over two hundred acre* in site, and on it there is a well arranged and two amply stored barn* containing cattle and agricultural implements. Adjoining ia the stable in which are sheltered three or four horses belonging to the blind beggar on Seventh street. The farm is in charge of Oidilla'* wife's brother, and two of the blind man's sons aid their uncle in the management of the place. It ia stated that when warm weather arrives every year, Oidilla disappears from hia haunts in the city, and donning a clean and well fitting suit of olothing, in the company of his wife end children, passes the heated season surrounded by the fragrant odors of pure Montgomery county breeses blown across his own field and orchard. I n*ii Chronic Dysentery for one year. PKKLNA cured me. JAMIS iiaax- NIK, Pittsburg, Pa. He port* from the different tobacco growing counties of the State are to the effect that the recent cold weather has not injured the plants, and that the acreage this year will be larger than that of last year. I WAS given up to die, from a disease or my limbs. I took PMUNA and it cured me. J. lawur, Hope, Pa. TIIKKK is hardly an adult person liv ing hut is sometime* troubled with kid ney difficulty which i# the mo*t prolific and dangerous cause of all disease. I here is no sort of need to have any form of kidney or urinary troule if Hop Hitters aro taken occasionally. Lviu A h. PINK MAM'S Vegetable Com pound has rapidly made it* way to favor among druggists, who have oh served its effects on the health of their customers. Kend to Lydia K. Pinkham, 233 Western Avenue, Lynn, Mass., for pamphlets. Nt-w A dvertUn'menln. Subpoena in Divorce. Osoiu/t ft. IVu,u, | 111 llt Court of Couittiot. Pl*** ol " c C*nt ouaalr. No. Ja- Ami tiut Winn J Trriu,l*<3. 1 r PHK undersigned, a Commissioner 1 by the < uirt, Vi t*k* in ih* ' *•-, will *tl'fi'i tz. th* dntlri f Ilia af'jM.ilit rai.m at lua of!W, In IMIwMnM, .•* Klt II'A V, th JMh ■Uy ol JINK. A l |w; , 1-roki-r*, A- .In i -till- ...nut v, ill uk. Duties I last 110, sr. ft,'|.ri. I slot >l.-i l.j ll,r iiDi stout**. CLiaa. m't. M M M*SM kl'-eliaiit I t flu 7'. Philip* A 110 M.-r. I. j. ll p. Pla-llil A Hut k If. i 1.1 1 . 10 Tl T. Voarl-k DrusgDt..... 14 7 7.7 11E1.1.r. FONTS. Vilfulln. I f.. .... M. i. liai.u 4 so 7'- S A llr.a A Sou. .Urnr. 1. 1-. 24 II " Waav., Tobsff„nlt II 7 77 I. I.tal.aiu A ft- i. It-- t au 7.7 J C Millar A < I . k. A 14 7 7! A J Cross Tolwf'utilM 14 7 7k Isaniy. I, Hrorrti f.ralv ariA fual I'. 10 7k lUrair-1. . I'al. i.l mMlflu* 4 '■ 71. I> At WafTi.t. Mm 11 I'. 7 oan.ti.l la-alu CSnthiMS ll 1" 7*. John Al.-oa. liar lar. V Si Tt I . I, A <7a MarrhSOU I. |S 2 M I. -1.~1-fs n 11. IS 14 7 77 F I* I.!i*fi tfrussie 1 . 1• 7* IV- I'ktit.t maAlftn* 2 .on 7.7 II a. MinlafttlFc (- w .U4t tuaf Ills** . IX l 1 74 W II W>l. ImmMmsS IS 10 Tk II V Sillraf lv-A. k 14 7 71 Itar.n.ll A Alkra* Ma at e-f. 14 7 7* A lira i, Fnn.ltar. 14 7 7'. I' Nrt- U**4 Or- r 14 7 7i John SrufhMU Fnruitur* 1 10 TS rs> 111a. kf -r.| 1 !•<-ati.l flsara 14 7 7f. Prarf. RHIln T .tour.. ar.A < isr 14 7 7k PitiVM Mar.ulaf'fCu - us* 1"; I'. 7ft 44. i-i -n A Unit. Ifiiy.lartiwita. A' 14 7 7'- t'.f. M Miil.t. T l-a'f. auA fltror* 14 7 7.ft tv M ui if so It.,k Alt lan I'.. I tall. X7k f'rsaa A Tlli p.rl Ul-lf 4" 7ft I 11. Plots, r . IV-. t l.ttlsr 14 77k BKNORK. J I. T l . -tr.ja-.ri AOt W.rrhai.D 12 17 2' J 11. M.ltf-rri 12 1- -7 If . Mwfhaut . 14 7 7' HI.AN' HARD. I I Xunw MwrUaul 1". 10 7ft II W II..ITS* M.ri l.ant 1 I 1" 7'- J A 'Zuifl.* M'f. tfaut l:t 10 7ft A. K firoham P.. I tal-la ... 30 7k BOAI-SNI'IIO. S. H St.*ar M.r Kant 14 7 7k J T st.aart. |ftus*it 14 7 7ft <1 11. Jafk M.rfhant 14 7 7ft JN. Ifiufcoa M.rrhant 14 77k IKNTRK HALL. William Wolf Mr.fl.ant 12 13 2'- J 0, Dnnlus.r Har.laaf* 11 7 7k n.r*n iHr-s*** Mrftbanl 12 1.7 2k J If Mnrrar tn-SCi.t 14 7 7k I Otutsmheirnar A tVi M.rrhar U 13 lo 7& r-RNTKR HILL. S PlT' ns Mm haul 11 7 7k M. Slrohtn Marfhaul ... 1.7 1" 7*. II Straul. M.ifhai.l 13 10 74 COBt'SX. I. flrwlner Marrhaut 14 77k StuTar A C-- f.rain anil fasU 11 Ik ?k U.j l.a'l A Moaarr flralti arrl ual 11 Ift 7k li. W Haw. iHotlllw * 8k Tk rit.LklORR. t. B. M'lDlyr*—.... Man haul 14 77i foWLSR. J. I. Foalft ... Mwthanl —II 77S HOWARD. Ln.-aa A'Br" M5nbani............. 13 10 7ft M. I, Cherk Mwrhar.l ... 14 T 7ft R Conk M'tihatil .. 14 77A J B Antoa Mwrhatil . 14 77k R l.* Mm banL 10 S" 7k William RalAf Mmrhanl 14 T 7ft John W C4i MmKai.t ... 14 77k R *fl.. AlVi ... . Il*rthant .... 12 132 ft II A Monta iHllSSiat 14 7 7k Anaon Srhantk Ilanlaara 14 7 7k R Laaa p.a.l Ul.lf- 3k 7 Hot* *>RRV ILLS. 1. M ll iwar A Off Mmhaat. 14 7 7k Hi nt KRMtI 80. II Bnn Marrhanl IS 10 Tk 8. H. (Hxalharl Msrrkant 14 7 7k JULIAS. J.C. Hoorsr Mm-hant 14 T 7ft B. Irln .....Manhant 14 7 7k Phtani* Plan's Mill* Mwrhanl Ik 7 Tft J. Vara.>na Ororst 14 7 7k LXMONT. W Thumpan*. Jr. S OnMarrhanta 13 10 7k J E. WanaoD. Mm bant - 14 7 7k P. r Tariff* Pmtstat 14 7 7S J It. lUrUvifk (Iroow 11 7 76 LINKER HALL. K.HnaAfton Mntrbnnto IS 10 7k LOVKVILLK. Rlf..t* t Smith ~..Mf rrhant* IS 10 7k Ptilllp Oalf* ftrussWt II 7TI MAPISOKBVIUI. A. Ortrr. ..Mm-hant .IS 10 Tft J. *. SltaSw Mm-hant 14 7 7ft MARTHA Ft'RXACS. J. I Thuiapanti.. Mrrhant„..„ 14 7 7ft J. T. William* ....... Mmlaaat 14 7 7ft HILSSBUM. John lltlflar Mmhanl 14 7 7k FrrlmsrrAOn Mmhaato 14 774 W. B. Milan A Bon— Mmhanta 13 10 7ft A.C. tihllDg* AOo., llm.MmhanU IS 10 74 MfOnr AMM Mmhanta U Ik Tft WilliMß Lwa* Mm hant 14 7 Tk A. T. Bugs* Ornrar —. 14 77k Mr*. S I.iKfaa A So* . Ururar ~ 14 T 74 CH. Klm t Hro Dragd**.. 14 77k P. H Oarr .CVwlaod lumbar.™ U 10 74 MILLHBIM. II It T.anllDM, .... Mmhaat 13 10 Tk ■ ~ TIIRI Marvßaat 14 7 Tk J W. (In.-ok. Mmhaat. IS 1* 78 J Srlc'-lm j-r Mmbant IS W 7ft ■ C rampl-all A Soil. Mmhanta 14 77S i. D, fauta, a4a*a . Marrbant 14 7 Tft J Ktarnl.nth PrncsM. ' Moaaar A Ra44k IlarSwnr*.. U M 7ft t. A. PramL. MHorA*....- AO 7A Da. Pnul tahta 10 00 HITTAXV HALL. Mra. M. R. Itnlnaa Mmhaut IS to 75 PBXX HALL. J. B. r*Mr„ Ji*Ml. IS US PLEASANT MAP. H. tekaornlh. *•*•.. Mmhaut 14 7 7ft J. F Mann. Miutllil IS UTS 0 KC ........nsUlWf maMHia • WW PHI LI I'M lit: 80, **** hi mntMM rUM. am't. Htrovw-. Übnuui * Co MT'hwnU Jo Ory, Wolf ACo M*r. J. tf ,t* 0 *f# 7f John NutUJI A Co Mr i,*ni> j j 76 CI. Lyon ACo M'r't.ant# 7 4,, 7% ri*vk A Mlllr .Mt-riuiiU J.i JO 76 C. Mormon A BooMwr'liaiit# k 30 76 llutt*Uou.. JUI M*d# Co-.l'itrni toodirf!*.... )4 7 7'. L.J. A K Pwltjw-r Book* Mi#*! Ut'ry ]4 77 # K. OMM I Urn. Jfook ui<] aUt ry.. J4 776 li B.Moll MM ....l>riiKK4al. - II 7*6 fc J! W Kloiur.. 14 7 7.'# A F)fU..llan)*ar.... M j;j Jo 7.# Alfrd Jon** Hardware ... Jl 16 76 Jdm M Hal* ACo Jlardoar# JI %76 •' '*Ml . ti Co ...o*l oil, *h >ie**u I ; V> JII a nil* Musi. aI. .fa - U "76 Mr. K. ll.#. A Bun Pn.,,1 tablta 40 76 H GLEXV. H. IVk .M.trbaal 14 774 I'lxt (.hove Mii.Lt. ' •"*'• * 0"~ M.r. h*r.u....„ U 10 76 61 U *D)dar Ma.baat 14 776 JdiutUn ||ia <#rorr jl -7 POM MATII.UA. 9f {.* Mw.luu.U n 10 76 ' „ 4 ' " Mn.l.rtU M 10:4 A H.IM EwUtl 1.1 in 7S POTTER'* MILL*. Tboaipaou A Bmitb...._M<-r(liAiiU II 776 eeiiEhMiiiKG. I KwkiH.® Mr< hanla 14 7 T 6 J. 1; l>r.ii,,aJl M...6.1.1 U 10 7J BOCK 9PRIXG. M'.-f- A Mammal M*rrl.M. 10 74 A'. I *lor- M♦.. bant 1 In 7*. J.I >,' ba. 1. Nrntail 11 7 7'. J. Aamj la ACu Mat.baßla.. ...... 1; 10 76 KOLAXIJ. Cttrliß A Co. ...Mm Inti.u 11 16 76 • ABUT RIIKIE. WH. Ml!l-r_....... M*r Km- inlaai .r,*ra" !>AT. Jtin* * ] Kafaaaai U.* 1.-a.r* ..I 10 a a at. 4 4 a a. aln a at, I ahar* J-.B c*B altat.d if foa tbit.k jr.7r ' " A.(. KRAMER. Apj.raianr APPLICAKTH pv.R **"*• ma, cuu. *"t. A. Oilman lwlj.-t..i.t*, A 74 C. (i M-Millan. 1a... 4 vi 75 twni.l i.anna<>._ R. 6 rut 76 H T..|lar la, _ ... 4 75 J .In. Katnalal... 4 'i.ll, |tut *■ 4 .64 75 J*4Tr*t Hai*a....„— I ■ 5 ftn 74 C Alt., lt., . r, Aft 7S RU patronage mil dstirmy /sir trtmU imal is soNcitsd, **-T n qMWtmui ran n4 pm affl W riatad that a roiaMoa ha* tM MTartad It prtcra rf all far Ml*. IN. W. S. BUKCHyi&LD.