Hit (frntrc jOrniotrnt. BELLEFONTE, PA. Tks Lsrisst, Cheapest wad Best Paper P U II Lis It Kl> IN CENTRE COUNTt. VVhut the Administration Is Doing to Clone up the Stalwart Lines. Washington rust. Speaking of general politics last week a leading Republican said: "Ihe Ad ministration is doing all in its power to atrengthen the Caiuerons in Pennsyl vania, Logan in Illinois and the Stal warts in New York. .Shrewd politicians look upon the internecine light in these States with great apprehension, and the fear is openly expressed that the future of the Republican party is overcast with ominous clouds. There is no doubt that Senator Cameron wields great in fluence with the President, but be has recently committed some blunders which may seriously effect his political power. Gov. Iloyt is on the war-path and is organizing an independent Re publican faction, composed of persons tired of the Cameron rule. Senator Mitchell is understood to be fully in ac cord with this movement, and open re bellion exists in Alleghany county, led by Mr. Bayne, of Pittsburg. There is trouble ahead for Cameron ; there is trouble ahead for Arthur, ami if thing are not speedily arranged there is dan ger of a split in the party as disastrous as that of last year in New York. To placate his opponents Senator Cameron has tried a liberal application of patron age, but the anti Camerons object to his exclusive handling of the loaves and fishes, and are anxious lo be consulted about future appointments. They are gaining strength rapidly, and the Presi dent must either frown publicly on Cameron or be prepared to accept the consequences of his too open recogni tion of the senior Senator from Penn sylvania. "The trouble in Illinois springs also from too much Senatorial influence in the matter of appointments. Senator Logan has been running things very utpch in the same way as Cameron. At an early period of the present Adminis (ration Gen. I/vgan assured the Presi dent that if he were permitted to con trol the leading appointments of his State, he would so arrange matters as to insure an Administration partv strong enough to be depended upon in every emergency. In other words that by taking the matter in hand at an early day be could hold that State, secure the election of a Republican Senator in place of Judge Davis, and that in 188t there would be no contesting delega tion at the National Convention. "This fact in a measure accounts for the all-powerful influence which Sena tor Logan is known to have with Presi dent Arthur. In several instances where important nominations have been peuding, which really belong to the representatives of the different Congres sional districts, Senator Logan has in variably defeated their recommenda tions and secured one of his own friend*. "With reference to New York the President has a difficult and embarra*#. iog situation to deal with. Gov. Cor nell, was formerly closely allied pohli cally with Gen. Arthur, has been organi xing a strong Cornell party which threatens to become very troublesome. He evidently aspires to wrest the con trol of the State from the Administra tion party proper and to secure his re nomination as Governor. A council of Administration Republicans was called, at which it was agreed that under all the circumstance* the action of Cornell toward Conkling and I'latt was of such a character that it could not be forgiven and that Cornell should be fought with all the power of the Administration. President Arthur was appealed to and was requested to exert himself in be half of some candidate more acceptable to the Stalwart branch of the party than Cornell. As a result, Judge Fol ger's name was decided upon, and it is not unlikely that he will be the choice of the convention. This will make thing* serene for the Administration in one tespect, but it must make trouble for tbe party generally, and if the Hem ocrata are wise in their generation they can make things whoop in New York this fall." THE ONI.T FILL TOINO.—A negro fami ly in Galveston are everlastingly quar reling and disturbing the neigbUirs. A gentlemen living close by met the wife and said to her: "Yon are always kicking up a row. Why is there no harmony in your hou#e7" "Hat's jess what I was telling de Uty, wuffls nig gab. H*r ain't no harmony in de house, and no meat, and de bacon's all eat u- , and de meat barf is empty. He is de only thing in de bouse what's full all de time." EASILY EXPLAINED —Oilholy got come up with yesterday. He had bought a barrel of apple from HeHmith's grocery, which did not give satisfaction. "What's the reason," said Giibooiy indignantly, "that the farther down I go in the ap ple* tbe worse tbey get f" "The reason for that is that you didn't open the barrel at the oiher end. If you had only done that the apples would be get ting better ell tbe time." Till! JEFFEIWON REVIVAL. Sluill I lie Republic l)o Preserved ! MR. TILDRN's LETTER TO THE JEE PERSON CLI'R OK NEW IIAVES. GREVSTONB, March 30, 1882. GENTLEMEN : I have received your letter in behalf of the Jefferson clui>, o present ui thoir commemoration of the liirtli ol Thomas Jefferson. Although I am obliged to dray myelf the pleasure of mooting with you on thiit occasion, I •bare the feelings which bring you to gether. Mr. Jefferson lias many titles to the revi rcnce of the American people anil of all lovers of liberty throughout ihe world, lie was among the earliest, most resolute, and most steadfast tit the patriots who upheld the popular rights tu the incipient struggles of our Revo lution, when the part he took required a higher order of courage, of self denial, and ol genius than wore necessary at any subsequent period of our history, lie penned the immortal statement of the principles that led our ancestors to assert the independent existence of our country, and which has been auhstan tially adopted as a model for every peo pie who have since attempted to estab lish national independence on the basis of human rights. He was lirst in his day to completely emancipate his own mind from the nion trchicai and ari*tocratical traditions which still enslaved most of iho best intellects of the country. Hut I tie obligations of the world to Mr. Jefferson do not end bete. I )|i the completion ol the federal constitution, Gouvi-rneur Morris, being asked wh it tie thought ol it. answered : "That de pends upon how it is construed." After the organisation of the federal govern ment, a powerful class sought to im press upon its practical working the similitude of the British system. Mr. Jefferson was the great leader of the j ar-y formed to resist these efforts, and to hold our institutions to the popular character which was understood to he long to them when the constitution was ratified by the people. By this inflexible adherence to free principles, by bis untiring efforts, by Ins counsels and by tlio magic ot bis pen, he was the principal agent in res cuing Irom its greatest peril, and while yet in its infancy, government by the |ieople for the people. Ttie arduous contest resulted in a political revolution which brought Mr. Jefferson into the presidency. He put the ship of slate, to u-e bis own expre* sion, upon the "republican tack." He arrested cenlratixiug tendencies, rein vtgoraied local sell-government, lesior ed ttie rights of the slate, and protect ed aud enlarged the domain of the in dividusl judgnien' and consience. For right years he administered the govern roent, and for stxieen years it was ad mtni-lered by In# pupils under Ins <>b servation and advice, ihus was estab llsbed a habit whicii largely shaped the standards for the guidance ot the popu far judgment, the modes of thinking ol statesmen, and the general course of government for sixty year#. How tnt portatil such a banil is will tie apprrciat ed when we consider Unit usurpation has often been successfully accomplish ed in other countries by men wetiding the executive power ; and when we are reminded thai Jt fferson sincerely fear ed that Hamilton, who thought our governroetit a "trail and worthless fab rtc," would change it it he came into power; and when we also recall that Hamilton himself has left on record his belief that Burr would have wrought a personal usurpation if he could have grasped the presidency. Mr. Jefferson give to our adminuor* tive system an aspect of republican simplicity; he repressed jobbery a well as all perversions of jiower, nnd by his precepts, bis influence, and bis example, elevated the standard ol political morals. In Ills personal practice lie was not only I pure, but, to make his example more effective, be retrained while adnunis leritlg the greatest of official trusis, from all attempts to increase his own fortune, even t.y methods opeii to every privste citizen. In s period when there seems to be little repect for the limitations of pnw er prescribed by our written constitu tion ; when assumptions of ungranted authority are rite in all the departments of federal government; when that gov ernment is being gradually charged into an elective 'teapoti.ru. meddling in every thing belonging to the state or to individuals; when every new assump tion of ungranted power creates new facilities, and new tnrentives, to favor itism and jobbery, when the civil ser vice bss been converted into a balance of |iower to determine the elections by |ieruniary nn-l other illegitimate influ ences; when the perversion of high trusts to the private gain of the official is frequently committed with apparent unconsciousness of wrong, and passes almost rebuke, it is time that the teach inga and the example of Thomas Jefferson he invoked lo keep alive the glimmering spark of official virtue and public honor. Your fellow citisen, S.IMI EL. J. TLLDEN. Messrs. C. B. Bowers, .lames K. English, John fl. Leeds, Philip Pond and A. lleaton Robertson, committee. Natural Curiosity. One of the mnt singular vegetable natural curiosities to b* segn in thia section of the country can be witneased growingt at Sharp's Ridge, Mayberry twp., this county, where the public road I.(• over the Ridge from Rig Roaring Creek. It ia two pine treea, each about sixteen to eighteen inches in diameter, standing several feet distant from each other, but connected by a branch afoul fifteen leet from the ground. This branch is aa thick as an ordinary man's body and at either end, where it con neefs with the trees, haa a bulging growth, around, making it im)HMsihle to tell from which tree the branch originally sprung. Many surmises hare been made bow the trees beoame so compactly united, a pair of regular vegetable Siamese twins, but no person in the neighborhood can remember far back enough to throw light on the sub ject. Thoae of our cittaena who have the leisure, should take a ride to the locality and examine thia natural curi oaity, aa it will repay them for the jaunt. —JhintuU InlcUigmcrr. Under 11 Spell. A vouxa GIRL or FIFTEEN EIXH'E* WITH AN OLD MAN. Mn.un Toli'((ni|ili, Not many mile* from Macon, within a stone's throw of a very popular miner al spring, lives A farmer whoso worldly poMriwiiiM amoMiiteii to much more (hull the average wealth of the well to do. To tell the truth, he it <|Uite wealthy, and his daughter* have been given learning under the shadows of even more stylish and aristocratic semi naries than our ohl Weslcyun. Theso daughter*, with tlieir accomplishments and eernne her, and she consented. 0 ce inside the hack the officer told her of the ar rival of her father, and ordered the driver not to go to the park hut to the point of meeting agreed ujion hy him self and the girl's father. The young lady very sensibly admitted doing *fi ng in leaving and wis gh.d to lie able to go hack to her father. She aaid she was under the spell of the ohl man with whom *he had run away, and while she did not love him, was compelled to ol>ey bis commands. She was to lie married that evening, and they wore to go to Florida to live. She also staled that beyond coming away with him she had not acted in the least unladylike, and could go to her father without a blush. She said her old lover was at the hotel, awaiting her return from shop ping. it was not long before she Wat sobbing in her father's arms, freely for given. The parent in his joy at receiv ing his daughter, pressed a large gold piece into the hands of the officer. I hat night the two left for home, and now the man who put her under a spell with hia eyes has lost his situation, for he dare not show himself in that section again. CFITSKRAI. Fa SHORT has filed a petition in the Senate cla.ming to tx- the owner of Alcatrx Island, which it the key to th*> hrl>or ol San Francisco, and now held and occupied by the United Slate* as Government properly. Today Mr. Jessie Benton Fremont filed her |>eti lion in the Senate to be reatored to twelve acrea of land which ia now with in the city of San Franciaco, and known aa the Point Jose reservation. These twelve acrea are estimated by citisen* of San Francisco, now here, to be worth probably $1,000,000. As Mrs. Fremont state* her case, she would seem to be the owner of the property, and that the Government must surrender the land* to her or pay her their Value in money. Mr*. Fremont seta forth in her petition that she purchased the property in iUiO, which was then known aa Black Point, and on which she then resided, because of it* great beauty and prospective great value, forming, aa it does,part of the water front of San Francisco; that when she left the premises, in 1861, to join her husband then in the service of the United Slates, she ranted the place to Surveyor General Beale, and that in lMfi.l the United States Government "violently and illegally" took possession of her lands, and used them for bar racks, batteries, Ac., and that the Gov ernment has held possession ever since. A WIDOW of a Tennessee shoemaker took up the business at hia death and oonducted it successfully until she caught the dyspepsia by (wallowing whole moutbfula of shoepega while talking with her female neighbors who drop|>ed in to go*ip. Ir is one of the unesplainable thing* of moral ethics how people decide so promptly aa to how little rain and bad weather It take* to keen thetn away fmm prayer meeting and now much is required to keep them away from * good show. CHIC SON has the largest Hebrew pop ulation of any other oily of equal num bers in the world. Bcrklcy'a Mn*i|uerudp. "Belter go, l)ick,"*sid Hatlon. '-Idita o' tun. The gruudcal thing of the *■ a son. The mask* arid git up* all of the iuicst and lutihieni I'ariHian *ly|ps," Hick Berkley look the cigar frotn hi mouth, blew out a spiral cloud of smoke, ami reflected a mommi. They were in Berkley's silting room and tlie door winch opened in 10 the hail was slightly ajar. Both men hart their hacks lo the floor, and luces toward the hlosuiggrate. "1 would go it 1 wait sure I could keep my wile trout knowing it," said Berkley. "Why, lo i>e sure you can," replied ins Irielid II at toil, a gay bachelor ol thirty or more. "What is the use of being hound in the bonds of petticoat government, lied to u woman's upron strings, am! make both a slave and a tool of yoursell all your tile f I tell you young men like u>, who are kept in courts and among legal papers ami docu iiK-bls, ueed a Utile recreation some times." ' My wife would raise thunder if she knew of my going to a masquerade." " i'lie iteui-i she need never know it," replied II .it 100 Veiiemeiitly. At tin* very moment Mrs. Berkley wns passing through the hall, ami paused al the door, having beard l,ci husband * remark : "Let's see, when is it?" asked Berk ley. "Next I hursduy night," "I'll go." "So will I," thought Mrs. Berkley, as she disappeared unobserved from the doorway. "In my carriage J" asked liatton. "Yes, expect me in (foot ol lh Lin del; Iroin there we cn drive to Kruih'* or Mrs. Furcell's lor our costumes ami masks." I hursduy night came and our two friend* were at the masquerade. Berk ir-y wits disguised as u Turk ami his friend in the hideous g*rb ot an Indian. There wan one Inullh-fts Intnl. dressed ss a page ot the olden lime, which seem ed to be the admiration ot every one. Our tncml* were not long 111 finding tin* strangely disguised and evidently last young lady, a* she made herself e* pecially pleasing 10 Berkley. The Utter promenaded and danced with her, ami they retired lo another room lor refresh meats. Ihe eyes which gleamed out Irani the holes in the musk our hero declared to t.e the roost lotely ho over beheld. While chatting and drinking sparkling champagne with this srtlui l-eauty, he chuckled lo hlfnsel! to thn,k what a nice trick he had played on hi* wile. "Now. my charmer," he snid, pouring out a glass of champagne, "I rtrink la your health alone, and vow I iove no other; alter which I ask, a* we are by ourselves, that we unmask." "Bah, Sir Turk! you do not pretend to say you love me?" "M"re than tongue can tell." "And that you never loved another?" "Never, by tlie jumping Jeho*phat." "Nonsense. I'll reniure you have a wife ami half a dosen Children." "I swear l.y rny teard I have not." vowed the Turk. "Fshaw ! we women know you men too well to believe what you *ay. Men must have aome 'recreation,' you know," said the artful beauty. "BUI know, deafest, adored. Ufl known," began out hero, pushing hi* chair just a* close to the page as he could get it, and placing one arm rlbc llOliately around her waist, "thst 1 have found my affinity in you, that I never loved till I saw you, and that I adore only you. Now I have made a full con fession. ami after requesting the pleas ure of seeing you hotne. ptea>e allow me to remove tins tnosk that must cover a lace of exquisite loveliness. ' Berkley had evidently drank too much champagne, or he would not bare been so vehement in his remarks. He threw one arm around the young lady dressed in the fascinating costume of a I urge, raised the mask, ami beheld the face of hi* wile ! "Consternation! Ssllie, lel'sgobome," he cried ; and in bitten minu.e* they were in a cab going toward their re*i dence. Mr. Berkley was a verv quiet man for several days, and Mr*. Berkley enjoyed her viclfjry in silence. A week or two after the atl'ir, Hatlon asked hi* friend what became of the girl tlreeon't mention it, Ned, for I have sworn I will never goto another masque rade while I live I" Ned Helton think* his friend Berk ley was bitten someway. A (hamberntald't Fortune, SHR ITUIVTX A IHMIV'HK AX IICITT HV IIRR ADorTRD rsTIIRM. The Isle l)r. Joseph M. Leon, by his will admitted to probate yetterday, bequeathed an annuity of $1,500 to his sdopted daughter, Lottie J. Leon, in addition to a settlement of $30,000 which she received at the litneof tier adoption. The young Indy whom fortune thus smiles u|>on was a chambermaid in the Continental hotel two years ago. She entered the service of her benefactor in the position of housekeeper, her name at that lime being Lottie Moloney. Her agreeable manners and pleating address soon won the confidence of the eccentric phvtician, and on the Bth of November, 1880, the was formally adopted by him and given a portion of hit fortune. Fiom that time until bit death last week the doctor was seldom seen away from home without hi* com panion. Jibe t* about 25 year* of age, and it is not known whether her father i* dead or not. Dr. Leon was a French man by birth, and inherited consider able property. By fortunate venture* in real estate end the proceed* of a lucrative practice he amassed a fortune estimated at a half million by those ao quainied with hia affairs, lie lived in retirement at Thirty-fourth and Walnut street*, and was by many accounted an eccentric character. The balance of hi* estate ia to be divided among hia nephews and nieces, excepting Molcrofl (flench, Aleisoder H. Norris, Her via Jeffrie* and Victoria Pierce, whom the doctor declare* have displeased him, and who will receive nothing. TUAT KI.RIWA LADT.— An Klmira htdy was overheard the other day, asking a friend to "come and look at her *aheas and her bed of double spitlooniaa that grow doubter and doubter avary day." John I'OHH' He ward. IIOW UK IVAS RKI'AIO FOR AbOi'TINU AMI IMJCATINO A I KIK.MII.r.A* OIRI,. t Thirty years ago a poor giri named Carrm Koper, in garments tattered and lorn, wandered to thn horn* of John Fotts, a village blacksmith, in what la now known as Brooklyn. Fa., a few miles from Csrbondale. Mr. Fotts took the girl in and M||(ll(d to his wile that they adopt her. they having no chil dren of their own. Mrs. Fotts objected, feeling it her duly Intake one 01 four of tier sister'* daughters, it it was deem ed expedient to adopt a daughter. Mr. Fotts would not listen to In* wile's *ug gestionis and determined to support the girl. He sent her It. a school in Bucks county, where she took up the study ol music with her academic course, and graduated with high honors. Two years alter kin-graduated, Foils failed to learn of her whereabouts. II is inquiries did not bring any tidings ol the girl, soil he gave in-r op * dead. His wile died in the spring ol 1877, and he lived alone. He still toiilinued In* business as black smith, though unable lo save anything I rum hit eai rungs win which to pay ott low mortgages oil hi* plopert). Two week* ago a strange lad) appeared at the j>o*i office iri Brooklyn, and intro duced in rsell as Mrs. James Butledge ol FilUburg, wile ola millionaire, hire ! inquired lor John Foils, and was e | corted to his home. The old gentle man recognized her at sight, and was overcome with joy at her appearance. I he lady had come to take Fotta to her home, where he was to ehj >y the free dom ol her home during Ins leinairring days. She paid oil the mortgages on the Fotta ploperly, purchased a hand some monument hu the grave of Mr*. Foils, and started with her old friend lor her home in Fntsburgh. Noon after their arrival she made l'otts a gill of SOO,OOO in United .States bonds. I Jt'Roßs FOR TIIK Al'klL Co CRT —The next term of court for this county will begin on the fourth Monday, (VJdtb day) of April for which the following Grand and Travt-rs jurors have b- eri drawn : GRAND JURORS. 1 Tli'-na, II H ssfsi, taacfisr, ftprfag. - J*l,.-s Ix-e. |e*f tier, ft It it IlklUsSk. (aluisr tsrracit A J..10.,i. n i alien. la>u..r, K-oi. ft W II i ,iMm*n. * Ist*, **,. Miss. 6 Islam W*)er, Üburet. Il.m. 7 <.1,1* Wi ..i, I* . k|„, 5 O U M.I or* -l 11.ii.) Unset. Il.rtl* h l.'u'g. Ile laiftmfi.Ciull.-fr* I I I'l*.*'.el il.rte f.rri.er Ml . It s.aexi lUrpeT, xeutlehtafl, I'lSlef. II J -*>t ll*fi-'• f.-pe Met. Oi.gf H J,(;,■ S Mams, lateaer. Marion. 17 J-f- tslal. Uwrl.finp-i.la, Mil**. IS J*"A.f rati iaoue* Hurt,..;. 1* U tll,-rn IVa.l, lutsOerttiau. p.. iter '{' 1 Ol.r|e. *. ItSaAer. .laciest IWltel, St#. .1 Samuel I'iet. he, f.tts- , lb a,.1 I ■ s.ltlr. J- ,I, M'C *k 1 . !..titer. War rr 'i\ llsrvt) Will,.no. lat.-.ie, rr, a Sb a. -4 S M Sfatifiirr, farmer, M.ls*. TRAVER* JURORS—FIRST WEEK. 1 Tt"-m*. Tntr*. (kroner, liu.h •' J II Itale., larster, hnrtaifir, 3 I r.r.t M vef tanner, fen* 4 I h.rltf* Wrltfbl. 1.1K.r.T, b- rrunm. £ W illuur. Ilefblol, farmer Lilerl), 1 Jar r W ulnnj. farm, r W rUs 7 J I pet.r*. tarts**, Colon ft M w r adrx*. r,Ultra, In*. H-lleluSt* • .' -t,, M' r i.,1, r „ 10 Mtdmel r,rure. farmer Psttao. 11 IS )*# I a.i.ef**, lenr Iter. R.mAi, 17 J m.r 1....it.e *•• *i|.tsas. Plutlpaloirg. ).*, J,i*e|,b II 11.-) farmer, lrr|i,. b M h !*-,! It Lnrln.er. prrnie* hallefunt*. Ift W J Krape. faroser. Itarr.e* p. At. Iras J (..a . ,er*. lb I.ef.rta. 17 II *r-1 llrir i )). ali.tr,alter. ll'.nao4. )s 71... M w a;, farmer. Il.lr M ... t W ,lii.ru *aj . farmer, llalf M -a R St-ar,tflra. farmer. P. Iter. ,r 11 > 10-k larrurr. Wader .1 T I IdtSM, s tterr.ar, Munalurg S5 W II Mrr.uae. miller Milan Martis Virile, farmer. I sear J7 W II s o.<*r,MTiler. Rprlsg. .a J A Mull rr.r rit.anr, Ru*t. -'r Mi l.ael SO.aff. f. larm. f W .liter .> llrnrr Griffin lal.ari lla.f M-arA. .71 Sarnnrl Marble, larmer Spring. ..2 Jul.* k'as, r*rp-S!,l, Spisi I A W Rua. m.riliasr W *nh .*•4 J am** Oft, let* a, puffer X - . < r t-ns Hruadbewl Ulaaar. I7uliilisr(. .'r. Ami,** In ber, merrbar t. Mils*. 7 J '.lift Reuaar. farmer, Hr-hrf. •ft Jobs li.i4r.t-. farm. r. lit*-**. J lia t f . R Ifailiar farmer. Milan. ♦0 J< I.* IllSf. faalsfer t nun Till*. II Jaa M l.ue.a farmer h.ks II J N II*.I larmer. Ilutfaru t -nnsblp. Ai On* e N.rli, la. met a*,, fit Frank Often, rlsrk. Relief .nta. fir JiaajA Ess, frnsrr. fij'hftl fi bis ard Han n lala.tet, I ..|nnr|l|* fit 7l.'.nraa FrarJer farmer. Itei.sa* fis Juarph TUrn-i (a..* j uWrt-r ssurs Rbn*. TRAVKRS JURORS —SRIVINt) WEEK. 1 Uhnsttan Rrhmtk. Mar kamitb, HrllefunU. V J J H-alr- p. lala.rrr Ruab. .7 M |r Slr)aer, merrbanf, IrrfSMfi. fi J S Pr.inAf.srfi, ian J Karl, n-urr* ft John llanrmh. mr**r, Pttlli|-sl-i,r(. 6 A C lllnfim. farmer. Unon sb<. * Haartga BaOflle, '-arprntef. I'all..* ft IsfaarW Alllaun. lart.*flnas, P'-llsv. * TlranfMoa Plafrtrrf. tr-arpa*. Ihsarfi l(]r 10 Jub* loale. farmer, ftense* 11 llenrt Smtib ana maker. Spring. 1J J"bn P ibn<. Ularrer. Pattun. II J'tbb Hrl|rp. loitrber. Ilart,a It J aster Tamer, larmer. Itnaanl fowashlp. H J. <| A. Keotir-lj )aaeller. puttr. 1 lis.t j CnrUn, lr.-nmater. 11 ,p. 17 J W A-la-na, laleitet, M.111,.am I* (men llane.sk . rlerk. Plilli|*l.ant. 1# Rent*.* I .anler fanner, Union JO Rulo-ft RrAnaarn Jr.. Intarrer. Ilnslun VI llafirj Isa oirpslar, Catr.-r. VJ Win U Funter. Iran her. tlnll*t*. |1 W W Boper, farmer. Potter. Slfi J C Wrarer, alnrtauf, Rellafont*. .ft Samuel Rrfil* farmer. Ilran*. VA Slm -r. Smnll. l lark.milti. Milea. Iff V II Snrltb. farmer, Per.rr V* William I mitral, tola,nr. Carlos V* lia rid Wefawrl. rlerk Oretf* 1 II A. Mlntfle. ahmraaker llnln** XI J J Rnamr. fanner. Hainan. Xi J*.-..h 7.i m m.r man mvhmksr, Marlon M J llnnrnd L4n(le. nam hiatal Rellefroit*. 3fi Frank Form an. tear*a*, ('..tier 5k M. J. Jaminnn, leather. Penn. M J. A Jnllep. merehanb Übertp. TRIAL LIST—FIRST WEEK. J. F. Oeph**!..ftunaent A Teller A Asm Rarican • Host A M Oil, Mi.heel Rankle " Jueeph Ross nr. T. R llsnst. • Pe.m.l t.|lie. Oeo W. Jnrkaarn • IV*n*. R R. 00. Wnbner Rntler. ..... • Mkl.ael Uamfer J H Prlrre *ae of • L W Mnnaon, Mlllbrlm R*nklt(Co.. ■* John White. Radiert Htann -I, * P. ffirap Meek. Jnanan S ( run* • Ooret(to Son efi al R. L Dart O of Pour of SpflWß Imp TRIAL LIST —SRUfiXD WEER, W. R. Wllltama .* Mark J Wllltoaa ttorld llarier • Marp R Valentine Hol Sofia Muffin el at * Mnrp A. While H*l IC If flEOnniC P flrsy Meek Keralrt.r A Rrtln... • Sam a el Inaraet. (Vfttbertne H0ffman........™ " Henry Reran John II Ford, frnrlee Untfe trale Wolf. Poller A fin, • Hull * Mr tftonell. Rette WAN flaw. M. (W. • John C. Mot*. J.nepb Wearer • Cenn. R R Co I J Walker rree of. J I. OoanmslVlßn. KJ Pmoar e at. ™,a... * Chr-avian She rear R J. Praner si nL " Cbrfisdian Nnmr. Rran Th-.mna • J .oral has Rreanmr. fieu ri Rt ran arae af • Jao.ee 0 Mrvtn. John Rbitel*.• J.Am T Fonler John Shiest) ... * John T Fant^. The Harden Ifteratpnnp. ..... * V*. P. Doncon A o*. Jno IMe'i*4 AdvertbwnientH. SHERIFF SALES. IjY virtu of kumlry vriti of Fieri > rvi uai r/i u i v.-.dnt..i.i IMUMI 081 of lll*' CiHiri I !•!*■. of r— I.Ir lounty, mill I" UK dirwlsd. tl.*>* all- |„. .ij.m I at (IUIIIh ml* In th*-1 unit lloa* .*# Saturday, April 22, A. D. 1082, nt I ,11 oVlnrfc. I' M., ll**. futioouig *l*v ni**.l rial celeb- of tflW 4 *b'l*4 to lite, to Vil ; No. C. All that o*rlln inpasiiagn ~r lot of fer< M u follows. Ut Wit . IV + inning ml a rvtruer of |rly dirnlJ-a I *'' bwt to liiiw of J hi, | i, wpo/f,, tb*ni in n eto*t-r Ij 41'** tioti U<>tiK ||n< of waul J-4m j I Th"tn|-*nt b* lino of l"t of I*bl|i. < i litre nottafj-, Perm A IV.undo.) on tbs w#-t by laud f Mr'-?* u tb* eonft.w.at i* Utii of II i4in Wm4a, on i|i ( S'liiii i t |I,I| ni-J b) Mi. o| v% eta W*y, J. j at.10., i } ■1 Alender f. iniii-n . t.- ,1 . MaAwii-r i'w . in*f a '/i l i*M liiH< l H- toj fc 'j*e|Jibf I,' Ul' l.afu • lid Otbr# (HlttMitl -iing* Aibi, ail iliav certain trn* i of land dtuat* in I • Q VIWIIRL p. < -T tie R nut*. FA . I"AU'L**'J AII4 ' •• F- to wit ON L<* nortii > lamia *T Kiab'TANl BKNT, "TI to MT T F land of ON lb* *.tHb 1* land of In .U.A*' j LATAO. and on Hl* won T .. ,<• uinit * *> A/ F*-, n.nr.or J** No hui 4iU*m. Unen in .x-o- TI N arid T" I* AIM M ti. |>r .f < LI / IER aJ mtnutrau/R OF LA/M 11. TR, .. KTI J J O i ii *.<. No.S. I A.I that r. rUin rm-aruige, n'l ' tikit < f la it-1 atONtr in Mart u u. .-h.| ' • no* in* at a b4U; tbs|4.e Ut/d UU,.f VIIT ,N K ti a |wl ; tli.fi'* N I" W li. fct.i,... ill. no N Or.. J--1 b. b" • !t* N /• W. t-. at on* tliem* a * w t .* t>- • ne; | Ui-ii<• N '■ , Jrt b. awt te ok . tben •H. t V It 4* V|o p- t !'■ a ne Lia| , tlii-o . f :Af- t , j li- |.r |0 y||M ft- k ||l HMllii|| 41 9€tm j and kK psnliwt nsi twwuc No but din„ | AIH, nil THM urruin lertr** | tmiit and trart of land u : in Maiion l< •*), y. • *■ ultf < utit} I'm , U/unds*j atM a* Ml • lb irmtnnic at lbs ptmmt road bt'liuf friHn J k ill saatd to tbs tails? t1,..." I> land* I ttin' t of CbriMian Vaf|fr N V \% 4 y t b-po*t. it.. • *■ C tl vt*. *d, lt to Wblts o4 . tin r S N • 4 U , 'd t-IO |*r !• aw bit* <*ak. tb t • ! U 44 k j f b aw bit* oak . tlisins N .* VA |*r, lo t !■• r | N I. . pm ItflMWill • - • ) . fur Vi b.-u*s w.-st to filacs of i--, k'l that r.rnin m**ur.. I<-n*•- in*tit and tffc't id land a.fowls, l?if and Uitif in Howard Uircufti, Cstutrs i-- .nty, !'• . le.un *-d and .•< aa foil • tu X - 'g nt si 'w . tiirKi by land of I ftuir y Jatii"* tHu r. a & r. 1 l-. a alut* 'Ok. fb'-trrs by land of Juasfdi Nout#"ib'ty ft*r Nkl H t jsf t. a black oak . • h"7 M I7| to aw i Its *ak at unit tb*t' *l * Uu.d of Ira in, T, ma* A •' , H 'l® H , 17 klo {si t • atones ; tbsw4 N jcr k\ , k, 7-1' {Sf to a fioet. tbri 'M t . lalid •! Jar *t llsh'f.Joln ibk't an: Sico*..iL ira. N. ftl fc.. *1 .Vlb |#.t t i tli* I*.ace of b*finnli k i obtain I tig 41 a* itm and 4 fc J**i- baw. a* at n.-a*ui* ba tli* aarns a.. - ftcs-fnt. g ten w iw. n*at n a Ufa, a|stt) of W iniMm AlUaut, Jr. No, f J. All llot certain l.t r parcel of prurik'ga tvaahi|<. Centra n uutj, Patin'a 4'aif< atH rswod ai.'i tblfd Iv.-t* IMU a Mi-S ItiUtMU -ti w*t*ard ai tig tb nilhat tV'un4* srlj vi Natnur l Walk*?, Jr. No. 11. All th"* two curiam lota of ten.mcnta e tracts of land aittiats in I*.- tow ' sb|- of Pcdtet, < 'unit of i *nifs and Put" of |N r t,\ t.nia Umn led and die n1l as f vliowa, t wii 1 t,s • -tis tberv* ! !*. gi'tungat a {-st tbe*, \% , li- .i |b ja-r to a • luinj.. tbsiKsd 7T | K. lkj-i tea Vh*tr N , * K. 3 .Vlft jer w a |*l , tl'SWce by taiel Of Hrn M Minn V i-4 4 |7 j. | ,ai i., |Uc of t'giimug —<> Titainttik I Ji |s>rv|t*w Tnenib' t ibere* •4. Imginntng at a chestnut aiuatp. tksurv b 7<4 M I-r bia|M*st I |H-fl,ib. run 1 , tb*nee I ? tang • f I*. t*r I i*ihi N sa ys £< b Jt to a at'-ns . thence bj land ef J nth Meter N 2-t K. 4 jet in Ue p.aew <4 lsintiiiti)|- inntsibiig eig-ntt (Nifiaa It taaii.g the aaui* irw V <4 laud wt.M b Mtn II lye and lieie-ca ilt w ) r * '!..*•! . S' A I ' and this da? d*l!r#*d. granted and (v*tive?ed unto aai-l A mo* lee fat kiti in Tliete di .mM a !we • l4 itnate (o Cwrtln tianhl{t, CVwtre count?. Pa One thereof awrveved in tb warrantee un# *4 Keb-r Mdy. U-unded on the iicftli l i a trait cd lard in tb* warrantee ..aree of hi II- Hand by arant land cm tke east, on (be * th by a tract <• land la the war. rants* nam* of Casper Mialer. ami cm tb* weet by a tract nf land la the warrantee name of lloilr Wlic t<.n-o.fiUun ng 4|.i anl, 17W. Tbs <*ibsr thereof m. triel ia the warraabe name wf t a*|a tb* warrane* narnea nt % atetttlne M-yet* and Me>ael cd • n tbs west by land in bs warrantee name of J*•■*<* t aln rmiiLaming 411 a< tea and aibmanee bwry ed the 4tb Awgust. I*V*4. on a warrant granted kjirtl kf, 175i.t. Swlv-ed, taken in eterwtnm at-d b- is a I • *• fhs I'trtie*'t <4 id-Hi Wfluh. Jam s H uwda, Jr. and Jams* Wood*, gr. No. It. All lht oeruin p-nrtnont ond M or ptfxr of fmuad ia tli* b.aaUitp at l l to iwl, of IVatr. and *,a of I**mm iKHiadMl ' v.mag •t a pnat no M * raa. on llm of Is a* of All.*ua I '*.i'l. thsocr Mil isf SMI. A |*t. Oss lo a f>M . Iksai* noflk *ss. f! AW pas> b* to a |M ; lbs,** l.j If rs of lot,ii Oisaa am it. AT* mh. X. |*iko to a ffcaoas kj lli.s uf M HI a Hl..* Jonsa sad J Liks, a.-a Mm A4.au*. oook AO* saut.34 psolo>. a pus! ; (Osaos hj lias of I*m4 Ikiilssn analh hi* as.* lit. ,on Ass to a nuM . to. too •o"tl. t(*> N|, * psorks. lo th> |U<. of Vffuatac— o.oitaiainp foar arrso and <*. OatUrsd and la ,r < Wot •tHrl BHwars. It Mi* Iks as. |.| os |os J (rsaad okliO tks Mid Imrls T W.ulsr sad Uok, hi* stk, lip thstr dssd dotsd Apnl 1, tTA cr.ut~BH B aad ta Us Mold as tks prvpsrtj f W tllima Sotdsoa. TIM* CAB —Nodtttlalll boaiknow). adgsd aattl tks partAwM asoosy to paid la rail. T. J. IH'NKKI,, Slistif. AUsrlfu OSes, tosllsloats. Pa, Apitl , jaag. pOUHT PROCLAMATION. \J WRRREAA, tks Una tlmlo A. Mayas. SnaA* dswtof Iks (Van of o>sata>* Plans ot tks Utk JodhUl iHstrO-t, rmi tooting of tks ooaattsaof Osatrs. tliatoa aad OM'SU. sad tks Moo I a UHtast sad tk* Htm J K Rankle, Aa Hale Jwdgwe Iw Oeatre cvwatr. kastag taaasto tktot prsrsfd. Imu log dais tks Utk tu at Msk tM, l ass diMvgad. fer koMtag a OoartsT 4 oy. aad Tsswtfas, aad Ooastal Jail tvdisosy aad **•"* Aim as of Iks pHsrs la kslMOat*, fur 10a OMtaty of iVato. aad M na*m oa tks 4tk Moa fH.'' f*** 1 Uotag tko AMk day aT April, ,w l ta roattaao lan asska. Rtoksk ksrakaf gissw to tks I Vroaor. J asi loss of tks IWa. Aldrsa.sk aad OoaskaUlso of Mid ooaaty of Osatrs. tkot tksy ks tkoa and thors ta tksdr pmpss praw, at la oVtoafe ta tks ktMoa at said day, urttk tktor rssorAa, •ItOitML rtajataaUoaa, aad tksts awa flauaiOraaroa. to do !,.. Iktaga wktok to Urns nk. app-satlas to Us dnas. aaad iksos ofco ars Unaad tan ruigataaklias to Csfsats agafaot tks ystaekssa that ars as akall to ta Jail of Osatrs raaaty. Us tfcsa aad tfcssa to piaaa rats agalaot tksai M skull Or last tllssa aodar ay kaad, at (toii< foots, tks Ikd day at Mank. la Iks soar sf oor Usui (W, and tks m koadrsd aad toxtk rsar of tko ladaai iwlnoa at tks Cat tod Atatra tUOKAJ J. DC A (.XL, (toss**.