Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, April 06, 1882, Image 2

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    Perfect Through Suffering.
l%ert> is no heart, however free an J li^hUoiuo,
But has its bitterness,
Ho oarthly hopes, Uow< Tor bright snJ blitho
But ring of omptinoss.
Ttw worhl is full of suffering anil sorrow,
Of anguish ami despair;
Its brightest promises aro of to-morrow,
Its mockories everywhere.
Our weary hearts wltli slow and sad pulsation
Boat to tho march of years;
Their days are giv. n to toil without cessation,
Their gloomy nights to tears.
But let ua in patience ami submission
The will of our great King—
Kemnmberlng this, all through our eartldy
miasioii -
Perfect through suffering.
Then cease, oh, foolish heart, cease thy repin
Tho Master's hand above
Is oniy purifying and refining -
Tho Alchemist is Love.
These fears and thrilLi of woe, tiioso great af
Are hut the chastening rod;
And tliey .hall provo tho heavenly benedic
Tho mercies of our Ood.
What scometh now a dark and dreary vision
Unto our tear-dimmed eyes.
Shall bust in glory into f - lies elyaian,
A blooming paradise.
Then cease. Oh, foolish heart, coase Ihy repin
Hope I lift thy droopingwing;
Tho pain is one of Clod's all-wise designing
Perfect through suffering.
"No hotel?"saul Mr. Perciva! Payno.
" Nothing in tho shnpo of one," an
swered his friend, Lncina Warden, with
the subdned triumph of ono who an
nounces a startling fact.
"I never heard of such a thing in my
life I" said Payno.
"Nor I neither," serenely remarked
" Bnt how do yon account for it f
demanded tho would-be tourist, smiting
his forehead in despair.
" I don't aeconnt for it all," said Mr.
Warden, surveying the uails which ho
had just been carefully trimming with
his penknife, "except that nobody
knows anything about the place as yet.
There s a factory— r, I believe,
or something of that sort—and a cigar
shop and a beer-shop and two thread
and-ncedle stores, and a postofllca
where tho mails come twice a week; and
there's tho Magalloway river, all car
peted over with water-lilies, and half a
dozen glorious little trout-streams run
ning into it, and the tinest bit of
scenery voa ever saw. But—there's no
" Bnt where's a fellow to stay?" help
lessly demanded Payne.
"Get an outfit and camp out, as I
did," said Warden, cheerfully. "A
blanket, a canvas tent, with pegs and
loops, a little smudge of bran or pine
needles, to keep tho mosquitoes off at
nigbt, and—"
*• But I don't enjoy camping out,"
vehemently remonstrated Payne. "It
is all very well for those that like it,
but I'm not one of that sort. I like
onr good walla, a feather pillow and
regular meals .served three times a
" Well, then, look here," said War
den. "Go to the Widow Buck's. She
takes boarders now and then."
" Who is tho Widow Buck?" asked
" That I don't know," replied his
" And where does she live?"
" There yon have me again."
" Man alivo I are you .crazy?" de
spairingly questioned Payne. " How
am I to find her?"
" Inquire," calmly responded Mr.
Warden, as he *hut np his knife and
replaced it in his vest pocket. "Go to
Mailzie Pord— ll A. M. train—stage
coach—through in ono day. Ask for!
the Widow Bnck'sl Bless my heart!
nothing in tha wide world conld 1m
easier. I always hoard that people got
good faro there and comfortable beds.
And Mailzie Pord is a perfect little'par
adise when yon once get there!"
" Well," said Payne, dejectedly, " it
seems a wild-goose chase, bnt I've a
mind to try it. A man can but come
back again."
It was rather early in the season f<u
the conventional operation known to
the American pnblio as " summering,''
but Perciral Payne, leing a Itaehelor of
independent fortune and cultivated
tastes, felt that he conld do as he
pleased. And it wss rather a luxury to
anticipate the first mad rush of travel,
when all the seats are engaged, the
cozy corners taken, and the most desir
able points of observation usurped.
Bo be packed his valise, did np hit
fishing-tackle, laid in a great store of
crayons and sketching-paper, and
started for the far northern wilderneas
of Mailzie Ford.
Of eonrae the train was late—trains
always are late—and it was 4 o'clock in
tho afternoon when Mr. Payne fonnd
himself perched up in an open box
wagon, alongside of two trunks, a pack
age of codQsh, mail-bag, and a pretty
girl, with eyea as soft as black pools of
water, and one of those odd, fringy
bats c f black straw, all covered with
loops and ribbon, that make poople look
so picturesque.
" Where do we moot tho stage?" said
Mr. Payne, as ho settled himself so as
to inconvenience his pretty neighbor as
littlo as possible,
Tho driver starod at him.
"This 'ero'a tho stage 1" said ho.
" Git up, sorrel I"
Mr. Pay no stared.
" But stages hate tops," said he.
"This 'oro stage don't," said the
It was rather a trying situation
stoop up-hill part of tho way and stoop
down hill the rest, with tho codfish and
tho mail-bag alternately tumbling into
Mr. Payno's lap, and tho protty Rirl
laughing in her sleeve at his embarrass
" I'm very rude, I know," said she,
"but if you'd just tio that codfish to
tho back of tho wagon with your tlsh
ing-line it wouldn't tronblo you so
" A good idoa I" said Payno, briskly.
"Thanks, vory much for suggesting
" I've traveled over this road beforo,"
said tho pretty girl, iaughiug.
"Are yon going to Maih'.io Ford?"
said Mr. l'ayne, with a sudden gleam
of animation.
"No," said tho protty girl. "To
Cat ley's Dam."
" Perhaps you know something about
Mailalo Ford?" hazarded our hero.
" Oh, yes!" said tho nymph with the
dark eyes. " It's a lovely place! I
o.s>'d to live thero beforo I went into
the factory at Catlcy's."
"Do you know tho Widow Due* ?"
asked Payne, with interest.
" Very well," nodded tho prelty girl.
"I'm going there to look for board,'
said Mr. Payne.
"1 bopa you'll be suite.!," said the
And then they began to talk about
the tall, blue-crested mountains, which
were beginning to close in aronnd
Tho dewy-eyed damsel had read
Longfcllcw; she knew all about
Tboreau; she was even " np" in Itns
kin, and sho expressed herself with
grace and spirit, wLich set Mr. Payne
to wondering if all the Maine girls were
equally cultivated and beautiful.
And then tho codfish tumbled down
again and hail to bo tightonrd anew
and by that time they hail como to a
hou e in the midst of a lonely belt of
woo ls, whieh tho driver said was "C.it
lej's Dam," upon which tho pretty gtl
disappeared into tho purple twilight,
and Mr. Pa)uo and the codfi h went on,
sorrowful, much jolted on 1 alona
A glimpse cf tho beantiful MagallJ
way river by moonlight; tho cry of a
wild-bird in tho woods; tho noiso of
hidden caacidea; a blur of lighted win
dows, which tho driver said was tho
factory; down a blind lano, and ch<ek
ing tho tired horses at a one-storied
stone house behind a wall of cedar
trees, and then tho Jehu cried out;
"Now, then ! Here we be t Widow
Mr. Payno got stiffly out, and helped
to unload the various paraphernalia of
travel which belonged to him—all of
them by this time considerably flavored
with salt codfish.
"Perhaps yon had better wait," said
he, as the driver turned aronnd and
chirrnped to his horse.
"What for?' demanded the man.
"In ease Mrs. Bnek tlion 11 not lie
able to accommodate me, or—"
"Ob, it's all right!" said the driver,
"She'll take you in. Naomi would have
told you, else."
And away ho drove, leaving our hero
alone in the spectral moonlight, with a
pile of luggage at his feet, and a gannt
dog smelling at the skirts of hia coat.
"Who'# Naomi?" said Mr. Payne,
addressing tho moon. " And what wonld
she have told me ?"
Ho raised an old-fashion brass
knocker that hnng at the door and
rattled it briskly. The gannt dog,
aroused to a sense of his duty, left off
snnfling and l>egan to bark. Presently,
a tall, thin woman, with a red pocket
handkerchief tied on her head, with
a kerosene lamp in her hand, opened
the doer.
"Ob," said she, peering sharply at
him, "yon'ro tho young man from the
city are you?"
With tho initiative thus taken ont of
his hands, Mr. Payno could only,incline
his bead.
" All thorn traps yonrn ?" demanded
the Widow Buck, abruptly,
"Yes, madam," Mr. Payne admittod.
" Hnmph I" said,the widow. "Tears
to mn it's party tol'able cheeky of yon,
mister, to take it for granted you'd be
asked to atay t"
" I thought, madame—"
"I'm a-talking now," aaid tho widow,
sharply. "To begin right atraight at
the beginning, we don't know anything
about yon. Yon may be a bank bur
glar or a counterfeiter, for all we know!"
" My references, madame —"
"Yes.'fcl know," said the widow.
" And them very references ia most
lilkly forged. Bat I'm willin' to be
reasonable. How old be yon ?"
And Mr. Payne secretly wondering if
this was tho way they managed things
in Maine answered moekly:
•' Two-aud-thirty 1"
" Ever beon married before ?" sharply
questioned tho widow.
"Certainly not, madame ! lam u
single man 1" answered Mr. Fayne, with
a very justifiable spark of indignation
in his manner.
" Any business 7" went on bis cato
"None, madame.''
"Well, I liko tbat I" said the widow,
with a scornful sniff. "Like your im.
pud once to come hero nnd own to such
a disgrace an that I Expect to livo on
mo, hoy?"
" Madame 1" gasped poor Mr. I'ayno.
" How d'ye supposo you're over going
to keep my Naomi, even if I allowed
yon to marry her?" sharply went on
tho woman, "which I shan't do, and
don't yoti think itl She don't care for
yon, anyway! When she hoard you
was coming she mado up her mind to
stop off at G'atley's Dam, just to get rid
of the sight of you. There! Ho just
pick np your traps and go back ag'in
tho way you come ! You won't never
be a son-in-law of mine !"
But while Widow Buck was volubly
uttering these last glib sontcnces a
light began to dawn on Mr. Payne's
obscured brain.
" I think, Mrs. Buck," said he, "that
yon must bo laboring under a little
miaapprehension. Mr namo is Perciva!
Payne. lam from Boston. I was re
commended here, a* an eligible board
ing place, by Mr. Warden, of 15 Pep
permint place."
Mrs. Buck nearly dropped her lamp
in consternation.
" Well, I never!" said sho, instant
ly flinging the door wide open. "Please
to walk in, sir.'' I'll send tho boy otit
arter yonr trunks and things in half a
minute. I bog your pardon, I'm sure,
for mistaking you for I'eleg Driggs,
from Lowell, as was comin' here after
my dangber Naomi! Hhe works in the
Lowell mills, Naomi docs. To think
how ever I could hivo made such a
blunder! Do walk in, sir !"
And Mr. Payne was promptly intro
duced to a delightful littlo "interior"
of red carpet, round table spread for
tea, (<haded lamplight, and a fire of
logs, burning on an open hearth to
keep oat the damp of tho summer even
Aft r 10 o'clock, when the wearied
traveler was in bed, in a pretty litlte
room, where there was an eight day
clock in a cherry wood case, ar.d a
carpet ma le of woven rags, ho heard
tho o| I'Ding and shutting of doors bo
low, the cleor sound of a familiar voice
tho voice of his black-eynl travtlin,.
" Well, mother, did lie come?' she
"Foleg didn't come," said the Widow
Puck. " But a young'gentlcman from
tho city came. And don't you b'lieve,
Naomi, I took him for Peleg, and I
peppered away at him well !"
"Oh, mother, what will bo think:"
cried the softer young roice.
" I akod hi* pardon, of course,"
said tho old laly. " And he took it all
as a joke."
And when Pet or Driggs himself the
next day put in an appearance, he was
summarily dismissed. While Mr. Per
cival I'ayno and the fair Naomi were
sitting by a trout pool in tho cool
woods below; for Naomi knew ail abont
the haunts and nooks of, the neighbor
hood and handled a fishing polo most
Mr. Payne liked Mailzie Ford and
stayed there all summer. And as there
were several boarders in tho old stone
hou-'o Miss Naomi conclnded not to re
turn to factory life in tho Lowell mills
hnt to stay and help her mother with
tho housework; and when the) autumn
came she was engaged to Mr. Percival
"Tho sweetest wild-flower in all the
Northern woods," be wrote,'enthusiasti
cally, to his friend Warden.
Warden went up to Moilzie Ford. He
was introduced to Miss Naomi. He
agreed with hi* friend.
"Hhe'* a little jewel," said he.
" You're a lucky fellow, Payne. Bat I
didn't know when yon wrote mo that
yon were so well anited with tho accom
modations here—"
" That I was suiting myself for life!"
interrupted Payno. " Bnt yon aee tbat
such was the fact."
Do Tomato?* Can** Caurrr I
An old health reiormer write* front
lows, salting the above question. Wo
haro often answered it before, hnt will
notice it onoe more. The matter haa
tieen thoroughly investigated, and there
i no donbt aa to the truth with refer
ence to it. Tomatoes are aa innooent
of the charge laid upon them aa are
apples or potatoes. They are, by no
mean a, the best fruit, bnt are perfectly
wholesome when properly prepared for
food. There is mneh more reason for
thinking that the condiments generally
used in oonneotion with this frnit are a
cause of cancer than that the tomato
itself is objectionable on this ground.
The funded resemblance of tomatoes
to eanoers is wholly a ma'ter of the im
agination.— Good Health.
A <|arB'K Kmliti-nrr.
Mr. Ilonfrey's villa, which has been
placed at Queen Victoria's disposal
during lier stay at Mentonn, France, is
loftily situated at the extremity of the
East Day, at no great distance from the
Gorge of St. Louis, tlio present boun
dary of France and Italy. It is not
sufficiently largo to accoinmodato the
whole of the queen's retinue, and two
smaller villas close by havo also been
securod. Hurrounded by olive orchards,
and protected from tho northern
blasts by the lofty range of mountains
at tho rear, tho royal residenco enjoys
perfect privacy. Tho views from tho
terrace and flower gardens aro trans
oondently beautiful. On clear days the
snow covered mountains of Corscia,
some sixty miles distant, may be seen
without the aid of a telescope; while
tho Mediterranean, with its ever-chang
ing cerulean and malachite huas, af
fords an incomparable picture.
New Vork Widow.
Widows, says Clara Hell, writing
from Now York, are fashionablo just
now. A young widow, with any charms
at all, can have all tho suitors sbo wants.
Widows always have tho advantage of
experience over maidens, for they know
better how to flatter men, how
audacious it is safe to bo in
each particular case, and how to lead
them on without seeming to do
no. But there is something in the air
hereabouts favorable to widows. The
most successful of tho season's belles
in society aro widows scarcely out of
their weeds. Clara gives this advice to
broken hearted females anxious to make
their weeds as attractive as possible:
Mourning costumes wore never more
carefully or coquettishly made. A
woman dressed in a fnas of trimmings
cannot look as if in mourning, no
matter if the trimming* aro all
crape. There should be as few bows,
looping*, puffs and rufiles a* possible.
Tho crapo should bo laid on in heavy,
broad, plain fold*. Any plain black
cloth cloak, with black fur bands for
tiimmings, will answer for half mourn
ing. The widow's long, double era;**
Veil should be worn a year. After that
a shorter one may bo adopted or a
n piare brnssels net, bordered with
f ttntrli Mnnt e'f •.
Mrs. Lucy K. Hartford in the (ibfivr
Li* tho following comment on the
church manners of some of her sisters:
" Liko a good Christian I went to
church in tho City of Brotherly Love.
It was an elegant church, and the tone*,
rich and full, of the grand organ, filled
the air a* I mounted tho broa 1 steps*
'You'll have to wait till after tho first
prayer,' said the aexton, gruffly. • Will
you tell me where I can find Mr.
N ' pew V said my friend. He
told ns, an.l we were left to find it, bnt
instead of turning to tlio right, we
turned to the left, into by and forbid
den paths, as it proved. As we were en
joying tho opening services, thinking
onrselvcs in a friend's pow, a woman
came in and looked and looked. I
stepped ont, and sho stepped in, and
sat down at tho door of the pew.
Thereupon my friend came ont and we
left. In some prayer books of tbat
charch, 1 am told, is written, 'This
pew holds six persons. Htrangers are
regnested not to sit here.' In my
prayer-book is something about stran
gers being angila unawares; but j
suppose the pew-bolders of that church
stand np in the aisle in a.strange city."
Vnklan Ntlrt.
Pompadour styles are jovived.
Coachman's buff is very fashionable.
Tuscan straws are beginning to ap
Trains at the moment are rather
New passementeries resemble ap
Larger and larger grow both hats and
Dark straws will be more worn than
white ones.
Pear-shaped trains appear on many of
the new drfsses.
Scantily gathered frills trim some of
the new dresses.
A comb of roses is employed to fasten
up low coiffures.
Natural flower* are fastened on pea
cock feather fans.
Raw silk in artistic colors is offered
for spring dresses.
Wool goods are combine.l with the
new cotton satines.
Many of the French drosses are volu
minous af tho back.
Turqnobs blue beaded lace bonnets
are worn by blondes.
Tbe jersey jacket supersedes the
English walking ooat.
Transparent slrovei of laoe or of
beads remain in favor.
A fashionable stone for engagement
rings is the sapphire.
Small buttons are stylish and new
buttons are boll-shaped.
Prisons are some of them < Disposed
of raw silk in artistic oolors.
Ladies with ml hair wear becom
ingly block tatin and jet toilets.
A fan and parasol come to match
now cotton satines in dress patterns,
India muslins embroidered in col
orod ailk are ont for evening dreaaea.
Uino stockings clocked with gold
are cobnted with noveltica in hosiery.
To match cloth dresses are mado
cloth ahoea, with patent-leather foxing.
Among Parisian noveltica are num
bered ganta do Huedo with plush and
ailk tops.
Woolen stuffs, with raw ailk flgurea
in quaint derigns, are ahown for enrn
mcr cobturnca.
Thu fashion remains of wearing a
tight-fitting coatslecvo with a long
glove reaching nearly to the elbow.
Fashionable material for small boys'
school suits aro corduroys, Hcotch
tweeds, eassimeres and English suitings'
and homespuns.
National IMit-of the World.
The United States census report cn
public indebtedness, prepared under
the direction of Robert I'. I'ortcr, will
make a quarto volume of 667 pages. It
forms a history of tho national loans
and of the debts of the several States.
The report contain* detailed statistics
of the funded amj unfunded indebted
ness of tho United Htate*, of each
Htate, counties, cities, towns, townships
and school districts. In the introdue
tton Mr. I'ortcr gives an interesting ac
count of tho national debts of tho
world. According to the best authori
ties the national debts of the principal
countries of tho world havo iccrea' e l
since IK4B as follows:
Year*. | Artualm.
debt. cr<a"\
IMS I 27,027,092,215!
I-O' 'in MI.CHS |'i,77! M'.i 47.1
WO I 17,117.040,49* f. 718,294 74 1
1900 ! 23,286,414,753 6,161,774 IXB
Sir. Porter presents a table showing
tho indebtedness of different countries
at different periods, and the per cent,
of increase or decrease. From this
table is taken the following:
Countries. • 187IHHO.
France I 82,777,522,000 23,829,982,299
(treat bntsin.. S,hh 1,467,t5rt :i,7Wi"l; •!
Iluaa I 1,070,610,000 lis,; too
Sjmn 1 SW,#S2.S<K) 1 579.245 -i
Italy 1.900,000.000 2,810,813
t'liii/d Stale* i 2.480,072.43* 2.|9i. 116 771
tijotro-llungarr l.'-M," b'.O" 1. -) 11'.. '-i
TtllVjr 603,448.000 1,170,480,500
Porta,-*] ! 2"il '•'•fi.Wm 1 457,46t,0ud
Australia. 180,WJ.a< 44i.H7i.v<0
H-iUad 909,884,080 (SO .
I'ai.wla ... -.1 ,'.7: i" Vii 176.1 -l ■..
KoumsnU j BY,000,00" 11 ".742,0 rt
Sw<vlm-Xorir* 29,199,00 ■ 07.33(i,0u.1
(Jiwtw* j 00,000,000 01.361,415
(lenaan bmpirrl 7iu. 'il'2,ouoj 49.317.691
PstMnark 03,984.6001 48,065,000
Tlie debt given for the German em
pire in IsHOdoes not include the debts
of any of the Htatos composing it, but
only the empire proper. The average
yearly increase of indebtedness since
IMi has been $489,886,079, and if that
ratio shall continue, the aggregate at
the end of thi* century will be 532,583,-
781,251. Mr. Porter's history of the
Htate debt* i* very full, and it* accu
racy ha* been officially proved by the
proper anthoritie* of the respective
HUte*. Mr. Porter nm* np the Htate
and local indebtedness of the ,United
States a* follows :
<irr*t lh4*t. \rt I*4*l.
Hlalodebt proper. 1CW.179.711i 4714.436,261
County debt 128.471.556 133.177.6*6
Township d< tit... 71.900,64.'* 11.601,244
School dial. debt.; 17,507,411 17.507,411
Debl of citic* Ml,
worn* of 7,50 d
inhabitant* and!
over. j 710,535,924j 693,344,418
IlcW of renmci-]
ptlitie* less
limn 7,500 pip- 1
ulation ; 56,376,857 55,817,136
Total 41.1 1,981,115 41.056.5h4 146
Tlio total outstanding bonded in
debtedness is 81,117,821,071, and it was
incurred for the following purposes:
Bridge*, 821,853,388; fire deportment,
$2,514,082, improvement of harbor*,
rivers, canals, wharves snd water
power, 933.221,548; railroad and other
aid, 8185.688,948; schools and libraries,
826,509,457; streets, 886,674,860; war
expensed,B7s,ls4-400; cemeteries, $283,-
816; funding floating debt, $153,949,-
095; psrks and pnblio places, $40,612,-
536; public buildings, $48,493,952; re
funding old debts, $188,743,730; sewers,
$21,370,536; miscellaneous, 8130,374,-
758; water works, 8116,423,565.
The lowest rate of interest is in North
Carolina, which State pays or promises
to psy two per cent on $6,578,000 of
its debt Almost one-half of the ag
gregate debt, or $516,832,826, pays six
per cent intorest while on $23,370,-
864, ten per cent interest is paid. Ne
vada pays fifteen per cent interest on
$19,000 of indebtedness and twelve
per cent, on $29,000. Minnesota paye
twelve per cent, on $26,190. These are
the highest rates paid in any of the
A Mammoth idly.
A water lily, four feet two inches in
circnuference and weighing three end
one-half pounds, was recently foand in
Lake Nana, Pern. The leaf was twenty
five feet In circumference and weighed
some fourteen pounds, while the outer
petals of the flower were nine inches
Tb< re are at present sevcntyaeTen
elephants in tbo United State*.
During the time of tbo Norman con
quest the game of dioe wan very com
Babbits arid guinea-pig* are ward to
be seldom affected bj poisons which
are fatal to other animals.
Bomeyear*ago a Missouri farmer in
plowing found a rattlesnake which bad
two perfect 1 j formed bead*.
The vanilla, us a living plant, was ;
imported into England toward the en d
of the eighteenth century.
In the Himalayas is found a plant
resembling the cobra with its head
erect, called the cobra plant.
In the twelfth century slaves in Eu
rope were rare; in the fourteenth
slavery was almost unknown.
I The waste heat of the lime-kiln is
made to generate steam and warm im-
I mensc public buildings in Europe.
A scientist says it does not kill sn
I oysb-r instantly to open itsshell. Maybe
S n °L hut it surprises it considerably.
Jerusalem existed 700 years before
Homo was founded, 300 before tbo
j siege of Troy, and -VX) years before the
hanging gardens of Babylon were
; built.
The manufacture of wooden shoos is
an important industry at Green Bay,
i Wis. A local paper say they are made
jof green basswood, then smoked an 1
! dried like hams.
On the patent roll of Henry IV. is a
l record which allows Matthew Flint,
tootbo drawer of London, sixpence a
j day for life upon condition of his draw
■ ing the teeth of the poor gratuitously.
Christian namo* are so called by hav
ing been given to converts in baptism
as substitutes for their former pagan
appellations, many of which were bor
rowed from the names of their gods,
and were therefore rejected as pro
, fane.
A tier man I'rofi s-or.
A correspondent of Sutni iy AJUntoon
pivt an amuring tkefcb of the style of
lee-taring which Professor Ha'anis, one
of tbo great church historians of Ger
many, has made his own :
He ambles tip to his desk, and turna
upon us a plnuip face, naturally red,
hut flushed by climbing two flights of
stairs to an over ripe strawberry color ;
plant* him- If acaiu't the blackboard
with bands fold" 1 under his coat-tail*,
and shuts his eyes—or they shut them
selves ; it is diflicnlt f r him to keep
them open, lie talks fast and vehe
mently, swings bsek and forth, carc
lesdy c twing the chalk-marks from the
blackboard uith his broadcloth, and
optns his mouth widely to tho embar
rassment of his only tooth. He looks
altogether, with his red, chubby face,
like a dissipated cherub. It is a
favorite amusement with the Amer
ican student* t-o see the profes
sor search for his pocket Testa
ment. He wants to make a reference
to the original. His eyes are shut as
usual. Suddenly, without any previous
intimation of what he is about to do, he
strikes hi* finger nervously against tho
left breast of his coat, to sound the
pocket — no bock. Then the right
pocket more excitedly—no book. Then
bestrikeabotb hands alternately against
his coat tails—without snceess. In
nervous desperation ho thumps his
trousers—in vain, ne pauses s moment
to reflect, then institutes another search
in the reverse order, and more careful
ly—trousers coat tail, breast pockets;—
all the time we can see his book lying
beside his manuscript on the desk. A)
tuongh he looks troubled and annoytd,
be has not opened hia eyes yet. Sud
denly it occurs to him; and his ' uxions
features assume their natural ,ook of
cherubic serenity as his eyes rest for a
brief moment on the stray volume and
close again in peaceful meditation.
Jack and Kill.
Every Jack is aaid to hnre bin Jill;
hnt ho doca not always find hor; thus
bachelors who would make model hne
bands, and old maid* who wonld make
excellent wives, let gray haira and
even the grave overtake them in their
Mingle life. Not that they have failed
in courtship, a* ia invariably aaid of
them. Numerous are the chanoea they
have let alip through their fingers that
other* were glad to catoh even though
aware of the former choice of their
" accepted." But their ideaa of the
partners who could make their life as
happy as they denim, are too exacting;
they fail to detect all their own pe
culiarities and faults, and make too
little allowance for the weakness and
impelfeotion of human nature in those
they would cherish above all | other*.
They want to centre their life's bsppi
neM on the one of their choice; they
feel that a mistaken hope of connubial fe
licity would be eternal ruin, and failing
to find the oharacter answering to their
own esaotneaa, they fear to ohooae. and
thus are reduoed to avoid the matri
monial bonda. This scrupulous exact
ness ia choosing a wife or husband ia a
real misfortune to the sensitive oaee
poaaaaaed with it, as they are MU-OOO
demned to a Ufa ol oD *lixxwe. .