She Centre IPwwttal. Thursday Morning, April 20, 1882. CoaßuroMDßttca, containing Important newa, a "Ik-H --ad from any part of the county. No cofttmunlc*ik*t- Inaerted uulcaa accompanied by the real name of the writer. Centre County Democratic Com mittee—lßß2. tMTRI(TS. HAM. APIEM. Itellofuote, N. W...W. F. Keber. Bellefont*. 8. W.. Charlee Mmltb •• W. W. Jauiee Scbofleld.-. " Howard - Mlle-burg. C. K Kaelngtoo Mileabnrg. Millhetiu A. Waller* Millheini PhtUpeburg P, W 11..U Philinaburg. I'tiiouvilU' J.C Buith Fleming. Benner I'rtah Htover Ilellefonte. Hogg*. A. Mclaughlin Mlleaburg. lluroaidc William Hippie....Pine (Han. College Frank Taylor Lament, fiutin Fradk. Robb Howard. Ferguaoii, O. I*--.A. J Oreudort.--.PtRe Urorr Milla. - N. P...J. 11. Iteberltng.. Hock B|>ringa. Gregg. 8. 1' M. L. Ruliel .....Spring Mill* " S, P..*•••••• ItenJ. I.Hubert .... " II nine* (Iw. M. Kelater ...Aamnaburg. Hal (moon A. T. Gray Ilalf lUrna -Jamea Klmport. R*lel>urg. Howard. Kami Tauyer Howard. Ilusiou Johu Q Mltea Julian. Liberty W. || Gardner HlanrUard. Maiion J J. Hoy... Walker Mile# George llalnea.. . Wolf* Btre. Pat too P. L. Meek Buffalo Kuu Peun 11. K. Duck Millheini. Potter, N. P G. W Bpaligler ....Tuaeeyvllle. M 8. P. J. Wjtmer Wolt-.fentre llall. Huah . Wiiltaiu fulled— Baud> Kidge. Bnow Bhoa . William llaiiiea.. Bnow Bhoe. Bpriug T M Ifctrnhart. IMb-fonte. Taylor Vinton He* kwitb Fowler. I'ulon Chriatian Hoover..Fleming. Malker Andrew Krtauirr Huhleraluirg. Worth W.U Morrlaim.. Port MatibU. H. 11. rOMTBK, i,airman. 11. A. McKn, Secretary. Local Department. Browns have erected a now awning in front of their place of bu*inc*s. —B. M. Matiee, Esq., visited Montroae, Susquehanna county, last week. —Ed. Power* i* a trifle more vivacious than usual. That something is up, is evident. —We lenrn that Dr. Glenn, of Snow Shoe, who had been unwell for some time, is improving rapidly. —Mrs. Kane, an aged resident of Ilec-la Furnace was buried in the Catholic bury ing ground in Bollefonte on Tuesday. —Smith, tho baker, makes gixal ice cream, ho is as careful n can bo as to what ho puts in it, and a.a natural re.tilt it i* alw ays ju-t right. Mr. John A. Gibe and Mr. Michael Coronian of Zion, while in town on Satur day, did not forget to inspect our little den. Gentlemen, rail again. —Centre Hall V. M. C. A. has organ ized a boys' branch. That tho movement will result in much good to tho boys of that pleasant town, tlo-re can be no douht. Mayor Powers has ordered all Inw abiding citizens to quit loafing on street corners, and by posted notice* aserta bis determination to prevent ail atherr from doing so. —"What are the wild wave* saying, .Mary ?'' ''That you can buy clothing and gent's furnishing gmids cheaper frotn Lewin at the Philadelphia Branch than any where else. —Sorrowful were the circumstance* con nected with the death of Mrs. Elizabeth Miller, which occurred at her residence on Logan street on Sunday night. Si* chil dren survive her. Messrs. J. Proudfoot A Co. are mak ing a specialty of undertaking, and arc giving thi* grave subject no little attention- They are prepared to attend funerals and respectfully solicit a trial. Mr. John W. Slam,of Millheim, this county, has be-n fortunate enough to se cure a lucrative position as a clerk in Charles City, lowa. Now be a good boy, John, and success is yours. —George W. Eaton now has one of the prettiest little stores we ever saw. Partic ularly noticeable is his di'play of line cigars and tobacco ; equally fine, however, is his stock of confectionery. —Dr. G. \V. Hoeterman, of Centre Hall, was in town on Monday and could not go home without first calling at our office. Of course he was warmly welcomed, good fellows always are. Editor Tuten some time ago bovyht a safe. And now, to be still tonier, he must employ a fighting editor. If you have any crows to pick with him of the auburn beard do not go to his office. —Our good old friend, Mr. J. B. New comer, of Pine Glen, one of the most suc cessful, capable and venerable teachers of our county was In town on Monday, and attended the meeting of the Boy*' branch in the evening. —The White Sewing Machine Company it really fortunate in having secured Mr. 11. J. Boyer, of Boalsburg, as general agent. He is shrewd and enterprising, and we know be will be able to increase that concern's business wherever be may ope rate. —The following elective officers were installed at the regular meeting of the Odd Fellows Lodge held on Thursday evening, the 6th instant: W. B. Rankin, S. G ; W. I. Fleming, V. O ; H. B. Pon tius, Secretary; A. V. Smith, Assistant Secretary ; H. H. Banner, Treasurer. —Mr. John Beezer has bought out Mr. Wm. Taylor, and Intends to continue the business of butchering at the tame stand, one door below the Centre County bank. On tho first of May he will be ready to furnish hotels and families with good fresh meat at moderate prices. —There may be nothing in a name. But so many of our people are so warmly attached to the Philadelphia Branch that Mr. Lewin, after becoming proprietor, did not see fit to change the concern's name. Honest clothing, honest prices and honest dealing. This house ever has done what is right and wa can with a clear conscience send our friend* there. —The C. L. S. C.—Chstauqua Literary and Scientific Circle—well known in the eentorn hnlf of Xittutiy valley, i en or ganization composed of about thirty of tiie (inert young indies of that locality. Tlu aocioty niecU twice each month ut the homo* of member*, or if invited, at the houses of others of the good people of that section. The object is mutual improve ment. On the evening of Good Friday they gave an entertainment and supper at the residence of Mr. Solomon I'eck, oi Walker township, this county. This gen tleman with his usual hospitality throw wide his doors and welcomed the ladies cordially, setting apart to their use four largo rooms. The entertainment consisted of a comic pantomime fan drill, vocal and instrumental music, an art gallery—con taining some of tho rarest specimens of ancient and modern art, and a poatofllco as complete in all tho details of its arrange merit, as any in the land. Letters were manufactured to order, and delivered to happy recipients by fair hands of fairer ladies, whose secondary object might have been fore but primary one wa* /were. The supper consisted of oysters, cold chicken, sandwiches, cake, coffee, etc., well served arid plentiful. The cheery waiters in their while caps and aprons anticipating every want of their guests. The society desires to found a library for the use of the people of tho valley, and the proceed# of their en tertainments will he devoted to that object. That tho young ladies may be prosje-red in their good work is our ardent wish, and we cheerfully request all to emulate their en deavors by rendering any assistance in their power. Fire te C. L. S. C. —ln ({taking of J H. Havcrly, con cerning whom there have been ionic nasty reports circulated bv parties who might be more profitably engaged in attending to their own businc**, The Sinusal Trade, good authority, *ay: Tho remarks in which otne newspaper* have indulged re specting Mr. Ilaverly ps< the widest hound* of journali*tic licence. It he* long been patent every one that Ilaverly ha* had ton many iron* in the lire, ha* grj.ed at too much, and in some enterprise* failed. On leaving the State# he placed hi* affair* temporarily in tho hand* of Mr. C. H. McConnel to whom, to facilitate business operation* he gave pow-r of attorney. We can readily M-O how thi* wonderful ; man tand*, the sale of the Fifth Avenue Theatre, a most prudent step, netted him SIR,OOO, for thi* theatre i alb-, i led white ' Jumbo. The Chestnut Street, I'niiadel [ phia, more than pay# it* way. The re i ceipt# of the Chicago theatr- will aggro ' gate $.523,f* It, and clear $30,0011. The | one in Brooklyn will clear this year ; the Fourteeth Street Theatre s2i,- j; the California Theatre i* good for $30,000 during the season, and the Masta i don* will bring in $40."00 more clear gain. So that we *< our friend Jat k, even though he may have gotten into water a tittle too deep fir him. i far from icing a drowned man, and they who are so busily '•ngageii ii heralding hi* financial inlcr j ment will soon find htm the ||velb-l mon etary corpse ever prepared for burial. —The Butts' house, under the manage ment of Mr. F. X. Lehman, is rapid y re gaining all of its old popularity. The proprietor de*ire us to state that each of it.s departments—the hotel proper, the bar and tbe restaurant—has undergone a com plete renovating and improving processi and now desires a fair share of public pat ronage, n-'iired of his ability to render entire satisfaction. Mr. L*bmnn, evident ly, understands his business and we ask a trial of him at the hands of any who stand in need of the service* of a real jolly landlord who rtins a first ria*s house. Mr. John Hlanchard, son of Evan Blan< hard, Esq., of Bellefonte, in tho an nual ezercise of the junior class of Haver ford College, of which he is a member, according to the I'biladelphia /Yrs* dis tinguished himself in an oration on "A Modern Superstition,'' in which he at tacked very vigorously the Mormon theory, and vindicated the wisdom of tbe Edmunds' hill. —Tho ladies, who ascended tho golden stair* leading to our literary palace, on Friday, conferred upon us a favor not soon to be forgotten. W# endeavored to pre sent a blaze front, but that meager succoas, only, may bavo attended our efforts i* possible. Come often, please, for none are more fully aware than we, of the benifi cent influence of ladies' society. Letter* held at tho Post Office for postage : D. P. Ilouser, Pine Grove Mills; D. M. W..11, Spring Mills; M. S. Spoils, Port Matilda. Held on account of im proper direction*: Rachel Martin, Centre county, Pa., . Mary K. Davis, Liberty Milts, Jackson county, Patrick Brislln, Cleveland, Centre county, Pa., and I. N. From, Pole Cat City, Centre county, Pa. —lligh Constable Gari* has hi* dander up and the other day notified owner* of cattle and hog* that certain restrictions would in the future be placed upon their movem<*nts. (Whose movement*, the ani mal*' or the owners'?) —Mr. J. V. Strebig, agent for Batchel ler and Doris' great Inter-Oeean Show called at tbe DEMOCRAT office on Monday. He ia a moat pleasant gentleman and le thoroughly devoted to the IntereeU of tbe firm he represents. —The work-train on the B. K. V, R. R. now lays over at this place on Sunday. McMiLLKX'a Nw BROCK Kit nor r Ilouss.—Stranger* visiting Bellefonte ere surprised P> find in our tnid*t one of the most olegeiil hotel* in Pennsylvania. The proprietor, Mr. C. O. McMillen, prior to ten year* ago had been engaged in no other business. For over seven year* he wa* with the lanioti* Ohinors, at their dc|>ol eating house* in Columbus and Dayton, Ohio ; with the celebrated Lolli* lteibold when ho wa* proprietor of the City Hotel and Philip* House, Dayton, Ohio. For Ave year* pa*t ho traveled for Messrs. Felton, I'au *V Sibley, varnish and paint manufacturers, Philadelphia. Immediate ly after arriving hero ho began to remodel and improve the house, ami did not slop until everything wa* put in real first ela** order. Tho ofllee wa* repapored, ail wood work painted while, furnished with wal nut olllco settees, a splendid chandelier, the original cost of which win sl2">, n marble floor wa* laid and a marble counter placed in position ; telephonic communi cation with all part* of the city, an annun ciator for Use of guest* and speaking tube* to various purl* of the house greatly lacili tate buine**. This part of the house i* most genteelly presided over by Mr. J. A. McOmberJ; this gentleman considers the comfort and happine** of guest* matter* of primary importance and i ever ready and on the alert to render nnv Ritrice or service in his jniwer. To the rear of the office are the sample room-, pool room, in*nsg<. Finery, of vital inter est to all patrons of the bouse is the culin ary department. We found this branch remarkably neat and clean, supplied with a range capable of cooking at one tim* ui'-als for four hundred j-erM-n* : here Mr. Alexander I'ullen is monarch of all ;ho surveys, and tho manner in which guests stow awsv the victim's is evidence -utficient that he know* how to prepare a I g.n-l meal. The grand Indie* parlor, lux iriou* gentlemen * reading and wailing ; room, private parlor for |-erial i *rln# and companies, ludi"* bath rooms and water closet*, some twenty or rn->re 1-eJ • haiuber* most elegantly equipped and the proprietor's private apartments take up all ol thi* floor. The next story is occu pied almost entirely by dsinty, elegant sleeping rooms, but enough space wa* re -erved (or a laundry and gentlemen's hath rooms. Other accomodations, free bus to and from all trains, rommerrisl men's baggage sent to any of town, the new street Inmjx and the change of front. This hotel is prospering under the con trol of Mr. McMillen and ir daily receiving the patronage of msny who up to the advent of Mac had been accustomed to put up elsewhere. M< Millen has come ito slay, having leased the house for fi years ; he can be depended upon and we heartily wish hint and his hostelry Gerformanre is sujierior, excelling anything of it* kind ever seen in this country. Its menagerie represent* many fortunes expanded in rare animals, bird*, reptile* and wonder* of the sea and air. In It* museum is Millie Christine, the "Two Headed Nightingale," a young woman with but one body, with two heads, four arm* and four legs. For this natural curiosity a salary of 2.,0W is paid for the season. The street pageant Is made a feature of this season and is the most gorgeous ever seen, introducing the famous $10,001) beauty. —The McGibeny family, father, mother and eight children, gave one of their won derful exhibitions at Reynolds' Hall on Friday night. The character of the enter tainment, had it been known in advance, would have secured acrowded house. There was nothing grand about It, in fact the home like spirit was the most noticeable. gorgeous external show, but what is far mote attractive, genuine culture. The idea of a brass band composed entirely of children, if not new, Is at least a happy one. In their line, the McGibeny* stand unequaled and alone, and as a troupe is one of the few a conscientious journalist can heartily recommend to the public as meriting general support and encourage ment. Mr. W. R. Bailey, of Lewiatown, conducts the business affairs, and U a suc cessful manager. —Mr. Chas. F. Cook, realising that positions of honor and trust, now filled to overflowing, will be vacant sometime, taw fit to introduce a week or two ago, a young gentleman who hat our best wishes. —Sixteen sdull persons were bnptised by Rev. Pennepacker at tha Sunday evening service In the Methodist church. SPA WLS FROM HOWARD TUWXSIIII*. — Mr. Samuel 11. Leather* is erecting a very (Inn liou*e on In. farm whicii hi* don in - tend* to occupy. Messrs. David and George Null nrn putting on the plaster, In tbn neat and substantial manner for which they am justly highly praised. Mr. Samuel Stein lias l> put them wber the mud i* so deep that it l almeot impassible ? They are up high and dry where the ri*o wa* the great est, vi that one can hardly pass wuh a load. Since they aro there, break tbm or you may have some business a', court. Is there no law pi prevent geese being wantonly shot *' Or re for the gee..- than the damage e get into the old canal Here he stuck so tight that to get him out was impossible. As a last resort, Aleck, Pi re. I liove the brute had him shot. The loss does not seem to effect our friend very much a* hi* cheerful laugh i heard the same a* it used to be. J tax. As EXJOTAHI.K OOCASIOX.— Mrs. Julia ll<***, a lady eighty-sis years of age, re markably well preserved and possessing more spirit and vim than a good many of her younger sisler*, who resides with her son-in-law, 11. V., K-q., wa* great ly surprised on Monday lo haTo ail of her immediate relative* a**emble at her home, and with her celebrate her eighty-sixth birthday. Kev, W. 11. Groh and family, Mr. Adam Hews and family,of Boalsburg, Mr. John Heea and family, of Pine Grove Mills, Rev. W. F. Boeder and family, of Centre Hall, and 11. A. McKee, Esq., and family, wero all there. The last two gen tlemen look especial pride in exhibiting their dear lilt)* babies, which U not only natural but very proper. Wo heartily Join in the wish of the venerable lady's friends that she may continue long among us, and trust earh subsequent anniversary of her natal day may be an occasion o( a* much true happine** at the last. FISH AXD GAMS LAWS.—It U illegal to catch and retain trout under Ave inches in length, and it is illegal to catch flsh in any other way than with rod, hook and line. Penalty for each flsh illegally caught or retained $lO, or offered for sale S2A. Bass and pike fishing commences on the Ist of June, and it is illegal In catch them in any other way than with rod, hook and line, under a penrlly of $lO for each flsh illegally caught. Sunday bunting and fishing is prohibited under a penalty of s2fi. One-half of all Ones goes to the in former. At Ibis lime of the year there is no game of any hind that can be legally bunted or killed. Constables having per sonal knowledge of violations of law, or If furnished with good evidence that the law has been violated, era bound to make re turn thereof —D. H. Hastings, Esq., has ordered his professional card changed; the new firm, Hastings and Reedar, will be a strong one. We compliment 001. Hastings and congra tulate Mr. Reader. Sl'D itOHA.—The origin of the phrare under the roue implies secrecy ; it was flrt used during the year H. i , 477, at which time l'au*aiii, the commander of the confederate fleet of the Spartan* arid Athenian*, wa* engaged in un intrigue with Xerxes for the subjugation of Greece to the Persian rule, a* well a* Pi secure the hand of the monarch'* daughter in marriage. They negotiated in a building attai lied to the temple of Minerva, called the Brazen IIoue, the roof of which wa* a garden forming a bower of rosea; so that the plot, which wa* conducted with the utmost secrecy, wa* literally matured under the roue. The Athenians were ac cusp.rned to wear a ro#e in their hair when about Pi communicate a secret Pi another, which they wished kept inviolate. Hence the saying swft rota among them. A neither —at the feasts, in honor of Bacchus, a large artificial rose was suspended over the main table signifying the compact entered inpi by all participants P the effect that whatever transpired while the god of wine hud full control wa* riot to lie rpoken of else where, but wa* to l-c considered *6 rota. There is nothing in anything bought at Hechler's that needs any covering up— groceries, meat*, fruit*, etc., are all just w hat they should be. —Glancing over n sketch of Johnson county, lowa, issued by the low* City 1$ .rn jail bill wat burned to death on Tues | .lay evening. The poor little soul lad in-en left alone in a high chair, at a table : upon which a burning lamp s> standing. In trying to amue himteif he caught the lamp, pulled it over into hit lap and set j lire to his clothing. The lower part of bit i person was frightfully burned, but he lingered in hit agony until two o'clock in the morning when death came to bit re lief. Mr. W. K Burcbfield hat returned j from the east and hit new store will be j opened at soon a arrangements, now being | perfected, will permit. He hat leased tbe j room in the Centre County Bank building, and expect* to have a no.del tlore in every respect. The opening will be properly announced, and hit slock will consist of fine groceries and everything else usually kept for sslo In an establishment of this , kind. Look for the advertisement of tbe Bee Hive Stores in our next issue. Mr. A. . Goldsmith hat jutt returned from New York where be purchased the neatest, larg est, most comprehensive, and best selected stock of dry and fancy goods, and Gent's furnishing goods for the Spring and Sum mer trade ever shown in Bellefonte. —Our hraas band was resurrected on Friday. Now, boys, keep it up. The only necessary condition, to insure having a first class organisation is harmony among yourselves The music was well chosen and skilliully rendered, bid you notice how cold chills, plat fully chase each other up and down ones hack when a lively, soul stirring tune is played ? —Centre county now has four more, brand new physicians. Tbe gentlemen who have been aulborixed by the Univer sity of Pennsylvania to attempt to cure all ills to which human flesh ia heir, are Jos. Brockerhoff, Bellefonte; J R. Black burn, Fhilipsburg ; G. W. Kline, Pleas ant Gap, and M. U Harsbberger, Zion. —A new duty has been imposed upon the mercantile appraiser, that of assessing butchers who have stands for the sale of meat separate from their slaughter bouses Venders using wagons are also taxable. —On Tuesday afternoon the public schools were dismissed earlier than usual, and teachers, pupils and a few friends went to the woods to gather arbutus. They had a pleasant time and tbe recreation did them nil good. —The first annual ball of tbe Bellefonta Fenctbles is said to have been n success The members of the company know bow to do up any thing of the kind in royal style. Tbe net proceeds amounted to quite n sura. WAXTBD.— Two girls for general house work. Good pay to the right one*. Ad dress, P. O. Box 21ft, Bellefonte, Pa. -16-tf —§Bo,ooo worth of dry roods, clothing, boots and shoes, dress goods, *., for oust •t LTO* 4K 00. S THE COIXEDg QUXDTIOX BTTTLEB. A rorreapondent, who algn* hi* name "Pig | Tail," tenda u the following : According to announcement, the clti ! **" "f * portion of Itnld Jingle Vhl ; ley a***mbl<-d at the Canada acbool bono lo diacurt Cbineae Immigration. After the appointment v f proper officer*, the question w#, with no little sparring, agreed upn. UrvAr,,! —That the doora <.f the United Stal< a aball not bet-lo#**! out the Chinese. Mr. Samuel Hieln taking the affirmative and Mr J. N. Van (Jrwr tbe negative, A a anutHriU the former secured Messrs. J. L. Neff, T. II Leather* end O. W. John Hon ; tb latter, Meaara. -fame* Scofield and Turner. Mr. Stem in bit opening apcech fi x <-<1 thing* up, to suit himself. lie *aid the . pig tail mun wa* ju*t the thing for our country ; in hi* second effort tbe aante gentleman *> rather < aim—thinking it our duty to help the poor (>letial ; that the coat of our labor i 100 high and that laboring men would learn to he more fru gal if Chinete came over here in great number*. Mr. Van firmer rather upset hi* com petitor'* reasoning, asserting that thia < la*a had been a cure lo tbe land and tbat they could be very easily pared. The matter of cheap iabor he declared antago nistic to our principle* and hoped tbe lime we* not far distant when it would have no advocates. in glowing term* he thanked our lbpreMnutive in Congro**, Hon. A. CurUn, for hit vote on the bill lately vetoed by I'rendent Arthur. Mr. Neff undertook to show tbat it wa* re al to im|>o*ibie for America to prceper without the bo neat, virtuoui and ihdusiri ou* ( binaman. Ilia speech reminded u# of tbe a lory of a crtain down-footed fel low who undertook to ahear a bog and re marked "Lota of squeal and little wool." (\\ e trut the nnumilaun i not to i, lib rally construed Kit.) Hi. .peec h throughout wa. atror.gly in favor of the cause he I,ad espoused and wa- attentively liatened to. Mr Scofield, In hit eloquent and faaci natmg way held hi. listener* tja-ll bound, dealt only in fact* and made a very con vincing .peech. The comparison, a. made by him, between tbe reialive support of Cbineae laborer, and tbo*e of any other , nationality, wa* a bomb thrown into bit cnemie*' work* that played tad havoc. Mr. le-alher# though brief, *poke right to the point, arid It la aurmiaed that hla opposition to tbe coming of the Mongolian* had aonn-tbirig to do with the curt manner in which he diapoaed of hia part of the di cuaaion. Mr. I urner thought John a very objec tionable M* ial acquaition on account of hi. opium aisokieg f rociivit;.-s, end r-ad some opinion*, of oibef., de< idediy deiTine-nial b> the ao*ite the ItMckerbcff Houae, Belief,.nte, Pa., took place a* *lated in our columna liefore, on Haturday morning latl. Tbe owning of i that concern wa* a great aucceu in evi-rv resj.ct. Crowd* of people were ibronglig b that e*t*h!i*hment from early in the morning nil late in tbe evening, and everyone aeemed happy except tboae who could riot be wailed upon on account of the ru*h. Wo can honestly *ay that never before ha* such a brie at/ik of clothing, boot* end shoe*, everything in tbe line of men'a and boy#' wear, been offered at such extremely low pric-na, in thia *e< lion, aa that concern ia selling tbem. Wo never have tried that HOUMS but are aatiafied that Beilefonte i# in need of auch a con cern, and it won t be long that people from flflT mile* around will find that it will nay them well to come lo Beilefonte and buv their clothing, boot*, and ahoea, at the great Boaton Clothing House, juat op*n*d in Kevnnlds' Block, oppoaile the Brocker hoff Houae, Beilefonte, Pa. • —That perfect baking and cooking atove, the "Pioneer," ia for aale only by Wilson, MrFarlane & 00. All *u per Annua orna mentation ha* been disjieneed with to se cure a firat-claaa kitchen auive. For weight, strength and durability it cannot lie *ur pa**ed. In purchasing tbi# stove you are not paying for nickln trimming* and l>eau. tifu)tlni*h, hut you are getting what ia far better and what you need in a good cook, tove—a good, reliable baker and cooker. —You can aavo from 100 to 200 per cent, on a good drn#, frwn 100 to 00 pr cent, on a auit, from So tu 100 )>er cent, on a pair of ahoea, and in everything that you need you will find it to your internet tea buy your goode where you get them at Aral coal. t.v ,\ A Co. —Call and examine the atoek of range* and cook atove* at Wilaon, McFarlam- A Co'* ; alao their line of aingle and double haUre. They have for aale tbe Welcome Home double beater, which baa been thor oughly and aatiafactorily tested in thia community. —lt aeema impoaaible tbat a remedy made of auch common, timple plant* a<* Hop#, Buchu, Mandrake, dandelion, Ac., should make an many and auch great core* aa Hop Bitter* do; but when old and young, rich and poor, paator and docter, lawyer and editor, all teatify to having been cured by them, you mini believe them youreelf, and doubt no longer. —Mother#, before giving your little babe cough or croup tnedirinea,' remember that Slnea' Syrun of Tar, Wild Cherry and Hoarbound ia tne only cougb preparation that contain* no opium, morphine, nor any other narcotic. —The Aral law of nature ia aelf-preaer vation ; but to do it the need* I'car XA , —Lyon *% Co., are aloaing out their entire atock of dry gooda, clothing, hooU and ahoea at coat, in ordar to quit the buai- | new*. —lf you want to *av money in yonr 1 purchaaee, go to Lyon A Co.. a* tbev are wiling everything at coat. Lvov A Co. —lf y children had aore throat. PIXI XA cured tbem M. P. LEMHAKT, Irwin Station, Pa. —Much better do without tugar and coffee than lo ha out of Pznt'BA. —Spring and Summer aeeaon, IMB, Woolen Mock now tvmpUH Early or der* toliciled. 44-tf MOXTOOMBUY A Co., Tailor*. —Ladle* coat#, Jacketa, dolmaaa, circu lar* and ulaterettc*. in endiaaa variety, atylea and color#, and price* lower than elaewhere at S. A A. Loeh'a.