Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, May 25, 1882, Image 1

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    BHUUEKT A. VAN OHM EH, Editor*.
VOL. 4.
Sht (Ctntw jOtmottai
Terms 51.50 per Annum, in Advance
8. T. BHUQERT & J. R VAN ORMER. Editor..
Thnrsday Morning, May 25, 1882.
"Dear Beaver, don't talk," is Boss
Quay's injunction to the Republican
candidate for Governor.
In recasting the committees in the
.Senate to fill vacancies, Senator Mit
-chell has been assigned as chairman ot
the Committee on Pensions.
Wm. Henry Rawlk declares Came
ron's methods and rule "damnable,"
but he does not hesitate to accept
Cameron's nomination for Supreme
Judge, with thanks.
The Seuate have agreed that Andy
Kauffman shall have his collcctorship
notwithstanding the protest of Senator
Mitchell. Andy held No. "30b," which
entitled him to a prize in the "lottery
of assassination." The protest of a
half-breed Senator could not win
against that number.
The Postmaster Geueral in response
to a resolution of inquiry of the House
of Representatives, has writteu a letter
recommending that postage on second
class matter, papers and magazines, be
abolished. He also states thnt fourth
class matter, merchandise, is carried
at a loss to the government.
The stalwarts seem to think that
Blaine is engineering the Independent
revolt in the harmonious Republican
party of Pennsylvania. Perhaps he
is. The "Plumed Knight" will have
some heavy accounts to settle with the
i brigade between now and 18*4,
will doubtless get some of his
Wo ,-lc in early.
The New York Sun speaking of the
Republic leader in Congress says.
"Tweed d -e, l ' n prison, and Robeson
is a more 'hameless scoundrel than
Tweed." Th. '• "shameless scoundrel"
is the head ot' I' l6 naval committee
demanding the appropriation of mil
lions to be disbur. under his BU P r -
Tiik reason given V I)on Cameron
for tho removal of Wi. 'ej.the Revenue
Collector at *** t ' ,at he ' a
very profane. It was TCT y proper
that "Wiley be rebuked f. * profanity,
and it is now in order tbat . u> rcbuker
be also rebuked for the sai cauJ*
unlow he is entitled to a mon y P"ly of
that vice in virtue of his posit 'on as
the Republican boss of Pennsyh ania.
Respectfully referred to the Chris 'ian
Statesman who floats the boss banu'er
£r Governor.
THE Washington rout, not fearing
the ire of a rebel Major-General, calls
Mahone a liar, and what is more to
the purpose, has proved it. The occa
sion for this use of plain Saxon, arose
in the exposure of the dishonorable
course of the rebel General in refusing
to remove the disability of Dr. Tebbs,
the boy-page who served the confe
derate Congress as an errand boy. It
has had a very damaging efTcct upon
Mahone in Virginia, and he attempted
an explanation, which tha Port proved
from the record to be false—so false
as to be unworthy of even a repu
diation fraud.
TnE remnant of the Greenback party
held a convention at Harrisburg on
Thursday last, and nominated a full
Btate ticket, composed of respectable
men, even if they are a little cranky.
The candidates are: For Governor,
Thomas A. Armstrong of Pittsburgh ;
for Lieutenant Governor, T. W. Pow
derly of Scranton ; for Secretary of
Internal Affairs, J. L. Dewoody, of
Venango; for Supreme Judge, J.
Adam Cake of Northumberland; for
Congressman-at-Large, Rob't 11. Tom
liuson of Berks. The growth of the
"rag-baby" is slow and somewhat sick
ly, bnt always lively under careful
nursing. The boss ring will doubtless
be very attentive to it this fall.
Oitr excellent independent contem.
porary, tho Philadelphia Record, files
a disclaimer of non-acceptance on our
nominee for Governor, Judge Trunkey.
Well, if the disclaimer is authorita
tive, however much to be regretted,
we submit ami accept with pleasure
any one of the other eminent gentle
men named for the office, whether it
he Hopkins, Buckalcw, Klwell or
Wolvertou. Fortunately they all
possess about equal merit—all able,
competent and worthy the confidence
of honest people in pursuit of honest
government. The balance of our
ticket, embracing the names of Judge
Ludlow, for Supreme Judge ; Win. 11.
H. Davis for Lieut. Governor, and J.
Simpson Africa for Secretary of In
ternal Affairs, cannot be excelled for
fitness aud the propriety of their selec
tion. But seriously, with such Demo
i crats to choose from, with many others
who will doubtless be presented to the
convention quite as meritorious, a
failure to present a ticket that will he
universally acceptable, seemS impossi
ble. Indeed, the temper of the Demo
cracy throughout the State—the entire
absence of contending factions and
the universal demand for the nomina
tion of honest, capable men, gives
assurance of harmony, and at least an
even chance of success at the polls.
A DEAD-I.OCK in the House of Rep
resentatives is now being developed.
The determination of the Republicans
to force the consideration of the con
tested election case from South Caro
lina, Mackey vs. Dibble, without in
vestigation of the alleged frauds
perpetrated by Mackey, resulted in
breaking the quorum and is no doubt
the commencement of a protracted
struggle, if persisted in. Kx-Bpcaker
Randall leads on the part of the Dem
ocrats and says his side will not yield
an iota, hut on the contrary will fight
to the bitter end. He also says the
Democrats will not object to consider
ing any other election cases or any
other business, hut the particular case
now urged being tainted by fraud,
they insist upon a full investigation
before action is taken upon it. They
are right and will be sustained. The
electiou committee was formed in the
interest of fraud and the Democrats
are justified in resisting by all the
means in their power, however pro
tracted, in support of a request so rea
sonable as the investigation of an
alleged fraud.
I The bill providing for extending
I the' charters of the National Ranks
pass< vl the House on Friday last by a
vote <'f 125 to 57. It provides that
any Xa tional Rank may at any time
within t\ *o years next previous to the
date of th. expiration of its corporate
existence under the present law, and
with the apj """oval of the Comptroller
of the Currei. cy, extend its period of
succession by a mending its articles of
association for * term of not more
than twenty year * from the expiration
of the period of succession named in
said articles of ass ociation, and shall
have succession for such extended
period unless sooner dissolved by the
act of shareholders owning two-thirds
of its stock, or unless its franchise be
comes forfeited by some violation of
law. Such amendment of articles of
association must he authorised by the
consent in writing of shareholders
owning not less than two-thirds of the
capital stock of the association.
HOME of the stalwart organs venture
the diclaration that the proceedings
of the late Republican convention
"nobly contradict" the assertions made
previous to its meeting, tbat it would be
a mere creature to register the edicts
of the Boas. In what part of the
proceedings does this "noble contra
diction" come in! Is it in the unani
mous choice of the candidates slated
and announced from Washington,
months before the convention assem
bled? Even slave credulity should
blush to make suck a claim in face of
all the facta in the case.
Judgo Sharswood for Govornor.
A friend who desires the nomina
tion of Judge Sharswood as the Dem
ocratic candidate for < Jovernor, hands
us a just and deserved tribute to the
distinguished aud noble old Statesman,
which we take great pleasure in pre
senting to our readers. No word of
praise that can be uttered, nor ho
word of commendation that can lie
advanced as to his fitness and excel
lence in connection with the office of
Governor, that will not receive a re
sponse from us. Still wc doubt very
much whether a nomination for (Jov
ernor would be acceptable to the aged
jurist, or desirable in view of compli
cations that may arise in settling the
representation of Philadelphia in the
Democratic nominations.
"A correspondent of the Ilarrisburg
I'at riot of the 10th inst., suggests the
name of (Jeorge Sharswood, the pres
ent Chief Justice of our Supreme
Court, as a proper Democratic candi
date for Governor. To us this looks
like both a wise and timely suggestion.
Ever since there has been a Democra
tic party the Shnrswoods have Ih-cii
Democrats. James Sharswood, the
grandfather of the present Chief Jus
tice, was one of the originul leaders
and organizers of the Democratic party
in Philadelphia nearly a century ago,
and there has been no break in the
Democratic line in the family from
that day to this.
That the Hon. George .Sharswood is
qualified, far above the candidates
usually chosen, to fill so bright and
honorable a positiou as the chief mag
istracy of this great commonwealth,
is demonstrated by a simple statement
of the responsible position* he has so
worthily filled in the past. In 1837
he was a representative in the legis
lature from Philadelphia, and the fol
lowing year he was elected a member
of the select council of that city. In
1842 lie was sent for the third time
to the Legislature of Pennsylvania.
While a member of this body the Jour
nal shows his tiame very frequently
connected with proposed legislation.
In April, 1845, Governor Shunk nom
inated him for Associated Justice cf
the District Courts of Philadelphia.
This appointment was at once con
firmed, aud in 1848 when the presi
dent judgeship of the District Court
became vacant, be was at once selected
to fill the vacancy. When by an
amendment to the State constitution
adopted in 18"0, the judiciary were
made elective Sharswood after being
nominated by the Democratic conven- i
tion, notwithstanding the fact tli%t he <
was then, and had been all bis life a
strong opponent of the Whig party
ami a Democrat, the Whig convention, j
recognizing his preeminent fitness for
the position he held, gave him their
unanimous endorsement. In 18G1 he
was re-elected without opposition and
had served partly through his term, i
when in 1807 his fellow-citizens (ailed !
him to he a Justice in the Supreme
Court of the State, where by the rule
of seniority governing that Court he
became its Chief Justice on the first
Monday of January, 1879. All these
positions, as well as the one he now
holds, he has filled with an integrity,
ability, fidelity and honesty of purpose
rarely seen in the whole course of
human life.
The labors he performed while Judge
of the District Court of Philadelphia
were simply herculean and could he
done alone by a man of great intel
lectual strength. During the twenty*
two yeara he presided in the District
Court of Philadelphia, it is said he
delivered written opinions in over four
thousand cases, of these one hundred
and forty-aix were taken to the Su
preme Court, and all but twenty-two
were affirmed.
The careful preparation of hi* opin*
ions while in the District Court quali
fied him better than anything else
could have done, to fill so well the
highest judicial position in the State,
and it would be well for our courts,
well for those who have business in
them, if the judges of the present day
would as carefully and thoroughly
prepare their opinions as did this illus
trious Judge.
The people want n candidate for
Governor who is free from rings, free
from bosses one who don't even
dwell in the shadow of bossisin. They
are as intolerant of rings and bosses,
in the Democratic party, and even
more so, than in the republican party,
llie Independents, bold thinking, and
thinking for themselves, Democrats
hates all appearance of being ruled or
owned by any leader, or leaders, ring
or bosses. \\ ith a proper candidate
the Democratic party can hold its
nearly half a million of votes in this
state and gain largely from the dis
affected elements of the Republican
party, aud if they can do this our
next Governor will be a Democrat.
With thegreat business entcrest of
Philadelphia Sharswood would neces
sarily be strong. His integrity not
even the most foul dare touch, In
ability none dare question, his honesty
none dare reproach. Here arc the
qualifications the people want. Famliar
from his long judicial career, with the
I constitution and laws of the common
wealth in his hand- they would be
honestly enforced, and carefully pre
Free from all political alliance-,
having affiliations with no faction, as
free from boss rule ami ring combina
tions, a- the light of the sun, it would
Ik? rounding out and closing a career
already made honorable and illustri
i ous in the public service, to bestow
upon the Honorable George Shars
wood the nomination of the Demo
cratic jarty for Governor of this com
Our Political System
We have been taught by the early
statesmen of the country, -ay* the
American l{r<ji*lrr, and by the Supreme
Court under Chief Justice Mar-hall,
that the powers of the Federal Gov
ernment were limited and specifically
defined in the Constitution; and that 1
while the federal authority was made
supreme over our foreign relations and i
general inter-State atfairs, or com
merce and intercourse between the
several States were left supreme over
all matters of local internal State gov
ernment, and that this was fully com
prehended in their reserved rights.
This is the political system denomina
ted by Clay as "the fairest fabric of
human government that ever rose to
animate the hopes of civilized man. - '
Hut. alas! how much of it is now left?
The history of the world shows that
the rights and liberty of the people,
in all ages and nations, have boon
cloven down and destroyed by usurpa
tions and unwarranted assumptions of
power by those intrusted with the con- j
trol of the Government. Hence writ- j
ten constitutions and official oaths to !
i support them have proven ineffectual
safeguards against the cunning devices
and chicanery of ambition and cupid
ity. The forms of our political sys
tem, it is true,still exist, but the essen
tial elements of it are gone—lost for
the present, at least, in the vortex of
partisan commotions and revolutions.
TIIK appointment of the TarifT Com
mission was under consideration last
week by the cabinet. It is understood
that an understanding was reached
that all the leading interests of the
country should be represented upon
the commission. The President will
probably nominate the members of the
Commission some time during the
present week.
TIIK strike of the iron workers in
Pittsburgh promises to be very formi
dable. Wo are told that labor and
workmen are protected by high tariff
dutiee, and it is difficult to imagine
why these thirty thousand men of
Pittsburgh are ou a strike clamoring
for better wages. Has protection
ceased to protect f Something wrong,
and what is it? should be the subject
of calm and intelligent inquiry.
TERMS: $1.50 per Annum, in Advance.
Tho Independents and Machine.
The Independent Republicans have
at length come to a full realization of
! the fact that prayers and solicitations
and threats within tlie party lines,
have no effect to induce J. Donald
< 'atneron to surrender his assumed pro
prietorship of the Republican party,
or to modify his methods of governing
it. They are now inaugurating revo
lutionary measures in an effort to
escape the thraldom of serfdom, in
which the machine methods have in
volved them, and come before the
people with a Republican ticket in
■ opposition to that produced by Senator
( ameron's convention recently held.
It i their lat hope of release, and
still retain a show of manhood as
members of the Republican party.
Ibis method promises to be effectual
.in working their release, but they
must bear in mind tliut Don is a mas
ter of great resources and determined
will, is sustained by the Presidential
bo-s, and a corps of very ingenious
riug of drilled lieutenants, whose
strategy and vigilance will not allow
the Independents a lazy or inert cam
paign. In storming the fortifications
of a master thus entrenched, and de
termined to crush out all opposition to
his personal rule in a party which
heretofore has been given up entirely
to bis direction and dictation, will re
j quire work, and work with a will.
At this writing (Wednesday,) the
Indejs ndent* are in session in Phila
delphia. They are in respectable num
bers, lel by many of the most respec ta
ble members of the Republican party,
but wo cannot obtain any reliable in
formation of their work before going
to pn*§.
THOMAS M. M ALIEN ALL has declined
the nomination for Congrcssman-at
large, on the Stalwart State ticket, in
a letter addressed in re ply to the gush
ing and imploring epistle of George
Lear, to accept. His letter applauds
with earnestness that part of the Re
publican platform inherited from the
Independent conference. Rut still his
admiration of the approved planks
docs not impel him to enthuse suffi
ciently to wag the tail of the Cameron
SECRETARY TELLER, the new chief
of the Interior Department, is credited
with inaugurating a new policy for
the government of the Indians. He
proposes to disattn them, whether hy
force or by purchase is not stated. In
either case it will be a heavy contract,
as he might as well ask the Indian for
his life as his gun.
GEN. REAVER say# he made no
pledge. We believe it. Why would
he make pledges to obtain a nomina
tion, when none were needed. He
had already made his stalwart record,
ami was marked in the ranks
! of faithful henchmen of the Ross gov
ernment, duly certified from the head
centre at Washington.
WHEN - the decision of the court in
banc affirming the decision of the
court below was communicated toGui
tcau, he remarked he "did not expect
any other result," and said "my hope
is in President Arthur. I made him
what he is and he can't afford to go
Irnck on me."
SENATOR CAMERON contemplated,
and was nearly successful in sending
Charley Wolf in search of Galusha A.
Grow during the pendeocy of the late
Republican convention. Charley how
ever luckily escaped, but poor Grow
is stiil lost and waudering.
WM. HENRY RAWLE has formally
accepted the machine nomination for
Supreme Judge, and thus attests his
willingness to train under Cameron'*
"damnable" methods. Verily, he is a
high toned Independent.
INDIAN Agent De Wellyn, of the
Mescatars agency, appeals to Congress
to make immediate provision to feed
the Indians of his agency, as he finds
it impossible to control them on empty
The River and Harbor bill, U aptly
denominated by a contemporary "a bill
to bribe the people with their own
The English police are (till going it
blind in the search for the murderer* of
Lord Cavendish and Under Secretary
'I housands of buriiels of cofTee j.oivjn■
ed by arsenic have been carted away
from the wrecked steamer Pliny off
Long Branch.
TBS Krancklyn cottage, at Elberon,
Long Branch, where President Garfield
died, has been rented to Agiutus
Smith, of New York.
The agrarian outrages in Ireland for
the first quarter of the year are recorded
at 1,417, including six murders for
which no convictions have been made.
A Massachusetts member of Congresa
thinks the best thing for Mr. Blaine to
do is to "lie fallow for a year or two."
We believe better advice than that
would be not to lie at all.
It is a wise man who knows when the
people have bad enough of him. Ex-
Governor Kenton, of New York, may
be added to the list. He refuses to be
a candidate for tiovernor.
Dr. Huston Buckner of Greenville,
Miss., was a slave to opium. While un
der the influence of the drug, he wan
dered into a neighbor's houc, and was
killed in the dark as a burglar.
The Washington Pott, which ha* re
cently spoken with more or less authori
ty a* to Mr. Blaine's purposes, says that
Mr. Blaine authorises the statement
that he is not a candidate for Congress
or for any other j-olitical position.
The quibbles of certain theorists
about vaccination, and their assertion
that it does not protect, find an em
phatic refutation in the fact that all the
unvaccinated employ* a in a large man
ufacturing establishment in Cincinnati
have been attacked by small pox.
A rich lumberman in Northern Mich
igan has salted a small lake and plan
ted it with oysters. Salt costs very lit
tle at Saginaw, and as the lake has no
outlet it is not difficult to keep the
water salt. He expects to raise as fine
oysters as can be found on any of the
bays of the coast.
The "crown jewels" of France are at
last to be sold, the only reservations
being the historic and artistic rarities.
The proceeds, it is estimated, will
amount to about 12,000,000 francs, or
about $2,400,000, and the fund will be
devoted lo works of public utility or to
a relief project tor sick, aged and ds
abled work people.
The fe.llows in Georgia who roll the
term Bourbon so trippingly upon their
tongues do not understood its signifi
cance. In the first place a Bourbon is
a gentleman. The record does not exist
to show that he ever denied a friend,
deserted a principle or disgraced his
blood.— Macon Telegraph.
The proprietor of the New York
IlrraU announces that, "with or without
the action of Congress or of the public,
care will be taken of the widow and
orphan of It® long, and not of them
alone but of every widow and every
orphan of the men who have sailed
with the leannette and have perished."
The 10"tb anniversary of the Decla
ration of Independence by the people
of Mecklenburg county on the 2lKh of
May, 177f>, was celebrated at Charleston,
N. C., on May 20, with great eclat. The
occasion was honored by a number of
distinguished guests from the Federal
Capitol, notably by Senator Vance, who
made the welcome speech; Senator
Ransom, who read the Declaration, and
Senator Bayard, of I>elaware, who was
the orator of the occasion.
The Grand .fury of the Criminal Court
of Washington, on May 20, returned
new presentment* against General Thos.
I S. Brady, John W. I>oreey, Mont fort C.
Rerdell Henry M. Turner, J. R. Miner,
J. M. Feck, and Harvey M. Vaile,
charging them with conspiring to de
fraud the United S-ates in connection
with the awards of Star Rout® con
tracts. The indictments cover 106 close
ly written foolscap pages, and it is
thought by the prosecuting officers thst
they clos® up several loopholes which
were left open in the old indictments.
Senator Mahone is reaping a full bar
vest of contempt from his fellow ottisena
for voting against removing the disabili
ties of Dr. Tebbs, the ex-page of the
late Confederate Senate. Robert Man
•ell, s Kesdjutter and until recently a
strong supporter of Mahone, writes to
the Alexandria Qwtu that there can
he "no Imaginable excuse for O eneral
MahoneT unnatural and detestable
treaobery to bis old friends and com
panions In arms." Thst Tebbs vote
will prove a bad business for Mahone.
i ♦
Tux New York dbs present# a abort
statistical table showing the amount of
money wasted on the ships of Connecti
cut, Pennsylvania, Java, Colossus, Miss
achusetts and Oregon. Thee® ships
were begun fifteen yean ago and are
still on the stocks in the Brooklyn,
Charlastowa and Kittary Navy Yards.
The total amount of money expended
upon them already is $9,434,674. A
committee of Congress has reported
that they are "unfinished, rotten and
worthless." As the concludes, "not
one of the six keels has srer touched
water or ever will touch water." With
this experience in creating a navy, it ia
not strange that Congress should hesi
tate to make fresh appropriations for
Robeson's vast naval schema* and put
tba money under control of William E,
Chandler. Not even a surplus of SIBO,-
000,000 la the Treasury could justify
tfaa waste that would inevitably ensue.
NO. 21.