She (frofre gtrnwat. BELLEPONTE, PA. The Largest, Cheapeat and Beat Paper PUHLISIIKD IN CKNTKK COUNTY. TilK CKNTKK DEMOCRAT la pub ltshotl *ry Thursday murulug, at BalUAmt#, Caatrt onitjr, P. TKRMB—Cub In advance, If not paid In advance. UO A LI VI I'Al'Kß—devoted to Ilia InUraata of the wholo people. . . I'ajriiimiu made within three uiontha will ha con* aiderod In advance. No paper will be discontinued until paid, eacept at option of publisher*. I'aper* going out of the county must be paid for In ndvauce. Any peraon procuring ua tencaah anbacribara will be sent a copy free of charge. Our eiteuniv* circulation makee thla paper an un uanally reliable ami profitable medium for anverUalnic. We have the moat ample facilitlea for JOB WORK and are prepared to print all klnda of Hooka, Tract*, Programme*, Poetera,Commercial printing, Ac., In the Anet *tyle and at the lowe*t possible rate*. All advertisement* fr a lea* term than three month* 20cenu per line for the ftr*t three Insertion*, and & cent* a line fr each additional Inaertlon. special notice* one-half more. Kdltorial notice* !.'• cent* par line. L.c%t NeTlraa, In local column*, 10 centaper line. A liberal dlacount if -de to peraon* advertising by (he quarter, half year, or year, a* follow*: M - inn ocevrigp. Ou* inch (or 12 Hue* tin* type) i*j $* sl2 Two inches. •••♦..1 7jln l' Three I" l-\ Quarter column (or • inches).... |l'2 •!" Half celumu (or llllm he*> jjfloj | M One column 'or 2early contract*, when half-yearly payment* in altancr wilt be required. froUTicAtNoricta, lucent* per line each Insertion Nothing Inserted for lee* than 5n cent*. Nottcrrin tha editorial column*, IS canta per line, each Inaertlon. Heaver's Aeeeptaiice. Representatives of the Republicans of Pennsylvania: lam in obedience to your summons, in answer to your re quest. The committee of your body who have conveyed that request have also informed me of your action in naming me as the candidate of the republican party of Pennsylvania for the suffrages of the people in the approaching elec tion of a chief magistrate of our great commonwealth. I am not insensible to the distinguish ed honor which you have confered u|*>n me by the voice of this great conven tion. The man would be strangely lacking the feelings which are common to our humanity whose heart could fail to be stirred by a pleasurable emotion in view of this action. And yet you will allow me to say. and will no doubt assent to the saying, that this nomina tion is an empty honor unless you fair ly represent in it* bestowal the free will and the untrammeled choice of your constituency. Did I not believe this was the fact you could not prevail upon me to stand as the representative of the grand political party whose past history is the best guarantee of its future poll cy. If you do not believe this is the fact, I pray you cancel this nomination here and now, and select some gentle man whom you and I can join in sup porting as the true exponent of pure re publicanism, and the unbiased choice of a majority of the party. I am not much of a politician : have but little political experience, and con sequently lay no claim to the sagacicy which large experience brings; but 1 have faithfully and earnestly endeavor ed to learn in the preliminary canvass which has resulted in this nomination what the wishes of the masses of the re publican party were in regard to it. I have faithfully and earnestly support, nor bargained for political influence, but I have been solicitious to know the popular will. Relieving that you have registered that will and given utterance to the voice of the people, I accept this nomination—not boastfully, not un thinkingly, but under a keen sense of the responsibility which popular confi dence implies and begets. 1 have carefully noted the instructions under which some of you have cast your votes to-day, and whilst I am painfully aware that I fall very far short of the picture of the man whom you were in structed to support for this nomination, I am nevertheless impressed with the fact that the people in many part* of the commonwealth have set up a high ordeal, to which they expect the nominee of the convention for the office of chief magistrate to attain. I cannot expect to reach the full measure of their high standard, but I will come only so far short of it a* the ability which God has given, backed by an honest purpose and an earnest effort, will enable me to reach. I have made no pledge* fo living man as to what my future course shall be. I can make none, now or hereafter, ex ceptthin: In the approaching political campaign the harmony and success of the republican party shall be the one great object of desire and effort on my part, and, if your action should be rati fied at the polls, the welfare of the whole people shall be the prime object of my solicitude, their will my inspira tion and my highest aspiration to obev their commands as legally expressed. You will pardon these personal remarks, ordinarily out of place, but the circum stance* under which we meet, and the evident misunderstanding of my posi tion by many right thinking people, render them not only appiopriate hut neccessary. And now, as to the principles which you have enunciated as expressive of the sentiments of your constituency. They are not only correct a* principles, but tbey must be faithfully and honestly csrried out in practice. Pbey are not only beautiful as sentiments, but they must regulate and control the life of the party. The question for us is not, are tbey radical7 but are they right? They are right, and therefore we can advocate tbem, stand by them, uphold them and insist upon their practical application in party government, and in the legislation which will give them life and efficiency. Publio trust means public service. He who accepts it becomes the servant of all, and, in administering it, he enjoys most who servos the best. This is not the time nor is this the place for the discussion in detail of the principles which you bsve announced as the matured thought of the party. If life and health are spared I propose to carry the standard upon which they are inscribed into every county of the oom , monwealth, ami with the aid of those who believe with me that they are veri tlea, to bring them belore every intelli gent thinking man in the atate. This standard which you present ie the tri color of harmony—of purity in parly and government—and of proeparity of the whole people. And, now ax I take it from your handa, I pledge you, and I pray you to Join in the pledge, that to gether wo will carry it to a glorious and triumphant victory. The Republican I'lutforin. The republican party of the state of Pennsylvania in convention assembled do reaffirm the principles of justice, equal rights, honesty and economy in the national and state administrations upon which the party was founded and upon which it has long and continuous ly triumphed, and do hereby resolve, That it has always been the aim and purpose of the republican party to care fully guard the interests of the laboring classes* by suitable legislation, and to that end the protection of American in dustry by advocacy of the continuance of a pro|>er and judicious tariff is en joined upon our senators and represent atives in congress. That as the seme of the great body of the republican party of the stale of Pennsylvania we declare: That we unequivocally condemn the use of patronage to promote personal political ends, and requiro that all offi ces bestowed within the party shall be upon the sole basis of fitness. That confident and faithful officers should not be removed except for cause. That the non-elective minor office* should be filled in accordance with rules established by law. That the ascertained popular will shall be faithfully carried out in state and national conventions and by those holding office by the favor of the party. That we condemn compulsory assess ments for political purposes, and pro scription for failure to respond either to such assessments or to requests for vol untary contributions, and that any policy of politibal proscription is unjust and calculated to disturb party harrno ny. ... That public office constitutes a high trust to be administered solely for the people, whose interest* must bo para mount to those of persons or parties, and that it should be invariably con ducted with the same efficiency, econo my and integrity as are expected in the execution of private trusts. That the state ticket should lie such as by the impartiality of iu constitu tion and the high character and ac knowledged fitness of the nominees will justly commend itself to the sup jiort of the unites! republican party. That we also recommend the adop tion of the following permanent rules for the holding of state conventions and the conduct of the party : First: That the delegates to state conventions shall he chosen in the man ner in which candidates for the gener al assembly are nominated, except in senatorial districts composes! of more than one county, in which conferees for the selection of the senatorial dele gates shall be chosen in the manner aforesaid. Second. Hereafter the state conven tion of the republican party shall te held on the second Wednesday of July, except in the year of the presidential election, when it shall be held not more than thirty days previous to the day fixed for the national convention and at least sixty days notice shall tie given of the date of the state convention. Third. That we recommend to the country organisations that in their rule* they allow the largest freedom in the general participation in the prima ries. consistent with the preservation of the party organization. That it is the duty of the federal government to adopt a policy which will result in observing good faith tow ard the aborigines by keeping intruders out of the Indian territory, by enacting laws protecting life and property on the reservations, by prohibiting tribe removals, by educating all the Indian children in manual schools and by giv ing lands iu severalty, and eventually citizenship, to all self supporting In dians who desire the same. Wolf Heard From. PniL*DtLPflu, May 12.—Mr. E. Dun bar l/ockwood, one of the independent leader*, received the following dispatch from Hon. Charles 8. Wolfe to-day : "Lawisnuao, Pa., 9:20 A. May 12, 1882.—Mr. F.. Dunbar Lock wood: Please have announcement made in paper* that I never sought, bargained for, nor consented to accept any place on the republican state ticket. I simply did not decline a place in advance of its be ing oth-red to me My enemies have exnausted themselves. Some of my friends have shown their folly. I have not betrayed, nor contemplated the be trayal of the cause for which I have made some sacrifice*. I have been tried and condemned on misrepresentations and suspicion*. At this time we need united couucils and harmonions action. I shall waste no effort in vindicating myself. God Is my witness to my words, my acts and my motives. CHARLBSS. Woirfc" Mr. Lock wood has replied to Mr. Wolfe as follows: "Hon. Charles 8. Wolfe, Lewiahurg, Pa: Dispatch sent to papers. Have longed to publicly set vou right, but conversations having been confiden tial, my lips have been sealed. "For weeks paat you conferred frank ly, and, I believe, fully with me, and I think I have known your position throughout. My confidence in your purity of purpose and fidelity to the cause of the neopie is unimpaired, and your dispatcu only makes public assur ance* to me for ten days past, and I firm ly believe that you 'never sought, bar gained for, nor contented to accept any place on the republican state ticket,' "E. Dun HAS Lara WOOD." This explanation, however, does not satisfv those independents who think that be ought not to have permitted Cameron to put him in a false position and who believe he withheld his name from the call for the independent state convention to assemble on the 24th Is* sunt because he had some expectation of ft nomination from th stalwarts. He may, however, be forgiven if he does work* meet for repentance. One of Mr. Wolle'a clo*e*t friends is Hon. O. Mapes, of Venango county. That gentleman said to-day : "1 am Mr. Wolfe's friend and have been inti mately associated with him from the beginning of this movement. I advis ed him to accept no place on the ticket whatever should be offered to him. I have no idea that Cameron ever intend ed to give him anything. It wax the easiest thing in the world for him to offer Wolfe a place and then pass the word around to (be boys to kick. The independents today are stronger than ever. A number of important acces sions lo the ranks have been made very recently. Senator Stewart, of Franklin, has come out on our side, and so has Thomas W. Phillips, of Lawrence, and a number of others." Mr. Mapes to day received a dispatch from the secretary of Senator Mitchell, in which he says that the senator is in for war against the Cameron ticket, and war in earnest, and iliut "he has burned his bridges" and must and vance. The senator meditate* uu early visit to this city, to give all the aid and com fort to the independent movement that he can. Niilmiiht Suppressed. ltuw Cungrtirnmn MtlUr, of the llut/cr- Mir ecr l>Ulr\et, (Jut Lf/l. r>tiiCrort of the Government which could not have been surpassed in any other State of the Union. (Applause. | RAN DAM. AM' MILIAR. Mr. Kahdall —Now as to the gentle man (Mr. M'ller) who has sought to re fleet upon a portion of his fellow citi zens, I want to say this, that there is not an act of tbe legislature of Pennsyi vania increasing the power* of the Got ernor, providing means for the support of the Government, adding to the Penn sylvania forceevery man that was nec.-s sary, tbal did not receive the unanimous sup|rt of the members of the Lcgisla ture of both sides politically. I want to say more—that I differ with the gentleman from Pennsylvania of the Twenty sixth district when he seeks to say that there was any want of alao rity on the part of the Democratic masses of Pennsylvania in responding to the requirements of the war lor the Union. 1 want to say a little more, that I fear but for the Democrat* in the army a different result might have been reached from that which, thank (iod, was reached. Mr. MlU.T> —Which ermv ? Mr. Kasdall—l mean, of course, the Union army; the one I had the honor to be in. Perhaps the gentleman from the Twenty sixth district had not that honor. So far as lam able to read our respective autobiographies, I discover the record doe not show either of us su in the army. My record is left out because of good taste ; his may bo left out because of necessity. I had hoped that the lime had come when all this character of debate might be put a stop to. I belong to a party that, when the surrender at Appomat tox took place, ceased to fight. We then struggled to build up, to make the South what nature had intended her to be, so that she might blossom as the rose; to sdd to the progress of the American Union, so that the credit of the United States and the welfare of her people might continue to the end of time. Hut I have noticed one thing most sifinificant in these struggles on the floor of the House of Representatives; those warriors who now come to the front and advocate violence and ven gesnce and bloodshed are generally men who in war were men of peace, and seem now in time of peace to be fierce warriors. (laughter and applause.) The Frail* of Repobllrßiilsm. Messrs- William H. Vanderbilt and Jay Gould are posseeeorsof great wealth. It ta Mid that Vanderbilt is the richest man in the world. Jay Gould probably rank* second to Vanderbilt as to site of fortune, hut he ia a long way ahead of him in bold, daahiog operations. Gould ia the railroad king of America. Messrs, Vanderbilt and Gould do not belong to that claM of citizens known aa goody goody men. They are rugged fellows, without sentiment. They do not write poetry nor make apeeche* at woman'* right* and temperance conventions. Their enterpri*e overleap Hlate boun daries, their railroad* stretch from ocean to ocean, and their wirea unite oontinent*. Three men have managed to accumulate money. Wo know of no other gTeat mistake they have commit ted, and for tbi*, some one, it aectn*, want* to Kill them, and to aocompliah this purpose is sending through the mail* delicate Utile infernal machine*. In tbi* incident, now known through out tbe world, thoughtful people will dboover that a fell spirit 1* abroad in the land, bent on mkichlef; that a dead ly vira* la in the blood of tbe nation { that tbe Devil U massing hi* force* (or death and desolation. Nor doe* tbi* madness stop with seeking the death of representative rich men, lor we are told that the President of the United States regarded it prudent not to attend a public meeting for fear that his days would he suddculy numbered. Such incidents are well calculated to unike men reflect. For twenty years the He publican party lias held sway, it lias debauched all tilings once of good re port. Nothing lias escaped itsconlami niiting touch. It has partisanized the Supreme Judiciary of the republic, and it has done this infamous work that Kcpuhlican infamies may be shielded in some measure Irotn the people's in dignation. In every department of the Government thieves, robbery, profliga cy, corruption, rottenness. In the Washington .lull a bowling Republican assassin ; in the White House a bullet made President; in the Senate such execrable creatures as Sherman and Kellogg ; in the courts such Star route thieves as itrady and Horsey ; in the Statu Department guano diplomacy, while 11 owgate, the escaped thief, sends orders trom his hiding place for cash and threatens to expose other Republican bo-ses if bis case should ever oomo to trial. Here wf have about the outcome of Republicanism—infer ual machines, assassination and univer sal debauchery. And matters are steadily going from bail to worse, t'-i tmnly it h about time lo retire the R< • publican party. A Father'* Fntate. TUB CLAIM 5A lilt II AKf ILLSSHTIMATE CHILD MADB. An interesting case has just been de cided by the supreme court ujam an appeal from I fits orphans' court of Schuylkill county. This case arose in a contest over the settlement of ihoestat.- of Mr. Jacob f.'lauer, wliti rlied a few years ego. Miss Sarah Jane L'lauer, rri illegitimate child of Franklin ('inner, deceased, claiming before the auditor appointed bv the court below that under lhe act of May 11. 1* >7, providing that where the father and mother of an (.le gitimate child or children entering into bonds of lawful wedlock, such child or children shall be legitimated, she had the right to receive the distributive share ol her allegid father, who was a sou of Jacob I'lnucr. Her claim was resisted by other heir* on the ground of illegitimacy. Mie was tiorn some months before the marriage of her parent*, in 1867, and the fact of the marriage sub sequent to the birth was not questioned. After tiie marriage, which was the result of a criminal proceedings in court, there was apparently a separation by mutual agreement. Franklin going to his father's farm, and Mary Ftssen, his wih , to ht-r aunt's, some three miles distant. For some hix months or a year afterwaid he visited her about six or tight flUles, always going on a >aturday and remain ing over night until Monday. Upon these visits he would play with the bahv and talk lo Ins wife about their going lo housekeeping together. Hut after mat lime Ills Visits ceased and he saw her no more during his life. In l><7'Jthey were divorced and Mary married a Mr. Horn me I. The other claimants contended before the auditor ihal marriage and co habitation under the act of 18.'t7 means a continued dwelling together as man and wife, and nol men Jy an occasional sojourn together. The auditor, however, awarded to Miss ( iaui-r her father's share of Jacoh Clauer't estate, arid in tins was sustained by the court below. The case trns then assigned for error and the supreme court sustains the court below and holds that there had been sufficient cohabitation lo legitimate the child under theact of 1857, that a liberal construction should be given to that act, and that the recognition by t.'lauer of the child being his was an important circumstance. They accordingly afliim the decree of the court below. A FJT KKR MARRIAOK CaaxiioKr.— A queer C*M> of marriage took place in this county, where one of the contract, ing parties belonged in Relfast. The wife subsequently tweamea pauper, and the authorities ascertained that the marriage, which took place in Frank tort, was a bogus one, and claimed that they were not holdcn for the support of the woman. The man who acted as Justice said the ceremony was per formed as a joke, that the contracting parties had no certificate, and that his commission as Justice of the I'eace had expired. The following it the ceremony used at the wedding : "iWnMth Utiihwf In I thia umn wt I m*i# and gent's furnishing goods at the great Itoston Clothing house just opened in Reynold's block, opposite the Rrocker hoff house, Allegheny street, Bellefonte, Pa. The news of the opening of this establishment is spreading like wild fire all over the county. People from every part and direction, from every town and village are to lie seen daily at that house supplying themselves with clothing, etc., everything in the line of men's and boy's ware, and at price* low enough to cause the world to weep. Don't mistake the place, in Reynold's block, Allegheny street Rellefonte, Pa. no 19-21 mm "Read (fen. Reaver's ringing speech t" exclaims an enthusiastic contemporary. The complaint is that there is altogeth er too muck "ring"* in it Philadelphia Record. LoNariLixiw had such a kind riature that he oouid never turn away even an autograph gatherer. Paaoa* had a remarkably good effect on my daughter's Paralysis. W. K. UrMcaw, Newickiy. Mr daughter's defective vision was much improved by Pui-aa. Jams CUM. Rakers town, Fa, Tiirrv is hardly an adult person liv ing but is sometimes troubled with kid : ney difficulty whidh is the moat prolific and dangerous cause of all disease. There is no sort of need to have any I form of kidney or urinary troule if Hop Hitters are taken occasionally. Lvdia K. Pinkiiau's Vegetable Com pound has rapidly made it* way to favor among druggists, who have oh served its effects on the health of their 1 customers. Send to Lvdia K. Pink barn, 233 Western Avenue, Lynn, Mass., for pamphlets. Sew Advert! aetnetitn. Subpoena in Divorce. (fit H. Wl4VEft, | 111 the (Vrtirt CxMtUtOU I'l*a of v * r Owtr* y, No. IjA, Ainl I Bt * Wittw j Ttriii, r |HIK undersigned, a Commissioner 1 sppotnlMj l,y th* Uirtii, D, tk teati tiftiy In the itlue 'an, •ill sltf,.J fij |) tt . <]title* i,f |||a anjK-int tnctil t hi* offir*. lii HfiUfutiU, on I lltl'AY. thr 150, •I*> fJI .N'E, A I# at 1< o'clock, A M . *Uu all is*rti#n inajr !!••,.I 1 .'O A. A. I A 1.Y., < iMMtffli ■ Mercantile Appraisement. TIIK venders of foreign and domejt ■ li- rn*r.limit,*.-, dl.ttllsi. m.-l liim.-i, Lr.-k-M, A' , In i - tilr*- oufity, will i*k- iiolli • tlial tb*-> sr. S|<|>rata..; slitl ' lawl I . tha a| prsl< I -.f tn-r-attllla a/i'l otliar lliaiiaa tas t i It,, y.-a t IS>2, a. rotiu**, ui wit AAHOXSIILRO. *•. sll.issaa class. '. M Af Musssr Mrrtlisxit Li flo 75 I'tilll |sw AII , Manhali. 13 In 75 Kis.ll.-r * Itutik e. tls-chaiit Li 10 75 T- Ywßk... Druv-*Mt........ 1, 7 75 IIEI.LKKOXTK. ValsattasAOs Ai-r-Oai.t. s so 7 -- a ,ii w a Isa Ofaosss. 12 is 25 11 e Waaler T"l*"-.-filat II 7 7". i I; i.rahaiu A Hod IVsits au.) KM'** 14 7 75 I I' ll!*ir J.'W.1,1 14 7 75 I *-II A Miosis .. IVsita ami Sbtaw |.t 10 75 J. Harris A C-._ llar.lwsr* In Jf i 75 J's.fcb tli.s 4C i Mm. hauls In 'ji> 75 r 4 A' M*-f. hst.t# In 21 75 I- W • i irUoi ■ 14 7 75 | II rils -rc-M A Co. Msr.haol tsilun 14 7 75 14i. .l-lwn.itI, ins |o 'JO 75 \.J IV .r a Co. litis - rs 14 7 75 •Iff. I, I ..lar I..ulivwr 14 7 75 | i I II ft.-r iCo M- r hauls I , I". 75 ) farlausaCo llarOwari In SKI 75 1 Urn;*' llnw A|ii.|.at.ts lo 'Jb 75 M A Kitk I'russtst 14 7 7.5 I*. I'alsttt msdirlSs 4 ''ls J I' uti A Sue IV- Is so.l ah.a- 14 77 5 j < Smith i - olisi: or. 14 775 l 1.--SS-. t.L'inia- Msschsat ll U 7 j Frsl Ibwawt toallllar s .. 7 5 I/-IIIS lias. Ittswsr S 75 : II .aaf'l I. Haross Awl. ossl ]| 77 I |-i ..i1|..,l A .Jo l.irnllur. II 7 75 Alsiat..l.i A r-i r l l 4i. II I* 75 lirkl.r aQs Omm ii 15 75 I' 1 K...l.liiis T ImmM 14 7 7'. Is I'. lulls .*• 75 I < 11. had J.wsisr II 7 75 W K. hurt lifts] A i.rurat 14 7 75 II T Twltcnlts Si-'iss. ft. 14 77 J. Esllan ft is.ia ls..r,i 75 J f Mills' ft f. i • ks ft. II 7 7; I J < ris 7 .l.s 111 II 7 75 I. Hi'wo iifui. nil oa! ]. In 7ft It 'Wi .W hits ft IVi I wl •> S5 7 • llarry T-ats ft Co li 'to 14 7 7' .|... arsnl 1 I" 75 II V M II 771 liasnsy ft ftiksos Masii st -rs 14 77 A J Itsr-wi. Vwroilwrs 14 7 75 I MrfcM Osmt 14 7 75 J Lit Brarhhlll Knfoilurs 1 . 10 7 1... r 111 a. k (ir, 7 aosiotossr llsr.lwars 14 7 75 '7s*an tins"! Msrrhaol. 12 13 25 J H Mnrrai tiruftflil 14 7 75 I. Giinsnksiasr ft Oa-MtrriiijU 13 1" 75 < KBTRK HILL. S Mt-otif Msrihaol 14 7 75 M. Sirohm II AlraoL. . M"S 7* William JUL! Msrrhaol Ift 7 75 J.An M M-rrhanl Ift 7 75 B WsharftlV, 11.-s.hant 12 13 2. II A. W-sirw Drtixflst .... Ift 775 Anson SrhriKk Harnw-ars Ift 7 71 H Ls P.-l tal-ls 7 5 HOt's RRVII I.E. I. M 11. oast ft Co Mstrhanta I 7 75 llfill KRSIIDRO. II Rmarn Msrrhant l3 lo 75 S. H. Ucsodbart Msrrhant 14 7 75 if LIAR. J.C. Htstrsr Merchant....... Ift 7 75 D Irvln Merchant Ift 7 75 Phenols Plan t Mills Msrrhan! Ift 7 75 J. Varaons flrtssr Ift 7 75 LKMOITT. W Tb'Snptmi. Jr. ft On Mscchants 13 10 75 J. I Waaaon Marrhanl.. ......... Ift 7 75 D. F Taylor, t*"H l * Ift 7 75 J B. Ilartawick Onusr 14 7 7ft LIBDKN HALL. H. llsMfttftna .... Nsrrhanta .......... 13 10 7ft LOVXVII.LR. Rhmuta ft Smith Mstrhanta IS |0 7 PhlUelftaftm Hni||M. Ift 7 7ft MADISONBfRIi. A Orksr... Msrrhant 13 10 7ft J, R. Shaflsr Mm bant 14 7 75 MARTHA FfRMACB. J l Thrsneaon Msrc-hanl Ift 7 75 . T. WlllhMM Mmbarrt 14 7 75 MILRSRURO. John IIIMsr ..Msrrhant 14 77 FryherpH 4 0n... Mstrhanta Ift 775 W 8 Mill* ft Ron Mstrhanta 11 10 75 A P IMlnrs ft Co. Ilm M'trhanla I* 10 75 McCoy A Unn Mstrhanta II 15 75 William Lnea* Msrrhant Ift 7 7* A T Ikiye Orocsr Ift 7 T* Ml* F I*CM ft Ron. flnssi 14 7 7ft C H mas A Itrn PnMi 14 7 7ft RH. Oarr fkml ami lamfaat _ U 10 7ft MII.I.HRIM. II It Tnaßnaoa . n . ..Mssrluial 11 lo 7ft J. W Rftam Masrhaat 14 7 75 i W Rncmks Msrchanl II 10 7* i. MiilnrM Msashant 11 lo *5 R 0 Caaapftsftl ft Rnn-M rrfttaal* Ift T7l J I> Foots, satafts Marrhant Ift 7 71 t. Rtwsr bttth Drnoftst Ift T7f Mnaasr ft RmtUt ..Harrlsars U M 75 J. A. Psnayl HllMnfta *1 75 Do Pool la Ms. 1000 BtTTABT HALL. Mrs. M. H. Bnhnas Msrrhaal ..... II I* 7& PERM MALL i. B Klahor ... ...Mavchaat..... It 11 - PL EAR ft WT OAF, tl Rsksnrtrth,salats Msrchsnl , (ft T7l i. F. Mann Masrhaat U 10 75 ft, kftpMHSSH'SS... DtSlllltft Ms ■. ft 11 If rnturnnvuo, ****• WHIW U%. CLAM. Atfr tftroua*. fyditnan ACo M-r ltaou ]0 76 fy, WolfACo. Aff litM* *, AO 76 John NuttaM ACV Mmhant* 1/ |;; 7', 0. I.yon 6Co Moduuito,.. 7 4•. lb I M**d. Co l'at*it lb* ... 14 7 7'. 1. JAK Mw| tbar....... lb*,k and ut ri M 776 K(1 MatUru. .. jfSo k* Mi*! tlm. ry . 14 776 K V Mull ..... M ....lroiuri!. - ]| 776 *• M M K lunar.. lirbnfift 14 77. M A FlrgaL.lfaf 4 Mammal M-rrhai.t j} 10 76 A C. V.*iug.. Marrhabt.. J J LO 76 J. C.Ookacti Mmhabt 14 7 * r , J. C hami/lr A Co.~.....Mmbant* ]. 10 76 HOLAKD. CartJn 4 0o.„ ... Mm haM* jj 16 76 SAN Hl* hit*,* M* K Mi11ar.........Mmbai.t 11 J5 75 W. J.JKIMI MT' Haiti }tj , 76 Mi•. 7 , 'v#mm raill, C A C . . Mrrr hanu U . HiiliaiM .... 'if 14 7 76 M'klMj MIL La. I J M'-fi, 1 kt,d rraJb. 12 13 1% < H Pi4g*\mfrt ACo Hhitm'r ACo M'rhu at'l f nut* 12 1* J 1). Ix if. . ttrMJti aiil rrg* U n-r J M ATOKMMOWV. H J f' Mn'hat,(! 1| l". 76 JII CnlAo (ii<*rr, ]4 ; 7 TWMTVIUI. t* M "aaiif liant ... It 10 76 TKInXVILLK. VJ A T K Cmit II l 76 HV. I.•-alt.' r• 4N i, A* 1r Lal.l# J'/ j ••, JI. S> U.for-M lllr t 14 7 7*, CftH/tt Cu. AM ft, lim MfrrhaM* )4 77, M A JktK P. r. mmrn .... WiirrlMH 14 7 7-. II 1 A> u M' • 14 : H w..|f A j , jo 77, N W. Kb) A Co. InaliikM I . ► WOLI f M'IHK Jf* Kmrri'k. . W-fh*r.t „ 14 7 7.6 7. lO*. r> M'trtiaut . 14 776 P f Ikmua. Mm hal t 14 7 76 Tai* ftotK*. all b" ir# lb thr tlmt MiraiM-M.M.i that an #u-al Mill - b Id lb t)* i,. mlaai bf-r. Ih, +. Ib Krli.f bU. .41 Tt KHJAY. Juu* * 1 I-:a r. ||.* )*.*;? f 10 * and 4 r H.i>r at.'l j .11 can all M.d if ). • itiuk |.ri.r A U kIiAMKK A|j raitM-r AmaoA mi Ti\m\ 1 *"irf **' r*l . . .. •, 75 Iar i 1 . Jan.M M I'muti i, 1". f - 7.*, llaac.. lM**aabt Cft|. *. .Vi 76 J"♦ klwkMr IMM . C>*N LMKVK FMW cffl ft *T. Frml . . B*lM'.l •abama ib (Vbtr* ra-unt) if nnrmrt. IjMw A <• KRAMKR. AM fftimr, Ilurchfielrt'* Xetc Grocery. NKWCKNTNN COCNTT BAKU BtII.DTNO. Groceries! Groceries! new Store in the Centre Coun -1 ly Bank balldlo*. , IMl.frnO. IV, IS NOW OP E X —axi>— STOCK PULL. Tb (inb on ■!> lb* l*M lb* UltM tlorb, *wl *nM *t rnm to rail all cwiUmm. GROCERIES, CONFECTIONERY, GLASS WARE. CANNED FRUITS, AND ITUT THING KUI CKCALLT KKTT IN A rt*rr CLANK KTODN KKNXMNU THE RTORI U A NXW ONI OPEN KB ON Monday, May 1, AND ALL GOODS CONM)RUTLT *rw AND PNMN. T*e fmtrbnmfff of mil drtirmf fmir trrmt. mini u moHet&d. •rlw iMMtw enlt aaA |a will b* naiDM Ibat a r.ralmlua bra bra* iGuUA la pHrn at all i*