©he (Sratw gram rat. . BELLEFONTE, PA. Tlx* W||ut, OUoupuai and But Paper PL'HLl.ll Kl IB CKNTHK COUNT*. •rtltt CENTRE DEMOCRAT l pub li*li"l evt-ry FburfeUy moralng, •! t *ulr* county, l*. TtCKUg—OMb lit % "O If but In Mlvmca U OO A LIVK PAPKR—dYouU to !• Inl®ri*l* ul th* Wliot* |HK>}l*. I*a>iunla mule within thre# month* will bt Con •l have the uioet ample fac.illilea for JUM HURK •nd are pr'-parcU t print all kind* of Hooka, Tract*, Programuioa. t'.wtera, Commercial printing, Ac., In the a net atvle and at the loweat poealble rate* All advertiacmeuta for a is-** term than three Month* JO cent* per line for the ftmt three invert lon*, and 6 cent* a line for each additional Insertion, special notice* one-half more. Kditorial notice* \S cent* per line. %'oriras. to •••cm column*. 10 cent* per line A IH*eral di*count i* made to pcrann* adwrtlaiiiK by the quarter, hall yar, or year, aa follow* : •rac occvnib. 9 3 ; _ ii'ii o'ie luch (or Pi lloea thi* type) f . |M*I J Two inch**. 1 7 1| ! • Three incite*. in 15 '*' O iar:er column (or 5 luchea) JI- 'J" ;u H lf column ior tOltu'b**/ ,'Jpj P W OaecolUMin or Jftinche*).. |iiA|.W |U K irelgu advertlvementi uiu*t le paid for before in •ertioa, except on yearly c*otra-t- hen half yearly payment* m advance win i* ieqilreo*itively thai Kane, the United States supervisor, bad been allowed far more privilege than he was entitled to under the law. They testified that the ballot-box bad been opened fully and displayed to Kane before the election began, and that he expreiGied no dissatisfaction : th.t Kane had been caught twicu with hi* hand in the ballot box and it was shortly after one of thee occasions that the bundle of tickets had been found in the box. The defense also put up a number of witnesses to prove the bad reputation of the Government's wit nesses. One was shown to be a gambler and to have t>een tried for larceny and murder. Another, a colored school teacher, was shown to have forged the pay rolls and swindled a bank in Co lumbia and seduced some of bis pupils, nnother was shown to have swindled a colored woman out of a tract of land, and testimony was introduced which wont to show that every wituesa examin ed by the Government bore a bad repu tation in the community in which be lired and to be unworrby of belief on oath. An Era of Corruption. Ffi>m lh LnatuilU Gotirif The present system of taxation i* yielding.a surplus, aiiove all probable demand*. estimate.! t from $125 000, 000 to $150,000000. This surplus ex ceeda the whole amount of the public debt in 1860. It exceeds by more than fifty per cent, the entire expenditure of the government in 1860—577,000.000, of which amount $17.000.000 w* on ac count of the debt, Thi" surplus is taken from an unwilling people. Iroia a people already betvily burdened hy State and local taxation, and striving to the ut most to repair the ravages of war. the wsate of the pinic, the ruin o( Fire, drouth and flood. It comes from a people occupying a new land, with roada and bridges and homes to build ; front a people needing to husband all their resources and to ue with the ut m> at caution >ll their strength. With tb a people little is yet finished, and nianr millions are annually ar he tell to whom that money was turned over and who took it to Ohio? Hare ha tell to whom that money waa turned ovex and who took it to Ohio? Hare lie tell what disposition waa to have been tnnde of certain measure* before Cong ress aa a return for tha contribution of that money f la it true that a seat on the supreme bentb waa also thrown in to induce tha pay moot pi the large gum mentioned T ONLY ONE TICKET REQUIRED TO BEE THE CIRCUS, MUSEUM,MKNAGKIUK& DOUBLE-HEADED LADY At Bellelonte, MONDAY, May 1. "They have (Irmly established themselves as conscientious showmen, and carry their advertisement out to the Irtt.r,"— //iirt/iW (CY.) (iiumnt. comikgi! THE CROWNING SENSATION! BAT CHE LLER & D ORIS' LARGEST SHOW ON EARTH!! A Grand Consolidation of Twelve First-Class Shows in One, Comjxised of n Gigantic MUSEUM,MENAGERIE? CIRCUS Which for va*tne*s, altra tivone.* and originality, ha. never been equalled THE WHOLE WORLD IN TRIBUTE. Transported exclusively on iu 3 MONSTER PALACE RAILWAY TRAINS 3 And representing an actual outlay of over ON K MILLION DOLLAItS F.tnhra< tog more novellie., surprise. and sensations, than were ever before combined under one management. Monster Millionaire Menagerie. More Rsro Wild !b-s't than ever bolore exhibited under one canvas. IXCLtrMIt R SOOLOCKC V L n:\l l lif>. any other*lM: The GREAT EGYPTIAN BOVALAPUS Positively the only qeiiin-n of this rare specie* ev.-r pl.i.-d on exhibition, and bo yond qtietion the gre*tit living nirL.itv n,w connected with anv Men. gene THE WONDERFUL MAN-EATING LION SLAYERS Captured in the interior of Africa, and imported by Motn DATCIIRLLKK A DORIS at a oot of 820,000. THE MONSTER HUMAN BLOOD-SUCKING VAMPIRES Of South America. The m..t treachcrou and inidi<>ut foe to man and beast The only upecimen. ever Exhibited. Grand Double Circus. 5 Great Clowns K"j resenting all nation., lei by TO IX IT rys.TT2S O^T, The clebrated "KAMHLKK FROM CLARK." THREE MILITARY BANDS, And the bet available Clfcu talent lo be obtained on two Continent. None but bareback riding The b; Equestrians, Acrobau, Trspe*its, Athlete., F.quilibri.U, Leajeir. and Tumbler., in the profession. ' , r /--V" 1 '3R iWpEifc- H A For the Season of 1882, at the Enormous Salary of 82A.000, with XuXILXJIE CHRISTINE, THE RENOWNED TWO-HEADED LADY, A Human Miracle who ha* a.lonihd and interet-d the light, of Science, men l Eminence and the Medical Faculty of thi* and the Old World. She U the mn*t Maireloaa Human Being since the Creation, haying Two Perfect Heads and Shoulders, Four Hands and Arms, but One Body, and Fonr Lower Limbs and Feet She ha. full con'rol of all her facultie*, both mental and phj.icnl. Feel, no pain what ever ;la a eplendid vocad.t—one voice a contralto and the other a .npmnn. She lng duet, and ballad*; can walla on two or four of her lower limb, at will with ea*e. Her entertainment, are attended by the beat people, without regard to .eel or roriety. Magnificent Free Street Parade DAILY, at 10 A. M. Unparalleled in Elegance and Grandeur. The flneet High way Holiday Proce.lon ever wltnw*ed. THE ©IO,OOO BEAUTY In the role of " SKMIRAMIB," Queen of Assyria and founder of Baby -10H clothed lr> K.-y i Kwi-rn Purpif, and ffilitcrioif with cwtl\ will m the Prodwlun daily with ber Royal Train, perronating Aiuyrla'i queen, oa her trium phal entry Into liabylon from u< ceeeful conqus'l. You will rwwiiivery everything adverti*ed, and tn time. more. For the accom modation of ladle., children, and all who de|re to avoid the crowd at the ticket u a a!^?i&llf£ or deketi'and rmerved chair, will be placed on .ale at BKKW'B BTOHK. Uual rate, of admlMton. Doom open at 1 and 7 P M. Performance# at 2 and 8, *ijrEirurlon Train* on all Railroad*, on the day of eihlbitlon, at greatly reduced rate, of fare. * Xrir AdVortiSoHl (Wfl. Dissolution of Partnership. NOTICE in hereby given that the l*4tl(ier*hiji lirrrt#.f.r exUtJug between H. T. Ml(tvrt ami It II F ul' r.lii (itliltralloii of lh> CIITAK Dm.KIHT. lti*l*r •!•* 11l 111 tonne of MitjfeH k Kurilar. ha* U<-n !!■ day (lteao|re*l hy mutual tow HI. It. II Kiirtlcr retiring ft urn *urld firm Tin hooka uiirl aiilHM'rtiiftfwit llat uf Hi** late nrm mil remain ut ii* ufll' M uf the '*► in* liKMociiir, wlirs ill serutinli will IM i-rnwutarl fr art!l* iiitnt H. T MimiKRT, Bellefotife, April fl. !*►.' It 11. POHHIKB. OKIN DISEASES CI'UKIJ! By Ir. Frnrlet'*' Ointment Prima n If hy magic . Piin|lr*. Mia* k llU .r flrul*a, Itlot'li*-* mlid Krti|ill>tia mi tli* ( . . Imvltif ilissliln rlaiir, iirallbl ami lo*}l*a, * I.l|, <'le fw at*S only j "Olive r nrr fur alt in *||eir e*er diet (Ilrrwl. Kent l* mall on e< • j-t .f prim. FirTT Cfcwtw. III'.MIY A H' Ie lr..pr' r.l Vm; HI., New Y.rk. For Blind, Bleeding, Itrhlng or riwilrt! Pil** Mr. j William** I *iu ih*t*at I* a •or* rum prl* * || M I * mail. For aalr I.) firuggiate bi*ly NOTICE in hereby given, that TIK- Ml"* trig lllined |M ' n hare filed their |#ti* ! (IIII fit L.< ra iii tha Oft.' •• >f lll** Clerk <>f r hiMaiom *'f It*** pea*'*' in ami f*r • -ilre count), aol that a|iplt* atl* u a ill l*e roa 1* at tlrr* net! ••luiis of •if Moi r Hint t " grant tire ame Maoirl Cat man. Belle lite |!**hi . Ta*ero. \ Ii do. |.i frank \ Lrhinan d . it .. .. .In. 1 It 1. He* John Aitdrroig, i nu Eating ll>uae 11—i Mi ttr. ' d im da, 'J-', Fre*t. H*rllll, ... 10. do. ... Saloon. r*ollii4iid H'-ei'-r.. *l' do. M hulmlr, J Jin ft* in* tale, Pliili|hurg It *-. Tt*ru. I'lilftl I/ ■> *l, do. ado. .. do. Jamea |'.**iiiofr *' ~ ln. r , riti. 1 J JNetera do do. .. do. I A Fa i. lor .(mh-km *t. do do. Terr*n< Thorn** Prarviß,...... do. do. .. Kslittg lloua# lieurge K Parker >|o. d**. . A- loon. %V. h )luaaer v . Millhrlm Ik-ro Tatern. Junslliiui hrewtuer, .. d <). do. .1 IV Sri'K k ............ do. di. Wh'i|*aalr. | II Orfenkifh..... P*tter township . Iso-m. i lurtH J, llcfaf, d d J.faepll kle-kner. P n!i teaoeltlp do. It frgg UiWtrahip. ... do. '*e>rge Miller, 'hi. *t". ... do. Jeffrey Hayea. ......... Kn*li t*i*mhtp .. do. John li I r/U, Hrmar f*h*a lap . . do I lldM d d* I J FJI i.gll • eatauel ttopar d •. d , Jlsluos. 1 f# •to a* lisle) , 1 \ , i .tlajt. If sag. spring township.. Ta*ern, 11. (I Hhafler, llalt*a t'iis|.|p. II Ituhl ... Putter township... do. ftoanuet Bnttrn, M ,., Mi e* t.'wr*shin Hah*on. Ilenry lk-tt. Walker toaniup Tatern. .lanea Lillhgtl' ti Fergoant* tap <)<• It J J It AtPI ft CM tk Treaxurer's Sale I"JOE4TRH l-AM'" • IM TA\K* FOR ;.*) AXtl , IMH, AM rßl.Villi's YFAM NOTICE id hereby given that in tmonsh'-e of an A*t "f Aae*roMy, |awe<| the i •f J A f IIU rr.titieH ' All A't t amend an Act directing tU* Be*l of e*lling tjr*#af*|| -rough *d iw-lUfotite, i-n MriNIIAY, JINK U A D. 1 "AJ.al one or lurk. I' M i r.n. rtn striiMti it*r titrs. IIFNNKK TOWHHIIIP. t John l*ai $ I 2t ! I*o J. I Harris 2(1% *er J J fdngle.... . 3 (it I 100 Wm Ifsnrs (sflttrr 4 jci SKI t ha flea Mute) (ow net 2 U.. TO W.N AII IP. "ij 14*1 It crarad-let. T* JOk IK J- ho iVahran /T t |J (1 lhisnd f .. | rra . 114 ... Ann |w-at 1: "7 4 -I I' l %* rr. t.n) .* '*7 ill ) 7 Mwthslf *lfre) .d 7* i i 4VI I*l Jnnaihat> lls'sej It* 4v ! ! 411 |M Jieeph lllghy |7 I lis 4* Mm II e*t r. <: 4 1 4 %1 ..*- II --1 it* 1V ... Harah Uu-* 11 4 i.l 163 lstl i lea k kO |7 isl J M li* *• A J r Pa/ker I*. • i .. Frank M*< ot . T. <** of IPG Packer A hums 9 K\ j BrUNMDK t*w NMII P. ' 4t*> ... June* Hls'k .in. A ?A 4 S3 IM H-4' t Brads 6 \% , 4 U I'd Hn P ' tal) . I I 2k ! 4'J 163 John llradi . . 41 I 4 43 161 A I*l aide* Ball 2i 'lit lk3 Wm It r ham *l4 If? • I*. John B. td I'i 7 4(t IBS J hn Htera kT ! 4 i p i f k - ... U2S lira l3 John Cow den. „ w .. 13/ i in tn- *M K"*/! - i ICt |AI J'hnl...rl A M I .1 1-4 Il.tiM IIARIH;.. A M . tl A.m l M f..i_ I I (i (VI l-.i M *;l ) Vtm l.r.t e M I vi ti.i iirafil..„ WWMim ... t.t £A lit tM Alt*mt-f lt m AVJ IRA II l-n C i 4 AVI I■ -' Tlt->rn.. Hamilton— }:i - ASA ill fimff. lla-Tl..n At ut Si. ISA Juhn lli.ii-l 1.1 i\ S'-l IVI II in.l S 'it isi IRA vi-ii..j' f liurit.r *- t. S-'.A ISA Jain >144 A V. 41'. \.lh*nll l*tj 13 4 vA I'A J .1.n1.n n It i -111 I VI 111.1 l Al-lnnalt.n At lil IM 11. r*. M'Un.Un Si a; in IV. r.-ll; KrlxMalmn At *7 IU IM An M.laMhan At WJ til Ut II~.|R1 Mra4 At V, :>a. ... William Milim , ~ slu 41A I'M J.nnfA Drill I.A in til ISA J.n.n RKSiUn 14 ST .'lt M Jfr.Rl.li INlfkaf. , ■ . Att tu lv. A..d. r.itii At it t .1 Hal ll.n'F Mm"-* 13 U t .I |"V: Aamf.-I A-..if ]4 SO ... 4..1, M. Ain US SO ... Aarah M T.lliwn.. 14 47 4U I.U T-fifb Fit>ma 44 117 lIX ISI J.n.M Tu• a . A AS SO ... Jw|4i 4 Walter. tt, in li.i J ars Oil 41 I*4 Jamra Millar It II tlftl ... W llUaai P MUrhall IS l IAS -. W Hl.am P. MlteOoll 7ft m m Wllltem P. Mllrball 10 ft MS .. Ji-ba P MMHwit —. I 02 SIS 111 Kliia U Orris U OS U -. J W Parka*.. Ml HI SSI ™ I. W. Parkar ( • | ACAtI. ni. (lUOTIt A Abu. Illlt I* - J. w. Pm knr. h7 ■l4'i j H Pa- knr 16 01 110 Wllllaln M Pai kar ft ft l ... Plum Qa1r1q......,., I SI '"l IVt-l nmflb J; ia, SII 1' ' Kallnml bi.tt tl V. •'I l r "' AI'.IJ Talll.ian "... au 2"' ni lili-liaid I nula 4 MI 2"" • • III" haul Tnala ;i ut 217 I ■•bliurti Whaili.n m t l 217 ... Pl-I.l.nrii M liarCnn jo t'l I" 1 J -naili.r, Willi. .1 m, Sl.i I 4>|a r M iall-1. W, 4 I * 101 Jaiima Willi. ... . H *Ol ... William Vai.llny II 1,4 PCl'.ui HIIH AiiWba||||i. I 1 ' ' ■■■ 3* llril-m Atuai inwarr) II 26 OK Mill TOWNS II IP. 10 . . Jilma IIIIIHT J a. n* In ilaul) 11 -ltd ■ 2 6f Sn Mini)- llalaaa i 2-A uf tn 11. ni) flat lira i."..,f si iirmjriuiiira I'll - 11 llll—ln la.jfaii || . J( I " 2 Im Paiiit* r it a,, "" VI ilium Taa.ait jj i u " !**%!• Teggs ft ' I j II AISFh li\% SMIIP, 4 *• Th 'Hits* Ihirr.. 6 /MI *' 4 ' '*d .Mergirei Ihtrr. i , 4 , •if I aaa Joins Hm roll I T ... Jho ii. f e.sn . t!'. v" ... JMI# H*rr .. i, 4 *6 *•* Mnry Ihu* r, *• 0U F. • rieft-r Br an ham 1 j t •J4* .. Iler.f) B k J . 4 •> 00 John H tl j J, I '-4 flenry iWk > 1 •s4 Id J diir lla.iirsder ! %t, 1 * " lleur* lloiind* r f, - I '• " Fred**r s Bollnder T, j ' l ''i A'fntii Ii iiidef f, j . ' 4 ' *-0 J hn Boyle i r, 4" 0 lleury * artan,e ;j j, 4'*H ... John < raig j 4*i John I'mr Jr t , * < " Th .1 tm lhrr a • •"* Ti \a ord Harr • m PaSar My u sft i " Ar.drew Kpl*-r )| .a I" I J's.|s Free* I 4- *"' ... Bernard Urmtt .... ;* j 1 II liiliHinimii*! F Hnyl*r .... )• * Ii" H (JtftflMli atd ft. liylif I - ■ I Ck Mt JmII tk | Ilk V* Herfg* < nkiicr J ]'<* I>werjr p > JJk I■** Hiiltaai \ft*eli) | a r .. M ilfinm Parker j s, *• Milium furk*r | <*• " M iliiam Philli|M o • ... Jurtut Band p ( •,,, 4*►t Jatoee Ih'W fi , pt ! : 4•• * 70 rUflotle II oaf in ',M | 4-4 Hr Tb-ifliu B*<*tiii r, -o ! ' * '•• All fftighi kaibtford 4 . ! 17*1 ... Moter 4 U'.*|f i 4*>i ... Hioion a l * ... M tlltaoi 7 old I 4** l #r John Ti'ld 11 ... killitlß Ttdd ... '4 , I lift |k ll' eel . m r,* r j J ... !> Henae-I (ownerj I tj II A! I M €*s TOW NHHI P. 44 iwi.l'l ll k 2 sa 4* i'l Peggy Phewer * K, 44 II Thotfte He t skill (ownert > II a hHi * Tow Nell if • -■ * ft new* s -4 4-*r ... J tint For lew „ ■ f h . I 4'* ... M tllram llarriaott -j r/. i'"' **a Js-hn If win I J i'" June* Hero] 2 109 ... ham*** I Y'*tng H t How akz* TOWKHIIC. I T I'd "utunei Bfi'wri ....- it ! ... Paul Ci*|tti ' j., I I 3" . . hwmwef Onuttft., -g j ' " J"b W *#• -dire) 24 '> • i *d A | lUtrir 2u: 111 nTON TOWN4|||p. 4 '• Jan*-a flatter ~,,, 2 21, I 4 IM J ht! prlre ' 3 ' * ' I' * I J ' f> Ik* -I < ifrgt*'tl .................. 3 •/* • |4J John M See land ... tr -.n. 3 MMfeHTT TOWga||lP t 1 1 lienwer Benhan*. 14 ?(i } & IAB Jot.n |r*',f.w *3i J; ■, ! j l f * ... H**eei tM Jinn lltia.. ... vj *> i !"• Mil urn 4 gt I It* Otwfi B. Hmi ib 11 ; "9 '• It let! I*win..-,,,.... 2% •' , •'* IWert lfwjfi Jf, 1 j Mr J* rem a ti Jv kwon 4, I ' 1' . Petet l,yti f t { IT.'* Jamea K ~ l'i T' I. I Mt i'd Mct.tiMii S4 W HOii'iy TowNkiup. %4iliin Allt*• |. || ! I*' ' lMf • • vner) 5 - w liham Ttfghtnwii (owner ... 1A n c M B *• (ownef) If, j 4 I " F *ln "*rp*> . 1, 4j eN John Kiegt. t (ower|,.. l M„ f (1 Himn Ya'ger 1 yg j —• Hr**n % argrr.. t )4 ( VI! Kk T *W NMI IP. 110 a*a rfotserl Br4 ,„, H „„„ M fl* '4l * ... Hannah Hru ... Rahatrl Imka Aim t'l Aaa..a Ut, 2 ft, tot 164 Willi-a, villa. *. Baaa * 12.V a. W'uliaßi -la.lata*. 1 S7 ft* Tb-maaa an. ib. . .... S m 111 ... tlrahaa Sartt.. | 60 ... San.aa] Hrall. 77 I V. Ai.rat, am V,VI • 77 110 SAN,I,-I INTL I 17 IVI ... RMart Titea'L 1 77 tu. ... Ilaatr Tola I.d aha 12V Wbarlat, Maana, 1 4m Sift ... llarM Willlaroa . A SS rSTTHJf ToWNSHIr. 100 ... Henry Oman. ~ lis PISH TiiWßaliip. DO IS" 6Sam RrfttoHar. _,... 2s* e-t Wllltem CVaJi 11 is PIiTTKR TOW *al| IP. (00 ™ William P RraOy ....„ 4S| 2S —. Mary H. na-1 ;i in J'l 111 Ala*aa4ar Caaartan to T ; * ISS Oats* P.mas 1 IS,, UO ... H K Falmnr. S 00 (00 ... P la ar.l llarffn. .. S 02 Son ... William <5a,1,,w 3 #1 S,a, ... William Ha?riana_ 7 (r., Sft Jacob KaatalamSar.... 61 li'l ... Sbtraa 1 Pnlimar, S 3.1 3*7 ... M 4 Sex.*l 1 02 SPRIKO TOWNSHIP. 210 SS W I'llam Mrtlara. JS .7* lS 111 John pardna sat •Mi ... Oaihartaa HAAa-m. A tft •'*" ... Rafaa . IfiUaon, a 46 I*' Nirhanl lUfttai, S AA So .„ Jaapar KLRA-KA IAWNAF 1 S SI 100 ... J (linSoß I oar aar, i„ 11l SKOW AHOS TOWNSHIP, SAS ... Aml ran RararO... |H an SCI IM William M a,ham ftj SS SU IM pain tirant 61 fai SIS IM DARN Pampi-all. 61 WL SI2 SS ITAIM oarara44an. 46 S>> SIS SS tterM CAM- art .an t* to e? Nil laaaid car lalitik MM sts Ift 1 Paul Oo. II M SU IM Tbomaa (YlhUI 6t M SU IM LL 11. I'nnulncbaai ... till IN •*• Ocrrra ISymar 73 IM NbarptMafta,, 61 06 ~ Jtampll (Valine. ■ I*lll *l* ~ Kamnal Is.,mm. 13 116 SS3 „. Oa-'iym PiMy.. Hr. (It *" 7l, .ma* Pilmliaaama. M On "" _ Rnlmrt Orar. T yn MS _. ft ami* T. IMIa. * R\ *sl ftaaaaa T. Ilate.. .......... 2t* S-l im Tbxma, Hatrttmra 61 66 SXI 162 Jama 11-allama,. 61 0* SU 163 William Urn*. 61 4* 43.1 162 William UavSa itewiarfc. 61 6 SV.I „ Natailal UNA... 61 N 6VS „ ft aba Una, 36 Sm _ ft 8. ImOMp...— M Id •0 ... J Rl-ma MIA ,SU IM ftaapor Ma) ten 61 6 jSU 164 PAart M..s.a .... 61 M |SU a. .Hm WrMaaaab 61 M ,SU SU Hl*,, Mrlmnaban . 61 M 1462 16* OM*W MAO 4 . - 61 M •**•. rri toiivm %kuu. tali*. I'/' Omngm M' Hhnrarm 41 ji4 22 a J ' *•"'•• MS 25 .2 N J vikmi 4~; 25 U® Ulfcl -r*. r ', n m m M7,Z.L r; Vmh' 1 * **" ~ 43&..tfcl J I* Xorrl* J- m R illbtm Cnrhr '-#j 1,1 41 | il+irtl. I'rtfk r 1. , 00 j-.'.f, Ha 4" i -'' 1 41 Mttgb PfflN - " Mft I 1 V* ' 141 J' Un KeUti if! 4" 1 '• F>inrJ n*ft 1 ' IV.. II ri.maf, Jiwpt* I'nnklbo t 4 | 4,1 ' ,{ Ah Vl*>fit!f( 4 Vl ' til IV. I, Khar I/,., £ ["•'I '" l WiMfiH'i HlMllwk *2*. 01 • f f 1 K—ttt-p Whmru*, • Mrv Whrt> MnVtui., j . If-.,,, It Mtt.. |,, ' 1I'I MIU.u fc , kua TOWNSHIP. i ' .I'.' f"* "• 4 " > a ' J'*bi Allium 1 . .4 i s MWI A || ~ j AlHm* Safes UUj ." . V, Aru.ttr— ( ft n Ihi ij t E. Mlo-iion ,< I£" , "i"' k ... 1 • 1, , i b '" k •: t'i a : i SeP •aa 1 ! ' r* .s-i !' •• 1 " ! J'*n Ilu-I. *? £' ■>' .1 In, riu.r 7 2 -fr-f", 2 | •;'! j' ?•" ' "I-<•'•M . * . .j*. I,lt***.* . iy| ... Vi 4 - :- j 4 •' W Mr|* l iki,* . 41 i' l it. "... 5.1....U ,Pr; Ml KS BmM i.I, ~ 11 * * 4 I *uif 1 f r t 'r rut,] t" 11 J -*" **'* II M "••• Ihm luiuiiiii J4 „ Nakill%|j lif-f ** Abi)i* liraff IWi Tt. iiiks MIMM lUll ]•* ctmsfiiib llaif, Jt |M ' I !1 IVI 11.l j® 1400 140 Jofci 0aM( • . J' J' Tt'.|f*MS ], j 4,1 I's Ilgb l|*uw>t/l< ... V' ■ ' |i it ).'*.} J' fll| Hklill )4 ( /( ' J'ibii Martian.t) u0 t ■ 4 ' 1 J'*** J.| 4 lUlllSll | . 1 4>l 1U Httfti Mamiltoti 22 .rf.h Mart ik-ii , , 112 M IJ&tlicK 4 4* of it I'i'! Jw|b M"t'kir>. MTa ♦ '•1 l'-l J. iiLi Hniwr i f> 1 J. 11 ||f • ||M || • • 1 i . '- t 1• ' * .'■ i't 1 hi. a JaifOaa > ■" 4 .1 1. .a •| i. vj. 1 s A'.'• l'-t J"lu v 4 ♦ - I I r,# H *;* 4U lw Nayttwan .*•' 9%ttlMnti Mi PiiHwu. 2 t'i i.i 1 I Jtslifi MtMrf. J#i Sil% 100 Ja Mtlk ]#? >• Kfli HkaftlM M ( narM j *l\ Ife) (inetf* N'4 4. 1 • It K <2.i | /i? Mi.mt 42 *-'*••• lluHasr I Muni), , > 4i ].* < hitin MnkMt ij 4 Hlrli o Jt }|c>4(b I'kMin. It 411 Isi Hi- imtd I'rfst* 22 * •4 • • \ ■> llmiy t'i V-iv+. xi •. t VI 11 IlKMlmsti . . f, : 7 *1 hat'ittiftt- |*biii|** 27 tMi ,l4'trtM-l J|. . # a 1 i 247 Id .'<' !• M-i 1 ~4 j 4.V4 V . rt kja-ai 17 1 U |M M*rt Iknnti II . ' 4 4 7 7 Otwtft I*l'ugli 1, of i 4.1 l-'l Johu Mcififf fc* 2M ! '2 1* A4T S; It ft. ~1 a'* l J <•"♦! ti h rmtd ... |u 4<| jOQ 100 i'n*ti omk t: 00 , 4 .4 US al-tltn N>i <;7 .HI j 4 )'! U His. ) s I' 4* .I'klti 4\2 7% VI 1 ;am \\ tHk.fi y , ,• 4.4 I*l V4.lli.ni HiUiit. H M l 1 M MDWlitiif 14 TATLOR TfiWOoIUP. 170 Au*liots* 7 < | 14# BU- k 2J (it 4'< Hihlamiwli |m 2'# Cl'Mll'kll H**i Ik M 1(4. '.s • Hi V 4 tlliMM IWIJ 10 H 2.1 I4HI ... In ft *0 AM Ktdrt 1; Kugb llaioiUsf ♦.' t# • 1-1 US K.IMl* b H(k4t.|i . ( 4 i-i 1M 1 twll* . t*- (si 4-14 44 .U . M .t.t. iiuM ij u - ♦ 14 J"b ~ 312 :' 4wi ) 2olo Wsc-rtK 4 lit >• 1234 J0III M' Tb ituMi . ... 4-14 - Job® W. TH.4* tl 110 Job O . Tl!••• 24 f| 11 Job® M . Tim®*®* lu cat l ... Q*pfy Oatbar (nai® 1 Hint !<■ M< bowl 44 U !*■ ... Mbbod 3t' M I*l J"M|O I\W 15 in rotlisi TOW>II1 P. Kmittaa 3# *T WARMKR TOWAOIIIP, w R-'brrt Akkra f i4 W IM ILMwilaM Juba Hati tOl 21 i |4iari Ha-b man | I*2o 100 Kth Htt-ukc ... 2 ?*4 i# 100 Oarj Qaihl ojn 110 I* Oaratm lUanbrrt) ... 2MI 170 llli KlilMlwtb iHtugWlk 4 U5 toil ."St J Itkta g 15 HI 0* William Mrtt I t g 211 71 MIK Hafau 4 74 02 47 Ki "turn 1 Nab* 4v M 40 William llahri ) 47 0 90 Jam.o 4 215 15* Wr4 2awa. 4aa 00 Ywrtd Joliwatem |l,< 101 Job® ' 7 24 AIT7 100 OUIH® 2. tW W |Of 01 M Ji4t Mtm 2 *4 SO 10 lHirt4 Ocrrst .... 7 .44 o*4 * William Hue 0 T 111 44 CbH AMNM 4 74 f# 40 J4* Pmkft 1 99 00 40 Job Habpi. Jt„.... t ♦# IM ... lUdmial Oiiwi ■ , rillll .. r )0 Iff Ma PatAta 3 £\ •£7 - !•*• a—l •; * lt ... tiMu i *M— ? m lM ft Mt44*M ■! 2* M a-a—