Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, May 18, 1882, Image 6

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    ®he Ccatw flrowcrat.
♦ ■ ■ -
The Largest, Cheapest and Best Paper
How Bowie, Crockett and Travis Met
Their Heaths.
This sketch is au account of the
burning of the bodies of the heroes
of the Alamo, after the storming of that
fortress by the forces of Santa Anna, on
the 6th of March, 1836, and includes
the murder of Col, lauies Bowie. Ihe
facts were related to me by the Mexi
can fifer, Pennine Coaaiano, who was
then but a small boy, and who was an
eye-witness of the scene. He is known
in Texas now by the name of "The
Mtaher." I knew him during several
years, and feel that I can vouch for
him as a truthful Greaser, if such can be
After the fort (the celebrated church
of the Alamo at San Antonio) bad been
stormed and all its defenders had been
reported to have been slain, and when
the Mexican assailants had been recall
ed from within the walls, Santa Anna,
accompauied by bis staff, entered the
fortress. Cassiano, being a fifer, ami
therefore a privileged person, und pos
sibly the more so on account of his
tender age, by permission entered with
them. He desired to see all that was
to be seen, and lor tin* purpose he kept
himself near to his general-in-chief.
Santa Anna had ordered that nocorp*e*
should be disturbed till after he Rhould
have looked upon them all, and seen
how every man had fallen. He had
employed the following citixens of San
Antonio, who are, in most part living
in advanced ages, -lo*efaC. rostere, K.
0. Stevenso, -lack llarrinio, "Pablo,"
and other persons, to enter with him,
and point out to him the bodies of sever
al distinguished Texans.
The principal corpses that Santa An
na desired to see were those of Col. W.
Barrett Travis, Col. .James Bowie, and
another, man, whose name Cassiano
could not remember. I asked him if
the other man's name was Crockett, to
which he replied, "Maybe so ; 1 can't
(Jn entering the fort, the eyes of the
conquerors were greeted by a scene
which my informant could not well de
scribe. The bodies ot the Texans lay
as they had fallen, and many of them
were covered by those of Mexicans who
had fallen upon them. The close of the
struggle seemed to have been a hand
to-hand engagement, and the number
of slain Mexicans exceeded that of the
Texans. The ground was covered with
the bodies of the slain. Santa Anna
and suite wnndered from one apart
ment of the fortress to another, step
ping over and upon the dead, and
seemingly enjoying this scene of human
After a general reconnoitering of the
premises, the dictator was conducted
to the body of Colonel Travis. After
viewing his form and features for a few
moments, Santa Anna thrust his sword
through the dead man's liody and turn
ed away. He was then conducted to
the man, whose name Cassiano could
not remember. This man lay with his
face upwards, and his body was covered
by those of many Mexicans who had
fallen upon him. His face was florid,
like that of a living man, and be look
ed like a healthy man asleep. Santa
Anna also viewed him lor a few mo
ments, thrust his sword through him
and turned nway.
Then a detail of Mexican soldiers
came into tho fort. They were com
manded by two officers, a captain and a
junior officer, whose title Cassiano
could not explain to me, but whom I
shall for convenience call the lieuten
and. They were both quite young men,
very fair, very handsome, and so near
ly alike in complexion, form, size ami
features that they were supposed to tie
brothers, the captain being apparently
a little older than the other. Csssuno
did not remember to have ever seen
them before, was confident that he
never saw them afterwards and he did
not learn their names.
After the entry of the detail, Santa
Anna and his suite retired ; but the two
officers, with their detail, remained
within. The two kept themselves
close together. My informant wss de
sirous to know what was to tie done and
remained with the detail and. to enable
him to see all that was to fie seen, he
kept himself near the two officer*,never
losing sight of them.
As soon as the dictator and suite had
retired, the detail began to take up the
Texans to bring them together, and lay
them in a pile. I bad learned from
other prisoners that the Mexicans si
the same time performed the additional
work of rifling the pockets of the slain
The two officers took a stand about
the centre of the main area. The first
corpse was brought and laid as the cap
tain directed. This formed a nucleus
for the pile. The liodies were brought
successively, each by four men. and
dropped near the captain's feet. In
imitation of his general, the captain
viewed the body of each Texan for a
few moments, then thrust his sword
through him, and then, by a motion of
bis sword, directed the four men who
had brought bim, to throw him upon
the pile, which pantomine was instant
ly obeyed.
When the Texans had all been
thrown upon the pile, four soldiers
walked around it each carrying a can of
ramphene, from which he spurted the
liquid upon the pile.
I bis process was continued until the
bodies were thoroughly wetted. Then
a match was thrown upon the pile, and
the combustible fluid instantly sent up
a flame to an immense height.
While the fluid was being thrown
npon the pile, four soldiers brought a
cot, on which lay a sick man, and set It
down by the captain, and one of them
remarked i "Here, captain, is a man
who is not dead." "Why is he not
dead ?" said the captain. "We found
him in a room by himself," said the
soldier. "He seems to be very aick,and
1 suppose he was not ahle to fight and
was placed there by his companions, to
fie in a safe place, and out of the way."
The captain gave the sick man s search
ing look and said: "I think 1 have
seen the man before." The lieutenant
replied, "I think 1 have, too," and,
■looping down, ho examined hi* fea
tureaclosely. Then, raininghimaelfup,
he addressed the captain. "Ho i no
other than the infamous Bowie 1"
The captain then also stooped,
gazed intently on the nick man's faoe,
assumed an erect position, and confirm
ed the conviction of the lieutenant.
The captain then looked fiercely
upon the sick man and said : "How is
it, Bowie, that you have been found
hidden in a room by yourself, and have
not died fighting, like your comrades ?"
To which Bowie replied, in good Casti
lian : "1 should surely havedono so, but
you see I am sick, and cannot get off
my cot." Said the captain "You have
come to a fearful end—and well do you
deserve it. As an immigrant to Mexico
you have taken an oath beforo Hod to
support the Mexican government but
now you are violating that oath by
fighting the government which you
have sworn to Bupport. But this per
jury, common to all your countrymen,
is not your only offense. You have
married a respectable Mexican lady,
and are fighting against her country
men. Thus you have not only perjured
yourself, but you have also betrayed
your own family."
"I did," said Bowie, "take an oath to
support the laws of Mexico, and in do
leuse of those laws am I now lighting.
You took the same oath when you ac
cepted your commission in the army ;
you are now violating, that oath, and
betraying the trustjot your countrymen,
by fighting under; a faithfuless tyrant
for the destruction of those laws and
for the ruin of your people's liberties.
The perjury and treachery are not
mine but yours."
The captain indignantly ordered
Bowie to shut his mouth. "I shall nev
er shut my mouth for your like," said
Bowie, "while 1 have a tongue to speak."
"1 will soon relievo you of that," said
the officer.
Then he cause! four of his soldiers to
hold the sick man, while a fifth, with a
sharp knife, split his mouth on each side
to the ramus of the jaw, then took bold
of his tongue, drew as much of it as he
could between hss teeth, out of his
mouth, cut it off and threw it u|>on a
pile of dead men. Then in ol>edience
to a motion of the officer's swords, the
four soldiers who held him lifted the
mutilated, bleeding, tortured invalid
from hiscot and pitched him alive u|>ori
the funeral pile.
At that moment the match was
thrown upon the pile. The combusti
ble fluid instantly sent up a flame to an
amazing height. The sudden genera
tion of a great heat drove all the soldiers
back to me wall. The two officers, pa e
as corpses, stood gazing at the immense
column of tire, and trembling trm
head to loot, us if they would break
asunder at every joint. The lieutenant
said in a faltering and broken articu
lation; "It takes hllll —Up—to God."
It is believed that the officer alluded
to the ascension, upon the wmgol that
flame, of Bowie's soul to that <t> d, who
would surely award due vengeance to
his fiendish murderers.
Not b>-ing able to tully comprehend
the great combustibility of the cam
phene, it is also believed that the sud
den elevation of that great pillar of fire
was an indication of God's hot displeas
ure toward those torturing murderers.
It is further believed that the two offi
cers were of the same opinion, and this
accounted for their"great agitation, and
toe narrator thought that the tame idea
pervaded the whole detail, as every man
appeared to be greatly frightened.
For a time the murderers Mood
amazed : expecting every moment that
the earth would open a chasm through
which every man in the fort would drop
into perdition. Terrified by this con
victinn, they left the lort as speedily as
On a subsequent day, Cetsieno en
tered the fort again. It was then cleans
ed, and it seemed to be • comfortable
place. But in a conspicuous place, in
llie main ales, be saw the one relic ol
the great victory—a pile of charred
fragments of human bones. TYziu
Adulterated Tobacco.
si net*NCßs rain TO ri.Avo* TIIK I KM.SSNT
PmtFUiff# Journal.
A pamphlet has been published,
showing that inGennony thou-and* of
tons of beet leaves are transformed into
tobacco. In some places chlccory and
cabbage leaves make the fragrant
weed. An English chemist found a
stuff sold for tobacco WHS the leaves of
a diaphoretic plant. It had been im
possible to sell the plant as a drug, and
it had been turned into tobacco to save
Another writer informs everybody, or
wants to, that chemists have an impor
tant place in fobseco factories. Fifteen
factories in New York employ chemist*
to "flavor" eigars. They can not do
much with the wrapper, but they can
"heighten and develop" the filling*. It
is a relief to know on the authority of
the writer quoted that opium is not
used, although it used to be formej-ly,
in England, but stringent laws broke
the practice. The substances used to
flavor tobacco are numerous. Every
manufacturer has his own formula.
Vanilla is the most common. This is
employed in the form of an alcoholic
tincture to flavor fillings. It is said that
few cigar* are free from vanilla. Its
effects are not harmful if not used
to excess. The tonka liean and bal
sam fir are used in the same way for
the same purpose. Odagoil is also in
troduced. The tieet imitator of the to
bacco flavor is valerian. Valerien and
vanilla are the most valuable chemical*
now in use by tobacconist*. By their
use the poorest stems may be conver
ted into fair tobacco. Into cigarette*
enter not only valerian and vanilla, but
casoarilla bark. To niakA cigar* hum,
ammonia ia used, and they are soaked
in saltpetre. The latter ia injurious and
make* young men old with dispatch.
The object of its use is to cause the
cigar to burn freely. It has been no
ticed by some smoker* that an intox
icating effect baa been produced by
some cigars. This is produced by dip
ping the fillings in a solution of sul
phuric ether and bromide of potassium.
When it is known that New England
rum i* used with vanilla and valerian,
it ii nofhing to wonder at that the
cigar* no treated produce intoxication.
We do not name the brand that ia treat
ed with New Kngland rum. If we did,
the demand would exceed the aupply.
To make tobacco or aid in it* adultera
tion, such other thing* aa potato leaven,
sugar, potash, tamarind*, anislod, gum
and variou* oil* not heretofore men
tioned to a greater or le* extent. In
New York alone, 826,600,000 cigar* are
made annually, beside* 22'.),*00,000
cigarettua, and twenty-five thou*aud
persona are employed.
l.ove I infer Peculiar Ciri-uiiisluiiccs.
When the French sought to establish
a monarchy in Mexico a Mazallun youth
raised a regiment of boy* and waged
against such of the invaders as appeared
in iSinaloa a warfare that told. The
young man'* father wa* of Caatilian
blood ami hi* mother wa* u Mexican.
Ilia name, Corona, soon became famous,
and at the age of 2. f > he wa* regarded a*
the Mo*by of Mexico. At the end of the
war he wa* major general, the hero of the
Holdier* and the idol of Ma/.atlin society.
Ho was *ix feet tall, broad shouldered,
handsome and daring. While attend
ing a ball at the American Hotel, at
Macallan, he stumbled over a domestic,
knocking a tray from her hand. Stoop
ing to pick up the crockery, tieneral
Corona noticed that the girl was very
pretty and very saucy. She told bim
that her name wan Hetty How man, that
her mother wasa San Francisco washer
woman and that he ought to know bet
ter than to rush headlong down a dark
stairway. Corona made love to the
American mis* and before leaving for
the capital he had learned of her irre
proachablo though humble life. Once
away, Hetty's face and pert ways haunt
ed him so much that he wrote to her
arranging for marriage by proxy. He
remained in Mazatlan, the bride went
to a convent school. They were a thou
sand miles apart and wrote to each other
daily, the husband constantly instruct
ing the wife in polite way*. President
.luarez. fearing that Corona's popularity
would lead the people to give their vote
to the young soldier at an election then
approaching concluded to send him a*
minister to Madrid, the most enviable
diplomatic position in the eye* of all
Mexicans. General Corona took the
washerwoman's daughter to hi* palace
in Madrid and she is now regarded us
the i.mst brilliant and accomplished
lady at the court of Spain—K. change.
All Incident or Washington l.ifc,
A few days since n well-known gen
tleman of this city culled at the Chi
nese rmbuiy and reque-tcd of the min
ister the privilege of bringing two or
three friend; to call. The minuter w
somewhat embarrassed at the request, i
it was not exactly in accordance with bin
idea of etiquette, but Oriental politene
forbade a rt-fu-.il. The next night, to
his great dismay, the enterprising
American invaded the mansion with a
delegation of thirty odd sight-vers, of
whom the majority were ladies. It
was soon evident that they came to
spend the evening. The wife of the
minister was up stairs and not mixing
in society, according to Chinese law and
custom, and she could not make berap*
fiearance. The minister unable to
|>eak a word of Kngltsh.did the b-st he
couid to entertain ills unexpected visi
tors by the aid of his interpreter, set re
freshments before them and permitted
himself to !• gs/ed at until curiosity
was satisfied. On departing the visitors
all exclaimed to each other of the lovely
tune they had, but there may be serious
doubts as to whether (heir host could say
the same. llithmorr ,Vu n.
Practicing for an Emergency.
?• Fu)riMV Kttn-UKf
That wn* • lingular occurrence at the
weitern addition on Wednesday, when
a prominent member of the big board
stopped to ipeak to a burljr Irnhman
who w shoveling and a* it a ca*ket of
doubloon* lay under hi* pile. "I* that
hard work ?" *aid the broker. "Regorra,
tbry how you'd loike it," *aid the iat*>r
er. "You bel you," naid the broker,
and, pulling o(T hi* coat he *pit on hi*
hand* and went to work with a will.
Then while tho perspiration ran down
hi* face, be delved and lifted, and
finally put oide the iliovel and gave
the man a quarter. "What the deuce
did you do that for ?" a*ked a friend,
who had regarded the |*>rfnrmanc> with
comiderabie curio*ily. "Itecauie," wo*
the reply, "unle** stock matter* improve
within the nest three month*, I'll have
to come to it, for I couldn't beg, and I
can't borrow, and I'll be hanged if I'm
going to *tarre a* long a* there t* a *and
hill and a shovel in San Francisco."
A Michigan Mar.
"Let's ee, they rai*e *ome wheat in
Minnesota, don't they ?" a*ked a Scho
harie granger of n Micbigander.
"Itaiae wheat! Who raises wheal? No,
air; decidedly no, air. It rai*c* itaelf.
Why, if we undertook to cultivate wheat
in that State it would run u*out. There
wouldn't beany place to put our houae."
"Rut I've been told that grasshopper*
take a good deal of it."
"Of courae they do. If they didn't I
don't know what we would do. The
cuoaed atufr would run all over the
State and drive 111 out—choke ua up.
The*e grasshoppers are a Ond end, only
there ain't half enough of them."
"la that wheat nice and plump?"
"Plump I Why, I don't know what
you call plump wheat, but there are
aeventeen in our family, including ten
aervanta, and when we want bread we
ju*t go out and fetch in a kernel of
wheat and bake it,"
"Do you everaoak it in water firat."
"(>li, no ; that wouldn't do. It would
awell a little and then we couldu't get
it in our range oven."
——l -
CHICAGO i* the greatest lumber mark
et in the world. The aingle item of
*awed lumber reeeived there in 1881
would lay an inch flooring fourteen feet
wide round the earth at the equator.
The amount of lumber manufactured
in the three States of Michigan, Wis
consin and Minnesota during 1881
would lay such a floor Bfty feet wide.
Aubbicans are great acribblera. Even
the lunatics on Rlookwell's Island edit
and publish a paper. And tbsy are
not the only lunatics angagad in the
PUKINO recent year* the trade in for
eign and domestic nula ha* developed
wonderfully. New York City ha* be
come the most important centre of the
trade, the extent ot which indicate*
that people have either secured patent
stomach* or that indigestion ha* lost its
terrors. Africa used to supply us with
peanuts, sending them by ship load*,
but our Southern States have so success
fully cultivated this popular nut that we
are now independent. The States that
furnish the bulk as the supply are Vir
ginia, North Carolina, ami Tennessee.
I Miring the present season the crop of
Virginia was 1,100,000 buabels ; of Ten
nessee 550.1KK1 bushel* ; and of North
Carolina, 120,000 bushels.
The Texan pecan IN especially in de
mand. While a few years ago several
barrels of pecans abundantly supplied
the demand, car loads and invoices of
one or two hundred barrels arc not now
In many localities, especially in the
Kaatern States, the hickory nuisare suf
ficiently plentiful to ship to New York
half a dozen ear-loads a week when do
The chestnut is becoming scarcer every
year, but their great popularity will
probably prevent their total disappear
atioe, for they ere already being success
fully cultivated, and it is expected that
in a few years the cultivated nut will
equal in quality the high priced Italian
Hlack walnut* and butternut* are re
garded as too rich and only for table use ;
but the tortm-r is largely used by con
lectioners. The American hazel nut* are
not an important article of commerce,
the fitliert largely taking their place.
• Mily a few Kngiish hazel tails And their
way to the American market. It is
stated that growers in f'alifornia con
template introducing a number of varie
ties of nut* native to Spain and Italy.
flic trade in foreign nut* is enormous.
Hie demand is said to have trippled
during the last five year*. The almond
always ha* been in demand, and proba
bly always will be. The Krigli.h wal
nuts. formerly called Madeira walnuts,
i inainlv come from France and Spam,
the Knglisli crop being consumed at
home. They have been successfully
i raised in the Slates on the Pacific coast,
fhe Hrazil nuts are a kind of which go
a long way. Foreocoanut* the demand
is steady and so immense that our ileal
••rs feel safe in buying them I y the hun
dred thousand. The process of de*icat;ng
them has widened their family use, and
they are now a favorite ingredient of
pies, cakes, and candiea.
Trcanuror's Sal*'
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415 -. '<*• Ht^wl|.„.„ m .„. m „ 14 on
•ano PfclMp Meyers m mi ,
I'® e. AlltH.n Merer*...... 14 40 ,
4Kb 44 Mlehwel Merer* 00 is ,
400 44 Vslurtiee Meyer*. On 44 t
104 ... Jsmwtt Miner. 14 la ■
4m _ WllHem f. Milehel!_.. | an t
m ~ *! ''• P Mltrhell au 74 |
an ... *• P Mllrlselt Hi M (
MM ... JefcA P. NlMAell.. I* ot <
414 Its UiOrrtt li l 4
*4 J. * | a 1
441 ... J. A Packer fn a* 4
seas*. r*a. wsasssm stats. ttzts
" J. W, Pa/ kr *1
J W. Parker 14 i,
"• W'illUin M I'm ltr 4
"" Q'"l 1 41
l'S P*4a SlUllli ], u
4tl 153 Nuns. I 5...11 41 ,y
4'l I*l Mtry Tallirisn 'Ji
•o*l ... Hlchsr* Tshta,,,,, 4 n
200 ... hl-lianl Tuult * n
BIJ PUbI-urn Whartnu 11l -
817 ... ri.|,l„„ u Whsrli.ri ],, 4
US' . J'.llSlbsll Wiliu -. K,
*ls ... ('i|i TVUUr.. m 1
4-tt las James White... ;-l
**-l ... W illlsm Yaftley \ no|
PKRursoN TOWN*!])!'.
l'*l A. StlUplt Slut 1fi58rf|.,.,..., 11 28
I'l ... Jslliea Hurler j 41
J of *0 Henry 1151ne*..... i".
8-5 of In 11 el, ly II nines. ii
5-5 of 4'i ll< dry llslu.e
2-'iof4o 11-niy llalii.s )4
*i** h, Willi-.., Js'KSii )4 .
4"" ... J-.liii l-siiiler 14 s.
*'*' ... W tlliam Tt/ssrl. I I ,9
ISO Is Targetl 14 1
4i*i ... Tli-'iuss Harr a 4
4i*l I*l Msryaret Man. r, 14
•I* l ... J, -hi, Barren
'7 Julii. Hsrn.ti >.
4'** ... Jslile. I In.- f f, V
4i*i Hi Msry llsir ~
*'*' I*l Kl-edefer llratllialu ....... 32'
-4i. ... Il'-i.iy 14-1 k.
*"> OH J -lui Bell * 'ti
I I 11,-liry Ms- k 2 1;
-14 10 J-.hll (Minder. 4 U
10 llenry Belli,.le, f, -,-j
- "< Prederyk It .11 idler 431
H-l 01 A-lsn, Iv-tlu-1er..... 5 I.
*•" i-O J..1.U llerl- „ J;
4-O (*• ll'-nij (arsta&ce 3 s
41SI . J..iin i rni, 3
4" 10 John Dorr. Jr 1 3 g
4"s 7* Jubn lis, 1 3 1
4"* 7n ln-iinr* lurr .1 :t
m m I'.le, K|-le, )5 41
4 * ... A i.'lre* Kpler.._.„ 14 £
'•I Jseol- J"fee, I 4;
4'si ... BerntH llrati 3 3-
H o llls,.I, ami . Snyder |s 71
14' i II OiMois 1. u,il H. Snyder . e(
•* • harim 11.11 .... q ...
4 7 I- ■ J 1,11 11 aftfji kf, f, k,
< > ln'l iM-ert trail, 7 1,
4"i I.'O W.r.-.i.i lrli, r, u
41*1 W. . -.
4'" Msry Je„k
41s VI 1,. 1 I—aim, v,. 1
UJ kwr) .. .. si
1 - Willi.,l, M --ly 1
" W illltlu l .rt.f J d
- Willl.o, I'sikef 1
I'" 1 00 W Ilium Phillips I -I
I*'" - Jssie. Ksil'l ft ~
4" 1 I.n,e. 1t... A t.
44-1 7-1 I I..it 11. HiMlltj :-.
4-* Sl' Tk-llltl It uetAb t 7.1
" 4*l All f.ikl.l •..( ,-1 4
,17-1 Si ,e, * W..|( ,
4's> S,n. n Stilllef 3
** ... WIIIU*. fill 7t
4" 01 J -r.n Ten .
n - w tmi
JJJ • • I' Brsal (ysarL. i n
!■ l.,s*e, | 1,
4* ... I '.in, I lie. k .., *
4-1 10 l'ef*J Sll-.-er ... k,.
44 II Ti, ir.s. If.y.kill (.*). 4 v
II A uhis Township,
' " - - J ' rist.ef 3
i'" • • | f r ,
William Marrtk>ri. jl f.i
' J' tiii Irtin I ;^
, Ml ii MM I > MI 5
!<• P.f I.*l h
; *' l'ssi rwib 1. r.
Sou.oeliu.uti It
J In. W 1, |f„, ...
" A I' Hsirt. j *3
Hi -ION township,
4 ''-I J.tse. It. 1 ler ...... 3
4.: I'.! .1 l„, Prtie _L._ 3..
' 4-' I'.T J■ •* It-llmru-u 3 -Jl,
4-7 H.I Jobs W ken-Uud J
1 * I-" l l-enwf Beohsm. 1 y,
Ift J-4ih Ih.l, >4i .... j - ; ,
|I-IIHI.-U,II. i<. n ;*
I J]? Will mtti llsy-s 4 (•1
l.'-se P. Ilk. ]U -
" It -left Iron, . . y.-, .
It 'e*t Iro 1 n |e ,
Jms ItiMin Jf. ij
1 " l'etef l.ytl. , 13
: ' ' •- Jsme, A q.llfle. Id V,
4"' I.'* M'len Slkt. 54 tk'
W ilium Allusss..... 4 -yt
4* J.*li* I .rfn.n . 3 70
4-" K leu Iroir. H
1 ' . J-f..ikl. Jk-kki.* . ss .
17 n. ms. 1n.,. .
J k| W' K lf,*eyr i 7y
7" I 7.f let ft.-Inof ■. ....
74 A TI. to.. I* 14
1 • ■ *•- I lostf <<v ,,of 1 4 .yi
* ' W tlli.ffi Ttirkmsn losroet i la 14
'7l It oof o.ooef 1 j* 14
I' I s r-Slo Oft OSSgn A I.'
J-'l." /.>-ylef (oooefy... 111
S n, .. V.fyof 4 24
I SiOH-o Tu|* 4 14
A TO a. l-.n Hr.Af 447
4l',i -. Ilsfiosb Itr.-ly a 17
J55 ... Jsoe Brodf. 3 u
m. J-'bri It.S'i. .. 3 I*
4411 ... W .uum p B.ody a
Wiiium p litsfly ._ 4 3;,
J.m. It;., k 3 33
74 W ilium Wortea. Mi
4J* IS1P r*lk|ll.nn,n Mw .„„ S3*
r* ... Jotin l -.0 d.-a. ... 4 44
so ._ J..1.8 Ik.oOfn ". „_Z 77
! Hsi .. W illlsm I } j7
AJ7 ... 7t illisn, lu* sn 4 4]
I/5 Job* He-key .., | 09
Hr 4 SI
; I-'IO 71 Slßr'S llmu. ._ 107
•'*' B.Jeft Orsy j ,vi
. lt-left Ofay a fn
4-* ■ Tbenme Otsfit 7 13
440 Jsme* 1 1-plum .............. 4 (II
ISO J'AIS llnneet | JJ
' *5 • Pefef 11-.ukk!.. f, 09
4" 1 ■ A1,U114.1 llosler. f. so
47" Jeremlsb Jsf bsoa. a 47
4'o RI. hsr.l lake f, oh
**> ... Aso-n left 2 Ml
4<iJ 134 Willl.m Ml'lo. M
424 Ssfnti'l S*flon Mi
-7"" w ilitsm Psrker 4 Mi
-'34 ... Ri'hsxl Psrkkf 04
J4 Jemnlsh Psfkf* 4 *4
41* J..b* *n. *
185 .„ W Illlsm sik-imsn 1 7
Tlwrns* Smith.. 3 is 1
™ Al-rshsm RO.IU, ] ui
7" ... Ssmoel a-r*t.. 77
•" A l.rshsm Rontt, , 227
' Ssmuel *..,11. | JIJ
'*• • Robert Tserstl. I 77
4H< Henry Tolsrol. It (9
185 ™ Wbsium M.ee. 1 s
445 tSsfld WlllUmv. ... :i
10" Henry limse, 4 4
.*lO UO A Asm RullaAef,, 2*
*' .. W lilisio (V-ok.. II ]•
400 Willlsm P. Rrmly 4 8]
BAS Msry lu-nnd. 3 (fy
J' 1 HI Alessnder (tsmerwo. . SO
ITS 134 IlkM], P'Wt, jui
IVS H. ft Palmer.-. 3 on
4"" RdosH (Isriros., 3 03
4"" -- * UlUm Hsrlras. 3 (it
4"' ... 77 illlsm HstrUdt,.. 7 03
45 ... Jseob KnteUetter 41
inn ... Rbir-re A Pullmor, 3 10
-fJT —. A. A A Scnft, 3 02
213 44 WillUm MiCTaro, 20 3*
ISA 114 John PorOoo. 494
*•> ... Csihsrine HnlAson.. (1 43
*• Reteefs RjSSoti 0 44
Rlrhsrd Rubison 3 OA
. *" Jsepet Rok.b* (nsraer). A an
J le-rOoB (wkr.l... A 14
£ A *4re* Rsjsrd. 12# SO
47* 14.1 W ilium Ritirhsm 41 m
4 143 Pells Hrosl. . 41 M
47* 15-7 0,. .tee ( smptell. 41 *
1!? i! HM OsrarmMsti. 4 40
41* 44 UstM nsfarsdden. 49 49
B*7 hi two,l OwanmMea 34 44
47i 141 p.„i 0n,.. *
47.' 1M Tbomss Caißbart. 41 Ml
4*3 143 H. 11. ITinslnrlmm. lot as
*' - o~>rre (Tyatm- Tin
4 143 Rhsrr lUbwey. 41ns
WW ... J—ph IWTIISC. 14 isy
11* - Nsmsel Ik.leoa, 13 OA
4*3 (leoege fcblT. ss 04
* - Tb-ense PHmAsnMR. *4 Ik)
• ™ RolertOtay IN
w* m Jsme. T. Ilals, 40 03
40 _ James T. nala. - t 42
441 1M TTe mm HastWa. II M
4*3 14* Jsmis Hawthorn. II AO
43* 143 WHIUm U>w4a.!7!....e II AA
4*3 IM William LewU
4*l _ Nam set I Jim II AA
3M - John tArret, 42 34
J"! ~ *4 (10
*0 J. L leu 24 (W
O Mf Jwwr Msplah... 41 AA
A 143 Mwm* iSsAIM. AIM
43* 111 an. MsWamaas. si m
S !3 fcrfS^~BS
i'W |M M- PWmm &! ur,
4# 169 M T hi
V* h J HtoMi , 4*<#i
' ' * J Hit. I**ll . * 117
4l 1 Ltikf klimwr /.§
4. J . . ft Hoi;; .' o|
4U 16.1 Iti.r.. h M'/rria /,| f#f,
Jultu M ft# £}
' / of H
"I 4U. I.VI J p. Soma 17 yj
4.; 1M H.Jiun. |'., k ,. f . ii r,4
4*l tlMorn* i'urk' t \ /, j
*l# far k*r it it*
IflO Ml Plft 41 M
Hi Hftgti Ha 4
M|Wk.. SJ.
'"I 144 J'/hit lU i U y
4 s'. JM Tlioimm I. HhJjjm-t, rjjf
4-i 1M K4w*r<f lfcutt r.J
1 i lt ll II 7j IttMII 1
l J'** j,h ., j.
4 • J A. M. \ •UntJisi- i
4' t 1W lUb*"* MJb. M <-|
• • ■ M "• Hhari/iii i
4 1"4 KtiwiVl bri'/f( ua i
f '*l I'-l Karai WUrtia. 61 vi
• 3 of 4-4#
4'£S...l'* i Mry H lrt/n 14 #'
4*l 161 kn/i'U H*t hi W
).'>l U t m ■,
Fnukcta V4'*t 16 ill
4** l''l Hillluru 11. H*t ■- i4
4-4 163 John V 4 *rt
I' 4* Frarjcla HV* t j,. <<
41 Jlii l .... 61 Vi
'*4 l f l 4aH|4-a Aliiiof) ta ay
4'.4 1M . 4 AIII**, *. "5
J4.-H, Allien # ' IL
** Ainlrow A-lUoti . 62 CM#
'L 1 . Ai.'jra-n AJltaon A John Lilly ti i>t
J Ai.4ra Artnmiroug 6 hi
I i ill 5 , ' M AUi'rluti 6^4
♦• • I* *wl isivk „tl
John Hi*, k 1.l 4.1
4'! M '"'""""Mp I, <4
J: ; int.
' 1 " J.-hi h"T* !ni,'! , -
!'.• Piuil llii*|i i
4ii ia Hu., ;■• 921
4"' J*ntMi Hoah •, t,.
* ' < htribt 2
j'iu ? < 22b*™' ,o 40
4 J'a < vutitttgUiUk +
J'J 4MOfr Cljra#*
i "' t tuiii l^ii
, Tbouow ' ]6
4 *' Hhfcq< , .
* ■ • k l>.rah :r ;
4 *1 !•*'. HtiUaiii IMjU' r
4•! IV4 TII'-mjm IMau'la 11 '' a
4.5 I*4 l#aM*. Khl*, :u *,
4i4 ]'. luiiH l PitrKTAiU
4 4 i6.i jbn iw :;;;; {{ w
i Tbuttbi KitKviiMiuotot |3 (ai
4 1 IV Andrew Urmff | J;
l^ - ' Tliima lir&ot ..... y, jr.
4' l !'•* Tli'UMMi Jti M
•" ri M iihun hni , *
411 1U Jam** OUfatWorth '& 4
6" KlllAbHb Ot.M. §
4 • i Jofca OaaSUw
4-1 1-i MkfUii Uut4<l*krr 2'
4.1 IVJ riirMkm IliUr H !•>
4-1 l'l limlr <l .
4 1 1•! J'.hfi
- l0 TlaottUU lUhnlUib
4-11 IVi llut llMtUltoa. ' • .
4U 164 J t .bb IfM,.! u ; ~
4"4 J hi. Htm*.* .
; o llirilwi
4-1 I*4 If uta lihjuiltori ' .
J** i h
" - ' - '. • M BfltfH M 4 4-i
j 4'.1 Id II jklna .
4 *' '[•} f "O* l Mat-r ... 1.. <♦
4*l 1 1 1 ! Am nI r w I|. li' F *
v . i:
4 1 <• u J- r 4<rtj < n
4 1 la J. hti K* li* _
h*' li>.l**ft HH.IE K.
I*to Jtti~ 7 LatH
4.. 1 ** hm. •. ~4
j 'VI H illuuki <* Ijfttjti.'r i
CmpmUmtmm : |
J4 4 !. . . . U u £
4.1 1 i k4fbrd ;t"t ►,*
4.1 IM J hr. hm|.n. .5 M
4.; 11
1' Ko'ward Mfctahiirri
4**' H ilium Jf< IWMI y
.4.1 I*l J hi. Miliar. ]f
•4 . • i • .' m- Mtll'-t |§ ft)
• i l'*l Martha "libaJl. (.
I 4*i l'.l ha-d j) M'-aJ '*'t ' r
< Ut H K M tkM, 22 ■'
111 J hi Mwh<r 4^
1" in*rgr M u(i ( htftltljy ......... 4 J
f'T 1-1* l'l.ntui Muaar *j 22
* l..(i# |i ftrifh-li K(
II ah I'att -
4.1 11 Hi< liwr-1 i'a-1* t*
4it IM Ihmj l*ii krft <n. mi
r0 11 llanlnaii riniij*
177 M Jlar lu.ai Pbijij# • **
1 IK' *" • ft)*laTl kjb<7 ;v. In
411 I*4 Tl> 4DW H<*' )J2 ,n
j4 .1 263 CtliMikli H**hra*f Jit,
4" 47 Jia/vA KoM. fit IK
41. 144 Iwt._iaki7, Ku*h .f, *,4
441 16.1 Ktifri*-r fj7 1,0
4n l. l Anira-w M*tik ... lb \kj
4.1 IM < hritmt H>Hik 16 W*
4*l IM H hft*o'ht<h 1C
247 16 Jwrv.ti fl|*ka * 14
431 161 tLAtfri ,*!• 07 j^
in IVI Mry IMiittli .* 11
4' 77 .101 . .i,oh i .
'r** .
1 -'i John N.tti.f
ll* Atifr* |M| k .
2"" Mrtmil \, t
W3 I • t I'ktil f*ix b
4.11 IM J.-hti MrH .... p7 (( q
Si vi|.
4XI IXI 21 y
4XI |M liwifji M -i.pt
John S.W.* j sft
* Im Kw; MiMrton 13 m
44 John H 'o!tr.ki, I* t.io
PU 11® JS .olrom, MI TO
.11) a>Hk 4. 1.,
■ rrfl Jolin W4|k - .ji
V" . !*•! *>•. '„...." |3 (>
I"* John ®'i|*ik , |2
II WlillMß U ii* t. jk,
4XI I>l WillUni an*.a l; - ;.*
11l H* John a Itkn. 24 44
11® (iWf. A tlkb ntML . . 261
I<*> Jamil k 2* <•
* WUHaa Ml, uaaa
M DiMß.nl lw k itii . . n
11) illl.B.II ,®i
k j.I M.l: ;;;; <„
CI A M Ehln IT :.i
*-4 linih li* mi lion (it on
K1 las Klmtoih II 'IMI ,on
4.1 M ln*li. aloB* .-. m
4-A a a . M< >n t(om*ry .1. ;,'|
* '4 John Monte oro-ri sj
4Xi Im J hn MnXinßi4 .. hii On
Hi Klitcwny. o<M ft Co., Tnut
K" I 11l 4®
RolrT, Hndd ft On. Tmrt
_ *• * 17 (W
1* tUftfVM. Kodd ft On.. Tmrt
Ko. Ik 47 5
111 Rldr-k.i. Bdd ft On., Tract
K" ..... SI I*
HO Rd®my. Huihl ft On.. Trwt
N*. la SI 50
ion John Sbncrkk 10 no
IM John W Th.*u ... ft 3ft
m John* nmu ... u w
IK John ar Thorn** s> II
K® John W, Thorn**. In Ait
KB **•(* Conhor (onr). In on
KB Mh h*< I a*td**n 25 i,
K Mlc4i**l a*tdnnr t'. i
Wl _ Jo**|4i Tndnt . IS
VKlO* TOa-XMlir.
•!54 • Bh*n**f Rmnhnn 3ft *7
(B ... M*tl A*ki* 04
XIT 1(4 Hohnnt nut John ItkhM - 1,,
HI ... !t*BnH I4*rkln*n n re
Lt I*l Hnth (nokk 1 0
IW l Mit Onutck ~ M
IK IS Marenrrt Ptn(lmt|. ' t m
11® 11° Wlmhnth |t***hortj 4us
KB M Jimiftb I'M* .
W aft WHIM Krftnrt ~ Z m
HI TI r*M Itehn 2-i
a T Kl*wm Htkk 4*
I* ftn William liaha ,Ji
21* sft MttfUki Jam** . . M
HI 15* RdnudJun** a
5M 40 Iktri Johunion , ,4
ll ... John Knot ,*J
Sit 10ft a 'litem Manr*(i.. ' 757
•0 M John Mnm*. 7 I m
SIT KB lteM Mnvmr
W4 M WlHtefti Mnw ; (
W = 414
(ft 4d M Kar knt t n
m 40 I <
Wo ... John rmtea... t *
JS - BMW b-w •f(
! - KlohaM RoblMft 7 (ft
S* M Mnhia.il o<,
'• ta (hurt.an hahrte.. a W
■TW SS 11**44 imtte* * ft
n - " Ihnh, r (K4WWL sift
*0 (iftnt I'll**. ... ._ M
warn Towannir
-K Kohnrl Camftkn)! I ft*
* • • J.I OW I 34 00
K ... WMtev awih. t t
{• William thtMwn. Jr 3 ID
KB „ Jonathan ItiN (MMr)- •10
It® „. M. anft l® to
>•* D. C. KUJUtt, Tiftftftam.