Sljc Centre i*m ftcmocral. SIIUGEKT & FOKSTER, Editors. VOL. 4. •Slit (Cnrlrc Jlrmocnd. Term. E1.50 per Advance. S. T. SHUGERT and R. H. FORSTER. Editor., Thursday Morning, March 30,1P82. Oontro County Deraocrntic Com mittee—lßß2. annum. *n;. r. . tnoati.. Ilrllffoot*, N. W..AV. F Krl*r B*'ll*f"Utiv •' 8. VV...Chiirlt* .... " W W-Jimr* frtioflrtld .. M ItoWU'l >1 ilsxslitUK 0 K Fjtoioflon Milfttmrf. A Walter* Milllivliti. l*liilip*t>ii Johu Q Mile* Julian. l.iWrtjr.. MH . M . W. 11. Marlon J J. Iloy W*Jkrr NUN tia.rga llainra.^-.Wdf' Flora. I'attou I>. L. Buffalo Run IVim II K. Dnrk Millhrjrn Fuller, N I' O. W. Fpanflar ...Taa#jrTilli. J P J Wttmar Wilf..,tVii|rr Hall lltiah William fallen....Fandy flwlg*. snow 8h William lUlnra.. flnnw A how. spring T M llnrnhart IVllffontr. Taylor. Vinton IW- klth Foahr, ftii Ofirfaifan lloovrr..Fl**ntln*. Milker Andrr* Kr#-am r. llnWrrabnrj. Worth W.O >1 rri-n... Port Matilda. K. 11. FOK>rKR, Chairman. 11. A. MrK*. F^rftary TIIE President having signed the anti-Polygamy bill, it is now a law and the responsibility of its execution as sumed by the executive. It is a largo contract, nearly as formidable as to subdue the Garfield half-breed division ; of the Republican party, under the j leadership of Mr. Rlaine. THE Secretarv of the Interior in re sponse to a resolution of the House, estimates the amount of money that it will require to pay pensions to the survivors of the Mexican and Indian Wars prior to 1846, at $65,380,480 fir the Mexican pensions, and $28,- 2)1, 632 for the Indian war. THE hill to restrict Chinese immi gration pwd the House of Represen tatives on Thursday last by a vote of 167 to 65. Having previously passed the Senate, it is now with the Presi dent to approve or disapprove. It is not likely that he will veto the hill in the face of the large majority by which it passed, without substantia! reasons. MAHONE has made a concession in favor of the Republicans of Virginia. He has allowed Congressman Dc*"it dorf to be placed on the Congression al Republican committee This is nnlv a slight recognition of a defunct party, it is true, but it shows that the Virgin ia boss possesses some magnanimity, after all. TIIE Democratic Htate Convention met last week and fixed the time nud place for the meeting of the Democrat ic State Convention at Harrisburg, on the 28, day of June next. The Chair man of the committee was authorized to insert a clause in the call for the convention, that rules for the future government of the party will lie con sidered. ' Mtsa PHEOBE COUSINS, it is repor ted has petitioned the President to be appointed one of the five Commission ers to re organize the Territory of Utah, under the late act of Congress. Ry all means, give Phcobc and the female suffragists a chance. She has great experience in organizing, having been engager! in the business many years. Arthur's gallantry certainly cannot resist this modest appeal. WE shall take great pleasure in laying before the readers of the CEN TRE DEMOCRAT next week the able speech of Gov. Curtin, delivered in Congress on the 23d instant on the bill to restrict Chinese immigration to this coootry. In the interests of the American laboring man, Mr. Curtin took a strong position in favor of the bill. This speech is one of great pow er and eloquence and will commend an extensive reading. His course upon this question undoubtedly meets the hearty approbation of a vast majority of his constituent*, who are proud to know that their views have been so well presented iu debate by their hon ored rcpreemtat ve. "EQUAL ANI> EXACT JI'HTICK TO ALL WEN, or WUATKVK* HTATE OK I'EHM AHION, KKLIOIOCH OK POLlTlCAL."—Jefferson Tho Rotten Boroughe. A bill ai presented in the Senate a few days ago for the admission of Washington territory a* a State. Ac cording to the last census of 1880, this territory contains 67,34!) whites, 4,187 Indians, 3,'227 Chinese, and 1,357 ne groes, in all 75,120 people, in an area of 69,994 square miles. This number of inhabitants is not equal to half that is required for a member of Congress in any of the States, but it is a Re publican territory, and if admitted as a State would give one member of the House and two Senators to the domi nant party. Hut the injustice and shameless fraud the admission of this "rotten borough" would be upon the other States, could not penetrate the narrow vision of a man like Senator Fry, who is the champion of the bill. To swell tho Republican majority, whether by purchase, as in the ease of Mahone, or by fraud or theft of the rights of every State in the Union, is all that such a fellow could take in, unless, perhaps, the personal plunder to come in the train of such an act. Dakota, too, or rather the specula tors of that territory, having repudia ted the bonds issued to secure the con struction of the Southern Dakota Rail road, seem to think they are now in position to merit the sympathy aud aid of the administration and a Republi can Congress, are also pressing for ad mission, with claims about equal to those of Washington territory. With Repudiator Mahone holding the bal ance scales in the Senate, they have probably chosen the auspicious mo ment to obtain consideration to a pro position so absurd as the admission of a S:ate with a population not equa! to a respectable county in Pennsylvania. Rut we trust these schemes will be frustrated by the vigilance of the mi nority, if the majority seriously at tempt to press them to a successful is sue. THE scandalous expenditure connect ed with the congressional excursion ists attending the funeral of President Garfield, cannot now be covered up by the committee in a lump report of the majority. It is too late for that. The items have been railed for. Some of them have already been published, and affords a disgraceful exhibition of the manner adopted by honorable members of Congress to perform escort duty to the remains of n dec* a* d fee aideut to his last resting place and at test the nation's retqiect for his memo ry. Decent members cannot fail to purge themselves of the scandal. The item of $1,700 for liquor, wine and lunch, at Wortuleys; the 1300 for "whiskey cock-tails," and the 1,200 gloves, and so on, all at the public cx (tense, need a explanation. At best, the report, whether whitewashed or not, may not lie interesting reading to the participating members when they come before the people for re-election. How THEY DO IT! We learn from the Washington I'nt, that the chief clerk of the War Department, asks leave of absence until the Ist of July and tenders hi* resignation to take ef fect on that day, for the purpose of embarking in business in the line of his profession. The Secretary grants the absence, with |>ay of course, and accepts the resignation in accordance with the request of tho chief clerk. This shows a very accommodating spirit on the pait of the Secretary, certainly, but we cannot exactly sec why Uncle Samuel should be obliged to furnish the cash capital for more than three months of that business. KTKRI.IXO P. ROUMW of Chicago has been assigned by the Preaiieut to the poailion of (jovermnent Printer to relieve the aocient Defrees of further responsibility in managing that exten* •ive department. Round* ia said to possess great influence in the printing business, and entirely competent, if ao diapoaed to leeaen the enormoua expen diturea accumulated yearly under his predecessor. BfiLLKFONTE, PA., THURSDAY, MARLIi 30, 1882. FIVE murderers were hung in Penn sylvania on Friday last. The two Rumbargers in Harrisburg ; Jminthun Moyer, in Snyder county ; Frank. Small, iu Pittsburg, and Julio A. Ree ling of Clearfield. KMPEOYEH of the different Navy Yards propose to test their right in the Court of Claims, to wages for work done outside of the eight hour legal day, amounting to over $1,000,000. Benj. F. Rutler i the attorney cho sen to represent the claimuuts. IT is said that Mormon Missionaries arc at work iu Westmoreland and Fayette counties in this state, and are obtaining ruany converts. Mostly among farmers of the better class. They do not it appears take much to the polygamy part of.Mormonism, but have abiding faith in the gospel and inspirations of Jos. Smith. SENATOR COXE of Luzerne who has been favorably named as the Demo cratic candidate for Governor, an nounces that he is not a candidate, nor would he accept a nomination. His public aud private duties arc already ample and lie has no desire to add to them by assuming greater responsibili ty. The Senator has heretofore given evidence of his honesty nud integrity, and it is safe to believe that he now means just what he says. STATESMEN EXCITED.— A decided sensation was created in the legisla ture of New Jersey veslerday, when about to pass a resolution to adjourn line die on Friday, by a memlter send ing up to the clerk's desk an affidavit charging that he had been offered a bribe of $1,018) to vote for ihe parage of a certain bill, over the Governor's veto. Of course the resolution to ad journ did not pass. An investiga tion was instituted which promises U> reveal the fact that the method* and tricks, which have rendered the legis lation of her border states infamous, are sufficiently commended to some of the statesmen of New Jersey to see a "go<>d thing" when it comes along. THE President has disapproved the finding of the court martial in the case of the colored cadet Whittaker, ou the ground of technical objection to some of the evidence admitted in the trial; but a* an ofTset to the disappro val, he has been dismissed from the We*t Point Academy for deficiency in studies. Whittaker is now said to be an applicant for appointment as a se c >nd lieutenant in the army from civil life, and it is proltahle he will not find it necessary to carve hi* ears a second lime to obtain it. Demagoguerv can pcrhap* do for him what he failed to get from an attempt to manufacture symjiathy by self-mutilation and per jury- Oviii. F. JOIISON, Esq. has left Har risburg to practice hi* profession in Philadelphia. In the prime of life; a lawyer of experience and high legal ability ; like his distinguished father, a rare and eloquent orator, Mr. John son's brilliant accomplishments w ill he a further creditnble acquisition to the Philadelphia Bar, so long nnd widely known for the many superior men it ha* held within its ranks. He goee into his new sphere (tearing with him our best wishes for his success, for we know of no one more worthy or deserv ing- THE contest over the appointment of Pn*(ma*tcr at Wilkesbarre, has ter minated in favor of Btanton, the Mem ber of Congress from that district, and against Gov. Hoyt aud Atlorney Gen eral Palmer, in the removal of Smith, the incumbent. The war ha* been a protracted one, and its results do not promise to be very harmonizing be tween these prominent Republicans and Boss Cameron, for whom they have "fought, bled and died'' oo many hard contested fields. The Bow is charged with treachery, aud there is "blood in the eyes" of Bmith'a friend* which nuty challenge bis most adroit management to remove. IT is announced very positively that Secretary Kirk wood of the Interior Department is to be displaced in a few days, to lie superceded by Senator Teller of Colorado. The Washington I'uri referring to the change nays: "We have yet to see anything like a satisfactory explanation for the im pending displacement of Mr. Kirk wood. What i it for? What neces sity requires it? What influence dic tates it? What senc or justice is there in it? Mr. Kirk wood ha* brought 1 new life, energy and ability to the | management of the Interior Depart- 1 . merit. His business capacities ore of j a singularly high order. lie is alio thoroughly in line with his party, of which he was one of the notable foun ders aud earliest leaders. Though al lied to no faction, lie is pic-emiuent !y a "Stalwart" in its broader political sense. He possc-sc* in peculiar degree the qualities of a sound statesman and safe adviser. What should induce the President to part company with by far the ablest man in his Cahiucl as it now stands? The public, which assume# the right of knowledge, as well as the privilege of opinion on this matter, would like to know. THE Greenback State Committee met at Harrisburg yesterday and ap pointed the 18th day of May as the time for holding the State Conven tion in that city. They adopted a resolution authorizing an invitation to Gen. Weaver, of lowa, their late ean- i delate for President, and cx-Congres-- man De La Matyr of Indiana, to l>e present on that occasion to address the convention. • A Dcmocrutic Gerrymander. The timeljr remark* of the Harris- \ burg /'rt wilt !e made to secur- lie adoption of the prop'eed ru>< for the betur organization of the Dc-rvxr tic party of J'ennn)lrani*. In the Wit liamsport i invention these rule*, at'tef having been carefully prepared by a special cotnuiirmon chosen lor thai pur poe, were presented by Mr. flense!, but were defeated in a factious i>irit. 'i m-re ■ is little doubt of Iheir adoption by the | convention in June, US they hate re reived the hearty approval of the party in all parts of the Suite. (hie of these tuiev, and t-y tin tfienns the m-*t iinprrtant, ptojxrsea to abolish senatorial rlelegstes and make future ! Democratic State conventions of I'enn .jrlrama consist of delegates equal in number to the reprscnUtion in the house. This will give the pa IT as com plete a representation in State conven lions aa it there wero liftv senatorial delegate#, while it will ho far more equitable. Fur yean tho Democrats of Pennsylvani t have been gerrymander ing ihetiiseivcs in State conventions. When the Republicans made the iniqui tous jjerrj tnsndcr of 'he Legislature in 1874 there w no good reason why the Democrats should har made it the hasia of their organisation in nominat ing conventions of the party. Ry this Republic to apportionment Ie bn in State conventions of the Democrats of Pennsylvania. The iniquitous fraud upon representation which was com milled by a Republican legislature in tii insolence of power is imported into conventions of the Democracy and fastened upon the party merely by force of a bad custom of admitting sen atorial delegates. It is not probable that the Republi can machine will have the power to re. peat this fraud in the next legislative apportionment of Pennsylvania. Hut that is no reason why the senatorial delegate system should be perpetuated. If the Republicans choose to retain this process let them do so, and cheat each other to their heart's content. Democrats should not maintain in their nominating convention, in which the party is entitled to an equal voice, so gross a fraud upon representation. Kven if the next senatorial apportion ment were made as fair as possible rep resentation by senatorial delegates in --tste conventions is cumbrous and un necessary. Were the senatorial and representative delegate to meet in dif ferent chambers, as the two bouses, there might be a possible pretext for maintaining this system of adding fifty senatorial delegates to nominating con ventions in which representation is complete without them. Rut as they do not meet in separate houses there is not one respectable argument why the senatorial delegttes should not !e a)ol i-hed, a* the new rules for the better organization of the Democratic party of tho Mate provide. Democrats Then and Now. The TrtLvnr lis* n-kei the question why the writers and eskers at the te* cot f-anqu'-nt of the lroqur-i* Ciub (o.nte l with | ride to the old heroe- of lire Democratic party, men who hve Iwen b ad forty yeata or more, at-d to ome-1 01-livious of the leaders of the | re-ent dsy. The writer* end speaker* at the Chi <- >go I atiquct went bck to Jefferson anil Jackson for the same resnn that wi iter* and speaker* on the Christ! td by the administration of I JetTm-on, Mad o>n, Monroe, and Jack • on. are -acted and immutable. They must endure, in more or less practical applications so long as the present Con- 'Motion survive* ; the abandonment of , one, mean* the abandonment of the , other end total loss of local self govern. j men! in these State*. They are very fresh, always needing iteration end re iteration, a* the very gospel of free in stitutions; and the man who talks about them s* matter* of a departed interest, merely advertise* his igno rance or hi* impudence. But there have been Ib-mocret* since Jefferson, end even since Jackson. A very great majority of the American jieople declared themselves Democrats by their vote# in 1876. and duly elected the candidate* of ihe Democratic party, only to see tbcinseives swindled out of their right to choo-e their own ruiers. Mr. Tilden w* a l>einocrt. He scat 1 tered the Ring, puniahed the thieves, redueed expenses and Ime*. and gave | us an honest Government. That was Jeffersonien Democracy, and j was found to be very timely indeed. Mr. Randall and a majority of the Forty fourth Congresa were Democrat*. They cut down expenditure* by the millions, drove out the lobby, crushed jobbery and for once relieved Congress of the scandal* which Republican corruption ! ists had brought u|>on iL That also wts Jeffersonian Democracy— the very es sence of It. It was warmly approved by Ihe people. It always bat been ap proved by the people sinoe Jeffer" son himself put it in practice ; and it always will be whenever their sober judgment ia invoked upon it. If the Democrat* are wise, they will, in 1884, teach the TWvw, Jay Gould, the ceo traliaer end the monopolist*, tins plain lesson in e way not to be forgotten.— A', y. dun. Hon. Richard T. Merrick haa been been appointed counsel to assist Col. George Bliss in tbe prosecution of tba Btar Route case*. TKItMN: p*r Annum. n Advum-r. KVRK aince the Pre ideoti"! campaign of IMKO say* ill* I'nion broiler the lead ing Democrat*of Near York have been quietly at work in an endeavor to ferret nut the true inwardness of the csuses thai )e Wiilow, Jo Davit county, 111, next week. We with hirn a long and pleasant life in bit now homo. Mr. Wm, Sharp, one of the best forgemen in the State, next week, move* to Petersburg, liuatingdon county, Pa , where bo hat secured a profitable and permanent situation. —The very beat production that can i>e j had from firtt class tiork and excellent ' workman-hip in boott and shoe*, at price* ro higher than common eastern iratb, ara i now ojarn and for tale by 8. A A. Loeb. —A great deal of interest hat been man ifested in the matter of the Republican auditor refuting to concur with the ma jority of the board in the ditpotition of the late Sheriff * account, and by request we publtth bit protest: While I join with the majority of tlo auditor* in signing the above rejatrt in the ; settlement of the Sbi-rift account, I pro ' tett agwintt lh charge of bearding prison ert at twenty five onu per day, ther< hr reducing the Sheriff* hi ft eight hundred dollar* and fifty cent*, where** the Com rmetioner* made a contract with the Sheriff at the cotnmencemnit of the year IHK| to i allow him fifty cenu per day in purtuance 1 of the provition* <>f the Act of Assembly of 1790 I believe the county i morally and legally hound to |>ay the contract pries. (Signed} C. P. Ill*x*. —We take the following from the I> - k i Haven KrprtM of Monday : t)n Saturday afternoon Chief Weal brook rec< ived a di-pateh from John Ky an, of Kenovo atking him to arrest Joseph 1 DavU and John Co*, of Itellefonte, abo bad come to tbi* place on the II :I0 train | with a watch that had been stolen from I him, that they were about IS year* of age, and were going to take (he alien,,- n I train for Br I lefoOla. Tbta waa a poor d— ; acription to find two young men at a train, i eaprn iallv when there are ao many rati*- men at the depot to take the tame rotlte; | but tbe officer waa equal to tbe emergen ; rv, and finaliv r|a>lted them on the back i platform. He approached them and told ! hi* errand, at which they were greatly aurftriaed, but arkowiedgct) they were the pa-tie*, but were innocent of the charge, w hereupon they were taken to jail to await Mr. Ryan's arrival. At the jail tbey were J aaked for their valuable*, when each le. gan emptying the contents of tbeir po, k -1 eta. Among tbe article* handed over were two watt he*, one of which the turnkey and ofßivr supposed to be the stolen property.. Shortly after their incarceration. Mr. Rv an came to town on a freight, and with 'ha officer went to gel bit propnrtp, but neith er of the walchea were hia; whereupon ha felt grieved to think that he had detained the young men from getting home on Sat urday and agreed to bear their expenses until Monday. He got their supper* and kept them In aegar* Saturday evening, and learned he could get them home on a freight, which waa done, yet he was minus a watch, and Hula expected to hear ao aoon of it* whereabout* ; but yesterday morning the turnkey of the jail in attending to hia duties, discovered4be lost treasure, which in some manner had been concealed by ona of the men, in the yard outside of the* win dnw. Mr. Ryan was hunted up, recog nixed the property and bads warrant issued for their arrest. Officer We*tbrwk left on the 6:So train this morning for Bellefnate, where both man were arrested, and fur nished good security for their appearance at the May term ol t'- url. After the hell had been furnished, Davi* who claimed to he innocent irom the beginning, made Cox own up to the theft alone, and that be was not implicated in the sffahnal all; and from the fact thai a B-llef, nta j went bis hail spaakt well for hi* heretofore good reputation. NO. 13/