Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, April 13, 1882, Image 7

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What tho IJIrl. (Should l.rarn.
By all moans let the girls learn how
to cook. What right has a girl to
marry and go into a house of her own
nnless she knows how to superintend
evory branch of lions okoeping, and sho
aanuot properly snporintend unless she
has somo practical knowledge of her
self. Most men marry without thinking
whether the woman of his choice is
capable of cooking him a meal, and it
is a pity he is so shortsighted, as bis
health, bis cheerfulness, and indeed his
success in life depend In a very great
degree npon tho kind of food bo eats'-
in fact tho whole housohold is influenced
by their diet. Feed them on fried
cakes, fried meats, hot bread and other
indigestible viands, day after day, und
they will need medicine to make them
well. A man will take alcohol to conn
teraot tho evil effects of such food, and
the wife and children must be physicked.
Let all the girls have a share in the
housekeeping at home before thoy
marry; let each superintend somo de
partment by turns. It need not occupy
half the time to see that the house has
been properly Rwept, dusted and put
in order, or to prepare paddings and
mako dishes, that many young ladies
spend in reading novels that enervate
both mind and body and unfit them for
every-day life. Women do not as a
general rule get pale faces by doing
house-work. Their sedentary habits,
in overheated rooms, combined with ill
chosen food, are to blame for bad
health. Oar mothers used to pride
themselves on their housekeeping and
fine needle work. Why ahonld not we ?
—fi'iUimnrc ,Sim.
The use of watered silk for parasols
is a uow featnre. White Watered silk,
with a shirred ruffle edged with Spanish
lace, a bonqnet of roses at the top hold
by a bow of laco, and a whit©-wood or
other fancy handlo, forms the dressy
parasol for drives in the park, and for
midsummer at Saratoga, Newport, etc.
There are also many red moire parasols
with black Spanish laco frills, and oth
ers of ecrn, pale bine, or old gold moire
are ohosen with reference to certain
toilets. The black watered silk par
asol with or without the bouquet of
flowers is offered to use with various
costumes, and will rival thoso of black
satin used last year. Alternate frills
of white or black satin (pinked on the
edges) and Spanish lace cover other
handsome parasols. Cueokod black
whit© silks, also checked silks that are
watered, and striped satin with the
stripes running around, are also used
with the shirred frill. Among
other white parasols, those with a
frill of chine silk that looks like hand
painting are very handsome. Black
Spanish net is also laid over satin
parasols—black, red or ecru—in the
way it is used for dress waists and man
tles. The polka-dotted laco is liked for
this purpose. The only novelty in
shape is the Bonlevard parasol, which
is really as flat and straight as the
Japanese shape. Shrimp pink is a fa
vorite color for lining black, white,
ecru or pale blue parasols. New sun
umbrellas are of double-faced silk,
with the outside changeable and the
inside of a solid color ; for instance, a
brown and red or green and red change
able twilled silk will havo a dark red
ou the inside. A bow of the change
able side is tied on the handle. Bronso
and hammered silver knobs are on the
handles of umbrellas, while the para
sols have a largo ring, or triangle, or
hook made of the pretty whitewood of
the stick. Thero is also a great deal of
fine carving on handles of fine wood,
and others are inlaid. Borne ebonised
■ticks are seen in black and dark-col
ored parasols, but tho preference is for
natural sticks of light woods, such as
bamboo, tonquin, palm, cypreas, waug
hee or orange, with thoso of vegetable
ivory and oork mounted with silver.—
Harper** Bazar.
l-'a*hi*n Sun.
Both small and large plaids are worn.
Bicilienne is the stylish material for
Cows and cats sro printed on Eng
lish fabrics.
The medium length dolman is the
leading wrap.
Paniers are fashionable, but not uni
versally worn.
Embroidery of all kinds is the feature
of the season.
Tho new draped bodices are jailed
panier basques.
The Lorraine is the largest of the
largo hats worn.
Fan bows of two wide plaited ends
ornament tonrnures.
Ecm batiste neckerohiefs have polka
dots and scalloped edges.
Bed bronxe is new for buttons and
bnckles on chameleon staffs.
" Dried roso leaf" is the namo of a
tint that is to replace tea-rose color.
Embroideries snd applique work in
Moresque designs are very fashionable.
A novelty in wall hangings ate gen
uine velvets, which can be hung like
wall paper.
Kmbroidered apron overdrosses,
highly draped, aro in groat vogue with
tho n-sthotieally inolinod.
Among otliar serviceable novelties aro
tho white and bnfl Ganton pongees,
plain or with printed designs.
Tho deep pointed Cavalier, orOharloß
1., collara aro revived ax the newest
ahapoa for ladies' laco neckwoar.
Some of tho English walking jackets
aro of plain cloth, others of cheviot,
Melton and Gilbert mixtnros, and
others again have metallic mixtures in
light woolon cloths of various light and
a-sthotio colors.
The Tromblon is tho latest fancy hat
of Paris. It has u broad brim hollowed
out in tho back, is very becoming to
most faces, and is worn by young, old
and middle aged women, girla in their
teens and little ones under twelvo.
Satines and fine French cambrics aro
more in demand at tho moment than
light summer goods of any other de
scription, and bright, aud soft tinted
colors, harmoniously combined, form
tho marked feature of most of these
Scotch zephyr ginghams have smaller
plaids and cooler colors and shudes
than lost year. The plain solid col
ored pink, blue, buff and muuvo
zephyrs come in the finest and most
delicate shades, and are almost invaria
bly embroidered on tho selvages.
Tho latest caprice in Paris is the
wearing of huge collars and cuffs
crocheted of twine or linon thread.
They are worn over dark woolen
dresses, with a narrow white laco cr
liese rucho abovo tho collar around tho
neck and below tho cuffs around tho
Those long black dolmans of bro
caded satin and satin Hurah aro so
elaborately trimmed with laco and pas
sementerie and aro shnped so much like
a long polonaise, that they can bo worn
over a moderately trimmed silk, velvet
or velveteen skirt, to form a dressy
Medici lace mnch resembling fine
torchon will bo mnch used for trimming
children's snits, collars atd aprons
this year. It has also proved a very
durable trimming laco for undercloth
ing. It comes in graceful but compact
designs, and can bo more successfully
lannderod than any other of the linen
laces now in nso.
hnnflower dresses have a huge sun
flower embroidered in distinct parts of
tho fabric, with wido spaces between
the flowers or groups. Mado op by an
artiotic- not fashionable—dressmaker,
who knows how to manage the design
withont giving the flower or groups too
gToat prominence, the effect of such
dresses is good. Other largo flowers
are likewise utilized by embroidery for
dross purposes.
Jacknon and Benton.
Charles CSibson, of Bt Louis, says
President Lincoln need to tell n story
of Andrew Jackson and Thomas II
Benton. Benton and Jackson had long
been at fend, and had not met for many
years nntil Jackson was President and
Benton Senator from Missouri. "It
was in this room," said President
Lincoln, nt the White House, "that
their first meeting took place. Jackson
was seated at this rcry table, when tho
door yonder swnng open and Benton
stalked in and stood silently in the
middle of the floor. Jackson looked np
and recognised him at once, and re
collected at the same time that he bad
no weapon to defend himself. Finally
silent he got np, walkod to the door,
locked it and put the key in his pocket,
and went back to his seat. Then he
said, 'Does this mean war or peace?'
•It means peace,' said Benton. Jackson
again rose, walked to the door, unlocked
it, came back to his seat, and then said,
'Colons' Benton, I am pleaaed to see
you. Take a chair.' All this time
Benton wan standing ntatnesqnely in the
room, neTer moving a mnsclo while
Jackson was locking and nnloeking tho
door, and the reconciliation between
the two gentlemen was complete."
An InAufT-rable Itoro.
Brown in, to speak it politoly, an in
sufferable bore A* aoon aa he stepped
into Fogg's offioe the other day F gg
took his heels off his desk, grabted np
his pen and began scratching'awsy for
doar life. "Good morning, Charlie,"
aid Brown. •' Morning," replied Fogg,
withont looking np. " Bnsy this
morning ?' asked the intruder. Fogg
granted ont " No," and kept at work.
" NoT exclaimed Brown in' astonish
ment " Ton seem to be fall of busi
ness." Another negatim grant. " Too
sorely are not ont of work T" " Tea,"
said Fogg. "What! Ont of work I
Then yon hare something in view F'
Fogg dropped bis pen, gazed long and
earnestly at Brown, and then calmly
replied, " Nothing worth mentioning."
It might hare been a mistake on Brown's
part, bat he declares that that sooan
drelly Fogg meant to insnlt him. He
swears ha will nerer dst foot in Fogg's
office again. And yet Fogg is not nn
happy—Bottom IVatucript.
Bilk culture in Louisiana has of late
teooms a thriringindostry,
One WT OR Casting Oat DSTIIS.
A yonng minister in making a call on
a friend who lived novetal miles out of
towu took passage in the mail wagon,
which already had two passengers.
They were soldiers, and, being intoxi-
quarreling fearfully. Their
terrible oaths jarred npon sensitive
ears and shocked tho heart long re
fined by heavenly meditations. So
violent was their language that the
minister fearod they would inflict bod
ily injury upon each other, and with
tho sudden inspiration of genius he
said: " Gcntlemon, don't bo cursing
each other. If you must curse some
body, curse the man who Hhot tho I'roa
At once all tie fury which they had
been aiming at each other was concen
trated npon Gnitean. With each hurst
Of indignant speech new force was
gained for tho next unset, snd they
poured out the vials of their wrath
most mercilessly.
Young Cb ricus had accomplished his
object in qnelling a personal quarrel,
but bo wanted to calm tho men. Their
auger was terrible. " That will do,"
said ho. " You couldn't make it any
stronger if yon should try a month.
Don't you wont me to sing to you ?"
They wore ready to turn with interest
to this new suggestion. " Well, let me
sit between you and I'll aing yon a
song." Tbey readily made room for
him, and bo sang one song after another
till their anger bad passed by, and they
were delighted with him and happy
with each other.
By tho timo th< y reached their desti
nation the quarrelsomo soldiers who
Becmed, on starting, to l>e possessed of
devils, were thoroughly sobered.—
Christian at Work.
Krllgloaa Urmnmnt l Notra.
Minnesota has 7,419 Presbyterians.
A union of tho Methodist church
sects in Canada is proposed.
Tho Methodist church at Elyria, 0.,
WAS recently destroyed by fire.
Last year 18,000,0(8) pages of the
New Testament and portions were sold
for 816,000 in Japan.
A second Congregational chnrch has
just been organized among tho Chero
keos by Rev. J. \V. Brroggs.
Something new bas at last been hit
upon by tbe Christian church at New
Liston Ohio. The ladies gavo a "Ruck
wheat Hupper" in aid of the mission
fund, and it proved a great success.
The general assembly of tho Presby
terian cnnrch in tho United States will
meet at Atlanta, Ga., in the First Pres
byterian church, on May 18. Tho open
ing sermon will be by tho moderator of
the last assembly.
Ilor. J. W. Sanborn and Itov. Joseph
Turkey ("Spliced Arrow") aro busy
completing a translation -of a hymn
book and tbe Rook of Psalms into the
Seneca langnago for tho use of tho Cat
taraugus Indians.
The Pope has Ieon invited to remove
the papal chair to QucWe, ar.d it is ru
mored tbat he would not be averse to
establishing himself in some part of
America. His proforence, however, ia
said to be for the United States.
Tho tower and spire ol St. John's
charch, Hagcntown, MiL, erected by
Mr. C. C. Baldwin, of that city, in
memory of bis wife, have bee,n com
pleted at a cost of $20,000. In the bel
fry are four bells weighing respectively
2,000, 1,000, 650 and 250 pounds.
In nine months cf 1881 the mission
• ries of tbo American Sunday -school
anion organized 1,697 new Sunday
schools, containing 7,190 teacher* and
56,970 scholars. In tho Northwestern
department alone 499 new schools were
organised with 2,013 teachers and 17,-
429 fcholars.
Talking from the Mountains.
In a work just issued from the press
—" Tho Pa*t and Present in the East"
tho author describes a recent visit to
tho once famous [mountaias, Ebal and
Qeriaim, on which ho spent a day. He
states that ho and a follow travoler as
cended the latter and they afterward
proceed to test the aoonstic property of
the valley between. To do this his fel
low traveler rode down Oerisim, across
the valley and began to ascend Ebal,
his " hone looking the site of an ant."
After ascending a considerable distance
until he appeared bnt a faint dot on the
hills!ie, he stopped. It hal been ar
ranged that the two should signal to
each other when ready to apeak, bnt
that was now seen to be hopeless, so,
waiting nntil the dot appeared to have
eeased to move, the author, the Rev. H.
Jones, commenced to read aloud from a
book, " feeling that he might just n*
well have thonght of addressing the
house of common? frogl Lambeth
pel see." After a while he paused to
beer tho reenlt. Clni.it was his surprise
when from the little dot on the hillside
he hoard the words of the twenty
third pselta, and this in spite of the
conversation carried on by some
Turkish soldiers near. On the two
meeting they found that eaoh had
heard the other with perfect distinct-
Want of rare does us moro damage
than want of knowledge.
If tho memory of an injury ia cher
inhed it is not forgiven.
One trouble sometimes makes us for
get a thousand mercies.
It is u barren kind of criticism which
tells you what u thing is not.
A cheerful face is nearly as good for
an invalid as healthy weather.
Uncollect that trifles makoperfection,
and that perfection is no trifle.
Cbapin once raid beautifully: "The
fatal fact about the hypocrite is that ho
is a hypocrite."
Men aro vainer of those qualities
which they fondly believo they have
than of those they really have.
A new thought may be false; if it is
it will pass away. When tho new truth
has come to life it bursts the old husks.
If wo keep well and cheerful and
the mind constantly active wo never
grow old. Uy and by wo get to the
end of tho journey but wo never grow
Kind words are bright flowers cf
earthly existence; use them, and os-
I>ecially around tho fireside circle.
They are tho jowols beyond price, and
powerful to heal tho wounded heart and
make tho wcighed-down spirit glad.
lion to Cure a Cold.
Nothing is moro necessary than to re
storo the activity to tho skin. Taking
cold closes tho pores of tho skin, and
tho thiity or forty ounces of effete mat
ter which wonUl otherwise pass off from
the pores every twenty-four honrs are
retained in tho circulation, and are
often thrown upon tho mncous mem
brane, causing irritations if not inflam
mations. In this condition nothing
give* moro speedy relief than a Russian
vapor or Turkish ba'h. Tho old-fash
ioned method of drinking herb teas and
piling on blankets is much bettor thau
neglect; bettor still is an alcohol bath.
For this purpose scat tbe patient in a
cane seated chait; wrap blanket] about
him and pin them closely about the
neck; allow the blankets to Ml to the
floor so as to exciudo all air; then place
in a little rancor a httlo alcohol and
light it; when lighted raise tho blankets
and push the saucer tinder tho chair.
Repeatedly renew the alcohol till the
patient is brought to profnso perspira
tion. Then, without removing the
blankets, he should wipe himself dry
and creeping from tho chair to the bed
pass as carefully and quickly as possi
ble beneath tho bed clothing while
shedding the blankets used for the bath.
A good night's rest with a warm cover
ing and a sponge bath in tho morning
in a warm room, using cool but not cold
water, will give tho patient relief. Ex
posure to the cold air should, however,
bo avoided for twenty-four hours to
givo time for the recuperative powers
o do their work and prepare the skin
to take care of itself.— lh. Footr't
Health Monthly,
Children's Fet.
What a rant amount of human an ton
ing might bo prevented did parents
properly care for the foot of their chil
dren. Wo do not now refer to the mat
tor of cleanliness, too often disregard
od, but to those points which atoct the
doTolopmont of the foot, and directly
concern the future comfort of tho indi
vidual. Fortunately, tho day* in which
tho foot was squeezed into tho smallest
possible shoe or boot hare gone by.
But life long trouble may result from
wearing shoos that are too largo. When
a shoo fits badly, and there is with
every step a constant concussion cr rub
bing, tho skin thickens at that point.
At first this trouble may belong
only to tho surface akin or cuti
cle, but after a time tho true akin
is affected, and in some cases even tho
muscles may become involved and
painfnlly diseased. These troubles,
when small, are called corns; when
larger and on the ball of the great toe,
•• bunions," and on tho heel, " ribea."
All have the name origin, an undue,
long-continued local pressure, and are
all the same nature, being an attompt
to resist this pressure by a thickening
and hardening of the akin, while the
parts below become exceedingly sensi
tive and painfnl. Corns of whatever
description may result from a pressure
of too tight a shoe, or the frequent
rubbing of one that is too loose.
Young people should always have well
fitting shoes, and if they wear woolen
stockings all the time they will be more
likely to escape corns than with ootton
Perfume* and Clone.
It la discovered that perfumes exert
a healthy influence on the atmosphere,
converting its oxygen into osone. Cher
ry, lanrel, clover, lavender, mint, jnni
per, fennel and bergamot develop the
largest quantity of osone. Flowers
withont perfume do not develop it, bat
the flowers of narcissus, mignonette,
heliotrope and lily of tho valley de
velop it in close vessels. Odorous
flowers, cultivated In marshy places,
would be valoable in purifying the
The London lAxncit, a prominent
English medical journal, states that
thero aro "no appearances of the eyes
worthy of a moment's serious notice in
tho diagnosis of insanity. 'The wild
ness,' 'restless
ness,' 'dullness,' 'vacancy/ etc., so fre
quently mentioned in certificates of
insanity, are utterly groundless as evi
dences of mental unsoundness." The
writer adds that "there is incomparably
more restlessness, vacuity and the like
in tbe eyes of the sane than in those of
tho insane."
It is generally known by the mar
riageable ladies of tbe conntry that
President Arthur is a widower, which
may account for tho statement by tbe
Washington Star tbat be receives more
dainty souvenirs than any unmarried
clergyman in tho land. His blue bed
room at the executive mansion shows
numberless handkerchief cases, glove
boles, pincushions, scent bags, clothes
brush holders, wall-pockets, and tho
like, mostly labeled " remembrance,"
"token of friendship" and " forget rue
not," or similar suggestive legends.
Austria was the first to adopt postal
cards; in October, 1809, 2,930,000 pass
ing through the mails in tbe first three
months. Germany adopted them in
1870, 45,468.being used in Berlin alone
on the first day, and over 2,000,000 in
the first two months. During the
Franco Prussian war over 10,000,000
postal cards passed between the German
soldi* rs and their homes. The whole
of Europe uses annually about 350,000,-
000. The consumption in Great Britain
amounts to nearly 119,000.000, and of
the United .Suites about 230,000,000.
In 1879 Germany consumed 122,747,000.
Seventy-three countries now use them.
Hoth Green, of Rochester, New York,
the great fisbrulturist, has made his
annual report, and it is a very gratifying
one. During the past ten years he has
distributed over 20,000,000 infantile
fishes in various lakes and rivers and
smaller streams in different parts of tbe
country. Tho demand for California
mountain trout appears to have been
tbe groatost. Mr. Green affirms that
these trout are destined to succeed tLe
Eistern brook trout, on aoconnt of tbe
inability of tbe Eastern trout to live in
waters exposed to the eun. lie also
says that California trout aro a more
I gamov llsh. The reports from waters
previously stocked are encouraging.
Emigration into the United States
for tho current year bids fair to exceed
in magnitude tho record of any pre
vious year, though tho arrivals in 1881
gave an aggregate of GC9.431. Tbe
largest number that cTer arrived in any
previous yeArs was 457.257 in 1880, 459,-
803 in 1873, and 427,833 in 1854. Prior
to the year 1820 no statistics of emigra
tion were officially kept, though it has
1ocd estimated that the whole number
of aliens coming to the United States
from 1789 to 1820 was about 250,000. In
the year 1829 but 8,385 arrived, though
tbe total nnmber since that date aggre
gate nearly 11.000,000. The arrirals
of Germans and Irish during that pe
riod show about the same figures—three
millions of each.
The V.ritith Medical Journal says the
revelations made from time to time by
medical officers of health describe so
much ignorance snd neglect, and such
fatal sources of disease, thst it is not
surprising tbat " miik epidemics" are
so numerous. Dr. Ooldie bas been
investigating the probability of a spread
of a certain epidemic which has just
been visiting Leeds throngh the medium
of the milk supply. He bas come to
the conclusion that the way in which
some of the milk supplies are stored in
dirty houses, where all tho usual opera
tions of s whole household arc being
carried out, with, in many cases, gallons
of milk standing in open vessels, is
simply a ready method of spreading
typhoid or other infectious diseases.
More pounds of oleomargarine than
of batter were exported during 1881
from the United States. Duringthe six
| fiscal years ending June 30, 1881, the
annual value of the oleomargarine ex
port rose from #70,483 a year to $381,-
566; and whereas in 1878 tbe quantity
exported was only 1,698,401 pounds, in
1881 it was 26,327,676. On tbe other
hand, the amonn# of batter exported
during the twelve months of 1881 was
21.331,358 pounds, while tbe year before
it had been more than 87,000.000; and
the valne of tbe export fell off $3,250,-
000. "This," says tbe Amsnorm Omlti
valor, "is s fraudulent imitation, damag
ing tbe foreign trade in American batter
by making consumers suspicions of tbe
latter. A few manufacturers of oleomar
garine aro getting rich at the expense of
millions of oar dairymen.''
Oi Mr. Longfellow's method when
profeem of modern lite ret ore el Har
vard, Dr. Edward E. Hale, one of hie
pnpiU, hea gireo this eoaoant: Aa
it happened, the regular recitation
ooma.of th eolieg* ware all to BS<\
and wo met him in a sort of parlor,
carpeted, fating with pic tore*,
otherwise handsomely furnished, which
was, I believe, called "the oorporatloa
room." We eat round a mahogany table
which wan reported to bo meant for tba
dinners of the trustee*, and the* whole
affair bad tbo aspect of' a , friendly
gathering in a private bonne, in which
the study of German was the amnse
mcnt of tho cc&sion. lie began with
familiar ballads, read them to u* and
mudo TIH read them to him. Of ronrao
wo noon committod them to memory
without meaning to, and I think thu
was probably part of bin theory. At tho
samo timo wo were learning the par*
digms by note. His regular duty was
tho oversight of five or more instrnct
ora who were teaching French, Ger
man, Italian, Spanish and Portuguese
to two or three hundred undergradu
ates. We never knew when he might
look in on a recitation and virtually
conduct it. We were delighted to have
him come. We all knew he was a poet,
and were proud to have him in the col
lege, but at the same time we respected
him as a man of affairs.
An India Itubber Man.
The New York doctors have been in
vestigating the peculiarity exhibited in
the person of neinrich llaag, who takes
handfuls of his skin and pulls it out as
though it were so much iudia robber.
Herr Haag is a lightly-built Germaa
with reddish-brown hair, sandy mus
tache and whiskers and blue eyes, and
weighs only 130 pounds. The moat
critical observer, seeing him in a stata
of repose, would fail to find anything
queer about him. lint all the medical
men gasped when, seizing the skin of
his throat, be hauled it up so far as to
completely mask his face up to the eye
brows. Then he drew down the skin
OTer each ere so as to lap over on ths
ehe< k, pulled the skin at the point'of
his nose down to his chin, clutched tbs
skin of his breast and hauled it out a
good seven inches from his body,
reached over his shoulders and dragged
up flips of skin that looked from tba
front as if he was pulling an india rub
ber blanket over his back, and seizing
the skin of his knee drew it out so far
that he twisted it up In a knot as on*
might a wet towel. Whenever the skin
was let go it glided back smoothly into
place without a wrinkle, lojked
like anybody else's skin.
The doctors examined him thourogbly
and with much internet, and pronounced
its case of "dermatolvaii" and said
Herr Ilaxg's cuticle was nowhere joined
to bis muscular tissue. On bis right
arm there is a scar, where the Vienna
doctors had taken off a piece of the skin
about four inches long and a half inch
wide. They fonnd that the akin had
no connection with the flesh of the arm.
Tho skin upon his ears, his hands, his
feet and his bead showed this same
elastic quality. In fact Herr Haag caa
wrap himself up in the mantle of his
elasticity, can pull tho cuticle out
above his knee-pans and wring it like a
cloth, and can slide around inside Iqim
self to a really alarming extent
A Minister's I'rr-lirameaU
Daniel Webster had an anecdote of
old Father s-arle, the minister of
his boyhood, which is too good to be
lost: It was customary then to wear
knee breeches in cold weather. One
Sunday morning in antnmn Father
Soar 1 brought his breeches down from
the garret, bnt the wasps had takes
possession daring the summer, and
were baring a nice time of it in them.
By dint of effort he got out the intruders
and prepared for meeting. Bat, while
reading the Scriptures to the congrega
tion, he felt s dagger from the enraged,
small-waisted fellows, and jumped
around the pulpit slapping his thighs.
But the more he slapped and danced,
the more they stung. Tho people
thought him crazy, but ho explained the
matter by: " Brethren, don't be
alarmed; the word of the Lord is in my
mouth, but the deYil is in my hreechea !'*
Webster always told this with great
glee to the ministers.
A Uiral of Senruit Kitn,
A man from Kentncky baa jut started
ont with an intention of making an
international ai of himtelf. Ilia name
ia William Walton, an<l ho ia from
Earlington, Kj. He baa earned a com
petency, and baa concluded to ricit the
capital city of OTory country in the
world, earn a day's wage* in it, and
nnfurl the Star* and Stripes. He will
do this, not from nccesnity, bat for the
satisfaction of reflecting when the
journey ia ended bow many different
countries he bat worked and earned
money in. His expenses, by good
management, be believes will not
exceed $1,500, and he expeeta to return
borne in two years at the farthest. Ha
has his paaaport and a copy of Ha
naturalisation papers. Ha apeaka no
language but his own. He will go from
Bk. Louis to San Pranciaoo, where be
will take abip for the Sandwiob Islands,
and from thence go to China. He ia
liable to distance Sergeant Bates.—
LomitrilU (hy.) Oammm-cUL
Nineteen States eleet foronoaa and
Qta'e tffioea this jeu.