Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, May 04, 1882, Image 8

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    iEhe (fjtnixt Dmattai
m - ■■—= - t -
Thursday Morning, May 4, IBu2.
OuftftßnpoMDKMCß.rotitfUiil tig Important *, • 'Nett
ed frotn any part of the count*. No eommuuicaM n*
Intoned UUI<M accompanied by the real nam** of LB*
Contro County Domocratio Com
Bellafoutr, N. W„.W. r Rabat. BslWooU
8. W-Cherlee Smith "
W. W-Jainoa Schoftslil— "
Howard Born -Howard llrlck lay-Howard.
Mllaabtirg C. K Kaalnalon Mllaaburg.
Mllthaun A. Walter* Millhelm
Phlllnaburg I. W. Holt „.Phlllp*burg.
Uutoortlla..- J C fmllh .Planting.
Monitor l' roth (Mow Bollofontn.
Bosk* C. A McLaughlin.Mllnobtirg.
Burnaido WUHaai Hipplo—Pino (Han.
College Prank Taylor Lemont.
Outlln Kredk. Eobb Howard.
Pars niton O P—A. J. Orandorl—Ptae Urore Mllla.
"BP.—I H lleberllng... R. k Spring*.
Orw. 8. P M. L. HUM Spring Hill*
" |{. p HanJ. Llmlart.— "
llaltoa (lao. M. Ket*ter.—Aarotwborg.
Halftuooit ........... A- T Gray ..Half Moon.
llama lama* Klmport- Ib-aIM org.
Howard. Ia*ld Tnyar Howard.
Uuaton J"ha y Mila* Julian.
Liberty —.. W. 11. ti*rdtiar.-~.lll*ncbard.
Marlon J J Hoy Walker.
Mile* ——.leorge Haines—w "If* Sbira.
pet no, D. '■ M.ak Buffalo Run
Patltt 11 K ibtck Mlllhaltn.
Potter,?!. P '• W. Spangler Toaaayvllla.
•• jt. p. -I Witiner Wolt—Canlta llall.
Rtt*h William I'nllau .-"andy Itnlsa.
Snow Shoe William Halnea.-Hnow 8 hoe
Spring T M. Birnhail... Hellefonte.
Taylor Vinton Ileckwltb-Powler.
Union Christian floorer. flaming
Walkar Atidraw Kearner Hnblaraloirs.
Worth W.li Morrtwui I'ort .Matilda.
K. 11. I'OlUiri.lt, Chairman.
H. A. MrKxi, Sacratary.
Local Department.
—Lewin ha* something now—whip* and
canes to be given atray.
—We were gratified to have Mr. Jas.
Turner call yesterday.
—Congressman Curtin will accept our
thanks for public documents.
—AI. Haupt, as clerk at tho Brocker
hoff house, is becoming popular.
—Houtzdale is still troubled with small
pox. The disease is said to be spreading.
—Be sure to call at tho Bee Hive and
see their elegant line of zephyr ginghams.
—Greene, our most south western county,
ha* not a licensed house within its borders.
Read the new advertisement of the
Philadelphia Branch and then take your
boy* there.
—The cigars offered for sale by Harry
Green always fill tho bill. Ho ha* none
but good ones on hand.
Lawyer Hastings is painting hi* house
green, with red trimming ; we are all be
coming a-sthetic gradually.
—Ladies, don't fail to see the new and
elegant Spring and Summer dress good* in
all style# and price# at the Bee Hive.
—The dollar brcgan* at Doll A Mingle *
go like hot cake*. No wonder, they are
equal to any heretofore sold for $1.60.
—Esquire Kerlin, of Reborsburg, was
sworn into office during this te.rm, and
while in town did not forget the DEMO-
—The Bee Illve has the finest assortment
of lace cap* for children. Don't fail to
call and see them before purchasing else
—Mr. J. 8. Housman, of Tus*yvil!e,
an ardent advocate of Sabbath school in
terests, paid us a business visit on Wed
Mr. Fred Bmilh, the popular Bishop
street saloonist is recovering from his late
sick spell, much to the gratification of his
many friend"
—Messrs. K. Graham & Son now occupy
the room vacated by the Centre County
Banking Company. They are better pre
pared than ever to suit all customers.
—Mr. J. T. MclJivitt is running the
Curtin flouring mills and doing good
work. Mr. M. in addition to being a good
miller is a tiptop person in every respect.
—C. U. Hoffer it Co., is the name of a
new firm. We wish "Siney" piles of suc
cess, and are pretty sure of hi* soon be
coming a merchant prince. Our hat is off.
—lf you have not been in to see Geo.
Eaton yet, why, do so at once. He ha* an
elegant line of confectionery, tobacco,
cigar*, fresh and canned fruit, Brockerhoff
—Mr. James Kerr, Clearfield's hand
some Protbonotary, attended court here
last week. He it a Democrat of the right
kind and a most popular and efficient of
—We were mistaken last week in saying
that Mr. Geo. H. Wolf repaired gas pipes,
it should have been copper pipes, and in
this line he ha* few equal* and no superiors.
Giv* him your work.
—Hon. Samuel Franck was in town on
Monday and would sooner have gone
home without seeing the elephant than not
to have called at the DEMOCRAT office.
Judge F. ha* lost none of the dignity and
pleasantry that always characterised bim.
—Misa Lida MeGinley Is teaching a select
school at Cotevllle,and Miss Katie Powers
is engaged In the samo laudable work at
Yocum's. Both these ladies are eminently
fitted for the task they have undertaken,
andthe young ideas wilUshoot in the prop
er direction their supervision.
—Our little friend, Mr. John H. Krea
mer, of Millheim, came sailing into our
sanctum one day la*l week having in tow
Dr. J. F. Harter, Notary Public, and Mr.
T. K. Btam, a leading merchant of that
place. The boys wtfre welcome and inas
much a* tbey behaved themselves they
will b warmly welcomed at any time.
—The failing health of Rev. John Hew-
Itt, Rector of the Episcopal congregation,
induced the trustees of that church to
grant bim a two month's vacation. The
learned gentleman will be benefited, we
hope, kjr his leave of absence and return
to his work able to labor in the good cause ,
of which be it so able a champion.
—lt (i tho pmctico in aomo of our pub
lic schools tu read scloctions from th daily
ni(Wspß|tnrs, not only as a reading lesson,
pure and simple, but also as a means of in
structing tho pupil, In contemporary his
tory. It must bo a fearful wrench to the
boys' veneration for tho brilliant names of
history to read that ono great man takes a
bribe whenever ho can got half a chance,
that another gets intoxicated with unfail
ing regularity as often as once a wook (
that a third sells his country for a pile ol'
guano, that a fourth is a liar of gigantic
proportions, and that generally they are
ono and all the meanest specimens of hu
manity that ever crawled beneath earth
and Heaven. It must bo fearfully trying
to a school teacher to reconcile the history
of the books with newspaper history. At
tho last session of tho Centre County
Teacher's Institute tho members were pre
sented with neat littlo calenders, tho read
ing matter on them is wholly unobjection
able ; it tells among other things that
Sochler A Co., Hellofonto, are continuing
to sell only first class groceries, etc. Al
low your pupils and their parent* to read
selections frotn theso calendars occasion
—The marriage of Miss Clara V. Mil
liken, the one hundred thousand dollar
heiress, of this place, to Mr. Cortland !)•-
Lacy Evans, of l'luinfleld, N. J., at the
residence of her uncle, Mr. George Valen
tine, on Allegheny street, on Wednesday
ovening of last week, was tho consumma
tion of a courtship that has attracted the
attention of the people of this and adjoin
ing counties for some time. The lady is
talented, agreeable and handsome, and
devoted to her husband, who is spoken of
a* "hail fellow well met." They are now
enjoying their honeymoon, visiting places
of interest, and when done "billing and
cooing," in all probability will return to
Bellefonte and resido here. Our heartiest
congratulations are extended to the happy
pair, and wo earnestly invoke for them the
protection of Him without whose notice
not even a sparrow may fall. The floral
decorations, of which mention should be
made, wore singularly beautiful and tasty ;
tho most attraetive—an elegantly arrang
ed bell , composed entirely of flowers of
raro and costly kinds, suspended from the
ceiling, under which the couple stood, be
ing the mot noteworthy.
—The residence of Mr. and Mrs. J. C.
McCalhon, at Howard, was enlivened by
a festive scene on Tuesday evening of last
week. The occasion was the marriage of
their daughter, Mrs Mattie Snodgrass, a
beautiful young widow, to Mr. It. T. Bry
ant, of Odessa, N. V. The ceremony was
performed in a brief, but very cbate and
impressive manner, by Rev. Father Mcll
heney, of Snow Shoe, and the contracting
parties were doubly supported by Miss
Lena lie her as bridemaid, and Mr. T. A.
MrCallion, the bride's brother, as grooms
man A largo number of invited guests
were present and the company was of the
most pleasant description. Immediately
alter the ceremony a very elegant supper
was served, and after duly discussing this,
the entire party escorted the happy couple
to tho station from which they took the
evening train for their future home in
York, amid the hearty congratula
tions and good wishes of all present.
Batcbeller A Ifvria showed here on
Monday and fulfilled all promises. An
immense crowd thronged the canvass both
afternoon and evening. Their men are
perhaps the most genteel and well behaved
of any who accompanied any show that
ever visited this place. On the way here
frm Milton they met with an unusual
misfortune—they had progressed as far as
Flemington, when a burned bridge pre
vented tbeir coming on through. Their
only expedient was to retrace their step*
and get here via. Sunburv, I-ewislsiwn and
—The sweet singer of the Daily AVirs
told us a day or two ago about a young
man who upon rutting his finger rubbed it
with two-lip salve. Poor fellow why
didn't he buy a bottle of St. Ja—, and
put the salve where it would do more good ?
This brilliant td*a must have been horn in
the evening—under the ethereal, felicitous
influence of fair Luna, as it were, and
that it may not he lost we suggest he have
it embalmed, for certainly posterity will
tie poorer if it is not handed down to com
ing generations.
—The reception given by the Boys'
branch of the Y. M. C. A. to the boys of
the town on Monday evening was an oc
casion of much Interest to all. Mrs. J. G.
Love prepares! the program with her usual
good taste, and assisted In IU being care
fully carried out. Near two hundred boys
with many of their friends were present.
Miss Kenny, of Philadelphia, a sweet little
creature recited a selection that ail pro
nouneed an exceedingly creditable aflair.
We shall have more to say next week re
garding the remainder of the receptions.
—The western division of the N. G. P.
will go into camp at Lewistown, Saturday
August 16. 7,6(10 soldiers will spend a
week in Ibe open air, and cultivate what
ever military skill they may possess. The
brave boys will be expected to endure
many trials and paas through some un
pleasant ordeals, hut they will enjoy it, no
—There la considerable complaint on
the part of merchanta and clerks regarding
the practice of many lady customers who
put off their shopping until nine o'clock
in the avening.
—Tho dug road, leading from Cut tin's
to tho residence of 'Squire Barnhart, in
Boggs township, >* in such n horrible con
dition that wo are surprised aoino one ha*
not moved to compel the supervisors t>
repair it. It i* too narrow at beat, and
when, ax now, full of deep cut* and hob*
ia barely payable. Any accident happen
ing to travelers will render the townahip
authorities responsible.
—Our friend Mr. Mewl). W* i I Haute, of
Martha Furnace, ia making eomo needed
repair* at Mann't Axe Factory, lie i*
one of the best millwright* in the world,
and a job overseen by Mi bhac i* nureto l>,i
well done. He never ia idle, since talent
of hi* kind i* always in demand, and mill
owner* requiring the service* of a bcn>
mechanic had better tecure Mr. William*.
Yesterday Dr. K. W. llale, I). 1). (.
M., accompanied by Messrs. 8. D. Gray, F.
I'. Oreen, J. M. Green, John I'. Karri*,
Harry S. llale, Win. McClellen, and Ed
win Tyon, left town to go to Du Uoi,
Cleartl-ld county, there to constitute anew
miuonic lodge to day. There gentlemen,
we suspect, are billed for a good time and
hope they may not return disappointed.
—Our friend* in Millheicn and vicinity
have complained that the DKMOCKAT doe*
not reach them until Monday. Upon ex
amination we find the package* of paper*
are carried on to Lock Haven, pat How
ard, and sent byway ol Sugar Valley.
We have perfected arrangement* whereby
tbe rub*criber mentioned will receive their
copies on Friday of each week.
—The jury in the care of tho Common
wealth vi. Myton, decided that the gray
headed progenitor should pay three
fourth* of the costs, even though inno
cent, and the prosecutor* tho other one
fourth. The amount ot ugly licentious-
He** developed iu this trial is a disgrace to
tho society of our sister county, Hunting
Hoof having soared away up renders
probable tho story of the cow jumping
over tho moon. In this matter tho butch
ors are not to blame, as cattle, even at the
exorbitant prices demanded for them, are
scarce. Bellefonto meat venders deserve
great praiso for the excellent quality of
meat they procure for their purchasers.
Mr. Win. Wolf, of Centre Ilall, gave
the DEMOCRAT a call on Tuesday, and had
the pleasure while hereto take the venera
ble Hon J 8. Proudfoot, of Milesburg, by
the hand. These gentlemen are represen
tative Democrat*—an honor to the party,
and a* immovable in llieir fixedness of
purpose as an adamantine rock.
Mis* Clara K"-iser, on Wednesday la*t,
became Mrs. K. 11 Hannarn. The groom
it one of the mist trusty and capable en
gineer* on the CatUwissa railroad, and
will be able and willing to upporl her in
first cla style. That they may be happy
i* our ardent wish.
Mr. .Samuel K. Fault, of Centre Mills,
and J. 11. Keifsnyder, Esq., of Millheim,
have been in town several days during this
term of court. These gentlemen are pow
ers for good in tbe Ifomocralic ranks in
their districts and always do their utmost
to roll up big majorities.
Marriages have increased 10 per cent,
young men have learned of tbe soothing
effect of Sines' Tar, Wild Cherry and
Hoarhound, upon babies. Young man if
you keep a bottle on hand for an emerg
ency, you are safe in bringing things to a
—We learn that Mr. Newton S. liailey,
of tho lUpuhhrn •, is unwell. We trust
our friend may soon recover. His absence
from his jol D noticeable. The ailment—
neuralgia in his head, is an unpleasant one
—Young men, whether you are specially
invited or not, come to tbe reception to
night. The entertainment will be of an
informal character, and a good time is
premised to all.
—The unexpired term of the late John
Shannon, K*q , will be filled by James C.
final, of Centre Hall. Mr. Boil's tenure
of office will last until May Ist, IHH.J.
—You cannot buy a whip or a cane
from Lewin, at the I'hilrdelphia Branch,
but he will present you with one. (Jo and
find out how it is for yournelf.
—Some one said, but we do not know
who, that the County Commissioners would
have liked to havo had some one start a
subscription for "Mary and the baby."
Mr. W. A. Taylor Intends to move to
Florida hoping thereby to improve bis
health. Those indebted 4o him are re
quested to settle at once,
—The $lO,OllO beauty did not attract
much attention on Monday. We have
too many beauties in Bellelonte, to go wild
over any imported ones.
—Tbe Y. M. G. A. fellows ars a* high
tonsd si csn be—their new rooms sre nice,
and they will be pardoned If the "fit" does
not last too long.
—Tbe Isrgest stock and best varisty In
all kinds of dry goods, carpets, shoes, and
gents furnishing goods csn be found st the
Uee Hive.
—AI toons Is building a street railway,
the contract for laying tbe rails baviag
been let on tbe 24th uit.
—Chronic Rheumatism and Catarrh.
Took PRRCRA. Am well. Mis. F. OL
moaocsiir, Brownsville, Pa.
COURT PaoCEROtKcm. —The second week
if April Tcrtn of court convened at 10 A,
M. on Monday with Judge Orvi* presiding.
The trial lit wa* called over and a num
ber of cao* marked for trial. A number
of roud caes wore disponed of by the
court. In tbe afternoon a jury wa* sworn
in the case of W. S. William* v*. Mark
J. Williams. Court then adjourned to
A. at., Tuesday morning.
Judge Mayor opened court on Tues
day morning, arid tho trial of tho Wil
liam* contested will cac wo* commenced,
taking up the whole of the day, the jury
rendered n verdict sustaining tho will.
W*DKK*t>AY, A. M. —Cae of Joseph
Weaver v*. Pennsylvania Railroad Com
pany b>r death of son. Settled by It U.
Co. paying S3OO and cots.
Case of E. I. Walker use of John Buf
fer, v*. James L. Sommerville. Action on
a contract for commission to sell land.
Verdict for plaintiff* for $'AK>.
(.'a** of Win. Wolf v. Henry Carver
et. ux., on trial a* we go to pre**.
A NARROW EWAHB. — Yesterday after
nisori a horse belonging to Mr. Samuel
Leitzell, of Spring Mills, wa* standing'in
front ol Hiek's hardware store, tied to a
post by a rope. Becoming frightened, be
started, pulled out the hitching post, and
with it flying in all directions, ran on the
pavement, at full speed, down Allegheny
street to Bunnell and Aiken* corner, turn
ed down Bishop street, still on the pave
ment, and continued a* far a* Smith's sa
loon, where slipping he wa* thrown vio.
lently to the ground, here he was caught.
Fortunately very few people happened in
the way of the runaway, one little boy a
son of Mr. W. A. Lyon, about two years
old was pushed or knocked over, sustain
ing some wounds about the bead. Had
tho street* been as thickly peopled, as
they mostly are, is impossible to esti
mate tho damage he might have done.
The horso, apparently, wa* not seriously
Swavely, the Singer Sewing machine
man of Jlellefonte, was in the city a short
time yesterday. Mr. Swavely by strict
attention to bu*lnea* has won tbe confi
dence of the company he represent*, and
they have given bim tbe entire control of
Centre county for the sale of the Singer.
He has a large number of men working
for bim.—/*ocA Harm Journal.
Last evening al the Methodist church,
just before prayer meeting, Mr. iCuben
Shaffer was married to Miss Sailie Weav
er. The contracting parties are fully
aware of the res|ionslbilitie# incident to
married life, and no doubt ero they under
look tbe erection of a matrimonial tower,
sat down and carefully counted the cost.
They mean to go west for awhile and if
suited will remain there j-crmsn<nl!y.
Their many friends Join in wishing them
a pleasant sojourn in this vale of tears and
all the happiness to lie derived from con
jugal association.
—Our ministerial friend. Her. J. F.
DsLong, pastor of tho German Reformed
Church in this place, deliberately fitted
up an elegant residence, furnished it
throughout in luxurious and comfortable
sfylo, and then left town. Since leaving,
we understand, he ha* been united in mar
riage with Mis* Amanda E. I.s ihm k. of
Stemlon, Pa. The groom occupies an en
viable place in the heart* of ail Bellefonte
church goers, and the lady of his choice is
very highly spoken of. May theirs be a
pleasant married experience with very few
of life's ill*.
Bellefonte will witness a wedding in
high circle* about the middle of May.
The young lady concerned is an estima
ble daughter of ona of Bellefonte's most
enterprising merchants and tbe young man
is w member of an extensive mercantile
establishment in Reynoldsville.— I'hthpt.
burg Journal.
Mr. S. Goldsmith is, we are pleated to
ssy, improving in health snd expects soon
to be sble to return to Bellefonte. His
father, Mr. L Goldsmith, a most excellent
gentleman, is here and making lot* of new
friend* every day.
Mr. BartrofT, the carriage manufac
turer, bs* his now building on Water
street under fair headway, snd when 'fin
ished will be the largest and most com
pleU manufactory of ths kind in Centre
—The new meat market, under control
of Mr. John Heexer, is open and doing a
good business. Mr. Beeitcr understands
the wsnts of all who may favor him with
their |tronago and Is ready and willing
to exert himself to please.
—The foreman of tbe JTafcAmni! office
attended an early morning wedding last
week, and was so fearfully effected that he
caught a bad cold. Too bad, but serve*
him just right.
—Mr. T. J. Decker, one of our bos#
millwright* is doing soma nice Vork at
Stein's mill, near Roland Station, lit
can and always doe* do good work.
—For the Isrgeet, stock, lowest prices,
you must visit Doll A Mingle'* shoe store.
—Fine walking shoes for ladies and gen
tleman just received at Doll & Mingle.
—My baby bad a terrible sore scalp,
(scabby). PEBUMA cured IL Jon* CRo
wan, Pituburg, Pa.
—Carpet slipper, .25, lasting gaiters,
.85, whole stock brogans, $1 W
Tho Dark Mosgenaer.
Mits. A RbBLL. —A* twilight slowly and
silently let her curtain down, on Thursday
of lat week, the residence of our esteemed
neighbor and friend, Mr. John Ardell, Jr.,
WHS shrouded in gloom. Death wa* pres
ent with the heartbroken relative* and
friend* who surrounded the couch upon
which hi* dying wife lay. She, whom a
long companionship had endeared to him
by every tie that join* kindred hearts and
congenial souls, wa* about to be lorn ruth
lessly from liiin—her place left an acbing
void, never in this world to be filled. In
the midst of the awful ileriee that always
accompanies scene* of this kind, about five
o'clock, bor ninied spirit winged it* flight
to that bourn whence no traveler ever wa*
known to return. For some time subse
quent to bur departure, Mr. Ardell, could
not fully comprehend hi* irreparable lots,
and when at la-t it* awful truth burst upon
him, he wept. She, who had minitered
unto him day after day, had walki-d hand
in hand with him down life'* tortuou*
highway, had been a source of constant
and unfailing support to hirn, had gone.
A cold, contrs< led on the Saturday pre
vious, rapidly induced an attack of pneu
monia, and her nervou* system, too weak
to withstand the Hidden strain, left her at
the mercy of tbia so frequently fatal dis
ease. All that medical skill could do wa*
done without avail, for the call she re
ceived could not be disobeyed.
Deceased wa* greatly beloved, highly
esteemed and almost idolized by s'l wbo
knew her, snd before Death ha* slain an
other fair and good a* *he. time will have
thrown a dart at tbe sable conqueror. Tbe
lasting praise, due her, on account of her
many charitable, noble snd benevolent ac
tion* will cause ber name to adorn the
stone, when rarved upon the marble slab
that is to mark tier last resting place.
Mrs Ardell* maiden name w as Klir-abetb
E. Seclye, and at tbe time of her death was
in her Old year. Three sisters—Mrs Say re*
I Belief Me, Mr-. Wsite, of Cb < ago, and
Mr*. Derrick, of (Jrinnel, lows, survive
M ii- A i.st AN PER. —Tbe mother of Hon.
C. T. Alexander, Mrs. Elizabeth Alexan
der, of Beech Creek, died on Thursday
26th ultimo, having reached tbe ri{e age
of ft years. Her remains were brought
to Bellefonte on the evening train for in
terment, and were followed by a large
concourse <>f friends to tbe Union cetneiry
where she now calmly sleeps upon the
b"om of mother earth. Her life aas one
•<f unu*ual activity and usefulness Three
children, Hon. C. T. Alexander, snd Jss
Alexander, Esq., of Bellefonte, and Mr*
Daniel Leyden, of Beech Creek, survive
hr. A consistent Christian she did not
fear death and having lived far beyond
lh limit* of life she wa* ready to go.
Surely the end of the righteous is |e*reful.
MR* Yorxo.— WE are called upon to
chronicle the death of Mrs. Catherine
Young, of Ferguson sowntbip, tbi* coun
ty, whose departure from earth took place
on Saturday last, the 22d instant. Mr*
Young wa* a devout member of the Luth
eran church. Her age wa* A3 year*.—
MR* KRUMRIXK —lt is our province
to record the death of Mr* Krumrine, re
lict of the late Frederick Krumrine, of
Ferguson township, and sister of Mr. Jno.
Wagner, of this place. Mr*. K. died on
S indsy morning lait, the 23J instant aged
73. H'afrAman.
Ma*. Fci.wta —Tbe ,ast of this sad re
cital i to record the death of Mr*. Fulmer,
relict of Jared Fulmer, at her home, near
Wolfe * Store, last week. Mrs. K. bad
grown old and did not long survive the
deceve of her husband. Peace to ber
Morri* paid our town, hi* former home, a
flying visit a few day* since.
Mia* Emma Kinne ha* come home to
*tay, after a lengthy visit to Hollidays
We are glad to say that Mr. Harman is
able to attend to hi* work again. His
fail *hould be s warning to those croasing
Mr. John McGinley, who I* nearly 87
year* old, still travel* around town, but
the old gentleman I* not looking so well a*
aomo time ago.
Mr. Al. Brarar i* seriously indisposed.
He bs* been *ick for SUM time. Billiout
fever, we think.
Mr. J. P. Boileau ha* quit the agency
bu*ine*s. We occasianally *e bim driv
ing those mustang* of hi* through town.
Mr. MorrU, the Baptiit minister, last
Sunday announces! hi* intention to leave
One of Mr. Loughrey's sons came home
on Friday evening, bringing a bride with
him, in consequence of which there wa* a
Jolly lime at!' Pat's."
Mr. Jo*. Smith (not tbe prophet) is a*
busy a* a nailer superintending the fitting
up of the Odd Fellow's Hall. J tax.
—The Butts' boue, under tbe manage
merit of Mr. F. X. Lebman, Is rapidljyra
gaining all of It* old popularity. The
proprietor desire* n* to slate that each of
IU departments—tbe bote! proper, tbe bar
and tbe restaurant—hat undergons a com
plete renovating and Improving process,
and now desires a fair share of public pat
ronage, assured of hi* ability te render
entire satisfaction. Mr. Lehman, evident
ly, understands bU business and wa aak a
trial of him at lb# band* of any wbo
stand In need of the services of a real Jolly
landlord who ran* a first clam house.
CIETY— A meeting of the Agricultural
Society m held it, the Court lloute or.
'LUE.DAY evening, April 2b. In the *b
ence of the prendent of the o<IETV, Hr.
K. \V. JUIE, Captain A. J.TM Curtin T<
called to the chair. H. It. KAV KJ the
sac rotary, being al> ateM.nl, Mr.' John A
Haley wan called to keep H RECORD of I,ANT
ing evenu for the evening.
ON motion, Itr. K. W. Hale, (;, rgo
W. Campbell, K.<P, and John A. Hunter
were elected delegate, to meet the TRUSTEE.,
of the Slate College at their annual MEET,
ing in June. Clement Hale, KP, K A„
an intereating bi.tory of the MOIETY AND a
klaleinent a to iu prevent .landing and
financial condition. Hoalao, M the eourae
of hi. remark., referred to the financial
eiriharra.. menu through which the AOCI.-ty
have pawed during and .int.- the panic, and
.aid that ail the premium, of LATL 'FAR
were paid in full and tboE of the vear
previou. pro rata. A. A. Hale, Jut),..,
Larimer, Oaorge Hale (a h ading (.ranger
a* well a. a pro.|<erouk lamer), ail .JOKA
for th- GOOD of the order. H Har.bber
g-r, K*Q., Uild how in < rly II| HAD
cleared up the ford and I au'.ed it to hho-
AOM a. the row, and that <.n more than
one occanoh he > aueed two blade* of grar.
TO gr-.w H RE I marly thara *, bat I aa
Oh motion ol Joaeph Baker, KM , Clem
••rit Hale, KM) , ol Bcllefonte, and John
A Haley, <,F Curtin, W -r v aflwtad to p..F
form agricultural rm..ionary work in the
county, and at an early day will enter
upon the discharge of that duly.
Believing that Lanta.ter county carrier
the banner and Centre TH-- ilag in agricul
ture and the banner in mining and manu
lecturing in I'enn.y lvania, WO .hould hoid
a fair terond to none in the United State..
A call ha. BEEN made for the farmer.,
miner, and manufacture, TO bold A rna#
meeting in the Court H"um< M the bor
ough of Bellefonte, on Monday evening,
Augu.LLTT), LHH'2, (court wwk;,' poMlirei v
no poalponemenl. "> time U tix-4. Sn
let there be a united EFFORT on the part of
everybody to make lbi meeting a grand
.uccuaa. Let every farmer and all lover,
of indu.trv, therefore, oon.ider tbemaelvea
engaged for the evening of Augu.t 2*,
and let nothing interfere with that en
gagement. 51 ark it down where you
won't forget it. 51 IM-io* ARY.
I'irr.roaii, Ma.. .Sept. 28, IBTK.
.S'tr.—l have taken Hop Bitter, and
recommended them to other., a- I found
them very b<-nefi< ial.— MA- J. W. Tt'H
i.ek, SaerwUry \\ AN • ( I riatiaa Tarn-
JM-rance Union.
— That JM-rfi-ct baking and CAKING .LOVE,
the "Pioneer," i. for .ale only by tflllea,
McFarlane A Co. All .ufperfluou. orna
mentation ba> been di.pen.od with to re
cure a firtt-cla.. kitchen .tore. Kor weight,
.trength and durability it cannot be ur
patiod. In purcbating tfai. .love YOU ar®
not paying for nickie trimming* and beau
tiful fini.b, but you are getting what I. far
t>elter and what you n<-d IT, A good cook
love— A good, reliable baker and cooker.
You can .ate from 100 to 2(10 per
cent ON a g<*xl drear. from 100 to .KIO JR
<nt on a .uit, from .1. to 100 J*-r cent ON
a pair of .ho,-, and in everything that you
need you will find it to your irit>re.l to
buy your good* where you get them at
flr.t coat. ' I.T .v A Uo.
—lf you want to .ave money in your
purchase., go TO Lyon A Co., a. they are
WILING everything at coM. I-TOS A Co.
Ladle, coat*, jacket., dolman., cirro
ar. and ul.terette., IN endlc*. variety,
•tylea and color., and price* lower than
el RE where at S. A A. Loeb'r.
—F-VL,OOF worth of dry good., clothing,
boot, and .hoc, drew good., Ac., for co.t
IXMB * i. the place to buy dry good*.
Large WKMIRTMENT, low price* and good
GOOD' at all time..
— Spring and Summer roaion, LF*®2,
Woolen Mock WOW romplrlr. Earlv or
der. elicited.
! 44-tf 51OXT(PV(*kt A CO., Tailor*.
—Call and examine the atnvk of range*
*nd O<„.k Move, at WiW.n. McFarlaa- A
CO'* . al.o their line of tingle and double
h<ater. They have for .ale the Welcome
HOME double heater, which ha. BEEN th<>r.
oughly and ratirfactorily terted in thi*
Mother., before giving your little
babe cough or croup medicine.,' remember
that Sine.' Syrun of Tar, Wild Cherry and
ll,rbound i tne only cough preparation
that contain, no opium, morphine, nor anv
other narcotic.
Lyon A Co., are vicing out their
entire .lock of dry good*, clothing, boot*
and boe at coil, in order Vo quit the buai
WAOBKIt—WEAVKR—At Howard. <n the I Ml, <4
April. \ j Re*. J Mm*. Mr J 1 Wafoer and Mia
fenth A tmitii of On 4.
WIUIAMP -Mn IK -By W. * Willi***. tfcq , Mr.
Juhn R illUmi arul Kit* Ami* Ptit#r, Ulb of Hue
ton M
IIANN AM -K rtfKR- th# ?Wh *f April, Rt th#
r**i<S#r# of th# l>r*4#' p*r*ntt, |*y Brv 0 fi r#tr
n#|H>k#f. Mr C Hmomi, of CaUtim,
•b<! Mi#* n*r* B#r*#r, of thi* |>i#r*
KVANN-MILI.IRKN —ihi th# WAh of April. *t th*
rrhhsranf Mr Owrgi Vslmtln# b; B# Wi kMi
l(Mhf, of B#l)#h**il#. **tr4 Iff Iht K P h#trh
*m. if P Rtaift#)d. N J.. Cn)*4 d* Ijwf Kraai,
of If. J, *4 MH* (hnt Miiillrt. <4
lw i
ARtiKI.L—In I hi. rt.ee. ™ Thatwi**, Ajwll 17, of
pnenwwia. Mi* KoiabHh L>. Ar*r4l, M< rnl mile
of John AoMI. Jr . te her (M jrmr
TATE —On the -Vi of April, of train tmt, LMa
lUanrtie Tare. Intaal 'l**aier of Om. G. an* Mnrv
Tale, of Valearin*'. *t.
TODD.—In Ptill jet-ruy. ApHI *. Albert, voangaat oon
at John an<! ***** ToM, H T jeans M*U*
AN* 17 H|l.
*TRATRR -In Relipmbnra, dentrm eonntv. P„
April m. IM, Mr Haarj Alrmjer. a**d VI jenra, t
month* and I* hfl |
Bellnfontv Urmia Market .
Bauaronv*. Ma* , t**2.
(V>ir*rie4 weakly bv T R. RejaoiAa * Oa
WbenV—wblte, per bnahal— gj Ma
re*. " " I*
Com—oar*, per bn*hi a
" *bell*r(. per bnehel AA
Oat*, per BA.btl , AM
narlry.per bn*h*J. 7h
Cbrvar M*J, pre POWN* _
Prorltioa Market.
Oorrei-md weekly bp Harper Brother*.
Apple*. 4r(*d, per pewn4 A
Okerrtaw. Arte*, par pen* 4, iwhl —_ IB
Brno* pavgwarl IT
rm* bwtter per poN4 M
(Kitken* per pinnt a
Ok'"r per ponwrt™. 1*
(Vmntry ham* perpowh*— |*
Ham*, awgaa tnrni. M
** per La_.„. la
IBLEA *—R . , . IT
HEATER , FTRNWA*. P*V *H— * a*
rior, win) mala, par bhb, #*lta 7 B
" per aaok, " 0