Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, May 04, 1882, Image 1

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    SHUOEBT A. VAN OBIEB, Editors.
VOL. i.
Site Centre democrat.
Term* t1.50 per Annum, in Ailvanos.
S. T. SHUQERT & J. R. VAN ORMtR. Editor..
Thursday Morning, M*y 4, 1882.
A VEIN of silver ore has been dis
covered on the farm of John Murry,
of Fayette county, in this Stnto, which
it is said will yield 8210 of silver per
IT is believed that the tariff com
mission bill will pass the House uext
week, but doubts are expressed whether
in sueh shape as to obtain concurrence
in the Senate.
TIIE Chinese to go for ten years.
The Chinese bill has passed the Sen
ate, with a few trilling amendments.
Of course it goes hack to the House
to ratify or reject the amendments.
TUESDAY next the Stalwart Repub
lican Convention will meet a Harris
burg to ratify Don Cameron's nomina
tions for State officers. Next is the
election. In this the jieoplc of Penn
sylvania will have a few words to say.
THE returns coming in! Luzerne
Republicans send greeting to Presi
dent Arthur and Dot: Cameron her
quota of delegates to the State Con
vention instructed against the Came
ron slate, as the result of the recent
change of the postmaster at N\ ilkes
AN appeal to the Supreme Court
has been taken, on the part of the
Commonwealth, from the decision of
Judge Simonton of the Dauphin coun
ty court, in the late trial to recover
the taxes due from the Standard Oil
Company. The claim of the state
was about s#oo,ooo. The award of
the Judge $30,000.
THE Philadelphia Pre** thinks that
whilst the President and I)'>n are
equipping busy workers for the ma
chiues hy the Pennsylvania appoint
ments, they arc also multiplying In
dependents among the people. Very
likely. But Independent* are not al
ways to be relied on when the party
machinery is in full motion.
A SUIT for libel, brought by ex-
Congressman Cuff roth against the Pitts
burg Commercial, was tried the other
day and terminated in a verdict of
guilty in manner and form as charg
ed in the indictment. It nppears the
matter complained of was furnished
the paper by its Washington corres
6t7CCEH has at last crowned the
perseverance of Dr. Mary J. Walker.
She has obtained a clerkship in the
Interior Department. Her eccentric
determination to wear men's apparel
no doubt delayed the official employ
ment so long sought for. Hhe is a
respectable kind of man, and deserves
success for ber persevcrcnce ami inde
pendence, if not for fitness.
Cot- DICK of Crawford county, who
was slated on the stalwart ticket as
the candidate for ( ongressrnan at-large
has encountered a disastrous fire in
the rear, which will doubtless necessi
tate the erasure of his name from the
alate. At the meeting of the nominat
ing committee, his claims were hotly
contested, and resulted in instructions
against him in favor of James E.
McFarland for that office.
IT is pretty well known, says the
Washington Pod, that the prosecution
consider the indictments of both Brady
, and Dorsey fatally defective and that
an attempt will be made to reindict
them by the sitting Grand Jury, in
which event the present cases will be
nolle -proeetpiicd. The bungling man
ner in which all of the indictments
were drawn, allowing the escape of
Rerdell, Vail, Sanderson, and Arm
strong, on account of their defective
ness, does not speak very highly for
the legal acumen of the gentlemen
whom General Brewster has brought
over from Philadelphia to see that no
guilty men escape.
THE planting and cultivation of
forest trees is begining to reciove a
good deal of attention in different
parts of the country. A national
Forresty Convention convened in
Cincinnati last week, and,contiuued in
session several days. The object of
the convention was the opening of a
general movement looking to the re
production of the timber so rapidly
disappearing in this country by its
wasteful distructiou in the manufac
ture of lumber, railroad ties, lire and
many other causes, as to give serious
apprehension that the wood supply in
a few years will he exhausted. This
calamity according to the estimates of
the census bureau, at the present rate
of destruction, will be upon the coun
try in less than fifty years. To guard
against this, by eliciting public atten
tion to the subject of planting trees,
and procuring such legislation as may
be necessary, was, we believe, the
main subject considered. In mar,/
parts of the west, and in plant
ing associations have licen.-organized,
and in this state of law have
been made to tree planting
on road sides, but we donot know that
it has yet, fcceived much attention.
THE impression prevails generally
that the Indian population is annually
decreasing, or gradually dying out, hut
according to the theory ami observa
tion of Gen. Jarnes 8. Brisbin, this is
not the fact. He writes that during
the past year they have increased 2,-
#3O, and we now have in the United
States 261,851 Indians exclusive of the
Alaska tribes. There are in the Unit
ed States sixty-eight agencies controll
ing 240,417 Indians. This leaves 15,-
434 to be accounted for. They are in
small bauds scattered over Arizona,
Idaho, Montana, and Utah in the wist
and settled Indians in California, In
diana, Kansas, lowa, North Carolina,
Oregon and Wisconsin. They belong
to no agencies and are noinadic or set
tled down as farmers. The large In
dian population is in the Indian terri
tory, south of Kansas, where there are
39,277 civilized or partially so, and
18,305 wild Indians. Dakota has
an Indian imputation of 30,000, New
Mexico of 26,000, Montana of 20,000,
Arizona of 18,000 and Washington of
In the HOUHC of Representative* on
Saturday, Lynch, the colored coutes
tant of the *eat of Gen. Chalmers, of
Mississippi, was seated by a vote of
I'2.*> to 06. The >arae ruling adopted
in the case of Finley and Bisbee of
Florida, to seat the Republican con
testant, would have defeated the negro
from Mississippi by a large and de
cisive majority. But any inconsistency
or indecency on the part of Republi
cans to swell their majority is in per
fect harmony with their usual practices,
and tho only mystery with us is, that
they are allowed by the Democrats to
per|>etrate these outrages, when they
have the power to prevent them.
made the corner stone of the Republi
can party. Purchased at great ex
pense and sacrifice —nytured with
care by the whole power of the ad
ministration, and yet this base of the
great Republican edifice is crumbling
to atoms. Virginia, the mother of
statesmen, has the credit of being the
first to repudiate the false and worth
lew material.
THK grave yard insurance compa
nies of Buflislo, N. Y., are somewhat in
advance of the Pennsylvania opera
tors. In addition to the usual meth
ods, they buy bodies from medical
colleges and have them buried with
religious ceremony and then resurrect
them for other funerals.
THK case of Benator Hill, who, it
will be remembered, has had opera
tions performed upon him for cancer
of the tongue, is considered hopeless.
His Georgia friends says he is losing
ground rapidly.
The Real Issue
It is becoming, we trust, apparent
to the understanding of the people
that one of the principal reasons, if
not the controlling one, why the State
is governed by machine ring*, ami
plundered and wronged in it* finan
cial interests with impunity, and
scarcely without protest, is the little
attention given to the choice of hon
est, competent men for representative*
in the legislature. It is here that re
form should begin, in the selection of
our best men, whoso ambition will be
to acquire honor in laudable cffirts to
advance the interests and well being
of the commonwealth. This, we be
lieve is the most important issue the
people of the State have to meet in the
coming election, and the Philadelphia
Record truthfully state* it thus:
To If*' people of Pennsylvania the
question of real moment in the next
• section* i* the choice of n Legislature.
While conference* are meeting and fc
lion* nre struggling over the several
State offices, tho people have a iluty to
perform in the choice of their repre
eniative* in the next General A*<-m
--hly. In the great cloud of dust that is
raised about a Stale ticket men who
have given flagrant proof of their un
worthiness and unfitness for seat* in
the Legislature are again bestirring
themselves to secure re election, and
unless tho people tnove energetically
they wilt again witness tho scandal*
which they deplored in the last session.
lm[>ortanl questions, effecting the in
lerests of this great Gommonwoalth as
well as this groat city, will recur, and
these questions will be again treated
with cynical indifference and contempt
if the jeople show the same neglect in
regard to the character and fitnea* of
their representatives. The Governor,
whether ho bo General beaver or tho
candidate of the I'etnocrat*, may fo
aide to exercise no more influence than
the most insignificant representative in
the determination of theae questions.
The Lieutenant Governor, whoever he
may be, will have still less, and the
Secretary of Internal Affair* will have
none at all. In a Government like our*
it is a mere truism to assert that the
Legislature moat ntghly concern* tho
right* and Interest* of the people, and
yet, strange to say, that ia the depart
ment in which they manifest the least
concern. Any one is considered fit for
a seal in the Stale Legislature. Men
who could not find employment in
[■lace* of busine*s trust and responsi
bility are frequently ent to the capital
to make laws for this great State, even
after their unfitness ia demonstrated.
We have not joined tn the indtscrim
inate abuse and denunciation of the
Legislature which reound throughout
the .State at every s'-ssion. In the last
legislature there were many worthy,
faithful and indejendont representa
tives, but in the indiscriminate clamor
these were confounded with the weak,
incompetent and corrupt. Good men
were held resjionsible for the obstruct
ive work of faction against which they
v unly struggled. So great was the con
tempt and hatred in which the last
legislature was held that had another
Colonel Pride marched into the halls
at the head of bis dragoons and turned
the mem tiers out neck and crop there
is too much reason to believe that the
act would have been received with uni
versal demonstration* of [topular ap
plause. Yet that legislature was just
what the people made it. Had the pco
pie themselves exercised due vigilance
and care in the choice of iheir repre
sentatives there would have been no
holding indignation meetings and tnak
ing protest* afterward. Instead of cast
ing all the odium upon the Legislature,
let them take to their own bosom* a
I Urge share of the reproach.
It i* needle** in tin* place to recount
the bead-roll of the offence* of the laat
Pennsylvania legislature. They have
not heen o soon forgotten. After a j
•eaaion running down to the last hour
in which member* could draw pay, the
Legislature adjourned without making
the ap|>ortionment required by the Con
atitution ; but, in justice to that I.egia
lature, let thia much be aaid, that a
gerrymandering apportionment would
have lieen made but for the rebalance I
of independent member* of the majori
ty. Such an element did not exiat in
former !<egi*laturea to *ucce**fully op
poae apportionment frauda. Since the
apportionment remain* unchanged the
faithlea* member* who are responsible
for the obatructiont and miachiefa of
laat aeaaion are in their old diatricta,
and the people know the record* which
they have made. But while carefully
watching the old offender* it will be
neceaaary to diligently acan the claim*
and qualification* of new aspirant* for
aeat* in the Legislature. Such assist
ance aa we can render in discharging
the duty of an Independent journal
ahall not be wanting.
A DKSVKK paper any* that ex-Set}-
ator Dorsey, of Htar-routc fame, was
swindled out of $30,000 iu that ci'y
two year* ago by bunko-men and
gambler*. These bunko'* must have
been unusually sharp if they got ahead
of Dorsey. He is supposed to take the
winning side on questionable financial
Republican Conference.
The Republican pow-tvow between !
the stalwart hoes machine of Don j
Comcron and the half-hrccd* known
an independent", represented by Wolfe
and Mitchell, canieofl'in Philadelphia
on Hatorday evening lust. The avow- j
ed object of thin conference i* to hit j
upon come plan by which the faction." j
of the party can unite to avert the po* !
litieal disaster which seems to threaten j
them. In the present aspect of the fight
it would seem that the only way to ae- '
cotnplish this, i* for Cameron to stir- !
render his bosship un an incompetent, I
and with it the state ticket he ]>rcpared
for the party —or the absolute stulti
(ication of the party headed by Wolfe,
by the acceptance of subordinate rep.
resentation on the Cameron slate
Which i.x it to be is now the issue ?
Cameron is undoubtedly earnest in
bis desire for the election of Gen.
Reaver and will not surreuder this
part of bis ticket ou "light cause".
For the balance of the "late he cares
but little, and I seine environed by i
difficulties caused by the ha-ty an- j
nouncement of his candidates, will
not hesitate to trade with Wolf, if he
can thereby secure the Governor,
with even chance* to obtain the legis
lature, and at the same time silence
clamor a* to his methods of doing so-
The machine Republicans are willing
to concede that next year and subse
quently, delegates to the state con.
vention may be chosen by the people,
instead of by county committees. The
independents approve the mode of
electing, but insist that tin- <inven
tion called for the lOih of May iw
post|s>ned to the loth of dune, and that i
it* membership shall IK; elected by the j
people for the present >ear. At our
latest dates, the conference i still
conferring. Some soothing syrup has
been offered on both sides, and if any
results arc arrived at before we go to
pre** wo will announce them.
LATE IT : The IVace Commission is
ended and as far a" we are capable of
judging, marks another victory for
Cameron, lie ha* spiked the guns of
the pretentious independent l ader
by promising fair play in future, but
they must be coutent with the ring
slate already provided for. This
fight at liest, is only for a division of
the spoil* which ha* heretofore been
monopolized by Cameron for hi* own
immediate followers in the tortuous
work of setting up conventions. He
now con*enta to take in new partner*
next yr.jr.
LANCASTER corxn on Saturday
was the field of a fierce conflict be
tween the Regulars and Independent*,
and the result is claimed a* a draw by
the latter, but the advantages on the
whole are with the Regular*. The
defeat of Kautfman for the nomina
tion for State Senator is a decided vic
tory for Senator Cameron. In the
election of United States Senator in
1881 KauiTinan was one of the most
active aud resolute of the bolters a
gainst Cameron's caucus candidate, and
Cameron resolved on his defeat, since
KaufTman's election would bo sowing
the seed of another dangerous revolt
when his own turn comes in 1880.
As the leader of the rival faction*
Senator Mitchell throw the weight of
his influence in favor of Kauflman.
He wrote an open letter to the Repub
lican voters of the district to renomi
nate Kautfman. Senator Cameron
does not write open letters, but his ap
peals appear to have been far more
effective. In the midst of the contest
he set Mitchell and the Independents
at defiance by making Knutfman's
brother one of the "306," Collector of
Internal Revenue. This act increased
the rage of the Independents and
stimulated the aeal of the Stalwarts.
KaufTman's independence has cost him
his seat in the Henate, but in the long
run the victory may prove extremely
dear to his opponents. The conflict
between the factions will go on, and it
will increase in intensity and bitter
neas aa it goes.— PMJa. Record.
\N II ATEV Kit may be the objects as
sumed or the nr.rnus and devices
adopted,there is no •use in disguising tin
fact says the Philadelphia Jieeord, that
j the overthrow of the political power
jof Senator Cameron is the constant
| purpose of the 1 nd-pendents. There
will he no relenting and no rest for
the b-puh!icaii party of Pennsylvania
until this conflict is raided. Confer
ences may be held, truces may be
patched up, and noisy opponents here
ami there may surrender, hut the
conflict will go on agaiii-t Cameron
without interruption, unless some more
lofty issue is presented to the Repub
licans of Pennsylvania. It will lea!l
the same whether General Beaver be
, nominated or whether he be weakly
withdraw for some compromise candi
date. If General Beaver be with
drawn the activity of Cameron's cnc
niies will be stimulated ami the war
against him will be carried on in
| every legislative district in the State.
Senator Cameron understands the na
; ture of the conflict n- well a* his oje
ponetits. !!•-is waging a battle for his
! political existence. This year the
aim will he to prevent tin-election •<:
•udi a I, giflature as would manipu
late the apportionment so a. to retain
| a majority for Senator Cameron in
l#*l. Rut the defeat of General
Beaver would bring the conflict to a
• u ld< n close. If Beaver be withdrawn
the end would h<- the sooner ; the su
i premary of Senator Cameron in the
Republican party of Pennsylvania
would be over and there would be a
reorganization, with new men in the
cently awarded 61" h -I) damages hv a
W ashing ton Jury, against tbt- .vrp nl*
alarm* for imprisonment under direc
tion of the Ilou-e, ha* decided under
the ruling of the court to have the
: verdict set aside and go to trial a pain
placing hi* damage* at K.I
borne an- a contumacious witness
brought IK fore the House in an im
portant ca*o of fraud, and refund! to
testify, claiming that < >ngr<— had no
power to pu'ii'li him for the contempt.
A DAKTARIH.Y attempt as made on
Saturday last to assassinate Wm. 11.
Vanderbilt and Cyrus \\". Field, of
New York, by tending them explosives
| through the mail. The package ad
'dressed to Mr. Yanderhilt exploded in
the mail bag; that to Mr. Field was
plunged in a bucket of water and
when soaked, was examined and found
to be a pajter box containing a can
ester of powder so arranged as to ex
plode on being opeuod.
making a very marked fir.rlc out of his
prosecution of election afficors in the
South. His efforts in that direction is
not worth the powder, and would be
much better rewarded if ho turned
his attention to his native city of
Philadelphia, or New York. There
is n large field of usefulness open here
to the highest degree of enterprise of
which he is capable. In the last case
tried at Charlston, the jury disagreed,
; two for conviction and ten for acquit
The Attempt to Destroy the Andre
A year or ao ago a amall monument
of granite tru vet up at Tappan, Kork
land county, N. V., by Mr. Cyrua W.
Field, to mark the apot where the
Rrittah apy. Major Andre, waa handed
in 1780. Miyor Andre, it will be re
membered, waa the agent of (ieneral
Clinton, commanding the Rritiah (oroea
in New York, in hia negotiation with
the traitor Arnold for the aurrender of
the important American poeition at
Weat Point, on the Hudaon. On hia
, way back to New York, Major Andre
waa captured at Tarrytnwn; and, bia
errand being diecorered, he waa taken
acroaa the rirer to Waahington'e bead
quarter* at Tappaa, where be waa tried
and executed.
For eomc reaaon—probably a perron a I
apite againat Mr. Field—two attempt*
! hare lately been made to deatror the
proper memorial which he had placed
upon the hiatoric a pot of Andrea exe
' cution.
The firat time tha inacription waa
haltered and partly obliterated. The
next attempt would appear to bare been
made with a dynamite cartridge, plaoed
TKIIMS: S*l.r>< per Annum, in Athmire.
upon tho base, with the expectation,
probably, that the explosion would
overturn or vliattrr the main grauit
block. The vandal must have had but
little knowledge of the action of high
explosive* under uch condition*, or he
would have placed the cartridge on the
top of the monument, thus assuring it*
destruction. A* it w* placed, the base
alone su(T<-red seriously.
The Hill to Kxtend National Hank
V. smiisotom, I' ' Miy ].—Mr. Crapo
called up in the house today the reso
lution to fix a day for discussing ine hill
to extend national hank charters, it
had been supposed that an arrangement
had been made so that there would be
httle opposition to the resolution, but
the green hackers decided that no such
arrangement had heen mi te and in
sisted ujion knowing who had pledged
|).-ni')cr.iic vote* lor -och au arrange
ment. The friend* of the resolution
are a little les- com.dent than they were
ot the success of the motion to fix a
day. Mr. Hardenberg said thai if this
bill did not pass there would be a forced
contraction of sixty millions of dollars
between now and next February. Tho
bouse, by a vote of 1/0 yea* to 65 nays,
adopted the resolution to suspend the
rule* and adopt a resolution designating
May for consideration of the bill ex
tending charters of th<- national bank*.
The democratic and HepuMican
leaders both acknowledge that the rote
on the resolution fixing the tim" for the
discussion of the bill to extend the na
tional hank charters is equivalent to the
passage of the hill when it shall be
reached in the house, and of it- passage
in the senate there is no question. Tbe
threatened contraction of sixty millions,
which, it wa* predicted, would result
from the failure of the bill to pass, will
therefore be aroided.
Mr. Townaend, of Illinois, introduced
a joint resolution which he asked to
have passed under suspension of tho
rule. It railed for the abrogation of
the provisions in the treaties between
the I'nited -tales and China which per
mitted tbe immigration to this country
' >f Chinese. 'I ho bou-e, by a vote of 52
-,i Ju l, refused to second his motion, but
lone Republican fPag, of California.)
voting with him. On the announce
ment of the vote. Mr. Townsend said
that he had succeeded in showing that
; hut one Republican had the courage to
vote m favor of the proposition.
The rule- were suspended and bills
pa-red for the erection of public build
ing* in a number of wetern and south
•*rn state-. TLe bill* were opposed at
j every point by Messrs. Bragg, Hslman
; and (ox; but without succe**. The one
for ti dveston, Texus. however, req n ed
the vote ot the speaker to make a
i quorum. Adjourned.
Something for Sunday.
About the bel icply to It g rsol.'s
i infidel ranting* nd wild conjr* tores oo
Unchristian religion, we ttn<j in a X.-w
Vork weekly paper. We made the
' ii wiiiC extract Ir itn the writer ■
! nf:
Ingereoll. "He <iodt ordered the
i murder of mi.lion*.''
Comment. He never authorized or
i ordered the muider of any one Irom
j Afel to Garfield. tlod u the author
i and giver of lite, anil those be place* on
! thi* earth he can remove at hi* will.
! No man ha* a right to live one instant
longer in thi* world than hi* Creator
will* him to remain, be he yet unt<orn.or
j inn.vent or guilty. Aa creature* of tiod
• are aliaoluiely hi* and can bave no
I right* whatever a* against bim. To God
the death of man i* but the (>a**tng
from one *tate of existence to auother,
from one department to another in the
ane universe. Death i* not annihila
tion or reborption into the element*
of matter, but a trao*(>ortaiion from
one *tate to another iu which man
retain* hi* individuality and con*cioua
identity a* truly and really a* doe* be
who passes from one room to another
in the MID* houte. Physical death
therefore is a trifling circumstance in
man'* immortal career. Now he who
ha* the absolute right to transpose man
from one stale of being to another haa
equally the right to select the method
of hi* removal, whether by old age, dis
ease, the deluge, the sword or by what
we call accidents, lly whatever meth
od man is withdrawn from life's fitful
fever bi* death is in pursuance of the
original sentence passed on the race
by an infinitely just Judge. Tbia sea
tence awaits you, and your philosophy
will not obtain for you a stay of pro
ceeding* or en exemption.
But to return. He who ha* the *b
solute right to take life cannot be guilty
of murder in taking it, for murder i*
nn unjust killing io the taking of life
by hira who h* the absolute right to
take it. There ta no escape from thi*
reasoning except by denying ibe abso
lute right, and you cannot deny this
but by denying God'a existence; for on
the hypothesis that he exist*, he is
Creator, and being Creator, the absolute
right or dominion over the creature
necessarily follows Then in the laat
analysts, to deny this right is to deny
God's existence. But yon cannot logi
cally deny hi* existence, since you say
in your lecture on '•Skatlls" that you
do not know whether be exists or not.
Da. PsLLtosiwo M ANTti'cvt Hm re
cently accomplished the task of cross
ing Africa fmm the Red Sea to the gulf
of Guinea. Three day* after the doctor
reached England he died in L -ndon.
The lose of this celebrated traveller la
very much regretted.
XO. \H.