Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, April 13, 1882, Image 8
©he ©enfte jjfewactat. Thursday Morning, April 13, 1882. Oo&MMPoNDkXos, containing Important naw, • lu ll •tl from any part of tha county. No conimunic • Itmortsni uiilffM accompanied by Ilia real name of tor wr *tar. _____ Centre County Democratic Com mittee—lßß2. •itTSicTi. HAM. " snaasss. BsllerooU.N. W...W V R-t.*r Ilcll.fuuio. H. \V. Chsrlrs emllh " •< W.W.. Jsmes Schuflild... " Howard - , Mlle-tiiliK C. K Klii*l<> Mllssbur*. Millhetm * Wallow... MilllM-lm. I'hiltiMil.iirK I>* w l,wlt Hhllliwburg. Vnloofllle J C Hmllh Fleminf. ll*nßr Uriah SUiver llrllefoiit*. iLigtr* <' A McLaughlin Mllealmrg. Burniiitlf William llipple.---I*iue Qleu. College Frank Taylor Lomotil. Curtin Frelk. Rohb Howard. Ferirueoo O. K- A. J Oreutlorf.— Pine Urure Mill*. - 'N. P.—J- 11. Ileborllng.- ILh k Hpringa. Qrecg. P M. I*. .Spring Mill# N. P BtqJ. Limlwrt.*.. " Ifninea tlen. M Kriater... Aaronaburg. llalfmoon A T Gray Half Moou. Harris* Jam** K import - UoaUhurg. Howard Hatid Taiiyer Howard. Huston John Q Milan Julian. Lil*erty W. II tlnrdner...ltUiiclianl. Marion J-J UoT Walker. Mil*** Oaorga*llatnea—W'olfa fltora. PatPm If I*. Meek Buffalo Hun penn M 5.,.11. K. Duck .Millheim Potter, N. P G. W. Hpangler—Tuaaeytille. " 8. P ....J Witmer Wolf.. .Centre Hall. Ruah William t'ulleii-- Jtandy Kulga. Know Hhoe.. William llainea.- Htww Hho*. Fpring T M Itarnhart Beliefs.ute. Taylor.. Vinton lb*, kwith. Fowlar. Union Christian llouvar..Firming. Walker Andrew Kreamer, llubleraburg. Worth W G M rrUon... |*.rt Matilda. K 11. FOKdTLK, l halruian. 11. A. Mr Kit, Secretary. Local Department. —Who will get the Cyclopaedia offered by the publishers of tbo EJueational Re view t —Rats infest tho public school building and run around the teachers' tables during school hours. —Lates, fringes, gimps, buttons, Ac., in all the latest designs and at unrivaled prices, at the Beo Hive. —Centre county Pomona Grange will meet at Centre Hall, Tuesday, 18th instant. A full attendance is requested. —Lewtn is just as square as over. lie is able to warrant all ho sells, and pur chases that do not rendor satisfaction can bo returned. —The indication* for a good wheat crop in Penns valley are promising, in tho dis trict east of Spring Mills ; west from that point, up through the plains, cold weather has seriously damaged tho wheat. —The Republican say* grasshopper* are bothering neighboring counties. They must have been introduced by trout Usher., for no sensible grasshopper would venture ouo much this kind of weather. —The April number of the Oriental Caikft, published by L. Lum Smith, Phil adelphia, has reached our table. Its editor is Emerson Bennet. Tho magazine is all its name implies—a treasury of literary gems. Subscription $2 per annum. —Tho constant dripping of water will wear the hardest stone ; so the constant backing cough will undermine the hard est constitution. Avoid this fatal result by using Sines' Syrup of Tar, Wild Cherry and floarbound. —Th* Presbyterian wigwam was torn down on Tuesday. Many pleasing recol lections of Sunday school and prayer meet ing experiences still hover over tho spot. The new Sunday school building it not to be erected immediately. —Rev. D. M. Wolf, County Superinten. dsnt of public instruction, has been ten dered by the managers of the Allentown Female College, the principalship of that institution. Fortunately the learned gen tleman did not accept. —l)r. R. H. Van Valzah, who most care fully and successfully looks after the physi cal well-being of ;Spring Mills people, popped into our sanctum yesterday. The genial smile that always irradiates this gentleman's face, carrie* with it so much pleasantry that we always feel sorry when he leave*. —On Saturday of this week, Mr. Lewin, of the Philadelphia Branch, means to open his spring stock of clothing. We can only add to this announcement that the reputation gained by Mr. Lewin will be fully maintained in his future deal ings with the public. Mr. George W. Eaton is the proprie. lor of the new confectionery, fruit and cigar store in tho BrockerbofT House row. He ha* come to stay, and is to well known and generally liked that he will command a good trade. George possesses some valua ble business qualities, and we are confident he will merit all the patronage ho may re ceive. —The Hazel Kirke troupe were favored with a full bouse on Tuesday evening. The company is able to give a first-class enter tainment, but owing to the execrablo con. dition of our Opera House (?) it n im possible for them to do themselves justice. Why cannot Bellefonte amusement seeker, induce some liberal minded capilalitt to build ahouse, the very appearance of which need not make an audience blush ? Mis* 8. Obnmarhl'a concert on Satur day evening was a tucce**. Each part of the program, except a song by Mr. John Lyon, was performed. The musical talent of Bellefonte ha* been much Improved during the time Mis* Ohnmacht ha* been with us. The many excellent musicians, the Bellefonte orchestra and the general diffiuston of mu*ical taste and skill among us Is due, mainly, to this lady's efforts. The exercise*, though consuming a great deal of time, were Interesting throughout. The violin solo by Mr. Lemuel Blerly being equal to any thing of the kind we ever beard. The duet by the Blerly brother!, too, wee received with rounds of merited , ppplausc, 1 Cboick Chunks Carkyully Coi.lat bd.— Spring fovor it troubling a grout many of us. Danlol Gurman, K-q., is building n nice toncinont house 011 High street, near tho jail. E. M. Sturdevant, Esq., Is remodeling the Wolfu homestead, on Curtin street, and rapidly converting it into tho neatest and moat luxurious of dwellings. A handsome residence is being put up on Allegheny street, opposite tho reservoir, under tho supervision of J. L. Hpangler Esq., who reports it almost flubbed, when any one desiring a pleasant homo had bet ter see Mr. Spangler. Among tho arrivals at IbeGirard House, Philadelphia, on Friday, we noticed Hon. J. H. Orvis, of Bellefonto. Samuel J. Herring, Esq., one of Gregg township's justices of the peace was in town on Monday. Tho old commissioners—Messrs. Dunkle, Swab, and Gregg, on Monday appealed from tho finding of the Auditors as stated in their report submitted to court some lime ago. Mr. \V. A. Tobias thinking to add a little more tono to his general appearance now occasionally wears a stove pipe hat. Recorder Bible is proud of his manner of record keeping, and well ho may be, for his book* look as though a master had chargo of them. Mr. Alexander Shannon, of Lena, Illi nois, who had been summoned east to at tend the funeral of hi* brother, tho late John Shannon, Esq., called on u on Mon day escorted by Daniel C. Kellor, K-q. Mr. Samuel Stein is now the proprie tor of tho flouring mill at Roland, lately operated by Stein and Leathers. Mr. Stein commands a largo patronage and is withal a real tip top gentleman, Harry Teat* A Co., expect to soon com mence selling groceries at their n"w store to bo opened opposite the Bush House. We wero favored for a short time on Monday by having with us Mr. \V. K Camp, Centre Hall's j>opular young furni ture dealer. Such gent'iel fellows never find our door locked. The street commissioner with a picked force is attacking the dirt that has covered our street* all winter. Mr. Bartrani Oailbraitb has at last taken to farming. He expects oon to have the court house yard teeming with clover blossom*. Lyon's meat market sports a neat new wagon. The examination in nritbmctic, an nounced some time ago, was completed on Thursday of last week when the following pupils secured the priz--* High School— Prof. I> M I.ieb, Katie Shultz; 2d grade Mr. J. C. Meyer, Maggie Cooney ; 3d grade—Mr. C. P. Howe*, Maggie Smith ; 4th grade—Miss Beckie McOtnley, Mary Kain ; Principal's prize, IDrrv Keller. The most pleasing feature was tho hearty applause by the pupils when the name* of the fortunate one* were announced. The hand organ man ha come —the saddest of his race. Next tho scizzors grinder. The mayor of Lock Haven was arrested and taken to jail, on Saturday morning, 1 for drunkenness. S. D. Ball, Esq., uc- ! ceed* him. Batcbelor A Dorl* will lie hpro May Ist. Promenaders were scarce the early part of tho week. So long a* this fit of old prob* continue* front gts and back , porche* are *afe. The Hazel Kirk troupe that showed here on Tuesday night observed Good Friday by laying over at Refiovo. One redeeming act to be credited to the aver age theater manager. We have engagi-d the services of a sten ographer, and any person <r persons having gratuitous advice to offer will please call. A Word to Stock Raiubrs. — Just whst can be accompli-hod when good stock i* taken to operate on, and judgment exercised in feeding, has been fully demon strated by our good friend, Hon. Samuel Gilliland, of Boalsburg. tin last Friday he brought to Bellefonte a heifer that he had fattened with n view of testing his theory. The animal w a thoroughbred short horn Durham and weighed before butchering sixteen hundred and sixty pounds, after having drunk fifty pounds of water ; both the heifer and tho water were weighed before she was allowed to drink it, and the weights corresponded exactly. Thia prove# tbai water given V) cattle be fore they are weighed doea increase the weight of tho animal just as much as the water wpighs. Butchers should remember this statement. When dressed the result was sixty-six per cent, of marketable meat. The hide tipped the balances at seventy, five pounds and the rough tallow one hun dred and ton founds, this latter is an item of clear gain to the butchers. The only fault found with this meat wa* that it was too fat—this Mr. Gilliland asserts can be remedied by feeding leas, for to secure the results above enumerated no mere food •re* Jed than it piren to ordinary, common etock. Hecbler A Co., bought and sold the meal. We think Mr. Gilliland has bene fitted the public in no measured degree by kls careful analysis of the suhjert be studied, and hope both producers and con sumers may profit by his researches. —The flowe Sewing Machine Company has opened a pretty oflloe In the room lately occupied by Mrs. Dare. Mr. A. C. Moore has charge, and we hazard the as sertion that some fur will now fly in the prosecution of the taleo( sewing in. chines. AIILKKIIUHU. —Thoro U more atir hero ttiia spring thnn thorn hit* been for a great many year* and thing* in general look bright. There in, ami ha* heen for *ome time pant quite a lot of building going on. Mr. Carr ha* put up n very lino building 'n the lower atory <if which i* an elegant •tore room. It in Jut completed nnd Mr. L. Fryhnrger intends moving hi* tlorn Into it this week. He, Mr. F., i* a very line young man and justly deserve* a lib eral .hare of the patronage of the people hero. The upper room of till* building i* to ho fitted up for tho bulge room of the I O. 0. F. Mr. XVilk io did the carpenter ing and K. I). Noll tho plastering. Tho lodge room will not he ready foroccupaney fur a week or two yet but will be the hot room in town of it* kind. Mr. C. K. K*ington ha* quit making axe* at hi* old stand, and the firm of K* rington A Cooler are putting up an ex tentive factory near the depot, where they will hold forth in tho future. We predict great succe*. for them for "Kep" i* a good fellow and inake* a capital axe. The planing mill owned and operated by the Campbell boy* to long, but which ha been idle fur a long while pat, it again in active operation under the management of MeClain and Hamilton, w ho are prepared to do any kind of work in their line. Tho latet ami moat intereating a* well a* important enterprise in Miletburg, how ever, i* the (trcct lamp*. Wherea* we used formerly to have to go it by random over tho dilapidated board walk*, now we walk abroad at night in absolute safety and a vat degree of pleasure. There are at yet only about MX or seven, but think there will bo more by and by. Hope to at least. We taw a party on tho street a few day* since soliciting names to a paper setting forth reasons why ho should lie assigned the task of lighting the lamp*, tfuite a number of persons affixed their name*. Mr. Poorman is building himself a fine reidence in Central City, also Mr. Joseph .Shirk, Jr., in Milesburg. IS--*id-'* this, Mr. K. 1,. Shirk has converted the old school house into a dwelling and several families hare moves! into that. Along with the new work we understand that Dr. Grove is doing quite a lot of repairing in his house, also Mr. Grasameyer is having some improvement* made to hi* dwelling. The Granger store acroa* the creek is, wo believe, doing a good business. Th-y have a nice room and One stock of goods and with Mr. Frank Adams, a* clerk, the en terprise must prosp-r. Cheap John i coming to town this work. The gentleman is quit-well known and no doubt will drive art imm-nse busi ness h-re in the shape of novelty goods of all kind* and description, which he will dispose of at auction to th- highest bidder. It may be well to add (byway of con clusion) lht every available dwelling house in tenanted. Had there been msriv more, ih*y too, would have Wn filled, such * the ruth to be in Miletburg, thu* proving bevonJ any doubt that it in a good place t" be. Some lime I may write you again giving you a description of some of the old a* well at the new feature* of our burg. I •übtcribe mytelf very rntpecifully, Jixx. PNATAVT GAP JOTTIMO*.- Moving over and our new neighbor* afe|y houaed and fiaed up, we are now ready for anything that may happen. Our worthy pott matter ha* been unwell having had a tevere at. tack of cramp, effect* of over work in the garden. Be careful Bob, you know you cannot ttand manual labor. Belter get *omn person to do your digging. Ilaag't mill i* doing a good butineM. Make* good flour a* well a* good whikey ; go on in your good work, we all with you well. By the way Mr. George I>eat* i doing well after the turgical operation only he i minus one finger of bi* right band. Our new overseer, Mr. Kot, I* getting along all right with hi* new charge. He and the judge took a trip to the Ba'd Kagle ridge* on Saturday. Don't know if they were on official bu*ine*a or hunting scalp* ; none of Spring township'* poor out there that we know of. Be careful doe for you will be held accountable, for noth ing but itemiced account* will past now aday*. HHIXHOXB. Sraixo MU.I.N ITEM*. — MR. Philip Dale ha* commenced work on the fourth bouse, lie i* selling lot* at from SM) to SIOO apiece. Tbo railroad company are ei lending the track up to hi* saw mill. I. J. Grenoble'* big hotel U now open for boarder*. In some future number I will give your reader* a complete descrip tion of this new summer reeort. Whitmer and Splglemeyer have added a fresh flth and vegetable department to their business. The Centre Hall Rrporttr correspondent Inform* u* that they intend receiving these article* froh from the Baltimore markets three time* a week. Spring Mill* will toon have a guardian of the peace. Ruhe Kline the ptrmantmt constable of Gregg township, ha* purchas ed a lot from Mr. I. J. Grenoble and will erect a dwelling upon It sometime this summer. James H. McClintic, farmer, and Henry Whltmar, of the firm of Whit mer A Hpiglemeyar, have each purchased building lot* from Peter Wilson. John Horner has also bought a lot from Mr. Wilson and Is now having a house put upon it Henry Kreamer he* commenced digging out the foundation for hi# new bouse. _ %* —For weak nose of any kind lake P*. MVWA. JUKORM FOR THE AI'RIL CoURT.—The nert term of court for this county will begin on tho fourth Monday, (24th day), of April for which the following Grand and Travers Juror* have been drawn : OR AN It J t.' Hole*. 1 Thamai II Wmm, tmrhtr, Hjirlfig. '2 Jam*** !*•••, li*ftrhr, Njirluir -T II IS llarUwlrk. Inruivr. k'rntiaou 4 Johti a ton Cullun, farmer, Knah. W. II CriaMuau, chrk, MhOV Hltv*. •1 UxUlii latsoffsr, llarrla 7 t'aliln \YiiSl|i, Ifthortr, lUrlHii, a 11. U kUttasrii, < lork. I'saitssu. U ll 'hTt C'rl, Bruiiar. I<l k>lMar't llult, ltiUiita>rniaii. Hrnrw Klioft. 11 httutH-l llallfj. faruM-r, llarrla. 12 Oaurxi laifiis-r.tVslli gr. I t Linaiiii' l llftrlftr, fftrmftr, Mil a II hiiiHHi llarjwr, tffiiUvutaii, |*tsiir. |' *1 nil ll llaifrii, car |M*mr>r, Is Jtuiri h Martin, lalwrar, Mail<u. 17 J'r*iiiisali llftx- i, < ftrjMtnb-r, MiU-c. 18 lftA*ots t'ratl, Urliter. |turnai<lf 19 11 illl-atu Ihaftl, luiiilwrrniiri, fatter. i"Il4llfa h-aiiius I I'lHi htr, famts-r, l( .w,r.J tuu)iip. .2 Js pli MHklrli, fannl, Walka-r. •.'j ll.M.hp WIIIm-.it*, labmf . Km, 24 h. M. hiHitijckr, fatuiai, TIIAVKKM Jl' It"lis KIHHT VS KKK. 1 Tlmwfta TatKk. farmer, llu*li. 2 J II iMiiuor. lintna.dr, •I I'mtik Mntrrr ftrmrr, I't nit. 4 i liitrlaa Rrtgfhi. Inlstarrr, Ver*umtn. ! M'ltLaiu Ktilitu), Uriuri, 1.11-ailj, f, JftTAtl. U'ltralrißl, farmer. H urtli. 7 J C PaUni, farinrr, Üblun. a M 14 ('<i<lrirk. centra* tor, Brllefoutft. '* J >ho MrChiakrjr, juatlf. Uurtiu. I't Mlt IMM>I Gruvft, fartovr fatter. 11 Tti'iiitaa('aiiiarui), IMP !#f, Knah. 1 2 J fftarar IxHaiua, vr* 11 man, l'iiilijal>uf jr 23 J-r| h II lloY, Irfklift'li It lUtU'ft It L-arlthvr, priiitT. IMlf<'f)tr. I# \1 J. Kr| a, faruAvr, llalrca. H All'lfPl* J Cook, t lftfk, lU-liefntit*. 17 llottftH llrii klpy.ahsA-makff. IL ward. )i Tl. sa \| U ay, ftarrn* r, lUlf M <n It 11 llllaui Raj,fariorr. Half '2f Jallifa |fra<l>, Iftlstsfftr, J.tta-r t a 21 J *ar|.h is ll 22 Jatns'R It hpaiiAlrf, frf r, I'uttrr. II V ll* k. firmer. Walkrr .1 I V 4>k(na, irullamafi Mi r*' ur%. 2-' 11 ||. Mnmia, miller. Mil*-# 2G Mrtiii Ftrw k, farrijpr. I'mnti 27 H )| S'oll.rarp+titArr, flf-r'.T i( 2ft J A Mull.mrrckakl, Rm>li I*-* Mkhfts'l hlialf*r, farmer. Uttlk'r. - ll*>nr> (Inft)n. lnUsfpr Half M *.u. XI Rituorl klarkla, (arhirr. hprlnc '• J <hrt lUsttti, rr{Mtot*r, h| ,r nK -tl A W. llr<*e, mt-ffhaul, H'uftb. ''*4 J*m srtt, lalwsrar, I'uttrr. Uj ma llr, mas Hi r*/l. laUirar, I'hilij.at.ori;. .V. An<ir< w ihkrr. mrrrh.rst, Mil~ .17 Jokli U'ftiT, Rrttbrr. .v* John Coldrm, fartarr, lirpA'lf 1 Ueeitg* |l llallifa fa'er, 4'* J>'hci Hlisft. iMltiirr, Tnmririllft. II JM M l,'i-M, farmer. |S<*£ira 42 J. S Hal! farmer. Iloaat j tobahi|> 4 4 lie**r *■ Null, laitliff. IS Ci' 1 44 frank Urtcft. rlerk, H- 1 4 • J we|>ti II M. frm-r, Hj rlr|f 4'- Mard lUit-.r,. lal-.rar, t t.-n*.U* 47 Tl. naa Krarlrf. farmer, li-utter. A* J<rpk Tkanpr'b, )okkrr, fimw hh'*#. TRAVRR.H JI H'IRH—RKOOJfIi WBKK. \ ChrUtian Mip* k. !-!•<• karriith, IWllrfubtr 2 J J |M| I'- IklMVr, It i-ali i M !' hnj'lr. nief hatt. k'rryuiwjti. 4 -f h Pro4l• t, iMdM is-jp ' Jnliti llaw-rth. mit-rr. I'lsilij * tirg. 4 A C llitst 'fi, tarmf, hntita .Ike*# 7 He-srgft Hi'l'lk, rmr|*"iter > Faft -ti ft 121 • at-1 Allia.<n fas-t-.rj man, r-*urr. * Thaasphrlo* Ur|i.r, HoftH t%Tp. |ti J"hn I Bale. far mar. lUnnrr 11 Ihtifj hmith. ate maker, hprltig. 12 J hit V hil),Ulnrtf a I'att. a. I 1 J -hit Rtipf*. Itilflirr, llarria II Jme Turner, farmer. II .**M t->nahH>. !.' J H A K"ruw|y.)r#|i#r. I'uttrr. H lla?rj firtin, Irutitnartef. 8c. 17 J H VUa*. lale.rrr, M.lU.etm IX Otni Ham ■ s,drrli fM >i- ! r^ 1 i h-ulsat. < i|ry. farmer, fni' u .1 R-'t-erl R-k a-ii, Jr , la'- fef. Ilnat*/t). 21 llf) fMjentar. I'altuti .2 ii ir L. I*art*r. t sUrf*. 21 11 11 Boff, hmar. I* Iter. 2 I J C R eater. att.-Setst, |4r U*.'un t-. ii h Atnu' l Rrt!e farm *-r. *tte^g . i him r, hmull. t la- kau.ith. M.left. 27 44 II hnull*, fattrcr. I'er.n 2.5 H Hluii IsHlr*!, Uhufvr. htlna. .* !>apl M' 4 < jerk. .vl II A Miftfflr, Halnfta 1 J J M >f*t. farmer. Ilainea 2 J+ t Et miner mail, rv-ah maker. If avion. .11 J It a'<l Lingle. ma< hintat lUHefonte. -I Frank F'ren an, tern H*t. Potter. >1 J Jamiwa, i#*fkr, frtrn. ■A J. A y'4l|lrt,m*t(|aiil, 1-iUrl; TRIAL LIhT —FIRT VREK. J. P. Qfßkiri *..**..?>, Il te*-al * Teller | A Um llaticM M A M- tl* Mwharl Rntiklr - J.mm j h H -a --j lr. T - IVar%.| Lylie. • M* 44 Jr ka-u ... . " f * nria.lt R Co. 4Fet.nef Hvtlrr • Hi '-a*! 4V-nfr J II pe.rreoar f " |. 14 klftM. Mtllbetm fianking... '* J.shn 44kit# lu-i-ft l~*ranwta. " I' <4ray M^ek. Jan'a h 'r%aa - " C*,rri*t|t# Hr>a e< ft| H L I*a*t ** U, of Punr f P|-rli| try. TRIAL LlhT— RKrmrir WUK, vr ft 44 |Utam •• Mark J 44 tihama. Ha 4 llartrr . " Mary H 4 *Unttt> ft). 44eot.sft M ffi* el ftl •• Mary % 44 hlie el al j L U Ah. 4 R R-CW.aae.rf" f limy Mmk Keraf ter A Rrtlo " MWtt'l |* Uftthrrln* ll -ffmftii " llmry flraan. 3 hn <* F'r4. truetee .. " ha>f|* Iklr 44 Olf. p Iter A r., |f ,It 4 Mr |W weil. Rolle. W Ah Hot N.Oo " Mn( Hn J } h 44naae? " Venn* R R (V K J Walk'f na* nC " J L h'mrtillr K J. Prnner et al ** i linatiftn hharrar. K J. Truner et |. ** Osnetian hharrar Ktan TV-maa " J> nathan Kuamrt (IM.O Rryal • rf. ....... M Jam** O krvrft Jiki ii Rkltely J„|,n T F. olor. John |ht*ely John T F*l*r Thr II ay-1* n 4V-mj%oy, ..... " 44 mP. I Mir*/an A Oft. Jt*o |Je'a ftflmr'a. ..." Jamoa (hale • adrof'a. V 4 lliiam 44. If • Henry Harare et t. Tkr Nl|f Mff. Co " Th" M-QmHen et . 44 J. M .eaer M .... " John ll' yet i tv*m of P-nna q* 4—.... " un AllSann. Jr ,r< al. Uti'wlif Ira t.'o •* J II M'vrrlaHKi, at ftl. A*r>>n Utrtl " Jamea Rnnklr 0. II fMr\.l*krr nu of " Ai.'trew Immr|. Jncoh A CiWrt " htanley 44 atntn. ilmd-ft et ftl " '•amii*l Ly^n Th' mftr Merrymnn "* John T, FuUr. —That porf*-ct baking and cooking stove, the "Pioneer," it for sale only by Wilson, Me Far lane A Co. All superfluous orna mentation has been dispe-nsed with lo se cure a flrst-class kitchen stove. For weight, strength and durability it cannot tie sur passed. In purchasing Ibis stove you are not paying for nickle trimmings and beau tiful finish, hut you are getting what is far better and what you ne*-d in a good csiok love—a good, reliable baker and cooker. —You can save from 10(1 to 200 per cent, on a good dress, from 100 to 300 per cent, on a suit, from 35 to 100 per cent, on a pair of shoe*, and in everything that you need you will find it Li your interest to buy your g<xid* where you get them at first cost. LT-IN ,fc Co. —Call and eiamlne the st-wk of rang*** and csiok stove* at Wilson, McFarlane A Co'a ; also their line of single and double heaters. They have for eale the Welcome Home double heater, which ha* been thor oughly and satisfactorily leeted in this community. —Lyon A Co., are closing out their entire stock of dry goods, clothing, boots and shoes at cost, in order lo quit the busi ness. l(*you want to save money in your purchases, go to Lyon A Co.. as thev are selling everything at cost. Lvolf ft Co. —My children had sore throat. PaarfA cured them. M. P. LKVIIART, Irwin Station, Pa. —Ladies', misses' and children's do), mans and coats In endless variety and vary chaap at the Bee Hlv. —Upring and Hummer season, 1882, Woolen stock now eompUU. Karly or ders solicited. 44- If hi ON TOO si ERV ft Co., Tailors. —Loab's Is the plaoe to buy dry goods. Larga assortment, low prtcas and good goods at all times. ONE KXPKKIKNCK FROM MANY.— I had been tick Hrxl miserable to long ami bad caused iny hushnrid so much trouble and expense, no oneapt-mod to know what ailed me, that I wn* completely disheartened and discouraged. In thii frame <f mind I got a bottle of Hop Bitter* and u"d them unknown to my family. I toon began to improve and gained to foat that rny hut band and fumtlv thought it strange and unnatural, hut when I told them what had helped me, they "Hurrah for Hop Bitter* I long may tliev prosper, for they have mad.! mother well and us happy."— The Mother 1 ' ' MARUIAOES. BIIOW Ell*- I'ItATT —At 11.. Lutheran Fur*..,*** In Hellaluata !>r K- - H I: L-o-.L A,-,. Z,M E?U*, *" 1 M '** Pratt. L-TLI ot IU ll- r.-L.t-, l a. KIIKAMICK-till KV -At lb.hulhtranPaiw In Bj.lMeat.by It- H K Kuol, A\tUl, 1...- J„|,a HFAINT R antj M IM FT r*li 11 pi. u*y, boll* of wmr I*4 \rif .Ith'trllnciiiviif. A Year's Reading for SI. Till-: NEW YORK WEEKLY WORLD. Arte ]'rr.tri, Srw Type, AVie 1 lull-ho /, Sew Appliance*, and Sew l.tfc in /'. • cry /Jrpartnicnt. |IOO A YKAK. PO.STAOK PAID. 50 CTS. FOB hiX MONTHS. A Complete Family Paper. FREE MA SONS .Should Read lit h|.e, tal MASONIC DEPARTMENT. EXrtri.p |IV ONE or THE MONT RENOWNED THEE MAS'J.N t, with covTaiatTioat it A rat e* or 1) ISTINO UIS IIEI > MASONS. The WEEKLY WOBLD it the only leading nruspiprr in thr country that hot a tprrtal drparlmtrd devoted to Mat mtc tntereiU. O.her Excellent Features. 1. All the ('dtmpltte ami Interesting. 2. Thr Tanner * World—A full page of i Agricultural and Farm Mew*. | >. The Literary World—A full )>age of Is ng St ,rim and Short Stone*, O mit Halt ad m and Serious J'orm* t Taxry Tale* and Sailor* i'arn*. I Thr Housekeeper* Column*—What Ev ery Wotnan Want* U< Know. 5. Ihe Veterinary department— With pre hcription* free fur all Subscriber*, and full inrtructvn* fur the treatment of I lire stock. I G. The best Che** Column IN the w>rld for Amateur player*. 7. The ht*t Checker Department in the world for both Amateur and profe*• *u-nal player*. 8. A (Xtrnrr for thr Voung Folk* Riddle*, Charade, /hszzlc*, Enigma t Acrostic.*, ,fr. !♦. (donpleU Market Report*—l'nriralled IN detail and accuracy. 10. An*wer* lu Inguxrxes. Each department w per feet of it/ kind, and all combined make thr best Weekly ypWKpaper ever published. The Anr ) or I: If or Id ha* no superior on either side of (he Water a* a Live, IlrWiant, Perfectly A Progressive Snvepapcr. I ii(N{uullisl offer* to ( liili AecntH, Nprrintrn Copie* Srnt tree. THE NEW YORK WORLD. ♦•L.'-ct WoKl.tr M3tI.DIM. SEW T"BK VALUABLE REAL ESTATE KOlt BALE. NO. 1. All tbat certain tract of lfti><4 Hti In Til f I' ri*lilp.ritr fonntr. Pa., ori'l 44rttt*wl m* I' M' • lit. fir*tbtmig •I • |nH ■ TH TURNJUR R<4. BY LAND <rf Lyon, kCX •'•nth tl*tw m| IW |f{|i"a 1" • <!4Mtnul tbmr# ortb /* | -leffw, it M pnr III" |/ ft pott. n.flh %t JH I.wfr i<•t* g *ti£r tfe tbmp* ftorill 1. degm**, -t 22 l< a rl oak . tfcmra knh *'T tliytMa, I PRFB TOA . TLIT-NR# WMTB TH 4*IYWA. nl ?.' pytlH l ft I'ftt thnf awrtlfb U| drftMft. • "•T 122 |*-R BFT B LB* |RLFT<* of Ifflntiing —NOG. talking Fifty-Six Acres, more or less. Tbr*>'t fmMI lirg* IPf KL Hotal Utal-U. Rank Rank, l*t*tilh-n soi olbff <>tl utbliugk. All In gmal • T|vla.r fto<] condition. No. 2. A lao B!I that ccrtitin men •NAG*. T*orm*nt TMD Und wtnat* In FTFTM FOFTMBLP, LYING n*R nr NDJ<>intn fhr ALTOR# IML. Ibttitrdrd by UI !• NF LB* RAID KG In fnrnan NNJDANY •NDIDBAFFT LB trig BW |HOMIFT nb<H Tliomsa MCOT-Y, II if B fb*NFF t<i OiKtra nmnty, by 4NI ITATAD Jlntambr 24, IMD, MFLIFYNL LO J-.bn onntnining 147 ACRES, more or less. Th*twti *rew|#-i TWO PWKLLIMi IPH>K9. IWrus nl NLH*I nntballding* No. 3. All lhat certain MCFVNAFRC. and rvl of UVHI ftitnal* in Tailor t NWIIF abtmaaid, and J-IIM.g Innda FF L.yn. Rb TL- A Co. on IK* ftnulb and HS and trlhif landk no 9 ot GEOFF* I. R**4 O LBS R"IH and mat CONTAINING 130 ACRES, more or less. TWMN W#*l*4 • good DW&LLISO IIOI7IIR, Ram and <*tbnr cMitbnibtlnga. The alrove propertiea were purchased at 4l.rlff •!. •> tb rnpriy of M> CifHiliint by AMY. L IM. of CbwrK*M. P TB. mm* will b# .old * a b'T. nr •.parat.l;, to nit IIIEBMN Tbl FOOPORTY I. to food condition, and II to wy B DNU, ■ * llot.l propmty, or a lHI.ll.y, or • Y-TTN Twin- will B. mod. to mil |>tirrbo**rr. portly ,WT nod t-nrtli ON Mm. Inqofr. of tlftdUlK L. REKLL or lb. CLRAItriEI.iI CW> SAT RANK, Clmrfl.ld, Pn., or A. O. FURIT, BDMOAL*, FT MDR Orphans' Court Sale. OURBUANT to an ortler of the Or -1 pbnn-' (Ymrt of (Wtr. ennnty, tbw* will b .* poned to poblk ml* on Urn pn-atam, two mllm w.wl of fin. ILROR. Mill*, on Saturday, the 29 th of April, 1882, At onn o'clock, P M , All that certain tract or pieca of land, th* PROPEL, of Itnab tmartmor*. tat* of frr|B.* towmblp, (Voir* rennty, itirennii. IITMB I* TB* mid town-blp of r*r*w*on, bnwnded *d JmrlM ** |.d low*, to wit: On lb* m*t by taJuta of John P. K **!<*, nod 11*1. A RoI.INWOI. on th* w-ntb b, mod. NO tb* wmt by tand* of ft O M**k. ond no lb* north by bind* of J.O lhdl*y. 0. W. M, W illiam, and public mod -con loin I N 101 ACRES and 28 PERCHES. Ih-nm *r**l*d a aond PRASE HflW* and RANK MARS, and all Mb*r nil lamiy owtbwlldln(a; two ciatotn, and an otaoltaat YOUNG ORCHARD of rhota* fngt Tb* load bla a food ami* of cnltt ratton. with YOOD tarn, A. Ttawt or RAUL— Owwbelfef lb*pecbaa* mnw*y be b* eatd In ea*b on omEramtton of tb* mta { tb* rw autfnlny on* half la on* year, with latoroM, to I* **- •end by bund aad o. -,*- on lb* p. ml wo Por Iwrtbo. |mrttmlara ot Mtaa A 0. Las atweaa, • tb* (O.MIW* WILLIAM H. |r*Y, RTIT Adm'r of Htwa LATANNU, btanl. VOTICK.—Austin M. MrClain ban 1. •{'pit*! to th# %**"rUry of It>l*ruml Aff*Jni uf tli <if l'*nu*f\%*uU lit lst y wr*n of laifl •X(<it4") it| Knot (•('<' loi>liip, (Voir* t) . arijufnlßf I••*!• to wrrnu* nm* of (#ll - on lit* tturth, U-tiry alim k tw ft,* TU"fu*M L. W ihiog on th* • <otti nod Jot# liil*-) ou ili •(. Register's Notice. j r | "*!f K following account* have Ik-oii 1 I , I/O a..4 fa,,,.11, f,1,4 of r"'"l I" ",u '" 11... of 1,.1t. >l.l lagntaaa. rfdltoraaud all .dhata and ill |.i. -1.1.4 tu lli> Otphafia Court of i antra ...UMIJ. Ml Hadon-daf, 11,. 'WI, da* of Al.fll. A l> , \*"l, ('r oipflmMltofi ij'| SHOWHIM I rii.l and final an .1.1 bat tun j Mitthall, a/tmlul.trator of. A- ~ >,f fc J II . A .o. lata ~f 1i...,d l#or<H!|ft ( 4ow l. I Hrl no'l (ionl a'<vin( of John T. L'J'JM, *4- iiijot'rtir of, A' , of Hfi/j y. Uo, Iu of Curtta to o*iit|i. (Ufttm*- (J .j N<ot '1 mil partial *'/oiot of (iw,r£~ ll>jnvr v*l MM in II I .**< ut*>r of Jmob art. UU of Fmii t"W Ill|||| 4w fb#wi. 4 Tti* Anal Mortsutof li K MfM fciffal, >1 At ~f h ||. >| Mublgil, |Ui of 1 ;ior iifu|i, Tli* Ami vr<Hint of jr.j.n Wftjir#!, rit*r<lun of M*r} Jr H*bt4-i, UK* of 'fl r tf#mt*Mp <J<-*-*•-* 4. (A. I'll*! iooUlil *f J hu Noil kdisliilAtralur of A- . of itw '<•(<• of IWino*! .Null, Uti of l>oii*r to wo* tup, f|w ** I T 1.- ftflMWth •btiiMl rijAotl of Kh'*4a m.! J-IAU If •!,. Jr . tru.t.-.-p ,h- bill •'1 VA in a It"iub, iit; of JViif'Ai*t borough, 'U* >■ T* ar-'oant of M.'tia*! M f*i*lKr sol poll* It >,sliil.i.tr.tor of a-.of (..ofK. U JujAf.Ub* of Mtlra !/.•,.hip. Tl.a Anal • oof of Al**. G A ch< j, ad rot o ta unt.r nf A . i,l Jw> (J. Archrt. lata of frrgufton b>till|, <!•< *-%<! i Tha Art and final *r<oaftl of J- hn If (triid- rff, <••• ••' ll'. vluiti.tatral-.f. ~f A „l KH'-11. <>r< - '*'*■ ' ' MMri". t * flilj , .1*- A***-!, k* t.i ||. II Wi*l')k lit* C'OCritait!** II Tbr final a'- or t of M H. Pribpt*, aiarotor of A IWojjauitb I Uu of Tajkif b aorhi;., do*-** <1 1- '"■ '•"! orl Iml a" onl ,4 W L Wllaoa. If'taMlati ..i n II M.,., B „. <w„a.|. At.r,. M J-1.„ D.O. Wnll.a.r 11.,., ,,, fhlMfrßuf Lj'-iaW,). lata ..I llaftu..,. 1 a 4raaaa>.| 1 Tlm —emmtml bnM kuwnfCkrW lulu, a'luilnl.ttat.'t. <,f A. . t ( J I,!, 1. KM A.,, l.t. of April,* P.ao.hlp ,i~aa^| U. Tl| anrnal of I,I4 M.arrr. trti.iaa to a. II f. l -alala of Jolib I. Ko<k.j, lata of rpni,* wbaKlp, Tl.a fiiat ai4 t-arlj.l a,' mi . f ||.,,rj Mail. .lofUp-r i 4 A, . ' f lb. ,A.i ailj ar.4 t'alaa,.fil .f Mark lata of II . toababip of I' Tb a-' - i.t.! ..f Mali I. Ma' I rltj. fiHalni *4 A' , of laaUlla p.tlaf, lal. .1 Iba I. r..o*h ol Iblla- I btr, .lor oaa.-1 IT n.. arr, nbl f, II Rof*. a4oilr.lat.at/rr of * .ft II 11.14. lal. .I \. .brim f.,t ..,1. 1.i.-aa.|. I" A 1 Cool I ..1 Jato.l Haiprt at.4 I, II K t. a.l- MaMUatoia of Ar .of th. 0.1.t. .111, ~„aa i.t on.il. l.t lal. ,4 llafbaa I. ao.blp do/.aMwl, I' I inli |ariial a tint of |'K.f HoSar. a.|m>'.- I.irat. t t.f. A' of lion .".A Moll, lata •! I'ottar toa n j ahlp. 4aaa.4. ; Tl.a fltat and flaal at fount f J M Klair ataa. oto. .I A .4 Milium Illair, lata of lioaaid l au ! alii p. 4ataaaa4 i .1 Tba ft rat and partial nwaatit of VI" W Cfur.*. -ar. atartllor of. A . f lb. laat a .11 at.4 toafatti.!.l f I Ja u npanglar, lata of p..tt.| t hatnp. di. aaa. 4 a- Til. a tint of Tb to.a ha . and John I. !>aW, . '* of. Ac , of f alia lui., Ui. Of 1.41.*. loan ' abip. 4.. .*..4 bupt.lrtnai.ial and final ar'onnt ,f baton. I VfiiiikM. Jt Mi.riain* rtoui.. ( A' nftha.auia •f Tli n,| n Mlllkau. lal. *1 Katlrlonta bnrourl. da- It J A MEM A M'CLAJN, R* t .tr PATENTS Warawllnub In art aft.ilrlton foi rnUdita. Crr*t., lra/5.- Maraa. ( pj-ntrtiu. i-tr.. f rl. .■ I r.;u<! sui. . f "*r,a/la. < ui*. tmriajid. Frinae, (H-rnut,t. etc. VI o ta-.oljtd tlilrt) -lit • jrara'ript rlmif, l*al/-t,U. |.'.alb/vl Uirrdipti ui am n iU/ual In U-|Sct. ra-nn'" AMißira* Tbla larim arol ttplpbdid lliua lra:<lwta.a'Tt|>-r.r.t.iO;,i.*r..' vrattarlmc-ia* f bri.-nm, U very lntnUnar. •"'<> baa an rnortnoiu ftmitall/4). Addmaa Ml NN A I i„ I'a'.-1 fa.tl/i --"fv rnt.'a. of KiaAniic AMI nit ax, ."TV l ark K, w, V"WT Y rt Hand fa. k ahout I•al.Trla liw. Eellcfonte Enterprises. H i/A the Xnc IVnr JitUefontr prom j ibra to develop into the memt prorj,erouJi of our inland toirn—enterprise after j enterprise is being etorted by the capital of our public spirited eiti:/ ns. The Car Works are running to their full eapaei ty, our Class II oris are opening with every show of success, the Steel Works will give, employment to 100 men, the Xail Worhs, for whose success General Hearer vouches, will shortly offer employ ment to hundreds of people—all these public enter],rises will put lielle fonte in the run of prosperous and wide-awake towns. Here, then, is room and place for lively, spirited and active young J men. Among the best and most success ! ful business enterprise* organize d recent jly is the LASOK AND WELL | FILLED EUJtXITCKE DOOMS of J OIIS PROVDFOOT& CO., op ■ fHisit the Bush House—nothing like it in the County. If visitors to liellefonte | will only take the trouble to call at . our Store, they well be surj,rised at the quality, style and prices of fret class Furniture. He ore aiming to buy all goods directly from the manufacturers without the intervention of agents, so as to offer goods at bottom figures. OXE profit is sufficient. HV propose to fill your homes with Parlor Suits, Bedroom Suits, Sofas, Odd Chairs, Tables, any thing and everything in Furniture at prices lower than you can get in this County. HV mean just what we say. HV also offer the public the services 0 f Mr. John Proudjoot who has a tho rough knowledge of the UNDER TA A" IXG business, and who will keep on hand, COFFIXS, TBI MM IN OS,Ac., together with a first class HEARSE Fair prices only will be charged. Give us a trial.. JOHN PRO ID FOOT * CO. 2- 3m. COURT PIIOCLA M ATIOX. J WIIKRKAb, til. H m (lutla. A. Maraa. r.nai. 1 daat nf Ihaiamn ..I <'oifto n Ptaaa <M Iba IMb J..do la) 1 IMatrtrt, maiatatln* nf tba mnntUa t>tt*. Xlatob M •* Taa..M. ai.d tba linn. J <| laitnat and ibn linn 1 It llankla. Aa rtata Jatg.l In t"antra raatlr, haatn* laanad Ikatr ptwvpt. laailn, data tba )Atk diufigS nf March. !•*. t na . tratl-d f..t boot.re a CVurt of I Or-v and Tarminar and (Unaral Jnil Haltaa.l ai>4 A Muartnr kaau.ua .4 tba Paara In Mai Mania, fur tb* J ntmntj at tVntm. and b> tinmnn on lb* Mb II.mM Say at April nant, bun* lb. mh daf at AprHeS and hi rantlnn* laaa a ark a Natter la k i mMf H ftT*n to tha .f ti.t, Juattnaotd tba Nana. Aldarwe* and OoMtaMaa of aatd eomtp of Cmtm. that th.v bo Iban nod tbtd* In tbotr pimp or pamono, at 10 o'clack la tha famm* of antd Jar. ahk I bait rrmrda. Infab Mdhm*. ataanlnatinoa, tad tbatr nan iwoambranrao, *n J" 'A<*a lkln*> nbtrb to Unit ora appanoina la bo daa>. and tb.*a who Mo bound in inan|irt nria In prooorata acalnat lb* prt*tm*ra that ar* or aball h* an <b* Jail of t antra roanti. b* than and that* In prnaa 1 Mia a*atn.t ib.m aa aball Winat Una nndar at band, at IMMah. tba W dar at March la lb* T*ar at aat Lord IMA, and tb* on* hundred and Main tear at tba M/paA-nw at tba rmtaA Mat**. TIIOMAA J. PC It K HI.. fbiltt.