Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, March 23, 1882, Image 1

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VOL. 4.
Eht if nvh'c jOrmon'iit.
Torms 81.AO por Aunnm. tn Adelines.
S. T. BHUOERT and R. H. FORSTER, Editor..
Thursday Morning, March 23,1882.
JUDGE T RUN KEY is reported AS an
nouncing that he is not a candidate
for Governor, nor will he bo.
TIIE sub committee of the Commit
tee of One Hundred, are now search
ing for decent men to semi to the leg
islature from Philadelphia. It is about
time that decency and common hon
esty, if not efficiency, were made to
contribute a respectable quota to leg
islative reprcsentai ion. There has been
a sad deficiency for many years, and
very marked in the city of brotherly
THE Senate of tho United States
have voted to restore the franking
privilege to the members. No doubt
the House will take an early oppor-
approve and ratify a measure
so desirable to tho cupidity and politi
cal convenience of members. The
large surplus in the Treasury must be
spent, aud we see no reason why the
members of Congress should fail to
take their share of the plunder in this
IT seems to be the general belief
that if the President had offered the
Associate Justiceship to Senator Ed
munds in the first instance, before
C'onkling had an opportunity to de
cline, he would have accepted with
thanks. Fortunately the Vermont
Senator did not get the first offer, and
the country now gets a creditable and
unobjectionable Judge, instead of n
stalwart narrow-minded political dem
SERGEANT MASON recently convic
ted by court marshal for an attempt
upon the life of Garfield's - sassin, ha*
been conveyed to the Albany Peni
tentiary. An effort is being made to
have him pardoned by the President,
hut the prisoner himself protests that
he docs not wish to be pardoned by a
Guiteau President, and prefers to suffer
the penalty of his art, only that his
wife and baby shall not IK* left to
starve. Liberal contribution arc being
made for Mason's wife and child.
THE clergy and theatrical mana
gers of Chicago cannot agree upon the
propriety of keeping the theatres of
that city open on Sunday, and are
having quite an animated discussion
on the subject. The managers pro
pose to submit the question to a vote
of the people, but the clergy are not
sufficiently impressed with the morality
of the masses to tie their faith to that
mode of settlement of great moral
RUMORS are Bgain rife in Washing
ton of important changes in the Cabi
net. It is now said that William K.
Chandler is to lie provided with a scat
in the Executive Council; that Secre
tary Kirkwood and Secretary Hunt
are to be retired; that Postmaster
General Howe is to succeed Kirkwood
in the Interior department, and Assis
tant Postmaster General Hattou tn
succeed Howe as the chief of that De
THE people of Easton are making
some investigation of the uses of min
eral pulp manufactured in that place,
the introduction of which as an adul
teration of flour, was recently expiated
by the Harrisburg Patriot. One lady
has gone to the trouble of baking a
batch of bread made from flour adul
terated with this ground soapslnne,
and another with the same flour with
out the adulteration, and the testtliows
the adultcratioo entirely feasible and
cannot lie detected by the appearance
of the bread or by the taste. People,
therefore, who do not wish to feed on
crushed rocks or have their stomachs
coated with soapstone, will do well to
draw their supplies from honest dealers
upon whom they can rely, have no
contracts with the pulp mills.
Public Funoral Refroehmouta.
The committee Appointed to audit
the expenses of the Congressional dele
gation which attended the funeral of
the late President is, says the Phila
delphia Timet, reported to he in a state
of great anxiety lest some pertinacious
member of the House should call for
the itemized account of the expendi
tures of the trip from Washington to
Cleveland. The total expense incur
red by members of the House officially
and unofficially present at the funeral
is about seven thousand dollars, and
of this it is said that no less than seven
teen hundred dollars was paid for
champagne, brandy, whisky, cigars
and lunch. It is alleged that three
hundred dollars is charged for cock
tails alone and the "lunch" may be
presumed to have formed but an in
finitesimal part of the total expense.
At the ordinary dealers' rates the
amount named would pay for about
forty cases of champagne, ten gallons
of choice brandy, thirty gallons of
liourbon "cold tea," two thousand cock
tails and twenty-five hundred imported
cigars, and the fact that this list of re
freshments or its equivalent was dis
posed of by a comparatively limited
number of Congressmen proves either
that the carrying capacity of our rep
resentatives is much greater thnu that
of ordinary men or that the journey
to Cleveland was a prolonged and dis
reputable debauch.
Representatives of the people in
State and national positions have too
long been accustomed to make official
funerals the occasions for boisterous
and unseemly junketing. The press
and the people are always reluctant to
criticize any bad taste or improper be
havior at such times, when public sor
row, more or loss profound, and re
spect for the memory of the dead as
well as for the feelings of the living
require not only decency but dignity
on the part of all who assist at the
ceremonies. But there is a class of
maudlin mourners who abuse the con
sideration of the public on such occa
sions and a thorough showing up would
do much to improve the deportment of
men whose position should forbid sueh
indulgences. It is to be hoped that
some member of the House will show
the moral courage to demand the ren
dering of the items in the matter of
the "refreshments" for the Garfield
Give us the items ! If there is no
rneml>ers of Congress possessing suffi
cient independence to call for them,
let the country do so. This should be
a season for the exposure of pecula
tions, as well as jobs.
THE Philadelphia lieeord says that
"It wa# the glory of the Democratic
party that for nearly three-quarter* of
a century it wa* enabled to govern the
country within the boundary of the
Con*titution. It is apparently im
possible for the Republican party to
adjust itself to tliia salutary restraint.
Even in the suppression of an ad
mitted evil, like polygamy, Republi
can statesmanship finds no adequate
method of prevention that doe* not
*wccp away the most valued muni
ment* of free Government. Tried by
the test of such administration, either
the party in power i* unfit to govern
the country or our form of government
is a failure.
IT IS believed that Defrees, the pub
lic printer at Washington, will he su
perceded in a few days. There is a
hot contest for the succession, in which
Mahone and Riddleberger are putting
in their liest licks in favor of Walker,
the repudiator Htate printer of Vir
ginia, aud will most likely be success
ful. There are other prominent can
didates, however, for the position, and
amongst them Mr. Childs of Philadel
phia, whose position and respectability
ought to command respectful considera
tion, and no doubt would, if the Pre
sident and the Henate majority were
not handi-capped by the treacherous
Repudiator* who bold the balance of
Moro Republican Rotten Boroughs.
The scheme of the Republicans, says
the Harrisburgi'u/ri'J,to manufacture
three new States with nine votes in the
electoral college is quite significant.
It is in fact u con I'ession that the States
now in existence cannot be relied upon
to choose a Republican President in
1884. The electoral college has more
than once been made to represent a
minority of the voters of the United
States. Of tho six consecutive presi
dential elections at which the Repub
licans succeeded in choosing—or count
ing in—their candidates, they c.it a
majority of tho popular vote in only
three, lit 18G0 their popular minority
was large ; in INTtS their candidate fur
President received a much smaller
popular vote than his chief coiujieti
tor; while in 1880 the vote for Han
cock and Weaver combined wits lnrgc
ly in excess of that cast for Garfield.
Rut owing to an apportionment of rep
resentation in Congress favorable to
the States casting Republican majori
ties the party of the minority has been
enabled during the lost twenty years
to outvote the majority of the jniiple
in the electoral college. Now, how
ever, the rapid increase in the number
of inhabitants in the Democratic Btates
and the comparative decadence in the
population of some of the Republican
States conspire to wrest from the Re
publican party the power as a minority
to foist into the electoral college u ma
jority consisting of it* own represen
tatives. Hence the Republican mana
ger* with a cunning and boldness un
paralleled in the hi*tory of American
politics, propose to reinforce the wan
ing strength of the minority in the
electoral college, by deliberately manu
facturing three new States which will
be completely under the control of
their parly. The territories of New
Mexico and Washington and a part of
Dekota arc to be clothed with State
hood by the present Congress, although
none of litem ha* a population a* great
as any of the larger couutics of this
State ami one of them (Washington)
had in 1880 a smaller population than
the county of Dauphin. These pro
posed new States will have six United
Stales senators and three representa
tive* in Congress though their com
bined population, including civilized
Indians, Mexican outlaw* aud peri|>a
tetic adventurers, is less than that of
the county of Allegheny. The scheme
to create these Republican rotten bor
oughs is therefore an attempt to perpe
trate a most outrageous fraud on the
larger States, to say nothing of the
transparent partisan trickery which
lies at the bottom. So flagrant a vio
lation of the principle* of Republican
equality ami so shameful a parody of
representative government ought to be
made an issue at the approaching Con
gressional election* and in the next
Presidential canvass. If it is persisted
in and fastened upon the country it
will certainly furnish one of the strong
est reasons for the overthrow of the
Republican party.
THE project of tuning over tho duty
of Congress to a commission to regu
late the tariff laws, which are unani
mously voted to need revision, is a
measure of very doubtful expediency.
It will tic an expensive luxury and
will amount to nothing. After the
commission ha* reported, if it ever
does rejsirt, still Cnugre** will have to
pass upon the subject in all its details,
and they might a* well do it first as
last. But it is doubtless only a meas
ure to postpone the evil day and re
lieve memlicr* of au unplcaant duty
and some labor at the expen-e of the
public treasury.
HENRY WATERXON thinks that "the
Democratic party having survived the
deluge is a good augury. IT tells its
that its existence is prolonged for some
good purpose." Mr. Waterson's de
ductions are undoubtedly correct, and
unless the signs of the times are decep
tive and mean nothing, its mission now
is to rescue Republican fpvernment
from the graap of it* enemies.
COL. W. A. COOK, thu special As
si.stnnt United State* Attorney in the
star-route cams*, lias retired from these
case* which became p. farcical pretense
from tlic time that the nssn sin placed
Arthur in the Presidential office. Col.
Co'.k wa* appointed utnb r tl.'ii. (lar
ficM ami Attorney General MscVeigh,
instructed by them we believe in good
fuith to go to the It ittoni of tlie opera
tion* of thou thieves, which lie did,
hut now finding himself luitnpcntb
and an evident design in high quarter*
to whitewash the rogues, his reputation
as u lawyer will not permit him to re
main and he a party to the proceed
ing* forth" r. Mr. Cook says:
"The cause* lending to this action on
my part are of two or three months'
duration. 1 tiny say tin', erersinre the
death of President Garfield I have no
ticed the gradual Ire-zing out process of
all the original ngelicie* :II these c ,•.
and when Mr. (iibix>n wu* squeezed out
by the change of < f combination and
request for Ills gey* | felt then tint it
would not be long before I was retired
from the Colonel G.b.on w.i a
thorough, earnest ami i (brent condju
tor, and I felt in his Ins* that of a valua
ble aid. In f.ict, I have received no en
couragement, nor have I te en sent for
or given the con fide nee of President
Arthur or his Cabinet."
Arthur is hound to protect the stal
wart thief be complimented so highly
nt the Dorsey banquet in New York,
for his achievement* in Indiuna, and
no one knew this better than Mac-
Veigh, who refused so jiersistently to
have any agency in the case after the
death of the President.
SPEAKER K I.IEEI: last week under
took to bulldoze Mr. Money, a mem
ber of the House from Mississippi,and
wa* compelled to eat hi* word* to
frame a humble apology. It occur
red in the di*cu—ion of the proposed
appropriation of a large sum of money
to relieve the sufferer* by the southern
tfixxl* residing along the Mississippi,
which wa* opposed sharply by Measr*.
Marsh and Hiscock, on the ground
that the State* immediately interested
should make appropriation* to relieve
the (icople, and build up the broken
levees on the Mississippi River. This
brought Mr. Money to hi* feet In in
terruption of Mr. lli'cock. Keifer
called hint to order, and in the en
deavor to choke Money off,an exciting
controversy ensued in which the speak
er claimed the right to reprimand the
member for criticising the chair. The
assumption of ibis power, which can
only IK* exercised by the authority of
the House, placed the imlecile*pcAkcr
so entirely in the wrong that a resolu
tion of censure was about to be acted
upon, when he was obliged to acknowl
edge that he did not know the meauiug
of the word"renrimand"in it* parliuim
tary sense, nud withdraw the offensive
ACCORDING to the Philadelphia
Timet, President Arthur ha* a large
number of Assistant President#, promi
nent amongst whom i* Malione of Vir
ginia, and Dorsey of the star-route
thieves and Chairman of the Republi
can National Committee. But the
Republicans in Congress arc only given
one leader since the forced retirement
of Rolieson. His name is Vaueut nnd
he )ahcs his party into line with uu
sparing whip. He has even brought
Judge Keliey down in the dust, and
obliged him to abandon hi# pet meas
ure of abolishing the internal revenue
tax laws, so eloquently advocated in
hi* New York speech.
tendent of the New York State Luna
tic Asylum at Utica, wa* shot on
Thursday last by an insane man
named Reimshaw, who entered hi# of
fice where the doctor, hi* sou and some
other . gentletnen were seated. The
hall entered the left cheek at tho edge
of his beard nud passed through the
flesh and out on the opposite side of
the left cheek. Fortunately no bono*
were broken. Dr. Gray is the oldest
son of the late Peter B. Gray, of Half
moon township, and wa* a medical
student in this place. He became em
inent in tho profeaaion and for many
rears ha* presided over the Asylum at
Utica. lie will accept the congratu
lations of an old friend on his Provi
dential escape.
—Mr A. C. Steele, representing tbo
firm McMillan J Uro., riianufacturres of
iron stone china, .f Pittsburg, paid H'-Ilo
fonte hi* Urstvisiton Monday. II'? appear*
to have been pleaded with our people, and
report* having been well roceivd.
Mr. Harry Green (we do not mean to ]
charge thin to In* account a* an advcrtio.
inent of hi* excellent cigar*,) returned
homo from I'hiladelphia lut week, lie
w< attending lecture* with a view of pre
paring to enter hi* cho*en profession—the
pra< tice of medicine.
—The record of time and the man h of
progri*, nerii to be leveling the old land
murk* with unsparing hai.d. Scarcely a
day pa*e hut we r<ai of scene* and place*
which our luthera loved and venerated and
around which historical tncmoric* cling,
pa-eing into stranger hand* and the once
quiet home* made 1.1 echo with the bu*y
*ound of trade. We clip the following
from the ilarrbburg Indr/irtulrnl
\\ ben Mr. Hamilton Alrnks an Id hi*
bou*e, No. ■'<•* Mark't atreel, it oeca*loru d
great aurpriae. It i a house with a record.
There rnanv of the fir*l men of the nation,
during lh" la*t three or four decade*, have
been entertained. In it a brilliant r<-cep
lion wa given to Gen. Hancock and hi*
aid'-* when be returned from the battle of
Getlyaburg, with ail In* honor* on him.
It * a marvel that Mr. A. had lived on
ttie min* |.,t for upward* of sixty year*,
and wa* a übj<*ct ol general regret that be
parted with it. Hut now the new* cornea
from Wilmington, Del., that the home*
•lead of the Alrick* family (from whom
our townaman descended,) had tx-eri *old.
We clip th" following from the Wilming
ton Dally (-'Jninsrcwl
"An Old H >cne*t<-ad—the farm row !•-
longing to, and occupied by the Lobdell
car wheel company, which that corpora
tion bought from Luca* Ainck*, wa*
originally purchased by Mr. Alrick an
cestor* from the Indian* in 1001, the Con
sideration being two otter skin* a year.
Thia payment wa* regoiarlv kepi up unlil
a proper dead wa* executed at the county
eal at Newcastle. There were no bouse*
where Wilmington now ia, in those dava,
with the exception of a little null on the
Hrandywine. The farm had been in the
I*** session of the Alrick family up to ISM,
oTer a period of TJ> year*, and the owner
wa* loth to part with it to the Lobdell
—The Lck Haven Journal recently
gave a romantic history of Mr*. Anna
Koan, an aged matron residing in that
place, who is the daughter of Major De
lia**, and by marriage the neike of Bene
dict Arnold, the traitor. Major Delia**,
the father of Mr*. K<>*n, occupied a very
commanding position in society in hisday.
Hi* wealth and claim to immediate de
scent from nobility, and hi* intimate con
nection with the most aristocratic families
of Pennsylvania, all combined to make
him conspicuous, when he came to this
county in the regal splendor of hi* outfit,
and aetlled at, or in the neighborhood of
Mill Hall. The subsequent poverty and
dependence of hi* family atfords a striking
illustration of the mutation* of fortune
even under the most favorable outlook in
it* beginning. To the case of Mr*. Koan
may be added the name* of Harriet and
Klua Deilaas, two aged maiden daughter*
yet living in the family of Mr*. J. Mat
lock Benner, recently deceased, of tbi*
place. Mr*. Benner wa* the daughter of
Nathan Harvey, many year* ago a promi
nent and wealthy citiaen of Mill Hall, who
look the Deilaas girl* into her family in
her early married life, in which they have
remained between fifty and aiaty year*_
They are now frail old women, but kindly
cared for by the descendant* of the noble
friend who privided them a home in the
desolation of orphanage. The baby daugh
ter spoken of by the Journal who wa*
brought by MaJ. Deilaas from Philadel
phia in hi* coach, wa, a* we are informed,
the Kliaa Deilaas above referred to.
Ds< IDRD at Last I— We are glad to in
form the ciliaen* of Bellefonte and the
public in general, that the head man from
the Groat Boston Clothing House, ha* alter
all decided to open one o| their branches
in Bellefonte, and not in the adjoining
county as supposed by our neighboring
town*. Wo congratulate our citlaen* on
being o fortunate a* to have one of theoe
house to add to the business of our town.
Wherever one of tho*e branch** ha* been
opened, busioe** lovome* lively and every
other branch of bu'ines* i* stimulated, be
cause a concern of thi* kind i* abla lodraw
trade for CO mile* around, as it bat facili
ties In offering clothing, boot* and shoe* a
great deal lower than county dealers can
buy tbem, for that brings clothing, boot*
and shoe* way down at pretty nearly half
the price we have been used to paying for
them in all other bouse*. Wa don't flatter
anybody, but know that Beliefunte Is In
need of uch a live concern, and It t* safe
to say that after the opening of the Great
Boston Clothing House, which will be on
Balurday morning, April Bth, everybody,
even all the other dealers, will rejoice at
having such a live time in Bellefonte.
Everybody who keep* a sharp lookout for
dollar* and oenta, should be In no hast*
TKRMB: £1..">0 per Annum, in Advance.
ab >ut making spring and tmnm-r pair
c'mn'f, but wait until the great opening
which will take place without fail, on
Hat onlay morning. April Bth, in Major W.
P. Reynold*# block, opposite the Brockcr
lieff House, eight o'clock sharp.
—Owing in the abu-rics of ]{<•*. O. I>.
Penri'-pai ker on Sunday, the MethodUt
service* wore conducted by Iter. B. B.
Hamlin, Jj. !>., of the Ridge Avenue M.
K. church, Harrirhurg, P., in the Pres
byterian church. Thia venerable gentle
rii'-n ie known extensively, and everywhere
greatly admired on account of bis sterling
worth, piety, eloquent proclamation of
gof{l truth and social geniality. He
preached twice, in the morning basing hi*
remark* upon Luke, AIV, 2H-TJ, the
effort wa a ma>terly one, and the practi
cal nature of the discourse fore.** it* con
clusions ujejn u nil the more forcibly
coming a. it did from a pernor, of J)r.
Hamlin'* age and experience. In the
evening he choae a* hit text "The Jew*
first." Thin aged watcher upon Zion a
tower has been actively engaged in minis
lerial labor* since Jkjh, lately, mainly in
the Presiding Eldership. He wa* at first
connected with the Baltimore Conference,
and after the division entered the Central
IlarrUbuyi'* new j*>*t office will be
ready (or cMupancy in May.
The original itate capitol building,
finiahed in 1820, cot f 135,000.
Solomon Malick, ex Mayor of Sun
bury, died at that place on Monday.
1- orty one application* for license were
rejected in the Cambria county court.
There are thirty-four labor union* in
Philadelphia. The smallest ha* 3'X)
member* ; the largest 1400.
A Law and Order Society at Frank
lin, Yanango county, ba* published a
circular giving the name* of all the ha
bitual drunkard* in that place.
A. B. Ililltnan, one of the pioneer
coal operator* of the northern anthacite
coalfield, and an ex-member of the
Legislature, died suddenly on Saturday
at Wilkcubarre.
AI toon a council ba* directed that the
tramp* who are picked up in that town
• ball pay for their i>oarding by working
on the street. They will be secured
with ball and chain.
G. .1. Rhode* and H. J. Kroenbe were
arreted and indicted in Washington
county recently for selling the farmer*
feed grinders in a fraudulent manner.
Tbey were gl*d to compromise for $5OOO.
Professor .lackson. at whose pyrotech
n c factory at t'hrster the terrible explo
• ion occurred a short time ago. has pur
chased ground on the Limekiln road,
near Jenkintown, on which to rebuild
the works.
Lucy Morris, a young lady of Heading,
h*s been lying in a trance since Thurs
day last, when *h wa* carried home
from a meeting which she attended. So
far. all effort* of the physician* lo re
store her to consciousness have been
unavailing, with the exception of thi*
evening, when she opened her eye* for
a few moment* and aaeerted that she
wa* not *ick. She then iela|wed into a
comatose condition.
Henrv G. Rodger*, who wa* Unite<l
State* Mini*ter to the Kingdom of Sar
dinia under the administration of Presi
dent Van Buren, and one of the three
surviving member* of the Pennsylvania
Constitutional Convention of 1837, died
on Sunday night in the County Alma
house. in I-ancaster city, of which insti
tution he had been an inmate for seve
ral week* past. He was nearly 80 year*
old. Mr. Rodger* had been for many
year* considered harmlessly insane, the
disease having developed itself while he
was abroad in the diplomatic service.
Picked Mm For I tub.
Till I.A* m TIH TtRRimRT TO Rl Rsroßl •
Spwiol |)ir|lrl In TH Titans,
To in intimate friend of I'midrnt
Arthur the latter said, in answer to a
complaint ot tardy executive appoint
ments in Utah, that he intended to
►end to that Territory "picked men."
There should he no just ground for
complaint that there is tardy executive
action in the prosecution of the lawa
in that polygamous Territory hereafter.
This intimate friend aavs: "Arthur
means business now. He intends to
make appointments hereafter moie
upon his own personal judgment than
in response to the importunities of
political manager*." This informant
further says that the preekv chafw call,
ing themselves Southern Republicans,
who appear from time to time at the
White House, claiming to be members
of State organisations, are among the
moat persistent office seeking cormo
rants that infest the premise*. They
all have a title. There's Colonel Jack
this, Mnjor Henerol that. Judge the
other, and so on to the end of the list,
every one of whom, as they tell the
story, fought, Wed and pretty nearly
died to establish and maintain tha Re
publican party In the South, and every
mother's son of them wants a big office
as a reward. The President has discov
ered that they are generally worthless,
threadbare, cubs tone gossip* and hotel
saloon loungers, who b|A been hang
ing around WsshingtowMPk years and
haven't been in Georgia, Alabama or
any other Southern State since the war.
NO. 12.