Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, May 18, 1882, Image 1

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    SHIGKRT \ VAN OHMKH, Editors.
VOL. 4.
She Cento democrat.
Tumi 51.50 por Annum.ln Advance.
8. T SHUGERT & J. R. VAN ORMtR, Editors.
Thursday Morning, May 18, 1882.
O. Smith, the contestant for the seat of
Representative Sheeley of the Fourth
Alabama district, died in Washington
on Friday last of pneumonia after a
short illness.
TIIF. Supreme Court of the United
States have sustained the proceedings
of the Court Marshal in the case of
Sergeant Mason for shooting at (lui
teau. The President anil cabinet are
considering the propriety of granting
a pardon.
GEN. BEAVER iu his speech declared
that he had but "little political ex
perience." That is true. But jhat
"little experience" got him the "30t>
medal, and an order of the machine
ho?s for his nomination for Governor.
II is experience will proliahly be greater
before next December.
THE Pittsburgh court house has i
been destroyed by lire. By great ex
ertion, most of the records and archives
and law library were saved. The
building originally cost $200,000, and
many thousands have siuce been ex
pended on improvements. Insurance j
$ .">> >,OOO.
has beeu retired by the stalwarts from
the Secretaryship of the Republican .
Congressional Campaign Committee.
D. B. Henderson, of lowa, is his sue- j
cessor. Don hits hard when he strikes
n foemait of the ring. Edward has
felt it before.
THE Dauphin county court last
week wrecked the death-rattle amis
ance companies at a fearful rate, hav
iug revoked one hundred and thirty
five of their charters. The days of
speculative insurance iu Pennsylvania
are ended, and aged deerepids may
now hope to die in peace when called
THE committee on appropriations
have reported the annual hill for peu
sious. The aggregate amount appro
priated by the bill is 8100,000,000,
being the exact amount recommended
iu the estimates submitted to Congress.
The appropriations for the same pur
pose for the current fiscal year was
$50,000,000, and it is estimated that a
further appropriation of 820,000,000
will be ncces-ary to complete the ser
vice for that period.
TnE following Democratic ticket
arranged and handed us by a promi
nent and live Democrat of Bellefonte,
so fully commends itself to our own
views of fitness and excellence, in the
ability of the men named and the pu
rity of their records, that we adopt it
as our "slate" for the consideration of
the Democratic Convention.
For Governor — JOHN TRUNK EY.
For LieuL Governor —Gen. W. H.
11. DAVIS.
For Supremo Judge— JAMES R.
For Sec't of Internal Affairs—J.
For Congressman-at-large— JAMES
With such a ticket Democracy can
•weep the state, and triumph in the
knowledge of giving to it a pure and
honest administration in all its de
THE river and harbor appropria
tion bill is completed in committee,
and will be reported at an early day.
It appropriates about $15,000,000, of
which $4,500,000 is for improvement
of the Mississippi river; about $5,000,-
000 for the improvement of the Dela
ware river and its harbors in Pennsyl
vania, Delaware and New Jersey. Of
the Pennsylvania rivers, Schuylkill
river gets $25,000; Allegheny river
gets $150,000; the Susquehanna river
$15,000, and the Susquehanna above
and below Havre de Grace $25,000.
Nothing for Kiskimiuitas, Harry
White sot present.
SENATOR MITCHELL steps boldly to
the front and declares his purpose to
oppose tho election of the machine
Republican ticket just placed iu
nomination. In an interview the
other day. Mr. Mitchell said : "It is
not inen that the independents arc
couteudiug for —it is principle. 'I he
ticket is as strong a Cameron ticket
as could he selected. I do not particu
larly object to the men. The inde
pendents in Pennsylvania are not
making war ui>on persons. They have
not oven claimed the right to initiate*
; nominations ; they asked only that
1 men whose antecedents ami character
would make sure the suppression of
machine methods, bossisin and the
spoils system in Pennsylvania, should
be selected. They demanded thai
■ works shall be added to the profession j
! of faith to which the stalwarts' commit- j
tee said amen at the lato conference.
For bread they are given a stone.
! Their declaration of principles was
! laughed to scorn in Cameroo's con
vention. It was robbed of its practi
cal effect, even upon future jmrty
control, by eliminating the clause
which require* the representation at
state conventions to be bawd upon
the republican vote of each county.
It is also vitally stabbed by leaving
the right to vote at primaries to lie
; regulated by county committees at
; their will, when they generally
; have no will but that of the imperial
| head of them all."
With the exccptiou of Marshall,
I the ticket wits selected months aud
months ago. Even Mr. Itawle says
j Cameron gave him his nomination as
a Christmas gift. The gift is one of
| genuine quality and intrinsic fitness
aud value for its setting, but all self
respecting republicans, as well as in
dependents, iu Pennsylvania, uiu->t
deny tiie "right TfMr. Cameron "Toao
lect and make it for them, or they de
serve ever IV*r to be |tolilical slaves.
Under the feudal system certain clas
ses of men were railed villians regard
ant. They not only belonged to the j
lord of the fee, hut they wore his col
lar as a mark of their bondage, and
they passed with the land to which
they were appurtenant when it was
sold. They hail no freedom as men,
and no choice even of their masters.
For myself, I propose to stand free
from such restraint in politics."
IT appears that Ex-Treasurer But
ler was not present at the Cameron
convention last week. He was a can
didate for Governor, hut finding that
the Boss set-up was final and irrev
ocable, had withdrawn his name
and being at home on his farm in
Chester county, was only apprised at
a late date that he had been slated for
( ongressman-at large. On learning
the fact he immediately telegraphed
the Chester delegation his declination,
but they failed to present it and al
lowed him to be slaughtered. Mr.
Butler's course seems to have been
straight forward nnd honorable, and
he has good reason to complain in
being set up for a place to which he
did not aspire and then victimized so
IT is annouueed that Senator Mif.
chell and the Hon. Butler B. Strang
will be colleagues to represent Tioga
county in the Independent Republi
can convention, to be held on the 24th
of May. The stalwart boss, as one of
hit sly movements sought to banish
Strang to Dakota as Marshal of that
Territory, but he wouldn't stay ban
ished. He i* one of the independent
able men of the State whom the ma
chine bosses cannot handle at pleasure.
Ot'tTKAt' TO HANO ! It is announc
ed in the Washington papers, that the
District Court in banc have come to a
conclusion in the case of the assassin.
They have determined not to interfere
with his voluntary martyrdom in the
cause of stalwart supremacy, but
allow the sentence of the court below
to be carried to a final conclusion on
the 30th of June.
The Republican Ticket,
The Republican Htato Convention
met iu Ilarrishurg la.it week and with
the usual obedience U> the maiidiiU-H
of the machine management, ratified
the ticket seleeted bv the Ross in the
city of Washington aomo months ago
as follows:
For Governor —Jauies A. Reaver, of
For Lieut. Governor —William T.
Daviea, of Rradford.
Ser't of IntermU Affaire —John M.
Greer, of Butler.
Supreme Judge —W. Henry Rawic,
of Philadelphia.
Congretftnan nt-lnrge —Thomas M.
Marshall, of Pittsburg.
The nomination of Marshall was
the only break iu the machine pro
gram. It was a whirlwind smash at
the tail end of the slate upon which
was written the name of ex-Treasurer
Roller. It was unexpected ami can
uot be accounted for only as a thought
less unmeaning levity which became
serious from its jiervcrsity, and is
doubtless a source of dangerous an
noyance to the chief boss, who would
prefer the devil for Cougreasman-at
iarge to Tom Marshall. In another
column we publish the speech of Gen.
Reaver, with the platform.
TIIE platform of the Cameron Con
vention which we publish, utrccts to
condemn the "use of patronage to pro
j mote personal political end." This in
! the face of the fact, that the entire
| patronage of the President was placed
at the disposal and ucd by Senator
Cameron to secure the ratification of
the machine ticket selected in Wash
ington months before. That "all of
fices bestowed within the j>arty shall
be on the sole basis of fitness," ami
that "competent and faithful officers
shall not he removed except for cause,"
These three pluuks, so foreign to the
| >arTy a u00." were of course only
introduced and adopted by the
bos* convention to dazzle the simple
—as a bait to catch gudgeons. They
are part of the legacy of the late j>cace
conference between the Independent
1 and machine Republicans. In view
of the late official changes in Pennsyl
vania, and the object aud pur|>ose of
them, is it any wonder that they were
received by the convention amid bois
terous laughter and derision, as a rare
joke—an unusual sharp trick to
elirit the admiration of those mem
bers of the Republican party who
liegin to believe that public affairs
should be admiuistrred for the public
benefit by honest and capable officers
—that those ngents as servants of the
people should be chosen by the people,
and not dictated by a self-constituted
boss to sul>serve personal ends iu secur
ing personal power arid aggrandise
ment. Indeed the whole platform is
a striking inconguity comparer! with
stalwart methods, both of the present
and in the past.
seems to bo undergoing a process of
strengthening. • It is said he has de
cided thnt his future support of the
administration in thfe Senate will de
pend upon President Arthur's recog
nition of him in connection with
Federal appointments in Pennsylvania.
With abilities incomparably superior
to Don Cameron, fully equal to him
ill charaeter and position, it has not
been creditable to Senator Mitchell
that he has allowed himself to hold a
subordinate position to the stalwart
bora, or to be treated with contempt
by the stalwart President. He holds
the power in his own hands, and he
fails in justice to himself and the peo
ple he represents, if be does not exer
cise it. Let Mitchell be the man his
capabilities warrant him in being, and
he need not fear the tricks of Came
ron, or a want of respect from bis
party or the people of f'ennsylvania.
PKHNSYI.VAMA polities this fall
will be quite lively, and of aoch variety
as to suit all grades of opinion. We
•hall have five State tickets in the
fiald, Democratic, Republican, Inde
pendent Republican, Greenback and
PARTISAN or personal malice will
make nothing out of the attempt to
implicate General Beaver in any scan
dais connected with tlie management
of the State Agricultural Gollcge in
Centre countv, unit tins may a* w<-ll be
understood first as Isst. General Beaver
niiy not know much about farming,
and be ninv not know how to preside
over the affair* of an agricultural col
lege, but no corruption in the twin ig<-
mi-nt will bo found ticking to his ting
We commend lho above timely
suggestion of the Philadelphia liford
to the foolish persona who hast* oppo
sition to Gen. Beaver ou alleged mis
management of the Stnte College In-|
cated in this county. We are not
aware that any mismanagement exist*
in that institution or that if* fund- j
have ' been misapplied. Inrued w !
know nothing about it, and eare a*
little for the personnel of it* adminis
tration, and this feeling of indifference ;
for anything we know, i* mutually
entertained. But wo prefer to await
the report of the legislative i oimitt* e
having the charges again-t if* matt*
agenjerit under consideration, la-fore
saying anything particular n th
aiuhject. This, how* vcr, we *1 > sav i
without hesitation, that while we op
pose the election of < i n* ml B< aver to
the offirc of Governor of this com
monwealth because of th* principle*
he avows utid advocates, and the ba-e
I political ring he serve* to his *ji- r< oil
in a mad ambition for jediti* :il pr -
ferment, we have no id* a that hi*
| character will sutler reproach iu any
| business relation ho bar* to the
J community in which In- live- or mi!
| college of which h- is a dire* mr.
Ihe General ha* political sin* enough
to answer for, and now that he has
I undertaken to carry tho banner of
| the Peutisylvania B->-s ring of < <r
; ruptiouisU ami fraud, it i- not
| necessary that he be loaded with
, falsehood* in eounectiou with the
college. His political connections
and bis own |*olilicnl rotteuue-* n* the
representative of the duplicity and
tyranny of the corrupt cabal whose
i obedient servant he now i, are open
to jut ami diserved criticism. Apart
from these, be is an honorable man
iiuda gentleman, and will compare
very favorably with those who con
demn him in the fare of the undevel
oped investigation instituted by the
clamor of jealous cranks <*r <li.-appi.u
,ted malignant*.
TIIE bill creating a Department of
| Agriculture with several bureau at
; tachment*. has passed the House of
! Representative*. Ever since the reor
ganization of the agricultural division
of the Interior Department, ami dul>-
bing it "the department of agricul
ture" under old father Newton, each
commissioner has been persistent in
Congress to be declared a cabinet
officer with an official s*-at at the coun
cil hoard of the President as a politi
; eal adviser. Bill* for this purpose
! have been introduced and discussed
with more or less ridicule for twenty
, year* past and defeated. Dr. Loriog,
the present commissioner, is no excep
tion to the rule, but i* likely to be
more successful. It may be in the
interest of agriculture that it* official
representative lie dignifud, and occupy
a commanding position in public esti
mation, but just how that great inter
est is to be benefitted by dividing the
duties of that official with nil other
interest* as one of the political family
of the President, is about as clear as
mud and must remain fur future dem
A VERY large number of applica
tions have been made for appointments
on the Tariff commission created hy
the recent act of Congress, but no ap
pointmets have yet been announced.
The Pennsylvania delegation have re
commended Henry W. Oliver, Jr.,
of Pittsburgh, an a pnqier person
to represent the protective inter
est* of this Btate. The commission
is to be composed of nine persons,
three Senators, three Congressmen
and three civilians, each to receive
a salary of $5,000 and expenses.
They will travel to the different busi
ness centre* of the country empowered
to subpoena wituoMcs.
Washington News.
*|w* ll I wf ilia llam.' iiiK I'alrM.
WASHINGTON, D. C,, May 10.—Judge
K<-lby, Mr. Itandall and several other
member* of the ways and means com
mittee to 'Jay fuel an informal discus
sion on tiie senate funding fill, and de
cided to take the matter up for oonsid
oration on Thursday next. The ma
jority of the committee are Convinced
that a three pr-r cent, funding bill
should pa** in accordance with the re
commendation of the national banks
and other financial organization*. Tin- !
difficulty which *uirounds this matter,
as Judge K'-lley and others of the com
mittee view it i* that under the remits '
of the pr*--cat heavy taxation all tie
fives and sixes will fie redeemed with
in three years. They therefore main
tain that to make a three |> r cent,
funding bill useful for national hank
purposes, there should le a large reduc
tion in tax and tar>tl iists, in order that
bonds can hive longer to run, and that
without tin- it is useless to ps* a fund
ing 1011, r'otigr* -man hsndall and
oilier members m. I sci :,t ,i inter
eited in the 1.*r,1l <<>mm.--io have had
frequent interviews with th*- president
concerning it* eonijx -itinn. They sug
g- ted that no | < rmll should be kp|*oill
ted on the commission who wa* jxrson
ally inter* sled in any way in the iub
ji-et matter of the inquiry, "i would in
hi* busine- be benefitted hy the result
o! it* labor*. The pre-ideM admitted
tin* w*s a proper course to pursue and
.ud he would endeavor in making a
selection to he governed b\ that idea ss
far as possible.
Mr.i'rap > to! i your correspondent to
night thai the house li . Ingr'wii to close
deb ate on the hill to extend national
bank chartpr* at 2 o'clocu to-tnorrow.
Voting will then commence on amend
menls. and any debate arising will l>e
e Ulfine lI • the five minute, rile. Ife
pr .po-'* that only tw > amendments he
adopted and he may otf-r Lieru himself.
* in** of tin •• would allow nu'.i -nil banks
with bonds for security far circulation
to replace called bond* by other bonds
' and issue circulation equivalent to par,
provided that bond* " I* at a premium
of over t> ii per cent, in marks t. This
is to prevent r *nir * tion of bank cur
rency. The othe ri* to equalize issue*
of circulation to hank* so that all can
takeout mnetv per c- nt. r>( their de
p.wited tK>nd>. *-•] I banks cm take
out under the present Uw ninety p< r
cent, of their <l* posited securities, while
binks will* over tislf a miiiion rspilsl
can only take out fifty to eighty per
cent, of circulation.
Mr. l'age, chairman of the houe cotn
m rce committee, aay* that the com
mittee lias considerable difficulty in
determining it* course now that the
great work of the sesjon, the river and
harbor appropriation bill, is completed.
The committee ha* decided, however,
to commence on Friday with the inter
state commerce toll and he ssid, with
some degree of positiveness, "We will
pass it and I believe it will be practically
Reagan's bill."
General Harrison Allen.of Warren, is
in the city. He is known here a* one
i of the .106 and a Cameron delegate to
; the Harrisburg convention. He ia Pres
umably after hi* reward, but whether he
• ill succeed or not is, at this writing, a
matter of conjecture.
Senator Mitchell called at the white
house to-day. He had a short confer
ence with the president, the substance
of which was a request for the with
drawal of the Jackson and KauiTman
nominations. When seen ky our cor"
respondent a few minute* later he was
very unoommunteative, and the pre
sumption ia that lie met with very
slight encouragement. Senator Mitchell
leaves for his home on Fridsy morning
next to speak at the mass meeting to
be held in WclUboro' the following
evening. Senator Cameron intended
bringing up KulTman's case in execu
tive session to day, but agreed to post
pone it until tomorrow, at Mitchell'*
request. Mitchell think* Kauffman will
be confirmed by about th* same vote
that Worlhington had yesterday.
CoLrnm a county has appointed ieie
gatea to (he Democratic convention in
structed to support Judge F.lwetl for
Governor, a* the first choice, end 8. T,
Wolverton second.
Tii* Lycoming county Democrats in
struct their delegates to vote in Con
vention for 8. T. Wolverton first and
James 11. IlopkiMfor second choioe for
TKKMS: K1..">0 per Annum. in Advvnci*.
Thr llvmriillc AnprHi of 1 h- Tariff
F. H C<*' nf*** b in tbi IIVOM.
Th* little girl cannot, play with her
doll, nor the toy whiz hi* top, nor the
mother wash her offspring with soap,
except at an expense of from one-third
to ori' -hall of their cost for the domestic
privilege. [Laughter.J If the mother
gives IMT child castor oil, she pour*
down I|h per cent, ad valorem [laugh
ter]; if the child does not enjoy the
•lose, there is a 25 per cent, howl as the
recipieut of the contents of its tender
stomach. And though she "wash it with
niter and take to it much soap the in
iquity i marked before roe," saith tbo
Lord, for this soap is tsxed 40 per
centum ! God help the child !
Mr. Townshend, ol Illinois—flow
about candy '!
Mr. Cox, of New York--I am com
ing to that in a moment, my honey.
Great laughter, j
If she wraps the little dear in a plain
■bleached cotton nightshirt, it has a
; night mare of !i cenu |<er square yard,
-pecific [laughter,; when the child
i awakes in the morning fretful she
| combs its little bead al 35 cents ad
; valorem [laughter;] if she would amuse
it. she rolls it over a Lrussels carpet al
' *0 <-<-nt* per square yard, or givea it con
ieclioncry made of refined sugar at 4
cents a jKjuod tax and 115 per cent, ad
valorem ; it it tears its little panties, the
gentleman from Pennsylvania i Mr. Kei
juyjsews them up wish spool thread
' iaxed at three-quarters ol its value,
j , Laughter.] Why, if she used a shingle
i lo bring th> little "toddling wee thing"
to its senses, as the Honorable gentle
man can recall, the cat would be en
hanced at the rale ol IT per cent, tax
at ion. [Laughter.]
II the youngster nasa patriotic incli
nation on our Fourth of July, his fire
crackers are taxed as a patriotic luxury
at |l extra a box, and the bunting
which furnishes the fi<g, though but 113
cent* a j-ound, cost* 121 jercent. exira,
while trie band plays on instruments
taxed al 30 cents. She take* him to
• the menagerie to study naturai history.
I here is the zebra, symbolic of a mixed
sd valorem and spec.lie [laughter,] and
' the stately giraffe, high protection
I ; laughter , the ro>al tiger, and unicorn
>.! li •; v K r.t at SO M r cent., and ;h •
procession of elephants, every one 20
P< r cent. True, Jumbo, lor purj-oses
not to be mentioned, is excluded t-y
! the affidavit of a con*.stent protection
Ist; p.ut the log chain that holds his
huge leg# binds the monster in protec
tive chains! [Laughter.]
, Ut;rr Pritrbaru , s Keeper.
ittiAHJt A-i.itr wit i- <• i.i.r r> or Hl*
A I TOON A, Pa., May 14.—Joseph MONK.
Deputy Sheriff of Hamilton county,
< iuo, ..rr*--1-• i one, It. I . Pritchard. in
! site cty of Washington on Friday, on
r requisition from <> >v. Foster, of tthio.
, (or uttering negotiable nnt<- in Hamil
ion county to the amount of A.i,(JlKi.
Wnile en route to < tbio yesterday morn
ing, hy way of the l'cmisy lrani* railroad,
I the officer fell asleep, relying on hand
roti for the MM-uuty of Ina prisoner.
At tome point between Harrisburg and
I Huntingdon the | riaonr abstracted
iti-requsttinn pa|ers and warrant of
..treat liom the pocket of hia sleeping
guard, lore tbetnup and telegraphed to
Altoona to bare the officer aireated for
kidnipping. The Altoona police detain
-d both of tbem and a lawyer proceeded
at once to get out a writ of hnhcai mrp*t
1 to secure the releaae of the priaoner.
While ao engaged the officer hired a
conveyance. and with the aseistance of
a Blair county constable, drove the pria
oner out ol town, intending to make the
train again a few milra weatward. Fur
auit was given by the lawyer and
another oonatable, and the partiea were
overhauled and brought back. Ihe
hafrtMi cotjivi resulted >n having the pria
oner aenl tojail at ilollidayat.urg until
Wedneaday, the deputy aheriff prom
taing to be bark from Ohio by that time
with the necessary papers from (lover
nor Foater. Pritchard ia a Washington
claim agent of unenviable repute, and
has been indicted for a rimilar offense
in Miami county, Ohio.
The requsition on which t*hief Just ice
Cartter surrendered Pritchard to the
< thin authorities stated that lie had been
indicted for uttering a forged note for
A-WtOon one Daniel Frit*, the note bear
ing date at Covington, Ohio. March 15,
|KS|, Pritchard had an cffice in the
St. Cloud Hotel, Ninth and F streets
northwest. Sheriff Moss left here with
hi* priaoner late Friday eveniog.
Important Information Obtained a te
the Dublin Assassin*.
Dtau*, May 13.—The government
haa issued a special proclamation offer
ing a reward of £SOO for information
leading to the arrest of any one harbor
ing the MMwini of Lord Frederick
Cavendish and Mr. Iturke, or assisting
in their escape. Persons harboring the
aaaaasina are liable to be sentenced to
penal servitue for life. Information
must be given within three months.
It I* believed the assassins are still in
Dublin, their car having been traced to
the city. The men Oorvin, who wee ar
retted at Belfast on suspicion of being
the driver of the aaaassin's car. aatisfar
torilv accounted for hit movement* and
has been discharged. The police have
found out the name of the man who
drove the eer containing the murderers.
The name is staled to be Rush.
A dispatch from Cork says i "The gov
erment are in |Kiassaaion of information
leading to important revelations. Three
men have been arretted at a hotel
NO. LM).