A Day of Sunshine. Oh, Rift of God ! Oh, perfect day; Wheroou ahull uo man work, hut play; Whereon it is enough for m, Not to bo doing, but to bo I Through orcry fiber of my brain. Through ov cry uerre, through oftiiy vols, I fool the cleolrio thrill, the touch Of lifo, that aocms almost too much. I hear tho wind among the trees Playing celestial symphonies; I seo the branches downward bent, Like keys of somo great instrument. And oror me unrolls on high Tho sploudid scenery of tho sky, Whore through a sapphire sea tho sun Kails like a golden galloon. Toward yonder clnudland in tho Wont, Toward yonder Islands of tho Moot, Whoso stoop sierra far uplifts Ita craggy summit white with drift*. Blow, winds ! and waft through all the rooms Thesnowllskes of the cherry blooms I ltlow, winds ! ami bend within my reach Tho ftery blorsoms of the peach ! Oh, Life and Love ! Oh, happy throng Of thoughts, whoee only |>oooh is sung ! Oh, heart of man ! canst thou not tw Blithe as tho air is, and as free? lxjnijfrUotr. A Story of Dijon Roses. " Dijon roses ! Oh, how lovely, yon dear, good Pierro 1" This was the exclamation of a girl about nineteen, arrayed in a ball dress of white, as she took a bonqnet of these gorgeons, fragrant flowers from the hands of the old gardener, who had gathered thorn for hia favorite, the only daughter of his master. "Yes, mis.°, from your own bush, all of them," said the old man; "and I guess no one at the gTand ball will have fluor flowers. I would not give any one else even one, Miss Amy." The girl bent lovingly over the fra grant blossoms, and a thoughtful look passed over her speaking face. " I fancy oftentimes theso roses aro my flowers—my gnardian angels. The German fable is so pretty—that flower angels keep us from all harm and wrong. You shall be my guardians, ***7**7," she playfully added, as she put them for a moment to her lips. It was this sunny-haired girl's first ball, and as she stood in the light of the chandelier her faco showed all the lovo of enjoyment so natural to youth, though it was not so easy to divine the inteutness of purpose and noble long ings after good in her still untried soul. The future lay yet bofore her—a bright, unwritten peg®; yet she had tasted enough of sorrow in the early loss of a mother to know that life has troubles as well as joy a The first ball, however, soon drives other thoughts away, and Amy, placing some of the roses in her hair and in her bosom, and wrapping her cloak care fully round her, went forth with her father to the anticipated pleasure. Rooms fragrant with exotics and filled with a countless variety of forms and faces, and delicious musio swelling in the perfumed air. The white-robed, graceful form of Amy, as leaning on her father's arm she walked slowly through the throng, elicited many a remark and passing glance of admiration. One gontleman standing in a retired oorner looked enrionsly after her and started forward, bnt fell heck into a careless posture, and watched Amy in tently. Ho was not apparently an habitue of the ballroom, but the " guinea stamp" was there "for a* that," as the Scotch poet observes. After a time the hostess came up to him and said " Do, Doctor Roslin, let mo give yotr an introduction to my dear little friend, Amy Dormer," and the smiling lady, attired in brocaded satin, with lace and jewels, presented the grave-looking man to Amy, who soon fonnd herself talking to him quite at her ease, and very mnoh enjoying bis quiet originality as compared to the uaual rapid ballroom conversation. "Look," sho said, after a pause, "at my roses. They aro my guardian angels Dijon roses, yon know; when we hsve a flower gnardian he keeps ns from harm—ia it not a pretty thought 7" "So theae are Dijon roses ? I thought I knew them," he answered. " I have a little story connected with them, which I will tell yon some time, if yon would like to hear it, though it is bnt an unfinished one." Then bending down and speaking low as Amy's father came to take her away, be said, " Thank yon, Miss Dormer, for a pleasant even ing. After all, a ball ia not half so bad aa I expected." " I think they are delightful. Here are one of my roses for yon," said Amy; and so they parted. A ward in a hospital, with its rows of ■mall white beds, and the silent figures of the sinters going to and fro on their missions of mercy. •• No. 24 is dying," was whispered by one of the nnrses, and two of them oamo to the bedside. No. 24 was young, scarcely past her girlhood; her brown hair fell in heavy braids on the pillow, bnt tiro weariness of life and tho tttamp of early care ami privations had marked her face, lovely as it still was. Sho was murmuring of other lands in a strange langnage. Jnst then a visitor entorod-a girl about tho ago of the one who lay dying; bnt, oh, how different—the earnest face, so fall of lifo and happiness, even thongh sad with sympathy for suffer ing, as the low comer bent over tho worn invalid who just then opened her eyes, and gazed almost fearfully into her face. Suddenly tho dying girl hold ont her hands, and said, bosoochingly: "Give them to mo—oh, please let mo have them!" as sho pointed to a olnstcr of roses in tho visitor's hand. "Dijon roses I" sho murmured; "they came from my homo —did yon gather them from tho garden ? Does Francois still water them for mo ? Oh, let mo have them—do I" Amy, for it was she, pnt the dowers into the sufferer's hand; tremblingly sho carried them to her lips. " Did Francois send them to mo—to Iteine ?" she said; "and do the little mother and Nanon still wuit for me?" Thon, as a change passed over her face, und Amy bent over her, sho said, feebly: " Lady, will you tell them Heine is dying, bnt sho is sorry, and has tried to remember all tho good abbe tanght ? Bury these flowers with me; they ere from tho dear home." She lifted her face with a smile, and all was over, and tho ineffablo peace that death brings to tho weary passed into the dead girl's face. Amy felt sure tho flower-angel had brought a message from homo to the sinner. One of tho sisters drew a sheet over tho face, and as Amy turned to leave, with tearfnl eyes sho saw her friend of the ballroom, Doctor lloslin, who had Ikm?u an uninspected witness of tho scene. " I am glad to see yon hero," he said. "I am glad your flowers brought a message from home to tho fpoor child. I feared she would suffer more beforo the last, and am thankful came so peacefully." A protty room, with a bright wood, flro burning in a grate, and a girl's ' figure leaning on tho mantel, with one foot on tho low brass fender, standing J gazing musingly at tho bnrning logs. I Suddenly tho door opened, and Amy turned with a blush and a smile to . welcome her friend, Dr. Roslin. "I am so glad to see you," sho I said, "for I want to hear what you I know about that poor girl who died in tho hospital last week. I have had a bush of Dijon roses planted on her grave." Hitting together by tho fire the doctor told Amy a simple story of lfl* , travels abroad, to which he little thought at tho timo ho should ever see I any denouement, ho said : j "Taking a walk one snmmer evening : in tho ontskirts of a small town in tho south of France, where I was spending a week's relaxation from hard work, I came to a small cottago, snrronnded by ! a garden filled with the most beautiful flowers. " While I lingered, looking over tho | slight fence, a yonng man in a blouse | slowly entered the gato and began to j work among the flowers, and watered them from a little spring at the back of tho honse. Presently a dark-eyed child came down the path and stood beside the yonth. "' Francois,' sho said, • I mnst go to the market to-morrow and carry some of the roses; tho little mother needs money for the rent.' " A shade passed over the man's face as he answered; "•Well, little one, do .as yon will; jnst as well as to let them droop and wither, I suppose.' "A careworn-looking woman soon joined the two, and I strolled on; bnt coming back, and still seeing the child, I asked her for a rose and a drink of water from tho spring. When she brought them I told her to bring me a bouquet to the market tho nest day, which she promised to do, saying; " * They aro Heine's roses. She has gone away, and little mother and Fran cois won't lot me talk of Heine. She is my sister, and I wish she would come back, it is so dull without her.' " Next morning I failed not to seek the little flower-merchant, and found her sitting quietly among a crowd of noisy venders. As soon as she saw me, she exclaimed: " 'Here, monsieur 1 here are your roses I Some gentlemen wanted them, but I kept them for you. I have sold many bonqneta I' " 1 paid tbe little one so liberally that she bent and kissed my hand, say ing : " 'lt is too much, monsieur. I will give you flowers every day. This will be enough to pay cress Monsieur Jacques, and the little mother will be " Here la tbe end of my romance. Miss Amy, for I was called away next day bye telegram, and I cannot help thinking the girl who died is the lost Heine." " What strange things ere happening every day I" said Amy. "How lives meet and tonoh, and we seldom know for what reason till years have flown. Her eyes were full of tears as she looked up in her friend's fare. " I have set ono of tho sisters to find out some of poor lteino's history, and her name if possible; then I will writ© to tho Mario and send now* to licr mother if wo can prove tho relation ship." lie pausod a moment, thou wont on raoro quickly. •' I have to go abroad myself in a few months to sottlo some business and soo to pomo scientific lectures in Paris, and can, perhaps, visit tlio little town, Amy"—as she bent her hoad down " will you go with mo, dear?" Once more tho Dijon roses bloom in tho littlo garden of tho cottage. The sun is sinking behind tho hills, and Nauon is busy with tho flowers, while her mother sits knitting on tho door step. A lady and gentleman Htop at tho gate, and the child recognizes in tho lattor her friend who paid her so liber ally for Koine's rosos. Bho ran toward him joyfully. " I kept a bouquet till it was almost withered for you every day for a long time, hut you nover camo." It was tho doctor and hi* wife, Amy, who had come on purpose to briug to the mother news of her lost child. The woman came forward and invited them in, arul, with kindly welcome, brought sweet milk, brown bread and grapes for her visitors. It was difficult to find an opining for the sad story, so Amy whispered to her husband, and promised to come the next day to seo sotno laeo tho women mado, aud they loft tho story uutold till then. Then, tenderly and gently, Amy told tho poor woman of the girl in tho hos pital and tho roses, and showed her a little silver cross which tho sister had taken from poor Heine's neck—tho only trace of her identity, for her name was not known. The mother fell on her knees in an agony of grief as she recognized this, her child's silver cross. Hat she soon became moro complied by Amy's gentle words and sympathy. "Heine was a strange girl," she said. "She always said her roses were her friends, and it is through them I have news of my lost child. It will go hard with poor Francois. He always thought she would come back ; but it is better to know she has gone than to bo living a* she might, for Heine was always a good child. OnJ rest her sonl 1" Amy remained with the poor woman till Nanon returned, and her husband came to walk back with her to the town. They were to leave tho next day ; but Amy left a small sum of money wiih the good abbe of the neighlioring church for Heine's mother and little sister, and promised to take care of her grave, and send Nanon a rose from the bnsh planted there as soon as they were in bloom. Thoughtfully in the dying twilight Doctor Koalin and his young wife walked back to the town. Hodden)/ Amy looked up into his face and raid : "Do yon not beliovo in flower angela now, dear ?' Bending down and kissing her sweet lips, he said : " Yes, and in my own guardian genius, toe, which is vouraelf, sweet wife." < titling Out. The most desperate, yot generally anocoaaful ami popular achievements have been those known as "cutting out"—that is, attacks by open boat* upon an enemy's abipt in su enemy's harbor, and 1 may cite one as among the most brilliant and picturesque of those exploits. Tue British frigate Sea horse was blockading another frigate of about equal size in the harbor of Porto Caballo, on the Spanish main. The idea of "cutting ont" the frigate from nnder the Spanish batteries by means of his small open boaU, manned with only 100 men. inspired Captain Ham ilton, and, when communicated to his crew, was reonlved with three hearty cheers. The boats, commanded by the ciptain himself, left the frigate at night and made for the harbor, not on observed, however, by a Spanish lannch "rowing guard" at the entrance. This did not deter the gallant assailants. Two boats proceeded to ont the cables, the others attempted to board at differ ent points, two only ont of the six suc ceeding at first. The Spanish crew, nnmbcring 3CS, retired before the head long attack of probably not eighty as sailants, and two boats' orews remained to tow the enemy ont if osptnred. For some minutes the iaesue was doubtful bat while the deadly struggle proceeded below our lithesome sailors sprang aloft like a flight of nightbirds; the gaskets were cat, the sails dropped onriain-like from the yards, the ship gained life, and floated ont like a summer olond or a vision amid the roar of guns from the battery, the .continued fire of mnakets, the load ourses of the Spaniards, and the measured splash of the oara. When the struggle ended outeide the harbor 110 of the enemy lay stiff and stark, ninety seven were wounded, while the loss of the victors was trifling!—7A | Sintfuntk Century. t'LiI'I'INUM FOB THE CdltlOlH. tbo been are voting honey re. mains longer white, and is known aa virgin honey. Tho loss of n hand wan ono of the penal mntilationa enacted by William the Conqueror. Hangings for rooms, calle d arras, were first made in Arras, France, in tho four teenth century. Tho yearly consumption of quinine in tho United Htates is computed at HOO CHM) ounces. The dahlia is a native of Mexico, and was brought to England by Dahl, a Bwedo, in 1804. Tho discovery of the luminosity of plants has Wen attributed to the daugh ter of Li una us. Under tho microscope tho brilliant feathers of a humming-bird's breast show only dark brown. During tho reign of Trojan 5,000 poor children were supported hy tho government in Home alono. The medicinal leech is found only in Central Europe, Asia Minor and jart of tho northern coast of Africa. It is within tho last two centuries that tho first attempt was made in Europe to establish quarantines. Among tho Tahitians and New Zealanders tho women wear their hair short and the men wear theirs long. Tho ancient custom of sending a present of fine cloth to certain high officers of state and gentlemen of yueen Victoria's household has lately been observed by a committee of the court of aldermen of London. Tho custom seems to have originated in a desire to encourago competition in the manufacture of fine goods. The ancient Huns seem to have been tho ugliest of all tho ugliest races of Central Asia, and the homeliest individ ual was probably the " veiled prophet of Bokhara," tho repnlsivenoes of whose features was so overpowering Ihst ho did not venture to appear without a mask, for which he afterward substi tuted a golden veil, and was conse quently known as "tho veiled one." Hiicides are increasing at an alarm ing rate in tho German army, and it i* suggested that tho authorities might consult tho order book of the first Na poleon for a remedy. While first consul ho promulgated tho following order to the forces under his com moand : " The grenadier Gar Jan has killed himself on acceuut of a love affair. In other respects be was a good soldier. This is tho second oc currence of this sort that has taken place in the army corps within the last month. The flrat consnl desires to notify the guard in the order ol the day—first, that a soldier must learn to subjugate tho passions of gri< f and melancholy ; socond'iy, that just as much courago is required to endure soul with fortitude as to stand unmoved in the ranks un der tho fire of a battery. To give way unresistingly to sorrow, to diwtroy one's self in order to escape distress of mind, is equivalent to tunning away from tho battlefield before ono has been beaten." The Police of (ittitrmili, Joseph 11. Pratt, drill sergeant of the New York city police, who went to I Guatemala, Central America, in Angnat | last to organize a police force, has ro , turned. lie ha* tne opinion of retorn i ing and taking c >m*nand of the police department of Guatemala at a salary of 1 J.">,000. Hcrgeant Pratt Mja : Guatemala baa a raized population cf abont 5C.000. On my arrival there I fonnd that the city was policed by abont 200 Itarefootoil men who were armed with sabers. They were the moat wretched looking policemen yon ever saw. There was no discipline. The men did aa tbey pleased. In the day time yon could never see any of them and at night yon might And them loaf ing at street corners when they were not "occupied in crime." The laws of the republic were defied, crime was ram pant, and it was as mneh as a man's life was worth to venture ont of doors at night I took in the aitnation at a glance, and came to the conclusion that the policemen were in point of moral ity not much better than the moat doe perate criminals with which the city abounded. It seemed to me that many of the erimea reported were committed bt the police, or by others with their aid. • • • There aro about 1,000 soldiers in the city, with a proportion ate number of officers, who seem to have nothing to do but attend cock fights. You can see officers at any honr of the day passing through the streets with game-cock* nnder their arms. They haTo s great passion for oockflghting. The soldiers do sentinel doty through out the city, bat it is only a matter of form and kept up because it has been a custom for many years. We did not get along with the soldier* very wall at first. The first Hnnday that we turned ont in uniform some of the men were attacked by the soldiers and injured. I reported the matter to the president and the minister of war. The result was that the nezt day each of the of fending soldiers reooived 100 lashes Hinoe then the tvo bodies have go. along nicely. THE HOME DOCTOR. Ilrnlil, Alphabet. amp U~L and damp clothes will hoth make you ill; E-at slowly aud always <|, cw your food well; I'—rcshc-n tho air in tho house where you dwell; ody of another man will do for thia. The head is thrown back and the tongue must be drawn for ward by an assistant, so as to keep open the entrance to the sir tubes. The hands are passed above the bead, the wrista crossed, and the arms kept firmly extended. In this position the cheat is fully eipandcd. The operator then kneels astride tho body, plaoes his hands on the lower part of the ribs, and steadily aud gradually makei com pression. Balancing on his knees he inclines himself forward till his face nearly touches that of the patient, and so lets fall the whole weight of the tiody upon ihe chest. When this has yielded as mnch as it will bo throws himself hack by a sudden push to his first erect position of kneeling, and the elastic rihe by their expanding bellows action draw air into the longs. These maneuvers must be repeated regolarlv twelve or fifteen times jp the minute.— Jtr. Font* t tlmlth M'tilh y. The Bridal Package of Greenbacks. Nearly every bridal couple that come* to Washington—and Wa*hington is the national bridal Mecca—visits the treas ury vaults. The young and invariably interesting couple want to closely in spect Uncle Sam's plentiful shekels. When they enter the vsnlt the msc in charge of it, after a few preliminary words of explanation, hands down a package of notes from a shelf and tells the bride to take it in her bands. He then explains that this package contains 920,000,000 in United States treasury notes. The yonng lady is delighted to be able to go away and say that she has held so much money in her own hand a She is just too utterly pleased. The groom also wants to handle the pack age. They are fnrther told that the notes are all of the denomination of fIO,OOO. They oonstitute what is known as the " bridal package." Young mar ried tourist*, baring heard of this pack age, often ask to handle it just as noon as they enter the vaults. This is all very pretty. But it is e fraud on the young people. The treasury here does not hold that amount of money, The bulk of the money is in the enb treasury at New York. That " bridal package'' is a gay deceiver. It does contain, bow ever, notes of the denomination of tlO,- 000, which would, in the aggregate, represent *20,000,000 if they were only signed. Bat they are minus the neces sary signet nrra. The Indiana of Texas use the sophora bean to prod no* intoxiostion. Half a bean will produce the desired effect. ILmiuf-reiirN# of liouftf How. William Winter, the New York dramatic critic and poet, was an inti mate friend of Longfellow; and in some unusually interesting rniniiiiscenco# o tLe dead poet he Kay# ; I recall many talk# with him, about poetry, and the avenue# of literary labor, and the discipline of the mind i# youth. Hi# counsel wo# alway# (rammed up in two word#—calm nee* and patience. He did not believe ;n seeking experience, or in going to meet burden#. " Whet you desire will come, if you will but wait for it"—that he aaid to me again and age in. "My great ambition once was," he remarked, one evening, "to edit a magazine. Hinoe then the opportunity has been offered to me many time#—and I did not take it, and would not." That Name night he spoke of hi# iir#t poem—the lir#t that ever WOH printed—and described hi# trepida tion, when going, in the evening, to drop the precious manuscript into the editor'# box. Thi# wo# at a weekly newspaper office in Portland, Maine, when he was a boy. Publication day arrived and the paper came out—but not a word of the poem. " Hut I Lad another copy," he said, "and I im mediately sent it to the rival weekly, and the next week it wan published." And then he described hi# exultation and inexpressible joy and pride, when —having bought a copy of the paper, still damp from Ihe press, and walked with it into a by street of the town—he saw, for the first time, a poem of hi# own actually in print 1 "I Lave never since had KUch a thrill of delight," he said, "over any of my publication#." Hi# sense of humor found especial pleasure in the inappropriate words that were sometimes said to him by persons whose design it was to be compliment ary, and he would relate, with a keen relish of their pleasantry, anecdote# against himself, to illustrate this form of social blunder. Years ago he told rae, at Cambridge, about the strange gentleman who was led up to Lim and introduced at Newport, and who straightway said with enthusiastic fer vor: "Mr. Longfellow, I have long de sired the honor of knowing you? i am one of the few men who have read your 'Evangeline.'" This anecdote, in recent day#, ha coupled with another, about an English lady, who, on being introduced, exclaimed: " Why, Mr. Longfellow. I thought yen were dead!" " So, madams, you aee I take the liberty of living." "Ye#—but I thought at least yon belonged to Washington'# time." Another of his favorite# w# lelatcd to me a day or two a!ter it oc curred. The poet'# rule was to rcservo the morning for work, and visitors were not received before l'i o'clock, noon. One morning a man forced his way past the servant who bad opened the hall door, and burst in upon the presence of the astonished author in his library; and thereupon ensued this remarkable con versation: O Mr. Longfellow, you're a poet, I believe." " Well, sir, some persons have said so." " All right, Mr. Longfellow. Poet it is. Now, I've called here to see If I couldn't git you to write some poetry, for me to have printed, and stnek onto my medicine bottles. You see, I go round sellin' this medicine, and if yon'il do it, it'll help me immensely; and I'll just tell you right now, if you'll give me the poetry, ril give you a bottle of the carminative —and it'a $1 a bottle." For the full enjoyment of this story it was needfnl to see the poet's faoe, and bear the de- bland tone of voice in which be added— "Toe idea of it# being a car minative of all things." More than twenty-four year# ago be told me that incident—eitting by the wide fireplace, in the library back of hi# study. A# I write liis words now, the wind seem# again to be moaniug in the chimney, and the firelight flicker# on hi# pale, handsome, happy face, aud already sil vered hair. He took such delight in any bit of quiet fun, like that. He was #o gracious, so kind, >o wishful to make every one happy that came near him. And now be is gone forever. A llraN Oincocloa. Two old travelers are exchanging in teresting reminiscence#—in plain Eng lish, (Yapping lies. "1 passed six months in Guinoa once," mid one, "and found it horribly hot. It was so hot, sir, that whenever I wanted a breath of fresh air I bad to crawl into my trunk." "When I was in Senegal, sir," re plies his companion, "I was detailed to take charge of an expedition into equa torial Zimsambia, and suoh weather as we had I never experienced before or sine\ Why, sir, it was 213 degrees in the shade I" " Whew! But how did you manage to exist in such a temperature f* " Why, we—w# kept in the sua P Amateur printer—There is no regular pastry cook connected with a printing office, although sometimes when one of the hands makes a little pie he makes the foreman n little tart, and then, perhaps, the latter complains of being "out of sorts."—Zietfo* ft—sreis