GENERAL NEWS. Senator Edmund* baa l>een granted au indefinite leuvo of absence on account of illness in hi* family. A call ha* t>een i**ued for a National Prohibition convention to meet at Chi cago on the t!3il of August. A tire in the Webater Liw building, at Washington, l>. C., Sunday morning caused damage aggregating $5OOO. Commissioner Dudley say* it will take $1 (X), 000 000 to pay pension* to soldier* whose claims are to ho adjusted during next year. Petitions and applications of all sorts ' for Executive clemency in the oa*e of Sergeant Mason are pouring in upon the President from all quarters. A young couple were baptised togeth er at Troutdale, Tenn., and immediate ly afterward were married in their drip ping garments by the same clergyman. The entire incoming eastern night mail at the Madison, Wis., poatoflice, consisting of about two thousand letters, was burned up at an early hour last Friday morning. The Denver Iribune says that Mrs. R. B. Hayes' husband ha* just been re elected road overseer at Fremont, Ohio. At any rate, the other fellow wasn't counted in. Deacon Smith, of the Cincinnati Ga sette, remarks that "the Stalwart gang which made war on President (iarfield is now having its full satislacltou, if Ouiteau lelt any shortage." Mrs. Garfield, Mrs. Polk and Mrs. Tyler have been added to the pension rolls for $5,000 a year each. The first and the last named do not need the money, but Mrs. Polk does. There was no attempt to deceive the guests as to the ages of the bride and bridegroom of a wedding at Elgin. 111. The cards of invitation said: "Smith Jamison 84, to Sarah Seward 83." The striking spinners of Lynn, Mass., are very determined not to return un less at the old figures. No disturbance has occurred. About 350 hands are al ready out and it is thought others will join them. The report of a snow slide at Genes, Nevada, is confirmed. Mr. and Mrs. Nimrod Biwen, Mt*s Borhn and a nun ber of Indians,'variously slated at from seven to fifteen wrere killed. All the bodies have not yet been recovered. If. 8. Sieward. supposed to have come from Los Angelos, on Friday, last nslm ed off two alleged gold bricks on Peter Kiernan. the bullion clerk of the Uni ted States Mint at New Orleans, and le ceived a negotiable receipt lor deposit of 733 33 100 ounces gold, valued at $15,000. Fred W. Newhurgh, late asi*tant secretary of the Oli'o State Board of Public Works, ngnnt whom fifty-two indictment* were returned for forgeries on the State Treasury amounting to over $20,000. was found guilty. The case will go to the Supreme Court. Samuel J. Tilden managed to get through a letter on Jackson's birthday without expressing a single treasonable sentiment. And this, alter the Kepub lican press had been worrying for a fortnight lest he should give the coun try entirely away. A dastardly attempt was made at New Orleans, Siturday night, to rut the levee within the city limits. Timely discovery was made and the cut filled, the oveiflow of a large portion of the city being thereby prevented. The per petrator lias not yet been discovered. Later advices from Costa Rica prove that the recent earthquake was by no means so destructive of property as was at firl reported and that no 10->s of life whatever occurred. It is a very poor seaon for earthquakes when t'-entral America cannot do belter than this, A dog stole a piece of meat from Stranahan'a butcher shop at Holly Michigan, and the man threw a knife at the thief, which killed him. The owner of the dog prosecuted Mlrannlian for cruelty, the town became excitedly divided in sentiment, the trial employ ed the best legal talent in the county, and the butcher was finally fined $lO. Oliver John Kenyon'a house at As hantee, Wis., originally had only one story. When his son married he ad ded a story for the accommodation of the new family, and a third was put on when his grandson took a wife. He is now eighty years old. and it is there fore unlikely that the building will he further heightened for a great grand son, though hopea so. Commissioner of Indian Affairs Price is engaged in the preparation of a report to the ."Secretary of the Interior recom mending the removal of the Apache, Navajo* and Mescalero Indians now In rated in New Mexico to a suitable reser vation in the Indian Territory. In making thia recommendation the com missioner is influenced by the urgent represensations of various Indian agenla. A couple composed apparently of a boy of lfi and a girl of 12 presented themselves to a justice at Gilpin. Mo., and asked to be tnsrried. The justice replied that he waa not in the habit of joining children in wedlock, and advis ed them to go right buck to their pa rents. They asserted that they were over twenty, and so they were, being dwarfs; but they had to bring witnesses and the family record before the official would believe it. HarxsviM.x, 0., Feb., 22. 1882. I am very glad to say I have tried Hop Bitters, and never look anything that did me as much good. I only took two bnttlea and I would not take $lOO for the good they did roe. 1 recom mend them to my patienta, and get the best results from their use. C. M MMCM, M. D. IIxALTtf, hope, and happinesa are re stored by the use of Lydta E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound. It is a positive cure for all those diseases from which women suffer so much. Mend to Mrs. Lydia E. Pinkham, 223 Weatern Ave., Lyon, Mass., for pamphlets. I list* Chronic Rheumatism for one year; had been given up to die by two physicians. Fraixa cured me. We. CCBTX, Pittsburg, Pa. Miss ISABSIXA HILL, Allegheny City, Pa., bad Chronio Catarrh ; Is well from the use of Pcauxa. VALENTIN EH

which wo invite special attention. WAI'NER'S FLEXIBLE HIP ami DR. STRONG'S CORSETS in colors or white, all sixes; the two best corsets made. SHAWLS, SKIRTS and COATS, and a beautiful lino of LADIES'and CHILDREN'S LACE COLLARS and TIES. . The handsomest lino of SILK and LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS to he Tound anywhere; beautiful SILK MUFFLERS, SWISS EMBROIDERY and TRIMMING LACES. STAPLE GOODS Of all kinds in abundance. MUSLINS, CANTONS, SHIRTINGS, nicest styles of PRINTS, FLANNELS, etc., etc. MEN'S, WOMEN'S and CHILDREN'S UNDERWEAR. LOTS OK TRUNKS AND SATCHELS AT ANY PRICK CARPETS! CARPETS! Cotton Chain, Ingrains and better grades in pretty patterns. RAG CARPETS at various prices; the cheapest arc good, but there i none better than the best. OILCLOTHS ! OILC' LOT IIS! 4-4, 5-4, 0-4 and 8-4 OILCLOTHS In different grades. About Ulu-cn at vie* of TABLE OILCLOTHS. MENS and BOYS CLOTHING. OVERCOATS and FULL SUITS. Tho best way Is to come and see them. They can't bo beat for quality and price. Rubber Goods* ! Rubber Goods ! BOOTS and SHOES; ANY QUANTITY OK THEM AT ALL PRICKS. -TIIE GROCERY DEPARTMENT 76' FULL OF CHOICE GOODS—at fair price* for GOOD GOODS.— The fined OLD GOVERNMENT JAVA COF FEE, our customer* say the beet they ever drank. Finest TEAS and good one 9 at low price s. THY THE CALIFORNIA CANNED GOODS—Peaches, Cher ries, I'lutn s, Peart, Apricot*, Peat, Ac. If there it anything finer we don't know it. HAVE YOU USED ANY OF HUCKIN'S SOUPS f—Make Soup in fifteen minute*, any kind you hare a mind for. TH UK BEE'S DEEP SEA MACKEREL, are a* delirious and tender as Spring Chicken. BLOATER MACKEREL, there i* nothing finer in the market. TRY McCANN'S IRISH OATMEAL and you will not u*e any other. The nicest way to buy it is in 14lb. cans, but we tell it in any quantity. LEG GETS WHEAT and OUT FLAKES make a palalakle dish in a thort time. PICKLES of all kindt—CROSSE A BLACK WELL'S EM PIRE and other kindt. COME AND SEE IF/7.1 T IYE HA YE, and if you teant anything ire don't hare, it will be gotten, if practicable, very toon. HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR COUNTRY PRODUCE. VALENTINES & CO.'S STORE, HUMES' BLOCK, ALLEGHENY ffTHBKT, RKLLRPOXTE, PA LEATHER. Ask for Genesee Sole Leather if you want the best. C'alfSkin*, Kip, Morocco", Lining*, I.a*t* Thread, Nail*, Peg*. Wax, Ilri*tle* and nil kind* of Shoe Finding* n hand. We aUomnke to order GENTS' BOOTS,SHOESandCiAITKRB from the he*tof FRENCH LEATHER. Leave your order* and a perfect fit guaranteed. E. GRAHAM rj/ (footln atttl (irvrrrirn. JJARPKR BROTHERS, IPBINO ATRKKT. Uhll.KFi 'NTK, PA. H*r their counter! and ahelve* flllpd with NEW GOODS, ( BANK RI'PT RATKS I'urchModat . BANKRUPT RATKS ( BANKRUPT RATKS WHICH TIIKT om* AT BOTTOM PRICES, BOTTOM PRICES, BOTTOM PRICES. OOKAIRTIXO or Dry Oi*"d, Millinery Oonrja, Clothing, Kmcy Good*, NM iwfott. 4-1 1)1 LES! PILES! PILES! A SURF. CURK FQUSD AT LAST NO OSS NEED SUFFER r A ear* Care N Blind. Mrdlt. It* bin* and tire, rated Pi lea line t—i diaoniered by |rr. H Hiram, iaa Indian remedy, i called Bra llllam , Indian Ointment A etr.yte Nil in, tared the arefa| dinar ranee el 2k or 30 yearn rtnndtrif Boone need enlfev Are minute, ap.r apply In* tide vnnderfnl arw.thtng medtr ine Nitlonr Inetrnmente end electnarie, do mole barm than ,nd. tt illlam * Ointment aliaorta Ike trnm-re. allay alb* mien—lh hlng. i part kaUrly ,1 i.igbi alter (tettlii* a arm la txd.l arlr ae a pontile., (leea Inrtant and palnleaa relief, and h prepaind only Art Pilea. In blua of Ike irritate patt* and ha notklne elae Read aktl the ll n J M t'efknberry of tleeeland aaya about let William * Indian Pile Ointment I hare need erorra ef pile Carea. and II aA<*4 me plemmte In aay lhat I hare nerer found anything nhi'k (are re k Immediate and permanent relief aa let W llllam , Indian Ointment Pur aale by alt drtt(iata nr mailed on reoelpt a) prlrw, (1 110, HENRY A Co., Pmpt, aly rn Veaey , Ham TortL y KIN DISEASES CURED I By Br, frailer'. Mailt ointment Carna aa If try magrr. Plmplea, Blank Head, nr drain. blouhee and Brnptmna en Ike In*, leneiny Ike vkta Heat, healthy and bmallfrd ANo rare, lob. Aarfe-r , I Irk, Aalt Kk-rrm, Tetter. Rlngmem IVnM CNurped llanda. Rare Nlpplea. arm IJpa. old. obatinate I loara and fnraa. An. AKIN DIAKAAE. P. Brake. Rag , Cleeeland, 0 anßered beyond all Be arrlptbra from a ah I a dtaraee ahirb appeared on RN banda. bmd and tarn and nearly d-imyed kit ma The mom irmefal drrrtetlng tailed tn kelp Mm and ni ter alt bad failed be need Br Pre Her', Magt. Ointment and vna eared by a lev applfrnlbma •VTbe Aeat and only poaltlr r ear. Are akta dtrraei, eeer dMnaeetdl. Bent by mari on receipt of nrtne, Hirer CavrA, lIKKBT A Oe. Arte Propel A* Veeey At.. Man Vmrfc. Bar Blind, IMlnf, Itching nr Ulcerated Prtee lr. W llllam', Irntaa Orrrrnaat la a nare ram PHre l.<>, by aaalt. for aale by DrnggfaN. af l) A f'tt' .1 tl rrrt im in flit H. THE NEW YORK WEEKLY HERALD, JAMES GORDON BENNETT, PROPRIETOR, Tht Jictt arni < 'htapett Xrwtj-aprr J'ullahfri. rwTiOl PREE. |ON E 10 OLLAR PER YEAR .">() CENTS for Six Months, An Extra Copy to every Club of Ten, New York Herald I'IBLIPIIKH RVKfcY IAY IN THE TEAK IN*TAOt rHIE. f j*t f itine Pundftj* imlu; of tfcrwurfc ?1 |wr tf nth Tfn lading "Mjr.dnt., will \j+ < titrfwd on •l*cnpUot* tor ft )• l)iMi thrP ibobths —TO EUROPE— , , IftClTWftft fnHTTAOt. Itftlir . |i* tR WWfclf .Rqr EMif t, ). 4 W t+k If ( Ifcioifltor EdiUon) .. ***** 2 (*) NEWSDEAI.KKS SUI'PLIED, ... . nn T —Two fti.4 ■ laif t.f. t ~r Cop y vV." n <*„u r.|J , ~\ " '*** - °"ptm t,, wdtvlrn *t mh 1-ni* riN tMlLm.'"" "" ' u ' mr, l U <™ n.H, NEW YORK HERALD, Kr.dr t,d Ann Mi~l, s,* fork. THE PATRIOT. Pennsylvania Newspaper for the General Public —•* ■**•- Tt :*J'*!.':!. > ' AT "" T ***" '* reßH.pi- V V 7 •"I.' 1 *" * Xmoci * t *r > '"I'M n#ww Mtd .#* u,! fr..t rJ| ftoiMa ■'i d'te? *'"• **'! ntl-atl.* li. (Tim Mid j hwlli'V Cfi *r k i ta • Tb IiAILT PATRIOT rfptma nnnoaalT, Iwln nd ' Mral i rat..r f f*|ftift| |" r "•. 'Mr.. tlj IB Bd*fte,.l m L JTl",;'"" , -" 1 "• r0,... Thfw BRIT?T'b?T-r.£"" " I1- Kf h l.i FATKII'T il I lirre r-iirht tiof , . tL . r JStTLEET: tnrrft. nrn, aarkHft, rtc ttartrig ISRJ oadi n.mli, il l *" hfttur. .|,|.)* (.11 In ~W. T.rtn. r. Oftm, aBBBM t.~rUhoT .d 08, cm-j at th, WEEKLY PATitliT ..4 on. 1X,,., oftki hu VRHLT TIMU "ll f,„„ ror^i,. .n|tUob. .1 oM< . ddriß. ■ PATRIOT PI'RLISIItKO 00., Itamrtnif, ft Tbr Oadlnir Daily and Weekly Paper IX THI WEST RfcAXCH VALLET. SUN and BANNER rriiLiMii.ii by H. T. SALLADK and H. M. WOLF, Jr., Editor* ..4 Pro* HHi.rn. WILLIANSPORT. PA. Ha an abU Editorial and Krportnrial Staff! Om/arn* fht Ul,„ TrlrpropA* .Vr,/ Hum a RrluibU Orryr and f ' ft' nftll TRI LARGEST CIRCULATION ■>* .T .tßfteim i* CKNTRA I. PENNSYLVANIA. DA IL E f. 00. U EEKL P *1.60 PER TEAR. IN APVASCR. A"T per*.. | in., r|, r Jul. of It, tn prwrit *.l . Inwodlata tlrinlu. A rah raaa lo rrrrj iral. a, ,h. MlilhHa 11.d.l areaa •aodaUoM will ha aad litNUa aad lira aahr> Jft aft 31. miMr* pENTRAL HOTEL, (Onaafto th. SaUnad Slatloa.) MILRdRPRO, I IMRK COCXTY, PA. A. A. KOHLBKCKKR, Proprietor. TnßOPtin TRATKI.aae OB tW nltrrad *MI Bad thta BhH oHl fhn i„ laoh. m peoai, a amfl a> ALL YRaIXS Mueahaat a aiaatA. 4T I>UBH HOUSE, 1 ' RELUftRKTR. PA ' ♦• ,r|| ' ih rra d "moaHft am .r- hi thh Pirn-Clara lliH *h.r* tk., .ill fad lu CWtMtftWf* ftt msr naMp ftttM. Whftfftl n4rtit to llmw wttwwdirc °~ rt - W. . TELLER, r,a^>. *